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Deliberate Introductions

of Species: Research Needs

Benefitscan be reaped,but risks are high
John J. Ewel, Dennis J. O'Dowd, Joy Bergelson,CurtisC. Daehler,CarlaM. D'Antonio, Luis
Diego G6mez, Doria R. Gordon, RichardJ. Hobbs, Alan Holt, Keith R. Hopper, Colin E.

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Hughes, Marcy LaHart,Roger R. B. Leakey,WilliamG. Lee, Lloyd L. Loope, David H. Lorence,
SvataM. Louda, Ariel E. Lugo, PeterB. McEvoy, David M. Richardson,and PeterM. Vitousek
The silent invasion of Hawaii by tato, barley, cassava, soybean, sugar
insects, disease organisms, snakes, cane, and oats; Sattaur 1989,
weeds and other pests is the single Most proponents of Prescott-Allen and Prescott-Allen
greatest threat to Hawaii's economy 1990), each of which is cultivated far
and natural environment.... Even one purposeful introductions beyond its natural range. Similarly,
new pest-like the brown tree
snake-could forever change the understand the risks, and 85% of industrial forestry planta-
character of our islands. (Coordinat- tions are established with species of
ing Group on Alien Pest Species 1996,
most conservation just three genera (Eucalyptus, Pinus,
p. 1) and Tectona), which are also largely
biologists recognize the cultivated as exotics (Evans 1992).
Reforestation in the tropics is so Thus, although native organisms ful-
vastly behind deforestation that we potential benefits to be fill some human requirements, non-
cannot wait to fully appraise all the
derived from carefully native organisms play an integral
potential negative elements of do- role in the economies and cultures of
mestication. Weediness is of conse-
quence perhaps in Honolulu, but not controlled introductions all regions (Figure 1). In New Zea-
inAddis or Delhi. (JamesBrewbaker, land, for example, more than 95%
quoted by Hughes 1994, p. 244) of export earnings derives from alien
isms for food, shelter, medicine, eco- species (New Zealand Department
ntroductions of nonindigenous system services, aesthetic enjoyment, of Statistics 1996).
organisms can be both a boon and cultural identity. Over 70% of Escalating human population
and a bane to society. Humans the world's food comes from just growth and improved transcontinen-
depend heavily on non-native organ- nine crops (wheat, maize, rice, po- tal transport have led to skyrocket-

John J. Ewel (e-mail: is the director of the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Honolulu, HI
96813. At the the time this article was written, Dennis J. O'Dowd was research ecologist and leader of the nonindigenous plants control
team at the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry; currently he is the director of the Centre of Biological Invasions at Monash University,
Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia. Joy Bergelson is an assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University
of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637. Curtis C. Daehler is an assistant professor in the Department of Botany at the University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, HI 96822-2279. Carla M. D'Antonio is an associate professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University
of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-3140. Luis Diego G6mez is the director of Las Cruces Biological Station and Wilson
Botanical Garden, Organization for Tropical Studies, San Vito de Java, Coto Brus, Costa Rica. Doria R. Gordon is the state ecologist
for The Nature Conservancy of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. Richard J. Hobbs is the officer in charge, CSIRO Wildlife and Ecology,
Perth WA 6014, Australia. Alan Holt is the director of conservation programs at The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
96817. Keith R. Hopper is a research entomologist for the USDA Agricultural Research Service, Beneficial Insect Introduction Research
Unit, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19713. Colin E. Hughes is a senior research scientist in the Department of Plant Sciences
at the University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3RB, UK. Marcy LaHart is an attorney for the South Florida Water Management District,
West Palm Beach, FL 33406. Roger R. B. Leakey is the head of tropical ecology at the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, EH26 QB,
Scotland, UK. William G. Lee is a programme leader for Landcare Research, Dunedin, New Zealand. Lloyd L. Loope is a research
biologist for the Biological Research Division, US Geological Survey, Makawao, HI 96768. David H. Lorence is a senior research
botanist for the National Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai, HI 96765. Svata M. Louda is a professor in the School of Biological
Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0118. Ariel E. Lugo is the director of the International Institute of Tropical
Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Rio Piedras, PR 00928-5000. Peter B. McEvoy is a professor of ecology and biological control in the
Entomology Department at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-2907; at the time of his contribution to this work he was
McMaster fellow at the Division of Entomology, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia. David M. Richardson is deputy director of the Institute
for Plant Conservation, Botany Department, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa. Peter M. Vitousek is a
professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020.

