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Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Graph Theory

A. Senthil Thilak

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Traversability - Eulerian graphs

A Walk is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, starting
and ending with vertices.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Traversability - Eulerian graphs

A Walk is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, starting
and ending with vertices.
A Trail is a walk without repetition of edges. (i.e., edges are not

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Traversability - Eulerian graphs

A Walk is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, starting
and ending with vertices.
A Trail is a walk without repetition of edges. (i.e., edges are not
A Circuit is a trail which starts and ends with the same vertex.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Traversability - Eulerian graphs

A Walk is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, starting
and ending with vertices.
A Trail is a walk without repetition of edges. (i.e., edges are not
A Circuit is a trail which starts and ends with the same vertex.
Euler Trail: An Euler Trail is a trail that includes all the edges.
(Remember that being a trail, it includes each edge exactly once).
A closed Euler Trail is called an Euler circuit.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Traversability - Eulerian graphs

A Walk is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges, starting
and ending with vertices.
A Trail is a walk without repetition of edges. (i.e., edges are not
A Circuit is a trail which starts and ends with the same vertex.
Euler Trail: An Euler Trail is a trail that includes all the edges.
(Remember that being a trail, it includes each edge exactly once).
A closed Euler Trail is called an Euler circuit.

Euler graph/Eulerian graph: A graph G is said to be Eulerian if
it has a closed Euler trail (or) an Euler circuit.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs


• All cycles Cn (n ≥ 3) are Eulerian.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs


• All cycles Cn (n ≥ 3) are Eulerian.

• Complete graph Kn is Eulerian, whenever n is odd.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs


• All cycles Cn (n ≥ 3) are Eulerian.

• Complete graph Kn is Eulerian, whenever n is odd.
• Complete graph Kn is non-Eulerian, whenever n is even.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs


• All cycles Cn (n ≥ 3) are Eulerian.

• Complete graph Kn is Eulerian, whenever n is odd.
• Complete graph Kn is non-Eulerian, whenever n is even.
• Petersen graph is non-Eulerian.

Figure: Petersen Graph

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak
Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let G be a graph with δ(G ) ≥ 2 and P be a maximal path in G .

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let G be a graph with δ(G ) ≥ 2 and P be a maximal path in G .
Let u be a pendant vertex lying on P.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let G be a graph with δ(G ) ≥ 2 and P be a maximal path in G .
Let u be a pendant vertex lying on P. Since P is maximal, it
cannot be extended. Hence,

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let G be a graph with δ(G ) ≥ 2 and P be a maximal path in G .
Let u be a pendant vertex lying on P. Since P is maximal, it
cannot be extended. Hence, every neighbour of u must lie on P.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let G be a graph with δ(G ) ≥ 2 and P be a maximal path in G .
Let u be a pendant vertex lying on P. Since P is maximal, it
cannot be extended. Hence, every neighbour of u must lie on P.
Thus, ∃ a neighbour v of u such that the edge e = (u, v ) (not
included in P) together with the uv -segment of P will form a cycle.
u v

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let P be a maximal path in G . Let u be a pendant vertex lying on
P. Since P is maximal, it cannot be extended. Hence, every
neighbour must already lie on P. Thus, ∃ a neighbour v of u such
that the edge e = (u, v ) (not included in P) together with the
uv -segment of P will form a cycle.
u v

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let P be a maximal path in G . Let u be a pendant vertex lying on
P. Since P is maximal, it cannot be extended. Hence, every
neighbour must already lie on P. Thus, ∃ a neighbour v of u such
that the edge e = (u, v ) (not included in P) together with the
uv -segment of P will form a cycle.
u v

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let P be a maximal path in G . Let u be a pendant vertex lying on
P. Since P is maximal, it cannot be extended. Hence, every
neighbour must already lie on P. Thus, ∃ a neighbour v of u such
that the edge e = (u, v ) (not included in P) together with the
uv -segment of P will form a cycle.
u v

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A graph G with δ(G ) ≥ 2, has atleast one cycle.

Let P be a maximal path in G . Let u be a pendant vertex lying on
P. Since P is maximal, it cannot be extended. Hence, every
neighbour must already lie on P. Thus, ∃ a neighbour v of u such
that the edge e = (u, v ) (not included in P) together with the
uv -segment of P will form a cycle.
u v

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.


Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.

Proof: Let G be a connected graph and suppose that G is


Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.

Proof: Let G be a connected graph and suppose that G is

Eulerian. Then it has an Euler circuit, say C , with its origin and
terminus, say u.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.

Proof: Let G be a connected graph and suppose that G is

Eulerian. Then it has an Euler circuit, say C , with its origin and
terminus, say u.
Each time a vertex v occurs as an internal vertex of C , two of the
edges incident on v are accounted for and contribute two degrees
to that vertex.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.

Proof: Let G be a connected graph and suppose that G is

Eulerian. Then it has an Euler circuit, say C , with its origin and
terminus, say u.
Each time a vertex v occurs as an internal vertex of C , two of the
edges incident on v are accounted for and contribute two degrees
to that vertex.
Since an Euler circuit contains every edge of G exactly once,
deg (v ) is even, for all v 6= u.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.

Proof: Let G be a connected graph and suppose that G is

Eulerian. Then it has an Euler circuit, say C , with its origin and
terminus, say u.
Each time a vertex v occurs as an internal vertex of C , two of the
edges incident on v are accounted for and contribute two degrees
to that vertex.
Since an Euler circuit contains every edge of G exactly once,
deg (v ) is even, for all v 6= u.
Similarly, C starts and ends at u and hence deg (u) is also even.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Theorem (Characterization of Eulerian graphs:)

A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if all its vertices are of
even degree.

Proof: Let G be a connected graph and suppose that G is

Eulerian. Then it has an Euler circuit, say C , with its origin and
terminus, say u.
Each time a vertex v occurs as an internal vertex of C , two of the
edges incident on v are accounted for and contribute two degrees
to that vertex.
Since an Euler circuit contains every edge of G exactly once,
deg (v ) is even, for all v 6= u.
Similarly, C starts and ends at u and hence deg (u) is also even.
Thus, all the vertices are of even degree.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part:

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence,

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit. Let C be a circuit of maximum possible length
in G .

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit. Let C be a circuit of maximum possible length
in G . As G is non-Eulerian, C cannot include all the edges of G .

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit. Let C be a circuit of maximum possible length
in G . As G is non-Eulerian, C cannot include all the edges of G .
Let G 0 be the graph obtained by removing the edges of C from G .
Then |E (G 0 )| < |E (G )|.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit. Let C be a circuit of maximum possible length
in G . As G is non-Eulerian, C cannot include all the edges of G .
Let G 0 be the graph obtained by removing the edges of C from G .
Then |E (G 0 )| < |E (G )|.
Hence, by our hypothesis, G 0 must have an Euler circuit, say C 0 .

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit. Let C be a circuit of maximum possible length
in G . As G is non-Eulerian, C cannot include all the edges of G .
Let G 0 be the graph obtained by removing the edges of C from G .
Then |E (G 0 )| < |E (G )|.
Hence, by our hypothesis, G 0 must have an Euler circuit, say C 0 .
Now, as G is connected, there must exist a vertex, say v , common
to both C and C 0 . Then CC 0 will be a circuit in G , such that
|E (CC 0 )| > |E (C )|, contradicting that

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit. Let C be a circuit of maximum possible length
in G . As G is non-Eulerian, C cannot include all the edges of G .
Let G 0 be the graph obtained by removing the edges of C from G .
Then |E (G 0 )| < |E (G )|.
Hence, by our hypothesis, G 0 must have an Euler circuit, say C 0 .
Now, as G is connected, there must exist a vertex, say v , common
to both C and C 0 . Then CC 0 will be a circuit in G , such that
|E (CC 0 )| > |E (C )|, contradicting that C is a ciruit of maximum
possible length in G .

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Converse part: Suppose that G is connected and all its vertices

are of even degree. If possible, assume that G is non-Eulerian and
let G be the smallest non-trivial graph with this property.
Since, degree of each vertex in G is even, δ(G ) ≥ 2 and hence, G
must have a circuit. Let C be a circuit of maximum possible length
in G . As G is non-Eulerian, C cannot include all the edges of G .
Let G 0 be the graph obtained by removing the edges of C from G .
Then |E (G 0 )| < |E (G )|.
Hence, by our hypothesis, G 0 must have an Euler circuit, say C 0 .
Now, as G is connected, there must exist a vertex, say v , common
to both C and C 0 . Then CC 0 will be a circuit in G , such that
|E (CC 0 )| > |E (C )|, contradicting that C is a ciruit of maximum
possible length in G .
Hence, G must be Eulerian.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A connected graph G has an Euler trail if and only if it has atmost
two vertices of odd degree.

