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J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713

DOI 10.1007/s00415-012-6615-2


Botulinum toxin therapy: its use for neurological disorders

of the autonomic nervous system
Dirk Dressler

Received: 28 February 2012 / Revised: 6 July 2012 / Accepted: 9 July 2012 / Published online: 10 August 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Botulinum toxin (BoNT) has gained wide- caused by overactive muscles or overactive exocrine
spread use for the treatment of overactive muscles, over- glands [1]. Its use to treat non-muscular pain conditions is
active exocrine glands and, most recently, non-muscular currently investigated [2]. Apart from its use in skeletal
pain conditions. Autonomic conditions treated with BoNT muscles and pain-relevant structures, BoNT is used to
include achalasia, gastroparesis, sphincter of Oddi spasms, modulate the cholinergic autonomic synapse. Autonomic
and unspecific esophageal spasms in gastroenterology and conditions treated with BoNT include achalasia, gastropa-
prostate disorders in urology. BoNT’s use for autonomic resis, sphincter of Oddi spasms, and unspecific esophageal
conditions related to neurology includes various forms of spasms in gastroenterology and prostate disorders in urol-
bladder dysfunction (detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, idio- ogy. BoNT’s use for autonomic conditions related to neu-
pathic detrusor overactivity, neurogenic detrusor overac- rology will be discussed in this publication.
tivity, urinary retention and bladder pain syndrome), pelvic
floor disorders (pelvic floor spasms and anal fissures),
hyperhidrosis (axillary, palmar, and plantar hyperhidrosis, Anatomy of the autonomic nervous system
diffuse sweating, Frey’s syndrome) and hypersalivation
(hypersalivation in Parkinsonian syndromes, motor neuron The autonomic nervous system, also called the visceral or
disease, neuroleptic use, and cerebral palsy). Hyperhidro- vegetative nervous system, innervates all inner organs via a
sis, hypersalivation, some forms of bladder dysfunction and dense network of slow conducting nerve fibers. These slow
pelvic floor disorders can easily be treated by neurologists. conducting fibers consist of the Group B fibers (small
Most bladder dysfunctions require cooperation with urol- myelinated fibers) for the pre-ganglionic white ramus
ogy departments. communicans and Group C fibers (unmyelinated fibers,
similar to secondary pain fibers) for the post-ganglionic
Keywords Botulinum toxin  Therapeutic use  gray ramus communicans. The function of the autonomic
Autonomic disorders  Neurology nervous system is the (mostly involuntary) maintenance of
the equilibrium of body functions under changing envi-
ronmental conditions. In general, the sympathetic part of
Introduction the autonomic nervous system adapts the organism to
‘‘fight or flight’’, whereas the parasympathetic part adapts it
Over the last 30 years, botulinum toxin (BoNT) has gained to ‘‘rest and digest’’. The particular effects of the auto-
widespread use for the treatment of numerous conditions nomic nervous system upon the effector organs are shown
in Table 1.
The autonomic nervous system can be divided into a
D. Dressler (&) central part and a peripheral part. Its central part is not well
Movement Disorders Section, Department of Neurology,
understood. Its main components are the nuclei tractus
Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1,
30625 Hannover, Germany solitarii, the formatio reticularis and the hypothalamus
e-mail: from where it connects to the hypophysis and other parts of