August 1999619

University of California Press

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Figure1. A universally the economically important Ameri-
welcomed introduc- can chestnut tree from deciduous
tion.Thecoconutpalm, forests of the eastern United States
Cocos nucifera, is a
(McCormick and Platt 1980), and
widely introducedspe-
cies now found on newly introduced fungal and insect
tropicalbeachesevery- species continue to reduce the diver-
where,such as this one sity and alter the economic values of
in Hawaii. Althoughit these forests (Sinclair et al. 1987,
probablyoriginatedin Harrington and Wingfield 1998).
Melanesia (Purseglove Similarly, the devastating impacts of
1985), it was rapidly introduced carnivorous mammals on
moved throughoutthe native birds in New Zealand (King
tropics by mariners 1984) vividly demonstrate the scale
and farmers and has of damage that invasive alien species
become widely natu- can inflict.

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ralized. Now found all
over the globe, the co- Both the potential benefits and
conut palm providesa risks of nonindigenous species (which
host of products that we define as including genetically
support subsistence modified versions of native organ-
economies on Pacific isms) are difficult to quantify, so it is
atolls,agroindustriesin not surprising that scientists differ
the Philippines,and in- on the value of deliberate introduc-
ternationaltourism in tions. For example, some scientists
the Caribbean.Photo: believe that the need to restore pro-
ductivity to degraded lands is so great
that, in some places, concerns about
ing rates and in- possible harmful effects of potential
creasing scales of invasions are frivolous. In contrast,
movementof non- others stress the biological, eco-
indigenous organ- nomic, and social costs of some in-
isms.Theonceslow, troductions. Appropriate and inap-
erratic, and small- propriate introductions were the
scaletransferof spe- subject of an international workshop
cies has shiftedto a rapidandlarge- introduced both deliberately and held in Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii, in
scaletranslocationof largenumbers accidentally poses an increasing glo- June 1997, that forms the basis for
andgreatspeciesdiversity;pathways bal threat to native biodiversity, one this article. The workshop had two
for inadvertenttransferhave also ranked second only to habitat loss goals. First, the 21 participating sci-
multiplied.Severalexamplesunder- (Vitousek et al. 1996, Wilcove et al. entists and managers, whose exper-
scorethe scaleandtaxonomicscope 1998). A small proportion of intro- tise ranges from plant domestication
of these movements:North Ameri- duced organisms, representing many to biological control to conservation
can seed and nurserycataloguesof- taxonomic groups, has had signifi- biology, and who include both advo-
fer over 59,000 plant species and cant negative economic and environ- cates and opponents of deliberate
varietiesfor sale to nationaland in- mental impacts (e.g., OTA 1993). introductions, sought to identify as-
ternationalmarkets(Isaacson1996); These impacts include crop failures, pects of introductions about which
therateof invasionsin SanFrancisco altered functioning of natural eco- there was general agreement. Sec-
Bayhas acceleratedfroman average systems, and species extinctions (Fig- ond, discussions focused on how re-
of one new speciesestablishedevery ure 2). In just 1 year, the impact of search can help to resolve the re-
55 weeks duringthe period 1851- the introduced golden apple snail maining differences. In this article,
1960 to one new species every 14 (Pomacea canaliculata) on rice cost we highlight key areas in which re-
weeksduringthe period1961-1995 the Philippine economy an estimated search is needed and outline a set of
(Cohenand Carlton1998);and mi- $US 28-45 million, or approximately specific research questions that par-
crobialpathogens,mostlyvirusesand 40% of the Philippines' annual ex- ticipants consider necessary to evalu-
viruslike organisms, accompanied penditure on rice imports (Naylor ate and address the issues.
morethanhalf of the appleandpo- 1996). In the water-scarce fynbos
tato accessionsinspectedin quaran- (shrubland) of South Africa, intro- Areas of agreement on
tine in the United States between duced Hakea and Pinus species have
1985 and 1994 (Whiteand Water- reduced water yields from invaded species introductions
worth 1996). watersheds by between 30 and 70% Workshop participants identified
Despite the many benefits pro- (van Wilgen et al. 1996). The acci- eight key areas of consensus on in-
vided by non-nativeorganisms,the dental introduction of the blight- troductions of nonindigenous spe-
increasingrateof naturalization and causing fungus Cryophonectria cies. These include the following:
spread(i.e., of invasions)of species parasitica from Asia led to the loss of some introductions have great po-

