Experimental Design Process: 1) Define Problem(s) 5) Conduct Experiment & Collect Data

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This design is an 8 run fractional factorial, Yates Algorithm Design, allowing the experimenter to study 4 factors and 2 interactions.


Follow the DOE process flow chart presented in the MoreSteam DOE Tutorial. This spreadsheet workbook addresses process steps 4 through 7.

Experimental Design Process

1) Define 5) Conduct
Problem(s) Experiment &
Collect Data

2) Determine 6) Analyze
Objectives Data

7) Interpret
3) Brainstorm Results

4) Design 8) Verify
Experiment Predicted

As you work through the spreadsheets, cells that require you to enter information are highlighted in yellow.

Design Experiment

This worksheet will study only AxB and AxC interactions. The interactions must have a common factor between them. That is the limitation of
this design because of the condensed sample space. This is the only way to study 2 interactions with this design without confounding main
effects with interaction effects.

Place your factors into columns of the experiment design (assign them to A,B,C,D) on worksheet 1 - "Factors & Levels" worksheet. Factors and
level settings are carried through to other worksheets automatically.

Note that factor C changes the least times between levels for blocking randimization if there is a difficult factor to change between levels due to
setup cost or time. See the MoreSteam DOE Tutorial and MoreSteam Help feature for a description of blocking and randomization. The
experiment design is shown by worksheet #2.

Use worksheet #3 to organize the order of your experimental runs.

Conduct Experiment and Collect Data

Determine your sample size. Target at least 24 data points per level of a factor (8 runs total in this design, 4 runs per level (each factor has 2
levels), 6 minimum data points per experiment run)

Enter your data in the "Data Entry" worksheet - #4.

Your data will automatically be converted to 2 performance statistics - Mean and Log(s). Log(s) is -10 x the Log of the Standard Deviation, and is
used to assess the variability of the response distribution. The analysis will consist of a Means ANOVA and a Log(s) ANOVA for the study of
centering and variation respectively (worksheets 5 though 8). Other performance statistics are S-N min, S-N max, and S-N target, but are not
used in this example. At the very minimum in ANY experiment, analysis of the mean and log(s) should be performed - for the same rationale that
both an X-bar and R chart are used for statistical process control - information about the mean response can be misleading without information
about the response variability.

The ANOVA tables are automated based upon rules for pooling of non-significant factors. These rules must be followed at a minimum. Manual
pooling is available in the initial ANOVA table, which is where the consolidation of factors into the unexplained is determined. A final ANOVA
table is below the initial and has the results. F statistics, probability that the F stat is significant, and Percent Contribution after adjustment for
uncertainty due to unexplained (error) are calculated.

The sheets for "Mean SS and Avgs" and "Log(s) SS and Avgs" automatically take the experiment data that has been converted to performance
statistics and calculate the Factor level averages for the analysis. The Sums of Squares are also calculated.

Interpret Results

Graphs of the the level averages for each factor and interaction sets are plotted. These plots are only valid if a factor is significant in the Final
ANOVA table. If significant choose the best level average and the corresponding setting for this factor. Non-Significant factors should be set at
the lowest cost setting.

See worksheet #9 for an example of a best settings summary.

See the "Example" worksheet for design and analysis summary of a completed case study. The design and analysis details are
contained in the default presentation of each of the individual worksheets. When you input your own factors, levels, and data, the
worksheets will revise themselves to relfect your experiment.

02/18/2011 Introduction Page 1


Product: Aluminum (AA-208-T55) Electron Beam Welded parts

Goal and Objective: The goal is to improve the welding process so no parts fail minimum yield strength of 20 ksi. The objective is to
determine the best settings for the four factors in the electron beam welding process that will maximize the weld
strength, consistantly.

Factors and Levels: FACTORS NAME LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2

A Current 3 mA 5 mA Enter this information on
B Voltage 100 kV 150 kV sheet "Factors & Levels"
C Power Density 4 eW/cm^2 5 eW/cm^2
D Speed 15 in/min 25 in/min

Interactions Factor 1 x Factor 2

AxB Current Voltage
AxC Current Power Density

Experiment Design: The experiment design selected in this case was a 4 Factor, 2 Interaction design. It is a standard Yates Algorithym
Design with 8 experiment runs. With this design the two interactionS must have a common factor between them, in this
case AxB and AxC. The designations of the letters are labels froM the columns in the orthogonal experiment design
layout. See sheets "8 Run 4F 2x Design" and "Experiment Worksheet"

Conduct the Experiment and Experiment conditions were set up and the production process was run and allowed to stabilize before experiment
Collect the Data: samples were taken. In this design with 8 runs, each factor has 4 runs dedicated to each level setting for a factor. 5
samples x 4 runs = 20 data points per level of a factor which is a good minimum sample size. Generally 20 to 25 data
points per level setting of a factor. Parts were welded under the experiment design conditions based upon the
experiment run. The samples were then destructively tested and yield strength measurements were taken.

