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What are Switchwords?

Switchwords are the WORDS that can quickly switch your energy from
one dimension to the other dimension. It means that words have
the power to change your energy. All words can become Switchwords.
All words have some power to become Switchwords. So it is very
simple to understand that those words which have the power to switch
your energy are called Switchwords for you.


Switchwords are seed-beej mantras in English. In Hinduism and
Buddhism, there are many mantras are created with the help of seed
mantras e.g. in Ganesh Mantra “Aum Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum
Gam Ganapataye Vara Varada Sarva Janamme Vashamanaya
Svaha” is created with seed mantras like Shreem, Hreem, Kleem, etc.

All Swicthwords are seed mantras in English.

And Same rule applies to things, persons, movies, songs, and feelings as
well. Things which can switch your energy is a Switch Thing for you. A
person who can switch your energy is a Switch Person for you. An
event or a past feeling which can switch your energy is a Switch
Feeling or a Switch Event for you. A movie or a song which can change
your energy is a Switch Movie or a Switch Song as well.

The past feelings, events, and situations can be your own feelings,
situations, or events or of some other people whom you know or must
have observed or shared a similar feeling or heard too with.
Switchwords: Understand With Real Life Example

1. For a lady, her husband can be a switch person. His charming

looks, caring nature, positive attitude, anything can switch her
2. For a mother, her child can be a switch person. His/ her smiling
face or a tight hug, a win in a competition, or a comfortable
sleep in her lap can switch her energy.
3. Friends too are good Switch persons. Looking at them or just
thinking about a friend can Switch your energy. Their caring
attitude, tight hug, warmth can remind you of these feelings at
the time of need. 
4. For a religious person idol of Deity is a switch thing for a
devotee. Praying them, visiting them, practicing spiritual
practices, or worshipping them can switch their energy. 
5. For a true follower, the words of his/ her master are a
6. For a mother, a past event, situation, and feeling of her child
can be a Switchword. Like when her child won a
competition and she felt proud.
So many words, things, persons, movies, and songs can become
Switchwords, switch things, and switch persons. Switchwords, switch
things, switch persons, switch events, switch feelings are very quick and
effective to create a new life and switch from pain, defeat, trauma, or
failure to a new better life. Same way movies and songs too can be
Switch movies or Switch songs as watching favorite or effective movies
or listening to favorite songs too can Switch your energy and can be
your Switch word.
James T. Mangan (1896-1970) was the first person who did a lot of
research on Switchwords and understood the Concept of
Switchwords and its working.

He also discovered that how a person can use his/her subconscious mind
to fight with their fears and live their wishes.

James T. Mangan, after his long years of research, discovered that few
words can switch your energy system. With this change of energy
system your aura, situations and surroundings can also be changed.
These particular changes are very helpful in changing your whole life.

What are the Benefits of Switchwords

1. They are very easy to learn and apply.

2. Switchwords are not messy ,are very easy to understand.
3. With Switchwords no need to use imagination.
4. Switchwords are like single-word affirmations, therefore, there
is no confusion about which tense to be used as is the case in
affirmations. “So No Tense No Tension.”
5. With Switchwords there is no need to memorize long decrees
and affirmations.
6. A single Switchword can change your energy system to permit
the Universe to fetch out your wishes, your desires, and your
needs to materialize.
7. Switch words are words, which when used can switch a person
from a negative frequency to a desired higher frequency.
8. Switch words work on the subconscious mind and can bring
the desired outcome.
9. And Switch words can be used either by writing them on a
paper or by chanting in mind or loudly as many times as
possible depending upon the need of the situation.
10. Switchwords can be written in Energy Circles and broadcasted.
11. One can do Switchword healing for another person by way
of PROXY chanting.
12. It is important to use the right switch words to get
appropriate results.
13. Single words as switchword are easy to use and work
14. There are some switch words that work in almost all situations
and they are called Master Switchwords like TOGETHER
15. Master switch words can be used alone or in combination with
other switchwords.