702 J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713

Table 1 Effects of the autonomic nervous system upon its effector

Effector Parasympathetic Sympathetic nervous
organ nervous system system

Eye Pupil constriction Pupil dilatation

Accommodation Accommodation
increase decrease
Lacrimal Tear production Tear production
glands increase decrease
Salivary glands Saliva production Saliva production
increase decrease
Sweat glands Sweat production
Arteries/skin Constriction
Perfusion decrease
of blood flow
Arteries/ Constriction
intestinal Perfusion decrease
Blood pressure increase
Arteries/ Perfusion increase
Arteries/kidney Perfusion decrease Fig. 1 Autonomic nervous system. Overview modified after: Ref.
Heart Heart rate decrease Heart rate increase [180]. BS brainstem, CSC cervical spinal cord, GC ganglion
Contractility increase coeliacum, GCL ganglion ciliare, GCS ganglion cervicalis superior,
GMI ganglion mesentericum inferius, GMS ganglion mesentericum
Cardiac output decrease Cardiac output increase
superius, GO ganglion oticum, GP ganglion paroticum, GS ganglion
Lung Breathing rate decrease Breathing rate increase stellatum, LSC lumbar spinal cord, NE nucleus Edinger–Westphal, NS
Bronchial constriction Bronchial dilatation nuclei salivatorii, NV nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi, SSC sacral spinal
Stomach Motility increase Motility decrease cord, TSC thoracic spinal cord
Acid production
In the sympathetic nervous system, it originates from the
Intestine Motility increase Motility decrease
thoracic and lumbal spinal cord (‘‘thoracolumbal origin’’).
Liver Glycogenolysis
The second one is located in the paravertebral truncus
sympathicus (sympathetic chain ganglia, sympathetic trunc
Bladder Detrusor increase Detrusor decrease ganglia) including the ganglion cervicalis superior and the
Sphincter decrease Sphincter increase ganglion stellatum or in the paravertebral ganglia consist-
Genitals Sexual arousal/erection Orgasm/ejaculation ing of the ganglion coelicaum, the ganglion mesentericum
Adrenal gland Noradrenaline/ superius and the ganglion mesentericum inferius. The
epinephrine secretion
second peripheral neuron is adrenergic and reaches the
effector organ. Only the innervation of the sweat glands is
the brain. Its peripheral part consists of afferent fibers cholinergic, thus allowing therapeutic modulation by
called viscerosensory fibers, mainly traveling with the BoNT. The adrenal medulla is directly innervated by
sympathetic nerves and entering the spinal cord via the cholinergic first peripheral neurons (Fig. 2)
posterior roots. Their cell body is located within the spinal In the parasympathetic nervous system, the first
ganglions. Efferent fibers originate from the spinal cord peripheral neuron originates from the brainstem (nucleus
and can be divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic Edinger–Westphal, nuclei salivatorii, nucleus dorsalis nervi
ones. The recent discovery of nitric oxide as a transmitter vagi) or the sacral spinal cord (‘‘craniosacral origin’’). The
suggests to expand this concept to include a third efferent second peripheral neuron is also cholinergic. It is located
pathway. The efferent peripheral autonomic pathways, close to the effector organ. For the pupil, it is located in the
which are transmitting virtually all efferences except the ganglion ciliare, for the glandula parotidea in the ganglion
innervation of the striatal muscles, originate from the oticum and for the glandulae submandibularis and su-
spinal cord and the brain stem. As shown in Fig. 1, the first blinguales in the ganglion submandibularis. For the heart,
peripheral autonomic neuron is always cholinergic. lung, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney and intestine, all