02/18/2011 Example Page 2

Analyze the Data: The data is entered into the sheet "Data Entry" Data is entered into the columns corresponding to the experiment run.
The Mean and the Log(s) are calculated above the data entry fields. An Analysis of Variance, ANOVA, is conducted for
assessing which factors effect centering (Means Analysis) and which factors effect the variation (Log(s) Analysis).

Means Analysis
INITIAL ANOVA TABLE - Prior to Pooling Though there was more data, 5 data points per run and 8 runs
or 40 total data points, we are using the performance statistics
of the Mean and the log of the standard deviation or Log(s) to
COLUMN SOURCE df SS MS F-Ratio Prob >F POOL?? evaluate both centering and the spread respectively. This
A Current 1 2.436528 2.4365 0.66 0.5646 yes equates to 8 data points that are comprised of the 40
B Voltage 1 19.997542 19.9975 5.45 0.2576 no observations from the DOE. Looking at the F-Ratio column (in
C Power Density 1 22.719417 22.7194 6.20 0.2432 no blue) if any of these ratios <=1 then it should be pooled into
D Speed 1 9.786625 9.7866 2.67 0.3497 yes the unexplained, or error. After this first step was complete
E AxB Interaction 1 65.465403 65.4654 17.85 0.1480 no there were 4 factors out of 6 remaining. Selecting the next
F AxC Interaction 1 0.000000 0.0000 0.00 1.0000 yes smallest, factor D Speed was also pooled.
Error 1 3.667070 3.667070

Totals 7 124.072586


COLUMN SOURCE df SS MS F-Ratio Prob >F PURE SS CONTRIB. % Based upon the pooling decisions above, this table depicts the final
A Current ANOVA after pooling. When we pool the insignificant factors we add
B Voltage 1 19.997542 20.00 5.03 0.0883 16.02 12.92% the df to the error df and their sum of squares to the error SS and
C Power Density 1 22.719417 22.72 5.72 0.0750 18.75 15.11% recalculate the MS. New F-Ratios are then calculated for the remaining
D Speed
factors that are being considered as significant. The validity of the
factors is evaluated by looking at the Percent Contribution of the error,
E AxB Interaction 1 65.465403 65.465403 16.48 0.0154 61.49285 49.56%
in this case 22%, which is much less than our minimum benchmark of
F AxC Interaction
50%. The three factors, two main effects B and C and the interaction
Pooled Error 4 15.890224 3.972556 27.80789 22.41% between AxB. The interaction is very strong at 99% confidence (1-
prob>f) and a Contribution % of 50%. Factor C is 93% for confidence
Totals 7 124.072586 124.07259 100% and 15% for contribution. Factor B is already accounted for in the
interaction which is important to note because an interaction always
takes precedent over the individual main effects taken alone. Good
experiment; need to verify the results.

02/18/2011 Example Page 3

Log(s) Analysis Looking at the intial ANOVA table for Log(s) we have one F-Ratios that
is <=1 and must be pooled. We then begin pooling the next smallest F-
INITIAL ANOVA TABLE - Prior to Pooling Ratios until we have about 1/2 of the orginal columns (factors) left in our
anlysis. The remaining factors are Current, Speed, Current x Voltage,
COLUMN SOURCE df SS MS F-Ratio Prob >F POOL?? and Current x Power Density.
A Current 1 14.61 14.61 11.67 0.1813 no
B Voltage 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.9636 yes
C Power Density 1 8.25 8.25 6.59 0.2364 yes
D Speed 1 11.39 11.39 9.10 0.2038 no
E AxB Interaction 1 73.96 73.96 59.09 0.0824 no
F AxC Interaction 1 21.30 21.30 17.02 0.1514 no

