Marine Genomics: Andrea Torti, Mark Alexander Lever, Bo Barker Jørgensen

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Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196

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Origin, dynamics, and implications of extracellular DNA pools in

marine sediments
Andrea Torti a,⁎, Mark Alexander Lever b, Bo Barker Jørgensen a
Center for Geomicrobiology, Department for Bioscience, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 116, Building 1535 DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, Department of Environmental Systems Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Universitätstrasse 16, 8092,
Zürich, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In marine sediments, DNA occurs both inside and outside living organisms. DNA not enclosed in living cells may ac-
Received 27 August 2015 count for the largest fraction of total DNA, and include molecules locked within dead cells, organic and inorganic ag-
Accepted 29 August 2015 gregates, adsorbed onto mineral matrices, and viral DNA. This DNA comprises genetic material released in situ from
sediment microbial communities, as well as DNA of pelagic and terrestrial origin deposited to the seafloor. DNA not
enclosed in living cells undermines the assumption of a direct link between the overall DNA pool and the local, cur-
Soluble DNA
Non-soluble DNA
rently living microbial assemblages, in terms of both microbial cell abundance and diversity. At the same time, the
Ancient DNA extracellular DNA may provide an integrated view of the biodiversity and ecological processes occurring on land, in
Fossil DNA marine water columns, and sediments themselves, thereby acting as an archive of genetic information which can be
Microbial diversity used to reconstruct past changes in source environments. In this review, we identify and discuss DNA pools in ma-
Extracellular RNA rine sediments, with special focus on DNA not enclosed in living cells, its origin, dynamics, and ecological and meth-
odological implications. Achievements in deciphering the genetic information held within each DNA pool are
presented along with still-standing challenges and major gaps in current knowledge.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license


1. DNA pools in sediments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

1.1. Definitions and properties of extracellular DNA pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
1.2. Abundance of DNA not enclosed in living cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2. Origin of DNA not enclosed in living cells in marine sediments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2.1. Local production and external input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2.2. Active DNA release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2.3. Passive DNA release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
3. Fates of DNA in the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
3.1. Natural transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
3.2. Biotic degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
3.3. Abiotic decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
3.4. Long-term preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
4. Disclosing the genetic information of sedimentary DNA pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
4.1. Separation and comparison of DNA pools: Achievements and challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
4.2. Tracking past biodiversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
4.3. Current limitations of ancient DNA studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5. RNA in the extracellular environment? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6. Summary and outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Conflicts of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Torti), (M.A. Lever), (B.B. Jørgensen).
1874-7787/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
186 A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196

1. DNA pools in sediments associated with living biomass. A more descriptive definition was
given by Nielsen et al. (2007): “We define extracellular, naked, free, am-
As the repository of genetic information, deoxyribonucleic acid bient, or environmental DNA as: those molecules present in, or released
(DNA) is inherently associated with all environments on Earth where from, cells in which energy production has permanently ceased,
life exists. The nucleotide sequence of DNA holds key information viral DNA, and DNA secreted from metabolically active cells”. DNA
about the identities of organisms, how they function and interact with inside structurally intact dead microbial cells (Boere et al., 2011c;
each other and their environment, and their evolutionary history. Be- Manini and Danovaro, 2006), and fossilized plant and animal tissues
cause DNA replication and repair are energy-consuming processes (Anderson-Carpenter et al., 2011; Jørgensen et al., 2012; Liepelt et al.,
that require sophisticated cellular machineries (Berg et al., 2002), the 2006) would not fall into this category. Although enclosed in cells, this
genetic information encoded in DNA can only be maintained by living DNA inside dead cells would counterintuitively be classified as eDNA ac-
organisms. Nonetheless, as many other biomolecules (Bianchi and cording to the definition by Corinaldesi et al. (2008), or be ignored if
Canuel, 2011), DNA can persist in the environment after the death of DNA pools were only subdivided into eDNA and iDNA pools as in
the source organism. DNA occurs in the necromass (dead biomass) Nielsen et al. (2007). A similar argument can be made for DNA enclosed
and the extracellular medium of nearly all of Earth's ecosystems, includ- in spores, which are widespread and abundant in marine sediments
ing water columns, soils, and sediments (Dell'Anno and Danovaro, (Lomstein et al., 2012). As it is not clear at what point spores lose their
2005; Nielsen et al., 2007; Pietramellara et al., 2009), the latter potential to revert to a vegetative lifestyle, it may be difficult to assign
representing the focus of this review. their DNA to either the iDNA or eDNA pool. Incorporation of viral DNA
in the definition of eDNA is also problematic, as viral DNA may occur in-
side cells as prophage (a viral genome integrated in the host's genome),
1.1. Definitions and properties of extracellular DNA pools which may be the main viral proliferation mode in the marine subsur-
face (Engelhardt et al., 2013). Furthermore, the inclusion of extracellu-
DNA occurs in many forms in sediments, which can be grouped to- lar, ambient, and environmental DNA under the same definition could
gether based on different properties to define distinct DNA pools be a source of confusion, as ambient and environmental DNA are most
(Fig. 1). In the scientific literature, the term extracellular DNA (eDNA) commonly applied to DNA directly extracted from environmental sam-
is often used as a synonym for DNA not enclosed in living cells, as op- ples (Taberlet et al., 2012), regardless of whether the DNA is intracellu-
posed to intracellular DNA (iDNA) to indicate DNA belonging to living lar vs. extracellular, or associated living biomass vs. necromass.
organisms. Corinaldesi et al. (2008) broadly defined eDNA as “DNA Throughout this review, the terms eDNA and iDNA will designate DNA
that is not associated with living biomass”, thus implying that all DNA outside and inside structurally intact cells, respectively, regardless of
of dead organisms is extracellular, and that intracellular DNA is always their physiological status.
The terms “naked” and “free” DNA may also be misleading. It is well
known that DNA can bind to various sediment components, such as
clay, quartz, feldspar and refractory organic molecules (Crecchio and
Stotzky, 1998; Levy-Booth et al., 2007; Lorenz and Wackernagel, 1992;
Nielsen et al., 2006; Siuda and Chrost, 2000). Of these, the interaction
of DNA with inorganic minerals is the best characterized. Adsorption
of DNA onto minerals is rapid, and occurs within minutes on purified
sand and clay (Lorenz and Wackernagel, 1994). At the circumneutral
pH normally found in marine sediments, the interaction is electrostatic,
and relies on inorganic cations (Na+, K+, NH+ 4 , Mg
, Ca2+, Mn2+,
Fe2+/3+, Al3+) to bridge negatively charged surfaces of clay and sand
to the phosphate groups of DNA (Lorenz and Wackernagel, 1987).
Several parameters influence DNA adsorption on minerals, such as the
type of the mineral, the valence and concentration of the bridging
cations, and the pH, and have been extensively reviewed in Lorenz
and Wackernagel (1994) and Levy-Booth et al. (2007). The highest
adsorption capacity (tens of milligrams of DNA per gram of mineral)
is generally observed on clays (Lorenz and Wackernagel, 1994). The
adsorption capacity of sand is typically hundred-fold lower compared
to clay, primarily due to a smaller surface area, and that of silt is expect-
edly intermediate (Levy-Booth et al., 2007). Therefore the mineralogical
composition (i.e. the proportion of clay, silt, and sand) will affect the
amount of mineral-adsorbed DNA (Blum et al., 1997). Once established,
DNA–minerals interactions are tight and stable, and 50 to 95% of the
extracellular DNA seems to exist in this form (Danovaro et al., 2006;
Dell'Anno et al., 2002). While adsorption is often pictured as a simple
Fig. 1. DNA pools in marine sediments. In this sketch, intracellular DNA and extracellular monolayer of DNA on top of a mineral grain, evidence exists that
DNA are defined simply based on whether they occur inside or outside cells, respectively, sedimentary organic matter (which includes DNA) can be physically
regardless of the physiological status of the cell (alive, dormant, dead). Soluble DNA preserved within clay aggregates made of alternating layers of clay
consists of dissolved DNA (i.e. fully solubilized in the interstitial water) and molecules
and organic matter (Salmon et al., 2000). DNA can be easily envisioned
adsorbed onto sediment minerals via electrostatic interaction, which are readily displaced
from the sediment matrix by washing with alkaline, phosphate buffers, whereas non-sol- to participate in the formation of such aggregates.
uble DNA is released only after harsh physical/chemical lysis treatments. Non-soluble DNA Although less studied, DNA binding to biogenic sediment compo-
includes organically/inorganically complexed DNA (comprised of molecules complexed to nents, such as humic substances and proteins, is known to occur
insoluble detrital organic inorganic components, or locked inside sediment aggregates),
(Levy-Booth et al., 2007; Nielsen et al., 2006). Humic acids, a heteroge-
DNA within structurally intact dead cells, and DNA within living cells). Arrows indicate
that virions may belong to either the non-soluble or the soluble DNA pool, depending
neous class of molecules derived from the degradation of various bio-
on whether they are attached to particles (as is probably the case for most virions; molecules (Stevenson, 1994), are also capable of binding DNA through
Danovaro and Middelboe, 2010), or dispersed in the interstitial water, respectively. cation bridging (Crecchio and Stotzky, 1998). Proteins are often found
A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196 187

