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Fg oy _ WORKSHEETS 3° ESO BIL ADVANCED ENGLISH IN USE jep-euosied evaoiay ua oan e SF eal eon Tana eeun S20 Tans MBE. Zeaciey wopres | SUUTEVOSEO. jevorse550, Sean W SsUawOS | sem SepSSTL so ‘sou $01, 1 sKepuoyi UO. pneu y auo, Tame eueues quour eiesesensoa| es yseme som, squaWJeWLon, Ayensn. Ou jeysowsezaneun| se0ks uous eau | _ewewewendelt Aquenboss ou TqUOU jevewss /eyp epeo | _/yeem fep Aion. audwars sfemiy odwiens eysUana0 apsauoisqidxg | suojssexha ows | ep soimenpy | saienpe Kavenbord yee dn 326 Ayensn 3.Us200 9H ‘soqian $01 op sendsap ven e1ouande} 2p SO}G2APE SOI ‘yod aq seme ue0 ays ~ a3e) 49nou We | foqian 2 A 0 uoowaye ati ui sarpms skempe ous 83 [29,0 24 0}, $9 [ed ouUd oqlan j@ opUEND jaing je aque uen elouangayy ap soqanpe S07 BNE STSSOTE US WER GAB SOLGTEAPE O SOTEIOTUBT SOUOISTANT KPT SHTSSSIA US UER OT SOBAPE O SopEIOAUIGT SOUOISSTAKA “ped ou ye uni ays $900 / LmosioWg OB nos op B1eUf -soysjem au -(yotem) *soysem au (use) ‘sessed ou: (ssed) .g- eun apeve 6] 25 (i ‘us "34) JeynBuls a9 EUdsIed €190I0) Ue s,uop Kau ‘on / op foun 52, {,uop nok ‘ON / Op NOK SSA {,uop 2m ‘ON / OP BIN 'S2A 4us20p "ON / $30P ¥'S2A jyusaop 0u3 "ON / S80 6uS ‘52h ojuoutayduios sonmyuyui us oqion + oja[ns + seopjop + (oaNeBouseyu ox im: 83 iquuouosd) ~ “59 an6es @ uapio jo ojduuis equoseid ue sewunBeud se] 8984 eed ‘eeqUTBSTa Sey T9seY TET UOPIO mys 04 ~ pn 6:3 '50 + | eun e equie> as fc} ‘SIUETOETSS eun feu f= vekeid ou -6°3 S* apeue aj as K epandas ‘= 8 TeD0K eun fey f- ejepqweiepis (4 e1ep aweleps (© ‘Souoiodo sop Key A= ua ueUiWa, anb soaieA (E ‘epee sa| 2s Yo~ ( ys- "88° yuseop sy ON /Se0p suse PES! {yuo MOK “ON FOP NOK "S2A UO "ON / OP 124. seyioo seysandsoy ‘sonanp A saueyy epeo joan je oB@nr ~ Aepsunu ‘eu. eun © [ern}geU jatyy 21 9p KOH Ue ONIA ‘ajeg [9 sod ayes [os [3-752 24 ‘sony 04 (xy) "S006 au{ 08) “69 sen6us ‘oe vaujusea anb soqien so] sopol (Z ‘sag y ‘senup aus "suns 3H °8'3 ‘alan (2 ajdusis sqwoserd je U3_(b = TIPEUE [e TeOAS|Op |e SECON apeesfoy og — peannuop dou, pees FOL {pee nok og ——-pea!AUOP NEA ‘peaINOA Gpees amo peed 3,UOP SN peal eM cpeaiis0g —_221},US00P 11 spe0111 gpearays sacq pes! ,useop ous speai ous ‘auseod —pess3.use0p oH ‘speal oH, ‘pees nokog peas .UOPNOA pealnoA, p22: | 0d peesauop | peal | sejunBold ‘eayeen © eAeUL uO = jai 21 9 ofousy ut on 1 °6°3 “juoueulad uoigenis eun seseide eed “€ 3 woy sasu uns ay. 63 (jse aiduis 59 onb o6) esvanlun pepsen eun wesaidro ered © ‘pue fepsen), Avene yeqioos Keid 16'S jonoe eun yesascxe eued Opevinn SA on “Adis LNASaYd PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Uso: 1. Se usa para expresar una accién que est sucediendo en el mismo momento en que hablamos. E.g. | am playing football now / She isn't reading a book 2. Se.usa para expresar un plan o una intencién en el futuro. Ex. !am going to Ibiza / He is studying to become a doctor. 3. Se.usa para expresar una accién que esta sucediendo pero no en el praciso momento en que hablamos. E,g. lam reading a Harry Potter book. Forma: Afirmativa Negativa Preguntas Respuestas cortas Tam reading Tam not reading ——_Amiteading? Yes, | am/No, 'm not You are reading Youaren'treading Are you reading? —_Yes, you are / No,you aren't Hes reading Heism'treading she reading? Yes, he is/ No, he isn't She is reading Sheisn'treading ts shereading? —_—_‘Yes, she is/ No, she isn't itis reading Itisn’t reading 'sitreading? ‘Yes, itis /No, tisn't We are reading Wearen'treading Are wereading? Yes, we are No, we aren't You are reading You aren'treading _Areyou reading? —_Yes, you are / No, you aren't They arereadiry They arentreading Are they reading? Yes, they are / No, they aren't Normas al deletrear al afiadir -ing: 1). Elpresente continuo esta formado por el verbo to be en presente simple y el verbo principal + «ing: Eg. | ameating, she is going 2) Verbos que terminan en -e, se quitan y se afade —ing al verbo principal: E.q.: (dive): he is driving — (come): I ‘am coming “* Si terminan en ee, se le afiade ~ing: |am seeing 3). Verbos que terminan en -y, se le aiede ing Eg, !am studying ~ She is playing 4) Verbos que terminan en ~ie, se les quita y se convierte en -y + ing: (ie): mentir— She is lying 5) Alos verbos cortos (una silaba) en las que sus dtimas letras son (consonante-vocal-consonante), la titima de las consonantes dobla y se le afiade —ing. Eg. (run) | am running ~ They are sinning ‘Algunos verbos con dos silabas también dobian: worshippiny (alabar) - travelling (viajar), labelling (etiquetar) 6) Verbos estaticos. Nunca pueden iren presente continuo, Son verbos que indican gustos, preferencias, ccreencias 0 pensamientos: (love, lke, prefer, dont mind, enjoy, fancy, understand, think (creer), believe, ‘agree, weigh, have (tener) reckon...) Eg lloveice creams. * a Orden para hacer las preguntas: Para hacer las preguntas en presente continuo el orden 2 seguir es: (Pronombre interrogativo) + amvarels + sujeto + verbo en -ing + complementos...? E.g.: Where are you going tomorrow? !s she running at the park? Expresiones temporales o adverbios que van en presente continuo: Time expressions | Expresiones de | Timeexpressions | — Expresiones do tiempo tiempo Aihe moment En este momento | Currently ‘Actwaimente Now ‘Anora "Tomorow (for future | Mafiana arrangements) Today Foy ‘Next day iweek /year | Eldia /semana/mes (for future que viene arrangements) ‘This week/month? | Esta semana/mes7 fear ano Las expresiones de tiempo van normaimente al nal dela oracion © al principio de la oracién, Separadas con una 2oma, PAST SIMPLE. Uso: oc niones completas ocurides en un momento espectco en el pasado B) 1 saw Katie yesterday - Ayer vi a Katie > eyseadn ae acciones completas ocuridas en un momento determinago em el pasado, Ej She paid for her coffee ~ Pago el cae 3. Boson punelual ocuida mientras otra se estaba levando 2 c2P0 EFSthoy arrived while we were having supper ~ Legaron cuando ‘estébamos cenando, Forma: FMA preterit perfecto simple (past simple) de 1s verbos regulares £o inglés se forma afiadiendo -ed a [a EL pret? roo en infinivo. Todas las personas del verbo son iguales, incluida Ia tercera persona del singular, : nau simple de tos verbos inequlaes aparece on [a segunda columna de la lista de los verbos regulates, Algunos verbos pueden formar el pasado tanto de forma Teguiar como ireguiar (learned 0 learnt). Afirmativa _Negativa Preguntas Respuestas cortas Van I didn't eat Did ipiay? Yes, I did/ No, | didn't You ran You didn't eat Did youiay? Yes, you did / No, you dint He ren He didn't eat Did he play? Yes, he did/ No, he cidnt She ran She didn’t eat Did she play? Yes, she did/ No, she didn't Iran italdn't eat itpay? Yes, itdid/No, taidn't We ran We didn't eat Didwe play? Yes, we did No, we didn’t You ren You didn't eat youplay? Yes, ou di No, you dirt youre Theyaidntest —Didthey lay? Yes, hey dd/ No they cidrt Reglas ortoaraficas para afiadir -ed / da los verbos- requlares: ABS al werb termina en ~e, ele afade "SE: He danced (@1 Pal), we liked (A nosotros nos gust6...) 2) Los verbos menosiabos que terinan en consonante, vocal, consonante, Iha a iral cine pero al final decid quedarme en casa. Se uadce como ... Yo voya + infinitvo ugar / cantar) Th vasa viajar... Elva. estudiar. Afirmativa: sujeto + amiarels+ g ng (0+ verbo en infinitivo (1* columna) [Negativa: sujeto + am/areis + not + going to + verbo en infinitive (1° columna) Interrogativa: (Pronombre interrogativo) + am/arelis + sujeto + going to + verbo en infinitive (1° columna)? Respuestas cortas: Ves, Lam/Yes, you are / Yes, he / she / itis / Yes, we / you / they are, ‘No, I'mnot/ Yes, you aren't/ Yes, he /she /it isn't Yes, we/ you / they aren't 2) PRESENTE CONTINUO CON VALOR DE FUTURO. Uso: 1 presente continuo con valor de futuro se utiliza para planes, citas y decisiones pero debe de llevar siempre una ‘exbresidn de tiempo futuro, Sino se podria confundir con el presente continuo cuando la accién se esté realizando en este momento. EEjemplo: What are you doing this evening? > {Qué vas a hacer esta noche? Forma: véase el presente continuo. Se taduce como... Yo voy 2+infinitivo (jugar cantar) Ti vasa viajar ../ va a estudiar. 