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1. Course Code : PED102


3. Pre-requisite :

4. Credit : 3 units

5. Course Description: This is a three (3)-unit course designed to introduce both traditional and innovative technologies to facilitate and foster meaningful and effective
learning. Students are expected to demontrate a sound understanding of the nature, application and production of the various types of educational
technologies. The course will likewise focus both developing teacher-support materials and the production of technology-based student outputs.


OLPCC, a Catholic College, as an evangelizing arm of the local church, envisions a totally transformed Christian Community.


Thus, OLPCC as a sharer in the life and mission of the local church commits to:

a. Provide equal opportunity and access to quality education integrating Gospel and Filipino values, responsive and relevant to the needs of the times.
b. Create in the school community an atmosphere and opportunities for individual transformation that lead to Christian community living.
c. Reach out to people enriching their faith-life experience needed in building a just and humane society.

A. Produce competent, proficient and effective teachers in their respective field of specialization who can integrate Gospel and Filipino Cultural
values in the pursuit of National Education Goals.
B. To form self-disciplined and morally upright teachers with social conscience, and a sense of mission who can give their selfless service in
building Christian communities.
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C. Prepare critical, independent minded, innovative and research oriented teachers who can respond effectively to the changing demands and needs
of the education sector and the community as a whole.
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D. Equip prospective teachers and responsible community members with knowledge and positive attitude and continuously value the importance of
evangelization in the realization of the mission of the local church.
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8. Program Outcomes and Its relation to the Objective of the College of Education:

A Show competence and proficiency in the chosen filed of specialization with utmost confidence.
B Ability to design and develop lessons with clarity and understanding.
C Demonstrate effective communication skills and critical thinking.
D Ability to design and implement appropriate teaching materials, methods and strategies suited to the level of the students.
E Conducts relevant researches in order to improve the instruction and the research skills of the prospective teacher.
F Ability to integrate other disciplines in teaching and even in ordinary conservations as a manifestation of knowledge of
contemporary issues.
G Reach out to the poorest of the poor by adopting a school child.
H Openness to constructive critisms, make sel appraisal from time to time and understanding of the professional and ethical
I Strong education philosophy that influences in teaching children how to learn in order to meet global demands as well as local

8. Relationship of the Course Objective to Program Outcomes:


The student should be able to: A B C D E F G H I
1. Know the types of learning with traditional technology.
2. Understand the evolution of ICT in education.
3. Understand the nature of Instructional software.
4. Use Internet as an instructional tool.
5. Design and development of educational multimedia applications.
9. Course Outline


Course Program Outcomes Topics Methods Learning

Specific Objectives Objectives Strategies Activities

1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E F G H I

-To know and be aware I. Introduction to 17 Hrs Lecture The Recitati Pls. See
of the traditional and Educational Technology Seatwork student on reference
innovative technologies Hands-on will do Hands- part.
to facilitate effective a. Comparinf E- some On
learning learning and research, Quiz
Traditional and Periodic
- To be able to Instruction discussion Exam
understand and use b. Evolution of ICT
technical software in c. Instructions role
facilitating effective and function of
instructions. computer
. d. Understanding the
nature of

- To develop and II. Design and 17 hrs. Lecture The Recitati Pls. See
design educational Development of Education Seatwork student on reference
multimedia Multimedi application Hands-on will be Hands- part.
applications using given a On
powerpoint a. Introduction to change to Quiz
presentation, excel and PowerPoint recall Periodic
word. Presentation steps in Exam
b. Creating creating
educational presentati
presentations on using
- To utilize the III. The Internet as an 17.hrs Lecture The Recitati Pls. See
availability of internet Instructional Tool Seatwork students on reference
for effective teaching a. Introduction to Hands-on will Hands- part.
and learning Internet upload On
b. Guidelines in using their Quiz
- To create a simple the internet as as designed Periodic
WebPages that is ready educational tool and a Exam
to used for teaching c. Designing an panel will
utilizing the documents educational web judge on
created in PowerPoint. page the output
d. Uploading page of their
- To be able to upload designed
educational site for
teaching specific
subject areas.

11. Textbook: -.
12: Course Evaluation:

The minimum requirement for a passing grade is 75% as reflected in the Grading system of the institution, which is composed of the following:

Quizzes 30%
Class Standing 30%
Examination 40%

The cumulative system is applied which is one-third of the previous and two-thirds of the present.

Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for failing are:

Cheating during examinations
More than 20% of the total number of hours in semester
Failure to take major examinations with no valid excuse

Other behavioral problems contrary to the provisions of the code of discipline

13. Other References:
- Internet sites
- Simple PowerPoint 2000 Fully Illustrated copyright 2003
- Weaving A Webpage Program in HTML copyright 2002
14. Course Materials Made Available:

Course Goals and Instructional Objectives

Course Schedule for lecture and examination
End of Course Self-assessment report
Course Outline

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