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Glasser’s Basic Teaching Model

This model was developed by Robert Glasser in 1962. In this model it is assumed that
“Teaching is that specifi c action which is focused on learning and thus such actions
are practiced due to which Intellectual integration of the students and their ability to
make independent decisions are recognized.

16.1 Glasser’s Basic Teaching Model

Bruce Joyce and Morsha Well termed this model as classroom meeting model. The
teaching process has been divided into four parts according to this teaching model.
They are—
(1) Instructional Objectives.
(2) Entering Behavior.
(3) Instructional Procedure.
(4) Performance Evaluation.
Glaser has represented these four parts as given below:

Glasser’s Basic Teaching Model

In this fi gure, four parts of teaching process are given and these are attached with a
feedback loop.
(1) Instructional Objectives—These are such objectives which are determined by the
teacher before teaching. These objectives are written practically. They provide a
sense of the range of learning objectives. For these purposes the teacher teaches.
They provide a fi xed direction to teaching.
(2) Entering Behavior—Before starting the teaching process, students’ prior
knowledge, level of intelligence, learning abilities are evaluated. The entire teaching
process is based on prior behavior. Teaching level is determined by keeping students
prior or elementary behaviors.
(3) Instructional Procedure—Instructional process is concerned with methods
included in teaching. Under this step teaching process, teaching methods, teaching
aids, etc. are used. Teaching experience are provided in the same step. It is the
interaction state of teaching.
(4) Performance Evaluation—The primary objective of evaluation is to determine the
extent of the instructional objectives. It is decided how evaluation should be done
and how to evaluate the success / failure of teaching, vairous tests are included for
this which provides feedback to students and teachers. Performance evaluation
should be true, reliable, valid, objective and effective.

16.2 Importance and Utility of Teaching Models

Teaching models play a major role to make teaching learning process effective. The
importance of teaching models is as follow—

1. These models are helpful in meeting the goals and objectives to improve the
teaching system. These make teaching more meaningful, purposeful and effective.

2. These model improve classroom teaching and are successful to bring the desired
change in behavior of students by developing appropriate environment.

3. There educatoinal process remains ordered and perfect due to models through
which educational activities remain more systematic and organized.

4. Better teaching is provided in schools by using specifi c models in various subjects

of teaching according to needs.

5. Educational models makes teaching scientifi c, controlled and objective oriented

due to which it become easy to bring desired changes in the behavior of students.

6. Different learning theories are rendered on the basis of teaching models.

7. Teaching model provides spacious areas to the teacher for the research work in
the teaching process. This offer new dimensions and new areas.

8. It is also possible to study different educational environments and different

situations related to teaching and learning actions.

9. Model of teaching give rise to the potential of students’ cognitive, practical and
personal growth.

10. Educational model assume that course material is an important instrument for
achieving education goals.
11. It is possible to render new models by using these models suited to Indian
12. They are helpful in achieving one or more specifi c objectives of teaching.
13. They have practical nature and learning is achieved from them.
14. They emphasize the process of specialization in the fi eld of teaching.
15. They are helpful in selecting appropriate stimuli which are included for desired
change in students’ behavior.

16. They provide guidelines for the use of vaiour teaching strategies, techniques and

17. Every model presents a specific criteria evaluation.

18. These improve teaching by bringing changes.
19. They make the teaching process more effective.
20. Teachers have the inspiration to develop effective models according to the
conditions of schools.

21. Educational evaluation system is developed.

22. They develop many innovative and useful teaching theories in the field of

23. They provide scientifi c nature to the teaching process.

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