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Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Use Case

Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Use Case

User Story:

As an Administrator, I can Login into my account

Brief Description:

Log in form is use by supervisor & users to access their accounts and do their task base
on their user account type

Initial Step by Step Description:

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. Username
1. Component: Text Field
2. Component name: username
3. Variable name: username
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: tbl_account
8. Table field: username
9. Link/Action/Destination: Login_function.php: isd_db:
10. Remarks: the border of the textfield will have a notification if the textfield is empty

B. Password
1. Component: Text Field
2. Component name: password
3. Variable name: password
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: tbl_account
8. Table field: password
9. Link/Action/Destination: Login_function.php: isd_db: home.php
10. Remarks: the border of the textfield will have a notification if the textfield is empty

C. Sign-In
1. Component: Button
2. Component name: btnLogin
3. Variable name: submit
4. Data type: na
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: Login_function.php: isd_db:
10. Remarks: the button will have a notification if the username and password is empty
Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Dashboard Form Use Case

Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Dashboard Form

Brief Description:

Summarization of overall process of the system

Initial Step by Step Description:

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. Dashboard
1. Component: label
2. Component name: label
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: na
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: isd_db:
10. Remarks: Dashboard Label

B. Search
1. Component: datatables
2. Component name: Search
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: na
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: isd_db:
10. Remarks: Dashboard Search Bar

C. Assign Task
1. Component: Modal
2. Component name: Assign Task
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: modal
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: assigned
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Assign Task list

D. Task
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: Task
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Task list

E. Description
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: description
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Description list

F. Assigned
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: assigned
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Assigned list

G. Start Date
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: start_date
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name : isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Date
H. Target End Date
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: target_end_date
3. Variable name: target_end_date
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Date End Date

I. Finished Date
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: finished_date
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name : isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Finished Date

J. Status
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: status
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: : isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Status list

K. Users
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: user
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Users list

L. Feedback
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: feed
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Feedback list

M. Supervisor Remarks
1. Component: datable
2. Component name: remarks
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: task_assign
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Remarks list

N. Action
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Dashboard Actions Icon
Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Accounts Form Use Case
Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Accounts Form

Brief Description:

Summarization of User Credentials

Initial Step by Step Description:

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. First Name
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: firstname
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts FirstName

B. Middle Name
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: middlename
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Middle Name list

C. Last Name
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: lastname
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Last name list

D. Contact number
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: contact_no
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Contact number list

E. Email
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: email
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Email list

F. Position
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datatable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Position list

G. Status
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datatable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Status list

H. Action
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Action list

I. Accounts
1. Component: Label
2. Component name: accounts
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: home.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Label list

J. Show Entry
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: Show Entry
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Show Entry list
K. Search
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: search
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_assign_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Search Bar

L. Add Account
1. Component: modal
2. Component name: Add Account
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination : accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Add Account button

M. Archived
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datatable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts_function.php
10. Remarks: Accounts Archived list
Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Evaluation Form Use Case

Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Evaluation Form

Brief Description:

Summarization of all tasks of Trainees and Interns

Initial Step by Step Description

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. Trainees/Intern Task
1. Component: label
2. Component name: Trainees/Intern’s Task
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: home.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Trainees/Intern Task Label

B. Show Entry
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: Show Entry
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Show Entry

C. Search
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: search
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Search Bar
D. Trainees/Intern’s
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datatable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: account.php to trainees.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Trainees/Intern’s

E. Rate/Evaluation
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datatable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Rate/Evaluation list

F. Position
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Position list
G. Status
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Status list

H. Action
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Evaluation Action Icon
Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Evaluation Form Use Case

Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Evaluation Form

Brief Description:

Summarization of Task and Solutions made by the Supervisor

Initial Step by Step Description

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. Task/Solution
1. Component: label
2. Component name: Task/Solution
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_solution.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual Label

B. Show Entry
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: Show Entry
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_solution.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual Show Entry list

C. Search
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: datable
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual Search Bar

D. Add T ask
1. Component: modal
2. Component name: Add Account
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: n/a
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination : trainees.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual Add task button

E. Task
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual Task list

F. Description
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: trainees.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual description list

G. Action
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task_solution.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual Action Icon
Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Task Form Use Case

Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Task Form

Brief Description:

Summarization of users tasks for them to monitor their assigned job.

Initial Step by Step Description

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. Dashboard
1. Component: label
2. Component name: dashboard
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Task list Action Label

B. Show Entry
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: Show Entry
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Task list Show entry list

C. Search
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Task list Search Bar

D. Assign Task
1. Component: modal
2. Component name: Assign Task
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Task list Assign task button Icon

E. Task
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Overall Task Lists

F. Description
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: taks.php
10. Remarks: Solution Manual Action Icon

G. Assigned
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts.php;task_solution.php
10. Remarks: Task list which user assigned the task

H. Start Date/End Date

1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Task list Dates

I. Status
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Task list Status

J. Action
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: task.php
10. Remarks: Task list Action Icon
Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Resolved Reporst Form Use Case

Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Task Form

Brief Description:

Summarization of all Pending/Resolved tasks with assessments

Initial Step by Step Description

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. Dashboard
1. Component: label
2. Component name: dashboard
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Label

B. Show Entry
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: Show Entry
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports entry list

C. Search
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Search Bar

D. Create Task
1. Component: modal
2. Component name: Create Task
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Assign task button Icon

E. Task
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Overall Task Lists

F. Description
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Description summary

G. Assigned
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts.php; resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports assigned the task

H. Start Date/End Date

1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Start/Target Dates

I. Status
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Status

J. Intern Remarks/User Comments

1. Component: Datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports User Remarks & Comments
K. Supervisor Remarks
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Supervisor Remarks

J. Action
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Resolved Reports Action Icon
Supervisor / Intern & Trainee Saved Reports Form Use Case

Functional Requirement Specification

Supervisor/Inter & Trainee Saved Reports Form

Brief Description:

Summarization of all reports with retention of 5 years.

Initial Step by Step Description:

Before this use case can be initialized, User should turn on the PC or has an Android
Phone with internet for them to log-in to the Application via SSL or APK
A. Dashboard
1. Component: label
2. Component name: dashboard
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: n/a
7. Database table: n/a
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Label

B. Show Entry
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: Show Entry
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Show entry list

C. Search
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Search Bar / Date Search via Calendar

D. Assign Task
1. Component: modal
2. Component name: Create Task
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Assign task button Icon

E. Task
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Overall Task Lists

F. Description
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Description summary

G. Assigned
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: accounts.php; reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports User assigned the task

H. Target End/Finished Date

1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Start/Target Dates

I. Status
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Status

J. Users
1. Component: Datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports User list assign
K. Feedback
1. Component: Datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: resolved.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports feedbacks

L. Supervisor Remarks
1. Component: datatable
2. Component name: n/a
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: Varchar
5. Validation: maximum of 250 alpha numeric characters
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports Supervisor Remarks

M. Action
1. Component: actionicon
2. Component name: actionicon
3. Variable name: n/a
4. Data type: icon
5. Validation: n/a
6. Database name: isd_db
7. Database table: datatable
8. Table field: n/a
9. Link/Action/Destination: reports.php
10. Remarks: Saved Reports action Icon

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