How To Become Mone Magnet

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How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in

40 Days Part 1 (Day 1 to 5)

Are you excited to be a money magnet with me? Keep up your
excitement. Everyone deserves to be a money magnet so are
each one of you.

If you think money is hard to earn, this will delay receiving

money. You may have many such thoughts in your mind e.g. life
is difficult, money gets stuck, a lot of debts, how to repay loans,
there is no source of income, how to choose a career, how to
manage expenses with fewer earnings.

If these thoughts are lingering in your mind every day and night,
then this page is for you.

You have a choice to blossom and prosper with this becoming a

money magnet ritual. Let prosperity flow into your life with ease.
Choose a simple and empowering way to release your mental
blocks with this 40-day ritual.

All you have to do is to follow and practice this easy ritual.

The Universe is abundant for all of us. Now unlock your potentials
and throw away all limitations with this practice.

What does Money Magnet Mean?

A person who attracts money and money opportunities is a
money magnet. The value of money coming into this person’s life
expands exponentially with time. There is no limit to the richness
of this person. Money magnet will attract money even if he/ she
becomes a millionaire or billionaire.

A money magnet is happy to receive money in life irrespective of

the amount of money received. A money magnet appreciates
and feels gratitude for money for every penny received.

The money magnet with his/ her efforts, planning and wealth

welcoming attitude gets into richness mode. A money magnet
is a person who always remains in high vibration state and
receives more and more money with his/ her attitude.

A Money magnet not only loves to earn money but also loves to
spend money in a carefree way.

In a money magnet’s life, a relationship with money keeps

changing and shifts towards being more and more prosperous.

If you are ready to be a money magnet, then get set and

go with my 40-day Ritual to become a Money Magnet.

Points to Remember Before Starting

Money Magnet Program/ Ritual
1. Each program is very easy to follow. You don’t have to
spend money to practice this program.
2. Start and practice this program irrespective of your
financial status.
3. Practice this program for yourself. Do not use this
practice on behalf of others.
4. Once you start this practice, do it daily and continuously
for 40 days. NO BREAKS PLEASE.
5. If there is a break on any day or you cannot follow this
ritual on any day. Then you will have to start again with
Day 1.
6. When you start the practice don’t think whether it will
work for you or not. Just go will the flow and allow it to
7. When you practice this ritual do not follow any other
Money-Making Ritual or video except that is guided by me
in this article.
8. If you are following any other Money Ritual outside this
article, do not use this ritual. Choose only one ritual at a

1st Program/ Ritual to Become a Money

Magnet- Day 1 to Day 5
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is
Newton’s 3rd law. But in this money ritual, there are multi-fold

Here is the 1st Ritual to Become Money Magnet

1. CREATE a CHAIN of blessings for the things you have,
and you will receive RAINS of blessings in your life.
How about blessing a hairpin, a blooming flower, a money
wallet, a cozy bedroom, a treadmill at your gym, an
orange juice, a chocolate cake that you have today.
2. In this ritual keep blessing every single thing that you
have in your life that has worth some money.
3. Bless what you OWN and also bless what you are USING
even if you don’t own and if it is worth some money.
4. You can say it in your mind or loudly as per your wish or
5. Everything has a certain value of money. The worth of
money varies from thing to thing. Irrespective of the price
of the things you have, or the size of the things, or how
frequently you use it or however less or more important it
is, just bless these things which have some value of
6. This practice is very easy and simple. You can do this
ritual throughout the day with your routine schedule.

Let us see some examples of how you can do

You can choose to use your own words, you can even put
emotions or adjectives in your blessings like:

 I bless my car or I bless my lovely car.

 I bless my toothbrush or I bless my favorite color
 I bless my lipstick or I bless the lipstick that makes me
smile more beautiful.
Let your emotions flow naturally !!

When you are at home, even if you are staying in a rented house,
it protects you and it is your shelter, bless this home:
 I bless you my comfortable home.
When you move around the living room or sit in the living room.
If you are sitting on the sofa, bless the sofa:

 I bless you my dear sofa.

 I bless you my dear GOLDEN SUNRISE image.
 I bless you my divine VIBBES SEEDER.
 I bless you my lively living room, TV, my winning
trophies, my pink flower vases.
 I bless you French windows, doors, safety door.
 I bless my tube-lights, breezy fans, artistic chandeliers.
 I bless you my plants, my tulsi plant, my money plants,
my red rose plant.
 I bless the flowers in my garden.
 I bless you my smartphone.
If you pass through your bedroom OR when you are in the
bedroom and whenever you see anything just bless in your own

 I Bless you my lovely bed.

 I bless you my bedroom, windows.
 I bless my cozy blanket, pillow.
 I bless my wardrobe full of my favorite clothes.
 I bless my lovely dress today.
As you start your day:

 I bless you my bathroom.

 I bless you my dear tooth-brush and my mint toothpaste.
 I bless you my sweet-smelling soap, gentle face-wash,
scrub, bathtub.
 I bless you my smooth towel.
 I bless you clean water flowing from the tap, shower.
 I bless you my colorful clothes.
 I bless you my smart shoes.
 I bless you my make-up set.
 I bless you my comfortable slippers or sandals.
 I bless you my shaving kit, after-shave lotion.
 I bless you my exotic perfume.
When you are cooking or eating food:

 I bless you my spacious kitchen.

 I bless you my purple kitchen racks, all appetizing food
 I bless my cooking stove or range, cooking gas, chimney,
exhaust fan.
 I bless you my dear cooking vessels.
 I bless my floral serving vessels.
 I bless my cooling fridge.
 I bless fresh vegetables, fruits, pulses, rice, bread in my
 I bless you my oven, toaster, griller.
 I bless the racks that store food for my family.
 I bless you water purifier, copper drinking water tank.
 I bless the exotic tiles in my kitchen, the lights, exhaust
fans and chimney in my kitchen.
 I bless you my floral plate.
 I bless you my blue dinner set, plates, spoons, bowls,
 I bless you my tasty breakfast.
 I bless you my delicious lunch.
 I bless you my green smoothie and yummy sprouts.
 I bless you my appetizing pineapple slice cake and glass
of milk.
 I bless you my glass dining table and yellow chairs

How Do You Spiritually Attract

Do this blessing exercise whenever you pray:

 I bless God (you know that God or your deity does not
need your blessing instead you need your God’s blessing,
you can still bless your God or deity).
 I bless my prayer room, puja-place.
 I bless the candles, soothing incense-sticks, match-box,
lamp oil.
 I bless white flowers for my deity.
 I bless my mantra.
 I bless my karmas that lead me to do meditation/ pooja.
 I bless you my meditation chair/ aasan.
Other Ways to do this Program
If you are reading a newspaper bless all positive news.