J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713 703

supported by the M. puboversicalis, and the external

sphincter, formed by muscle fibers of the pelvic floor and
supported by the M. sphincter urethrae.
The M. detrusor vesicae, the internal sphincter, and the
M. sphincter urethrae are controlled by the autonomic
nervous system. Its sympathetic part activates the internal
sphincter and the M. sphincter urethrae and inhibits the M.
detrusor vesicae putting the bladder into ‘‘storage mode’’.
Its parasympathetic part activates the M. detrusor vesicae
and relaxes the internal sphincter and the M. sphincter
urethrae putting the bladder into ‘‘micturition mode’’. The
parasympathetic fibers of the lower urinary tract originate
in the sacral spinal cord, their second peripheral neuron in
ganglia located close to the bladder. The sympathetic fibers
originate in the lumbar spinal cord, their second peripheral
neuron in the ganglion mesentericum inferior. The external
sphincter consists of striated muscle fibers and is under
direct control of the frontal lobe micturition center via the
pyramidal tract and the nucleus Onuf in the sacral spinal
cord. The central control of the autonomic innervation of
the lower urinary tract is performed by the pontine
micturition center coordinating the sympathetic and para-
sympathetic efferences.
Fig. 2 Neurotransmitters in the peripheral somatic and autonomic Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia (DSD): Detrusor sphinc-
nervous system. Ach acetylcholine, NA noradrenalin
ter dyssynergia is defined as an uncoordinated action of the
detrusor and the sphincter muscles of the bladder. It is
innervated by the vagal nerve, and for the rectum, bladder,
caused by central nervous system dysfunction and leads to
and genitals, the second neuron is located within these
residual urine after micturition causing urinary tract
infection, renal damage, and urosepsis.
Therapeutic interventions attempt to release the residual
urine by catheterization (intermittent or permanent) or
Botulinum toxin therapy of neurological disorders
reduction of the sphincter tonus by medication or surgery.
of the autonomic nervous system
Problems of these therapies include infections, inadequate
efficacy, and incontinence. BoNT therapy for DSD was
Table 2 gives an overview over the most commonly used
introduced as early as 1988 by Dennis Dykstra and
indications for BoNT therapy of neurological disorders of
collaborators [3]. Subsequently, numerous studies [4–10]
the autonomic nervous system. In general, BoNT’s action
confirm robust effects on urethral pressure, post-micturition
upon muscles controlled by the autonomic nervous system
residual urine volume and bladder pressure for approxi-
seems to be very similar to its action upon skeletal muscles.
mately 60–90 days. BoNT is applied as 100–250 MU
BT’s action upon the autonomic control of glandular tis-
BotoxÒ or 150 MU DysportÒ. Studies using NeuroBlocÒ/
sue may be different from its action upon the skeletal
MyoblocÒ or XeominÒ have not been published yet. BoNT
neuromuscular junction. Especially for intracutaneous
injections are performed either transurethrally using cystos-
injections to block hyperhidrosis prolonged effects have
copy or transperitoneally using electromyography. Other
been claimed.
methods for approaching the target muscles include ultra-
sound [11], magnetic resonance imaging [12], and fluoro-
Bladder dysfunctions
scopic techniques [13].
Anatomy and physiology of the lower urinary tract: The Idiopathic detrusor overactivity: Idiopathic detrusor
lower urinary tract consists of the bladder and the urethra. overactivity, also called overactive bladder or urge syn-
The bladder is emptied by activation of the muscle fibers of drome, is defined as urgency to micturate in the absence of
the bladder wall, also called M. detrusor vesicae, and by pathological processes. Additional symptoms may include
relaxation of the bladder sphincters, i.e., the internal incontinence, pollakisuria, and nocturia. Prevalence of
sphincter, formed by muscle fibers of the bladder wall and idiopathic detrusor overactivity is considerably high and

704 J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713

Table 2 Botulinum toxin

Disorder Target tissue Botulinum toxin doses
therapy for neurological
disorders of the autonomic Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia External urethral sphincter 100–250 MU-B
nervous system
150 MU-D
Idiopathic detrusor overactivity Detrusor vesicae 50–300 MU-B
500 MU-D
Neurogenic detrusor overactivity Detrusor vesicae 100–400 MU-B
500–1,000 MU-D
in children:
10–12 MU-B/kg body weight
20 MU-D/kg body weight
Pelvic floor spasms Levator ani Obturatorius 20–40 MU-B per muscle
internus Puborectalis
Anal fissures Sphincter ani externus or 20–40 MU-B per muscle
sphincter ani internus 50–100 MU-D per muscle
Axillary hyperhidrosis Axillary skin 50–100 MU-B per axilla
100–200 MU-D per axilla
2,000–5,000 MU-M per axilla
Palmar hyperhidrosis Palmar skin 50–100 MU-B per palm
120–180 MU-D per palm
100 MU-Xper palm
4,000–5,000 MU-M per palm
Plantar hyperhidrosis Plantar skin 50–100 MU-B per planta
Frontal hyperhidrosis Frontal skin 20–90 MU-B
Cranial hyperhidrosis Cranial skin 300 MU-X
Frey’s syndrome Temporal skin unilaterally 2.5–150 MU-B
60–80 MU-D
2,500 MU-M
Hypersalivation Parotid bilaterally 10–80 MU-B
20–300 MU-D
in children:
Submandibularis bilaterally in children:
10–50 MU-B
15–75 MU-D
250–1,000 MU-M
Parotid ? submandibularis 50–140 MU-B (2/3 parotid)
bilaterally 450D
Crocodile tears syndrome Lacrimal gland 2.5 MU-B per gland
B BotoxÒ, D DysportÒ, 20 MU-D per gland
M MyoblocÒ/NeuroBlocÒ