3) FUTURO WILL, 1. Expresar certeza en el futuro (* We'll definitly be thereat cleven 0° clock > Llegeremos defi fas 1) 2, Predclone sn evidncia-> Mata lve I'l inomoro 3. Promesas. | won't tell anyone your secret. I promise you. No le contaré a nadie tu secret Te lo prometo. 4. Pedir algo educadamente > Will you pass me the water, please? > ;Serfas tan amable de pasarme el agua? 5. Hacer ofrecimientos > I'l help you if you lke > Te ayudaé si quieres 6. Decisiones espontineas, para algo que decidimas hacer en el momento én el que hablamos: Hace frio, voy a cerrar la ventana> It's cold IH close the window. 7. Con expresiones como I think, 1 don’t think, I believe (qe expresan duds), I'm sure, probably, I wonder... No se usa con hope. 8. Se-usa también para formar la primera condicional. Form: Afirmativa: sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo (1 columna) ‘Negativa: sujeto + will not / won't + verbo en infinitivo 1" columna) Interrogativa: (Pronombre interrogative) + will + sujeto + verbo en infinitive (1° columna)...? Respuestas cortas: Yes, I/ you / he/she /it/ we’ they will 'No, I/ you / he /she /it/ we/ they won't Se traduce como .... Yo jugaré / ela cantaré ! Ti viajarts. ‘Shall se utiliza mas para las preguntas Shall I...?,y shall we...2 Shall se utiliza para oftecimientos (Cierro la ventana?) mientras que will se utiliza mis para peticiones. Sélo se utiliza eon we y I, y normalmente se utitiza Ill en vez de shall EI negativo de shall es shan't: I shan’t be here tomorrow-> Mafiana no estaré aqui. Shall ademés lo podemos usar con suyerencias: “Shall we go to the cinema” > ~gVamos al cine?” EXPRESIONES DE TIEMPO PARA TODOS LOS FUTUROS ANTERIORMENTE DESGLOSADOS Time expressions | Expresiones de tiempo ‘Tomorrow Mafiana Tn... days /months | En... dias/meses/ Jweeks / years time | semanas /aflos. Toda Ho) Pasado maiiana | The day afier tomorrow This afternoon Esta tarde Esta noche El préximo ato? | mes. 4) FUTURO PERFECTO USO: El futuro perfecto se vse con una sein que habré ceurido y terminado en un determinado momento del futuro. Ejemplo: By this time tomorow we'll have finished the lesson > Para esta hora mafana ya habremos termninado la leccién. You will have sold your car before summer -> Habris vendido tu coche antes del verano. FORMA: Se forma con wil + have aly como esti, en infinitive no cambia en la 3* pers. del sing.) + partici pasado del verbo principal: “AFIRMATIVA: sujeto+ will have flown + 10 New York by next week. LNEGATIVA: sujetot won't have flown + fo New York by text week. “INTERROGATIVA: (Pronombreinenngatve) + Will + sito + have flown to New York by next week, FUTURO CONTINUO ‘USO# Este fro se tia para abla de acciones que ESTARAN EN MARCHA en un momento determinado del futuro. Ejemplo: At this time next week we will be flying to New York > En este momento la semana que ve, estaremos volando a Nueva York. FORMA: forma con will + be (al y como esti en infintivo) mas el verbo principal acabado en "-ing”: -AFIRMATIVA: Sujeto + will e lying fo New York at this time next week, -NEGATIVA: Sujeto + won't be fying £0 New York at this time next week “-INTERROGATIVA: (Pronombre interrogativo) + Will + sujeto + be fving to New York at this time nex! week? Como podemos observar, es muy importart no olvidarnes de utilizar un adverbio de tiempo (en este caso hemos utilizado at this time) para especificarcuindo ocurte la accién), LaDIFERENCIA entre uno y ores sinplemente que cuando uilizamos el futuro continuo nos eferimos. aerenat ave ESTARAN OCURRIENDO en vn moment determinado de! four, mientras que con el futuro 2 ci non reforines a acions que HABRAN FINALIZADO en un momento determinade de futuro, ‘6 eee ete Wocabulary A the travers below haven't got everyting they ‘need. Complete the sentonces withthe ms Below. ‘guidebook «first-aid kit + sunscreen » map toiletries 1. After sitting on the beach, Katen is as redas a tomato. She left her atthe hotel. 2, Kim cant read about the museum, Shes lost hers 3. Jim cant find his shampoo. He left all his Stern athome 4, Robyn got lost while she was hiking. She didatt have a ———with he 5. Dave fell and hurt his knee. He needed a bout it was in the ea: 2 A tour guide is talking to some tourists. Complete the Sentences with tha words below. camera case « suitcase « money belt passport « luggage allowarice 1. Bring no more than one... you tomorrow. This is the for the trip. We laven't got room on the bus for ‘more than that. 2. Remember — thieves like tourists, So keep YOUF CUr0$ in 8 nnn ob wallet. Put your. er, too. 3. Someone Heft anne 00 the bus yesterday. If you were taking photographs, it ‘could be yours. 3 Complete the letter with the words below, backpack + insect repellent » sleeping hag sunglasses + tent Dear Mum and Dad, Tm having a great time on the camping ‘trip. Sleeping outside in a* is fun, Ita litle cold at night, bat my —- keeps me warm. The mosquitoes are a problem, but I make sure to put on in the evening. So far, the weather has been sunny. 'm glad I brought my *________ because I need them. Yesterday we went on along hike. My was so heavy and my shoulders hurt, but I enjoyed it. ‘Miss you! sue [advanced Ey se 3 Photocopatle 00 Bengion Boo 4 Choose the correct answers. 4, Will you and Anna have / Are you and Anna sing to have a party on Saturday? 2. Guess what! George will come / is coming ‘to London this summer. 3. Do you want to speak to Tim? I will get / am going to get him. He's outside. 4. This summer, we won't visit / aren't going to visit my grandparents in Scotland. 5, Tam not going out / won't go out tonight. ‘Why don't you come to my place? 6, Hedoesnt drive very well. Thope he ‘won't have /isn’t going to have an accident. 5 Complete the mini-tialogues withthe verbs in brackets. Use be going tor wil, LAt a _—— (spend) the day at the beach tomorrow? B; I dont think so. It looks ike it (rain). you. (go) shopping in Sydney? Br We probably — -.(not have) time to go shopping on this trip. BAL ___ you. (see) Kathy in London? Bel don't think so. She nn (be) too busy studying for her exams © Complete the e-mail. Use will, be going foor te Present Continuous. There may be more than one ‘correct answer, HiPierre, Guess what! My dad has got a job in Paris! My mum andT* .____ (move) there this. summer. My dad > ——. (go) before us tofind a flat. Thope he * (Gnd) something in your area! We © only ._.___ (stay) in Paris for one yea, sol® (not study) in a French school. My parents want me to go to the British School. Do you know it? Its outside Paris, ¢o Ie (take) a special bus there every day. Thope the trip” {oot be) too long! Daring the ‘week, [imagine — (be) busy with school but Ipesiiepet ce (spend) time together at weekends. I'm so excited! Love, Denise Vocabulary choose the correct ansurers to show you understand ‘the meaning of tee words in bod 1. Bob likes going sightseeing, Tomorzow he’s going to visit a moment | lie on he beach 2. Beth is planning her itinerary for her tip to Rome. She is packing her suitcase / reading about important sights 3. Don't forget to check the weather forecast before your trip. You might need a car an wobrell. 4 The tourists are taking a breale. They're visting 4 rmseuns j resting at the hotel 5. Karen is travelling on business. She's meeting a client { visiting her sister tomorrow. 6. We've booked tickets online so we wll | wen't need to get to the train station eazy 2 Complete the dialogue withthe phrasos below, make hotel reservations « go for a long weekend hire a car + take a tour « book your flight “Weld like to* to Rhodes, from Friday to Mond: Agent: OK. First, P12 : ‘You'll leave on Friday morning and fly home on Monday afternoon. ‘That's fine. Can you Agent: Of course. There nice hotel near the beach. The rooms are lovely. Erie: Sounds good. Agent: Would yoa like to ofthe island? Eric: No, well and drive around on our ova. 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Future Continuous, not travel « live + serve + wait «sleep 1, Don't come at 19.00, 1 ee 2. They =~. for lang. Toronto is only one hour away. ———a _——-itthe bus stop for you when you arrive? 4. This time mext year, 10 ee een in Parist 5. At what time —_ ‘you ~ dinner this evening? [ Name: ere ieee 4 Write tne words in the correct order to form sentences. Use tho Futuro Continuous. 