Let G be a connected graph. Suppose G has an Euler trail, then every
vertex other than the origin and terminus are of even degree and hence,
the result follows.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A connected graph G has an Euler trail if and only if it has atmost
two vertices of odd degree.

Let G be a connected graph. Suppose G has an Euler trail, then every
vertex other than the origin and terminus are of even degree and hence,
the result follows.
Conversely, suppose that G has atmost two (i.e., ≤ 2) vertices of odd

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A connected graph G has an Euler trail if and only if it has atmost
two vertices of odd degree.

Let G be a connected graph. Suppose G has an Euler trail, then every
vertex other than the origin and terminus are of even degree and hence,
the result follows.
Conversely, suppose that G has atmost two (i.e., ≤ 2) vertices of odd
degree. Suppose it has no vertex of odd degree, then it has a closed
Euler trail and the result holds.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A connected graph G has an Euler trail if and only if it has atmost
two vertices of odd degree.

Let G be a connected graph. Suppose G has an Euler trail, then every
vertex other than the origin and terminus are of even degree and hence,
the result follows.
Conversely, suppose that G has atmost two (i.e., ≤ 2) vertices of odd
degree. Suppose it has no vertex of odd degree, then it has a closed
Euler trail and the result holds. On the other hand, if G has exatly two
vertices of odd degree, say u and v , then

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A connected graph G has an Euler trail if and only if it has atmost
two vertices of odd degree.

Let G be a connected graph. Suppose G has an Euler trail, then every
vertex other than the origin and terminus are of even degree and hence,
the result follows.
Conversely, suppose that G has atmost two (i.e., ≤ 2) vertices of odd
degree. Suppose it has no vertex of odd degree, then it has a closed
Euler trail and the result holds. On the other hand, if G has exatly two
vertices of odd degree, say u and v , then obtain a new graph G 0 by
adding an edge e between u and v . (i.e, G 0 = G + e, where e = (u, v )).

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A connected graph G has an Euler trail if and only if it has atmost
two vertices of odd degree.

Let G be a connected graph. Suppose G has an Euler trail, then every
vertex other than the origin and terminus are of even degree and hence,
the result follows.
Conversely, suppose that G has atmost two (i.e., ≤ 2) vertices of odd
degree. Suppose it has no vertex of odd degree, then it has a closed
Euler trail and the result holds. On the other hand, if G has exatly two
vertices of odd degree, say u and v , then obtain a new graph G 0 by
adding an edge e between u and v . (i.e, G 0 = G + e, where e = (u, v )).
Then, every vertex in G 0 is of even degree and hence, G 0 has an Euler
circuit, say C , that includes the edge e.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

A connected graph G has an Euler trail if and only if it has atmost
two vertices of odd degree.

Let G be a connected graph. Suppose G has an Euler trail, then every
vertex other than the origin and terminus are of even degree and hence,
the result follows.
Conversely, suppose that G has atmost two (i.e., ≤ 2) vertices of odd
degree. Suppose it has no vertex of odd degree, then it has a closed
Euler trail and the result holds. On the other hand, if G has exatly two
vertices of odd degree, say u and v , then obtain a new graph G 0 by
adding an edge e between u and v . (i.e, G 0 = G + e, where e = (u, v )).
Then, every vertex in G 0 is of even degree and hence, G 0 has an Euler
circuit, say C , that includes the edge e.
Now, C − e will be an Euler trail in G .

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

1 Which of the following figures can be drawn without lifting one’s
pen from the paper or without covering a line more than once?

2 If possible, draw a (p, q) Eulerian graph where p is even and q is

odd. Otherwise, explain why there is no such graph.
3 Show that if G has no vertex of odd degree, then G can be
partitioned into edge-disjoint cycles. (Or Show that every even
graph decomposes into cycles. [Remember that an even graph is a
graph in which all vertices are of even degree])

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Figure: Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783) - The Father of Graph Theory

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Königsberg-Bridge problem: [Solved by Euler in 1736]

The Königsberg-Bridge problem: The city of Königsberg was
located on the Pregel river in Prussia. The city occupied two island
plus areas on both banks. These regions were linked by seven
bridges. The citizens wondered whether they could leave home,
cross every bridge exactly once and return home.