in association with DNA. For instance, eukaryotic DNA is tightly environments, and values are generally three orders of magnitude
wrapped around histones in vivo (Wolffe, 1998), while prokaryotic, mi- higher in sediments than in marine waters (Table 1). The partitioning
tochondrial and chloroplast DNA similarly interacts with histone-like of DNA between living biomass and necromass seems to reflect that of
proteins (Caron et al., 1979; Varshavsky et al., 1977). Because proteins the overall sedimentary organic pool: using amino acids as a proxy for
themselves interact with minerals, they can favor DNA adsorption microbial biomass, Lomstein et al. (2012) estimated that vegetative
(Nielsen et al., 2006). Complexation of DNA with reactive iron phases cells only contribute less than 3% of the total carbon pool, the rest be-
may be another important interaction. Lalonde et al. (2012) found longing to microbial necromass.
that approximately one fourth of the sedimentary organic matter, in-
cluding labile biomolecules such as carbohydrates and proteins, is tight- 2. Origin of DNA not enclosed in living cells in marine sediments
ly chelated to iron species, and that this association effectively shields
organic matter from microbial degradation. Because of its known ability 2.1. Local production and external input
to interact with iron (Ouameur et al., 2005), DNA plausibly participates
in the formation of these chelate. The accumulation of DNA not enclosed in living cells in marine sed-
An additional problem can occur if bulk DNA extractions are per- iments results from a number of different processes, outlined in Fig. 2.
formed on complex environmental samples, as the DNA in the final ex- On one hand, sediments host abundant microbial populations
tract cannot be reliably attributed to any of the original DNA pools. Even (Kallmeyer et al., 2012; Whitman et al., 1998) that represent the source
if initial wash steps with DNA-desorbing buffers, e.g. phosphate buffers, of the autochthonous (i.e. of local origin) fraction of DNA not enclosed in
are performed to separate eDNA from iDNA, it is unlikely that they will living cells. Additionally, an allochthonous (i.e. of foreign origin) fraction
extract organically complexed DNA or DNA from inside dead cells. In- reaches the seafloor as part of the sinking biogenic detritus of marine
stead DNA pools that were organically complexed or from inside dead and terrestrial origin. Sedimentation of DNA released in the water col-
cells are more likely to end up in iDNA extracts, where they might be er- umn requires it to be associated with particles that are large enough
roneously interpreted to represent living biomass. Thus, until a better to sink to the seafloor (Herndl and Reinthaler, 2013), such as marine
understanding of the sources and turnover of various DNA pools in sed- snow, fecal pellets and massive falls of phytoplankton material after sur-
iments has been reached, definitions based on operational properties of face blooms, which may agglomerate particles and enable them to sink
different DNA pools might offer valuable insights. Accordingly, Lever rapidly. DNA of terrestrial origin can be conveyed to the marine com-
et al. (2015b) subdivided DNA in sediments into two operational partment by rivers and winds. It has been estimated that, on a global
pools: one pool can be solvent-extracted by washing, using high-pH scale, rivers discharge 860–14,500 tons of eDNA per year into the oceans
phosphate buffers in the absence of observed cell lysis. Because this (Overballe-Petersen et al., 2013). The downward flux of particulate
DNA pool goes into solution without further chemical or physical treat- eDNA has been estimated to deposit up to 10 and 550 mg DNA m− 3
ment it was termed soluble DNA (sDNA). sDNA likely consists of DNA year−1 in open-ocean and continental margin sediments, respectively
that is reversibly adsorbed onto mineral surfaces, readily displaced in (Dell'Anno et al., 2005; Dell'Anno et al., 1999). As similar estimates of
the presence of phosphate species (e.g. orthophosphate, pyrophos- local production are currently missing, it remains unknown whether
phate, metaphosphate, nucleotide triphosphates, etc.) that compete the sedimentary necromass DNA is mainly comprised of DNA of local
for the same absorptive sites. By contrast, DNA locked within (living or foreign origin.
or dead) cells or sediment-attached viruses, or complexed to insoluble
organic and inorganic matrices and aggregates, which is released only 2.2. Active DNA release
after cell envelopes, DNA-binding proteins, and other insoluble struc-
tures have been dismantled by harsh physical and/or chemical lysis DNA not enclosed in living cells may derive from several different
agents, belong to the so-called non-soluble DNA pool (nsDNA). It should pathways of both active release from physiologically active cells and
be noted that sDNA represents a fraction of the eDNA pool consisting of passive release from moribund or dead cells (Fig. 2). Most bacteria ex-
adsorbed DNA, DNA dissolved in pore water, and dissolved viruses. By amined to date secrete naked DNA during growth in vitro (Battista,
contrast, nsDNA includes iDNA (living and dead cells), proviruses and 1997; Dillard and Seifert, 2001; Hamilton et al., 2005; Lorenz et al.,
sediment-attached viruses, and organically and inorganically com- 1991; Lorenz and Wackernagel, 1994; Matsui et al., 2003; Paget and
plexed eDNA pools (Fig. 1). Simonet, 1994; Thomas and Nielsen, 2005; Yin and Stotzky, 1997;
Zafra et al., 2012). An increasing number of environmental microorgan-
1.2. Abundance of DNA not enclosed in living cells isms are being found to release DNA within membrane vesicles, such
as the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus (Biller et al., 2014),
By comparing the total amount of DNA and the number of microbial Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Renelli et al., 2004), and the hyperthermo-
cells hosted in surface oligotrophic sediments from the Eastern Mediter- philic archaea Thermococcus and Pyrococcus (Soler et al., 2008). DNA
ranean Sea, Danovaro et al. (1993, 1999) showed that most (N 90%) of secreted by some strains is known to fulfill a structural function by sta-
the sedimentary DNA could not be accounted for by microbial standing bilizing and strengthening biofilms (Das et al., 2010; Fröls et al., 2012;
stocks. Part of this DNA is enclosed in DNA viruses, but, even with as Steinberger and Holden, 2005; Whitchurch et al., 2002).
many as 107–1010 units per gram of sediment (Danovaro et al.,
2008a), viral particles seem to represent just a minor fraction of the 2.3. Passive DNA release
cell-free DNA pool (Dell'Anno and Danovaro, 2005). In order to quantify
the fraction of sedimentary DNA not enclosed in living cells, a method Passive DNA release from prokaryotes occurs in conjunction with
was developed by Dell'Anno et al. (2002) based on the notion that, un- cell death following viral attack, grazing, or exposure to cytotoxic
like DNA locked within cells or viral particles, cell-free DNA should be agents, which often lead to cell rupture and release of the cytoplasmic
degraded into nucleotides by treating the sample with deoxyribonucle- content, including DNA (Levy-Booth et al., 2007; Palmen and
ases (DNases). This method confirmed that approximately 90% of the Hellingwerf, 1995, 1997). In marine habitats, viral infection and protis-
total DNA pool is prone to enzymatic hydrolysis, and therefore truly ex- tan grazing are the leading causes of prokaryotic mortality (Pernthaler,
tracellular (Dell'Anno et al., 2002; Dell'Anno and Danovaro, 2005). On a 2005). Destruction of the infected cell and its membrane, followed by
global scale, this fraction corresponds to about 0.30–0.45 gigatons of the release of the cytoplasmic content, is the final step in the viral lytic
DNA in the uppermost 10 cm, and may represent the largest reservoir cycle, and serves the purpose of liberating the new viral generation
of DNA in the world's oceans (Dell'Anno and Danovaro, 2005). into the environment. Phagotrophic protists are known to release ex-
eDNA concentrations have been determined in a variety of marine cess nutrients from ingested bacteria (Nagata and Kirchman, 1991;
188 A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196

