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Quarter: FOURTH
Theme: Approaching Differences

I. Objectives

A. Content standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how

world literature and other text types serve as
instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to
use the language of research, campaigns and

C. Performance Standard The learner competently presents a research

report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.
D. Learning Competencies 1. Give expanded definitions of words (EN10V-IIIa-
2. Explain how the elements specific to a genre
contribute to the theme of a particular literary
selection (EN10LT-IVa-2.2); and
3. Express appreciation for sensory images used
II. Learning Content: The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery

III. Learning Resources

A. Reference English G-10, K to 12, LM pp. 410-415

B. Other Resources Literary Devices Definition and Examples of

Literary Terms (
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Presenting the new lesson

 Daily Routine Good morning too, ma’am!
Good morning, class!

May we all stand for the prayer. Prayer (Students stand and pray.)
leader today, please lead us.

Before taking your seat, kindly pick up

the litters around you if there is and
align your chairs.

Class secretary, please note of the

names of those who are absent

Are you ready for today’s lesson, Yes, ma’am!


 Motivation
To start the lesson, we will have an Profile 1
activity called “Swipe Left, or Swipe
Little Prince, 8
1. A profile will be posted on the
2. Students will swipe left if they do
not want the person or swipe right
if they do.
3. A question shall be asked. Profile 2

Hunter, 40

Profile 3

Fox, 5

1. Will you swipe left or right on the: I will swipe right to the Little Prince because he is
a. first profile like my younger brother. I want to be close to him.
b. second profile? I will swipe left to the hunter because he is a killer
Why? of animals. I do not want to associate with him.
I will swipe right to the Fox because I want to
befriend the fox.

B. Establishing purpose for the lesson

Today we will find if your decision to swipe  Expand the meaning of words found in the
left or right is correct as we proceed in our selection;
discussion.  Identify the genre and the theme of the
 Enumerate the elements of a fable;
 Answer the guide questions;
 Draw out message and insights from the
selection read; and
 Identify sensory images used in the

 He is a French writer and an aviator.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the  He joined French air force in 1921.
new lesson  Some of the books he wrote are Southern
Before we totally indulge ourselves in the Mail, Night Flight and The Little Prince.
lesson, let us first get to know the author  In 1994, his plan was lost in the and the
of “The Little Prince.” remains of the aircraft were only found in

By the end of the discussion, you shall

answer this question: with the advent of
technology has the meaning of friendship
became superficial?

Column A Expanded Column B

Unlocking of difficulties 1. Tame no longer wild A. to take a
Now that we know who the author is, let deep audible
us now expand the meaning of words breath
found in the excerpt in an activity called 2. Neglect to fail to give B. no longer
Word Map. the proper wild
care or
Instructions: attention
1. Match the words under column A with 3. Sigh to take a deep C. to fail to
its proper expanded meaning in audible give the
column B. breath proper care or
2. Use the words correctly in a sentence. attention
4. Burrow a hole dug as D. a
a living space ceremonial
by small act
5. Rite a ceremonial E. necessary;
act important
6. Essential necessary; F. a hole dug
important as a living
space by small
G. a pointless

1. The Little Prince was able to tame the fox.

2. The fox said taming is an act often
neglected by men.
3. He sighed in relief when he realized that
his rose is unique.
4. The fox lives in a burrow.
5. He learned the rite of coming on time to
meet the fox.
6. Friendship is essential in our life.

Background check
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Statement Agree/Disagre Page
new skills # 1 e
 Reading The fox Disagree 412
I gave you a reading task and an activity to immediately
answer as an assignment yesterday. Kindly becomes a
bring out your assignment and let us check friend of the
it. Little Prince.
The Little Agree 413
Prince is
willing to
tame the fox.
The Fox Agree 413
instructed the
Little Prince
about the
“rite” that he
The fox cried Agree 413
when the
Little Prince
Once a Agree 414
person tames
something, it
 Processing questions
To check your understanding of the story,
we will have an activity called Recitation
Race: House Mates Scores.

1. Work in 5 groups.
2. Assign a group leader and a
3. After the question is read, you
must raise your hand before the
other groups to be given the
privilege to answer.
4. Correct answer will merit the
house 2 points, and inadequate answer 1

1. Who are the characters in the story? The Little Prince. He is child-like and friendly.
Describe each. The Fox. It is wise, approachable and very pretty to
look at.
Men. They have guns and they hunt.
Roses. They are beautiful but empty.
The Little Prince’s rose. It is unique and important.

2. Where do you think is the setting of

the story? In the field.

