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Surah Ibrahim & Surah Hijr

From political point of view, in both these Surahs, sovereignty of Allah Almighty,
His wrath, anger and punishments has been mentioned. Islam teaches that
sovereignty or supreme power belongs to Allah and Allah alone. No human being
can be the lord of other human beings. There is none like Him. Allah’s sovereignty
is eternal. All things and beings will taste death, but Allah’s authority is everlasting
and immortal.
As Allah has made His system a law of reward and punishment that whoever does
good or obeys Allah's commands will be rewarded for it and whoever does evil or
disobeys Allah's command. He will be punished for it. In the same way, in a
government there is a system. There is a law. Punishment and retribution. He who
obeys will be rewarded. And whoever not obey, he will be punished. Allah has sent
many caliphs to guide the people to the right path. He sent them to tell them to
follow the right path and the people were told to obey the commands of so that you
may prosper. Whoever disobeys will surely be punished and with Allah is a severe
punishment. But they did not listen and they said to Abraham either you come to
our religion or you will leave, we will not listen to you.

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