1 dof wh / this time next year/ you /? 2. yoga / this time next summer / study / In India /11 3. my bicycle / not use / tomorrow morning / MW sit /at this time tomorrow /'we / on the plane / New York / how long / stay / you /? 5 Complete the texts with the verbs above each. Use {ure tenses. Thera may be more than one correct answer. bes sail» do + travel « hire 1. Ive been thinking about what c — this time next month. This july, my family >. boat and we *_. canals in Britain for two weeks. Its called “slow travel’ We've never done anything like this before and I'm sure it * great! yO anywhere this Christmas? land + take part « not believe + spend « not be fly haves do 2. You probably this, but this time next week, 1? eis ‘to Alaska with my family. We a __—elght days there. We Jn Anchorage, Aiaskals largest city, and we * ci ‘many adventure activities in the area, such as ice climbing, rating ard snovienobiling, We dogesled race! hope it? t00 cold, but I'm sure we 4 ‘an amazing time! SUBJECT : Future Forms ‘A) Fill in the blanks with the correct FUTURE forms: (Will / Going to / Present Continuous / Simple Present) 1, A: What .. .- You. (do) when you grow up? BI. (be) an acrobat in a circus. 9. Thaven't seen him for along time but think (recognize) him. 3. A: [need some tokens to telephone my friend. B: ae - (give) you some. I got the plane tickets. 1 sseeeee (fly) on Sunday. ‘A: Have you got any plans for the summer? (go) to Italy in June. bum yourself. A: Whose is that night dress? B:It'smine. (wear) it at John’s graduation party. ‘A: Why did you call your grandma? Bil ssseu (Wisi) her at the weekend. 9. If your passport isn’t valid any more, you .. oe (aot /be able to) go abroad this month, 10.A: What are you doing with hat brush? .- (paint) my room, a - (Bo) out. 12.1 don’t know the meaning of this word 50 1 (look) it up in the dictionary. 13.Look out! You 14.A:T've got a terrible headache. B: Have you? Wait there and I... for you. 15.Mother: Your face is dirty. (hurt) yourself with that knife. (get) an aspirin .- (wash) it. - (arrive)? she next bus .. B: 13 minutes later. 1. YOU . (open) the door for me, please? 18. We're early. The film . (Start) at 2:30. Why don’t we go and have something to drink? 19.He .. sesstsesesoee (Cll) the police as soon as he gets home. - (do) with that dress? {2 (@horten) the skirt WORKSHEET unit 3 SUBJECT: Future Continous 'A) Make sentences with WILL BE -ING: 1 10. A: {Fim going to watch television from 9 until 10 o°clock this evening. $0 at 9.301 seen Sete eee ‘Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock tomorrow I ...sseesssssseersensenssenteeeeteses ‘Tim is going to study from 7 o°clock until 10 0’ clock this evening, So at 8.30 this evening he ...... a ‘We ate going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 unti So at 10 o'clock tomorrow moming ....--1s0 eae ‘Tom isa football fan and there is a football match on television this evening. The match begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.15. So at 8.30 this evening ......---0- Don't phone me between 7 and 8. dinner then. ‘A: Can we meet tomorrow afternoon’? 'B: Not in the aftemoon. Do you think .... job in ten years’ time? . Tfyou need to contact me, the Hilton Hotel until Friday. (eve / finish) as (LF work). (you / still / do) the same sesso (L/ stay) at ..- (you / see) Laura tomorrow? B: Yes, probably. Why? ‘Az borrowed this book from her. Can you give it back to her? B) Ask questions with WILL YOU BE -ING? (©) A gang of criminals have a plan to steal millions of pounds fi “You want to borrow your friend’s bicycle this evening. (you / use / your bicycle this evening?) ‘Yeulvant your fiend to give Tom & message this afternoon, (you / see / Tom this afternoon?) “You want to use your friend’s typewriter tomorrow evening. (you [use / your typewriter tomorrow evening?) post office, {you pass / the post office when you're in town?) a. London bank and eave the country. They’re talking about what they will be doing a week from now, after the robbery. 1 2. We live in luxury cesses Well be living in luxury. We/ relax /at our villa SS 1/ sit / by the pool ‘The sun / shine We / enjoy / ourselves ‘The police / look for us But / we /Taugh / at them D) Make sentences with WILL BE -ING: 1. I'm playing tennis now. (this aftemoon) .. F'll be playing tennis this afternoon. 2. Hes sleeping now. (a eleven o’clock) 3. We're working very hard. (at this time next month) 6. He's still mending his ear (at dinner time) 7. Tam driving a BMW. (in two years’ time) 8. I'm studying English. (from 8 to 10) 'm having an interview now. (at 2 o'clock this aftemoon) 10. We're listening to pop music. (at this time tomorrow) UNIT 4. _—___: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ‘Type 1; Real Conditional a) If+ Simple present + will Both condition and resul are very likely to happen ItJohn gets a good resuit, _he will (het) study medicine. Ithe fails his exems, he will go abroad. b) If + Simple present + Imperative This is a way of giving advice or instructions Ifyou tee! tired, dink a cup of coffee. I you cant wake up, ‘buy an alam clock. If you see my wife, tell her Ml be late for dinner. o)If+ should + imperative inthis way wo can suggest that something s unticely fo happen, ors not particularly probable. if you should nun info Peter Sollamy, tell him ho owes me alter. 4) f+ Simple present + Simple present ‘Thisis a way offing about ws of nature or things that always happen you heat ic, it mets. I you fal your exams, ‘you have to take them again in September. ¢) If + Simple present + may ‘The result of the condition Is just a possibilly. {we go to John’s party, we may have a good time. 18 we dont give them directions, they may get lost. 4) If+ Simple present + can || haven't enough time today, can wash your car tomorrow. ‘We use this form when we make present decisions about future abilly. Otherwise we use will be able to. 1 you lose her eephone number, you wont be able to contact her later. ‘Type tl: Hypothetical conditional {tis called so because the condition is contrary tothe facts or because itis very improbable. We use this conditional to imagine what would it be like if things were different. a) If + Simple past + would {81 were the president, I would end unemployment. If} won the fotery, I would buy a Ferrari st were you, 1 start packing now. b) f+ Simple past + might ‘The result ofthe condition would be just a possi. Ifyou drove drunk, _you might have an accident. It he werent so seifish, fhe might bo happier. ) If+ Simple past + could (the meaning of could here is would be able to). ifthad another 500, I ouid buy a car. 6) If + were to + would If war were to break out, | would emigrate to Mars. (This makes a future possbilty sound less probable). ‘Type lll: mpossible conditional ‘The condition didn’t happen In the past, end so the result didnt happen either. It is used for speculating about past events. 2) t+ Past perfect + Perfect conditional Ithe had studied, he wouldhave passed. b) + Pact perfect + might have |fsomeone had heard the S.0., ter Ives might have boon saved ¢)If+ Past perfect + could have (the mesning is could have been able to). If my parent's hadn't been poor, | could have gone to university Un Unless has a similar meaning to if not, in the sense of ‘except ft. Come tomorrow unless ! phone. (=. dont phone /except 1 phone.) Ii take the jb unless the pay is foo ow. (Hf the pay tan foo fo except tho pay fs oo Tow.) 111 back tomorrow unless thoe’sa plane strike, Let's have dinner out - unless youre too ted. Unless can be used instead of if not when we refer to exceptional circumstances which would change a situation, We do not use unless to refer to something negative that would the main cause of the suation that we are talking about. (My wife wit be very upset iI dont get back tomorrow, (sor. ) I the speaker does not get back, this willbe the main cause of his wife's unhappness — if not doesn't mean ‘except if here.) ‘Shot look nicer if she didn? wear so much make-up. (NoT She'd look siceranlecechewor so much makeup) Weeabulary |B Where can you find these people? Look at the pictures and complete the word, 2 complete the sentences with the words below, ‘market «office black + railway station + theatre car park « university «playground «airport newsagent 1. John is studying art at 2. [buy all my vegetables atthe : 3. Many people work in that big —————— 4, Do you buy your magazines at the nnn RAE YOUT house? 