constantly increasing with age. Conventional therapy is incontinence, quality of life, and urodynamic parameters
based upon anticholinergic drugs. Although effective, this lasting for 3–9 months [14–23]. Two studies are random-
treatment option frequently produces cumbersome sys- ized controlled studies [24, 25]. Most studies used BotoxÒ.
temic anticholinergic adverse effects, especially in the Use of DysportÒ or Myobloc/NeuroBlocÒ was rare. BoNT
elderly. doses range from 50 to 300 MU BotoxÒ with most studies
BoNT Injections into the detrusor muscle produce applying 200 MU. DysportÒ is used in doses of 500 MU.
robust therapeutic effects on urinary frequency, urgency, BoNT is spread over about 30 injection sites. Dilutions are

J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713 705

usually 100 MU BotoxÒ/10.0 ml of normal saline. Neu- dyspareunia, dyschezia, nonmenstrual pelvic pain [63–65],
roBloc/MyoblocÒ, although used in comparable doses, outlet obstruction constipation [66], and anismus [67–69].
seems to produce shorter therapeutic effects than BoNT One study followed a randomized controlled design [65].
type A products [26]. When flexible cystoscopy is used for Target muscles include the levator ani, obturatorius internus,
BoNT application, intravesical local anesthesia is sufficient. puborectalis and pubococcygeus muscles. Typical doses per
Rigid cystoscopy requires general anesthesia. Dosing seems target muscle were in the order of 20–40 MU BotoxÒ.
critical so that urinary retention requiring clean intermittent
Anal fissures: Anal fissures describe painful rhagades of
catheterization is frequent. Urinary tract infection caused by
the perianal tissue originally caused by excessive stretching
the procedure is another frequent adverse effect, hematuria is
of the anal mucosa and then maintained by inflammation
rare [27].
pain induced increase of the anal tone. Reduction of the
Neurogenic detrusor overactivity: Neurogenic detrusor anal tone therefore offers a therapeutic option. Conven-
overactivity describes urgency to micturate usually caused tionally, this can be achieved by topic application of iso-
by spinal cord lesions, less frequently by supraspinal sorbide dinitrate, glyceril trinitrate, calcium channel
lesions. Conventional treatment options are identical to blockers, or by lateral sphincterectomy. Medical treatment
idiopathic detrusor overactivity. has success rates in the order of 60–80 %. While nitrates
BoNT therapy is widely published and produces robust frequently produce headaches, calcium channel blockers
therapeutic effects on incontinence, maximum cystometric are better tolerated. Lateral sphincterectomy produces even
capacity, maximum detrusor pressure and quality of life better therapeutic outcome and has a low recurrence rate,
[14, 28–43]. Two studies are randomized controlled studies but bears the risk of permanent incontinence.
[33, 44]. Target muscle is the detrusor vesicae muscle. The An amount of 20–40 MU BotoxÒ or 50–100 MU
procedure is the same as in idiopathic detrusor overactivity. DysportÒ injected into the M. sphincter ani externus or
