Importance of Personal Development in Career and Life Goals PDF

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Developing a career and life goals seemed to be a bit challenging, especially when having
some trouble in terms of the crucial aspects connected with the execution of the entire process.
Hence, an aid of a core subject entitled Personal Development is exceedingly a great support to
form, enhance, and shape one’s career and life goals.

Personal Development is a core subject that usually consists of activities that helps an
individual’s capability and potentials to grow and acquire certain progress. It supports the
construction of a human capital, facilitate employability, and augment the quality of one’s life as
well as the realization of such dreams and aspirations. It could definitely take place over the course
of an individual’s entire lifespan, in short, Personal Development is a lifelong process (Wiki, 2021).

By then, in terms of building and developing one’s career and life goals as one of the
grounds of preparation in stepping out of the real cruel world, genuine engagement and association
with Personal Development would feasibly play a vital role and is probably a good step to make
as it helps an individual to understand his/herself a lot better. In this way, the soaring possibility
of achieving a standard form of living and a more comfortable and truly the source of one’s
happiness in the near future could be clearly visualized and probably not just stay as a mere dream,
but a genuine reality.

To make this a bit firmer and well-made, clarifying the definition of a career goal would
probably make sense. According to CFI (Corporate Finance Institute, 2015), a career goal is a
“well-defined statement explaining the profession that an individual intends to pursue throughout
his career”. Through defining an individual’s career goal, it would be greater and probably easier
for them to come up with an effective action plan.

In this matter is where the essentiality of the Personal Development is definitely standing
and should be discussed fluently. Since this core subject reach out a great assistance to an
individual to create a whole-new and a strongly preferable version of him/herself as it offers
him/her a room for a standard self-modification and genuine self-evaluation, it is undeniably one
of those central matters that one should engage with as s/he is trying to create his/her career and
life goals.
Self-awareness is one of the important aspects in Personal Development that should be
firstly considered and also one of the crucial concerns that should be taken seriously if attaining a
successful career and life goal is truly aimed for. Through having such self-awareness, an
individual could certainly evaluate him/herself. By means of this, the needed aspects in creating a
career plan or goal are slowly explored and discovered as well as unveiling the true identity of
oneself. The skills, capabilities, values, the purpose, and the things that s/he is wishing to pursue.

In every situation and bits of certain moments, new data and information are being wired
up in every individual, but if the sense of self-awareness is being neglected, all of these could be
turned useless and would have probably accumulate such difficulty in pointing out the things that
s/he wanted to stand for, liked or loved, or even wished to pursue.

Getting failed in performing a thorough self-evaluation through assessing self-awareness,

might be a turning point for someone to be able to miss the mark of creating and completing one’s
career goal and life plan. Thus, getting seriously engaged in it would probably change the predicted

Moreover, the importance of Personal Development does not only revolve around the
successful execution of self-evaluation, but also in building up the firm principle of moving
forward, gaining self-confidence, acquiring motivations and inspiration to make up a great plan as
an individual also try to visualize him/herself in the nearly approaching future.

As well as designing one’s career goal is just half the battle, therefore, foreseeing the
journey of accomplishing his/her goals must also be set in mind. Nevertheless, improper mapping
out or the negligence in developing some career and life goals, it would totally bring the person of
such difficulty in achieving them. Thus, ensuring of meeting up the criteria of SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, & Time-bound) scheme is definitely should be done by an individual
and it is also somehow under the core of Personal Development because after all, it is showing a
self-assessment on going forward towards individual’s prosperity of his/her personality as well as
aiming for reaching up the certain standard that s/he have set for the future that s/he is trying to
hold up on to.

Mapping out a career and life goals are undeniably pretty challenging and might suffer
some certain downfalls which could lead to major disappointments if the structures and the
framework that is used is not strong enough or perhaps, too shallow to even to get to stand or hold
up the future without experiencing major tremors and collapses. By then, the essence of Personal
Development should probably be acknowledged and be appreciated as it is undeniably playing a
significant role in building up one’s attainable and successful career and life plans and goals.
Because it stands as the core of the essential and necessary aspects and blocks toward the aim of
acquiring a whole individuality with a victorious journey upon reaching up the life goals amidst
such difficulties and hardships due to a firm principle and stature of the built-up career and life
goals wherein the quintessence of Personal Development is featured.


Wikipedia (2021). Personal Development.

CFI (2015). Career Goal.

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