5, About 20 aeroplanes arrive at this is every hour 6. There's a huge... for children in the perk. 7. Lets park our car in the —____... near the cinema, 8, The train is artiving at the central anne At7-30 a 9. The play starts at 9,00, so let's meet at the café EAE TRE ener — 83D. Grammar B complete the sentences wit the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional. 1 Wit. (be) cold this weekend, we (not drive) to the lake 2. He ov (climb) up the Eiffel Tower ithe —- (visit) Pacis. 3 you (ake)a taxi ifthe bus. (not come)? 4, Unless we — (leave) now, we es “(not seach) the airport on time 5, The bus _— (arrive) soon unless there (be) a lor of traffic. % ‘atc A to B. Then completo tna contances withthe vorbs In brackets. Use the Zero Conditional. A 1 your teacher. me (get) impatient ibibo (rain) alot in April, : 3.41. — (not know) a word, 4, Ifyou (leave) ice in the sun, B —at (ook) itup in the dictionary, abit ——— (melt). . when students... (ask) a lot of, guestions? —4. there (be) usually lots of flowers in May. 5 complete the e-mail with the eorrect form ofthe verbs in brackets. Use the Zecoor First Conditional. Hi Judy, How great that you're going to London! When I have a holiday I always». - (try) to go there because there’ jst s0 much to do: Ifyou and Jim like animals, you *~ (exjoy) the Natural History Museum. If you like the Churchill War Museum * (interest) you. You'll learn exactly what happened in London during World War IE. And of course, if YOU S r-nnnvenew Gecide) to go to the theatre, there ®— (be) always something good to see. you (book) tickets ‘online before you leave, you” good seats for the best shows. Have a wonderful time! Amy (get) (43) aerate, Wocabulary Bl Complete the words according to the pictures. = Bin Cui SadWas soe 2 Complete the puzzle, Use the clues. Grammar 3 ‘Complete the second sentence so that ft means the ‘same asthe first. Use the Second Conditional. 1. Iwant to visit Australia, but [haven't got enough money. Iwould —__.. 2. think you should take a tour. a 3. Icant take my tent because the Inggage allowance is only 20 kilos. Ifthe luggage allowance —___ © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the vers in brackets. Use the Third Conditional. 1 Jack (go) to the nightclub if it (not cost) so much, 2 ewe (leave) the hotel easier, we — (eee) mére. a.We- ~ (not stay) at home ifthe (be) sunny. (enjoy) her holiday more if (not travel) with a group. 5. Ifthe guide (speak) better English, you, (understand) him: 5 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets, Use the ‘ere, First, Second or Third Conditional. Last year, we went on a guided tour of Europe. We tnd never been to Enrope before. We were sure we Pein (see) more if we took a guided s70%p tour In addition, ithe tour company (plan) our itinerary, there would beless work for us! Unfortunately the trip was a Giese and all hecauseof one family. If this family ~ (read) the itinerary, we (have) a good time. However, ‘we wasted a lot of time waiting for them every day. Today, [know that when you * (wavel) with a group, it is important to act responsibly Ifthe peope (not be) considerate, you * —— (not enjoy) thetrip,Kfwe plana trip again, we {€0) sightsreing on our own! bie OD Bangin Pooks] 19 £ CONDITIONAL SENTENCES — Write the verbs in brackets in the right tense and form 1. I people (b) nn ow tired, they generally (go) st 23, He (miss) the train if he tad not huved bed 25, Ifyou move ($H004 wenn YOU 2, you throw stone into wate, i (sink) 25, Ifyou (gine). them an inch they wil ake a mile 3, Ifyou take away his toys he (ery) 26. ‘They would have done icf they (know) how. 4, you cay that again, {will hit you 27. should never have troubled him, i (know) he was 5, that man (ake) more exercise he woulda’ get so busy so fat 28, The dog (bie) you ifc had not been ed up. 6, Do you think we would spake beter ie (study) 29. sc(b0) "caster read his waiting ithe weote in phoneucs? ink tryou (ister) “tome coy. epi 30, Ihe had not explained itto me. I (never 8. Ifyou tun oer the page, you (se). what I mean, understand) 9. heard bis voice again, it (ring) . ~back’many 31. Ieee) better ithey had not come happy memories. 32. Ife (limo). to the top ofthe mountain, should 10, the (iste) ‘more carefully he wouldn't make so -we get good view? many mistakes. 33, The soldiers (ight) better if they had been given 11. tfyou leave them alone, the (COME) sn. NOME clear orders, 12, Ifyou think ofthe dificulties, you (realize)... why BH. He (oot pu) ‘0m so much weight ihe drank progress is slow, less 13, We (ply) _ tennis yesterday iit (not 35. Thad worked harder in ry youth I (be) ach nai). ‘man now. 14. Ifyou Gives). in that busines, you wll be 36, should be ruined if (buy) otha pecoel ruined, 37. should go fora walk if (top) raining, 15. Ifyou touch tha wire, you (ge. a nasty shock, 38. Ifthe students (stdy) harder, they would have 16. Ifyou go tothe doctor, he (give) youa medicine. passed their examinations 17 fox: look out ofthe window now, you (see) him 39._ IF became a great artist, you (probably be) as ‘walking down the stret. surprised as | 18, He would never have behaved lle that fhe 40. Ifthe plane (cash) we would al be killed (6206) oon 1 good education, 41, fy wate (not stop) should have been on 19. Ifthe lecturer (pea) fouder, all the audience time could hea. 42. Mary would have been sick f'she (ea). all those 20._ Ifthe children had been good, their mother swweets, Give) them some cake. 43, fhe had fallen overboard, he (drown) 21, you (kn) nn "atthe door, they will let you in 22. yo tell me the answer, 1 (ie) you prize Pit Corder ‘© Las terceras personas del singular (he, she, it) no llevan una -s final, tal como ocurre con otros verbos en presente simple VERBOS ‘© Formamos ia negacién afadiendo not después del verbo modal. MODALES ‘© Construimos ta interrogacién situando el verbo modal al principio de la pregunta, no usamos do (menos con have to) 0 _Noafadimos to antes de un verbo en infinitive (1° columna) que sigue a un verbo modal (menos have to y ought to) EXPRESAR FORMA TIEMPO. ‘SIGNIFICADO EJEMPLO. TRADUCCION HABILIDAD. : CAN ‘Sujreansverbo infin, | En presente Poder Tean speak languages fluently] Yo puedo hablar idiomas con fuider Sujscan’toverb infin, coulo Sujseouldtverbo inf. | En pasado Podia She could drive before her Ela poda conduclr antes de su accident accidente Sujseouldn’eevert in. BEABLETO ‘Sujt willbe able to | En futuro Serd capar de Twilbe able to swim soon | Ser€ caper de nadar pronto verb inf. EXPRESAR FORMA TIEMPO, ‘SIGNIFICADO EJEMPLO TRADUCCION POSIBILIDAD MAY ‘Sujemayeverb infin, | En presente Puede que. He may get here soon Puede que legue pronto aqut MIGHT Sujsmightaverb | En presente Puede que...