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Grade 11.

Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision

Chapter ( 1 ) 𝒂𝒙−𝟔
13. The function f is defined by f ( x ) = , for all x expect x = 2. If f ( 3 ) = 6,
Functions 𝒙−𝟐
find the value of a .
ေပ့ခ္ကး 𝟏
14. A function f : R  R is given that f ( x ) = where x ∈ R . Find what value
1. the image of 2 is 7 → f ( 2 ) = 7 𝒙
2. the images of 2 and 3 are 5 and 9 → f ( 2 ) = 5 , f ( 3 ) = 9 of x which must be excluded from the domain.
3. the elements of 4 and 6 have 11 and 13 as their images ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
→ f ( 4 ) = 11 , f ( 6 ) = 13 15. A function f : R  R is given that f ( x ) = where x ∈ R .Find what
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ value of x which must be excluded from the domain. State the suitable
ေမ့ခ္ကး domain of the function
a. What is the image of 2? → f ( 2 ) = ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. What are the images of 2 and 3 under the function f ? → f ( 2 ) = ?, f ( 3 ) = ? 𝟑𝒙+𝟏
16. A function f : R  R is given that f : x ↦ where x ∈ R .Find what
c. Find the image of 2. 𝟓𝒙−𝟑
d. Find the image of 2 under the function f . values of x which must be excluded from the domain.
e. Find f ( 2 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f. Which element of the domain has 2 as its image? 𝟑𝒙
17.Let the function f: R\{ ± 2 } R be the function defined by f ( x ) = .
g. State the element of the domain which give 2 as its image. 𝒙𝟐 −𝟒
h. Find the element that has the image of 2 under this mapping/ function/ find the positive value of z such that f ( z ) = 1 .State the domain and Codomain
function f / function g. of the function.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. If g ( x ) = 2x – 5 . Find the image of 2a , h( x ) 𝟏
18.The functios f : R\{ –1 }  R be defined by f ( x ) = and g : R\{ 2 }  R be
𝟐 𝒙 𝒙+𝟏
2. If f( x ) = – , what is the image of 2g( x ) ? 𝒙
𝟑 𝟐 defined by g ( x ) = , find the value of x for which f ( x ) = 10 g ( x ).
𝒙+𝟓 𝒙−𝟐
3. If h( x ) = , find the image of f( x ) under the function
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ပုဵစဵတူ
4. Let the function g : R  R be given by g ( x ) = 2x – 5 for every x 𝝐 R . ( i ) Find 𝒙−𝟏 𝟓
the image of – 2 , 2a , h( x ) . ( ii ) Calculate the value of k whose image is 1. a.The functios f : R\{ –2 }  R be defined by f ( x ) = and g : R\{ }  R be
𝒙+𝟐 𝟐
( iii ) Find also the domain and codomain of the function. 𝒙+𝟑
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- defined by g ( x ) = , find the value of x for which f ( x ) = 2 g ( x ).
𝒙+𝟓 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Let the function f : R  R be given by f( x ) = for every x 𝝐 R . Calculate
the value of x whose image is 3x. Find also the domain and codomain of the
function. 2
19. Function f is defined by f : x ↦ x – 1. If 9 f ( x ) + 8 = f ( kx ) , for all value of
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x , find the value of k. Ans; k = ± 3
6. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = 2x2 – 3x – 1 for every x 𝝐 R . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Which integer element of the domain has 2x – 3 as its image. ပုဵစဵတူ
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
( a ) Function f is defined by f : x ↦ x + 1. If f ( kx ) – 9f ( x ) + 8 = 0 , for all
7. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = x2 – 2x – 3 for every x 𝝐 R .
value of x , find the value of k. Ans; k = ± 3
State the non-zero element of the domain which gives – 3 as its image. Find
also the domain and codomain of the function.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( b ) A function f is defined by f : x ↦ x – 1 . If 3 f ( x ) + 2 = f ( mx ) , for all non
8. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = x2 + 4x – 5 for every x 𝝐 R . zero values of x , find the value of m. Ans; m = ± √𝟑
State the possible values of p such that f ( p ) = 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝒙+𝟑
20. The function h is defined by h ( x ) = ,x≠3.
9. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = 7x – x2 for every x 𝝐 R . Find 𝒙−𝟑
Show that h ( 3 + p ) + h ( 3 – p ) = 2 , where p is positive and
the possible values of x which map onto themselves by the mapping.
find the positive number q such that h ( q ) = q – 1.
10. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = x2 + 3x for every x 𝝐 R . Find ပုဵစဵတူ
the negative value of x which are unchanged by the mapping. 𝒙+𝟒
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. The function g is defined by g ( x ) = ,x≠4.
11. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = x2 + 3 for every x 𝝐 R .Find Show that h ( 4 + p ) + h ( 4 – p ) = 2 , where p is positive .
the possible values of x which are unchanged by the mapping. Find also the
domain and codomain the range of the function 𝒙+𝟑
b. The function g is defined by g ( x ) = ,x≠4.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝒙−𝟑
Show that h ( 3 + 2p ) + h ( 3 – 2p ) = 2 , where p is positive .
12. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = 3 – 2x2 for every x 𝝐 R . Find
the integer value of x which map onto itself under the function f . 𝟓
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21.A functions h is defined by h : x ↦ + 3x , x ≠ 0 . Calculate the image of 5
( a ) Example for the Students :
under h and the possible values of x whose image of 8.
(1) f(x)= ,x≠ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝟐𝒙−𝟑 22. A function f be defined by f ( x ) = ax + b . The image of 1 and –1 are 6 and –
The function f is defined by f ( x ) = , for all real values of x except x = 12 respectively. Calculate the value of a and b. Find the value of x whose
𝒙−𝟑 image is 4.
The function f: R\{ } R is defined by f ( x ) = , ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝟐𝒙−𝟑 23.The function f ( x ) = ax3 + bx + 30. Then the value x = 2 and x = 3 which are
(2)f(x)= ,x≠ unchange by the mapping. Find the value of a and b.
𝟐𝒙−𝟑 ( ဒီပုစာၦ သတိထာ့်ပီ့တျကးပါ။ )
The function f is defined by f ( x ) = , for all real values of x except x =
𝒌𝒙−𝟐 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The function f: R\{ } R is defined by f ( x ) =
, 24. Let the function f : R  R be given by f( x ) = ax2 + bx . If f(–1 ) = 7 and
𝒙+𝟓 f ( 2 ) = –2, find the values of a and b , and the value of x for which f( x ) = x.
(3)f(x)= ,x≠ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝒙+𝟓 𝟐𝟒 𝒂
The function f is defined by f ( x ) = , for all real values of x except x = 25.A functions f is defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ , x ≠ 0 . The image of 1 and – 1
𝒙−𝒂 𝒂𝒙+𝒃 𝒃
𝒙+𝟓 are 6 and –12 respectively. Calculate the values of a and b. Find the element
The function f: R\{ } R is defined by f ( x ) = ,
𝒙−𝒂 that has image of 8 under this mapping.
𝒂𝒙−𝒃 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4) f(x)= ,x≠
𝒂𝒙+𝒃 a. If f ( x ) = q2x – 2qx2 – 1 and f ( 1 ) = – 2 , find q.
The function f is defined by f ( x ) = , for all real values of x except x = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝒂𝒙−𝒃 b. If f ( x )= k2x2 – kx + 3 and, f ( 2 ) = 3 find f ( – 1 ).
The function f: R\{ } R is defined by f ( x ) = , ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c. If f ( x )=kx2 – 2kx – 1 and f (– 2 ) = 39 , find k. If f( x ) = x 2 + x + 2 ,
( b ) Find the domain and codomain of the following function from R to R. find x.
(1)f(x)= ,x≠ , Ans ; Domain = , Codomain = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝒙−𝟓 𝟐 𝒃
𝟓 26.Given that f ( x ) = ,x≠– , such that f ( 0 ) = – 2 , and f ( 2 ) = 2.Find
( ii ) f ( x ) = ,x≠ , Ans ; Domain = , Codomain = 𝒂𝒙+𝒃 𝒂
𝟕−𝟑𝒙 the value of a and b . Show that f ( p )+ f (–p ) = 2f ( p2 ).
( iii ) f ( x ) = , x ≠ , Ans ; Domain = , Codomain = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
2 2
( b ) Find k ( i ) if f ( 15 ) = k + 8 ( ii ) f ( k + 1 ) = f ( 9 )
27. Let the function h: R  R be given by h ( x ) = 2 . Find a ∈ R such that ( i ) h ပုဵစဵတူ
( a ) = 64 ( ii ) h ( a ) = 128 ( iii ) h ( a ) = . a. Let N be the set of natural numbers. A function f from N to N is given by f
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( x ) = the sum of all factors of x.
If the function f : R  R be defined as ( a ) Find ( i ) f ( 1 ) ( ii ) f ( 3 ) ( iii ) f ( 5 ) ( iv ) f ( 7 ) ( v ) f ( 9 ) ( vi ) f
3x – 1 ( 11 )
(a)f(x)=3 , then find b ∈ R such that f ( b ) = 243 .
( b ) ( i )if f ( 16 ) = 8p – 9 , then find f ( p2 ) ( ii ) if f ( 11 ) = 4p – 16 , then find f
x–3 𝟏
(b)f(x)=6 , then find a ∈ R such that f ( 2a ) = . ( p2 + 1 )
7x – 3 𝟏 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c)f(x)=5 , then find k ∈ R such that f ( 3k ) = . 39. Let N be the set of natural numbers. A function f from N to N is given by f
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( x ) = the product of all factors of x. ( i )if f ( 11 ) = 4p – 9 , then find f ( p2 )
x ( ii ) if f ( 7 ) = 6p – 11 , then find f ( p2 + 1 )
28. Let the function h : R  R be given by h : x ↦ 2 ,
show that h ( x + 6 ) – h ( x + 4 ) – 48 h ( x ) = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. A function f : J  J is given by f ( x ) = two times the product of all factors
ပုဵစဵတူ of x , where J is the set of positive integers, ( i ) if f ( 8 ) = 2p2 + 110 , find
2x + 1 f ( 2p – 1 ) ( ii ) if f ( 6 ) = 2p2 , find f ( p + 9 ) ( ii ) if f ( 4 ) = 3p2 – 11 , find
a. Let the function h : R  R be given by h : x ↦ 3 , f(p+1)
verified that h ( x + 2 ) + h ( x + 1 ) – 90 h ( x ) = 0