620 BioScience Vol. 49 No. 8

tential to provide society with large
economic and ecological benefits;
species introductions will continue
and their impacts will be unevenly
distributed; human activities facili-
tate not only species movements but
also species establishment; long de-
lays often occur between introduc-
tion and spread, but once a natural-
ized species is well established it is
almost impossible to eradicate; and
invasive behavior elsewhere is a po-
tent predictor of invasiveness in un-
tested habitats.

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Further introductions of nonin-
digenous organisms could be the basis
for maintaining productivity in agri-
cultural systems, for environmental
remediation, and for new economic
development. The overwhelming Figure 2. An example of good in-
majority of the world's agricultural tentions gone astray. Valued in the
and horticultural species are nonin- Andes for its edible fruits and at-
digenous where they are cultivated. tractive flowers (photo at right),
Most intentional plant introductions bananapoka (Passifloratripartita)
have been in horticulture (e.g., Wells was deliberately introduced into
Hawaii early in this century. It
et al. 1986), but large numbers of now blankets the canopy of many
introduced species are also used in native forests (photo above), and
agricultural systems. New crops and its spread is facilitated by non-
garden plants that will inevitably be native birds and mammals. Pho-
introduced continue to be developed, tos: Jack Jeffrey.
and biological agents to control pests
are being identified that will be used Miami and Honolulu, tend to
in areas where they are not indig- have more species of non-
enous. New species and seed sources indigenous invaders than other
of the major industrial forestry gen- cities (OTA 1993). State and
era continue to be sought, introduced, federal inspectors in Hawaii,
and tested internationally (Barnes which is visited by nearly 7
1988, Dvorak and Donohue 1992). million tourists annually and
In addition, the recent development imports 80% of the goods consumed, and costly effects. Furthermore, the
of "multipurpose" tree sDecies for intercepted 2275 individual nonin- relative magnitudes of costs and ben-
agroforestry has resultectdin a new digenous invertebrates in a single efits vary both in space and over
wave of purposeful introductions year, including 259 species not time. The issue is made more com-
across the tropics (Hughes 1994, known to already occur in Hawaii plex by the fact that many non-na-
1995, Richardson 1998). (Holt in press). Furthermore, delib- tive species have clear benefits and
erately introduced organisms may costs within the same region. For
Inadvertent introductions of non- carry undetected viruses, fungi, or example, in South Africa, Australia,
indigenous organisms will continue other small parasites that will be- and New Zealand, some Pinus spe-
in the future. Improving global trans- come serious economic or environ- cies are commercially important for-
portation, increasingly free trade, and mental pests (Guy et al. 1998). estry crops but also cause expensive
the continuing quest for economic problems when they spread from
growth will all result in an expand- Benefits and costs of introductions plantations into watersheds and con-
ing exchange of organisms among are unevenly distributed among eco- servation areas (Richardson and
biogeographic regions of the world systems, within and across regions, Higgins 1998). In the United States,
(Jenkins 1996). For example, the glo- among sectors of society, and across the weevil Rhinocyllus conicus con-
balization of trade, involving the in- generations. Although an introduc- tributes to the control of exotic
tercontinental movement of raw tim- tion may meet a desired objective in thistles (Carduus spp.) on rangelands,
ber and packaging materials, has one area, at one time, or for some but it also reduces the reproductive
made the inadvertent introduction sectors of society, unwanted and success of native thistles (Cirsium
of new forest pests inevitable unplanned effects may also occur. spp.) and, consequently, their insect
(Harrington and Wingfield 1998). Introduced organisms can, therefore, fauna in national parks and nature
International port cities, such as simultaneously have both beneficial reserves (Louda et al. 1997). In south-

