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Atienza, Joylen M.

October 21, 2020

BSCE 3B Ma’am Arcigal

1. Can the engineer manager avoid making management decision? Why or why not?

No, they cannot avoid making decision, it’s their job to solve variant problems to be efficient. It is
understandable for a manager to make wrong decision at times. The wise manager will correct them as
soon as they are identified. The problem is when a manager cannot or do not want to make a decision.
Then can possibly remove from their positions.

2. When a problem becomes apparent and the engineer manager chooses to ignore it, is he
making a decision? Explain your answer.

Yes, because a manager knows what best for his company and he is responsible for every outcome
of his decision. A manager ignore problem as he evaluated that the problem is very hard to solve.

3. Why is proper diagnosis of the problem important?

Proper diagnosis of the problem is important to understand because it helps the manager to figuring
out why they are broken and to determine a course of actions they need to fix it. When the problem is
not well understood it will create another problem and there is no guarantee the solutions will address
the problem at all.

4. What quantitative techniques are useful in decision- making?

The types of useful quantitative techniques are the inventory models, Queuing theory, network
models, forecasting, regression analysis, simulation, linear programming, sampling theory and the
statistical decision theory.

5. Why is it important for those who will be involved in implementations to understand and
accept the solution to the problem?

It is important to work as one team, because understanding and accepting solution to the problem
allows employees to work together to feel connected to the company. Unity is always needed for
survival and the strength of a solutions is always with unity without teamwork their foundations is not
strong and effective.

6. What are the approaches in solving problems?

The approaches in solving problem are quantitative evaluation and the qualitative evaluation

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