3x ပုဵစဵတူ
b. Let the function f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = 2 . a. A function f : J  J is given by f ( x ) = three times the sum of all diviors of x ,
Verified that f ( x + 2 ) + f ( x + 1 ) = 90 f ( x )
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where J is the set of positive integers. ( i ) if f ( 8 ) = p2 , find f ( p + 1 )
Constant function Problems ( ii ) if f ( 6 ) = 2p2 , find f ( p + 9 ) ( iii ) if f ( 7 ) = 5p + 11 , find f ( p2 + 1 )
a.If f is a function f : R  { 2 ) defined by f ( x ) = 2. What are the image of 0 , 1 , ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2, √𝟑 , 2x , 3x . 41.Let the domain of a function t be the set { 1˚, 2˚, 3˚, ….. , 90˚ } and let the
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- codomain be R.Let the function be described by t : x ↦ sin x + cos x. ( a ) Use
b. If a constant function f is defined by f ( x ) = log 3 . What are the image of your tables to find ( i ) t( 1˚ ) ( ii ) t( 15˚ ) ( iii ) t( 30˚ ) ( iv ) t( 45˚ ) ( v ) t ( 60˚ )
3 , 6 , log 3 , log 6. ( vi ) t ( 75˚ ) ( vii ) t ( 90˚ ) , to three significant figures.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( b ) find x such that t ( x ) = 0
c. If a constant function f is defined by f ( x ) = k + 3 . What are the image of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2k , k + 3 , k + 6 . 42. Let A = { x / 0˚  x  360˚ }. Let the function t : A  R be given by
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t ( x ) = sin x – cos x .
Radical function Problems ( a ) Find ( i ) t ( 30˚ ) ( ii ) t ( 60˚ ) ( iii ) t ( 90˚ ) , to three significant figures.
29. A function f : R  R is given that f ( x ) = √𝒙 where x ∈ R . ( b ) If t (  ) = 0.6 , find  such that 0˚ <  < 90˚ .
( i ) State the value of x at which the function f is not defined. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( ii ) State the suitable domain of the function 43. Find the formula for the inverse function f –1 where f : R  R is defined by
( a ) f ( x ) = 2x – 3 ( b ) f ( x ) = 1 + 3x (c)f(x)=1–x
ပုဵစဵတူ 𝟏 𝒙+𝟗 𝟏𝟑
(d)f(x)= ( 4x – 5 ) ( e ) f ( x ) = (f)f(x)=
a. A function f is given that f ( x ) = √𝒙 − 𝟏 where x ∈ R . 𝟑 𝟐 𝟐𝒙
𝟏 𝟑 𝒙
( i ) State the value of x at which the function f is undefined. (g)f(x)= (h)f(x)= (i)f(x)=
𝟏+𝒙 𝒙−𝟐 𝒙−𝟒
( ii ) State the suitable domain of the function 𝟐𝒙+𝟓 𝟑𝒙−𝟓 𝟓𝒙+𝟏
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (j)f(x)= (k)f(x)= (l)f(x)=
𝒙−𝟕 𝟐𝒙+𝟕 𝟑𝒙+𝟐
Step function Problems
Describe the suitable domain of the function f and f –1 for each function.
x2 , if x>2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30. Let the function h : R  R be defined by h ( x ) = 𝟐𝒙−𝟓
x , if – 2  x  2 44. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = .
3 – 2x , if x<–2 𝒙−𝟑
( i ) State the value of x for which f is not defined.
Find h (– 4 ) , h (– 3 ) , h(–2 ) , h (– 1 ) , h ( 0 ) , h ( 1 ) , h( 2 ) , h ( 3 ) , h ( 4 ). ( ii ) Find the value of x for which f ( x ) = 0.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( iii ) Find the inverse function f–1 and state the domain of f –1 .
ပုဵစဵတူ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a. If the function g is defined g ( x ) = |𝟓𝒙 − 𝟏| , find g ( – 2 ) , g ( – 1 ) , g ( 1 ) , 45. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 8 . Find
g(2) 𝒙−𝟖
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( a ) f –1 ( 5 ) ( b ) a positive number p such that f ( p ) = p.
31. The function f is defined f ( x ) = |𝟐𝒙𝟐 − 𝟓𝒙| . If f ( x ) = x , find x. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46. Given that f ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 and that f ( 7 ) = 2 , find ( a )the value of a
32. The function f is defined f ( x ) = |𝒙 − 𝒂| + b . If f ( 3 ) = 3 and f (–1 ) = 3, 𝒙−𝟐
find a and b. ( b ) f –1 (– 4 ).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, x ≠ – 2 , find f –1 stating the value of x
33. The function f is defined f ( x ) = |𝟑𝒙 − 𝟐| + b . If f ( 3 ) = 3 and f ( x ) = 8 , 𝒙−𝟑
47. Taking the function f as f :x ↦
find x.
which must be excluded from the domain.
34Let the domain of a unction L be the set of positive real numbers , and let 𝟐
the codomain be R. Let the function be described by L ( x ) = 1 + log x . Using 48.Find the formula for f –1 , the inverse function of f defined by f ( x ) = .
+ State the suitable domain of f.
your table , find to three significant figures ; ( i ) the image of 12 ( ii ) a ∈ R
such that L ( a ) = 2.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝒙+𝟒
49.The function f is defined by for x ∈ R , by f : x ↦ , x ≠ 2 . Use the formula
35. Let the domain of a unction L be the set of positive real numbers , and let 𝒙−𝟐
the codomain be R. Let the function be given by L ( x ) = log ( x + 1 ) . Find , of f –1 to find f –1 ( 5 ).
to four significant figures ( i ) the image of 5 , 12 , 50. ( ii ) a such that 𝟏 𝟑
L ( a ) = 2.5 50.A function f is such that f ( x ) = for all x ≠ where k ≠ 0 . If f ( 2 ) = 1 ,
𝒌𝒙−𝟑 𝒌
To be careful , 316.229 – 0.01 = 316.219
316.229 – 0.1 = 316.129 find the value of k and the formula of f –1 .
316.229 – 1 = 315.229 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
316.229 – 10 = 306.229 51. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 5 .Find the formula of f –1. Find the
value of k such that f ( k ) = f –1( k ).
36. If function f is defined by f ( x ) = 1 + log x , find f ( 2.5 )to three
10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
significant figures. Find also the value of b for which f ( b ) = 0.3. 𝟐 𝟑
52. A function f is such that f ( x ) = for all x ≠ , where k ≠ 0 .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝒌𝒙+𝟑 𝒌
37. A function from A to A , where A is the set of positive integers , is gven by f If f (– 1 ) = 2 , find the value of k and the formula of f –1 .
( x ) = the sum of all possible divisors of x. ( a ) Find the value of ( a ) f ( 2 ) , f
( 5 ) , f ( 13 ) , f ( 18 ) ( b ) Show that ( i ) f ( 14 ) = f ( 15 ) ( ii ) f ( 3 ) . f ( 5 ) = f ပုဵစဵတူ
( 15 ) 𝟏 𝟑
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a.A function f is such that f ( x ) = for all x ≠ , where k ≠ 0 . If f( 2 ) = 1 ,
𝒌𝒙−𝟑 𝒌
38. A function f from A to A, where A is the set of positive integers, is given by f
( x ) = the sum of all positive divisors of x. find the value of k and the formula of f –1 .
( a ) find f ( 1 ) , f ( 4 ) , f ( 9 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
𝟐𝒙+𝒂 ပုဵစဵတူ
b.Let f ( x ) = , x ≠ 7 .If f ( 6 ) = – 17 , find the value of a. Using your value
𝒙−𝟕 𝟔
of a , find the formula for f –1 and state the domain of f –1 . a.A function f is defined by f : x ↦
, x ≠ 2 .Express ( f • f )( x ) in the form of
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝒂𝒙+𝒃
𝒂𝒙−𝟗 –1 , stating the value of a,b and c.
53.A function f : R  R is defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 1 .If f ( –1 ) = 6 . Find ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the value of a and evaluate the image of 3 under f. 2
59.If f( x ) = kx + 1 where k is a constant and f( 2 ) = 5 , find the value of k.
Find also the formula of f • f in simplified form.
Substitution any variable in the formula of f ( x )
Level ( 1 )
60. If f( x ) = ax + b and g( x ) = ( x – b ) , a ≠ 0 .Show that ( f • g ) ( x ) = x.
a. if f ( x ) = 2x – 3 , find f ( 3 ) , f ( 2 ) , f ( 1 ) , f ( a ) , f ( b ) , f ( k ) , f ( q ). 𝒂
b. if f ( x ) = 3x – 1 , find f ( p ) , f ( q ) , f ( k ) , f ( a + 1 ) , f ( b – 2 ) , f ( 2k + 5 ). 61. Let f :R → R and g :R → R be f ( x ) = px + 5 , g ( x ) = qx – 3 , where p ≠ 0 ,
q ≠ 0. If g • f :R  R is the identity function of R, then prove that p is the
c. if f ( x ) = x – 3 , find f ( p + 1 ) , f ( 2q - 1 ) , f ( g( x )) , f ( h ( x ) ) , f ( 2g( x ) )
reciprocal of q.
d. if f ( x ) = x + 2 , find f ( g( x + 1 ) ) , f ( h( x – 3 ) ) , f ( 2g( 1 – x )) , f ( 3h ( 2x ) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62.A function f: x ↦ ,x ≠ a and a > 0 is such that ( f•f )( x ) = x .
e. if f ( x ) = 5x + 2 , find f ( g( x ) – 2 ) , f ( 2h( x ) – 3 ) , f ( g ( 2x – 1 ) + 5 ) 𝒙−𝒂
Show that x – ax – b = 0.
f. if f ( x ) = x + 1 , find f ( h ( x – 1 ) + 1 ) , f ( 2g( x – 3 ) + 5 ) , f ( 5g( x + 1 ) – 2 )
g. if h ( x ) = x – 7 , find h ( f ( x + 3 ) – x ) , h ( 2g( 3x – 1 ) – 2x ), h ( f( x – 1 ) – k ) 63. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = for all value of x except x = 3 .
h. if g ( x ) = 3x – 5 , find g ( h( 2x – k ) – 3x ), g ( 3f ( 3x – p ) – 2p ) Show that ( f • f )( x ) = x .
𝟑𝒙−𝟏 𝟐𝒙−𝟏
Level ( 2 ) a.The function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ ,x≠2,g:x↦ ,
𝒙−𝟐 𝒙−𝟑
( 1 ) If f ( x ) = 2x – 1 and g ( x ) = 2x – 3 , then find f ( g ( x ) ). x ≠ 3. Show that ( f • g )( x ) = x for all x except x = 3 .
( 2 ) If f ( x ) = x + 1 and g ( x ) = x – 3 , then find f ( g( x ) ). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( 3 ) If f ( x ) = x – 7 and g ( x ) = 2x – 3 , then find f ( g( x ) ). 64. If f : x ↦ 2x + b and g; x ↦ 3a – 2x , such that f • g = g • f , find the
( 4 ) If f ( x ) = 2x + 1 and g ( x ) = 5x – 3 , then find f ( 2g( x ) ). relationship between a and b.
( 5 ) If f ( x ) = 2 – x and g ( x ) = x + 3 , then find f ( 5g( x ) ). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( 6 ) If f ( x ) = 5x + 2 and g ( x ) = x + 1 , then find f ( 2g( x ) + 1 ) 65. Let f :R  R and g • f :R  R are defined by f ( x ) = kx – 1 , where k is a
( 7 ) If f ( x ) = x + 5 and g( x ) = x – 2 , then find f ( g( x ) – 3 ) constant and g ( x ) = x + 12 . Find the value of k for which
( 8 ) If f ( x ) = 2x + 2 and g( x ) = 3x – 2 , then find f ( 2h( x ) – 3 ) ( g • f )( 2 ) = ( f • g )( 2 )
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find the formula of f.g and g.f for f : R  R and g : R  R in each case. State the 𝟔 2
suitable domains for each compsition of function. 66. Function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ , x ≠ 2 , g : x ↦ kx – 1 , where k
(a) f(x)=–x , g(x)=x is a constant. Given that ( g • f )( 5 ) = 7, evaluate k.
(b) f(x)=x–1 , g ( x ) = x2 2
67.Let the function f :R →R be defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 1 and g ( x ) = x + 5. Find
(c) f ( x ) = 2x – 3 , g ( x ) = x2+ 5 the value of a ∈ R for which ( f • g )( a ) = f ( a ) + 22.
(d) f(x)=x+1 , g ( x ) = 2x2– x + 3 68. Function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ 4x + 1 and g : x ↦ x – 3. Find the