August 1999 621

eastern Australia, the introduced forb lished (Elton 1958). Humans alter include rabbits in Haleakala National
Echium plantagineum is known as land in ways that favor humans; spe- Park in Hawaii (Loope et al. 1992),
"Salvation Jane" in semi-arid South cies that do well in human-altered a fire ant in the Galapagos (Abedrab-
Australia, where it is an important dry habitat in one area may be more bo 1994), and medfly outbreaks in
season forage, but it transmogrifies likely to do so in another. Repeated California. However, once reproduc-
into "Patterson's Curse" in southern colonization across the landscape can tion, dispersal, and subsequent ad-
New South Wales, where it is consid- result in small, scattered populations aptation have occurred, control be-
ered a livestock poison and competi- from which population expansion comes problematic and eradication
tor with preferred pasture plants proceeds rapidly (Moody and Mack increasingly unlikely. Generally, the
(Cullen and Delfosse 1984). 1988). Soil disturbance, fire, graz- probability of locating and eliminat-
ing, soil movement, nutrient input, ing all individuals is inversely pro-
Human acceleration of invasions. trampling, hydrological shifts, habi- portional to population size and spa-
Biological invasions are a natural pro- tat fragmentation, and human intro- tial extent. Consequently, eradication
cess. Occasionally, long-distance duction of alien symbionts have all of such invaders as European star-