Error 1 1.25 1.25

Totals 7 130.77


After pooling we look first to the Contribution Percent of the error term.
Less than 50 % is the ideal, between 50-65% we proceed with caution if
A Current 1 14.61 14.61 4.61 0.0689 11.44 8.75%
a few factors are very strong and statistically significant. In this case the
B Voltage
error Contribution % is 17%, therefore we have a good experiment for
C Power Density
analyzing the variation about the mean. The factor Current is accounted
D Speed 1 11.39 11.39 3.59 0.0999 8.22 6.28%
for in two of the interactions and will not be counted for level settings
E AxB Interaction 1 73.96 73.96 23.34 0.0019 70.79 54.14% selection or prediction calculations.
F AxC Interaction 1 21.30 21.30 6.72 0.0358 18.13 13.87%

Pooled Error 3 9.51 3.17 22.18 16.96%

Totals 7 130.77 130.77 100%

02/18/2011 Example Page 4

Interpret Results: In this case both the Means Analysis and Log(s) Analysis had excellent results. We will look at a summary of information to base our
decisions about best level settings for the factors and resolve any conflicts between perfomance statistics and suggested best level settings
for a factor. From this summary we can see that there are no level setting conflicts. The best settings are; A1, B1, C1, D2. We have made
a dramatic improvement in weld strength and process variation. We have also proven that the process speed needs to be increased to
improve consistency (variationb reduction). The results predicted our a Weld Strength to increase to 24.3 ksi, a 30% inprovement from the
Overall DOE average. We also expect a 400% improvement in variation reduction which will assure hitting the target 24.3 ksi consistantly,
thus zero failures. The standard deviation can be derived from the Log(s) = -10 x Log(standard deviation).

Label Factor Cont % Confidence Best Setting Level Avg
B Voltage 13% 100% B1 20.33
C Power Density 15% 100% C2 20.44
AxB Current x Voltage 49% 100% A1B1 22.64 Prediction for Increasing the Mean

error unexplained 22% Mean after DOE 24.33

T Overall DOE avg 18.75 Improvement % 30%

Log(s) ANALYSIS Prediction for decreasing the Variation about the Mean
Label Factor Cont % Confidence Best Setting Level Avg
A Current 9% 100% A1 3.56 Log(s) after DOE 11.76
D Speed 6% 100% D2 3.4
AxB Current x Voltage 54% 100% A1B1 6.57 Improvement % 432%
AxC Current x Power Density 14% 100% A1C1 6.21

error unexplained 17%

T Overall DOE avg 2.21

Verify Predicted Results: To predict the results we will use the following equation: u= Tavg + Sum(Best Setting Avg - Tavg) In this case we must calculate these
prediction values for both the Mean and the Log(s), which are 24.3 and 11.76 respectively. The process is then set up under these
conditions and parts are welded, tested, and the mean and log(s) calculated. 20 to 25 samples should be taken for this validation testing of
the DOE.

02/18/2011 Example Page 5


Enter your Factor Names and Level Settings


A Current 3 mA 5 mA
B Voltage 100 kV 150 kV
C Power Density 4 eW/cm^2 5 eW/cm^2
D Speed 15 in/min 25 in/min

Interactions Factor 1 x Factor 2

AxB Current Voltage
AxC Current Power Density

Note: With this design the interactions must

have a common factor (A) for the AxB and
AxC interactions

02/18/2011 1) Factors & Levels Page 6


Yates Algorithm 8 Run Doe, 4 Factors and 2 Interactions


1 1 1 1 1 2 2
2 2 1 1 2 1 1
3 1 2 1 2 1 2
4 2 2 1 1 2 1
5 1 1 2 2 2 1
6 2 1 2 1 1 2
7 1 2 2 1 1 1
8 2 2 2 2 2 2

The interactions are calculated by multiplying columns. A column times

B column yields the column for AxB. If a level "1" is defined as (-1) and
a level "2" is defined as (+1) then 1x1 = (+1) or "2", 1x2=(-1) or "1", and
2x2=(+1) or "2". All columns are orthogonal and AxB and AxC are not
confounded with the other main effects.