How to Find/ Recognize Right and Powerful Switchwords for you

It is very easy to find Switchwords that suit you best. Here are a few

1. Know what you desire.

2. Choose your priority out of your list of wishes.
3. Decide what you want to change in your life.
4. Now look into your past and search when you were in a happy
and positive energy system.
5. Collect all and only good moments.
6. It can be similar or any other event in the past in which you
were happy.
7. Find the word which changed your energy system instantly in
the past For Example:

 Maybe in the past, your spouse called you “Honey” and you
blushed a lot then HONEY is your Switchword to attract more
and similar moments in your life.
 Maybe your mother called you with your NickName “Angel”
and you smiled a lot so your nickname ANGEL is your
Switchword to get Divine Blessings.
 Maybe your father motivated you by addressing you “My
Einstein” then EINSTEIN is your Switchword to accomplish
any task with ease again.
 Think of a time when your grandfather gave you a buck or coin
and you felt like a billionaire, if this happened in your past then
the name of your Grandfather is your Switchword to attract
more money NOW.
 Maybe having a good time with your friends in school or
college made you Giggle. So now GIGGLE can be your switch
word if you are sad.
 Maybe eating chocolate pulled you out of your sad moment
then CHOCOLATE is your Switchword now if you are sad.
 Maybe your child had always good results in the past, he came
home shouting at the top of his voice and excited to share his
result. Now those emotions can switch your energy in creating
his bright future again in life when he steps into financial
 Maybe you have watched a movie which is related to your
dreams now. Watching that movie again can switch your energy
now too.
 Motivational songs/ videos too can switch your energy to your

How do we use Switchwords?

First, the list is required. Once we get into the PRACTICE of using
Switchwords, we usually know most that can BE repeated ON our
fingertips. KEEP the lists handy. Will share them here and you can save
it on your phone or computer.
Second, ALLOW the switch. We need to CALM our mind a bit and BE
in a positive space to let it work FOR US. This doesnt mean that we dont
use Switchwords when we are sad or disappointed about something. It
just means that we are upbeat about using Switchwords to CHANGE our
Please remember.. even a single Switchword can work the way we want
it to work.
Each Switchword is expressed as a one word affirmation.. or a creative
Chant, mentally repeat, sing or just INTEND the switch. We can
write them on our body with a pen or with our fingers above the
skin. We would know what would work best for US!
28 is a good number (also a Switchword). Many of US KEEP that
number in mind when we chant. But, just let it FLOW. I dont really
COUNT any more. It could BE 9 , 28 or 108 repetitions. The focus
should BE believing, intending and letting GO.
They can also be written in a journal /paper and kept. And we can make
energy circles with the respective Switchwords /phrases and broadcast
them. (And we will GET to that a bit later in this course.)
They say if we HOLD a positive thought for just 17 seconds, the law of
attraction kicks in; pushing it towards manifestation. Interestingly,
chanting a Switchword 28 times takes about 17 seconds TOO.
Also, set goals and use the tools for 3 weeks (21 days) to make it a habit.
And from there if we CONTINUE FOR another 3 months (90 days), it
embeds itself as a lifestyle.
TOGETHER is the Master Switchword for a life of heaven on Earth
and mastery of any task at hand, 14 Categories: Freedom, Love,
Survival, Security, Health, Money, Art, Wisdom, Pleasure, Happiness,
the life of action, Self-improvement, Service to humanity, God religion
spirituality and enlightenment, James T. Mangan
realized TOGETHER was the one-word formula that would manifest all
of them in perfect proportion.
Please chant or write TOGETHER as practice today whilst focusing on
any intended results. You can also use a marker /pen and write it on your
water bottle or glass and drink that water. Can just also write on body
and leave it thru the day. DO let me know how the day goes.
Please avoid using plastic bottles or any plastic when you do this.
Glass is always preferred or steel is good TOO.
Left is the receiving side so we write on that side preferably. But
anywhere on the body is okay.
70% of our body is made of water. And water has memory. Hence,
making it the best medium to charge Switchwords with. Although you
may charge anything. Writing ON body may also work perfectly due to
this reason.
Write ON body or bottle and let US know about your day this evening.
Please write and GO about your day.
Incase its bedtime in your part of the world.. write and sleep. Tell US
how you feel in the morning.


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