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Republic Of The Philippines


7TH Judicial Region
Branch 43
Tanjay City


Complainant, CRIM. CASE No: 1216



I, Alexis T. Sedillo, 40 years old, married, a resident of 235 Burgos Street, Brgy.
Poblacion 1, Tanjay City, and after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby
deposes and states:
That the taking of my Judicial Affidavit was administered and supervised by Prosec.
Nadin Marie M. Casipong and done at the City Prosecutor’s Office at Tanjay City on January 25,
2009 10:00 o’clock until 11:00 o’clock in the morning. I am fully aware and cognizant of the
questions asked of me by Atty. Nadin Marie M. Casipong and my answers thereto are under
oath being aware that I may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury.

The purpose of the Witness’ testimony is to testify about Post Mortem Report indicating
the cause of death of the victim, Marcial Cabcaban Gomez.


Q1: Please state your name and your other particulars.

A1: My name is Dr. Alexis T. Sedillo. I am the City Health Officer of Tanjay City for the past 5
years already.

Q2: Can you tell me your credentials with regards to your educational degree and medical
A2: I graduated in 1991 at Silliman University with a BS Degree in Biology. That same year, I
enrolled at University of Cebu School of Medicine and graduated in 1995. I passed the Medicine
Board Examinations in 1996. I thereafter started my residency at Negros Oriental Provincial
Hospital (NOPH) where I specialized in surgery and public health. In 2000, I earned my Masters
Degree in Public Health at UP Cebu. In 2003, I applied for the position of City Health Officer of
Tanjay City where I am serving until now.

Q3: During your cumulative experience from your residency up until now, how many physical
trauma cases would you say you have dealt with?
A3: Oh, I cannot count how many cases I’ve had over the years. If I would estimate, I would say
maybe more than a thousand cases already of different physical traumas since I started
practicing medicine.
Q4: So you are quite knowledgeable based from your education and experience what the
effects are of the different kinds of physical trauma to the human body?
A4: Yes, I know very well the different effects of physical trauma to the human body.

Q5: How many autopsies have you done in your capacity as City Health Officer?
A5: Oh, I have done a lot of autopsies already as the City Health Officer. Maybe more than a
hundred already since I started.

Q6: On January 23, 2009, you performed the autopsy on Marcial Cabcaban Gomez at Clarina
Funeral Parlor, is that correct?
A6: Yes, I performed the autopsy on Mr. Gomez.

Q7: Can you tell me how you examined Mr. Gomez and what your findings were?
A7: So, I arrived at Clarina Funeral Parlor around 7:00 p.m. on January 23, 2009. I saw Mr.
Gomez in a supine (lying on his back) position on the autopsy table. He was covered in blood
and it was apparent that he sustained multiple stab wounds because his shirt also had multiple
holes corresponding to his stab wounds.

Q8: After you saw the body lying on the autopsy table, what did you do?
A8: We remove his clothes and clean up the blood so that I can clearly examine him.

Q9: After cleaning up the body, what did you do?

A9: I took photographs of the body to document the injuries.

Q10: I have here a photograph of Mr. Gomez lying on top of the autopsy table. Did you take this
A10: Yes, that is one of the photographs I took of Mr. Gomez before I started examining him. It
shows some of the fatal injuries that he has sustained.
Q10: I will mark this as Exhibit “A.”

Q11: So after taking photographs of the body, what did you do next?
A11: I started my autopsy on the body.

Q12: And what was your findings when you finished doing your autopsy?
A12: Mr. Gomez sustained a lot of physical trauma and injuries to his body. He sustained
multiple abrasions on the face and chin; an incised wound to his right neck, multiple contusions
and a puncture wound to his supraclavicular area; multiple stab wounds on his torso especially
in his right axillary area, on his right back, on his left nipple, on his epigastric area, and left wrist.
He also sustained confluent abrasions on both knees and his right leg. Aside from that, he also
sustained an incised wound on his right forearm, and a stab wound on his right upper arm. He
also has abrasions on his right arm and hand, and left hand as well. He also has an incised
wound to his right ante-cubital fossa, a stab wound to his right thigh, and partial thickness burns
to his upper back and the back portion of his lower extremities. The specific details of these
injuries can be found in my medical report.