BoNT doses vary between 100 and 400 MU BotoxÒ and M. sphincter ani internus can be a therapeutic alternative
500 and 1,000 MU DysportÒ. The duration of benefit with success rates between medical and surgical treatment
ranges from 3 to 12 months. Treatment results and adverse [70–73]. Often, singular injections may allow the anal
effects seem to be similar to those seen in idiopathic rhagades to heal. Subsequent injections may be applied if
detrusor overactivity, only that higher BoNT doses seem to necessary. Anal fissures may reoccur. Recurrence rates are
be necessary [37]. Neurogenic as well as idiopathic bladder higher after BoNT therapy than after lateral sphincterec-
overactivity can also be treated in children with BotoxÒ tomy. BoNT therapy can be accompanied by mild and
doses of 10–12 MU/kg body weight (up to 360 MU) [45– transient incontinence. BoNT costs compared to topic
50] or DysportÒ doses of 20 MU/kg body weight (up to medical treatment is a substantial disadvantage. Pros and
400 MU) [51]. cons of the available treatment options suggest a step-wise
approach with starting with calcium antagonists, escalating
Urinary retention: Urinary retention may occur in
to BoNT therapy and eventually initiating surgery [74].
patients with paretic M. detrusor vesicae or overactive
urethral sphincters. Causes include cauda equina lesions
and peripheral polyneuropathy. BoNT injections into the
external sphincter can improve voiding [52, 53], but also
Axillary hyperhidrosis: Hyperhidrosis describes exces-
may fail [54].
sive sweating in the axillary region. It is almost entirely
Bladder pain syndrome: Bladder pain syndrome or idiopathic often with positive family history, juvenile
interstitial cystitis has been treated with BoNT with ther- onset, and female preponderance at least in specialized
apeutic effects on pain, daytime micturition, night-time hyperhidrosis clinics. Hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles
micturition, and maximal cystometric capacity [55–59]. may be associated. Additional involvement of other typical
The mechanism of action remains unclear. areas of sweating including the chest, the back or the head,
is rare. Axillary hyperhidrosis is with 90 % of cases by far
Pelvic floor disorders the most common form of hyperhidrosis.
Sweating is physiological and can be separated into
Pelvic floor spasms: Pelvic floor spasms include a number thermoregulatory sweating predominantly activating
of heterogeneous pain conditions of unknown etiology, eccrine sweat glands and emotional sweating predomi-
which are otherwise difficult to treat. They may respond to nantly activating apocrine sweat glands. It is difficult to
some degree to BoNT. Trials have been reported on vagi- separate hyperhidrosis from normal sweating by abstract or
nism [60], vestibulodynia or coital pain [61], vulvodynia or quantitative definition. In clinical practice, however, sweat-
dyspareunia [62], chronic perineal pain, dysmenorrhea, ing in hyperhidrotic patients is usually so strong that