Euler proved that the problem has no solution!!!!!

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak
Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Other significant results (without proof!)

If G is a simple graph in which every vertex has degree atleast k, then G
contains a path of length atleast k. If k ≥ 2, then G also contains a cycle
of length at least k + 1.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Other significant results (without proof!)

If G is a simple graph in which every vertex has degree atleast k, then G
contains a path of length atleast k. If k ≥ 2, then G also contains a cycle
of length at least k + 1.

In an even graph, every maximal trail is closed.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Other significant results (without proof!)

If G is a simple graph in which every vertex has degree atleast k, then G
contains a path of length atleast k. If k ≥ 2, then G also contains a cycle
of length at least k + 1.

In an even graph, every maximal trail is closed.

For a connected nontrivial graph G with exactly 2k odd vertices, where
k ≥ 1, then G can be decomposed into atleast k trails.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Eulerian graphs

Other significant results (without proof!)

If G is a simple graph in which every vertex has degree atleast k, then G
contains a path of length atleast k. If k ≥ 2, then G also contains a cycle
of length at least k + 1.

In an even graph, every maximal trail is closed.

For a connected nontrivial graph G with exactly 2k odd vertices, where
k ≥ 1, then G can be decomposed into atleast k trails.
Making a non-Eulerian graph into Eulerian:

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Hamiltonian graphs

Hamilton Path: A path that contains every vertex of G is called a
Hamilton path of G .
Hamilton Cycle: A cycle that contains every vertex of G is called
a Hamilton cycle (or spanning cycle) of G .

Hamiltonian graph: A graph G is Hamiltonian if it contains a
Hamilton cycle.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Such paths and cycles are named after Hamilton (1856), who
described, in a letter to his friend Graves, a mathematical game on
the dodecahedron in which one person sticks five pins in any five
consecutive vertices and the other is required to complete the path
so formed to a spanning cycle.

(a) Dodecahedron - (b) Herschel graph -

Hamiltonian Non-Hamiltonian

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Such paths and cycles are named after Hamilton (1856), who
described, in a letter to his friend Graves, a mathematical game on
the dodecahedron in which one person sticks five pins in any five
consecutive vertices and the other is required to complete the path
so formed to a spanning cycle.

(a) Dodecahedron - (b) Herschel graph -

Hamiltonian Non-Hamiltonian

Observe that the Dodecahedron graph is 3-regular and the Herschel

graph is bipartite!!!

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability


• The Dodecahedron given above is Hamiltonian.

• Complete graph Kn is Hamiltonian, ∀n.
• Every cycle Cn is Hamiltonian.
• The Herschel graph shown above is non-Hamiltonian.
• Petersen graph is non-Hamiltonian.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs

Theorem (A Necessary condition)

If G is Hamiltonian, then for every non-empty proper subset S of
V , ω(G − S) ≤ |S|, where ω(G − S) denotes the number of
components in G − S.

Let G be Hamiltonian. Then,

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs

Theorem (A Necessary condition)

If G is Hamiltonian, then for every non-empty proper subset S of
V , ω(G − S) ≤ |S|, where ω(G − S) denotes the number of
components in G − S.

Let G be Hamiltonian. Then, G has a Hamilton cycle, say C .

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs

Theorem (A Necessary condition)

If G is Hamiltonian, then for every non-empty proper subset S of
V , ω(G − S) ≤ |S|, where ω(G − S) denotes the number of
components in G − S.

Let G be Hamiltonian. Then, G has a Hamilton cycle, say C . Now,
for every non-empty subset S of V , ω(C − S) ≤ |S|.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs

Theorem (A Necessary condition)

If G is Hamiltonian, then for every non-empty proper subset S of
V , ω(G − S) ≤ |S|, where ω(G − S) denotes the number of
components in G − S.

Let G be Hamiltonian. Then, G has a Hamilton cycle, say C . Now,
for every non-empty subset S of V , ω(C − S) ≤ |S|. Also, C − S is
a spanning subgraph of G − S and hence,

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs

Theorem (A Necessary condition)

If G is Hamiltonian, then for every non-empty proper subset S of
V , ω(G − S) ≤ |S|, where ω(G − S) denotes the number of
components in G − S.

