PPE Notice Policy

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Notice To Employees Wearing of Personal Protective

Equipment Policy For:

Eclipse Ford

The Company is committed to fulfilling its obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety
Act, Vic,and associated health and safety Regulations and Codes of Practice. To assist us with
this process employees are reminded that they also have obligations under the Occupational
Health and Safety Act.

These obligations are:

1. While at work an employee must take reasonable care for his or her own health and
safety and for the health and safety of anyone else whom may be affected by his or her
acts or omissions at the workplace;

2. Cooperate with his or her employer with respect to any action taken by the employer
to comply with any requirement imposed by or under the Act;

3. Not to wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests
of health safety or welfare;

4. Not to wilfully place at risk the health and safety of any person at the workplace.

The Company has provided employees with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE).
Employees are reminded that this equipment should be worn when required at work and
maintained in a clean and safe working condition. This equipment will be replaced on a fair wear
and tear basis and replacement may be arranged by contacting management. Employees will
be required to sign for any Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE) that is issued to them.

Employees who choose not to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be disciplined,
which could result in termination of employment.

The Company is committed to working with its employees to ensure an environment that is safe
and without risks to health.

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