(menos | Rmight ral later Puede que Nueva mds tarde infin, posible) TAN Sujscantverb infin, | En presente Puede que, ‘Scotland can be warm in October | En fscocla puede hacer calor en Octubre PEDIR PERMISO FORMA FORMALIDAD ‘SIGNIFICADO EJEMPLO TRADUCCION can Convsujetowver’ | formal Tuedo? Cant goto the tol, please? | ZPuedo ral servicio, por favor? int couID Couldaujpver Standard Woda? Could i goto the toilet, please? | GPcdria ial servicio, par favor? MAY May+suj+verb inf? Formal dEs posible...? May | go to the toilet, please? Es posible que pueda ir yo al servicio, por favor? EXPRESAR FORMA TIEMPO SIGNIFICADO EIEMPLO TRADUCCION OBLIGACION MUST Sujsmustiverb inf. | Enpresente Deber (orden de otra | You must be at home at, young | IDebes estar en casa a las 9 Jover persona, norma, lady! regla.) HAVE TO Sujthave towerb | En presente Tener que Thave to clean my room Tengo que limpiar mi habitacion inf. He/she/it +has totverb inf HAD TO Sujthadwverb inf. | En pasado Tenia que Thad to clean my room yesterday _| Tenia que limpiar mi habitacion ayer WILL HAVE TO Sujt will have to. En futuro Tendré que We willhave to apologize tothe | Tendremas quepedirperdénale | verb inf. lady dama EXPRESAR FORMA TIEMPO, ‘SIGNIFICADO EEMPLO TRADUCCION AUSENCIA DE OBLIGACION DON'T HAVE TO Buje don'thaveto ‘verb inf. He/she/it ¢doesn’t have tozverb inf Tn presente: Wo tener que You don't have to handin the stays tomorrow ‘Vosotros no tenis que entregar las redacciones mafiana NEEDN'T ‘Sujt needn’t+verb En presente No es necesario You needn't hand in the essays No es necesario que entreguéis las | int tomorrow redacciones mafiana DIONTHAVETO [Suivi have to [En pasado Wo tenia gue Then he was atuniversiy, he | Cuando estaba ene unversidad, no | ‘werd int didn’t have to pay for anything. He | tenia que pagar por nada. Tenia una hada grant. beca. : | WONTHAVETO | Sujr won't have to | Enfuturo No tends que “You won't have to come torvorrow | Ti no tendras que venir mafiana swerb int HACER FORMA FORMALIDAD SIGNIFICADO EEMPLO TRADUCCION | PETICIONES ae = CAN Gans aj ever ini? [Informal wuedes..? Caiyoucome here aminute? | Puedesveniraguiunminto? | coulb Could +suj+verb — [Standard formal | ePodrtas..? Could you please tel me the way | éPodras decirme el camino para ray inf to the railway station? estaciéndetrenes? woulb ‘Would rsuj verb | Standard, formal | ePodras..? Would you please waithere? | éPodras por favor esperar sau? inf? OFRECIMIENTOS FORMA TIEMPO SIGNFICADO TiEMPLO TRABUCCION AN Supcaniverbing, | Enpresente, Poder Tean Tend you the money you | Puede prestare el dinero s quieres standard want e S} COULD Sujrcouldwver’ Inf, En presente, mas formal podria Teould lend you the money Ifyou want Podrla prestarte el dinero si quieres SHALL ‘Shall+ I/we verb | fn presente, més | eQuieres que.? Shall carry our bag? ‘ Down + 1. My mother asked, “Why are you so hungry" 2 asmall useful tool 1. very ever I said that... anything all day. 4, not suecessfal 3. works well 2. Lasked my friend, “Will tbe expensive to take a 5. anew thing or idea taxi from here tothe alsport?” 6. can beused again He said that i ____. expensive to get ae 3 a taxi from ~ to the airport. | 3. My riend asked, “Have you already seen this fm” F Ttold him that _———- film before and that 1 ——— love to see itt 4. The student asked, “Is the aeroplane a modern invention?” F The teacher answered that the Wright brothers iu the first aeroplane in the early 2oth century but that Leonardo da Vinei 7 ee the idea many years l I] — 5. Sally asked her brother ‘Are you using the Tick the opposites. computer now?" _ 1 weird — osdinary He answered that 7 and that 2. easy-to-use ~ revolutionary wee ———- lfifshie wanted tn 3: imple ~ complicated 5 Write the questions in reported speech, — catartalning - ina 1. "Can you come with us to the cinema tonight?” 5, useful — useless Tp aked Deon He RELA ASALNET EN SOHEOTeH 2. "Who does this smartphone belong to?” caught on + weird + entertaining came up with « trendy « requires ‘The Pet Rock was invented in 1975 by Gary Dahl, He... the idea while talking with friends about pets. He bought some rocks, put each one in a nest in a small box. and included instructions for taking care ofthe rock ‘The instructions were very funny and because a rock, of vow-T carel AS “Tas it seems the Pet and Everyone wanted one! (Aivanced Sh Uae 3 Poonscopitie OU Brag Bes] she wondered —. 3. ‘Why didn't you fix your computer yesterday?” My mother wanted to know — 4 “Are you eating now” Her friend asked .. 5, “Will you wait for me here?” Lasked my friends © Correct the mistakes. 1. We asked if we would do the experiment 5. My grandfather said he doesnt think he could learn to use the Internet. Woeabulary A Unsoramble the letiars to write the correct words. Ds 7. exezefr 8, merote olnctor 2 Choose the correct answers to show you understand the words n bold. 1. Yin using the cordless phone. I can't / cam take it int the other room. 2. Ie realy hot. II clase the windows and tuzn off on the sir conditioner. 28, LEyou keep | don't keep fresh milkin the fridge, it wil go bad. 4, Lcan't hear / type very well on this mobile phone's keyboard, 5. We had no electricity during the storm, so we used | couldn't use the microwave oven. 6. Can you plese take the plates / clothes out of the dishwasher? 7. Have you got any paper | maps for the printer? 8, Use the food processor to cook | cut the cabbage. Grammar 3 complete the second sentence using reported speech. Use no more than three words, mustn't touch the video equipment! the teacher said to me. ‘The teacher warned me cs the video equipment. “Can you help me?” the old lady asked us. She asked her. 3, “We can prepare the equipment” ‘The students offered the equipment 4. “Why don’t we watch the documentary?" My friend suggested 7 documentary. 5, “Dorit eat naw because dinner is In one hous" ‘My mother said not because dinner was in one hour & Vito *he sentences in reported speech. “Tl show you how to use this device! My mother offered 7 2. “Dont buy these appliances here” ‘My uncle told us... 3. “Can you fix this tool Lasked my father —. 4. “Let's discuss our science project today Leo suggested. 5 complete the toxt. Use one word in each blank. ‘Thore may bo more than oie correct answer. ‘Our science teacher told us that in recent years, eh become possible to build tiicroscopic things with individual atoms and ‘molecules. He said that they called this science “nanotechnology” He told us that scientists 4 ‘making amazing things sanotechnslogy ~ things that they - make before. We wanted to know *______._.., he could give us an example He sald that fee years before scientists crested human body parts to help peor ‘breathe. Then he asked us _ suggest what body parts we might create with nanotechnology in the future ie We suggested? une Organs Like fhuman hearts. He sai that it might be dificult, but he hoped scientists *—..—___ give up and one day we would be able to use nanotechnology to do*———. and many ‘thee wonderful things \ SEE Eee eee (EE SUBJECT : Reported Speech A) Statements: Example: The boy said, “My name is Mark.” The boy said (that) his mame was Mark, Do the same: 1. Mary said, “I like Turkish pop music.” 2. The woman said, “It’s not my 3, Tom said, “I have a sports car. It is red.” 4, Mi Brown say don't dive wearin the rush hour.” 5, ‘Tey said “eat toasts for breakfast They ae made by my mother.” ise said, “The boy is looking at us I doa't know him.” 1. Toh said," can switn well but | dont have enough time to swim.” 8, Mi brother sid to me," don't want teary your books 9, ‘The teacher sid, “if you don't study regulary, you'l fi.” 10, Miz Green said,“ have to water my flowers twice a week.” {o swim well but now I don’t.” 12. Mi. Miller said, “I know your parents. I've met them in the meeting.” B) Imperatives: Examples: * The teacher always says to us, “Study very hard.” The teacher always tells us TO study hard. * The teacher says, “Don’t alk in the class.” The teacher tells us NOT TO talk in the class. Do the same: 1. Woman to the porter: “Carry my suitcases.” 5, Teacher to the student: “Give me your book. 6, The man tous: “Don’t park here.” +. Woman to her husband: “Don't forget to take your Key.” 4. his Silt ter son “Don't put your books on this desk. 69, Young man to the young woman: “Give me one of your photographs.” 10. The man to his son: “Hurry up! Don’t miss the bus! "dy your room, don't waste your time. 11. The women to her daughter ©) Wh- questions: Examples: * “What is the time?” he asked. He asked me what.the time was. + Where do you live?” he asked Mary. How wanted to know where Mary lived. Do the same: 1. He asked, “How long does it take you to have lunch?” 2. He asked me, “What are you doing at the weekend?” 3, She asked, “Why are you late, Tom? fy mother asked me, “Where is your umbrella” 5, The Seeley asked he man, "Who do you want to see, siz?” ‘The students asked, “What time does the bell ring?” iced, “Why don't you let my cat i ‘When did the last tain leave?™ 11. Hie asked, “What wil you do tomorrow, Jane?” D) Yes / No questions: Examples: * “Are you busy?” he asked me, He asked me IF was busy, * “Do you like banana?” he asked his friends. He asked his friends IE they liked banana. Do the same: 1. She asked, “Do you live with your family, Helen?” 