If you are ready a book, bless all beautiful knowledge.

If you are traveling whether in your own vehicle or a rented car

or in public transport, bless that 2-wheeler or car or bus or train
or airplane.

When you pay money for petrol, bless that petrol pump and

When you buy a travel ticket, bless that ticket.

If you are a music lover:

 I bless you my music system, my radio.

 I bless you my guitar, my piano.
 I bless you my music show.
If you are exercising at home or at a gym:

 I bless you my blue yoga mat.

 I bless you treadmill.
 I bless you dumbbells.
 I bless you the music player at my gym.
 I bless you my protein supplement.
If you are a sportsperson:

 I bless you my wonderful cricket set.

 I bless you my badminton racket.
 I bless you my protecting shoes.
 I bless you my hat.
If you are watching a movie:

 I bless you my movie ticket.

 I bless this wonderful movie.
 I bless you cheese popcorn.
If you are on a vacation trip:

 I bless my air ticket.

 I bless my enjoyable vacation trip.
 I bless my luxurious hotel stay.
 I bless you my exotic breakfast.
 I bless you the strawberry juice and fruit salad dessert.
 I bless my sight-seeing.
 I bless my shopping.
If you are at the workplace:

 I bless my boss.
 I bless my juniors.
 I bless you my nice table, chair.
 I bless you my computer.
 When you are preparing a file, I bless you my papers,
stapler and stapler pins.
 I bless my pen stand and pens.
 I bless you my writing pad, my favorite diary.
 Bless the coffee vending machine at your workplace when
you drink the coffee from it.
 Bless the conference rooms, meeting rooms, your special
dress that you wore for client meetings.
 I bless you my whole office (it is good for an increment).
 I bless you, all the amenities in my office.
 I bless you the lights and Air-conditioner in my office.
 I bless my cabin.
 I bless you pictures in my cabin.
 I bless you my drawers.
While you are going for shopping bless everything that you buy:

 I bless you my shopping bag, my shopping trolley.

 I bless you my new dress.
 I bless you fresh fruits.
 I bless you perfume.
 I bless you nourishing pulses.
 I bless you my new lipstick.
 I bless you my new pink tie.
 I bless you my new red scarf.
 I bless you my wallet.
 I bless you my debit or credit card (Your credit card gives
you a facility to pay money in the next few days or
weeks, so bless your credit card too).
Best Time To Practice Money Magnet
1. Whenever you see or feel things you bless them. Isn’t it
easy to practice?
2. Keep the practice going throughout the day until you
sleep in the night.
3. Follow this practice daily for 5 days.
4. Some of you may like to sit in a place for some time and
bless everything that you have in your life which has
some worth of money. You can do this in this way also
but I recommend that you also do this throughout the
day when you see the things.
5. You can bless a single thing multiple times if you feel.
Like if you are using your wallet 5 times in a day, you can
bless your wallet at least once or every time you open it.
6. Practice the only 1st Ritual on Day 1 to Day 5. Do NOT
ADD or practice any other money attracting ritual.

Benefits of Money Magnet Practice

Part 1
1. Always bless what you already have NOW. Because this
way of blessing, assures you that you have many good
things to be own OWNED and you are able to
handle other good things too.
2. This Blessing also increases your capability to attract
more and have more.
3. Continuous blessing quickly helps you to overcome
feelings of lack and other negative emotions that block
money opportunities.
4. Every day as you keep blessing you will also feel more
peaceful with what you have.
5. When you follow this blessing ritual through the day, you
are helping yourself to look at beautiful things and feel
the difference.
6. It will help you to feel good and also feel proud of the
little things that you have in life.
7. As you practice more and more, it will help you to shift
your vibrational frequency to achieve more and more.
8. Continuous practice of blessing ritual will help you to
release your worries and anxiety about finances.
9. It will also help you to rejoice in what you already have.
10. If you sincerely follow this practice without any
questions in mind, you will experience a major shift in
your thought process.
11. If you really want to experience all the benefits,
follow this ritual like a child without any questions or
12. Your money awareness and money consciousness
will improve at a deeper level.
13. Remember this ritual is for you and for your own
benefit. Allow it to work for you.

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET

in 40 Days Part 2 (Day 6 to 10) Thank You
for doing the 1st ritual to become a Money Magnet. I hope you
loved 1st ritual. And I know you have successfully done the 1st
ritual. It was so easy. It was so joyful to bless everything and
every being of the Universe. Don’t miss to continue giving the

If I am not wrong, now you have realized that you have sooooo
many things to bless in your life. If you are new to this article or
if you want to again know the 1st ritual then directly jump to
the 1st ritual to become a money magnet. Reading again
sometimes open new pathways.

Now tell me do you feel sad sometimes when you see others
progressing in their life?

Sometimes unknowingly you also feel jealous about things that

you don’t have but others have them.

Sometimes do you feel that you always did your best efforts, but
you are not able to fulfill your desires and others are doing it
Is it that you feel vulnerable to negative thoughts of sadness,
jealousy, impatience, hopelessness, anger, frustration when you
see your friends, relatives enjoying the comforts of life?

Unknowingly you even curse yourself or relate it to bad karma

when you see others living a luxurious life, which you are craving
for yourself and your dear ones for a long time.

If you feel all these emotions are becoming part of your life, then
this page is specially for you. And do you feel the lack of things in
your life, when you see others with comforts and luxuries, then
this ritual is specially for you?

Note: Follow this ritual only if you practiced the 1st ritual from
Day 1 to Day 5 without any breaks.

Let’s Begin the 2nd Program/ Ritual to

Become a Money Magnet Day 6 to Day
things which you also desire in your life.

1. In this ritual bless other people from your heart without

any limitations. Replace the feeling of poverty with
richness in your life.
2. In 1st ritual, you bless things that you want but in this
2nd ritual, you bless people who own the things you
3. It is very easy, just think of people you know that they
have what you want and keep blessing them. You can
even bless many people who have the things that you
4. Suppose you are staying in a rented house, and you wish
to buy your own home. Your friend Sanjay stays in his
own home, bless him for his home e.g. “I bless you
Sanjay for your comfortable home”.
5. Suppose you already own a home but you want to buy a
bigger home and your sister Monica stays in a bigger
home, and your boss Rakesh also lives in a big home
bless them like this: “I bless you Monica for your lovely
spacious home”. “I bless you boss for your beautiful
luxury home” or “I bless you Monica and Rakesh for your
lovely, spacious, beautiful, and luxury home.”
6. Suppose you wish to buy a car and your colleague Kavita
has that kind of car, now you can bless her like this: “I
bless you Kavita for your White Audi Car”.
7. If you know your friend Rachana is a good beautician and
attracts good clients and you also want to be a good
beautician. Moreover, you also know Rachana has a
beautiful home and you are also looking for a new home
bless her: “I bless you Rachana for your beautifying skills
and serving good clients”. “I bless you Rachana for your
posh villa at Nehru Road”.
8. This way you keep blessing people whom you know they
already have what you also desire.
9. It is a great way to MULTIPLY YOUR OWN BLESSINGS
with blessings to others.
Some more examples:

1. I bless you Jenny for your blue flowing Christmas gown.

2. I bless you Sanjay for your new villa.
3. I bless you Barinder for your excellent store management
with good clients.
4. I bless you Danny for your education at Oxford
5. I bless you Payal for your latest Mac book.
6. I bless you Mudit for your wonderful ways of using VK.
7. I bless you Jack for your well-paid job.
8. I bless you Rakhi for your intelligent ways of attracting
new productive business projects.
9. I bless you Soumya for your flourishing business.
10. I bless you Madhu for your teaching skills.
11. I bless you Rakhi for your creative ways with VK.
12. I bless you Anit for your office with new clients every
13. I bless you Cynthia for your new projects.
14. I bless you Sharat for your new healing center.
15. I bless you Shobha for your wonderful event
16. I bless you Soham for your cricket set and winning
17. I bless you Payal for your iPhone.
18. I bless you Riya for your admission to a reputed
Engineering institute with scholarship.
19. I bless you Ana for your vacation trip to Europe.
20. I bless you Sona for your writing skills and wonderful
21. I bless you Sonia for your creative videos.
22. I bless you Lisa for the cooking skills that make you a
great cook.
23. I bless you Puneet for wonderful communication skills
in dealing with clients.
24. I bless you Vandana for your beautiful garden faced
new home.
25. I bless you Shuchita for creative fabric designing.
26. I bless you Litairian team for wonderful knowledgeful
27. I bless you Naina for fulfilling the job.
28. I bless you Shivprakash for new clients.
29. I bless you Shakti for new furniture at your home.
30. I bless you Prerna for your new bicycle.
31. I bless you Adraine for your new office in Texas.
32. I bless you Kamini for your new assignments.
33. I bless you Shruti for your creative jewelry designs.
34. I bless you Latish for your increasing bank balance.
35. I bless you Girichander for your job promotion.
36. I bless you Chetan for your leadership skills in getting
new projects.
37. I bless you Selvarani for coaching many students.
38. I bless you Snehlata for your increasing hotel business.
Benefits of Money Magnet Practice
Part 2
1. As you practice this 2nd ritual, it will help to let go of
negative emotions like jealousy and hatred for others,
which took place in your heart knowingly or unknowingly.
2. This 2nd ritual will help you to release sadness and anxiety
which people hold due to a lack of comforts in their own
3. It will also help you to let go of the feeling of insecurity
which gets deep-rooted in minds due to lack of money to
fulfill desires through money.
4. If you seriously follow this 2 nd ritual, the emotions of lack
will get replaced with deep inner peace and joy.
5. The more you practice this ritual during the entire day,
the more it will help you to let go of the feelings of
insecurity and fear of the future even when you see
others prospering.
6. Keep aside your doubts on working on this ritual
and practice this ritual as guided in this article. It will
help you to get rid of feelings of lack, which got deep-
rooted in minds for many years.
7. All deep-rooted negative emotions will get replaced with
the attitude of blessing and abundance with continuous
practice of this ritual.
8. This way of blessing gives a clear message to
DIVINE that you are happy about the things you want.
You are also happy with the people who own things that
you desire. You are not jealous of the person who has the
same thing you want.
9. A happy and jealous-free person will vibrate at a higher
frequency to receive more blessings from the
Divine. “Ask The Universe To Deliver What You Want
10. You will feel free to ASK the Divine, what you truly
11. With regular practice of this ritual, you are going to
release the habit of blame game that you play with
yourself, that is blaming your destiny, people, or your
past karmas for your current situation.
12. If you do this ritual along with 1 st ritual of blessings, you
will be in ecstasy.
13. This high level of peace and happiness will make you
move with more passion for achieving your goals.
Best Time To Practice Money Magnet
1. You may practice this at any time of the day.
2. Keep the practice going throughout the day.
3. When you travel in public transport, you can bless the
person who owns a car. You can even bless such persons
at any time of the day.
4. When you are at work, bless people related to your work,
jobs, promotions, business, projects, and so on.
5. Think of the things you want and think of the
people who have those things and bless them.
6. You can sit in a place and do all the blessings together for
all the things you want other people to have. But best is
to practice this throughout the day. This will help you to
let go of the negativity of lack and fill your minds with
more positive thoughts.

Can You Practice 1ST Ritual on Day 6 to

Day 10?
Yes, you can do it. You can continue to practice the 1 st ritual of
blessing the things that you already have. And you can practice
blessing others too with things they have and you want them in
your life. What could be better than this? It will add to increase
your vibrational frequency to be more joyful and attract more
richness. Must explore this.
You can practice by clubbing Ritual 1 and 2 or you can do them
separately. Both are good.


You stay in a rented flat and you want to buy a home. Bless your
place where you stay and bless people who already have your
own home.

I bless you my home. I bless Rakesh for your own spacious


More Examples:

1. I bless you my bike. I bless you Shrinath for your Red

Honda Jazz car.
2. I bless you my job. I bless you Anit for your Consultancy
3. I bless you my bank balance. I bless you Soham for your
increasing bank balance.
Examples of separate practice of Ritual 1 and 2

I bless you my bed. I bless you my sofa. I bless you my car.

I bless Rakesh for his job promotion. I bless Tina for her salary


40 Days Program/ Ritual to Become a
MONEY MAGNET Part 3 (Day 11 to 16)
Do you sometimes feel lost about your desires? Do you feel your
desires are out of reach? Do you feel many obstacles coming in
your way when you want to achieve your dreams? Do you feel
fear about re-starting after losing in the past to fulfill your money
desires? Do you feel sad when there is a lack of money and
opportunities to fulfill your desires? Then this workshop is for

Thank You for doing the 2nd ritual to become a Money Magnet. I
am sure you did it successfully. It was also easy as the 1st one.
It was a nice feeling to bless people who already have things
which you also desire in your life.

Don’t miss to bless in the future too. If you bless them with your
heart, your negative emotions like jealousy and hatred for others
have totally vanished.

Continue as much as you can, create more space in your mind

for attracting good vibrations and wealth. Now you are able to
see many blessings in your life. You have also realized that there
are many people who truly deserved your blessing.

Note: Follow this ritual only if you practiced the first two rituals
from Day 1 to Day 10 without any breaks.
Let’s Begin the 3rd Program/ Ritual to
Become a Money Magnet Day 11 to
Day 16
Expand Your Love. Love has the highest vibration of the
Universe. You can even bound God through LOVE. In this 3rd
program, you will learn the 3 rd ritual of becoming a money magnet
with love.

