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Hypothetical Meaning

1. WISH/IF ONLY – exprima o dorinta si poate fi folosit cu urmatoarele:

- Past Simple - cand avem o referire la present sau viitor
ex. I wish they drank more tea than coffee.
Imi doresc ca ei sa bea mai mult ceai decat lapte.

- Past Perfect Simple – cand referirea este la trecut(regret)

ex. I wish you had told me about it earlier.
Imi doresc ca tu sa-mi fi spus despre asta mai devreme.

- WOULD + V1 – actiune suparatoare legata de viitor care vreau sa

sa se schimbe sau sa inceteze
ex. I wish you would stop treating us like your inferiors.
Imi doresc sa incetezi sa ne mai tratezi ca si cand ti-am fi

- COULD + V1 – atunci cand S(ubiectul) din cele 2 propozitii este

ex. I wish I could have more time to spend with you.
Imi doresc sa am mai mult timp la dispozitie sa-l petrec cu tine.

2. IT’S TIME/IT’S ABOUT TIME/IT’S HIGH TIME = e timpul sa/s-a facut

vremea sa
- Past Simple/ Past Continuous(mai rar)
Ex. It’s about time we went home. E timpul sa mergem acasa.
- TO-infinitive
Ex. it’s time to go home.
- FOR-accusative + TO-infinitive
Ex. It’s time for us to go home.


Hypothetical Meaning
1. WISH/IF ONLY – exprima o dorinta si poate fi folosit cu urmatoarele:
- *Past Simple* - cand avem o referire la present sau viitor
ex. I wish they drank more tea than coffee.
Imi doresc ca ei sa bea mai mult ceai decat lapte.

- *Past Perfect Simple *– cand referirea este la trecut(regret)

ex. I wish you had told me about it earlier.
Imi doresc ca tu sa-mi fi spus despre asta mai devreme.

- *WOULD + V1* – actiune suparatoare legata de viitor care vreau

sa se schimbe sau sa inceteze
ex. I wish you would stop treating us like your inferiors.
Imi doresc sa incetezi sa ne mai tratezi ca si cand ti-am fi

- *COULD + V1* – atunci cand S(ubiectul) din cele 2 propozitii este

ex. I wish I could have more time to spend with you.
Imi doresc sa am mai mult timp la dispozitie sa-l petrec cu tine.

2. IT’S TIME/IT’S ABOUT TIME/IT’S HIGH TIME = e timpul sa/s-a facut

vremea sa
- Past Simple/ Past Continuous(mai rar)
Ex. It’s about time we went home. E timpul sa mergem acasa.

- TO-infinitive
Ex. it’s time to go home.

- FOR-accusative + TO-infinitive
Ex. It’s time for us to go home.

3. WOULD RATHER/WOULD SOONER – exprima preferinte

- *Past Simple* - cand referirea este la prezent
Ex. I’d rather you didn’t tell her that. As prefera sa nu ii spui asta.

- *Past Perfect Simple* - cand referirea este la trecut

Ex. I’d rather he hadn’t done that. As prefera ca el sa nu fi facut asta.
ATENTIE! Daca dupa aceste expresii nu exista un SUBIECT, se va folosi infinitivul
scurt in locul celor 2 timpuri.
- v1 – referire la prezent: I’d rather go now. As prefera sa plec acum.
- HAVE + V3/V1+ed: I’d rather have done that earlier. As prefera sa fi facut
asta mai devreme.

4. HAD BETTER – sfat:

- V1 – referire la prezent: You’d better leave now. Mai bine ai pleca acum.
- HAVE + V3/V1+ed – referire la trecut: You’d better have told her. Mai bine
i-ai fi spus.

5. AS IF/AS THOUGH – de parca/ca si cand:

- *Past Simple* – referire la prezent
Ex. He speaks as if he knew what to do. Vorbeste de parca ar sti ce sa faca.

- *Past Perfect Simple* – referire la trecut

Ex. He speaks as if he had been there. Vorbeste de parca ar fi fost acolo.

Putem folosi Present sau Future Time daca situatia contextuala este
Ex. He speaks as if he knows what to do. Dupa cum vorbeste stie ce trebuie sa

- folosim THAT
- S + SHOULD + V1/S + V1 -referire la prezent
Ex. It is important that he obey/should obey the rules.
- S + SHOULD HAVE + V3/V1+ed/HAVE + V3/V1+ed – refrire la trecut
Ex. It is sad that he should have left/have left like that.

Verbe care cer subjonctivul: ORDER, REQUEST, SUGGEST, ADVISE,


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