02/18/2011 2) 8 Run 4F 2x Design Page 7


DESIGN EXP RUN Current Voltage Power Density Speed

1 3 mA 100 kV 4 eW/cm^2 15 in/min
2 5 mA 100 kV 4 eW/cm^2 25 in/min
3 3 mA 150 kV 4 eW/cm^2 25 in/min
4 5 mA 150 kV 4 eW/cm^2 15 in/min
5 3 mA 100 kV 5 eW/cm^2 25 in/min
6 5 mA 100 kV 5 eW/cm^2 15 in/min
7 3 mA 150 kV 5 eW/cm^2 15 in/min
8 5 mA 150 kV 5 eW/cm^2 25 in/min

Note: This is the Experiment Worksheet in NON RANDOMIZED format. This

worksheet should be randomized when you run the DOE.
The blank column for EXP RUN ORDER is where you enter the order that you
will run the experiment after it has been randomized. You can sort on this
column for a factory
Put 8 pennies on the worksheet.
table. With a sharpie number the pennies 1 through 8.
Put in Hat. Pass hat and draw. That is the order of the DOE.
Note: The Interactions are not listed? We don't do anything with the
interactions while we run the DOE. We study them after the data has been

02/18/2011 3) Experiment Worksheet Page 8


Enter the data from your experiment into the column that represents the experiment run. The table will handle up to 50
samples per run. The performance statistics are calculated from the data entered. Mean for centering and Log(s) for

Perf Stat Run #1 Run #2 Run #3 Run #4 Run #5 Run #6 Run #7 Run #8
Mean 21.317 15.833 10.367 20.750 23.967 20.215 17.150 20.417
Log(s) 7.639 -2.023 4.780 2.508 5.521 -2.385 -3.692 5.336

Enter your data below under the column for the corresponding experiment run.
Sample Number Run #1 Run #2 Run #3 Run #4 Run #5 Run #6 Run #7 Run #8
1 21.1 15.6 10.3 20.7 23.9 20.8 17.7 20.2
2 21.3 18.2 10.6 19.8 24.1 19.8 16.2 20.1
3 21.6 14.1 10.8 20.9 24.3 23.4 15.7 20.4
4 21.2 15.5 10.5 21 23.7 19.2 13.9 20.6
5 21.4 17.2 10.1 20.6 23.6 18.51 19.2 20.3
6 21.3 14.4 9.9 21.5 24.2 19.58 20.2 20.9

02/18/2011 4) Data Entry Page 9

end end end end end end end end

02/18/2011 4) Data Entry Page 10

Means Analysis for assessment of CENTERING of the response distribution.
The data is organized by factor and level setting. The setting averages are calculated now for use after the ANOVA determines which factors are significant. The
graphs help decide the best level setting, either minimize or maximize the characteristic. The Sum of Squares values are used in the ANOVA.

ANALYSIS of Averages Experiment Data and Design Layout

Setting Setting Sum of Setting Setting
Column Level Factor Setting Sum Average Squares Perf Stat Mean A B C D AxB AxC Interactions Sum Average
A A1 Current 3 mA 72.80 18.200 2.437 Run #1 21.317 1 1 1 1 2 2 A1-B1 45.283 22.64
A2 5 mA 77.22 19.304 Run #2 15.833 2 1 1 2 1 1 A1-B2 27.517 13.76
B B1 Voltage 100 kV 81.33 20.333 19.998 Run #3 10.367 1 2 1 2 1 2 A2-B1 36.048 18.02
B2 150 kV 68.68 17.171 Run #4 20.750 2 2 1 1 2 1 A2-B2 41.167 20.58
C C1 Power Density 4 eW/cm^2 68.27 17.067 22.719 Run #5 23.967 1 1 2 2 2 1
C2 5 eW/cm^2 81.75 20.437 Run #6 20.215 2 1 2 1 1 2 A1-C1 31.683 15.84
D D1 Speed 15 in/min 79.43 19.858 9.787 Run #7 17.150 1 2 2 1 1 1 A1-C2 41.117 20.56
D2 25 in/min 70.58 17.646 Run #8 20.417 2 2 2 2 2 2 A2-C1 36.583 18.29
E AxB-1 Current 1 63.57 15.891 65.465 A2-C2 40.632 20.32
AxB-2 Voltage 2 86.45 21.613
F AxC-1 Current 1 77.70 19.425 0.000
AxC-2 Power Density 2 77.70 19.425

Total Sum of Squares = 124.073

Overall Average of the Means = 18.752

19.400 21.000 21.000 20.500
19.200 20.000
20.000 20.000
18.800 19.000 19.000
18.000 18.000 18.500
18.200 17.000 17.000
18.000 17.500
16.000 16.000
17.800 17.000