2, He asked, “Can I borrow your pen, Linda?” ‘ne, “Does your unl live ia England?” 4, Mary asked Lucy, “Will you come to my party tomorrow?” 5, ‘Mask soked, “Did you phone me lst night, John?” 6. He asked, “I this yours or mize, avid?” 10, The officer asked, “Are you a foreigner? Can you spell your name?” WORKSHEET unit 7 SUBJECT: Reported Speech A) Change the following sentences from DIRECT to INDIRECT SPEECH: 1. He said, “I will be here at noon.” He said that he would be here at noon. 2. Mary said. “The tran will probably arrive on time. 3. this report by five o'clock. 4. The doctor said, “Mr. Smith will improve quickly.” 13, Mr. Smith sai, “Twill refuse their offer: 14, John said, “I certainly hope it won't rain tomorrow.” 15, Henry said, “I can meet them late 16. The boy said, “I am only eight years old.” 17. She said to me, “The lights have gone out,’ 18. The man said, “The telephone is out of order.” 19, He said, “I will never speak to her again. 20. said to the clerk clearly, “I have already paid that bill” fee FORMATION: ‘Tae Pasi Voie done withthe verb TO HE and the PAST PARTICIPLE of tama ye, ‘<(iieteacis] eacing - lePaive Void SUBJECT <; VER ~DIRUCT OBMECT >. Wot the Pasive when we don’t know ws di he actin pr wet we ve nr’ intrested in > "Tews of Passive Voie in tgs simach mor ju tna iy Spas, * the atin el: " 1 ae (© Ths elas ls pened event. ‘he Aget ofthe Acticin the Pstve Voice speared (9 Mona iva‘ panded by Leonard Vine, > Th Agent ofthe Action ia the Fessive Voice donot appear whe... ‘8 We do not know io bas don he ston 2 My dog wos found ao day ago. . *.0 "Teel lear wo ns don the ton i The thf crested lit nt eos) ve itisreant | THE PASSIVE. VOICE WITH TWO ONJECTS ie teaser] AGENT ‘Vetbaafriatons ‘ TENSE [ACTIVE VOICE] PASSIVE VOICE” Pian go Toss) ree aught Prooontconsnucus "| Anat jnchng °, | Amv bel taut | Present partet Havana aught * | Hosea boen agit Pastel, Toagtt Washers aught Pasteonis Washtéreteacting "| ore bang aut Pastpatoct Hea Had bon aught Fut Wilton. Witte taught Futuecontuois, Wb teaching” | Wat ain laugh, FFutwopeect “| vlhevotauget ‘| Withave Been taught ‘Condon Would teach Would be aut Conettonalconinious | Weultbe testing | Would bo bln ight Conditonalperfact | Would nave taught | Weald hav bon ah tt ToTeah Tobe taught Pareto Tohave agit, | Tohave ben taught [Sonn Teaching Being taught > Some vei ng Ask’ Give, Lary Seneh Die, Order Pay, Teac, Show, Tal and Prete cm eB I on yin mein er es : y . ©! TAS Lampaltnyscaysvey een ts Ney tepatds meantime? so, 2> Wht Wi te Fat Aw Tel ten wi he Dip 8c he As ‘Vote ners ho Sujetia Five Vols uNOT pot : © ACT® Sones olde tri sesee 2 PAS 9 ius genlieceeee erect tdi OTHER USES OF THE PASSIVE VOICE > When we ik bit wha or pep Belave, Kaow, This Report ay. we tn eo io esblefoms oft Pasivevokg. © ACT Thay say ht olf emblem: © PAS tsi hat i omens lena lps wb aca, 1s manana sl oe erlenate® Spsasee foeaa Woecabulary Choose the correct answer “There were no judges / witnesses murder “Thieves broke into‘ identified our house last night while we were sleeping. 3, The driver obeyed / broke the lew when he Grove through a ed light 4. The jury committed the crime / found him guilty. 5, The witness identified / caused damage the thief. She remembered what he was wearing. 6. The burglar wes sent to prison by the hooligan / judge. 17, The criminal was given a warning / witness by the police 8. The police have found fingerprints at the scene of the crime / prison sentence, 9, During the riot / trial, the lawyer show some surprising evidence. 10, The accused was very happy when he was found innocent / guilty of the crime. 22 Complete the text withthe words below. committed crimes «damage was caused hooligans «prison sentences» riot ‘Yesterday, there was a" Mercer Steet Hundreds of people were hurt. Serious* to shops in the trea when algroup of > broke seindows anf started fires. Ten tenagers were ested Acrordingto police, four of them have — lnthepat ster could Grammar Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use tho Presat Single Passiv, 1. Decisions. (make) by judges. 2. Evidence — (collect) by the police (eens blood samples (examine) by forensic (ask by lawyers. — (aot pass) by juries. 6. Information (give by witnesses. & complate the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simpla Passive. nd « rot pur est « bring nat investigate + interview » send 1. The erime non by the local police. 2 the witnesses and suspects yesterday? 5. When the detective had enough evidence, suspects [ 4, The suspect to trial and he suilty. 8. HOW TONG een RE nnn to prison for? 6. She for breaking the window. ‘Complete te text with the verbs in brackots. Use the Present Simple Passive or ast Simple Passive. Alcatraz Island» (locate) in the San Francisco Bay. This small sand oe RM Le (Call) "ac Rodin the pat, there was prison on the island, From 1983 to 1963, more than 1,500 prisoners oa (cend) there, Alcatraz —— (know) for its security. Thirty-six prisoners tried to escape and all of them* (catch). Six prisoners * ~ (kil) while they vere escaping, But in 1962, everything changed. Three prisoners escaped and hey (Gnd). ‘Their story * —— ~ (el) In the 1979 fm Eeape frm Aetrex, Acar: (close) in 1963 and today it (visi) by thousands of tourists each year: Rewrite the sentences. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive. 1. The security guard caught the thief ‘The thief “They found enough evidence to arrest him. Enough evidence -.-.—- 3, Do judges or juries give prison sentences? ‘Are prison sentences. 4 They allow the prisoners to see their families once a week ‘The prisoners ~ Umea Vocabulary Match the words to the pictures. 1. looking for clues 2. get-away car 3. having difficulty breathing 4, trapped 5, erash 6, serious injuries 7. runaway 2. compete the dialogues withthe words blow. in pain «cuts dead « unconscious » escaped losing blood 1. A: Was anyone killed in the accident? Yes, three people are : Were the burglars arrested? B: No, they —______ before the police : How bealy was Ben hurt? Het broken his leg so hes Can I talk to my father now? B: No, hes ‘Try later He may be awake then. 5. A: Was she injured? B: Yes. She's her to hospital. 6. Detective: Did the robber break the window? Police officer: Yes, look at those ‘on hishand. ‘We must get aves Ee Grammar '3 Wte sentences withthe words below. Use the Future Passive or Modal Passive, 1. when / the new prison / build /? 2. the suspect / could not interview / because / he was ill/ 3. the police / haven't got / any evidence / so / he / not arrest /. 4. the crime / may investigate / by Scotland Yard / 5, what { should do / about / the problem / ? 4 Complete the sentences withthe verbs below. Use the Future Passive or Modal Passive, will not interview « must obey + will ask will take + can punish 1. At the trial tomorrow, the witnesses ~. questions by the lawyers students —________ for ‘not wearing the school uniform? 3. The child by the police unless ‘an adult is present. __.photographs at the scene of the crime? 5. Thélaw 4 tall times! & Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1. People don't always obey the laws about selling alcohol. 2. Did the hooligans cause a lot of damage? 3. The robber didn't break into their house yesterday. 4. Our best detective should investigate this crime. 5. Willa forensic scientist examine the DNA? 6. We mustn't tell her about the murder. 7. Several journalists will interview the woman. Sin Use Phoeopiatie OD Burlington Boots] 187 WORKSHEET UNiT & ‘SUBJECT : Passive Form A) Fill in the PASSIVE in the appropriate tense: 1. CIV /invent/ Baird) TV was invented by Baird... 2. @yramids / build /Ezyptians) ear 3. (milk / produce / cows) 4. (coffee / grow / in Brazil) 5, (chopsticks / use / in China) 6 7 8. (plants / water / every day) (the thief / arest/ policeman / yesterday) (the injured man / take o a hospital / now) . 