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Dear Hendro Santoso,

Your Root Number is 1 and you belong to the Metal Element.

07 04 19 97
7 4 1 7
2 8
9 6 1 9 6

9 3
Pythagorean triangle adapted from The Book of Numerology
by Mr. Hal A. Lingerman, 1992
07 04 19 97

7 4 1 7 Root number <1> is a master of wisdom. And has the talent in obtaining
knowledge. Your ability in learning and possession of strong analytical skills will
2 8 aid you in becoming a learned person. However, at times, wrong analysis will
lead to excessive desires. In addition, you are a very meticulous, creative and
9 6 1 9 6 attentive person. If you are able to initiate your potential traits, you can achieve
your wealth - which usually comes at around 34-42 years of age. A natural at
public relations and an entertaining being. You are a born leader with strong
9 3 authority and have a sense of righteousness. On the side note, you attract lots of
attention from the opposite sex.

You have the charisma to lead others although it causes mounting stress for
you.You usually work alone in your own business or your career.You are a
frequently busy person who enjoys communicating with others and can progress
well in the sales sector.The role models and mentors will render guidance and
impart words of wisdom to help you in times of need. Your supporters and good
friends will afflict undue tension for you and this is where your wealth comes
from.You are diligent but face a large amount of stress.You may have a fast-
developing business and it is recommended that you seek out and pursue short-
term business opportunities.More than often, you reap positive returns and
handsome rewards from the various investments you venture into.

One or two of the followings could be your sickness

Stomach or pancreas or spleen problems; Immune system problems; Digestive
problems (gas or belching); Lack of absorption; Lymphatic problems; Loose
bowels; Anaemia; Hemorrhoids; Overweight or underweight; Inability to receive
07 04 19 97

7 4 1 7 Doctor, Dentist, Pharmacist, Professor, Lecturer, Teacher, Administrator,

Administrative Executive, Secretary, Publisher, Librarian, Herbalist, Priest,
2 8 Pastor, Monk, Nun, Carpenter, Florist, Artist
There are 3 more areas of Career options
9 6 1 9 6

9 3
Medical related field, Furniture, Paper Industry, Education Institution-School,
3 Kindergarten, College, Library, Woodcraft, Clothing & Fabric, Related work on
Human Culture, Bookshop, Planting, Farming, Horticulture, Gardening Business
- Landscaping, Foresting, Sawmill, Chinese Medicine, Pharmacy, Hospital,
Clinic, Medicare, Herbal Food
There are 3 more areas of Business options

Do not worry about the number in the centre. Look at the numbers of the 8
Directions.Look out for 6,7 or 9. Go to that Direction wherever you are...
4 7 When your directions does not display "6", "7" or "9", it does not mean that there
is no Wealth, Luck/Network or Success Directions. It is just that you may have
unspecified Directions in your Destiny. This is a direction indicator and not a
5 6 5 location facing.

7 = Your Luck / Network Direction

1 7

What you have before you is simply our humble research, opinion and personal conviction which is a fair
understanding and representation of the principles behind the practice of numbers.
07 04 19 97

7 4 1 7

2 8

9 6 1 9 6

9 3

Dear Hendro Santoso,

This is JC here.

I hope that you were able to gain great insights from this report specifically generated for you.

The information may seem overwhelming and you may not know how and where to start.

Here's the thing, most consultants start on mindset, this may not WORKS.
It's NOT your mindset that needs to be addressed. it's your INTERPRETATION.

The interpretation you have today CAN'T lead you to where you want to be. Instead, you need to have a step
by step success formula visible to you for who you are today to who you want to be tomorrow and live your
life to the fullest with passion and most importantly, at your terms.

If you are serious to take your life to the next level and need a little help on interpreting your report, making
the best out of it and improve the quality of your life, then do take advantage with the limited slots I may have
for you by booking a free 15 min Discovery Call with my at this button.

Everything in our lives has a formula and I will show you exactly how you can frameworks your custom
success formula that suits your lifestyle.

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge in you.
~ JC Lin

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