3. How important is the “rite” or “ritual”

of taming in the friendship of the Little It is very important because through those rite and
Prince and the Fox? Why? rituals, the Fox and the Little Prince learned to
know, trust and respect each other.
4. What made the roses that the Little
Prince saw beautiful but empty? The fact that they never tamed anyone made them
beautiful but empty.
5. How can one say that someone is
already especial for him or her?
One can say that someone is already special for
him or her if that someone reminds him or her of
the things one used to find ordinary.
6. How can you show responsibility to
someone or something that you have I can show responsibility by constantly
tamed? communicating to that person, making sure that I
contribute to his or her growth, and never leaving
that person behind.
7. Explain the line, “what is essential is
invisible to the eye,” in your own This line means that the important things, persons,
words. and life lessons invisible to the eye. We cannot see
what is essential just by using our eyes. We also
need to feel and internalize with our heart.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills # 2 The Little Prince
This time, we will use not just our sight but 1. Hearing: his voice is so tender like a child
also all our other senses in doing an and he speaks softly like a lullaby.
activity called Sensations. 2. Sight: he is petite and his hair is golden like
the grain of the wheat.
Instructions: 3. Smell: like a child’s natural sweet scent
 Work in pairs. mixed with sweat after playing in the field,
 Describe the Little Prince and the his smell is not so appealing to the nose.
Fox by writing a sentence that 4. Touch: his skin is soft like a cotton.
would appeal to senses. The Fox
 Use words that will create pictures 1. Hearing: his footsteps are audible when he
in the minds of the readers. runs, and his mewl sounds friendly for the
Little Prince.
2. Sight: the fox is a reddish four-legged
3. Smell: he smells like the burrow the lives
in, he smells like the earth
4. Touch: his fur is thick and it feels like
cushion in the palm.

F. Developing mastery
To test your understanding of the story, 2nd 1. The Fox taught the Little Prince how to
we will have another activity called, “Am I establish ties.
First? Am I Last?”
5th 2. The Fox shared his secret to the Little Prince.
 Bring out one fourth sheet of 1st 3. The Fox said that he is under the apple tree.
 Work individually. 3rd 4. The Little Prince saw the roses and said that
 Arrange the following statements they are beautiful but empty.
 Write 1st if the statement comes 4th 5. “I shall cry,” said the Fox when the hour of
first and so on. departure drew near.
 Place your answer in the space
before the number.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts

The following are some striking lines in the
story. I want you to pick one line and 1. Words can make you or destroy you. If you do
explain what it means. not say what you mean properly, it will cause
1. Words are the sources of
misunderstanding. 2. It is through our eyes that we see the physical
2. It is only in the heart that one can see world but it is only with our heart that we can
rightly, what is essential is invisible to the appreciate and perceive the importance of
eye. someone or something.
3. There’s no shop anywhere where one
can buy friendship. 3. Friendship is important and hard to find. You
cannot buy real friendship.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions
With the characters of the story, what can
you conclude about the genre of the It is a fable.

What do you think are the characteristics

of a fable?
 The characters involve an animal.
 Fables personify animal characters.
 It provides a moral at the end.
What is the theme of the excerpt?

The theme of the excerpt is forming friendship

How did the elements of the fable through respecting differences.
contribute to the exposition of the theme
of the excerpt? The main characters different in nature and in
characteristics. The elements of a fable
contributed to the exposition of the theme by
showing how two different things agreed to trust
and respect each other to form friendship.
With the advent of technology has the
meaning of friendship became superficial?
Technology brought us closer. Maybe some of us
found internet friends and communicate with non-
internet friends using the Wi-Fi or data
connection. With these, I think friendship has not
become superficial because of the advent of
technology. Technology serves its purpose of
connecting people. But still, it is a case to case
basis. The meaning of friendship becomes
superficial if one destroys the image of his or her
friend after having a misunderstanding and if one
abandons his or her friend when trying time

I. Evaluating learning
May I request the group leaders to go in
front and get the task envelopes of the Task context:
group. The English Department is having a friendship
week wherein the highlight is the story of the Little
Prince and the Fox. They are conducting a talent’s
show to test the understanding of the student of
the story.

Task Instruction:
1. Stay with your group
2. The group leaders will get the task envelope.
3. Work on the task collaboratively and silently for
15 minutes.
4. Present your output for 3 to 5 minutes.

Group 1: Sing it to Explain It

Select a popular song which exudes the theme of
the excerpt. After selecting a song, sing it in front
and explain how the song is related to the excerpt.

Group 2: Recite me like one of your favorite verse

Write a poem which consists of one stanza with
four lines and two pairs of rhyming words. Recite
it in front of the class afterwards.

Group 3: Comics me up
Draw a comics strip with four panels to summarize
the important events in the story. Explain your
output in front of the class afterwards.

Group 4: Lights, Camera, Action!

Create a script portraying a true to life situation
which will explain the line, “Words are the sources
of misunderstanding.” Act is out in front

Group 5: Story Grammar

Fill out the information needed to complete the
story grammar.

J. Additional activities for application or


Write an essay with three paragraphs about the
importance of friendship based from the selection.
Rubric : Content - 10
Relevance - 5
Grammar - 5
Total - 20 pts

Read about the techniques on writing a cohesive
essay on page ___ of your book and answer
activity ___ on page _____.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers.

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