The 3rd ritual is to start on Day 11 and continued to Day 16 with

more love for what you want. How will you feel when you get
money in your hand or in your bank account? All of you will love
it, Isn’t it?

1. So now start loving what you want in your life.

2. If you want what is worth money, love that now. This will
help you to attract your desires with more love.
3. Right now if you are feeling sad about things that you
don’t have but you want it, start expressing your
love for it with simple words.
4. When you say I LOVE YOU to anything, that love
vibrations feel both in your mind and what you desire,
making a loving way to achieve it. SO NOW SAY I LOVE
5. Throughout the day as much as you can start sending
love to things that you desire. Say it in your mind or say
loudly as you feel comfortable.
A simple way is saying this:

1. I love you money.

2. I love you wealth.
3. I love you prosperity in my life.
4. I love abundance in my life.
You can keep saying this as many times as you can throughout
the day. When you open your wallet, you must say this I love You
money (even you have only a few bucks in it).

When you are spending money in cash or by card or doing any

money transaction, don’t forget to say I LOVE YOU MONEY.

If you have a specific wish, in addition to the above you can send
love to those specific desires.

Some more examples:

1. If you want a car, say I love Honda City Car (replace the
name with your desired car).
2. If you want a pearl necklace, I love Pink shining pearl
3. If you want admission to AIIMS university, I love the
MBBS degree of AIIMS university.
4. If you want to buy a home in Delhi, I love a lovely home
in Delhi.
5. If you wish to have more clients, I love my daily new
6. For starting a new business, I love my new business idea.
7. I love you my bank accounts.
8. I love you my growing business.
9. For funds in the business, I love you money in new
10. For promotion in the job, I love you my job, and my
11. For new hierarchy in the job, I love you higher
designation (If the next level is General Manager, that
you desire, say I love you GM position.
12. I love you Pink and white Cello dinner set.
13. I love you glass dining table.
14. I love you modular kitchen set.
15. I love you apple laptop.
16. I love you brown leather sofa set.
17. If you want your new show to be hit with profits, I love
you my superhit Fashion show.
18. For success in the jewelry exhibition, I love you my
19. I love you blue bicycle.
20. I love you a diamond ring.
21. I love you computer desk.
22. I love you iPhone.
23. I love you pink flowing gown.
24. I love you brown curtains.
25. I love you profits in my business.
26.  I love you my growing investments.
27.  I love you NAV of my mutual funds.
28.  I love you my business deals.
29.  I love you all my clients.
30.  I love you my work.
31. I love you my talents.
32. I love you my presentation skills.
33. If you wish to set up new or grow your beauty salon I
love you my beauty salon.
34. I love you my supporting boss (This will increase your
confidence and mindset to deal with your boss, don’t
think about the bad relationship now, just send love).
35. I love you my creativity.
36. I love you my negotiation skills.
37. I love you my expressions.
38. I love you travel bag.
39. I love you vacation trip to Florida.
40. I love you pilgrimage to Char Dham.
For specific desires, prioritize your wishes, sit alone, and send
more love to those things. This will help to create more energy
to attract those particular things in your life.

How many things you can desire through this ritual, I will not
answer this question, ask your heart, and follow your inner
guidance. The whole world is yours.

You will create and send more love to your desired wish if you
follow your inner guidance and consciousness.

The best way is to use these simple sentences as many times as

you can:

1. I love you money.

2. I love you wealth.
3. I love you prosperity in my life.
4. I love abundance in my life.
This will create a love for many things in your life that you desire
and deserve.

Benefits of Money Magnet Practice

Part 3
1. With love, anything can be achieved. When you practice
this 3rd ritual of loving your desires, it will make you feel
close to your desires.
2. With expressing love to your desires daily and frequently
each day, the negative emotions like the sadness of not
having these things or desired money will be replaced
with love.
3. If you feel insecure or worried about your financial
situation, with frequent love to desires will shift your
focus to positive feelings of love to what you want.
4. It will help to build your confidence to achieve what
you want.
5. If practiced daily, you will sleep more peacefully.
6. All deep-rooted emotions of lack and discouragement will
get replaced with more inner strength and calmness
7. This way of loving things and money will send a SIGNAL
to the Universe and the Universe will make ways to
get you what you wish with more EASE.
8. A person who expresses love receives more love from
the Universe.
9. Keep loving your desires, embrace them, hug your
desires in your thoughts by this 3 rd ritual. The journey
to reach your goals will be easy. You will start seeing
your dreams as the only target.
10. If you continue 1st ritual of blessings things that you
have, 2nd ritual of blessing people for things they have and
that you also want for yourself and this 3 rd ritual of loving
your desires, you will start experiencing an amazing
shift in your thought processes.

Best Time To Practice Money Magnet

1. Do you need to wait for the right time to express love to
your desires? My answer is NO. You may practice this at
any time of the day.
2. Keep the practice going throughout the day as many
times as you can.
3. When you travel in public transport, you can say I LOVE
4. When you are at work, say I LOVE YOU MY work, my job,
my promotions, my business, my projects, and so on.
5. Think of the things you want and think of the people who
have those things and bless them.
6. You can sit in a place and express love to money and
your desires for some time. But also practice this
throughout the day with your routine activities. This will
help you to let go of the negativity of lack and fill your
minds with more positive thoughts and love.

Can You Practice 1ST Ritual and

2nd Ritual on DAY 11 TO Day 16?
Yes, you can do it. You can continue to practice the 1 st ritual of
blessing the things that you already have. And you can practice
blessing others too with things they have and you want them in
your life.

You can also send love to your desires and money. It will help

you to clear negative thoughts and you will be more in receiving
mode. Must explore this.

Go with the flow don’t count how many times you bless and love
in this 40-day ritual to become a money magnet

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in

40 Days Part 4 (Day 17 to 23)
Thank You for successfully doing the 3rd ritual to become a
Money Magnet. I am sure you have spread the love everywhere.
3rd ritual was also very easy like previous rituals. Love is
the highest vibration of the Universe.

After reaching there you are now able to do our 4th ritual to
become a money magnet. It is so wonderful to stay in love
always. Isn’t it? Don’t miss to spread love everywhere.

This ritual/ program is for those who followed and completed all 3
rituals step by step and one by one as guided by me.

Sometimes in your life, you feel you want to reach a financial

status with a luxurious life, but there are some missing points.
It is more related to your skills and some awareness.

You know you are good at your efforts and talents, so what is

that area that you need to work upon to reach your desires.
Sometimes you don’t even realize what’s missing. Sometimes you
keep wondering what more is to be done.
So if you are having such questions in your mind, then this ritual/
program is for you.