Table 1
Quantities of eDNA in various aquatic environments. Expanded and updated from Lorenz and Wackernagel (1994).

Sampling location DNA poola DNA concentrationb Reference(s)

Marine water
Estuarine Dissolved DNA 9.4–11.6 Paul et al., 1989; Paul et al., 1987
” 6.0–44.0 DeFlaun et al., 1987
” 10.0–19.0 DeFlaun et al., 1987
Coastal ” 5.0–15.0 DeFlaun et al., 1986
” 2.0–7.0 Turk et al., 1992
” 5.1 Dell'Anno and Corinaldesi, 2004
Offshore ” 0.2–10.5 DeFlaun et al., 1986; Paul et al., 1989
” 0.2–1.9 DeFlaun et al., 1987
” 17.1 Turk et al., 1992
Oligotrophic ” 0.5–3.2 DeFlaun et al., 1986; Paul et al., 1989
Eutrophic ” 1.1–25.6 DeFlaun et al., 1986; Paul et al., 1989
Swamp ” 7.8 DeFlaun et al., 1986
Lacustrine sDNA (nsDNA) 1.0 (8.0) Ogram et al., 1987
Coastal marine Nuclease-digestible DNA 0.5–3.3 Corinaldesi et al., 2007b
” 3.9–9.8 Corinaldesi et al., 2007a
” 8.6–35.0 Dell'Anno and Corinaldesi, 2004
sDNA (nsDNA) 0.626 (0.035) Alawi et al., 2014
sDNA (nsDNA) 0.084–5.960 (0.088–4.496) Lever et al., 2015b
Continental margin Nuclease-digestible DNA 14.6 Dell'Anno et al., 2005
” 22.3 Dell'Anno et al., 2005
sDNA (nsDNA) 0.056 (0.010) Alawi et al., 2014
Deep sea Nuclease-digestible DNA 4.6 Dell'Anno et al., 2005
” 18.4–21.2 Corinaldesi et al., 2007a
sDNA (nsDNA) 0.023 (0.0005) Alawi et al., 2014
Deep-sea (anoxic) Nuclease-digestible DNA 6.7–22.6 Corinaldesi et al., 2007b
Dissolved DNA is isolated from water samples by pre-filtration through a 0.2 μm-filter, precipitated in trichloroacetic acid or ethanol, and quantified in a fluorescence or radioactivity
assay. Nuclease digestible DNA is extracted and quantified by the DNase digestion method described in Dell'Anno et al. (2002), while soluble DNA (sDNA) is extracted in alkaline
phosphate buffers. For definitions of sDNA and nsDNA see Lever et al. (2015b) and Section 1.1.
Expressed as μg L−1 for water column samples and μg (g wet sediment)−1 for sediment samples. Non-soluble DNA concentrations, where available, are given in parentheses.

