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The plural of The plural of The plural of The plural of

wife woman louse fish

is... is... is... is...

wives women lice fish

The plural of The plural of The plural of The plural of

shelf snowman child trousers

is... is... is... is...

shelves snowmen children trousers

The plural of The plural of The plural of The plural of

loaf goose cactus shrimp

is... is... is... is...

loaves geese cacti shrimp

The plural of The plural of The plural of The plural of

knife tooth octopus moose

is... is... is... is...

knives teeth octopi moose

The plural of The plural of The plural of The plural of

wolf man person sheep

is... is... is... is...

wolves men people sheep

The plural of The plural of The plural of The plural of

elf foot mouse deer

is... is... is... is...

elves feet mice deer

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