What you have to do in this Ritual?

Now let’s understand some basics of learning. When you
read Saicharitra, you come to know about Mahimas of Indian
Saint Saibaba. You get inspired by his life miracles and teachings.
When you read Shiva Puraan, you learn about Lord Shiva,
cosmology, devotion, relationships of Gods, yoga, and many
other things.
When you read Maa Durga Saptashati, in 700 verses who come to
know about 9 forms of Maa Durga. You learn about her unique
qualities, strengths, and her bravery in each form.

So when you read stories or books of any great Saint or Deity,

you learn about their unique qualities and strengths. You imbibe
them in your own lives and live a better life. Like from Saibaba,
you learn about Shraddha (Faith in
Divine)  and  Saburi (patience), and if you imbibe this in your
life, you become more peaceful.

When you read about Maa Durga, you imbibe her qualities of
being loving, strong, brave, and courageous. Same as when you
study the Bible you do feel a close connection with Jesus and
when you read Shrimad Bhagwat Gita you also feel a deep
connection with Lord Krishna.

So when you wish to be a MONEY MAGNET,

what will you read about?
You should read about the life stories of Billionaires. You should
also study their life, their talents, their investment, their habits,
their net-worth, and all their qualities. In this way, you can feel a
deep connection with Billionaire’s frequency. You can also
imbibe their qualities and mindset.

Here I teach you a unique way of learning. Firstly I am sharing

with you the Forbes list of Top 50 people who get ranked
according to their status of richness. These are billionaires.
Some of them are Self-made Billionaires !!

Think about how did they reach this stage. Some of you may
think that its luck or destiny or they were born with a Silver
spoon. If your answer is this, then let me tell you, your focus is
again on lack or insecurity or inabilities. Yes, there may be some
luck or destiny, but why do you think that you are not lucky?

Instead of focusing on luck, now focus on what they have done

differently. Understand what are the special qualities or habits
they have, which must have made them achieve their desires.

This ritual is about learning or studying the life path and

ways of these Billionaires.

How can you do that? You have to use your favorite Search
engine, Google. Search with Billionaire names. Just do some
surfing on the internet about their lives. Take a notebook or a
diary and make your own points.

See what are the habits or what are their working ways which
you need to modify or add in your own life. You can note down at
least 2 or 3 qualities or practices of each of these Billionaires,
which you are not yet adopted or you are not even aware of. (I
hope you will get some spare time out of your social networking
gossips to practice this ritual).

So Now Get Set Go To Google About Your At-Least 5 Favorite

Billionaire’s Life. This is your 4th ritual/ program. This

4th Ritual of becoming a Money Magnet can be a turning


point for most of you who are serious about being financially

A Famous Australian Actor, Frederick Matthias
Alexander quoted this:


This is what is required to be done. Study the lives of successful
Billionaire and adapt their habits into your life.

How Can You Put These Habits Into

1. Start working on one habit at a time. If you want to wake
up early, set your alarm clock 15 min earlier to your
current schedule. Slowly increase this time.
2. Give yourself time to adopt new habits.
3. Take it easy, don’t rush to imbibe all practices in one day.
4. Check on new habits, start with the habits that you can
connect with first.
5. Some habits you may not like, but you can add them with
ease thinking that they will help you with your good.

Benefits of 4th Ritual of Reading and

Imbibing Habits of Billionaires
1. Reading about Billionaire’s lives will give you more
2. When you read about their failures and successes, you
will feel connected to your own life.
3. When you read about the habits of Self-made Billionaires,
you will realize how simple their ways are, which can be
followed by anyone.
4. When you incorporate these habits into your daily life, it
will enhance your personality and skills.
5. When you practice these habits, you will also remember
whose habit you are getting into your own life. The
moment you remember the Self-made billionaire, your
own vibrational frequency will rise.
6. You will know what additional efforts you must do
to achieve your goals.
7. With the regular practice of new habits, you will notice
how your personality is changing.
8. With new habits, you will feel more
organized, energetic and peaceful.
9. This is one of the ways to groom yourself with a
10. You will inspire others with your changing lives and new
habits. You will become a role model for people around
11. If you keep reading about Self-made billionaires, your
focus will change from poverty to richness,
your inspirational level will increase.
12. People will admire changes in you. You will love this
new art of living.
I am sharing with you this new article by VK teacher Rakhi, how
she studied the habits of Self- made Billionaires or Inspiring Rich
people. This article is for your reference and you can take it as a
STARTING POINT. You must also do your own efforts of doing this
4th ritual of learning about Self-made Billionaires. Must read 18
powerful habits of self-made billionaires.

So friends must google now more about the life stories of Self-
made Billionaires. You must share your learning, share whose
stories inspired you, what are your new good habits for
a successful journey.



How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in

40 Days Part 5 (Day 24 to 29)
Are you excited to know the 5th Ritual/ Program of Money Magnet?

I am sure you are feeling good following the 1 st Ritual of blessing

things that you have, the 2nd Ritual of blessing other people for
what they have and you also wish in your lives. You are also
vibrating in high frequency with 3rd Ritual sending love to your
desires. The 4th Ritual helped you to know the good habits of Self-
made billionaires that will fill the missing actions in your daily
to become financially successful.

If you have followed all the above rituals, without any

breaks, now read and follow the 5th Ritual in this article.

You have multiple desires relating to money, you keep thinking

about those desires. Sometimes you get so busy that you forget
your financial wishes. You get so engrossed in your daily life
that you forget what are you working for. If this is what is
happening with you, then this page is for you.

How can you remind yourself about your wishes? Its very simple.

In this ritual for the next six days, you need to take some
efforts to blossom your desires.


Collect beautiful pictures of your desires. Watch them as
frequently as you can. These pictures will lead you
passionately to fulfill your desires.
You can do this ritual in many ways. Most important thing is to
execute this ritual in these 6 days.

Some examples:

1. If you wish to have a particular Car: collect pictures of that

car. Suppose you wish to have a White Car, collect a picture of
the white car of the model you want. You can collect multiple
pictures of that model car, some pictures with the side view, front
view, picture of that model on a journey. You can even collect a
picture of that car with people that resemble your family in it.

2. If you wish to have a new home: collect pictures of an

apartment or villa. If you are passionate about a modular kitchen,
collect pictures with a modular kitchen with the color of your
choice, collect some furnished bedroom pictures with a cozy
look. Add some pictures of furnished living rooms of your choice.

If you wish for a balcony with some plants, collect pictures with
growing plants in the balcony. Collect some pictures of children’s
rooms with beds of their choice, some pictures of a wall with
pictures that children would love.

