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1. Course Code : IT 306

2. Course Title : Image Processing

3. Pre-requisite :

4. Credit : 3 units (with laboratory)

5. Course Description: This course will give the students the chance to design a simple structure of image processing using the Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop
and Macromedia Flash MX presentation. This course aslo introduces the students to the concept and history of image processing,
normally the audio and video that is sounds plus moving pictures.

OLPCC, a Catholic College, as an evangelizing arm of the local church, envisions a totally transformed Christian Community.


Thus, OLPCC as a sharer in the life and mission of the local church commits to:

a. Provide equal opportunity and access to quality education integrating Gospel and Filipino values, responsive and relevant to the needs of the times.
b. Create in the school community an atmosphere and opportunities for individual transformation that lead to Christian community living.
c. Reach out to people enriching their faith-life experience needed in building a just and humane society.

A. Provide competent and honest graduates who can transform theories into its practical application in the engineering and information technology
B. Equip prospective engineering and information technologist with adequate knowledge and skills to become proficient and efficient workforce in
their respective workplace.
C. Provide wholistic training which meets the demands of technological advancement of the 21st century.
D. Equip the students’ with enriched knowledge and positive attitude through the integration of the Gospel and Filipino cultural values in meeting
the demands of time.
7. Program Outcomes and Its relation to the Objective of the College of Engineering:

A Lead in the innovation and new technologies through research that benefits the community.
B Produce honest and hard working Information Technology
C Open to change and understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
D Adopt new trends in technology to meet the needs and demands the school and the community.
E Demonstrate effective communication and critical thinking
F Apply System Analysis and Design to facilitate technological work and to coop with the demand of globalization.
G Designed a computer hardware and software with proficiency and confidence.
H Ability to manipulate the computers to solve problems.
I Design Computer networks that facilitate communication among people.

8. Relationship of the Course Objective to Program Outcomes:


The student should be able to: A B C D E F G H I
To identify the different steps for image processing
Perform different techniques provided by the 3 image processing software
Create outputs of processed images using Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Flash
Understand and identify if what is streaming audio/video

9. Course Outline

Specific Objective Course Program Outcomes Learning



Objective Activities
1 2 3 4 A B C D E F G H I J K L M TOPICS and
- Identify the different I. Introduction to Image 1.5 Lecture – The Hands- Internet
types of image Peocessing hrs. Discussion students On Sites
processing. Demonstration will do Exercise
II. Workspace Tour in 5 hrs Seatwork/Assig hands-on s
- make acquainted with Corel Draw X3 nment/Hands- activities Quizzes
the parts of Corel Draw  Corel Draw On using Periodic
and the basic Terminology and Corel Exam
application. Concepts Draw
 Corel Draw
 Corel Draw
Workspace Tools

 Customizing

- Apply the steps in III. Getting started in 2.5

starting, opening, CorelDRAW hrs.
saving, drawing and  Starting and
quitting Corel Draw. Opening Drawing

 Saving Drawing,
Closing and
Quitting Corel

- explain the effect of IV. Working with Colors

colors in processing  Choosing Colors 5
images.  Creating Custom hrs.
Color Palettes
 Opening and
Editing Custom
Color Palettes
- Identify and apply the
V. Working with Lines,
techniques in working
Outlines and Brush Strokes
with lines, outlines and 4 hrs
brush Strokes and
objects in processing 5
VI. Working with Objects
image. hrs.

4 hrs
VII. Working with Text
- discover the best
technique in working
with text in image 2
* Work Presentation
processing. hrs.
- review the Flash VIII. Macromedia Flash 29 Lecture – The Hands- Internet
interface, features, and MX hrs Discussion students On Sites
techniques required to Demonstration will do Exercise
use each element. A. Twinning Shapes Seatwork/Assig hands-on s
B. Animation – Tweening nment/Hands- activities Quizzes
- create a motion tween C. Tweening with Motion On using Periodic
following a pre-defined Guides Corel Exam
path on the stage. D. Creating Simple Draw
- discuss the difference E. Animated Masks
between, and F. Simple Links
application of shape G. Work Presentation
tweening and motion

-create a Mask Layer

and associated Masked
Layer to reveal objects
on the stage.

- produce a live
functioning (on the
web) Flash project with
text, images, sound,
and interactive internal
and external links.

- produce presentation
using Macromedia
Flash MX

- To familiarize with IX. The Photoshop 1.5 Lecture – The Hands- Internet
the parts of Adobe Environment Discussion students On Sites
PhotoShop and the Demonstration will do Exercise
basic application. A. Using the Tools 5 Seatwork/Assig hands-on s
Options Bar hrs. nment/Hands- activities Quizzes
- To identify and apply On using Periodic
the Palettes tool in B. Using Palettes 5 Corel Exam
image processing. hrs. Draw

- To apply the C. Correcting Mistakes 5

commands in hrs.
correcting mistakes.
- To identify and apply D. Working with Layers 5
the techniques in hrs.
working with layers.
VIV. Develop Projects 5
- To create a well hrs.
defined output / XIV. Work Presentation 2.5
presentation using hrs.
Adobe Shop in image


11. Major Textbook:

Movie Making, Animation and Multimedia with MS Moviemaker and Adobe Flash, By: Antoinette R. Marcelo, Copyright 2008

12: Course Evaluation:

The minimum requirement for a passing grade is 75% as reflected in the Grading system of the institution, which is composed of the following:

Quizzes 30%
Class Standing 30%
Examination 40%

The cumulative system is applied which is one-third of the previous and two-thirds of the present.

Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for failing are:

Cheating during examinations
More than 20% of the total number of hours in semester
Failure to take major examinations with no valid excuse

Other behavioral problems contrary to the provisions of the code of discipline

13. Other References:

- HTML and WEB DESIGN Javascript/Macromedia Flash / MS Frontpage, By: Ma. Nerrissa Tamayo, Copyright 2007
- Movie Making, Animation and Multimedia with MS Moviemaker and Adobe Flash, By: Antoinette R. Marcelo, Copyright 2008
- Simple Corel Draw 12; By Antonio M. Andres Sr. and Antonio S. Andres Jr., Copyright 2006
- Internet sight
14. Course Materials Made Available:

Course Goals and Instructional Objectives

Course Schedule for lecture and examination
End of Course Self-assessment report
Course Outline

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