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transport between biotic regions, or been implicated in facilitating inva- lings in North America (and Austra-
between continents and islands, oc- sion by nonindigenous organisms lia, New Zealand, and South Af-
curs without human intervention. (Janzen 1983, 1987, Hobbs and rica), avian malaria in Hawaii, the
Nevertheless, human activity has ac- Huenneke 1992). European rabbit in Australia, and
celerated the rate of invasions, often any soil microorganism anywhere is
by orders of magnitude, and has re- A time lag of several decades or longer probably impossible.
sulted in the transportation of some often exists between the initial intro-
organisms into habitats they could duction of an organism and evidence A strong predictor of invasiveness
not have reached on their own. Hu- that it is invasive and having unan- and ecological change resulting from
mans began to significantly facilitate ticipated effects. Range expansion invasion is whether the organism has
invasions in Neolithic times but have of many introduced organisms often been invasive and caused change else-
tremendously accelerated both in- follows a logistic pattern, with slow where. Post-hoc analyses of species
tentional and inadvertent transport initial spread (Orians 1986, Moody and ecosystem attributes to identify
of species over the last 150-200 years and Mack 1988, Hengeveld 1989, predictors of species likely to be-
(di Castri 1989, Reichard and Hamil- Hobbs and Humphries 1995, William- come invasive have concluded that
ton 1997). Before human settlement son 1996, Shigesada and Kawasaki the best single predictor of invasive-
of the Hawaiian Islands, for example, 1997). This lag is clearly demon- ness is the invasive behavior of intro-
the combined rate of colonization by strated by the woody weeds invad- duced organisms in other parts of
vascular plants and metazoans is es- ing in the vicinity of Brandenburg, the world with similar environments
timated to have been approximately Germany, where continuous records (Forcella et al. 1986, Crawley 1989a,
one species per 50,000 years. After of introductions have been kept for Lodge 1993, Scott and Panetta 1993,
the arrival of the Polynesians, in the 400 years. Of 184 currently invasive Williamson and Fitter 1996, Gor-
fourth century, the colonization rate woody species, 51% did not appear to don and Thomas 1997, Reichard and
increased to 3-4 species per century. be invasive for over 200 years after Hamilton 1997). For example, 90%
During recent decades, the rate has their introduction (Kowarik 1995). of exotic invasive plant species in
increased to more than 20 new species Similarly, a 20-year lag occurred in Australia are also invasive in other
per year (Loope and Mueller-Dombois the buildup of the biocontrol weevil locations to which they have been
1989). Invasion rates in Australia are R. conicus on native plants (Louda introduced (Panetta 1993).
comparable: Between 1870 and 1970, et al. 1997). Reasons for the "lag
the rate of naturalization of plant phase" phenomenon are poorly un- Researchneeds
species is estimated to have been 10- derstood but may include difficulty
30 per year (Groves 1997). Human of detection, exponential growth, Although proponents and opponents
intervention has also broken down local adaptation, increased availabil- of intentional introductions agree on
dispersal barriers for entire classes ity of sites appropriate for seed ger- some points, many issues about po-
of organisms. For example, until hu- mination and seedling establishment, tential benefits and risks remain un-
man arrival, oceanic islands lacked low frequency of occurrence of the resolved. Research in four main cat-
ungulates and, sometimes, ants. exact combination of biotic and abi- egories-risk-benefit assessment,
otic conditions that favor reproduc- alternatives to introductions, safe-
Human alteration of ecosystems of- tion (e.g., Richardson et al. 1992), guards to accompany purposeful in-
ten increases the probability that in- lagging introductions of mutualists troductions, and impact mitigation-
troduced organisms will become in- (e.g., McKey and Kaufmann 1991), would provide the scientific basis for
vasive. Human population growth and climate change (Kowarik 1995). improved policy decisions about pro-
and demands on natural resources spective introductions. Examples of
have increased disturbance fre- Most invasions are irreversible. Small broad research questions are listed
quency, scale, and scope, providing populations of naturalized introduced in the box (page 623).
ample sites for colonization by in- organisms can sometimes be eradi-
troduced organisms that are able to cated if action is immediate; animals Research to better evaluate risks and
disperse and rapidly become estab- successfully eradicated in this way benefits. The risks associated with

622 BioScience Vol. 49 No. 8

Research questions about introductions
researchquestionsneedto be answeredto helpensurethatproposedintroductionsaredone
wisely and safely.
* How can the potentialbenefitsandcosts of introductionsbestbe evaluatedin economic,environ-
mental,and social terms?
* Shouldall introductionsbe regulated?
* How differentmustorganismsor recipientecosystemsbe fromthoseassessedpreviouslyto warrant
* Whenis it appropriateto assessand regulatetaxa otherthanspecies?
* Whatare appropriateecologicaland politicalboundariesfor regulation?

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Alternativesto introductions:
* How andwhencanindigenousorganismsbe domesticatedso thattheycan substitutefor proposed
uses of nonindigenousorganisms?
* Howcantheretentionof indigenousspeciesandnaturalfoodwebsbeintegratedintoagroecosystems
so that the risk of pest problemsis minimized?

* Whatcommonguidelinescan be developedfor deliberateintroductionsof all kindsof organisms?
* Havescreeningproceduresdifferedfor introductionsthat provedsuccessfulor harmful?
* How canthepotentialfor nonindigenousorganismsto disruptecosystemprocessesbe assessedand
* Canthe demandfor introductionsbe reducedby improvingthe effectivenessof introductionsthat
are attempted?

