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Ab o ard the g rin n in g g un dark!

- A Savage Worlds Star Wars Adventure

Aboard the $ Bura Melan

Leader of Krayt Dragons Swoop Gang - Bith

grinning gundark!
Appearance + Personality: male, scar on left
cheek; clucks tongue, combative.
A Savage Worlds Star Wars Adventure Motivation: Expand gang across planet.
Background: Tuned swoops for gangsters who
wanted money. Realized he could do better.
Attributes: Ag: d8, Sm: d6, Sp: d6, St: d6, V: d6
Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 6(1)
Skills: Fighting d6, Shooting d6, Drive d8,
Notice d8, Repair d6
Edges: Ace, Alertness
Scene 1 – In Media Res Hindrances: Quirk (punches fist), Arrogant,
On the planet Rifrinis – an industrial world - the
Gear: Swoop Bike, Heavy Blaster Pistol,
players are chasing Bura Melan, a Bith and the
Wanted leader of the Krayt Dragons swoop
gang. They intend to bring him in for a Bounty.
If the characters bring him in or if he gets away
will have no real effect on the rest of the Scene 2 – A New Job
adventure – but at least one of his gang should After their run in with Bura Melan the PC’s
escape to set things up for Scene 2. Devaronian fixer checks in and lets them know
about a potential job.
The characters are introduced to a Ship
Captain and his First Mate who need a crew for
a delivery mission. As the ship is about to jump
out-system to pickup its cargo, the hyperdrive
fails. The ship turns around and lands back at
the starport. It needs a replacement Hyperdrive
Containment Coil. Captain Vellar “is too well
known” at the local Junkyard so he sends the
players along with First Mate Doda. He gives
them $1000. Players must negotiate with Ama
Corent the Scrap Dealer who wants
$1500. While at the Scrap Dealer’s shop many
customers come and go - to include a couple of
Krayt Dragons! Recognition is made and
combat ensues. Hopefully the players will leave
with the Coil ...

$ Dace Vellar
Ship Captain - Human
Appearance + Personality: mid 50’s, male,
dark skin, grey hair; smirks, pessimist.
Motivation: Make enough credits to payoff ship.
Background: Former Republic Navy pilot. Has
worked too long for gangsters. Wants to retire.
Swoop Gangers Attributes: Ag: d8, Sm: d6, Sp: d6, St: d6, V: d6
Attributes: Ag: d6, Sm: d6, Sp: d6, St: d6, V: d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 6(1)
Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5 Skills: Fighting d6, Shooting d6, Pilot d8, Notice
Skills: Fighting d6, Shooting d6, Drive d6 d8, Repair d6
Edges: - Edges: Ace, Alertness
Hindrances: - Hindrances: Quirk (chews on pipe), Bad Luck
Gear: Swoop Bike, Blaster Pistol, vibroblade (1 less benny), Debt
Gear: Blast Vest + Helmet (+1 armor),
Blaster Pistol

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Ab o ard the g rin n in g g un dark! - A Savage Worlds Star Wars Adventure

Cut Scene – Star Destroyer Arrives!

$ Doda Galeen The screen wipes left to right and reveals a red
First Mate - Arconan tinged planet with a starfield behind it. Suddenly
Appearance + Personality: male, – a Star Destroyer streaks into existence as it
temperamental; wrings hands, reckless. comes out of hyperspace.
Motivation: Make enough money to find a good Three System Defense Gunboats rise from the
mate. surface to meet the Star Destroyer.
Background: Left Acona to earn enough credits “Unidentified vessel – this is the Keshinbak
to “make it big” back home. Bad habit has Planetary Defense Force. Your arrival in
interfered. unregistered. What are your intentions?”
Attributes: Ag: d6, Sm: d8, Sp: d6, St: d6, V: d6 A dozen Turbolasers blast from the Star
Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 6(1) Destroyer obliterating the lead gunboat.
Skills: Fighting d6, Shooting d8, Pilot d6, Notice “Keshinbak craft, this is the Imperial Star
d8, Repair d8, Drive d6 Destroyer Relentless and your planet is under
Edges: Engineer (+2 on Repair) Imperial Blockade by order of the System
Hindrances: Addiction (Salt), Greedy, Big Governor. Return to the surface at once or face
Mouth the same fate!”
Gear: Blast Vest (+1 armor)
Blaster Carbine, Vibroblade Captain Vellar lands the ship in the forest in an
“out of the way” spot outside of the main town on
Keshinbak. He sends the players and First Mate
Ama Corent Doda in a cargo skiff to meet their contact and
Junkyard Operator - Human gather the cargo while he stays with the ship to
Appearance + Personality, female, grease “keep an eye on things.”
stained coveralls; distracted, “Reutilization The group goes to a cantina, The Cave, to
Station – not Junkyard!”. meet their contact - a Human Dock Worker
Motivation: Keep Reutilization Station running named Aloren.
Background: Talented young mechanic. The Cave
Running family business while dad is The Cave is a cantina built inside of an
hospitalized. Wants to go to merchant academy. exhausted Atrillium mine. The walls are rough
Attributes: Ag: d8, Sm: d6, Sp: d6, St: d6, V: d6 cut by mining lasers. The Cave has many
Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5 separate rooms – each has mirrored walls and
Skills: Fighting d6, Shooting d6, Notice d6, atmospheric smoke near the floor as music
Repair d8 thumps in time with colored lights. Each room
Edges: - has a separate bar. Every room has security
Hindrances: Curious droids with Stun Batons to discourage fights.
Gear: Blaster Pistol, vibroknife, tool bib The bouncer threatens each new guest as they
enter, “Keep it civil. Any blaster fire will be met
by fire from our staff – regardless of who started
Scene 3 – Gather Our Cargo
With the replacement Hyperdrive Containment The characters move from room to room in The
Coil installed the ship lifts off to Keshinbak to Cave looking for their contact. Unfortunately
gather their cargo. they have no other details on their contact
besides a name – they don’t even know their
contact’s sex! Fortunately most of the patrons of
Keshinbak The Cave are aliens.
Keshinbak is a humid forested world. The Run the players through a couple of
trees and other foliage are rust red. The planet encounters with other patrons before finding
is sparsely settled. Its main export is Atrillium – their contact.
a mineral critical to blaster production. - A Twilek female in a hooded cloak watches
Keshinbak has just been put under an Imperial the players while talking into a comlink. She
blockade as the planet has an increasing Rebel steps out of the room as they notice her. Elav
presence. Ree is a writer for MegaDodo Publications and