3. For a flourishing business: collect pictures of wonderful

office, Pot of gold, Graph with increasing stocks of your company,
shaking hands for closing business deals, happy clients,
currency notes. If you are working with international clients, stick
some pictures of that country map and write your business firm’s
name on that map (this will remind you of your desire to expand
your work in that country).

If you want to expand your business in different cities in the

same country or your own country, take a picture of your
country’s map and write your business firm’s name or brand
name in those cities and keep this picture on your vision board.
You can stick a picture of a person counting cash or a person
who is sitting surrounded with cash. You can stick your business
logo also on the vision board. You can even stick the logo on
maps. You can collect pictures of happy people working in the
office, this can connect you to the idea that you have a happy
team to work with.

4. For a good job or job promotion: collect pictures of a nice

cabin if you wish to have a higher designation or promotion,
picture of a smart confident person doing a power-point
presentation to higher management or directors of a company,
happy face at work, a leader motivating a team of people, a
person who is addressing a group of people on the mike or on a
dais in a professional conference, picture of international airports
if you wish to be a global executive/ director in a company,
person counting currency.

5. For a luxurious life: collect pictures of fashion brand clothes,

watches, jewelry, vacation spots, pictures of holiday destinations,
cruise pictures, flight pictures, dining at resorts, whatever you
feel is your idea of luxurious life.

6. Matrix of Abundant life: You can also club any or all the

concepts described above in one vision board as per your choice

1. Picture of currency notes, furnished home, happy team,

holiday destination, car, happy family…
2. Picture of rising stocks of a company, dinner with family
at resorts, pictures of vacations in different cities, a bag
of gold, lavish lifestyle, happy children…
3. Picture of home with a garden, car with family on a drive,
couple with shopping bags, children in a reputed
university, the currency of different countries,
monuments of historic places representing places you
wish to visit, and so on…
You can make any combination of pictures. Go wild with your
ideas in choosing the pictures. Here are only a few examples,
there can be many permutations of combinations based on your
personal desires.

How do You Choose the Pictures a

Vision Board?
1. You can use the Google search engine and select images.
The images which make you feel smile or happy are the
best ones. You can print these pictures as colored images
or store them in your cellphone gallery.
2. You can also choose and cut pictures from books,
magazines, publications or newspapers.
3. If you cannot cut pictures from books or magazines or
newspapers, and if you like them, you can even click a
picture of such pictures on your camera or phone camera.
4. If you feel sad or lack while selecting pictures, start
with Money Magnet Ritual 1 of blessings things that you
have in your life and Money Magnet Ritual 3 of loving
your desires. After practicing this ritual for a few mins or
some hours you can again start searching for pictures for
your vision board.
5. When you see the pictures, you can even visualize that
you already have that with you, and if you feel happy at
that moment, you must definitely select these pictures.
6. You can choose one picture or many pictures of the same
or different categories. Like you can choose a picture of a
bag of currency notes, a wallet full of currency notes,
vacation spots, office cabin, etc.
7. The type of pictures and number of pictures depends on
your inner guidance or happiness.
8. There are no set rules for a number of pictures. You may
choose either 2 pictures or 5 pictures or 12 pictures, this
depends on you. A person may connect just to a single
picture and manifest his/ her desire and another person
may love many pictures on the vision board and enjoy the
9. You should not set any limitations that only if you choose
a minimum of 5 pictures then only it will work for you.
Don’t get into the questioning mode, focus on your
10. Do this picture selection as if you are nurturing a baby
with love.
11. This vision board is your baby so do it with happiness.
12. Enjoying the process of picture selection is also a way
to attract what you really want.

How do You form a Vision Board of

the Pictures?
1. Stick these pictures on a Corkboard or pin them on a
2. Stick the pictures on colored cardboard or whiteboard or
3. You can save individual images in your cell phone gallery
in a separate new folder. You can go to that folder and
you can watch these images as a slide show, where
pictures will keep coming one by one. You can check if
your phone has this option. Most of the phones have this
4. You can even take a long book as landscape format, the
A3 drawing books that children use for painting. You can
stick pictures in this book on one page or different pages
as convenient. You can look at images in this book. The
book can be plain without ruled lines, this will make the
pictures more clear. The size of the pages in the book can
be even small as a short notebook or diary if that is more
convenient to you. You can even carry it in your bag and
look at it at the workplace or while traveling.
5. You can also opt for a single way or multiple ways as
described above. You can have it on the corkboard as well
in the phone gallery.
6. You can decide the method based on your convenience. If
your wish is fulfilled you can change pictures and discard
the earlier images by simply tearing the paper images or
deleting them from the phone gallery.

Where to Keep the Vision Board

1. You can keep this Vision board anywhere at home or
workplace, wherever it is convenient for you.
2. You can even keep it in your bedroom. This way you can
look at it every morning as you get up and at night before
you sleep.
3. You can click a picture of this vision board on your cell
phone and keep looking at it multiple times during the
4. When you prepare the vision board in a book, you may
keep this book anywhere as per your convenience. You
can even carry it along with you on travel or at the office.
Can the Pictures be changed on the
Vision Board?
1. Yes, you can. If you feel more connected or happy with
new pictures, you can add them to your current vision
board or you can remove old ones and replace it with new
2. Do what makes you happy with picture selection.

What to do with the Vision Board?

1. You can look at individual images or the whole vision
board as many times as you can.
2. You can see the images for a few seconds or a few
minutes as you feel comfortable.

How many times should you see this

Vision Board?
1. There is no limit to this practice of seeing your vision
2. You must see this vision board at least 2  or 3 times for
good results.
3. How about seeing the Vision board once in the morning
as you start your day and once before you sleep? This will
keep you connected with the wish.
4. Don’t take the stress of seeing your personal vision board
multiple times if you cannot do it. Whenever you practice
seeing this vision board, do it with ease, and do with

Benefits of 5th Ritual of Money Magnet

with Golden Sunrise
1. When you search for pictures for your vision board, you
will feel your desire closer to your heart.
2. When you collect pictures with happiness, you will
feel the same feelings as if you are already living your
3. When you see your vision board daily, you will enjoy the
journey of reaching your desires.
4. When you see your vision board through the day, it will
remind you where you want to reach.
5. Daily seeing your vision board will keep you connected to
your wish.
6. Seeing pictures in your vision board will make you more
energetic and fill your action with more enthusiasm.
7. Chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE while seeing the pictures
in your vision board will energize your wish.
8. Sometimes, if you feel it is impossible to reach your
desire, you must chant the GOLDEN SUNRISE while
seeing the pictures. This will help you to clear the
obstacles. This will also help you to remain focused on our
wishes. Chanting of GOLDEN SUNRISE with Vision board
will divert your attention from worries and sadness to
freshness and happiness.
9. If you choose to display your Vision board in your
bedroom or at home, your family members will also see
it. They will also get connected to this wish as a family
10. You can also choose to share the images with your
spouse or children or parents or other family members on
their phone, and if they wish to watch it, this will be
added energy to your wish. Their blessings will certainly
help you.
11. If you are not able to share the vision board with family
members, that’s ok, you can follow this ritual and see
your dreams coming true with happiness.
12. Images are the best way to make an impression on
the mind. Feed your mind with your blossoming desires
through this Vision Board.
Put your best efforts to collect beautiful pictures in these 6 days
of 5th Money Magnet Ritual and prepare your colorful Vision board.
This practice can be continued beyond 6 days to add more
pictures if you feel. But you must prepare your Vision board in
these 6 days to get the benefits of 40 days ritual to become a
money magnet. If you are serious to become a money magnet in
40 days, don’t take any breaks and do every ritual with love.