* When can reductionof human-causeddisturbancewithin natural areas be used to control
* Cansubtle,indirecteffectsof potentialintroductionsbe predicted?
* Can enough be learnedfrom the populationgrowth lags, booms, and crashes of previously
introducedorganismsto makeusefulgeneralizations?
* Shouldspecialguidelinesaccompanyreleaseof sterileforms,whichmaypose less riskthanfertile
* Canprotocolsbe developedto predictwhenan introducedspecieswill hybridizewith nativesand
what the ecologicaland economicconsequencesof suchhybridizationmightbe?
* Shouldspecialguidelinesrelatedto invasionand hybridizationpotentialbe addedto those that
alreadyregulatereleaseof geneticallyengineeredorganisms?

introducing nonindigenous organ- dations on whether to accept, reject, risk assessment, as Hughes (1998)
isms dependon the attributesof both or further evaluate a candidate spe- has documented for subspecies of
the organisms and the recipient eco- cies (e.g., New Zealand's Biosecurity the leguminous tree Leucaena
systems. How can the potential ben- Act, New Zealand Government leucocephala.
efits and risks of prospective intro- 1994; Australia's Weed Risk Assess- Conversely, infraspecific classifi-
ductions best be evaluated? Given ment System, Pheloung 1995). Quar- cation units may provide sufficient
that any introduction is potentially antine to prevent accidental intro- information about risks for species
risky, what are the appropriate units ductions of pests is based on lists of within certain higher taxa. For ex-
of biological organization and levels prohibited species, but risks associ- ample, within pines, invasive species
of spatial scale at which scientists ated with taxonomic units below and (Pinus spp.) are concentrated in the
and regulators should weigh the above the species level need to be subgenus Pinus, and noninvasive spe-
chances of an introduced organism considered as well (Daehler 1998). cies are concentrated in the subgenus
becoming invasive? Different populations (provenances), Strobus (Rejmainek and Richardson
Scales ofbiological organization. varieties, subspecies, progenies, and 1996). Nevertheless, some assess-
Risk assessments for screening can- genotypes within the same species ment systems consider congeners of
didates for intentional introduction can have different invasion poten- known invaders to be especially risky
are often converted into recommen- tials and may require independent (e.g., Reichard and Hamilton 1997),

August 1999 623

whereas others do not (e.g., Pheloung proposed for Australia-in which ently greater economic value, better
1995). The same units of biological natural ecological subdivisions, or tolerance of unfavorable environ-
organization are not equally appro- bioregions, have been proposed to mental conditions, or escape from
priate for application to all kinds of govern movement of nonindigenous specialized natural enemies (Hughes
organisms, and research is needed to organisms-will prove to be most 1994, 1995, Richardson 1998). Nev-
define the appropriate taxonomic effective. ertheless, indigenous organisms of-
levels at which to carry out risk as- Benefits and risks in economic, ten do as well as exotics (Butterfield
sessment for different groups of in- environmental, and social terms. and Fisher 1994, Haggar et al. 1998,
vertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. Even when benefits appear to out- Leakey and Simons 1998). Further-
Further research is needed to evalu- weigh risks, making a decision about more, the escape-from-enemies ar-
ate which unit(s) of biological orga- whether to release a nonindigenous gument often loses its validity with
nization provides the most reliable organism may be difficult. In such time because enemies often finally
and cost effective information about cases, costs may be considered ex- do arrive (e.g., the psyllid defoliator
the risks of introductions. cessive if they are distributed un- Heteropsylla cubana on L. leuco-
Scales of environmental hetero- evenly across locations, generations, cephala in tropical forestry; Hughes

