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Name! Positive
Location Color Bija sound Element Gland Body parts Themes Malfunctions
(translation) affirmation

silence;! depression,
Sahasrara awareness of
the trailing off of skull, cerebral alienation, “I am connected
(dwelling place iridescent white; higher self,
crown of head the sound of none pineal gland cortex, central mental illness, to Source. All is
without support; gold; violet connection to
OM into the nervous system neuralgia, well.”
thousand petals) Source
ALL-THAT-IS confusion

intuition, psychic poor vision,

eyes, nose, ears,
abilities, self blindness, “I courageously
Ajna (to perceive between realization, migraines, follow my
indigo OM light pituitary gland forebrain,
or to command) eyebrows understanding, nightmares, unique path and
memories, sleep disorders, guidance.”
nervous system
dreams, visions bipolar disorder

communication, thyroid issues, “I speak my

vocal system,
wisdom, speech, flu, fevers, truth with
mouth, jaw,
Vishuddha thyroid and trust, creative blisters, courage, and
throat blue HAM ether tongue, neck,
(pure place) parathyroid expression, infections, soothe my
shoulders, lymph
planning, tonsillitis, words with
system, atlas
organization toothaches love.”

love, high blood

lungs, heart,
Anahata compassion, pressure, “I open my
bronchia, arms,
(unstruck, as in altruism, emphysema, heart fully to
the calm, serene heart green YAM air thymus devotion, heart problems, give and !
sound of acceptance of chest pain, receive love
stillness) divine guidance, feelings of unconditionally.”
renewal, growth alienation, guilt

ulcers, diabetes,
digestive tract, personal power, hepatitis,
Manipura (mani liver, stomach, will, optimism, hypoglycemia, “I stand in my
= gem or jewel; solar plexus yellow RAM fire pancreas diaphragm, self control, constipation, personal
pura = city) nervous system, feelings about timidity, power.”
metabolism authority parasites,
toxicity, jaundice

Svadhisthana intimacy, feelings,
womb, kidneys, uterine
(sva = self or sexuality,
gonads & urinary tract, problems, eating “I flow with the
prana; pelvic bowl orange VAM water procreation,
ovaries spleen, disorders, gout, rhythms of life.”
adhisthana = sensuality,
gallbladder discomfort with
dwelling place) freedom
gender roles

inability to take
survival, vitality,
Muladhara! legs, feet, bones, care of oneself, “I am always
(mul = root or large intestines, ungrounded, not safe at the
base of spine red LAM earth adrenals security,
base; adhara = coccygeal nerve wanting to be center of my
support, stability,
support) plexus, prostate on the planet, being.”

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