f ( x ) = x2– 1
(e) , g ( x ) = 3x + 1 value of x which satisfy the equation ( f • g )( x ) = 3x + x – 5 .
(f) f ( x ) = x2 , g(x)= 𝟐 ပုဵစဵတူ
𝒙 +𝟐
𝟏 a.Function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ x – 1 and g : x ↦ 3x – 4. Find the
(g) f ( x ) = 5x2 , g(x)=
𝒙𝟐 +𝟏 value of x which satisfy the equation ( f • g )( x ) = 9 – 3x .
𝟏 𝟐 𝟏 𝟏
(h) f(x)= ,x≠– , g(x)= ,x≠– 𝟑
𝟓𝒙+𝟐 𝟓 𝟐𝒙+𝟏 𝟐 b.A function f is defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 .If ( f • f )( x ) = x , find the value
𝒙−𝟒 𝟐 𝟏 𝒙−𝟐
(i) f(x)= ,x≠– , g( x ) = ,x≠–2 of x.
𝟑𝒙+𝟐 𝟑 𝒙+𝟐
𝒙−𝟏 𝟐𝒙+𝟑 2
(j) f(x)= ,x≠–1 , g(x)= ,x≠5 c.Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 2x – 14 and g ( x ) = x + 3. Find the
𝒙+𝟏 𝒙−𝟓
value of x if ( f • g )( x ) = 42.
𝟑𝒙+𝟐 𝟑 𝟐𝒙+𝟑 𝟐
(k) f(x)= ,x≠– , g(x)= ,x≠– ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝟐𝒙+𝟑 𝟐 𝟑𝒙+𝟐 𝟑 69.Let f :R →R is defined by f ( x ) = ax – 4. Given that ( f )( 3 ) = 5 , find a. Hence
𝟏−𝒙 𝟐 𝒙−𝟏 𝟐
(l) f(x)= ,x≠ , g(x)= ,x≠ solve the equation ( f • f )( x ) = f ( x ) .
𝟐−𝟑𝒙 𝟑 𝟑𝒙−𝟐 𝟑
ပုဵစဵတူ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
54. Functin f : R  R and g : R  R are defined by f( x ) = 2x + 1 and g( x ) = 3x.
( a)Calculate ( g.f )( 1 ) and ( g.f )( 3 ) ( ii )Find the formula of g.f and check a.The function f is defined by f (x )= 1 – x. Solve ( f • f )( x ) = 2f ( x ) .
the above images
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b.A function f is defined by f ( x ) = 1 + 2x . Find the value of x such that ( f •
55. The mapping f and g : R  R are defined by f ( x ) = x + 2 and g ( x ) = x2. f )( x ) = 4 f ( x )
( a )Find ( g.f )( –1) ,( g.f )( 2 ) and ( g.f )( x ) ( b )( f.g )( –1) ,( f.g ) ( 2 ) and
( f.g )( x ) 𝟏
c. A function f is defined by f : x ↦ 2 – . Solve the equation ( f • f )( x ) = f ( x ) .
mapping  Functin ေဖား်ပနညး့တစးမ္ဳိ့ 𝒙
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56.Function g and h are defined by f( x ) = px – 2 where a is a constant, and
g( x ) = 4x + 3. Find ( a ) an expression for ( f.g )( x ) ( b ) the value of p for
which which ( f • g )( x ) = ( g • f )( x ).
Old Question ( 3 marks )
Formula ရြာခိုငး့သညးံပုစာၦမ္ာ့
57.Function g and h are defined by g( x ) = ax + 10 where a is a constant, and
h( x ) = 3x + 5. Find the value of a for which ( h •g )( x ) = ( g • h )( x ).
a.Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 2x + p where p is a constant, and
g( x ) = 4x + 6. Find the value of p for which ( f • g )( x ) = ( g • f )( x ).
58.A function f is defined by f : x ↦ , x ≠ – 4 .Express ( f • f )( x ) in the form
of , stating the value of a,b and c.

