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Software development life cycle.

The software development life cycle or SDLC for short is a systematic process that is
designed to constitute the necessary features and procedures needed to make a
functional program to serve its intended purpose.They're 7 stages/phase in the SDLC
process with individual motives (task) all leading to the completion of a functional

The phases
The 7 phases are structured respectively; planning,Feasibility/requirements analysis
stage,Design and prototyping, software development stage,software testing
stage,implementation and integration ,operation and maintenance.

A brief overview of what is expected to be done in each phase is as follow:

This is the initial stage where the purpose of the application/software is clearly
defined ,along with materials ,objective timetables,teams, leader ,labour calculation etc
that will be the guideline for the project .(feedback from customers and stakeholders
contribute to this stage sometimes).

This phase can be considered part of planning, it determines what the application is
supposed to do and its requirement ,it also defines resources needed like a team and
machine that is required for the construction process.

Design and prototyping

The design stage models the way the software will work ,conceptualizing these
aspects;architecture , user interface ,platform,programming,communication and
security.The prototyping part speaks of an early version of the software and how it will
basically look and work.

Software development

This stage the actual program is written this is often done modulezie with each team
focusing on different features to make the program a complete and functional entity,the
programs are also searched for glitches and errors and resolve (all section must be
deemed functional before the next phase).this phase is also where customer guidelines
is written.
Software testing
During this phase the code is put through paces to check code quality,if the code meets
the stated requirements,if the code is performant and shows evidence of secure
development principals before it is released to users .

Implementation and integration

This phase's sole purpose is to ensure that the program is released to the public to be
used ,generally through a web server .

Operation and maintenance

The final phase can be seen as a never ending one as it seeks to inspect the program
for glitches, bugs and defects, a bug report is made and a run through of the phases
commence to resolve the issues.

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