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BRIDON FACTORS FOR CALM BUOY HAWSER LIFE Facies for consideration nastesing tele of CALM Buoy mooring hawsere are 3 flows - 4. Shot ite In mast stone suc as his the product eho He isnot nrmally an esue. There canbe stuatons however where ssseros have been haldin stock for lang parods of time par lo use of sre removed fam service Siler a short pated and stored for re-use nthe future. Although tebe ropes are designed forthe demanding ‘onulions crecurtred in an oflhore enfonment they can become camegee during storage eepecaly ths ISoutdoors Te possbiy of camage incestes the longer the sorage me 2. Service Hours ‘rope stengh and energy absorption capably wil progressively reduce wih time trom as son a tis put {eto conten Th ate at ch the strengh wil duce Is Sependont onthe make op of ho assert an ao {he operatng sondions ot the berth, A vope ‘od wt fos Ie inthe wate between monn il ‘xperonce me rapid loss of properes than one tha ie tained Between mootngs oe is provided wih ‘2cettonal abrasion protection suchas plyretane elastomer coat. 4 Numbor of Meoring Operations Evary time pa le cosloyed some weer wil eccu. The handing of thas assembles in offshore conditions 's potentially damaging and unexpected losds may be experencod and mechanical darsage i always posable 4. Mooring Hours ‘Contnsus ete loscng and flexing induoed through wave acton and vessel movements dung = mooting operation wil lke stl onthe piyscal proper of te hawser. Low level cjle damage can nornaly be ‘egrded au tang cnelant wih Ema. A poste formula fo Ihe Ife taduclon wou be 15 hous fo each ‘orice hor fo an uneestos ope, 1 hou fer each sevice hor for plweoane coale ropes sre 08 hours foreach serie Nou fr ropes retieved between monings. 1 highor fan expected peak loads onthe rope assomblios and hese loads can bo parcalarycameging Where lose montoeng fs avalbla thon a watch should be kapt on those posks tnd on complaion ofthe mooring acraunt shows be made of th eect these lads wil av had onthe fence i, “ha intagry ofthe mocing is the prime importance in considering tho replacament cite forthe mooring hancors ad therefore any data given may seem fo be concervaive whan vowed In slain, Mechanical Damage chanical damage cannot be tan no sccountin ary formula ued oy to maximise hee of « mooring ‘vwaer and terete the ropes shuld be iapected ons regular base for heavy abrasion cting or other damage tly rally reduce the stengi of te hawser. SRICON coupe Lined nites Parotne Text cai et canpene Sith Rot irs En Sos 640716. Tol 449 44to, fe 440923 Uo ‘epubeaoEngorahmb’ S388 Reine Ofc Fan es Neasow ae aioe Laces LEN ZF BRIDON 11 Possible Formula for Haweer Life DaTeHeP ‘b= 1000 units (Replacement when D> 10,000 unis) x {numberof hours inthe water) Were A. = 18 for uncosted rope floating 1 for costed rope Moating = GB for coated rope retioved between moorings H= Number of moored hours one hour= 1 uni) um of exceptional load units (Loads of 20% of MBL and above) 249% of MBL = 10,000 unis (etre immediatly) 335% 4% of MBL 2500 unis SaowsaseorMal = Meunite Sasm-aom or MBL = aD unite ‘20% of MEL. 10 units (nce the number of writs has reduced to 60% of the fal slowed (i, 5000 uni) then the eaxinum Scoapable lod. st whith retrement bosomes medias, exould be reciend from 43% oF MBL 10 25% of Bt Sgro dngand Nore ine Gogens ce Pasn Nos, Mendon, Lagroaaugh Lace,

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