706 J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713

reference to quantitative definitions is unnecessary. The Several approaches have been suggested to reduce this pain,
frequency of hyperhidrosis is reported to be 2.8 % in the including cryoanalgesia [106–109], ulnar and median nerve
general US population [75]. Hyperhidrosis is medically blocks [110], topical analgesics [111, 112], intravenous
benign, but may be socially devastating. regional anesthesia [113] and iontophoretic BoNT applica-
Conventional therapies include topical antiperspirants tion [114]. Our experience indicates that ischemic blockade
such as aluminium chloride, iontophoresis, anticholinergic induced by a proximal arm cuff produces sufficient
drugs, and surgery such as retrodermal axillary curettage anesthesia together with prevention of hemorrhagic BoNT
and endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) for palmar wash-out. Speedy BoNT application of less than 45 s per
and axial hyperhidrosis. Benzodiazepines, clonidine, and palm also helps to improve compliance. Occasionally, mild
non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs may have supportive transient hand paresis may occur. Compensatory sweating
antihydrotic effects. Topical antiperspirants and iontopho- elsewhere in the body does not occur.
resis have short-term effectivity only and skin irritation
Plantar hyperhidrosis: Plantar hyperhidrosis can be
may occur. Anticholinergics are usually mildly effective
safely and effectively treated with 50–100 MU BotoxÒ per
only and frequently produce severe systemic adverse
planta [115–118]. Injection pain is a major unsolved
effects. ETS requires a major operation associated with
intraoperative risks of bleeding, pneumothorax and hemat-
othorax, and postoperative risks of chest pain and com- Diffuse sweating: Diffuse sweating affects the head, the
pensatory hyperhidrosis elsewhere in the body. chest, and the back. It may also affect—to a lesser degree—
Axillary hyperhidrosis can be effectively treated with the axillae, the palms, and the feet. Often it is symptomatic,
multiple intradermal or subdermal injections of BoNT caused by infections (viral, bacterial, especially tuberculosis
typically placed about 2 cm apart from each other in the and malaria), endocrine dysfunction (hyperthyroidism,
hyperhidrotic skin area. For this, total doses per axilla of hyperpituitarism, diabetes mellitus, menopause and preg-
50–100 MU BotoxÒ [76–82], 100–200 MU DysportÒ [83– nancy, pheochromocytoma, carcinoid syndrome, acromeg-
88], 2,000–5,000 MU MyoblocÒ/NeuroBlocÒ [89, 90] or aly), neurological disorders (parkinsonism), malignancies
100 MU XeominÒ [82] may be used. In almost all patients, (myeloproliferative syndromes, Hodgkin’s disease), collag-
hyperhidrosis can be abolished. Adverse effects are virtu- enosis, drugs (antidepressants, Acyclovir, Ciprofloxacin,
ally nil, except for NeuroBlocÒ/MyoblocÒ, which may etc.), intoxication and withdrawal (alcohol, heroin, cocaine,
produce autonomic adverse effects [89, 91]. Skin lesions etc.) and other substances). Treatment is predominantly
due to dryness of skin do not occur. Injection site pain is causal, if possible. Symptomatic conventional therapy is
unpleasant, but tolerable without further treatment. Due to similar to axillary hyperhidrosis, only more problematic due
its disadvantageous pH value NeuroBlocÒ/MyoblocÒ pro- to its more widespread distribution.
duces increased injection site pain [89]. The duration of the Frontal hyperhidrosis can be treated with 20–90 MU
therapeutic effect is often reported to be longer than the BotoxÒ [119, 120], cranial hyperhidrosis with around
12 weeks typically seen in motor indications. Not surpris- 300 MU XeominÒ [103]. Caution has to be applied to
ingly, a recent formalized assessment of the American prevent paretic effects upon mimic muscles. Other hyper-
Academy of Neurology confirmed that BoNT therapy is a hidrotic skin areas can also be treated with BoNT in the
safe and effective therapy of axillary hyperhidrosis [92]. same way ([121], Dressler unpublished observations).
Future research needs to address the prolonged duration
Frey’s syndrome: Frey’s syndrome, also named gustatory
of action of BoNT for treatment of hyperhidrosis. It should
sweating or auriculotemporal syndrome, describes sweat-
also systematically study dose and dilution optimization for
ing, flushing, and the parasympathetic nerve fibers origi-
all available products.
nally innervating the parotid gland may aberrantly sprout
Palmar hyperhidrosis: BoNT may be successfully used into the sweat glands and vessels of the temporal skin.
for treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis. For this, Eating, physiologically activating the parotid gland, then
30–160 MU BotoxÒ per palm may be used [93–102]. induces sweating and flushing. Depending on the detection
Usually, BoNT doses applied per palm were 50 or 100 MU method, Frey’s syndrome may affect almost all patients
BotoxÒ, 120–280 MU DysportÒ [83, 85, 100], 100 MU with parotidectomy. It is, by far, the most common sequelae
XeominÒ [103] or 4,000–5,000 MU NeuroBlocÒ/Myob- of parotidectomy. Although medically benign, it may pro-
locÒ [91, 104, 105]. With this, palmar hyperhidrosis can be foundly affect the patient’s social interactions. Conven-
reduced substantially. Sometimes, for anatomical reasons, tional treatment includes various surgical interventions,
hyperhidrotic areas remain. radiation, anticholinergics, and topical antiperspirants. It is
The major problem of BoNT treatment of palmar either of limited efficacy or accompanied with problematic
hyperhidrosis is injection pain in the sensitive fingertips. adverse effects.