Let G be Hamiltonian. Then, G has a Hamilton cycle, say C . Now,
for every non-empty subset S of V , ω(C − S) ≤ |S|. Also, C − S is
a spanning subgraph of G − S and hence,
ω(G − S) ≤ ω(C − S) ≤ |S|. Hence, the result follows.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Sufficient condition 1 - Due to Dirac(1952)

Theorem (Sufficient condition 1 - Due to Dirac(1952))

If G is a simple graph with p ≥ 3 and δ(G ) ≥ , then G is

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Sufficient condition 1 - Due to Dirac(1952)

Theorem (Sufficient condition 1 - Due to Dirac(1952))

If G is a simple graph with p ≥ 3 and δ(G ) ≥ , then G is
Observe that the above condition is sufficient but not necessary.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Sufficient condition 1 - Due to Dirac(1952)

Theorem (Sufficient condition 1 - Due to Dirac(1952))

If G is a simple graph with p ≥ 3 and δ(G ) ≥ , then G is
Observe that the above condition is sufficient but not necessary.

For eg., Dodecahedron has p = 20 (≥ 3) vertices and its minimum

degree is 3 < p/2, but it is Hamiltonian.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs (contd...)

Let G be simple and u and v be non-adjacent vertices in G such
deg (u) + deg (v ) ≥ p,
then G is Hamiltonian if and only if G + uv is Hamiltonian.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs (contd...)

Let G be simple and u and v be non-adjacent vertices in G such
deg (u) + deg (v ) ≥ p,
then G is Hamiltonian if and only if G + uv is Hamiltonian.

The above lemma motivates the following definition.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Results on Hamiltonian graphs (contd...)

Let G be simple and u and v be non-adjacent vertices in G such
deg (u) + deg (v ) ≥ p,
then G is Hamiltonian if and only if G + uv is Hamiltonian.

The above lemma motivates the following definition.

Closure of a graph G [C(G)]: The closure of a graph G on p
vertices, is the graph obtained from G by recursively joining pairs of
non-adjacent vertices whose degree sum is atleast p, until no such
pair remains.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Closure of a graph - Example


Figure: A graph G

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Closure of a graph - Example



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Closure of a graph - Example



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability



(a) A graph G (b) Closure of G → C (G )

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

A simple graph G is Hamiltonian if and only if its closure C (G ) is

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

A simple graph G is Hamiltonian if and only if its closure C (G ) is

Let G be a simple graph with p ≥ 3. If C (G ) is complete, then G
is Hamiltonian.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

A simple graph G is Hamiltonian if and only if its closure C (G ) is

Let G be a simple graph with p ≥ 3. If C (G ) is complete, then G
is Hamiltonian.
The above corollary can be used to deduce various sufficient
conditions for a graph to be Hamiltonian in terms of its vertex

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

A simple graph G is Hamiltonian if and only if its closure C (G ) is

Let G be a simple graph with p ≥ 3. If C (G ) is complete, then G
is Hamiltonian.
The above corollary can be used to deduce various sufficient
conditions for a graph to be Hamiltonian in terms of its vertex
For example, when δ(G ) ≥ , clearly C (G ) is always complete.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

A simple graph G is Hamiltonian if and only if its closure C (G ) is

Let G be a simple graph with p ≥ 3. If C (G ) is complete, then G
is Hamiltonian.
The above corollary can be used to deduce various sufficient
conditions for a graph to be Hamiltonian in terms of its vertex
For example, when δ(G ) ≥ , clearly C (G ) is always complete. So,
Dirac’s condition follows as an immediate corollary.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

A simple graph G is Hamiltonian if and only if its closure C (G ) is

Let G be a simple graph with p ≥ 3. If C (G ) is complete, then G
is Hamiltonian.
The above corollary can be used to deduce various sufficient
conditions for a graph to be Hamiltonian in terms of its vertex
For example, when δ(G ) ≥ , clearly C (G ) is always complete. So,
Dirac’s condition follows as an immediate corollary. A more general
condition than that of Dirac was obtained by Chvátal (1972), which
is stated below.
Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak
Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Sufficient condition 2 - Due to Chvátal (1974)