Q13: After doing this autopsy on Mr. Gomez, what would you say is the most probable cause of
A13: Well, based on my examination, the most probable cause of death would be Hemorrhagic
Shock due to massive blood loss Secondary to Multiple Stab Wounds; Pneumothorax, which is
when your lungs collapsed Secondary to Multiple Stab Wounds on the Chest; and Cardiac
Tamponade, which is when blood or other fluids fills the space between the sac that encases
the heart and the heart muscle Secondary to the Stab Wound at the left nipple.

Q14: In your professional opinion, would Mr. Gomez have survived his injuries had he been
given medical intervention right away?
Q14: To be honest, I believe Mr. Gomez would still succumb to his injuries even if he was
immediately brought to the hospital. In all probability, he would not even make the trip from the
crime scene to the hospital. His injuries were just so extensive, major arteries were hit, and he
has already lost so much blood.
Q15: I am presenting to you the murder weapon, which is a “balisong,” found in the crime
scene. Would you say the injuries, especially the stab wounds, found in Mr. Gomez’s body are
consistent with the type of injuries a “balisong” might produce?
A15: Yes, I would say the injuries, especially the stab wounds, on the body is consistent with
that of a “balisong” as a murder weapon. The edges of the stab wounds and the lacerations are
clean and not jagged, which means they were cut with a sharp edge. The depths of the stab
wounds correspond to the length of the blade of the “balisong.” The widths of the stab wounds
are also consistent with the width of the blade of the “balisong.”
Q15: I will now mark the “balisong” murder weapon as Exhibit “B.”

Q16: I have here a Post Mortem Report and the Death Certificate of Mr. Gomez. Are these the
one that you made in relation to the autopsy that you did on him?
A16: Yes, those are the ones that I made.
Q16: I will mark these as Exhibit “C” and Exhibit “D” respectively.

Q17: Do you have anything else to say, doctor?

A17: No more ma’am.

Dr. Alexis T. Sedillo, MD, MPH

PRC ID No. 546321

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25th day of March 2009, in the City of Tanjay
Philippines. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally examined the affiant on the foregoing
affidavit of complaint and I was fully convinced that he voluntarily executed and understood the

Atty. Mina Gonzales

Room 6, Mirage Building, Pedro St.
Tanjay City
PTR No. 1234; Dec. 17, 2009
Tanjay City
IBP No. 123; Dec. 17, 2009
Tanjay City
Roll No. 4321: May 16, 2008
MCLE No. 1234; June 20, 2009
Tel. No. (035) 422-6789

Doc. No.: 18
Page No.: 2
Book No.: 1
Series of 2009


I, Prosec. Nadin Marie M. Casipong, with office address at City Prosecutors Office,
Tanjay City, attest under oath as follows:
1. I personally conducted the interrogation of Dr. Alexis T. Sedillo, City Health Officer
of Tanjay City, who conducted the post mortem examination of the victim;
2. I faithfully recorded the questions I asked Dr. Alexis T. Sedillo and the
corresponding answers given;
3. Neither I nor any other persons then present coached Dr. Alexis T. Sedillo
regarding the incident.

Prosec. Nadin Marie M. Casipong


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25th day of January 2009 in the City of
Tanjay, affiant exhibited to me her IBP Identification Card Roll of Attorney’s No. 4321 issued by
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.

Atty. Mina Gonzales

Room 6, Mirage Building, Pedro St.
Tanjay City
PTR No. 1234; Dec. 17, 2009
Tanjay City
IBP No. 123; Dec. 17, 2009
Tanjay City
Roll No. 4321: May 16, 2008
MCLE No. 1234; June 20, 2009
Tel. No. (035) 422-6789

Doc. No.: 19
Page No.: 2
Book No.: 1
Series of 2009

Copy Furnished: (by personal delivery)

Atty. Jane C. Albina

Counsel for Accused
Tanjay City

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