J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713 707

BoNT injected into the affected skin produces safe and Hypersalivation in Parkinsonian syndromes: BoNT
reliable relief. Depending upon the affected skin area therapy can be used successfully to reduce hypersalivation
2.5–150 MU BotoxÒ [93, 122–130], around 2,500 MU in patients with Parkinsonian syndromes. For this, a total
MyoblocÒ/NeuroBlocÒ [129, 130] and 60–80 MU Dy- dose of 10–80 MU BotoxÒ (usually 50–80 MU) is injected
sportÒ [122] may be applied. into both parotid glands [151–154]. If additional sub-
mandibular injections are performed, the total doses are
Hypersalivation between 50 and 100 MU with 2/3 of the total dose injected
into the parotid gland and 1/3 into the submandibular gland
Hypersalivation describes the presence of excessive saliva [155, 156]. When DysportÒ is used, the total dose injected
in the mouth, which may drool and cause severe embar- into both parotid glands is 20–300 MU [157–159]. When
rassment. Almost always, hypersalivation is caused by the submandibular glands are to be injected additionally,
impaired swallowing of saliva as in Parkinsonian syn- the total dose is 450 MU [160].
dromes, in motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral
Hypersalivation in motor neuron disease (amyotrophic
sclerosis) and cerebral palsy. Rarely, it may be caused by a
lateral sclerosis): BoNT can be successfully used to treat
genuine hyperproduction of saliva as sometimes seen with
hypersalivation in motor neuron disease, although disor-
administration of neuroleptic drugs. Conventional therapy
ders of the motor neuron are usually considered contrain-
includes muscarinic anticholinergic drugs, such as atro-
dications. BoNT is placed into both parotid glands,
pine, scopolamine, tricyclic antidepressants for reduction
sometimes additionally in both submandibular glands.
of watery secretion, beta receptor blocking agent for
Adverse effects are mild and transient and similar to those
reduction of mucuous secretion, radiotherapy or resection
seen in patients with Parkinsonian syndromes. They
of the parotid and submandibular glands, ligation of their
included mild chewing difficulties, mild dysphagia and
glandular ducts, neurectomy of the tympanic nerve, mu-
viscous saliva. In one patient, recurrent temporomandibular
colytics, and behavioral therapy.
joint dislocations were reported [161].
BoNT therapy of hypersalivation targets the paired
For this, BotoxÒ is used in total doses of 12–140 MU
parotid glands producing approximately 30 % of the saliva,
with the majority placed in the parotid gland [155, 162–
and the paired submandibular glands producing approxi-
164]. Usual doses are around 30–40 MU for each parotid
mately 70 % of the saliva. The paired sublingual glands are
gland and around 10 MU for each submandibular gland.
difficult to target. With a production of less than 5 % of the
MyoblocÒ/NeuroBlocÒ is used in total doses of 2,500 MU
saliva they are not used for BoNT therapy. BoNT injections
with 1,000 MU applied to both parotid glands and
into the parotid gland are easy to place when anatomical
2,500 MU to both submandibular glands [165–167]. Dy-
landmarks are used. BoNT placement into the sublingual
sportÒ is used in total doses of 40–150 MU injected into
glands is also easy to perform, although ultrasound guid-
both parotid glands [159].
ance has been suggested [131]. The minor salivary glands
are spread over the oral cavity and cannot be targeted with Hypersalivation due to administration of neuroleptic
BoNT. drugs: For treatment of hypersalivation induced by the
atypical neuroleptic drug clozapine, MyoblocÒ/NeuroB-
Hypersalivation in cerebral palsy: BoNT has been
locÒ is injected successfully in both parotid glands in total
applied successfully for drooling in children with cerebral
doses of 2,000 MU and into both submandibular glands in
palsy, usually under general anesthesia. Several studies
total doses of 500 MU [168].
have shown the efficacy of BotoxÒ [132–145] and Myob-
locÒ/NeuroBlocÒ [140, 146, 147]. Recommended BoNT Hypersalivation in various ear-nose-throat condi-
doses depend on the child’s body weight. For BotoxÒ, they tions: Occasionally, BoNT may be used to treat hyper-
are 10–50 MU (parotid gland) and 10–50 MU (sub- salivation caused by carcinomas of the larynx, pharynx,
mandibular gland), for DysportÒ, 15–75 MU (parotid parotid glands, and connective tissues of the neck [133,
gland), and 15–75 MU (submandibular gland) and for 169–172].
MyoblocÒ/NeuroBlocÒ 400–1,000 MU (parotid gland) and
250–1,000 MU (submandibular gland) [148]. BotoxÒ Hyperlacrimation
doses of 5–10 MU per parotid seem ineffective [149, 150].
Adverse effects are rare, and may consist of dysphagia, Crocodile tears syndrome: Crocodile tears syndrome
weakness of jaw closure, increased saliva viscosity, describes the uncontrolled flow of tears during eating in
excessive dryness of mouth, and parotitis. Adjunct thera- patients with facial nerve impairment. It is caused by
pies may include speech therapy, occupational therapy, aberrant sprouting of autonomic facial nerve fibers origi-
physiotherapy, and behavioral therapy. nally innervating salivary glands. The condition is rare and

708 J Neurol (2013) 260:701–713

medically benign. Usually it is caused by Bell’s palsy or spinal cord injury: MRI controlled transperineal injections.
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tears when chewing compresses their tear glands [173]. ment of detrusor sphincter dyssynergia: localization with com-
Crocodile tears syndrome can be effectively treated with bined fluoroscopic and electromyographic guidance. Arch Phys
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