KoAungLwinOo ( T.F.S – Education Website ) Page 3

Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
83. f : R  R , g : R R and h : R  R are functions defined by f ( x ) = x + 2 ,
70. Let f: x ↦ a + bx , f ( 2b ) = b , ( f • f )( b ) = ab. If f is not a constant function,
g ( x ) = x – 1 and h( x ) = 4x – 1 . Find the formulae of f • g and f • ( h • g ).
find the formula for f. Ans ; f ( x ) = x – 1 ( 26 / 2012 စစးကိုငး့၊ခ္ငး့ )
( or ) ပုဵစဵတူ
Let f: x ↦ a + bx , a,b Є R ,is a function from R into Rsuch that f( 2b ) = b ,
a. f : R R , g : R R and h : R R are functions defined by f ( x ) = x + 2 ,
( f•f )( b ) = ab. If f is not a constant function, find the formula for f.
( 129 / 07 မႏၱေလ့ ) g ( x ) = x – 1 and h( x ) = 3x – 2 . Find the formulae of h • g and (( f • g ) • h ).
ပုဵစဵတူ 𝒌𝒙+𝟓
84. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = for all x ≠ 1 , where k is a constant.
a.Let f: x ↦ a + bx , f ( 4b ) = 2b , ( f • f )( 2b ) = ab. If f is not a constant function, 𝒙−𝟏
If f–1 ( 7 ) = 4, find the value of k. If g ( x ) = 2x + 3, find the formula of
find the formula for f. Ans ; f ( x ) = x – 2 ( f –1 • ( g • f ) ) in simplified form.
b.Let f: x ↦ ax – b , f ( 2a ) = a , ( f • f )( a ) = – ab. If f is not a constant function, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
find the formula for f. Ans ; f ( x ) = x – 1 85.If the function f is given that f ( 2x + 1 ) = 2x – 2 , find f ( 7 ).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 2
71. Functions f and g : R R are defined by f( x ) = x – 7 and g( x ) = x + 5. Find 86. A function f is defined by f( 2x+1 ) = x – 3. Find a∈R such that f( 5 ) = a – 8 .
the formulae for the functions f • g and g • f .Find also the images of – 1 , 1
under f • g. ပုဵစဵတူ
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. A function f:R  R is defined by f ( 3x + 1 ) = x + 1. Find a ∈ R such that
𝟑𝒙+𝟐 𝟏 2
72.The functions f and g are defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 0 and g ( x ) = , f ( 10 ) = a – 6.
𝒙 𝒙
x ≠ 0. Show that ( f • f )( x ) = 2( g • f )( x ) + 3 .
b. A function f is defined by f ( x + 1 ) = 4x + 5 . Find a ∈ R such that
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f ( 14 ) = a + 14 .
𝟐𝒙−𝟑 𝟏
73. The functions f , g are defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 0 and g ( x ) = , x ≠ 0.
𝒙 𝒙 c. A function f is defined by f ( 2x + 1 ) = 4x + 5 . Find a ∈ R such that
Find ( f • f )( x ) and 2 – 3 ( g • f )( x ). Is ( f • f )( x ) = 2 – 3 ( g • f )( x ).
f ( 6 ) = a + 14 .
74. A functions h is defined by h : x ↦ x + 1. Another function g is such that *** d. A function f is defined by f ( 3x – 2 ) = 5 + 6x . Find the value of k if
2 2 2
( g • h ): x ↦ x + 2x + 5 . Express ( g • h )( x ) in the form a( x + 1 ) + b and f ( 10 ) = k + 13 , where k is a natural number.
state the value of a and b. Hence write down the expression for g ( x ).
*** e. A function f is defined by f ( x + 1 ) = x – x . Find the value of p if
ပုဵစဵတူ f ( p ) = 0 , where p is a prime number.
a.A functions h is defined by h : x ↦ x – 4. Another function g is such that ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 –1
( g • h ): x ↦ x – 8x + 8 . Express ( g • h )( x ) in the form a( x – 4 ) + b and state 87. A function f is defined by f ( 3x – 2 ) = 5 + 6x .Find the value of f ( 29 ) .
the value of a and b. Hence write down the expression for g( x ).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ပုဵစဵတူ
75. Let f ( x ) = x – 2 , g ( x ) = x and h ( x ) = x + 8 . If ( h.g )( a ) = ( g.f )( a ) then a. A function f: R  R is defined by f ( x + 2 ) = 2x + 5 . Find f –1 ( 3 ) .
find the value of “a”. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝟏 𝒙
function တစးခုႏြငးံ Composite function တစးခုေပ့ထာ့ၿပီ့ အ်ခာ့ function
76. Two functions are defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ –1 , g ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 .Find Find the function g : R  R for the given functions.
𝒙+𝟏 𝒙−𝟐
the value of x for which ( f • g )( x ) + ( g • f )( x ) = 0. (a)f(x)=x+1 ( i ) ( f.g )( x ) = 2x + 7 ( ii ) ( g.f )( x ) = 4x – 7
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( b ) f ( x ) = 3x – 5 ( i ) ( f.g )( x ) = x – 3 ( ii ) ( g.f )( x ) = 3x – 5
2 2
77. If f and and g are defined by f( x ) = 4x – 1 and g ( x ) = 2x2 + 3. Then solve ( c ) f ( x ) = x + 1 ( i ) ( f.g )( x ) = x + 5x + 5 ( ii ) ( g.f )( x ) = x + 5x + 5
the equation ( f • g ) ( x ) = f ( x ) + 24. 2 2 2
(d)f(x)=x +1 ( i ) ( f.g )( x ) = x + 4x + 5 ( ii ) ( g.f )( x ) = x + 5
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (e)f(x)=x +3
2 2
( i ) ( f.g )( x ) = 4x + 3
( ii ) ( g.f )( x ) = 2x + 3
78.Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 2x – 1 , g ( x ) = x + 1. Find the value
of x for which [ f ( x )] = ( f • g )( x ). ပိုမိုခကးခဲေသာ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. If f ( x ) = 2x + 1 and f ( g ( x ) + 1 ) = 3x – 2 , find g ( x ).
79. Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 1 , g ( x ) = ax + b , where a
𝒙−𝟏 b. If f ( x ) = 2x + 1 and f ( 2g ( x ) – x ) = 3x – 2 , find g ( x ).
and b are constants. Given that g ( 3 ) = 8 and ( g.f )( 2 ) = 5 , calculate the
value of a and b. c. If f ( x ) = 2x + 1 and f ( h( x ) – 4x ) = h( x ) – 2 , find h ( x ).
80. f : R  R and g : R  R are defined by f ( x ) = ax + b and g ( x ) = x + 3 d. If f ( x ) = 3x + 1 and f ( h( 3x – 1 ) – 2x ) = 9x – 5 , find h ( x ).
where a and b are constants. If ( f • g )( 1 ) = ( g • f )( 3 ) = 16 , find the value of
a and b. e. If f ( x ) = 3x – 1 and g ( x ) = 2x + 1 , then find f ( 3g( x + 1 ) + f( x ) + 5x ).
Old Question ( 3 marks )
a. Function f and g are defined by f( x ) = ax + b , where a and b are constants , 2 2
89.If f and g • f are defined by f ( x ) = x + 3 and ( g • f )( x ) = 2x + 3
and g ( x ) = x + 7 .
–1 –1
Find the value of a and b if ( f • g )( 1 ) = 7 and ( g • f )( 9 ) = 22. respectively, find g ( 3 ). Ans; g ( 3 ) = 3 ( 9/ 2014 ကခ္ငး )
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( or )
b. Function f : R  R and g : R  R are defined f ( x ) = ax + b , where a and b 2
If the function f is defined by f ( x ) = x + 3 , find the function g such that
are constants , g ( x ) = x + 7 , ( g • f )( 1 ) = 5 and ( f • g )( 1 ) = 19. Find the 2
( g • f )( x ) = 2x + 3 .
value of a and b and hence find the formula of g • f .
Ans; g ( x ) = 2x – 3 . ( 1 / 2015 ်ပညးတျငး့ )( 98 / 2004 စစးကိုငး့၊ခ္ငး့ )
𝒂 2 ( or )
81. Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 3 , g ( x ) = 11 + bx , where 2
𝟑−𝒙 If f :R  R is defined by f ( x ) = x + 3 , find the function g such that
𝟒 𝟏 𝒙+𝟑
x Є R. Given that ( f • f )( 5 ) = and ( f • g )( 2 ) = – , evaluate a and b. 2 –1
𝟓 𝟐 ( g • f )( x ) = 2x + 3 . Find also g ( x ). Ans; g( x ) = . ( 64 / 08 ႏိုငးငဵ်ခာ့ )
ႏြစးခုထကးပိုေသာ ဖနးရြငးမ္ာ့အာ့ compsition လုပးယူ်ခငး့ ပုဵစဵတူ
Find the formula of (( f . g ) . h ) ,( f . ( g . h ) ) and (( g . h ) . f ) for the following a.let the function f :R R is defined by f ( x ) = x + 3. Find the function g such
functions. 2
that ( g•f )( x ) = 2x + 5.
(a)f(x)=x+1, g(x)=x– 1, h(x)=x
( b ) f ( x ) = 2x + 1 , g(x)=2 , h(x)=3 b.If f and g are functions such that g ( x ) = 2x + 1 and ( g•f )( x ) = 2x + 4x – 3 ,
2 find the formula of f • g in simplified form.
( c ) f ( x ) = 3 – 2x , g ( x ) = √𝒙 − 𝟏 , h(x)=x –2
𝒙−𝟐 𝟐𝒙+𝟏
(d)f(x)= , g(x)= , h ( x ) = 2x – 4 c.let f :R  R is defined by f ( x ) = 4x + 1. Find the formula of g:R  R such that
𝟐𝒙+𝟑 𝟐𝒙+𝟑
𝒙−𝟐 2 ( f • g ) ( x ) = 21 – 12x.
(e)f(x)= , g ( x ) = 5x , h ( x ) = √𝟐 − 𝒙
𝟐𝒙+𝟑 2
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d. If f and g are functions such that f ( x ) = 2x – 1 and ( g • f )( x ) = 4x – 2x – 3 ,
82. f : R  R , g : R  R and h : R  R are functions defined by f ( x ) = x – 2 , g find the formula of g in simplified form.
3 3
( x ) = x and h ( x ) = 4x. Show that (( h.g ) . f )( x ) = 4( x – 2 ) and (( f.g ) . 2
e. let f :R  R is defined by f( x ) = x + 1 , find the function g such that
3 2
h )( x ) = 64x – 2 . Calculate (( h . g ).f )( 1 ) and (( f . g ) . h )( 1 ). ( f . g )( x ) = x + 4x + 5.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

