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Theories of Reality

 Creationism- teaches that the world was created by God.

 Materialism-states that everything in the universe is reducible to matter and can be explained in
terms of physical laws.
 Pantheism-contends that nothing can come from nothing, hence the theory that the world was
created out of nothing.
 Marxism-the formation of society was necessitated by the human instinct of survival as well as
the exigency of human labor.
 Pessimism-states that this world is the worst possible one.
 Optimism-the world is the best of all possible worlds.
 Relative optimism-the world is neither the best nor the worst of all possible one.
 Yin-Yang Polarity-teaches that there are two cosmic forces or principles that underlie all things
and the universe as a whole: the yin and the yang. The former stands for the negative and the
latter for positive.
 Filipino Gulong ng Palad otherwise known as cyclic concept of nature, states that nature is
characterized by cyclic change.

Theories of Knowledge
 Skepticism-states that man knows nothing for certain.
 Empiricism-claims that knowledge is possible true experience.
 Rationalism-states that truth and knowledge are attainable through reason.
 Pragmatism-holds that the true and valid form of knowledge is one which is practical,
workable, beneficial, and useful.
 Authoritarianism-the truer and valid form of knowledge is one that is guaranteed, validated,
or certified by an authority.
 Phenomenological realism-states that phenomenon unveils the truth
 Logical Positivism-philosophy of group of thinkers which use verification principle.
 Moderate Realism-knowledge is both empirical and intellectual

Theories of Ethics

 Hedonism-claims that pleasure is the norm of morality.

 Stoicism-considers apathy or indifference to pleasure as the moral norm.
 Epicureanism-intermediate pleasure between hedonism and stoicism.
- moderate pleasure as the moral norm
 Situationism or contextualism or situation ethics
 3 approaches
 Legalistic approach-prescribes certain general moral prescriptions, laws, or norms by which
to judge.
 Situationism approach-states that the moral norm depends on a given situation.
 Antinomianism-frees the Christian from the obligations of the moral principles by which to
be guided in making decisions.
 Power Ethics-claim that might is right
 Humanistic ethics-claims that self realization is the true ultimate standard of morality.
 Thomistic Ethics-also known as natural law ethics as it claims that there exists a natural
moral law which is manifested by the natural light of human reason.

Theories of freedom

 Determinism-states than man is not free but is determined in his actions and decisions
 Social determinism-states that every individual is born in a given society which has its own
 Historical and Economic Determinism-material conditions of existence determine the view and
ideologies of people rather than their thought and will.
 Indeterminism-claim that man to a certain extent is free
 Alternativism-attempts to reconcile determinism and indeterminism as man is both determined
and not determined.
 Predestination-claims that there exists an all powerful or omnipotent God who has complete
dominion over man’s life and destiny.

Theories of God
 Theism- a belief in a personal God as the creator.
 Atheism- a belief that there is no God.
 Agnosticism-we cannot know for certain anything about god.
 Brahmanism-teaches about the existence of Brahma.
 Taoism-teaches about the existence of the Tao. “ the path of life,” the way of nature.

Theories of Ethics

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