9. (the car / repair / tomorow) 10. (the letter / send / last week) B) Put the verbs in brackets into PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE: ‘There is a chimpanzee which .... is called ...... (Call) “Bubbles”. It (own) by Michael Johnson. It é (keep) in his home. It (feed) every day by Michael Johnson himself. It. (always / dress) in funny clothes. It 7" Gaid) that “Bubbles” is Michae! Johnson's only fiend. ©) Look at the Hotel Information table and write sentences as in the example: Hotel Information Breakfast Rooms In Pierrot’s Restaurant 7-9:30 am. Maid Service daily Dinner Hot water Jin Main Restaurant 8-10 pm 24 hours a day_ ‘Newspapers - Telephone calls Hotel Cinema ‘At the Reception Desk Film every night at 10 pm 1. Breakfast / serve - where and when? Breakfast is served in Pierrot’s Restaurant between 7 and 2. Dinner / serve — where and when? 3, Newspapers / sell — where? 4, ‘Telephone ealis ean make where?” D) Put the verbs in brackets into PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE: ‘Two men ..... were seen... (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police (call) and they arived very quickly. One man (catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he c Both men ...... (question) separstely by a police officer. The two men . (Charge) with burglary. F) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE: 1. The gardener has planted some trees. ‘Some trees have been planted by the gardener.. 2. Doctor Brown will give you some advice. 3. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel. 4, Steven Spieiberg directed “ET” 5, Someone has broken the crystal vas. 6. His parents have brought him upto be polite. 8, ‘They will advertise the producton television. 9, Someone is remaking that fm. F) Using the PASSIVE, ask questions to which the bold type words are answers: 1, Columbus discovered America. 2. We keep money inasafe.. 3. Abee stung him. 4, They speak Italian in Italy. 5, They have taken his aunt to hospital. 6. 7. 8. 9. Who was America discovered by. 5. The hoys damaged the television. '. Da Vinei painted the Mona Lisa. He invited 30 people to his party. They grow bananas in Africa, G) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE: ‘You must leave the bathroom tidy. ‘You should water this plant daly. Our neighbor ought to paint the garage. Thave to return these books tothe library. You must extinguish your cigarettes. ‘You must dry-clean this shirt ‘Someone will pay you in ten days. The bathroom must be left tidy. ... sapere 2B] leave left 25. lied 26 Te [it encender 27 fost lost perder. 2B made made hacer, fabricar 29 [_mean, meant meant ‘significar 30 | meet met met reunirse (con alguien), conocer 3 sell sold sold vender 35] shine shone shone brilar - [36 [shoot shot shot disparar 37. st st sat sentarse 38| deep Sept dept domir 39 | smell__| smek/smelled | smett/smeled oler 40 [spell ‘spelt ‘pet fees deletear 41 | spend gent | __ spent ~_gastar, emplear 42 |“ sand stood stood estarde pie 43 |__ stick stuck stuck pegar, I 44 | see ‘swept swept, bamer 46 ‘ell told told decir, contar 48 | understand | understood understood comprender, entender 49 win won won ganar 4, VERBOS QUE TIENEN IGUAL EL INFINTTIVO Y EL PASADO (A-A-B): BASE FORM | PASTSIMPLE | PASTPARTICIPLE | MEANING 1 beat beat beaten golpear 5, VERBOS CUYAS FORMAS SEAN TODAS DIFERENTES (A-B-C): BASE FORM | PASTSIMPLE| PASTPARTICIPLE| MEANING. 1|_be was were been. ser, estar 2 | Begin | Began |" “begun empezar 3 | bite bit bitten morder 4] bow. blew ~ blown ‘soplar S| break | broke broken romper 6 | choose ‘chose chosen elegir 7[ do did done hacer 8 | draw drew, drawn dibujar Sy) dink | gran drunks beber, 10 dive | drove driven ‘conducir 11] eat ate eaten ‘conducir 2] fall fell fallen caene \VERBOS QUE TIENEN IGUAL ELINANTTIVO, EL PASADO Y ELPARTICIPIO (A-A-A): | [BASE FORM | PASTSIMPLE| PASTPARTICIPE| MEANING [a] bet bet __apostar _ nS [21 cos cost | costar | oat (3.7 cut [cut — cortar ls (a he [he [gslpear, boric = S| hurt [hurt herir, hacerdafio 6{ tet | iet pemitir 7 put [put poner 3 | putout | putour Dut out pagar ig read read read __leer L [ao| set set | set colocar B a1[ shut shut shut__| cewar, callanse < 2. VERBOS QUE TIENEN IGUALELINANMIVO Y EL PARTICIPIO (A-B-A) ly |_| BASE FORM | PASTSIMPLE | PASTPARTICIPLE | MEANING i T| become | became become | llegara ser |= 2] come | came come venir Py 3[ mn en run comer SZ 3, VERBOS QUE TIENEN IGUAL EL PASADO Y EL PARTICIPIO (A-B-B): BASEFORM | PASTSWPLE MEANING bend bent doblar 3 | bulld uit built 4) bum bumt/buned | bumt/bumed uemar 6a Be A 7 | dream dreamt dreamt oie sofiar 8 dig dug dug cavar 9 | feed fed fed alimentar (20 | tee! felt felt sentir | encontrar ia) eeget Zi eoriséquir, recibir 4 ‘getup: levantarse 15 | hang | hanged/ hung | hanged / hung | colgar 16 | have had had tener 17 | hear heard heard of pis {hold [hed «| ——sheld sujetar 19 kee) | kept kept uardar 2] lead | led led dirigir al 22 | leam | leamt/teamed | leamt/leamed aprender DES PERSON/PEOPLI He looks — adjective) The girl looks a bit ..(tadjective) «They seem — GIVING AN OPINTON Think it’s — « Tdon’t think GIVING DETAILS ABOUT THE PICTURE _ Inthe foreground there’ s ~ _ Tn the background you,can see . On the left — = Onthe right — . At the bottom — . In this corner ... . Inthe middle -. COMPARING “The girl looks much older than the boy. The yellow car és the biggest. “The mother isn’t as pretty as the baby. SPEAKING TEST! atiout two minutes in total ‘The examiner will then ask you to ‘talk together about the toI sic of the pictures in Part 3. - “Tn the exam, as well as talking about your own opinions and experiences, remember to ask your partner for their oun thoughts. Some of the following words and expressions may be useful in this practice test: | DESCRIBE PEOPLE'S ACTIONS He's sitting at a desk ‘She's standing in a queue + They're having a meal Sormie people are sunbathing and others are swimming in the sea, DESCRIBE PEOPLE'S ROLES IN A PICTURE + Hes probably a shop assistant and she's a customer. «This person on the left seems to be a tourist guide - he's pointing at a building + The man serving the drinks is a waiter DESCRIBE PEOPLE'S FEELINGS IN A PIC ‘URE + You can tell they are enjoying themselves because they are smiling + He seems a bit frightened, Maybe this isthe first time he's tried this + She looks very interested in this activity ~she's concentrating very hard USEFUL PHRASES FOR PART 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION In the picture I can see... There's — «There are Tt looks like (noun) Ti looks quite _(+adjective) SPERKING oWTLine SOME LANGUAGE e.g. HOW TO GIVE A GENERAL INTRODUCTION «This picture shows ] + In this picture T can see This is a picture of —... TALK ABOUT PLACES + Theyre driving in the country/in a city/in the nourtains. + She's sitting inside/outside a café. + Icon see a street market/old building/square/street/restaurant/beach ... DESCRIBE PEOPLE'S AGE + He's about 50 years old. + Theyre in their twenties + She's a-teenager/a young child/a middle aged wornan DESCRIBE PEOPLE'S CLOTHES ~ She's wearing a pair of shorts anda red T-shirt + They're wearing quite casual/smart clothes + He's wearing a uniform Pn] 15. The subject interested everyone, You wrote about it last week. 16. Mrs. Fox belongs to an organization. It assista hospitals. 17. You should go to Dr. Anderson. He'll give you a common exam. 18, Wemet a girl. Her name was unusual 19, The story can’t possibly be true. He told it to us, 20. Did you buy the dress? twas very smart and expensive. 21. That's the dog, It can understand everything, 22. My friend invited alot of visitors. His house is very large. 73, The bus was very crowded, I took it this morning. ‘24, My giritiend is very beatiful. Her eyes are green. 25. Bring me the books, [forgot them on my table. 3)) Complete the sentences: 1. I watched a football match which .. 2. My friends whom 3, Did you pass the exam which 4. Students who 5. 6 1. brought mene presen ‘must study ie, ‘The postman whose. isat the door. 5. That's the girl whose... . Jim helped the old lady who . 8. The police asked some questions tothe ie 9. Thave a new camera which 10. A parrot is a bird that 11. The children whom... each other. 12, Prof. Moore who .. 13. The soup which . 14, A kangaroo is an animal which . 15 Is that the same boy who . 16. The present which 17. [need someone who 18. The actor whom .. ‘were arguing with . will be our guest. +. Was very salty ‘was very interesting. [UNIT 9. RELATIVE C1ANISES 1) Fill in the correct RELATIVE PRONOUN: 1. Did you see the man . 