Sherr et al., 1983; Taylor and Lean, 1981), including most of the acquired (Overballe‐Petersen and Willerslev, 2014). Earlier investigations found
DNA (Turk et al., 1992). This is thought to occur because, compared to that efficient uptake of DNA only occurs with kilobase-long molecules,
eukaryotes, bacteria have a higher phosphorous to biomass ratio which may not persist for long in the environment (Nielsen et al.,
(Simon and Azam, 1989), and thus supply their predators with more 2007). This paradigm changed when Overballe-Petersen et al. (2013)
phosphorous than is needed for growth. Viral infection and protistan reported the transformation of the soil bacterium Acinetobacter baylyi
grazing are acknowledged sources of mortality in benthic ecosystems with DNA molecules as short as 20 bp. Their study also showed that
as well (Fischer et al., 2006). As shown by Danovaro et al. (2008b), A. baylyi can incorporate DNA molecules bearing damages such as abasic
viruses account for 16% of prokaryotic mortality in surface coastal sedi- sites, cross-links, and miscoding lesions (see Section 3.3), which are
ments. A study by Corinaldesi et al. (2007b) found that the viral infec- common in most environments, in addition to DNA from extinct and
tion contributed to 2–11% of the total eDNA pool in Eastern unrelated organisms, such as DNA fragments from a 43,000-year old
Mediterranean deep hypersaline anoxic sediments. However, virus- mammoth bone. Such DNA molecules become incorporated in the
mediated eDNA release may not just be restricted to active surface host's genome by simply acting as primers for the synthesis of the
sediments, as evidence exists for ongoing virus production in deep Okazaki fragments during genome replication (Overballe-Petersen
sub-surface sediments (Engelhardt et al., 2014). et al., 2013). Because this phenomenon does not require specialized
DNA from fauna and flora is also detected in aquatic environments in protein machineries, it is likely widespread in nature, at least among
particulate or dissolved form, potentially originating from feces, mu- naturally competent bacteria. A comparative genomic analysis of repre-
cous, gametes, shed cells and tissues, and carcasses (Pilliod et al., 2013). sentative non-competent and naturally competent bacterial species in-
deed revealed the impact of natural transformation by fragmented and
3. Fates of DNA in the environment damaged DNA in shaping the genomes of the latter group (Overballe-
Petersen et al., 2013). These findings suggest that eDNA potentially
Upon cell death or release in the extracellular environment, DNA contributes to microbial evolution through natural transformation irre-
molecules can undergo different processes, which include natural trans- spective of its source and structural integrity. The actual extent of gene
formation, biological degradation, long-term preservation, and abiotic flow across microbial cells via eDNA transformation in marine sediments
decay. These processes can all occur in sediments and are depicted in remains, to our knowledge, completely unaddressed.
Fig. 2.
3.2. Biotic degradation
3.1. Natural transformation
Biogeochemical cycling in sediments is largely driven by the decom-
During genetic transformation, extracellular DNA is internalized by position of detrital organic matter by organotrophic microorganisms
naturally competent microbial cells (i.e. cells capable of taking up free (Arnosti, 2014). Since microbial cells can take up only small molecules
DNA molecules from the environment) and incorporated into their through the cell membrane, they produce enzymes to break down
genome. Evidence exists that transformation does occur in nature large organic molecules extracellularly (Arnosti, 2011; Azam, 1998;
(Lorenz and Wackernagel, 1994), but the actual rate and evolutionary Hoppe, 1991). Upon release in the extracellular environment, DNA be-
impact on environmental microbial communities remain debated comes susceptible to extracellular and cell-associated DNases, which
A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196 189

Fig. 2. Origin and dynamics of DNA not enclosed in living cells in marine environments. Along with microbial cells, multicellular organisms can passively release DNA. Notice how processes
contributing to the accumulation of DNA not enclosed in living cells in sediments do not only occur within sediments, but also in the overlying water column and surrounding lands.

probably are the most immediate cause of DNA degradation. These en- might therefore be a widespread trait. Not surprisingly, calculated turn-
zymes are ubiquitous in most environments, including soil, marine wa- over times for dissolved DNA in marine waters are fast, and range from
ters, and sediments (Blum et al., 1997; Corinaldesi et al., 2008; Paul 6.5 to 25 h (Paul et al., 1987, 1989). By contrast, turnover times of bio-
et al., 1989), and catalyze the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bond be- available DNA (accessible to nucleases) range from 29 to 93 days in sur-
tween the phosphate and the deoxyribose moieties of DNA (Fig. 3b). ficial sediments (Dell'Anno and Corinaldesi, 2004). This difference is
Nucleotides produced by DNases can then be internalized by microbial thought to simply reflect higher eDNA concentrations in sediments
cells and incorporated into newly-synthetized nucleic acids, or further compared to seawater.
broken down to provide carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous
(Jorgensen and Jacobsen, 1996; Jørgensen et al., 1993; Kroer et al., 3.3. Abiotic decay
1994; Turk et al., 1992). With an elemental composition comprising
40% C, 20% N, and 10% P, DNA represents a valuable source of nutrients Upon cell death, DNA repair mechanisms cease to be active, and DNA
for microbial metabolism. It has been estimated that DNA supplies will start accumulating lesions inflicted by a number of abiotic (physical
benthic heterotrophic communities with 4%, 7%, and 47% of their daily and chemical) factors. These factors promote DNA decay by acting on
C, N, and P demand in deep-sea sediments, while these proportions the structure of both the individual bases and the overall DNA molecule
are 2%, 4%, and 20% in coastal sediments (Corinaldesi et al., 2007a; (Fig. 3).
Dell'Anno and Danovaro, 2005). Under hydrated conditions, DNA is especially prone to hydrolysis,
Numerous isolates can grow in laboratory cultures in the presence of oxidation, and UV-mediated damages (Hebsgaard et al., 2005; Lindahl,
DNA as the sole, or primary, energy substrate. Those include Escherichia 1993; Willerslev and Cooper, 2005). Lack of light and free oxygen prob-
coli (Finkel and Kolter, 2001; Palchevskiy and Finkel, 2006), ably affords good protection against oxidation and irradiation in most
P. aeruginosa (Mulcahy et al., 2010), members of the Bacteroidetes, sediments, leaving hydrolysis as the potential main DNA decay route
Alpha- and Gamma-proteobacteria isolated from coastal waters in sediments. Hydrolysis is responsible for the loss of purine bases
(Lennon, 2007), several Shewanella species (Pinchuk et al., 2008), and (depurination, Fig. 3a) and cleavage of the phosphodiester bond
the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii (Chimileski et al., 2014). No (Fig. 3b), both resulting in single-strand breaks. Depurination rates
culture-independent studies have shown how common this metabolic vary with temperature according to the Arrhenius equation, so that a
trait is in the prokaryotic domain besides the species identified in decrease in temperature produces an exponential decrease in the
these studies. However, the biochemical pathways that allow them to depurination rates. Approximately, rates decrease by an order of magni-
uptake and metabolize DNA have homologs in the genomes of many tude every 16 °C decrease (Lever et al., 2015a), and have been experi-
other bacterial and archaeal species (Chimileski et al., 2014; mentally determined in vitro by Lindahl and Nyberg (1972). Using
Palchevskiy and Finkel, 2006). The use of DNA as an energy source these rates, the survival of DNA fragments of a certain length and initial
190 A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196