You must continue the 1st ritual of blessing things that you already
have in your life. You can also bless other people who already
have things, that you also wish to have as guided in 2 nd ritual.
Don’t forget to love your desires as practiced in the 3 rd Ritual.
Continue reading about habits of self-made billionaires and do
share what new habits you added in your life.

How to Become a MONEY MAGNET in

40 Days Part 6 (Day 30 to 40)

How was your experience in making your own vision board to

become a money magnet? Searching images for your vision
board is a fun exercise. I really feel high while googling them,
hope for the same for you. Sometimes I get confused between 2
or more images, which to download or which to leave. If you get
confused then don’t worry. Just download all :).

 If you practiced blessing beautiful things in your life as

per the 1st ritual,
 you blessed people in the life for things that they have
and you wish to have them in your life with the 2nd ritual,
 you are loving your desires in the 3rd ritual,
 you have read about the habits of Self-made billionaire
and started incorporating them in your life in 4th ritual,
 you made your wonderful vision board in the 5th ritual,
 then only you must start with this amazing 6 th ritual of
becoming a money magnet in 40 days.
If You feel you are sure about your desires, you are doing all
efforts to make your dreams come true but there is something
more that is required to lead you to your financial goals, then this
article is for you.

Sometimes you feel you need more peace and calmness to

achieve your wish. Sometimes you feel there is enough talent
within you, but divine blessings are what you seek, then this
article is for you.

In this 6th Ritual of becoming a money magnet, seek blessings of

Maa Lakshmi from within. In this ritual, chant the Lakshmi
mantra “SHREEM” every day for 11 days wholeheartedly.

When you chant mantra loudly you connect to the Divine from
within. Though you can chant in silence, but the best way is to
chant loudly.

To know about what is SHREEM mantra, how to chant this

mantra, what are the benefits of Shreem mantra chanting, read
my new article here:

This article is about the 6th Ritual of the 40 days program to

become a money magnet. Now let me tell you the benefits of
doing this whole ritual.
Benefits of all 6 Rituals to Become a
Money Magnet
1. 1st Ritual of blessing things: If you daily continue to
bless things that you have in your life, you will enjoy
things that you have in your life more than before. It will
remind you of the richness that you already have. You
have many things that others don’t have, but with a
feeling of lack, many times you forget how blessed you
are. So you must practice this ritual daily.
2. 2nd Ritual of blessing people who have things that
you also wish to have in your life: If you continue to
practice this ritual daily, you will release negative
emotions such as jealousy or anger or ego, that crops up
in new life situations. If such negative emotions are
released daily, your vibrational frequency to achieve more
3. 3rd Ritual of loving your desires: If you continue to
express love to your desires, you will attract it with more
intensity. If you love money and prosperity in your life, it
will come to you with more love.
4. 4th Ritual of reading about Habits of Self-made
Billionaires: You will know what is missing in actions to
achieve your desires. As you incorporate new good habits
from inspiring rich people, you will work more
systematically, smartly, and confidently to achieve your
5. 5th Ritual of seeing your Vision Board: Looking at the
images of your vision board daily and frequently will
make your journey enjoyable to reach your dreams. You
will see your desires happening with these pictures.
6. 6th Chanting of Shreem Mantra: Regular chanting of
Lakshmi Mantra Shreem will keep you connected to the
Divine. Your mind will feel more powerful and strong with
a Divine presence. This mantra chanting is for overall
abundance for health, money, peace, calm minds, being
in a good relationship, and divine connection.
If you have taken breaks in these 40 days, I recommend you to
start afresh with the 1st Ritual today and now itself.

If you have practiced this 40 days Ritual ONCE as guided in all

the 6 articles, I congratulate you for your enthusiasm in following
and practicing the whole ritual with me.


Now let me tell you, this is not the end of 40 days Ritual of
becoming a Money Magnet. Rather it’s a beautiful journey to
remain a money magnet. Isn’t it?
If you have practiced this 40 days Ritual as guided in all the 6
articles, now you can practice each of these rituals

You can keep blessing things that you have, you express love to
your desires during the day. Keep seeing the wonderful vision
board that you prepared, sit for chants of SHREEM.

Whenever you think of a person who has things that you also
want in your life, don’t miss to bless that person. Keep following
good habits of the self-made billionaires. Add new good habits
whenever you get inspired by rich people

As you CONTINUE these practices simultaneously:



Now it is your time to go to AUTO MODE of remaining or being a

money magnet throughout your life. How will it happen?



Just continue these 6 practices regularly. It is easy to keep

blessing things and people. It is joyful to love your desires. It is
interesting to follow new good habits. It is amazing to be with
images of your desires. It is living in divinity with chanting of
Shreem Mantra and seeks blessings from Goddess Lakshmi.

All these practices will make your path peaceful and joyful to
receive abundance in all areas of your life.

Share this Money magnet ritual with as many people as you can
and give them a lead to be a Money Magnet with you. Share your
joy with others.

I enjoyed designing these rituals for you. I enjoyed the journey of

40 days Money Magnet Ritual with you.




Shreem Mantra. Know Shreem Mantra
Benefits, Meaning & Procedures

Shreem Mantra: Do you want money easily from the World? I

think no one wants to give an answer in no. Is it easy to make
money out of thin air? There might be no answer to this question.
For some people, it is easy to make money. And for some
people, it is very difficult to make money.

If you are not able to make money easily then this article is for
you. And if you can easily make money then also this article helps
you to make more money. Now take a look at how one can
make more money with the help of a simple beej mantra. And the
mantra is “SHREEM”.
What is Shreem Mantra?
As you know there are several beej mantras that are popular in
the world. Shreem Mantra is also a very popular Bija Mantra.
Shreem is the Divine Sound that helps to get connected with the
core of the Universe.

When you cut it, first you found the “SHREE” sound. The word
“Shree” is used to give respect to a person and his/ her name
e.g. Shree Ram/ Shreemati Bimla Devi. It is equal to Mr/ Ms/
Mrs. And the sound “M” directly belongs to Divine Power.
Together Shree+M creates great power to attract money.

