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Sentence Conclusion

Executive Summary

The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are currently being felt across the globe with the

business sector being affected the most. As such, businesses have been making wrong decisions,

lacking proper management, strategic planning, and there is also a significant gap between the

level of demand and the level of supply. Therefore, the business needs to address such issues to

remain competitive and survive the harsh times of the pandemic (BlackSwan Data, 2019). To

close such gaps, the business can take advantage of Blackswan Data’s Trendscope which can

enable them to conduct comprehensive planning through trend prediction to attain market

equilibrium between demand and supply. This technology is also crucial in strategic planning

and proper business management, which translates to wise decision-making.

There are various impactful lessons that organizations can draw from using the Black

Swan Data's Trendscope. With TRendscope's technology, organizations can get a business

forecast with 90% accuracy, which is important for wise decision-making especially in

marketing and production (BlackSwan Data, 2019). The case study has also outlined that

businesses face the problem of insufficient forecasting and consumer needs, and now with the

current Covid-19 pandemic, there is even a bigger mismatch between supply and demand.

However, with Trendscope technology businesses will be able to conduct more accurate and

strategic planning, which is not only cost-efficient but time-saving. More importantly,

Trendscope's artificial intelligence is not restricted to the business scope but also extends to

medical and government sectors. These sectors can develop complex and detailed planning

promptly, hence making wise decisions (BlackSwan Data, 2019).

Black Swan Data. (2020, October 27). Cut through the uncertainty and unpredictability of Covid-

19. Retrieved November 05, 2020, from

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No one would have ever wanted to do twice the effort with only half the reward

By making interventions into business strategies that is ava

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