Fig. 3. Pathways of common DNA degradation processes. a) Loss of a guanine base via depurination, generating an abasic site, followed by strand break via beta elimination. The detailed
mechanism of beta elimination is explained in Doetsch and Cunningham (1990). Depurination occurs at a slightly faster rate for G than for A (Lindahl and Nyberg, 1972), while
depyrimidazion rate (loss of T or C bases) is only 5% of the depurination rate (Lindahl, 1993). During DNA synthesis, abasic sites can either act as blocking lesions, i.e. prevent DNA poly-
merases from incorporating new nucleotides during PCR, or miscoding lesions, i.e. cause the incorporation of a wrong nucleotide. b) Hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bond, resulting in a
single-strand break, which acts as a blocking lesion. The reaction is the same for abiotic and nuclease-catalyzed hydrolyses. c) Hydrolytic deamination of cytosine to uracil. Other deam-
ination reactions involve adenine, guanine and the naturally occurring, modified base 5-methyl-cytosine, yielding hypoxanthine, xanthine and thymine, respectively (not depicted). De-
aminated bases have different pairing affinities than their precursors (uracil pairs to adenine, hypoxanthine to cytosine, xanthine to thymine, and thymine to adenine), thereby causing
incorporation of wrong nucleotides during PCR. d) UV-induced formation of a thymine photodimer. This reaction can involve any couple of adjacent pyrimidines. e) and f) are oxidation
reactions converting guanosine to 8-oxo-guanine and cytosine to 5-hydroxy-hydantoin, respectively. A 5-methyl-5-hydroxy-hydantoin can form from thymine oxidation (not depicted).
By pairing up with adenine instead of cytosine, 8-oxo-guanines can introduce mutations during PCR, while hydantoins can block DNA polymerases, as well as cause formation of chimeric
PCR products. g) Intermolecular damages. Interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) can form between the two strands of the same double helix or two different helices. By preventing full separation of
DNA strands, ICLs hinder PCR amplification. Bulky adducts with a variety of molecules (e.g. with a protein in the figure) can also negatively affect PCR.

concentration can be estimated. Pääbo and Wilson (1991) predicted uracil (Fig. 3c), and deamination of 5-methyl-cytosine yields thymine.
that, starting with 1012 copies of 800-bp long, fully hydrated DNA mol- Similarly to depurination, cytosine deamination rates have been mea-
ecules, no fragments will survive undamaged after 5,000 years at 15 °C sured in vitro, and increase with increasing temperature and under acid-
and pH 7. Under the same conditions, depurination of an equal number ic conditions (Ehrlich et al., 1990; Frederico et al., 1990; Lindahl, 1979;
of 150-bp long molecules would require 26,700 years (Golenberg et al., Lindahl and Nyberg, 1974). In single-stranded DNA, cytosine deamina-
1991). The rate of depurination decreases with increasing pH for pH tion and depurination proceed at similar rates. In such DNA, the half-
values between approximately 4.5 and 7.5. Additionally, depurination life of cytosine residues is about 200 years at 37 °C and pH 7.4. However,
rates decrease with increasing ionic strength. A 10 mM NaCl concentra- the double helix seems to effectively protect cytosines from deamina-
tion is sufficient to produce a sevenfold rate decrease at 45 °C and pH 5 tion, as in double-stranded DNA rates drop to 0.5–0.7% of those in
(Lindahl and Nyberg, 1972). single-stranded DNA. Deamination rates of adenine are lower (2–3%)
Deamination of nitrogen bases is another well-known hydrolytic than those of cytosine, and similar to those of guanine (Karran and
process. Deamination converts adenine and guanine to hypoxanthine Lindahl, 1980). In the dark and anoxic conditions prevailing in many
and xanthine, respectively. However, cytosine and its naturally- types of sediments, oxidation and irradiation are unlikely to inflict ex-
occurring analog 5-methyl-cytosine are the main targets for this reac- tensive damage to DNA. However, it is possible that DNA molecules re-
tion (Lindahl, 1993; Shapiro, 1982). Deamination of cytosine yields leased in oxic and/or sunlit environments accumulate oxidative and UV-
A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196 191