Is it Shreem or Shreeng?
If you know a little bit of Hindi and Sanskrit, you must be aware
that a dot sometimes being used on the upper side or lower side
of an alphabet, that dot belongs to the sound “M” or “N” but no-
where in Hindi and Sanskrit that dot does not belong to sound
“NG”. Therefore a dot above the Shree belongs to the sound “M”.
So it is “Shreem”.

Who is the Deity of Shreem Mantra?

Hindu Goddess Laxmi is the deity of money, wealth, and
prosperity. Shreem is the most Powerful Beej Mantra of Goddess
Laxmi. Goddess Laxmi has unlimited power to create wealth,
money, health, and other beautiful things.
What Does Shreem Mean? How Does
It Work?
Shreem is the beej mantra of Goddess Laxmi. This beej mantra is
used to attract money. It can also boost the AURA of the place
where it chanted. A positive and magnetic field will develop
around your aura too quickly when you chant this mantra.

The effect of chanting is miraculous therefore a chanter attracts

anything like money, cash, wealth, prosperity, and various Divine
blessings so easily. Shreem is a Positive attractor. Shreem
enhances its chanter’s Aura to attract anything which is

What is the Purpose of Shreem

Shreem Mantra is used to get money and wealth. It can tap
the Universal Powers to make you a money magnet. It also
helps to clear your aura to make you more charming and

The main purpose of Shreem chanting is to speed up the process

of becoming a money magnet. If you chant this mantra regularly
then there is no limit to achieving the money.
How Many Times Should You Chant
You need to chants a minimum of 108 times a day to get a
satisfactory result. Your monetary sufferings will end up soon if
you chant this Mantra. Amazing joy, precious happiness, and total
contentment are some side effects of chanting of this Mantra.

If you want to be a more rich and successful life chant this

mantra. If you want all the benefits of Goddess Laxmi’s blessing
then chant this mantra.

What is the Shreem Challenge?

People often take challenges successfully for 11 days, 21 days, 40
days, 60 days, or 1 year of chanting of this Mantra. You can also
challenge yourself for the same. Believe me, once you attain a 1-
year challenge you will not look the same and will not have the
same poverty. Your status and wealth will surely reach the
highest level of your life. Take a challenge and let Shreem Brzee
Miracles spread into your life.

It is a well-known truth that when you chant this mantra with

any Ganesh Mantra, it will remove you all the obstacles. When
you chant this mantra with any Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, it also
helps you in many health-related issues.

For your concern, I want to guide you that in Hinduism there is a

total of 7 well-known types or variations of Maha Mrityunjaya
Mantra. In Argala Stotram you can find few other mantras too
which can attract money, wealth, and abundance and also defeat
your enemies.
What is the Good Time to Chant?
Shreem Mantra also works as a switch word and it is already
added to my Switch Word List and Dictionary. There is no fixed
time or day for starting chanting this Mantra. Any time or any day
is good for chanting. You can chant either morning, afternoon,
evening, or night.

Some people start chanting from either Monday, Friday, or Full

Moon Day. But your faith is most important to achieve your
Goal. If you like this article do share it with others and spread
the happiness of Shreem Mantra.

How to Chant Shreem Mantra to

Attract Money?
While chanting just focus on the sound “Shreem” and its
vibrations. You can chant it aloud or mentally but it is good to
chant loudly to enhance its sound. Also, feel its vibration
throughout your body as much as possible. Must chant a
minimum of 108 times in one sitting.

Is Brzee Mantra a Right Beej Mantra?

In online, you might have to read about Brzee Mantra or Shreem
Brzee Mantra. I have done 2 years experiment on many people
and found chanting Shreem without using Brzee is much-
much better than chanting Shreem Brzee together.
Initially, I also recommended to use Shreem Brzee together, but
after experiments, now I am very clear. Now, I strongly
recommend chanting Shreem Mantra without the use of Brzee.

If you wish you can also experiment with chanting of SHREEM

and share your experiences with me.

Miraculous Benefits of Shreem Money

1. Increase wealth: Broadly speaking, regularly chanting the
Shreem beej mantra will attract wealth into your life. This wealth
as in abundant – it is material wealth, it is an abundance of
health, it is an abundance of positivity, of beauty, of
prosperity. Performing the pooja consistently will bring wealth
into all aspects of your existence.
2. Increase peace of mind: Lakshmi is about more than just
abundance and prosperity. Lakshmi is the goddess of
purity and the feminine aspect of the divine force.

3. Gain promotions and raises: Are you already employed?

This mantra can increase your prosperity by boosting your
chances of achieving promotion from your current workplace.
It can also be a powerful tool when it comes time to negotiating a
pay raise with your current employers. Meditate on the mantra
for some days or weeks can lead you to the negotiations to
improve your chances greatly.

4. New Ways of Earning: Open new avenues of earning wealth,

if you are unemployed or waiting for financial opportunities,
chanting this mantra will make you attract new financial
opportunities. Chant regularly with faith to receive blessings of

5. Increase profit margins: Do you own a business instead? It

will help improve your business’ cash flow and profit margins.
Increase sales, convert more leads and excel in business.

6. Attract new clients: Similar to the above, but more focused

on contractors and freelancers. Today’s burgeoning gig economy
has many people vying for customers and clients across many
industries. Gain a competitive advantage over fellow
freelancers and contractors in your industry.

7. Ward off negative influences: It helps insulate you from

external influences in your life. By freeing you from this
negativity, you are better able to focus mind and body on the
tasks that benefit you financially. Freeing you from stress also
helps to improve your health, providing abundance in your
8. Bring peace, dharma, and beauty: Life today is so full of
stress, negativity, and ugliness. Besides protecting you from
negative influences, it actively attracts the peaceful, beautiful
aspects of life. Feel refreshed and revitalized as you feel the
ugliness of the modern world slip away to be replaced by beauty
and tranquillity you’d long forgotten possible in the modern

Final Thoughts
This mantra is a beej sound, a seed. It plants within you
the seed of success, wealth, and prosperity in all aspects of
your life. So it is that the mightiest trees are held within the most
humble seeds, the benefits of this money mantra are held
within the simplest word.

Use the Shreem mantra consistently, and bestow upon yourself

the bounties of prosperity and wealth that Lakshmi has to offer.
But as much as sounds can benefit you, they can be used against
you – beware of the fraudster beej mantras, and make sure your
chants are heard by the powers that need to hear them.

Chanting SHREEM is the 6th Ritual to become a Money magnet in

40 days. Explore the full 40 days Ritual of becoming a money
magnet in an interesting way. Do Check Shreem Mantra 108
Times Chanting



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