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Second Monthly Examination


S.Y. 2020- 2021
Name: __________________________Grade&Sec:________ Date: _________________ Score: ______

I. Read the statements below carefully and encircle the letter of your choice. (16 points)
( U ) 1. It refers to two or more people who interact regularly and who have things in common, like a romantic couple, a
family, friends, classmates, or coworkers.
A. Social Aggregate B. Social Category C. Social Group D. Secondary Group
( K ) 2. It refers to a group of people defined by a shared social characteristic, like gender, race, ethnicity, nationality,
age, class, etc.
A. Family B. Social Aggregate C. Social Category D. Social Group
( K 3. )It is the organized set of social institutions and patterns of institutionalized relationships that together
compose society.
A. Political Party B. Social Class C. Social Stratification D. Social Structure
( K ) 4. It is commonly found in tribal societies across the world where kin genealogy is applied to determine the system
of communal leadership.
A. Bands B. Political kinship C. Religious Kinship D. Ritual Kinship
( K ) 5. It is the practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group, class, or social group,
A. Endogamy B. Exogamy C. Monogamy D. Polygamy
( K ) 6. He defined marriage as a relatively permanent bond between permissible mates.
A. Lowie B. Lundberg C. Malinowski D.Westermarck
( K) 7. It refers to the practice of having more than two partners or sexual mates.
A. Bigamy B. Monogamy C. Polyandry D. Polygamy
( K ) 8. It is common in Northern America where the couple finds their own house that is independent among all
family members.
A. Avunculocal Residence C. Neolocal Residence
B. Matrilocal Residence D. Patrilocal Residence
II. Match the descriptions in Column A with the words in Column B. Write only the letter on the space provided.
(6 points)
____ 1. Kinship by blood A. Affinal
____ 2. Kinship based on marriage B. Bilineal
____ 3. Refers to a biological relationship C. Lineage
____ 4. The line where one’s descent is traced D. Descent
____ 5. Combined matrilineal and patrilineal descent principles E. Extended
____6. Consists of nuclear family and those members related by blood ties F. Consanguineal
( U) III. A. Identify the following KINSHIP SYMBOLS ( 8 points)
1. ____________ 4. __________

2. ____________

3. ____________ =
( D ) V. Draw your own Kinship Chart : A. Patrilineal Descent pattern (10 points)
B. Matrilineal Descent patter (10 points)
Example A. My Kinship Chart ( Patrilineal Descent) Example B. My Kinship Chart ( Matrilineal Descent)

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