induced lesions before being deposited and buried in the sediments. UV and cultivation-based approaches have limited applicability, as micro-
radiation is responsible for the formation of pyrimidine dimers (Fig. 3d). organisms that are readily culturable on common laboratory media
Oxidative damages include the formation of 8-hydroxyguanine from comprise a minor (0.1–1%) and unrepresentative fraction of the total
guanine (Fig. 3e), and of hydantoins from pyrimidines (Fig. 3f). Finally, microbial diversity (Staley and Konopka, 1985). Molecular biological
interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) can form between the two strands of the techniques such as environmental nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplifi-
same double helix or two different helices, while adducts can form cation and sequencing, have made it possible to identify microorgan-
upon covalent bonding of DNA with other biomolecules, such as pro- isms through molecular phylogeny (especially of the small subunit
teins (Fig. 3 g). ribosomal RNA genes), thus bypassing the need for prior cultivation
As explained in Section 4.3, all these types of damages variably affect and providing a more realistic picture of the diversity in the microbial
our ability to study ancient DNA sequences. realm (Head et al., 1998; Lauber et al., 2009; Roesch et al., 2007; Sogin
et al., 2006). DNA is most commonly extracted from sediments via
3.4. Long-term preservation direct lysis, which involves chemical and/or physical disruption of mi-
crobial cells without first separating them from the sedimentary matrix.
The co-occurrence, in marine sediments, of active extracellular DN- Such methods are fast and ensure DNA extraction from most cells in the
ases along with large quantities of their substrate eDNA (Corinaldesi population (Moré et al., 1994). Inevitably, though, DNA occurring inside
et al., 2008; Dell'Anno and Corinaldesi, 2004), still represents a partially and outside living cells will be extracted together. This undermines the
unsolved conundrum, which cannot be explained only on the basis of a assumption of a direct relationship between the total extracted DNA
higher rate of DNA release in the extracellular medium over the degrada- and the local, currently living microbial assemblages, in terms of both
tion processes. Indeed, eDNA concentrations are high even in the absence cell abundance and diversity (Frostegård et al., 1999; Luna et al., 2006).
of continuous eDNA supply from the water column (e.g. in sub-surface
sediments) and in sediments with very low in situ eDNA production
(Corinaldesi et al., 2007a, 2008; Dell'Anno et al., 2005). One plausible ex- 4.1. Separation and comparison of DNA pools: Achievements and challenges
planation is DNA protection from nucleases upon adsorption onto the
sediment matrix. Compared to dissolved DNA, DNA adsorbed onto mont- In an attempt to obtain better insights into the phylogenetic com-
morillonitic clay requires 10-fold higher DNase concentrations to achieve positions of different sedimentary DNA pools, procedures for sepa-
the same extent of degradation (Khanna and Stotzky, 1992). DNA rate extraction of DNA pools have been developed by Ogram et al.
adsorbed to sand is even more refractory, requiring 100 to 1,000 times (1987), Corinaldesi et al. (2005), Alawi et al. (2014), and Lever
more DNase (Romanowski et al., 1991). The molecular basis for protec- et al. (2015b). All rely on desorbing DNA adsorbed onto the sediment
tion of adsorbed DNA is not completely understood. It has been suggested matrix by treating the sample with slightly alkaline (pH 8–10)
that adsorption onto minerals decreases DNA accessibility to nucleases phosphate-based buffers, followed by centrifugation to separate
(Khanna and Stotzky, 1992; Lorenz and Wackernagel, 1987, 1992; Paget the solid phase, which includes DNA in living and dead cells or com-
et al., 1992; Romanowski et al., 1991). However, nucleases themselves plexed with particles from the aqueous phase containing this
adsorb to sand and clay (Khanna and Stotzky, 1992), and may thereby be- desorbed DNA. The rationale behind this strategy is that DNA adsorp-
come inhibited or inactive, similar to other clay-adsorbed enzymes tion decreases in the presence of phosphate, due to competition be-
(Sarkar et al., 1989). Binding to biogenic sediment components, such as tween phosphate ions and the phosphate groups in the sugar-
humic acids and proteins, may also enhance DNA resistance against nu- phosphate backbone of DNA (Saeki et al., 2010). As found by Lever
cleases (Nielsen et al., 2006). Kelman and Moran (1996) proposed the as- et al (2015b), the amount of added phosphate and the pH of the
sociation of eukaryotic DNA with histones, and of prokaryotic, phosphate buffer are crucial for maximizing DNA desorption. Cell
mitochondrial and plastid DNA with histone-like proteins to play a crucial lysis during the initial desorption step, which would lead to contam-
role in shielding DNA from nucleases. Inclusion in dead cells may also ren- ination of the initially desorbed DNA with DNA from living cells,
der DNA inaccessible to extracellular nucleases (Novitsky, 1986). Other should be ruled out. This can be done by comparing the number of
mechanisms of organic matter preservation in sediments that are cells obtained by direct cell count in samples treated for DNA desorp-
known to shield labile biomolecules (e.g. proteins, carbohydrates, and tion and in untreated controls (Lever et al., 2015b). It is worth noting
pigments) from microbial degradation, such as inclusion in iron chelates that phosphate treatments have never been shown to efficiently ex-
(Eglinton, 2012; Lalonde et al., 2012), clay aggregates (Salmon et al., tract DNA locked within structurally intact dead cells, microfossils, or
2000), sulfurization (i.e. the formation of organosulfur compounds upon aggregates of particulate matter. Expectedly, extraction of DNA from
reaction of labile organic matter with sulfide and polysulfides; Damsté those structures may only be accomplished by harsh treatments that
et al., 1989; Moodley et al., 2005; Van Kaam-Peters et al., 1998), and inter- living cells would not withstand. Therefore, despite being generally
action with exopolymeric substances (Pacton et al., 2007) may provide stated that phosphate-assisted desorption can achieve separation
additional mechanisms of DNA preservation in sediments. of iDNA from eDNA, or even DNA in living biomass from DNA in
As discussed in Section 3.3, physical and chemical parameters can necromass, this method probably only allows for separation of solu-
greatly influence rates of abiotic DNA decay and, when favorable, ble and non-soluble DNA pools, as defined in Section 1.1 and Fig. 1.
stretch DNA survival over millennial timescales. Not surprisingly, the Using a DNA desorption method based on phosphate buffer and
oldest authenticated DNA sequences were derived from frozen environ- SDS, Corinaldesi and colleagues showed that sDNA isolated from a
ments, such as permafrost and ice cores (Willerslev et al., 2004a,b), and variety of coastal and deep-sea sedimentary settings contains
from marine sediments deposited under anoxic conditions (Boere et al., amplifiable 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequences, though in lower
2011a). Thanks to its preservation potential in sediments, DNA abundance than in the nsDNA pool (Corinaldesi et al., 2008, 2011).
represents a powerful proxy for investigating the biodiversity of Based on qPCR quantification of 16S rRNA genes in a wide spectrum
paleoenvironments, as discussed in the following section. of sediment types, Lever et al. (2015a,b) determined the contribu-
tion of sDNA to the total DNA pool to vary considerably (10–83%).
4. Disclosing the genetic information of sedimentary DNA pools Moreover, analysis of prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene sequences within
sDNA and nsDNA recovered from surficial oxic and anoxic Mediter-
Life at and below the seafloor comprises a vast diversity of microbial ranean Sea sediments found only partially overlap between the two
species. These organisms decisively contribute to global living biomass DNA pools, indicating that sDNA may indeed comprise sequences be-
and biogeochemical cycles (Parkes et al., 2014), yet their identity and longing to prokaryotes not present in the sediments as living cells
mode of life remain elusive (Jørgensen and Boetius, 2007). Isolation (Corinaldesi et al., 2014).
192 A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196