17.600 15.000 15.000 16.500

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2

AxB Interaction Averages AxC Interaction Averages

25 25

20 20

15 15
Average Average
10 10

5 5

0 0
A1-B1 A1-B2 A2-B1 A2-B2 A1-C1 A1-C2 A2-C1 A2-C2

02/18/2011 5) Analysis of Averages Page 11


INITIAL ANOVA TABLE - Prior to Pooling

COLUMN SOURCE df SS MS F-Ratio Prob >F POOL?? If the value for the F-Ratio is < or = to 1 then it must be
A Current 1 2.436528 2.4365 0.66 0.5646 yes pooled into the unexplained, or error. To do this type in
"yes" under the column headed "POOL??." If the factor
B Voltage 1 19.997542 19.9975 5.45 0.2576 no
should not be pooled type in "no" (lower case). The results
C Power Density 1 22.719417 22.7194 6.20 0.2432 no are tabulated in the final ANOVA table below. If after pooling
D Speed 1 9.786625 9.7866 2.67 0.3497 yes the F-Ratios<=1 there should be about half the columns left,
E AxB Interaction 1 65.465403 65.4654 17.85 0.1480 no we started with 6 so there should 3-4 columns left after
F AxC Interaction 1 0.000000 0.0000 0.00 1.0000 yes pooling. If you have not pooled enough take the next
smallest F-Ratio until you have 3 or 4 columns left.
Error 1 3.667070 3.667070

Totals 7 124.072586


COLUMN SOURCE df SS MS F-Ratio Prob >F PURE SS CONTRIB. % Significant factors have have Prob>F values of 0.05 or
A Current less (equates to confidence of 95% or greater) and
B Voltage 1 19.997542 20.00 5.03 0.0883 16.02 12.92% percent contributions greater than 5%. The
unexplained, or error, Contribution % should be 50% or
C Power Density 1 22.719417 22.72 5.72 0.0750 18.75 15.11%
less for this type of DOE to be valid. Between 50% and
D Speed 65% be very cautious with the results, > than 65% is a
E AxB Interaction 1 65.465403 65.465403 16.48 0.0154 61.49285 49.56% poor experiment and the results are highly
F AxC Interaction questionable.(start over). If the Means shows little and
Pooled Error 4 15.890224 3.972556 27.80789 22.41% Log(s) shows a lot then the factors effected the spread
more than centering - or vice versa.
Totals 7 124.072586 124.07259 100%

02/18/2011 6) ANOVA Mean Page 12


Log(s) Analysis for assessment of response distribution variation.

The data is organized by factor and level setting. The setting averages are calculated now for use after the ANOVA determines which factors are significant. The
graphs help decide the best level setting, where Bigger is Better with the Log(s). The Sum of Squares values are used in the ANOVA.

ANALYSIS of Log(s) Experiment Data and Design Layout Setting Setting

Setting Setting Sum of Interactions Sum Average
Column Level Factor Setting Sum Average Squares Perf Stat Log(s) A B C D AxB AxC A1-B1 13.160 6.58
A A1 Current 3 mA 14.25 3.56 14.612 Run #1 7.639 1 1 1 1 2 2 A1-B2 1.088 0.54
A2 5 mA 3.44 0.86 Run #2 -2.023 2 1 1 2 1 1 A2-B1 -4.409 -2.2
B B1 Voltage 100 kV 8.75 2.19 0.004 Run #3 4.780 1 2 1 2 1 2 A2-B2 7.844 3.92
B2 150 kV 8.93 2.23 Run #4 2.508 2 2 1 1 2 1
C C1 Power Density 4 eW/cm^2 12.90 3.23 8.251 Run #5 5.521 1 1 2 2 2 1 A1-C1 12.419 6.21
C2 5 eW/cm^2 4.78 1.19 Run #6 -2.385 2 1 2 1 1 2 A1-C2 1.829 0.91
D D1 Speed 15 in/min 4.07 1.02 11.386 Run #7 -3.692 1 2 2 1 1 1 A2-C1 0.485 0.24
D2 25 in/min 13.61 3.40 Run #8 5.336 2 2 2 2 2 2 A2-C2 2.950 1.48
E AxB-1 Current 1 -3.32 -0.83 73.961
AxB-2 Voltage 2 21.00 5.25
F AxC-1 Current 1 2.31 0.58 21.302
AxC-2 Power Density 2 15.37 3.84
Total Sum of Squares = 130.768
Overall Average of the Log(s) = 2.210