2. The eggs . {you've bought are bad 3. Please give me the keys are on the table. 4, Is that man we saw in the park yesterday? 3, What's the name of the lady .. . babysits for you? 6. Tom is playing with the dog .. lives next door. 7. Have you eaten all the cakes 8. How old is the man 9. Let’s all look at the picture... 10. Has Peter returned the money . he borrowed from you? 11. What colour is the dress you're going to wear tonight? ‘murdered his wife. ‘on the table is your birthday present. Jackie is going to marry? delivers our milk to leave an extra bottle. 12. The police have arrested the man 13. The paresl . 14, Have you met the man . 15. We will ask the man .. 16. Is she the person . gave you this record? 17, We spent our holiday ina smal own is near the sea, 18, The man . married Kate isa millionaire. 19. Where are the shoes . T ought this morning? 20. still waite to that lady . Tmet twenty years ago, 2) Join these sentences using suitable RELATIVE PRONOUN! 1. We bine a neighbour. His dog barks a lot. 2. [don’t know most of the people. You invited them for 3, My cousin is a journalist. Her job is interesting. 4, That's the parcel. It came inthe mail. 5. Do you know the man? I asked him the address. 6. The boy is the travel agent. He is 1, Yh gadonar's wif ha just had he third baby. She has been maid for sx years. last. You were telling me about 12, The mans teaches at the university. You met his daughter last night sre studying science. It helps us to find out alot about the world around us. 14, The man was very rich, He lef a big tip forthe waiter. Wocabulary |E Gomplote the puze according to the pictures and ‘in the tide animal. Then enswer te question ‘ 2 Compete te sentences with he singular or plural ‘orm ofthe words low. beak « trank- tusk «scale + wing jaw + paw tail 1. A bind eant fy witha Broken 2. ate sctualy Jong front teeth, 3. Many fish have got colourful 4, Some monkeys have got very long strong 5. My dog doesn like walking in the snow. His get cold 6. An elephant ses its. to eat and drink. 7. A bird's —__ is suited to the type of, food it eats. 8, The hippo’ —allows it to open its mouth to almost 180 degrees. Grammar 3 Add the information in brackets tothe sentence, Use non-detining relative clauses, Walt Disney made many films about animals. (lived from 1901-1966) In 1923, he started a studio for animated films with his brother: (moved to Hollywood) 3, The studio was in Hollywood’ Silver Lake district. (it remained until 1939) 4 The film Oswald the Lucky Rabbit became very popular. (one of his first animal cartoons) 5. Another famous animal character was Dumbo. (huge cars helped him fy) Join the sentences. Use non-tefining relative clauses. 1. The tiger is the largest of the cat species. I-can,weigh up to 388 kilos. 2. This animal is an excellent hunter. Its fur is ‘mostly orange with dark stripes. 3. Tigers are strong swimmers, This is unusual for big eats. 4, About 100 years ago they could be found in many areas of Asia. There were over 100,000 tigers then, 5. Today, about half of the world’s 4,000 tigers live in India. The tiger is respected and feared there, 6. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio travelled to Asia to see them in their natural environment. He is interested in saving the tigers. ~ LO lle eS A 138. Vocabulary If Match the words to the pictures. —1. hunt —2 catch —3. hibernate —4 crawl —5. hide i —6. lay eggs 2. Complete the sentences. 1. Some animals de taco When an ey is neae 2. Atnight, gorillas b Bonn $n tees to sleep in. 3. How many babies does a tiger g b_—-toat one time? 4, Zebras run in groups as a way tod ~~~ when lions a 5. fap——— ssnake b....s you, you _nust get to hospital immediately. 6. How long can a person $.-..-. a ‘without food? 7. My dogiis usually h. Z ccan be dangerous if he f t amen [zac English in Use 3 Photooplabe OD Baringo Boo] 3B Match Ato B to form sentonces with defining retative causes, Use wha, which, whore, when or whose. A 1. Aftica isa country 2. Sweden has got a rabbit jumping show competition 3. The cobra and the viper are both stakes 4, Aesop was a writer in ancient Greece 5, Many dogs become more aggressive during the period B =. _..1s called Kaninhoppning. _~ You can still see many wild __ bites are very poisonous. they are Tooking after their ‘wrote fables about animals. 4 Join the sentences abaut leoparts using who, which, ‘where, whem or whose. In which sentences ean that beused? 1 Leopards are large cats. Their spots make them look like jaguars. 2. They are very strong and mnt animals. These animals may be much larger than they are. 3, They often hide their food in trees. Other animals ‘won't find it. 4, People may find it dificult because leopards are such good hiders. They want to see leopards. 5, Night is the time. Leopants are the most active then. Revrito the second sentence sa that it means the same as the fist Use the word in brackets. 1. We all went on the safart apart from Sam. (who) Sam was the only person... 2. The gel who lost her eat is very upset. (whose) The gil 3, My cousin hit that og with his cas. (which) Thats the dog.- Ee 4. That veterinary clini i mear my ouse. (where) That veterinary din cts ear live. 5. found the small puppy on a cold, ring morning, (when) The morning... WON ay ‘RELATIVE CLAUSES ‘DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES (ESPECIFICATIVAS) 'NON- DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES (EXPLICATIVAS) Tso] oracones de elas especicatvas se Taman asi pou apartan informacion | USO] Las oracTones de relativo expicativas afaden ceoncial sobre informacién adicional sobre el antecedente su antecedents, de tal manera qu sin elas el sentido de la frase quedaria Saher et eauce = is (ies cs anne incomplete. igual, por lo que no son indispensables Por | eso siempre van entre comas con una | coma nanan PRONOMBRES | SEREFIERENA | TRADUCCION EJEMPLOS | ‘SE PUEDEN ‘SE PUEDEN PRONOMBRES | SE REFIEREN A ‘EJEMPLOS RELATIVOS susrruneon | ommm. |" RELATIVos | THaren | _siEMney | LencuarenAs | cUaNoO No INFORMAL | sean eLsvIETO Dea onAcion 7 Nose puroen DE RELATIVO susruin WHO Personas ‘Quien / quienes | Isaw the Vsaw the John is the man ‘WHO Personas James Bond, NUNCA POR | fawe ‘woman no | woman thot | who/that] we wigtatamous | THaT. | Mistedyou | vittedyou | saw yesterday voy. won i created by lan | ening | wie [Cosas Gua TeFaaal | Tastthe map | Vest the map | Tve bought the | WHICH [Cosas that doce i ithich she gave | thatshe gave | CD (whieh/thet) whch s | me me Poul told me Import, i ice | Wren | Teneo Giando] | Winever orgs | Vinever forget | Do vou wren —[eapo im gong 10 enque thedayyhen | the day that | remember the Rome next theyarived | theyarved | day (that/ week when the wn) we at? Wweatheris ood | NO SE PUEDEN series | omni tuNcn TER | ras paca tna emeT eT canst | ssn | a | cays Feuyas | about aman Sister ves ere whose wife ismyfriend | | Eo Alsappears : cia | WHERE [ar Sone is that the town wien [Taser ‘adn hee’ | ' Enelque | where you were : went st week, \ tom? __|iseearhere | | ‘WHOM. Persona, ‘Quien / quienes | The person to ‘The person | ‘WHOM Persona, (NO MUY | cuando — | Fque uthom had to had totale cuando et FRECUENTES EN | relstho leva fal there isnt here relate eva tunes | reposcén preposién asiavo | nia (37 fy few flown | ___volar 14| forget forgot | forgotten olvidar 15| forgive | forgave forgiven perdonar freeze froze frozen congelar give [__given dar go gone ir ‘grow. Deewa. | erecer hide hidden esconder Row: Ailowin' “saben conocer lie lain tumbarse fide fidden montar ting | rung lamar rise fisen elevar see seen ver shake shaken agitar show shown mostar sng | sung: cantar, 30] speak spoken hablar 3i| steal stolen robar 32 [swim swum nadar 33] take taken coger, tomar 35! throw | threw thrown | anpjar,tiar_| 36] wake up | woke up| woken up despertarse ECs i rin (eee 38]. write wrote escribir * Losverbos estén ordenadospor orden alfabético. Las casilas sombreadasdel mismo color son verbosque siguen el mismo patron. Repdsalosy encuentra tuspropiostncos. -.

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