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Ab o ard the g rin n in g g un dark! - A Savage Worlds Star Wars Adventure

their well-known interstellar travel guide and is the Gulsen Nebula. Their rendezvous location is
doing research on Keshinbak. She’s taking within the asteroid belt.
notes into her recorder. She gladly buys the As they maneuver thru the asteroids to the link-
characters drinks if they’ll sit down with her and up location, their sensors pick up 2 unidentified
share stories of their travels. signals closing fast. As the ships enter visual
- A huge, shirtless, Ogre sized (use stats for range the characters make them out as X-
Ogre) alien bumps into one of the characters Wings. They’re hailed by the X-Wings which
spilling a drink all over the alien’s chest. He gets ask them their purpose and escort them to The
pissed off and starts thumping one of the PCs in Liberator - a Rebel Blockade Runner. It’s
the chest with his meaty fingers while yelling in a obvious at this point the client is the Rebellion.
language none of them know. After the cargo is transferred to The Liberator
When the characters find Aloren she agrees to the players receive their payment – a datapad
meet them at a nearby warehouse to pick up the with an encrypted account code. As soon as the
cargo. datapad is handed off the Rebel ship goes to
Red Alert and the ship’s intercom announces a
Star Destroyer has jumped into the system.
Scene 4 – Run For It! The Rebel ships flee as the Star Destroyer
The heroes meet up with Aloren and her launches 4 TIE fighters. The players can either
compatriots at the warehouse. They’re all fight their way past the TIE fighters and the Star
heavily armed and quite jumpy due to Destroyer or escape by going thru the Gulsen
Stormtrooper patrols in the town. Nebula.
The cargo is a collection of 8 large sized
shipping containers (each the size of a sofa) all The Gulsen Nebula
with a prominent Imperial symbol stenciled on Visibility within the Nebula is only 6”. The
the sides. This is a shipment of stolen Imperial Nebula causes interference to ship’s sensors so
weapons! all shots within the Nebula are -2 to hit. Several
As characters begin loading the cargo skiff a large asteroids have drifted into the Nebula and
lookout comes running in shouting that are navigation and collision hazards.
Stormtroopers are searching house to house the
next block over. A Stormtrooper patrol rounds
the corner as the players load the last container Scene 6 – Epilogue
onto their skiff and order the group to halt. The characters jump to Hyperspace and arrive
After the characters dodge or defeat the patrol in orbit on Tatooine. Their patron is Tesso the
they encounter at least 1 other foot patrol (give Hutt and is waiting on them to bring the account
them an opportunity to avoid contact if you want) code before he will make payment to them.
as they leave town. A block over they hear the Tesso is happy with the performance of the
whine of speeder bikes moving at full speed. group and offers them future employment.
As they go thru the forest getting closer to the
ship the characters encounter an AT-ST!
Fortunately, several of the containers contain
heavy weapons (E-Web Heavy Repeat Blaster,
PLX-2 Missile Launcher). - This game references the Savage Worlds
The characters run the skiff on to their ship just game system, available from Pinnacle
as Imperial Troop Transports are closing in on Entertainment Group at
the landing spot. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and
As soon as the characters are aboard the ship trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle
lifts off. The Grinning Gundark must fight its way Entertainment Group. Used with permission.
past 2 TIE fighters, with a Star Destroyer Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty
closing, before they can safely jump to as to the quality, viability, or suitability for
Hyperspace. purpose of this product.
- Parts of this adventure were inspired by the
“New Recruits and Rebel Guns” adventure in
West End Games’ Instant Adventures for the d6
Scene 5 – Delivery Star Wars RPG. Instant Adventures has lots of
The Grinning Gundark comes out of quick adventures that can be dropped into any
Hyperspace near an asteroid belt on the edge of Star Wars or sci-fi RPG.

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