KoAungLwinOo ( T.F.S – Education Website ) Page 4

Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
90. let f :R  R is defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 3 , find the formula of g such that ပုဵစဵတူ
( g • f ) –1 ( x ) = x + 3. 𝒙
a.A function f is defined by f ( x ) = + a . If f –1( 5 ) = 6 , find the value of a .
ပုဵစဵတူ 𝟒𝒙+𝟓 𝟏
a. let f :R  R is defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 1 , find the formula of g such that b.Let f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = , x≠ , f –1( 3 ) = 1 . Find a .
𝒂𝒙−𝟏 𝒂
( g • f ) –1 ( x ) = 3x – 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. let f :R  R is defined by f ( x ) = 5x + 2 , find the formula of g such that 94.Let f : R  R be given by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 , f( 8 ) = 3 . Find the value of a
( g • f ) –1 ( x ) = x + 1 and f –1( 7 ) .
Composition & Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ 𝒙+𝒂
a. Given that f ( x ) = , x ≠ 3 and f( 8 ) = 3 , find the value of a and f –1( 11 ).
Composite function ပုစာၦမ်ားအား Inverse သေဘာတရားမ်ားႏွင့္ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ေရာယွက္ေမးျမန္းလာပါက ေမးႏိုင္ သည့္ပုံစံ ေလးမ်ဳိး ရွိပါသည္။ ယင္းတိုမွာ
𝟑𝒙+𝟐 𝟏
95.Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = x ≠ 3 and g ( x ) = .
𝒙 𝒙
1. တစ္ခုလုံး inverse  ( f.g ) –1 Find ( g –1 • f )( x ).
2. တစ္ခုခ်င္း inverse  ( f–1 . g–1 )
3. ေရွ႕ inverse  ( f–1 . g ) 1.Function f :R  R and g :R  R are defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 1 and
( f . g–1 )
4. ေနာက္ inverse  g ( x ) = 4x – 2x + 3. Find ( f –1 • g )( x ).
ယင္းပုံစံ ၄ မ်ဳိးအနက္ တစ္ခုလုံး inverse ၊ တစ္ခုခ်င္း inverse ၊ ေရွ႕ inverse တို႔မွာ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ပုစာၦအေနအထားအရ Inverse ေရွာင္ျပီးတြက္လိုသည့္အခါ တြက္လိုရပါသည္။
96. Function f :R  R and g :R  R are defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 1 and g ( x ) =3x.
Find a Є R such that ( g–1 • f )( a ) = 3.
ေနာက္ inverse ပုံစံမွာမူ Inverse ေရွာင္ျပီးတြက္လိုမရပဲ မျဖစ္မေန Inverse ရွာေပးရမည့္
ပုံစံျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ပုဵစဵတူ
a. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = 3x + 5 and g ( x ) = 3( x – 5 ). Find the value
of a such that ( g • f ) –1( a ) = 10.
တစးခုလုဵ့ Inverse ၊ တစးခုခ္ငး့ Inverse ၊ ေရြ႕ Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
A. Function f : R  R and g : R  R are defined by f ( x ) = 2 and g ( x ) = x + 2. b.Function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ 2x + 1 , g : x ↦ 3x . Find the value of x
( a ) Find formula for the inverse function f –1 and g –1. ( b ) Find formula for 𝟏
such that ( f • g ) –1 ( x ) = .
( i ) ( f.g )–1 ( ii ) ( f –1.g –1 ) , ( iii ) ( f –1.g ) in each case. Find also ( f.g )–1 ( 3 ) 𝟔
𝟏 𝒙
1. f ( x ) = 2x – 3 , g(x)= ,x≠–2 c. Function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ , x ≠ 3 , g : x ↦ 3x + 5. Find the
𝒙+𝟐 𝒙−𝟑
𝟏 𝟐 𝟏 𝟏 value of x for which ( f • g ) ( x ) = 0.
2. f ( x ) = ,x≠– , g(x)= ,x≠– ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝟓𝒙+𝟐 𝟓 𝟐𝒙+𝟏 𝟐
𝒙−𝟏 𝟐𝒙+𝟑 97. Function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ 2x – 6 , x ≠ 3 , g : x ↦ ( x + 6 ). Find
3. f ( x ) = ,x≠–1 , g(x)= ,x≠5 𝟐
𝒙+𝟏 𝒙−𝟓 the formula of ( g • f ) –1 ( x ).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
်ဖညးံစျကးပုစာၦမ္ာ့ 𝟏
98. Let f :R  R be given by f ( x ) = 2x – 6 and a function g by g ( x ) = (x+
B. Find a ∈ R , such that ( i )( f.g )–1 ( a ) = 3 , ( ii )( f –1.g –1 )( a )= 3 , 𝟐
6 ). Show that ( g • f ) ( x ) = x.
( iii )( f –1.g )( a ) = 3 for each pair of function.
( a ) f ( x ) = 2x – 3 , g ( x ) = 3x + 5 ပုဵစဵတူ
𝟏 𝟏 –1
( b ) f ( x ) = 2x – 3 , g(x)= ,x≠–2 a. f : x ↦ 3x + 5 and g :x ↦ ( x – 5 ) , given. Show that ( g • f ) ( x ) = x .
𝒙+𝟐 𝟑
𝟏 𝟐 𝟏 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c) f(x)= ,x≠– , g(x)= ,x≠– 99.The function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = – x – 2 , g ( x ) = mx + 3. Find the
𝟓𝒙+𝟐 𝟓 𝟐𝒙+𝟏 𝟐
value of m for which ( f•f )( x ) = ( g•f )( x ). Hence find g –1( 5 ).
တစးခုလုဵ့ Inverse ၊ တစးခုခ္ငး့ Inverse ၊ ေရြ႕ Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ ပုဵစဵတူ
C. Find the function g : R  R for the functions 𝟏 𝟏
a.The function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = ,x≠– , g ( x ) = x + 1 . Find
( a ) f ( x ) = x + 1 and 𝟐𝒙+𝟏 𝟐
( i )( f.g )–1 ( x ) = 2x + 7 ( ii )( f –1.g –1 )( x ) = 4x – 7 ( iii )( f –1.g )( x ) = 3x + 5 the value of x for which f • f = g • f . Find also f ( 3 ).
( b ) f ( x ) = 3x – 5 and 100.Let f ( x ) = 1 + 3x , x ≠ 0 . Find the value of k if ( f • f )( k ) + 2f(–2k ) = 0.
( i ) ( f.g )–1( x ) = x – 3 ( ii ) ( f –1.g –1 )( x ) = 3x – 5 ( iii ) ( f –1.g )( x ) = 5 – 3x Then find f –1 ( k ).
( c ) f ( x ) = 2x – 5 and ပုဵစဵတူ
𝒙+𝟓 𝟐𝒙+𝟏 2
( i ) ( f.g ) –1 ( x ) = ( ii ) ( f –1.g –1 )( x ) = ( iii ) ( f –1.g )( x ) = x – 5 a. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = x – 4 .Given that ( f • f ) ( k ) + 2f (–2k ) = 2 .
𝟐 𝟐
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calculate k.
Old Question ( 3 marks ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91. A function f is defined, for x ∈ R , by f ( x ) = 2x – 3 . Find the value of x for 101. Let f( x ) = +1 ,x ≠ 0 ,where a is a constant.
which f ( x ) = f –1 ( x ).
Find the value of a if 6( f•f )( –1 ) + f –1( 2 ) = 0.
a. A function f is defined, for x ∈ R ,by f : x ↦ 5x – 4 .Find the value of x for 𝒑
which f( x ) = f –1( x ). a. Let f ( x ) = + 2 , x ≠ 0 , where a is a constant. Given that
𝟑−𝒙 4( f • f )( 2 ) + 3f –1( 3 ) = 0. Calculate the value of p.
b.A function f is defined by f : x ↦ , x ≠ 0.Find the value of x for which
𝟐𝒙 𝒂
f( x ) = f ( x ). b. A function f is defined by , for x ≠ 0 by f : x ↦ 2 – , where a is a constant.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝟏 –1
𝟒𝒙−𝟗 Given that ( f • f )( 2 ) + f (– 1 ) = – 1.Calculate the possible value of a.
92. A function f is given by f : x ↦ , x ≠ 2.Find the value of x for which 𝟐
𝒙−𝟐 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4f –1( x ) = x . မသိကိနး့ႏြစးလုဵ့ရြာပုစာၦမ္ာ့
ပုဵစဵတူ 102. Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 , g ( x ) = ax + b . Given
𝟔 that g –1 ( x ) = 3 and ( g.f ) ( 5 ) = – 7 , calculate the value of a and b.
a.A function f is given by f : x ↦ 5 – , x ≠ 0 .Find the value of x for which
4f –1( x ) = x . ပုဵစဵတူ
Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 , g ( x ) = px + q . Given that
𝟐𝒙+𝟑 𝟐−𝒙
b. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ –1 , Find the value of x for which
𝒙+𝟏 g –1 ( 7 ) = 3 and ( g.f ) ( 5 ) = – 7 , calculate the value of p and q.
2f –1 ( x ) = x. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝟏𝟐
𝒙 103. Function f and g are defined by f( x ) = ax + b , g ( x ) = , x ≠ –1. Given
93.A function f is defined by f : x ↦ + a. If f –1( 3 ) = 2 , find the value of a . 𝒙+𝟏
𝒂 –1
that f ( 2 ) = g ( 2 ) and ( f • g )( –3 ) = – 3 , calculate the value of a and b.

