Sop Saad 3

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Statement of purpose

• As a child I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and run my own business. My family always
encouraged me to persuade my passion and growing up I was always amazed by the kind of
products that were marketed to the consumers. Some were brilliant and some were irrelevant
for the market. Over the years I’ve learned the knowledge of sales performance and the needs
of a population to determine the success of a product or the service and with a strong
background of my father’s business, I learned more about it with the passage of time.

• Over the years I been also watching some of the best Australian TV series and to that I know
Australia is a country of vast culture and well developed economic State. I’ve also checked the
rules and regulation for an international student studying in Australia.

• I am confident enough that my abilities would ramp me up quickly so that I could being make an
impact very soon and I’m sure that this will help me a lot to conquer my dreams .
I reckon that a successful business man should pocess excellent leadership qualities, a fine
managing skills and magnificent marketing skills.

• After completing my research on different universities of Austrailia, I have concluded that this
university with the vast culture and multiplicity would be more reasonable and the best
platform for me to fulfill my endeavors. I’ll follow every rules and regulation as an international
student .I will be applying for the Temporary (TU) Class, sub-class 500, and the following
visa conditions will apply on me:

Students are allowed to work only 40 hours per fortnight during term time and full time durin
g academic breaks, and are not allowed to work before start of the course.

Students can only change institutes 6 months after the start of course, not before.

Students must maintain enrolment in a registered course that is the same level as, or higher
level than, the registered course for which the were granted a visa.

Students must maintain satisfactory attendance in their course and course progress for eac
h study period as required by their education provider.

Students must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance during their stay in Au

Students must have continuous financial capacity to support their stay, travel and overall ex
penditure during their stay in Australia.

Students must advise their education provider of their home address within seven days of a
rriving in Australia. If home address is to change, the education provider should be informed
within seven days.
The education provider of the student will inform the department if the attendance or course
progress isn’t satisfactory. The education provider determines the term “satisfactory”.

Students must maintain satisfactory attendance and progress in each course as required by
the education provider.

I am fully determined and grateful to be given the opportunity to continue my studies in Australia
as it will nurture the right skill sets required from me to excel in my career.

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