4.2. Tracking past biodiversity availability (Coolen, 2011). DNA from lacustrine sediments has also
proved useful for tracking human activities and landscape changes in
Although it is still not possible to treat sediment samples so as to proximity to an alpine lake throughout the Anthropocene (Giguet-
fully separate DNA in living biomass from DNA in necromass, the latter Covex et al., 2014), and for identifying changes in photosynthetic plank-
is sometimes easily recognizable because the source organism is clearly ton communities in a Tibetan lake over the last ca. 3,000 years (Hou
not adapted to living beneath the seafloor, but is instead indigenous to et al., 2014).
pelagic or even terrestrial habitats. This genetic material, often referred
to as ‘ancient’ or ‘fossil’ DNA, is deposited to the seafloor as part of the 4.3. Current limitations of ancient DNA studies
sinking organic matter, and persists here, as it gradually becomes bur-
ied, thanks to the preservation mechanisms discussed in Section 3.4. The application of ancient DNA for paleoenvironmental studies is
This DNA thus represents a genetic archive of past biodiversity of the not exempted from potential biases that must be taken into account
overlying waters and surrounding lands, which is currently being when designing ancient DNA studies and interpreting their results.
explored for its potential in paleoenvironmental sciences. Most limitations of ancient DNA discussed here, however, are known
The identification and enumeration of microscopic biological to affect reconstructions based on “traditional” proxies, such as molecu-
remains in sediments, such as fossilized shells of protists (e.g. dia- lar biomarkers and microfossils, thus highlighting the importance of
toms, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, radiolarians), pollen and parts integrating results from multiple paleonvironmental proxies.
of plants and animals is a standard paleoecological approach, rou- A potential issue is represented by differential preservation of DNA
tinely implemented in scientific drilling of marine sediments. How- depending on the source organism. All comparative analyses of ancient
ever, the identification of microfossils has two major shortcomings, DNA, fossil lipids and microfossils performed so far indeed showed
namely dissolution processes, which sometimes results in poor pres- that the source species can affect the level of DNA preservation
ervation of calcareous and siliceous shells, and the fact that the ma- (Boere et al., 2011c; Jørgensen et al., 2012; Lejzerowicz et al.,
jority of species do not leave fossil cellular diagnostic features 2013; Parducci et al., 2015). In a recent study by Capo et al. (2015)
(Dale, 1983; Lecroq et al., 2011; Lejzerowicz et al., 2013), thus escap- on limnic sediments, 71% of planktonic unicellular eukaryotic taxa de-
ing identification in the sedimentary record. Molecular fossils, such tected in the water column via 18S rRNA gene survey were also found
as lipids and pigments, offer the chance to extend paleontological in the DNA from the underlying sediment down to 30 cm below the
and paleoenvironmental studies to organisms whose exoskeletons lake floor, along with evidence that such DNA did not derive from
fail to fossilize (Briggs and Summons, 2014), and in some cases can active cells. While providing evidence that sediments can archive and
be detected billions of years after deposition (Brocks and Banfield, preserve the largest fraction of the planktonic protistan diversity, this
2009; Brocks et al., 2005; Kuypers et al., 2001; Summons and study also found that some important planktonic taxa (such as
Powell, 1986). However, because most lipid biomarkers are charac- Cryptophyta and Haptophyta) were poorly represented in the sedimen-
teristic of broad groups of organisms (e.g. terrestrial plants, algae, tary DNA record.
bacteria, archaea) rather than single species, the taxonomic resolu- Vertical migration of DNA across sediment strata (leaching),
tion and specificity of lipid-based stratigraphy is limited (Coolen redeposition from older deposits, and reworking by post-depositional
and Gibson, 2009). mixing may pose additional complications. These processes violate the
In comparison, DNA is generally thought to be relatively short-lived: assumption that ancient DNA sequences were lain down together
ancient DNA has not yet been shown to survive in unfrozen sediments with the host deposit, and may therefore confound ancient DNA-
beyond the late Pleistocene era, i.e. beyond the past few hundred thou- based interpretations. Leaching has mainly been observed in coarse-
sand years (Boere et al., 2011a,b,c). On the other hand, its source speci- textured or unsaturated deposits that allow fluid advection across strata
ficity is unparalleled by any other molecular fossil, with potential (Andersen et al., 2012; Haile et al., 2007), and is generally regarded as a
taxonomic resolution to the species level (Edvardsen et al., 2000; minor issue in compact, permanently water-saturated sediments
Sogin et al., 1986). Once presumed to be efficiently preserved only in an- (Giguet-Covex et al., 2014). Sediment biostratigraphy based on any
oxic depositional environments due to slower oxidation and microbial paleoenvironmental proxy can be obscured by redeposition and
degradation (Coolen et al., 2006; Coolen and Overmann, 1998; reworking, however, and ancient DNA makes no exception (Arnold
Corinaldesi et al., 2008), sedimentary ancient DNA was thought to be et al., 2011). To ensure reliable results, ancient DNA studies should al-
restricted to anoxic aquatic settings. Yet, ancient DNA is now unambig- ways be accompanied by a thorough investigation of the stratigraphy
uously being reported from sediments deposited under fully oxic condi- and depositional history of the site.
tions (Lejzerowicz et al., 2013; Coolen et al., 2013). These studies Ancient DNA studies inevitably rely on PCR and/or sequencing, and
suggest that planktonic DNA may be much more widely preserved in DNA damages (see Section 3.3) can negatively affect the applicability
Holocene and Pleistocene sediments than previously thought. and the outcome of these techniques. Damages that alter the base-
For example, ancient DNA has been used to study haptophyte and pairing properties of individual bases, called miscoding lesions, cause
dinoflagellate successions in Arctic, Antarctic, Mediterranean and DNA polymerases to introduce mutations (and therefore sequencing er-
Black Sea sediments (Boere et al., 2009, 2011b; Coolen et al., 2006; rors) by incorporating wrong nucleotides opposite modified bases.
D'Andrea et al., 2006). Sediment cores from water depths of 5,000 m Deamination is a well-known example of miscoding lesion, as
in the Atlantic Ocean off Brazil (Lejzerowicz et al., 2013) and 900 m in deaminated bases do not pair up with the same bases as their precur-
the Black Sea (Coolen et al., 2013) yielded ancient DNA sequences sors. For example, deamination of cytosine produces uracil, which
from dinoflagellates, copepods, coccoliths and foraminifera. Based on pairs up with adenine instead of guanine, thereby resulting in C–T tran-
fossil findings and DNA, extinctions and colonization of these communi- sitions. This may be one of the major sources of miscoding lesions in an-
ties were reconstructed over the past 14,000 years. In addition to cient DNA (Briggs et al., 2007; Brotherton et al., 2007; Hofreiter et al.,
informing about past environmental conditions, sedimentary ancient 2001). Miscoding lesions can also arise from base oxidation. The
DNA can also give insights about how microbial populations oxidation product of guanine, 8-hydroxyguanine, preferentially pairs
(co)evolved over millennial timescales and responded to environmen- up adenine rather than cytosine, thus generating transversion muta-
tal conditions. For example, genetic signatures of the photosynthetic tions (Kasai and Nishimura, 1984; Shibutani et al., 1991). Damages
haptophyte, Emiliania huxleyi, and its coccolithoviruses retrieved from that block DNA polymerase progression during PCR, therefore
sediment cores of the Black Sea revealed changes in host and viral pop- preventing amplification of the template sequence, are called blocking
ulation structures during ca. 7,000 years of Holocene history, and lesions. Hydantoins, pyrimidine dimers, double strand breaks, ICLs and
showed that such changes coincided with shifts in salinity and nutrient bulky adduct all fall into this category (Chan et al., 1985; Wellinger
A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196 193