KoAungLwinOo ( T.F.S – Education Website ) Page 5

Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
တစးကျငး့လုဵ့ Inverse & ႏြစးခုလုဵ့ Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
104. Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 3x + a , g ( x ) = –3x + b. Given that
113. Let f:RR be defined by f( x ) = 2x and g:RR be defined by g( x ) = x – 1.
( f.f )( 4 ) = 4 and g ( 3 ) = g –1 ( 3 ) , calculate the value of a and b.
Show that ( g • f )–1 = f–1• g–1 .
𝟐𝒙 𝟐 ပုဵစဵတူ
105. Function f and g are defined f ( x ) = 3x + 2 , g ( x ) = ,x≠ .
𝟑𝒙−𝟐 𝟑 a.The function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 5 and g ( x ) = 4x – 5.
Evaluate ( g • f )( 3 ) and ( g –1• f –1 )( 1 ). Verified that ( g–1• f–1 )( x ) = ( f • g )–1( x ).
Composite & Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ b. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 1.
Determine whether ( f • f )–1( x ) is the same as ( f–1• f–1 )( x ).
106. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 4 . Find the non zero value of x ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114. The function f : R  R is defined by f ( x ) = px + 2, if f–1 ( 11 ) = 3, find the
for which ( f • f )( x ) = f –1 ( x ).
value of p and hence show that ( f • f )–1( x ) = ( f–1• f–1 )( x ).
ပုဵစဵတူ ပုဵစဵတူ
a.The function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 3 , g ( x ) = , x ≠ 0 .Find the a. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = ax + 1. If f –1 ( 3 ) = 1 , find the value of a and
𝒙 hence show that ( f • f )–1( x ) = ( f–1• f–1 )( x ).
value of x for which ( f • g )( x ) = g –1( x ).
𝟑𝒙 ေနာကး Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
b.A function f is defined by f ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 . If f • f = f , Find the value of x. Old Question ( 3 marks )
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝟏
115. Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 5 and g ( x ) = ( x – 4 ). Find
( i ) တစးခုလုဵ့ Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ 𝟑
𝒙 the formula of g –1 and g–1 • f .
107. Function f and g are defined by f : x ↦ , x ≠ 3 , g : x ↦ 3x + 5. Find the
𝒙−𝟑 ပုဵစဵတူ
–1 𝟓
value of x for which ( f • g ) (x)= . 𝟑𝒙−𝟐 𝟑
𝟑 a. Function f is defined by f ( x ) = ,x ≠ . Find the formula for the
𝟑−𝟐𝒙 𝟐
inverse function of f and calculate ( f • f –1 )( 2 ).
𝒙 𝟏𝟎
a.Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = ,x≠ , g ( x ) = 5x – 2. Find ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝟑𝒙+𝟏𝟎 𝟑 Old Question ( 5 marks )
the value of x for which ( f • g ) –1 ( x ) = 0. 116. The function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 2x – 3 and g ( x ) = 3x + 2. Find
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the inverse functions f–1 and g–1. Show that ( f • g )–1( x ) = ( g–1• f –1 )( x ).
108. Let f ( x ) = 2x – 1 , g ( x ) = , x ≠ 1. Find the formula for ( g • f ) –1 and
𝒙−𝟏 ပုဵစဵတူ
state the domain of ( g • f ) .
a. The function f is defined by f ( x ) = 4x – 3 .Find ( f • f )( x ) and f –1 ( x ) in
ပုဵစဵတူ simplified form. Show also that ( f • f )–1( x ) = ( f –1• f –1 )( x ).
a. Let f and g be two functions defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 1 , f ( g ( x ) ) = 3x – 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find the formula for ( f • g ) –1 and hence find ( f • g ) –1( 8 ). 𝟐𝒙 –1
117.Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = and g ( x ) = 2x – 3. Find f
b.If f and g are functions such that f ( x ) = x + 1 , f ( g ( x ) ) = 3x – 1. Find the –1 –1
and g .Hence or otherwise find the formula for ( f • g) ( x ).
formula for ( g • f ) –1 and hence find ( g • f ) –1 ( 4 ). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝒙−𝟏 𝟑𝒙+𝟐
Ans ; ( g • f ) –1 ( x ) = , ( g • f ) –1 ( 4 ) = 1 118.The function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 1 and g ( x ) = . Find
𝟑 𝒙−𝟏
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the inverse functions f –1 and g –1.Evaluate ( g • f –1 )( 5 ) and ( f • g –1 )( 2 ).
( ii ) ေရြ႕ Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
𝒙+𝟏 𝒂𝒙+𝟑
109. Let f : R  R , g : R  R be defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 1 and g ( x ) = x + 7 . 119. Function f and g are defined by g ( x ) = ,x≠2,h(x)= ,
Find the value of x for which ( f –1 • g ) ( x ) = ( g –1 • f ) ( x ) + 8. 𝒙−𝟐 𝒙
x ≠ 0 .Find the value of a for which ( h.g–1 )( 4 ) = g–1 ( 2 ).
a. Let f : R  R , g : R  R be defined by f ( x ) = 3x + 1 and g ( x ) = x + 7 .
𝒙+𝟏 𝒂𝒙+𝟑
Find the value of x for which ( f –1 • g ) ( x ) = ( g –1 • f ) ( x ) + 8. a.The function f and g are defined by g ( x ) = ,x≠2,h(x)= ,
𝒙−𝟐 𝒙
b. Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 3x + 1 and g ( x ) = x + 7 . Find the x ≠ 0 .Find the value of a for which ( h.g–1 )( 4 ) = 6
value of x Є R forwhich ( f –1 • g )( x ) = ( g–1 • f )( x ).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝟐𝒙+𝟓
b. Function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 2x + 1 , g ( x ) = , x ≠ 3 .Find the
110. Let f : R  R and g : R  R be defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 1 and g ( x ) = x + 7. 𝟑−𝒙
2 value of x for which ( f • g )( x ) = x – 4.
Find the value of a for which ( g –1• f ) ( 3a ) = – 6a.
ပုဵစဵတူ 120.Let f ( x ) = 3x + 2 and g ( x ) = , x ≠ 2 . Find the fomula of f • g and
𝟏 g –1. Solve the equation g –1( x ) = x.
a .Let f : R  R and g : R  R be defined by f : x ↦ 2x – 1 , g : x ↦ , x ≠ 3.
𝒙−𝟑 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find the value of a for which ( g –1• f ) ( a ) = 4a. 121.The function f and g are defined for real x as follows: f ( x ) = 2x – 1 ,
𝟏 g(x)= , x ≠ 1. Find the formula for g • f and f • g –1 in simplified forms.
b. Functions f and g are defined by f : x ↦ 2x – 1 , g : x ↦ , x ≠ 3. Find the 𝒙−𝟏
State also a suitable domain of f • g –1.
value of x for which ( g –1• f ) ( x ) = 4x.
c. Let f : R  R and g : R  R be defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 1, g ( x ) = x + 7. 𝟑
123. Function f and g are defined on the set of real numbers by f( x ) = ,
Find ( f –1• g ) ( x ) and what is the value of a Є R for which ( f –1• g ) ( a ) = 3. 𝒙−𝒌
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x ≠ k and g( x ) = 4x+5. State the value of k.Find the formula for ( g•f ) and f –1.
111. Let f : R  R and g : R  R be defined by f ( x ) = x + 7 , g ( x ) = 3x – 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find ( f –1• g ) ( x ) and ( g –1• f ) ( x ) . What are the values of ( f –1• g ) ( 3 ) and 124. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = for all x ≠ 1 .If f ( 3 ) = 6, find the
( g –1• f ) ( 2 ) ? –1
value of a and the formula of f in simplified form.
ပုဵစဵတူ Verify also that ( f –1• f )( x ) = x.
a. Let f : R  R and g : R  R be defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 1, g ( x ) = x + 7. Find ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( f –1• g ) ( x ) and ( g –1• f ) ( x ) . What are the values of ( f –1• g ) ( 3 ) and 125. A function f is defined by f ( x ) = for all values of x except
( g –1• f ) ( 2 ) ? 𝟑−𝟐𝒙
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x= .Find the values of x which map onto themselves under function f. Find
( iii ) ႏြစးခုလုဵ့ Inverse ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ also an expression for f –1and the value of ( f.f )( 2 )
𝟐𝒙+𝟑 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112. Functions f , g are defined for real x by f( x ) = 2x–1 , g( x ) = , x ≠ 1. 𝟐−𝟒𝒙
–1 –1 126. Function f : R  R and g : R  R are defined by f ( x ) = , x≠–1 ,
Evaluate ( f • g )( 2 ) . 𝒙+𝟏
g ( x ) = 2x – 1. If ( g • f )( x ) = 3 , find the value of x.
ပုဵစဵတူ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
𝟒𝒙+𝟏 Identity function Problems
a. The function f and g are defined by f ( x ) = 3x – 4 and g ( x ) = , x ≠ 2. 127. Let I be the identity function on R and let f : R  R be defined by
Evaluate ( g • f )( –1 ) and ( f–1• g–1 )( – 5 ). 2
f ( x ) = x + x + 3. Show that f • I = I • f = f .

KoAungLwinOo ( T.F.S – Education Website ) Page 6

Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
ပုဵစဵတူ ေပ့ထာ့ေသာ Binary Operation သညး Associative/Commutative ်ဖစး/မ်ဖစး
a. Let I be the identity function on R and let f : RR be defined by f ( x ) = x + 4. ်ပခိုငး့ေသာ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
Show that f • I = I • f = f . Associative / Commutative ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့
𝟐𝒙 အခ္ကး်ပစကာ့လုဵ့မ္ာ့
128. If f : x ↦ , x ≠ 1 , find an expression for f –1 . Hence verify that
–1 –1
f• f =f • f = I.
Prove that
ပုဵစဵတူ Show that the binary operation is Associative / Commutative.
𝟐𝒙 Verified
a . For the function f ( x )= , x ≠ 1 , find f –1 and verify that f –1• f and that
f • f –1both equal I. ဤကဲံသို႔ေမ့လာပါက ေပ့ထာ့ေသာ Binary Operation သညး Associative / Commutative
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ်ဖစးေန၍ ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့်ပခိုငး့်ခငး့်ဖစးသညး။
“n” hours clock arithmetic function problems
129. Let the function f : Z  Z , where Z is the set of integer , be given by Associative / Commutative ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့်ပခိုငး့ပါက မသိကိနး့တစးခုခု ( a,b,c,x,y…… )
f ( x ) = the remainder when x2 is divided by 3. ်ဖငးံ်ပ
( a ) Find ( i ) f ( 1 ) ( ii ) f ( 2 ) ( b ) If f ( 7 ) = k – 6 , find f ( k2 – 6k )
Associative / Commutative မ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့
ဤကဲံသို႔ေမ့လာပါက ေပ့ထာ့ေသာ Binary Operation သညး Associative /
a. Let the function f : Z  Z , where Z is the set of integer , be given by
f ( x ) = the remainder when 2x2 + 1 is divided by 5. Commutative မ်ဖစး၍ မ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့်ပခိုငး့်ခငး့်ဖစးသညး။
( a ) Find f ( 4 ) and f ( 7 ) ( b ) If f ( 7 ) = k – 6 , find f ( 2k2 – 12k ) Associative / Commutative ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့်ပခိုငး့ပါက သိကိနး့တစးခုခု ( 1,2,3,4……...) ်ဖငးံ်ပ
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ေပ့ထာ့ေသာေဖား်မဴလာမရႈပးရငးေတာံ မ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့်ပခိုငး့လ္ြငးလညး့ မသိကိနး့်ဖငးံသာ်ပေစခ္ငးပါသညး။
Binary operation ဆနးဆနးေမ့ထာ့သညးံပုစာၦမ္ာ့
2 Commutative ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္းျပခိုင္းပါက
130. Let f : N x N  N be ( x , y ) ↦ f ( x , y ) = xy , g : N  N x N be
မသိကိန္းႏွစ္လုံးျဖင့္ ( ဥပမာ - a☉b = b☉a ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ) ျပ
g ( x ) = ( 2x , x + 2 ) , where N is the set of natural numbers .
Find the formula for g • f : N x N  N x N , f • g : N N and hence find the Associative ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္းျပခိုင္းပါက
image of ( 2,1 ) under g• f . မသိကိန္းသုံးလုံးျဖင့္ ( a☉( b☉c ) = ( a☉b )☉c ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ) ျပ

ပုဵစဵတူ Binary Operation Problem
a. Let f : N x N  N be ( x , y ) ↦ f ( x , y ) = 2x +3y , Binary Operation ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့ သကးေသ်ပခိုငး့သညးံ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
g : N  N x N be g ( x ) = ( x – 2 , x + 2 ) , where N is the set of natural
1. Let the mapping ☉ be defined by ( x , y ) ↦ x ☉ y = x + y ,
numbers . Find the formula for g • f : N x N  N x N and hence find the image
where x , y ∈ A = { 0 , 1 }. Is this function a binary operation?
of ( 5,4 ) under g• f .