Theorem (Sufficient condition 2 - Due to Chvátal (1974) -

Stronger than Dirac’s)
Let G be a simple graph with degree sequence (d1 , d2 , . . . dp ),
where d1 ≤ d2 ≤ · · · ≤ dp with p ≥ 3. Suppose that there is no
value of m < p/2 for which dm ≤ m and dp−m < p − m, then G is

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

The Chinese Postman Problem

The Chinese Postman Problem: In his job, a postman picks up
mail at the post office, delivers it and then returns to the post

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

The Chinese Postman Problem

The Chinese Postman Problem: In his job, a postman picks up
mail at the post office, delivers it and then returns to the post
office. He must, of course, cover each street in his area at least
once. Subject to this condition, he wishes to choose his route in
such a way that he walks as little as possible. This problem is
known as the the Chinese postman problem, since it was first
considered by a Chinese Mathematician, Kuan (1962).

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

The Chinese Postman Problem

The Chinese Postman Problem: In his job, a postman picks up
mail at the post office, delivers it and then returns to the post
office. He must, of course, cover each street in his area at least
once. Subject to this condition, he wishes to choose his route in
such a way that he walks as little as possible. This problem is
known as the the Chinese postman problem, since it was first
considered by a Chinese Mathematician, Kuan (1962).
The problem is modelled as a weighted graph, which is defined as a
graph in which real values are assigned to each edge, referred to as
the weight of that edge.
The weight of a tour/circuit v0 e1 v1 . . . en v0 is defined as
w (ei ).

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Clearly, the Chinese postman problem is just that of finding a

minimum-weight tour in a weighted connected graph with
non-negative weights. (Such a tour is generally referred to as an
optimal tour.)

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Clearly, the Chinese postman problem is just that of finding a

minimum-weight tour in a weighted connected graph with
non-negative weights. (Such a tour is generally referred to as an
optimal tour.)
Note: If G is Eulerian, then any Euler tour of G is an optimal
tour, because an Euler tour is a tour that traverses each
edge exactly once.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Clearly, the Chinese postman problem is just that of finding a

minimum-weight tour in a weighted connected graph with
non-negative weights. (Such a tour is generally referred to as an
optimal tour.)
Note: If G is Eulerian, then any Euler tour of G is an optimal
tour, because an Euler tour is a tour that traverses each
edge exactly once.
Thus, the Chinese postman problem is easily solved in this case,
since there exists a good algorithm for determining an Euler tour in
an Eulerian graph. Fleury’s Algorithm is one such algorithm!!!

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Travelling salesman Problem

The Travelling Salesman Problem: A travelling salesman wishes to

visit a number of towns and then return to his starting point.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Travelling salesman Problem

The Travelling Salesman Problem: A travelling salesman wishes to

visit a number of towns and then return to his starting point. Given the
travelling times between towns, how should he plan his travel so that he
visits each town exactly once and travels in all with as short time as
possible? This problem is known as the Travelling Salesman Problem.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Travelling salesman Problem

The Travelling Salesman Problem: A travelling salesman wishes to

visit a number of towns and then return to his starting point. Given the
travelling times between towns, how should he plan his travel so that he
visits each town exactly once and travels in all with as short time as
possible? This problem is known as the Travelling Salesman Problem.
The problem is again modelled as a weighted graph and the aim is to find
a minimum weighted Hamilton cycle (or an optimal cycle) in a weighted
complete graph.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

Traversability Hamiltonian Graphs Applications of Traversability

Travelling salesman Problem

The Travelling Salesman Problem: A travelling salesman wishes to

visit a number of towns and then return to his starting point. Given the
travelling times between towns, how should he plan his travel so that he
visits each town exactly once and travels in all with as short time as
possible? This problem is known as the Travelling Salesman Problem.
The problem is again modelled as a weighted graph and the aim is to find
a minimum weighted Hamilton cycle (or an optimal cycle) in a weighted
complete graph.
In contrast with the shortest path problem and the connector problem, no
efficient algorithm (global solution)for solving the travelling salesman
problem is known. But, several good approximation procedures (local
solutions) have been attempted. There are also necessary and sufficient
conditions to determine if a possible solution does exist when a given
graph is not complete.

Graph Theory A. Senthil Thilak

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