and Thoma, 1996; Willerslev and Cooper, 2005). At abasic sites (formed Umbarger, 1996). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RNA is about 10% of
upon loss of purines, see reaction in Fig. 3a), DNA polymerases can the dry weight, and DNA is only about 1% (Bresler, 2012). This espe-
either stop polymerizing, insert an adenine, or introduce a one- cially applies to ribosomal RNA genes, which are represented in a
nucleotide deletion (Cuniasse et al., 1990; Lindahl, 1993; Sikorsky cell's RNA pools as many times as there are ribosomes, while only
et al., 2007). present in a few copies in the genome. For example, E. coli and
Patterns and rates of ancient DNA damage has been extensively S. cerevisiae only have about 10 and 150 copies of the rRNA gene op-
characterized in situ for certain environmental matrices, such as in ar- eron per genome, respectively, while the number of ribosomes is
chaeological findings, permafrost and ice cores (Allentoft et al., 2012; typically three orders of magnitude higher (Bremer and Dennis,
Hansen et al., 2006; Mitchell et al., 2005), which have helped 1996; Warner, 1999). Therefore, upon cells death, most of the
researchers deal with the issue, including designing strategies to nucleic acid released in the environment consists of RNA.
recover ancient DNA molecules, such as treatments with uracil-DNA- Indications that RNA may persist in the environment long after
glycosylase to remove uracil from deaminated cytosines (Willerslev the death of the source organism come from Edgcomb et al. (2011)
and Cooper, 2005), and N-phenacylthiazolim bromide to remove ICLs and Orsi et al. (2013). Their studies showed that the RNA pool ex-
(Poinar et al., 1998). In contrast, the study of DNA decay routes and tracted from deeply buried sediments comprised sequences from or-
kinetics in marine sediments has lagged behind, and is still almost ex- ganisms clearly not adapted to the dark and anoxic conditions of the
clusively based on knowledge derived from in vitro model systems. deep sub-seafloor, such as plants, animals, and unicellular
Such knowledge needs to be validated with data derived from in situ phototrophic taxa. These findings suggest that RNA not enclosed in
studies. In recent years, the advent of high-throughput sequencing tech- living cells might be more stable and widespread in sediments than
nologies has made it possible to directly measure rates of DNA damage often assumed.
that were previously calculated only by extrapolation from in vitro
experiments (Overballe-Petersen et al., 2012). A variety of bioinformat-
ics methods have been introduced to estimate DNA damage, such 6. Summary and outlook
as mapDamage, a software tool to map and quantify nucleotide
misincorporations due to cytosine deamination and depurination- The use of environmental DNA to describe the biodiversity of
induced strand breaks (Ginolhac et al., 2011; Jónsson et al., 2013). To present and past ecosystems has represented one of the most im-
map polymerase-blocking lesions, such as hydantoins, pyrimidine pactful advancements in biological sciences. Molecular studies of
dimers, and ICLs, a different method, called Polymerase Extension sedimentary DNA, in particular, have opened up a new era of explor-
Profiling, has been developed (Heyn et al., 2010). A well-equipped tool- ing the diversity of life at and beneath the seafloor. At the same time,
box has therefore become available to finally address patterns and rates they revealed unexpectedly complex features and dynamics of this
of DNA decay in marine sediments. DNA, and showed that it can occur in sediments in several different
forms (pools), some of which comprise genetic signature of formerly
5. RNA in the extracellular environment? living organisms.
Much remains to be learned about the quantitative and qualitative
Studies focusing on the active fraction of environmental microbi- contribution of each pool to the overall sedimentary DNA, mostly due
al communities often employ RNA, rather than DNA, as molecular to methodological limitations in achieving their separate extraction. A
biomarker. The underlying assumptions are that: i) cellular concen- general consensus has arisen that a significant fraction (if not most) of
trations of RNA (especially rRNA) linearly correlate with metabolic the DNA is not enclosed in living cells. Consequently, the overall extract-
activity, as opposed to DNA originating from all fractions of a com- ed DNA does not simply mirror the diversity of in situ, currently living
munity (i.e. the active, inactive, dormant and dead fractions); and biomass, but also that of the overlying waters and surrounding lands
that ii) RNA quickly degrades when released into the extracellular over different timescales. Surveys and comparisons of phylogenetic di-
environment, due to spontaneous and RNase-mediated hydrolytic versity within DNA pools have mainly been conducted on individual
cleavage. While the first assumption is based on physiological stud- samples from surface and near-surface sediments. Similar analyses
ies of a rather limited array of culturable strains (Kerkhof and should include deep sediment strata, to reveal potential changes
Kemp, 1999), and is recently being challenged in its general validity down-core in the contribution of each DNA pool to the overall sediment
(Blazewicz et al., 2013), the second remains untested in sediments. biodiversity. Also, studies have so far focused on established 16S and
The general perception of RNA as being highly prone to spontane- 18S rRNA genes as phylogenetic markers. However, these markers
ous hydrolysis (compared to DNA) is partly based on the presence of alone can only provide a limited snapshot of the whole sequence pool,
a 2′-OH group on the ribose moiety, which, at pH N 6, can facilitate while a direct metagenomic approach (i.e. sequencing of the bulk geno-
hydrolytic cleavage of the 3′,5′-phosphodiester bond via the forma- mic DNA without prior PCR amplification of specific marker genes)
tion of an intermediate cyclic 2′,3′-phosphonucleoside (Oivanen could yield a more complete and realistic picture. Similar investigations
et al., 1998). However, this applies to RNA random coils, while should also be conducted on RNA, to ascertain whether it can occur out-
most types of RNA, such as ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, viral geno- side living cells and its true preservation potential in marine sediments.
mic RNA, and ribozymes occur in helical conformations. When ar- The use of ancient DNA in Quaternary Sciences as biomarker for past
ranged in single or, especially, double helices, RNA molecules are biodiversity would greatly benefit from a more detailed understanding
more resistant to the 2′-OH nucleolytic attack, because of structural of pathways and rates of DNA decay in sediments, and how these vary
constraints imposed by the helical conformation (Usher, 1972). On depending on the sedimentary, geochemical, and geophysical context,
the other hand, double-helical RNA is not protected from hydrolysis the source organism, and the specific DNA pool (e.g. extracellular,
by water molecules, but enzymatic assistance by ribonucleases (RN- adsorbed onto minerals, or locked within dead cells or sediment aggre-
ases) is required in this case, as the uncatalyzed reaction is very slow. gates). Knowing what types of damages are more likely to affect ancient
Similar to DNA, however (see Section 3.4), RNA adsorbs onto clay DNA would allow a more accurate distinction of sequence variants
minerals (Franchi et al., 2003), and clay-bound RNA is less suscepti- reflecting true biodiversity from those arising from damage-induced
ble to digestion by RNases (Franchi and Gallori, 2005). sequencing errors. At the same time it may help design strategies to
The sheer abundance of RNA may also enhance its persistence in increase success in ancient DNA recovery.
the extracellular environment. Although figures can vary depending Genomic analysis of sedimentary DNA pools is merely at its incep-
on growth conditions, RNA and DNA account for 20.5% and 3.1%, re- tion. Methodological advancements in extracting DNA pools and appli-
spectively, of the dry weight of an average E. coli (Neidhardt and cation of state-of-the-art genomic analyses are probably our best bet to
194 A. Torti et al. / Marine Genomics 24 (2015) 185–196

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