Factor A Setting Averages Factor B Setting Averages Factor C Setting Averages Factor D Setting Averages
4.00 2.24 3.50 4.00
3.50 2.23 3.00 3.50
3.00 2.22 3.00
2.50 2.21 2.50
2.00 2.20 2.00
1.50 2.19 1.50
1.00 2.18 1.00 1.00
0.50 2.17 0.50 0.50
0.00 2.16 0.00 0.00
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2

Interaction AxB Setting Averages Interaction AxC Setting Averages

8 7

6 6
-4 0
A1-B1 A1-B2 A2-B1 A2-B2 A1-C1 A1-C2 A2-C1 A2-C2

02/18/2011 7) Analysis of Log(s) Page 13

INITIAL ANOVA TABLE - Prior to Pooling
COLUMN SOURCE df SS MS F-Ratio Prob >F POOL?? If the value for the F-Ratio is < or = to 1 then it must
A Current 1 14.61 14.61 11.67 0.1813 no be pooled into the unexplained, or error. To do this
B Voltage 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.9636 yes type in "yes" under the column headed "POOL??."
If the factor should not be pooled type in "no" (lower
C Power Density 1 8.25 8.25 6.59 0.2364 yes
case). The results are tabulated in the final ANOVA
D Speed 1 11.39 11.39 9.10 0.2038 no table below. If after pooling the F-Ratios<=1 there
E AxB Interaction 1 73.96 73.96 59.09 0.0824 no should be about half the columns left, we started
F AxC Interaction 1 21.30 21.30 17.02 0.1514 no with 6 so there should 3-4 columns left after pooling.
If you have not pooled enough take the next
smallest F-Ratio until you have 3 or 4 columns left.
Error 1 1.25 1.25

Totals 7 130.77


COLUMN SOURCE df SS MS F-Ratio Prob >F PURE SS CONTRIB. % Significant factors have have Prob>F values
A Current 1 14.61 14.61 4.61 0.0689 11.44 8.75% of 0.05 or less (equates to confidence of 95%
B Voltage or greater) and percent contributions greater
than 5%. The unexplained, or error,
C Power Density
Contribution % should be 50% or less for this
D Speed 1 11.39 11.39 3.59 0.0999 8.22 6.28% type of DOE to be valid. Between 50% and
E AxB Interaction 1 73.96 73.96 23.34 0.0019 70.79 54.14% 65% be very cautious with the results, > than
F AxC Interaction 1 21.30 21.30 6.72 0.0358 18.13 13.87% 65% is a poor experiment and the results are
highly questionable.(start over). If the Mean
Pooled Error 3 9.51 3.17 22.18 16.96% shows little and Log(s) shows alot then the
factors effected the spread more than
centering, or vice versa.
Totals 7 130.77 130.77 100%

02/18/2011 8) ANOVA Log(s) Page 14


When you have multiple repetitions per run always analyze both the Mean and Log(s). Significant factors from the Means
Analysis can adjust the centering of the distribution of the characteristic that was studied in the experiment. Significant factors
from the Log(s) Analysis can adjust the variation of the distribution about the mean. Often, you will have multiple response
characteristics to assess, but their should always be a means and a log(s) analysis. NOTE: This summary form does not
update automatically.

Label Factor Cont % Confidence Best Setting Level Avg
B Voltage 13% 91% B1 20.33
C Power Density 15% 92% C2 20.44
AxB Current x Voltage 49% 98% A1B1 22.64 Prediction for Increasing the Mean

Error Unexplained 22% Mean after DOE 24.33

TOTAL Overall DOE avg 18.75 Improvement % 30%

Log(s) ANALYSIS Prediction for decreasing the Variation about the Mean
Label Factor Cont % Confidence Best Setting Level Avg
A Current 9% 93% A1 3.56 Log(s) after DOE 11.76
D Speed 6% 90% D2 3.4
AxB Current x Voltage 54% 100% A1B1 6.57 Improvement % 432%
AxC Current x Power Density 14% 96% A1C1 6.21

Error Unexplained 17%

TOTAL Overall DOE avg 2.21

02/18/2011 9) Example -Best Settings Page 15

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