2 2
b. Let f : N x NN be ( x , y )↦ f( x , y )= 3y , g : NN x N be g( x )=( 3x , x + 2 ) ,
a.Let the mapping ☉ be defined by ( x , y ) ↦ x ☉ y = x + y – xy ,
where N is the set of natural numbers .
Find the formula for g • f : N x N  N x N and find ( g• f )( 75,1 ). where x , y ∈ A = { 0 , 1 }. Is this function a binary operation?
2 b. Let the mapping ☉ be defined by ( x , y ) ↦ x ☉ y = x + y – xy ,
c. f:N x NN be ( x , y ) ↦ f( x , y ) = 2x + 1, g:NN x N be g( x ) = ( x+3 , 2x ) ,
where N is the set of natural numbers . where x , y ∈ A = { 0 , 1 }. Is this function a binary operation?
Find the formula for g • f : N x N  N x N and find ( g• f ) ( 3,221 ).
c. Let the mapping ☉ be defined by ( x , y ) ↦ x ☉ y = xy ,
d. Let f : N x N  N be ( x , y ) ↦ f ( x , y ) = x + y + xy where x , y ∈ A = { 0 , 1 }. Is this function a binary operation?
g : N  N x N be g ( x ) = ( x , x + 10 ) , where N is the set of natural ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
numbers . Find the formula for g • f : N x N  N x N and hence find the image R = the set of real numbers , N = the set of natural numbers
of ( 2,3 ) under g• f . +
J = the set of integers , J = the set of positive integers
e. Let f : N  N x N be f ( x ) = ( x , 2x + 1 ) and g : N x N  N be g ( x , y ) = x + 2y.
( N = the set of natural numbers )Find the formula for g • f : N  N and hence 2. Let J+ be the set of all positive integers. Is the function ☉ defined by
find ( g • f )( 3 ). x y = x + 3y a binary operation on J+

f. Let f : N  N x N be f ( x ) = ( 2x2 , x + 5 ) and g : N x N  N be 3. Show that the mapping ☉defined by x☉y = 2xy – x – y is a binary
g ( x , y ) = x + y + xy. Find the formula for g • f : N  N and f•g : N x N  N x N ,
operation on the set R of real numbers.
where N is the set of natural numbers.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ပုဵစဵတူ
+ +
131. Let g : Z x Z  N be defined by ( x , y ) ↦ g ( x , y ) = the remainder Show that the mapping ☉defined by x☉y = xy + x + y is a binary operation on
y +
when x is divided by 3 , where Z is the set of positives integers and N is the the set R of real numbers.
set of natural numbers. Find g ( g ( 2,3 ), 4 )). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Show that the mapping ☉defined by x☉y = xy + x2 + y2 is a binary
132. If f : R  R is given by f ( x ) = x2 + x , the image of any a ∈ R can be found. operation on the set R
If A is a subset of R , we call the set { f ( a ) / a ∈ A } the image of A under f and
we denote this set by f ( A ). Find f ( B ) if B = { – 2 , – 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 }. ပုဵစဵတူ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( a )Show that the mapping☉defined by a☉b = a2 – ab + b2 is a binary
Binary Operation
operation on the set R of real numbers.
Binary Operation ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့ ်ပခိုငး့သညးံပုစာၦမ္ာ့အတျကး တျကးနညး့အဆငးံမ္ာ့
Let J+ be the set of all positive integers. Is the function ☉ defined by x☉y = x 5. A function on the st of R of real numbers is defined by x ☉y = y ( 3x + 2y ) ,
x, y R . Prove that ☉is a binary operation
+ 3y a binary operation on J+ ?
Solution ပုဵစဵတူ
x☉y = x + 3y အဆင့္ ၁ ေပးထားေသာ formula ခ်ေရး
( a )Let J be the set of all positive integers. An operation ☉is given by
Domain of function ☉= J+x J+ အဆင့္ ၂ domain ခ်ေရး
x ☉ y = x ( 2x + y ) for all positive integers x and y. Prove that ☉is a binary
x , y Є J+ အဆင့္ ၃ ေပးထားေသာ element ႏွစ္ခု ေပးထားေသာအစုတြင္ပါေၾကာင္းျပ +
operation on J .
3y Є J+ အဆင့္ ၄ ေျမွာက္ေဖာ္ကိန္းပါတဲ့ element ကို ေျမွာက္ေဖာ္ကိန္း နဲ႔ ေျမွာက္ျပီးျပ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x + 3y Є J+ အဆင့္ ၅ formula ၾကီး ျပန္ေရးျပ
6. Let J be the set of positive integers. Show that the operation ☉defined by

x☉y Є J+ a☉b = ab + a + b , for a , b ∈ J is a binary operation on J.

အဆင့္ ၆ formula အစား ☉ပုံစံ အစားသြင္း
Range  J+ အဆင့္ ၇ Range သည္ Domain ၏ အစုပိုင္းျဖစ္ေၾကာင္းျပ Commutative , Associative ်ဖစး၊မ်ဖစးသကးေသ်ပခိုငး့ေသာ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
The closure property is satified. အဆင့္ ၈ ပိတ္ျခင္းဂုဏ္သတၱိေျပလည္ေၾကာင္းျပ 7. Are the following binary operations commutative or not ? Are they
associative ?
The function ☉is a binary operation on the set of J+.
( 1 ) x☉y = xy + x + y is a binary operation on the set R of real numbers.
( 2 ) x☉y = xy – x + y , on R.
( 3 ) a☉b = a2 – ab + b2 is a binary operation on the set R of real numbers.

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Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
( 4 ) a☉b = ab + a + b , for a , b ∈ J 18. An operation ☉is defined on R by x☉y = xy – x + y. Prove that ☉ is a
( 5 ) x☉y = y ( 3x + 2y ) , x, y R binary operation on R. Is ☉ commutative ? Why ? Find the value of a such
( 6 ) x☉y = the remainder when x y is divided by 5 that ( a☉b ) + ( 2☉a ) = 16.
ပုဵစဵတူ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19. Show that the mapping☉defined by x☉y = xy + x2 + y2 is a binary
( a ) a☉b = a2 – 2ab + b2 , for all real numbers a and b
operation on the set R and verify that it is commutative and but not
( b ) a☉b = a2– 2ab + 3b2 for all a,b R associative.
( c ) x☉y = x ( 2x + y ) for all positive integers x and y. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20. Let J be the set of positive integers. Show that the operation ☉defined by
( d ) a☉b = a( 2a + b ) where a,b J+
( e ) a☉b = 2a( a + b ) where a,b N a☉b = a + a + b , for a , b ∈ J is a binary operation on J.Find the values of 2 ☉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 and 4☉2 . Is this binary operation commutative ? Why ?
ေပ့ထာ့ေသာ Binary operation ေအာကးတျငး image ရြာခိုငး့ေသာ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. Find the values of 2☉4 and 4☉2 for a☉b = ab + a + b , for a,b ∈ J = the set 21.Let J+ be the set of all positive integers. An operation ☉is given by
of positive integers. Ans ; 2☉ 4 = 22 , 4☉2 = 22. x☉y = x ( 2x + y ) for all positive integers x and y. Prove that ☉is a binary
2 2 operation on J+ and calculate ( 2☉3 )☉4 and2☉( 3☉4 ). Is the binary
9. Evaluate 3☉( 2☉1 ) for a☉b = a –2ab+b , for all real numbers a and b.
operation commutative?
( b ) Find the value of a such that ( a ☉b ) + ( 2☉a ) = 16 for x☉y = xy – x + y , ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x, y R . 22. Let J+ be the set of all positive integers. Is the function ☉defined by
a☉b = a( 2a + b ) where a,b Є J ,a binary operation? Is ( 2 ☉3 )☉4 = 2☉
( c ) Solve the equation ( 3x ☉x) = 44 for x☉y = y ( 3x + 2y ) , x, y R.
( 3☉4 ) .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cayley’s Table ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ ☉ 0 1 2 3 4 ေပ့ထာ့ေသာ Binary Operation ၏ Image တနးဖို့ရြာခိုငး့ေသာပုစာၦမ္ာ့
10. A binary operation on the set of intrgers 0 1 Commutative , Associative သကးေသ်ပခ္ကးပါေနေသာ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
defined by x☉y = the remainder when x y is 1 1 y
2 4 23.A binary operation ☉on R is defined by x ☉y = the remainder when x is
divided by 5. Complete the following operation
3 2 divided by 5. Is the binary operation commutative ?
4 1 Find [( 2☉3 ) ☉4 ] + [ 2☉( 3 ☉4 ) ] . Is the binary operation associative ?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. Let A = { 0 ,1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } and a binary 24. A operation☉on R is defined by a☉b = a ( a + 2b ) , a, b R. Is☉
⊕ 0 1 2 3 4
operation ⊕ : A x A  A be defined by commutative ? Calculate ( 2☉3 )☉4.
0 0
( x , y ) ↦ x⊕y = r , where r is the remainder 2
1 Find the value of x such that x ☉2 = 2☉7.
when x + y is divided by 5. Complete the 4
2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
following Cayley’s table.
3 1
25. A operation ☉on R is defined by a☉b = a2 – ab + b2 , for all real numbers
4 3
a and b. Is ☉associative ? Why ? Find the value of P such that p ☉2 = 3 and
12. Let A = { 0 ,1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } and a binary operation hence evaluate p☉p.
⊗5 0 1 2 3 4
⊗5 : A x A  A be defined by ( x , y ) ↦ x ⊗5 y . 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Complete the following Cayley’s table. 1 1 26. A binary operation ☉on R is defined by a☉b = a2 – 2ab + b2 . Show that ☉
2 4 is commutative. If ( 3☉k ) – ( 2k☉1 ) = k – 28 , find the value of a.
3 4
အထကးပါပုစာၦအာ့ ေအာကးပါပုဵစဵ ေမ့ချနး့မ္ာ့ေ်ပာငး့်ပီ့လညး့ 4 1
ေမ့ႏိုငးပါသညး။ ပုဵစဵတူ
ပုဵစဵ ( a ) Let A = { 0 ,1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } and a binary operation ☉on the set of A be a.Given that x☉y = x2 + xy + y 2, x,y R, solve the equation
defined by x ☉ y = the remainder when xy is divided by 5 . Complete the ( 6☉k ) – ( k☉2 ) = 8 – 8k. Is☉commutative? Why ?
following Cayley’s table.
b.A binary operation☉on R is defined by x☉y = x2 + y2 , for all real numbers
x and y .Show that the binary operation is commutative and find the value of
ပုဵစဵ ( b ) Let A = { 0,1,2,3,4 } and a binary operation ☉on the set of A be
2☉( 3☉1 ). Solve the equation x☉2√𝟔 = 3☉4.
defined by 5 - hour clock arithmetic on multiplication . Complete the following
Cayley’s table. c.Let R be the set of real numbers and a binary operation ☉on R is defined by
x☉y = xy – x – y for all x,y in R. Show that the operation ☉is
ပုဵစဵ ( c ) Let A = { 0,1,2,3,4 } and a binary operation ☉on the set of A be defined
by arithmetic modulo 5 on multiplication. Complete the following Cayley’s commutative.Solve the equation( 2☉3 ) ☉x = ( x☉x )☉5.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d.Let R be the set of real numbers and a binary operation ☉on R is defined by
13. Let A = { 1,2,3 }, B = { 3,4,5 } and C = { 1,2,3,4,5 } ∪ ∅ A B C x☉y = xy – x – y for all x,y in R. Find the value of ( 2 ☉1 )☉3 and
If the operation of union( U ) can perform on the
∅ ∅ 2☉( 1☉3 ). Is the binary operation associative? Prove your answer.
given sets , complete the following table.
B C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C C 27.Let R be the set of real numbers and a binary operation ☉on R is defined
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by x☉y = x + xy – y for all x,y in R. Show that the operation☉is not
14. Let A = { 1,2,3 }, B = { 3,4,5 } and C = { 1,2,3,4,5 } ∩ ∅ A B C associative. Solve the equation ( 2☉3 )☉x = ( x☉x ) – 7 .
If the operation of union( ∩ ) can perform on the ∅ ∅ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
given sets , complete the following table. A 𝒙𝟐 +𝒚𝟐
B {3} 28. The binary operation * on R is defined by x* y = – xy , for all real
C numbers x and y , show that the operation is commutative , and find the
possible value of a such that a * 2 = a + 2.
Old Question ပုဵစဵတူ
( 3 marks ) 𝒙𝟐 +𝒚𝟐
2 2
15.Given that a☉b = a + 2b , solve the equation y☉√𝟏𝟓 = 4☉5. a.A binary operation ☉on R is defined by x☉y = + 2xy . Show that ☉
is commutative . Find the possible values of p such that p ☉3 = p+ 10 .
16.Given that a . b = a + ab. Solve the equation x . 4 = 3 . 4. 𝒙𝟐 +𝒚𝟐
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Let ☉be the binary operation on R is defined by x☉y = – xy , for all
( 5 marks )
x,y R. Prove that the ☉is commutative but not associative.
Binary Operation ်ဖစးေၾကာငး့ သကးေသ်ပခိုငး့သညးံ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
17.Let J be the set of all positive integers. Is the function ☉defined by 29. A binary operation ☉on R is defined by x ☉y = ( 4x + y )2 – 15x2 ,show
+ that it is commutative. Find the possible values of k such that
x☉y = x + 3y a binary operation on J ? If it is a binary operation, solve the
( k + 1 )☉( k – 2 ) = 109.
equation ( k☉5 ) – ( 3☉k ) = 2k +13.

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Grade 11. Chapter 1234 – Quick Revision
ပုဵစဵတူ Cayley’s Table ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
☉ 1 5 7 11
a.A binary operation ☉on R is defined by x☉y = ( x + 2y ) 2 – 3y2 ,show that it 45.An operation☉is defined on the set 1 1 5 7 11
is commutative. Find the possible values of k such that ( k – 3 )☉( k + 2 ) = 25. { 1,5,7,11 }, where a☉b is the remainder when 5 5 7
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the product of a and b is divided by 12. Copy and 7 7 1
30.A binary operation☉on R is defined by x☉y = x + y + 4xy. Show the binary complete the table below. 11 11 5
operation is commutative. Find the value of a such that ( a ☉3 )☉a = 263.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ေပ့ထာ့ေသာ Binary Operation အတျကး ညီမ္ြ်ခငး့တစးခုခုအာ့ ေ်ဖရြငး့ခိုငး့သညးံ ပုစာၦမ္ာ့ 46. Let A = { 0,1,2,3,4 } .The binary operation  on the set A is defined by x 
5 5
31. A binary operation ☉on R is defined by x☉y = ax2 + bx + cy for all real y = the remainder when x + 2y is divided by 5. Make a Cayley’s Table.
numbers x and y. If 1☉1 = 4 , 2☉1 = 5 , 1☉2 = – 3 , then find the values of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a , b and c.
47. An operation☉is defined by s☉t = s ( s + 2t ) on ☉ –1 0 1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the set { – 1,0,1 }. Copy and complete the table below. –1 1
Given that s☉t = 3, find the possible values of s and t. 0 0
32.The binary operations ☉1 and ☉2 on R are defined , x☉1 y = x2– y2 and
1 –1 3
x☉2 y =7x+4y . Find (2☉2 1)☉1 4. Find also if (–3☉1 2 )☉2 (1☉1 x) = 3 .
်ဖညးံစျကးေလံက္ငးံရနး ပုစာၦမ္ာ့
33. A binary operation ☉ on R is defined by x☉y = x2 – 2xy + 2y2.
Find ( 3☉2 ) ☉4.If ( 3☉k ) – ( k☉1 ) = k +1, find the value of k. a. A binary operation  : A x A  A on the set of A = { 0,1,2,3,4 } is defined as
5 - hour clock arithmetic operation. Construct a Cayley’s table.
a. An operation☉ is defined by a☉b = a2 + ab + b2, a,b Є R . b. A binary operation  : A x A  A on the set of A = { 1,2,3,4 } is defined as
Solve ( 6☉k ) – ( k☉2 ) = 8 – 8k. arithmetic modulo 3. Construct a Cayley’s table.

b.If a☉b = a2 – 3ab + 2b2, find (– 2☉1 )☉4. c. Construct a Cayley’s table for the binary operation  : A x A  A on the set
Find p if ( p☉3 ) – ( 5☉p ) = 3p – 17. of A = { 1,2,3,4 }
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34. Let R be the set of real numbers and a binary operation ☉on R be defined Function လကးက္နး ပုစာၦ
𝟒𝒙𝟐 +𝒚𝟐 Given that f : x  ax + b and f : x  27x + 26 . Find the value of a and b. ( b )
by x☉y = – 2xy , for all x,y ∈ R. Find the value of 3 ☉2 and 4 2 3 2
𝟐 an expression for f .( Hence - f = ( f.f ), f = ( f.f )
( 3☉2 )☉16. If a and b are realnumbers such that a ☉b = 8 , find the ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
relation between a and b.
1.Let R be the set of real numbers and a binary operation☉on R be defined
𝒂𝟐 +𝒃𝟐
by a☉b = – ab for all a,b Є R. Find the value of 3☉1 and ( 3☉1 )☉4.
Find the value of x such that x ☉2 = x + 2 .
35.Let R be the set of real numbers and a binary operation on R be defined by
a☉b = 2ab – a + 4b , for a , b R .Find the value of 3☉( 2☉4 ) and
( 3☉2 )☉4. If x☉y = 2 , x ≠ – 2 , find the numerical value of y ☉y.
36.Given that a☉b = a2 + + 4 and a , b ∈ R , find the value of ( 3☉9 )☉1.
Solve 3☉y = 22.
37. An operation ☉ on the set of real numbers is defined by a ☉b = ab + .
Solve the equation x☉ ( x + 2 ) = 26.
38.The operation ☉is defined on R by x☉y = x ( 3x + 2y ). Find 2☉3 .
If x☉3x = 36, find the possible values of x .
a. A binary operation ☉on R is be defined by x☉y = x2 + 3xy – 2y2 , for all
real values x and y. Find 4☉3 . Find possible values of x such that 2x☉x = 4.
40. A binary operation ☉ on R is defined by a☉b = a2 – 2b.
If 4☉( 2☉k ) = 20 , find ( k☉5 )☉k.
41. The operation ☉is defined by x☉y = x2 + 2y2. Find 3☉2. If y☉√𝟓 = 1☉3 ,
find the value of y.
a. A binary operation ☉on the set of real number is defined by
x☉y = x2 + 2y2. Solve a☉2√𝟐 = 3☉4.

b. Given that a☉b = a2+ b2.Solve the equation x☉2√𝟔 = 3☉4. Ans ; x = ± 1
43. Let ☉be the binary operation on R defined by a ☉b = a2 + b2 for all
a,b ∈ R . Show that ( a☉b )☉a = a☉( b☉a ).
Solve also the equation 4☉ ( x☉2 ) = 185.
a. A binary operation ☉on the set R of real numbers is defined by
x☉y = xy+x+y. Show that (x☉y)☉z = x☉( y☉z ) and calculate (2☉1) ☉3.
44. The operation on the set N of natural numbers is defined by x ☉y = x .
Find the value of a such that 2 ☉a = ( 2☉3 ) ☉4 . Find also b such that
2☉( 3☉b ) = 512.

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