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geneity and movement. Areas of or segments of society. For example, 1995) or new enemies may be ac-
sociopolitical jurisdiction (e.g., in Florida, Christmasberry (Schinus quired (as is often the case with bio-
states, countries, and trading blocks) terebinthifolius) is valued by bee- logical control agents; Goeden and
are currently the units used for man- keepers as a winter source of nectar Louda 1976). The relative benefits
aging the movement of nonin- yet is despised by conservationists and costs of indigenous and alien
digenous organisms. Nevertheless, because it invades native ecosystems species therefore need to be studied
biogeographic barriers, uniqueness (Bennett and Habeck 1991). Re- and evaluated over the long term,
of local biotas, and dispersal capaci- search is needed to identify conflict- not just the short term.
ties of nonindigenous organisms do ing interests regarding benefits and Direct substitution of indigenous
not necessarily mesh with political risks of introductions, to substanti- organisms for nonindigenous organ-
boundaries. For example, cord- ate purported valuations of those isms. One underutilized approach to
grasses (Spartina spp.), which are benefits and risks, and to determine reducing the rate and number of de-
native to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts the likely distribution of benefits and liberate introductions is to obviate
of the United States, are invading risks among sectors of society. the demand for them by meeting
mudflats and saltmarshes of the Pa- needs in other ways. Evaluation of
cific coast of the United States Research on alternatives to intro- potentially useful indigenous organ-
(Daehler and Strong 1996). The same ductions. Introductions of nonin- isms rather than nonindigenous ones
species are therefore native and de- digenous organisms that successfully is an alternative that needs more
sirable in one locale and alien and establish and spread are usually irre- consideration. Large numbers of in-
widely regarded as undesirable in versible and frequently cause unde- digenous plant and animal species
another-all within the same (albeit sirable ecological impacts (Howarth have been used by local people, espe-
huge) country. And on a smaller scale, 1991). Therefore, it is the assump- cially in the tropics and subtropics.
several nonindigenous ornamental tions that lead to introductions, Nevertheless, these species, which
species that are invasive in southern rather than the use of indigenous often figure prominently in local
Florida are not problems in northern organisms per se, that require scru- markets, have generally been over-
Florida. tiny. For example, the assumption looked by science (Leakey and New-
Furthermore, nonindigenous or- often made in using biological con- ton 1994). Part of the reason for this
ganisms that are introduced into one trol to treat pest problems (i.e., "ab- oversight is ignorance-scientists and
political jurisdiction without causing sence of natural enemies is the cause, managers have simply not explored
problems often spread to another, addition of natural enemies is the the potential utility of all species in
where they can cause problems. For cure") may lead scientists to over- all places-and part of the neglect
example, if the nonindigenous cactus look other management alterna- stems from a focus on the small num-
moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, arrives tives-including predicting and pre- bers of species that lend themselves
in Mexico by dispersing from the venting further pest entry or treating to ready industrialization and global
United States across the Gulf of pest problems with integrated pest marketing. The potential of native
Mexico, it may have economic im- management, which combines cul- species to substitute for non-
pacts due to the extensive use of tural, mechanical, chemical, and bio- indigenous organisms could be har-
Opuntia (prickly pear) products in logical control methods. nessed and enhanced by their do-
Mexico; its ecological impacts could Similarly, in tropical reforestation, mestication to provide economic,
also be severe because Mexico is rich it has frequently been assumed that social, and environmental benefits
in native Opuntia species. Studies introducing nonindigenous trees is (Sanchez and Leakey 1997, Leakey
are needed to determine whether the the best way to create ecosystems 1998a, Leakey and Simons 1998).
current focus on political boundaries that give first priority to human needs More funding, such as that provided
in regulating introductions produces (e.g., for fuel, timber, fodder, and by the International Plant Genetic
substantially incorrect answers about soil protection). The presumed ad- Resources Institute, should be made
their benefits and risks. It may be vantages of such exotics over native available to local governmental and
that a system such as that recently species have often been their appar- nongovernmental agencies and farm-

624 BioScience Vol. 49 No. 8

ers for research and selection of in- of the various approaches to the re- nonindigenous organisms moving
digenous organisms to domesticate. lease of different classes of non- through each stage in the process-
All stages of domestication should indigenous organisms (e.g., exotics from need assessment through impact
be studied: identification of priority introduced for fisheries, pets, agri- assessment-is necessary to reduce the
species; exploration, characteriza- culture, horticulture, forestry, and adverse affects of deliberate introduc-
tion, and conservation of genetic di- biological control and genetically tions, as are analyses of the stages at
versity and the capture of desirable modified organisms) are needed. which introductions succeed, fail, or
genotypes (e.g., Simons 1996); and Experts currently disagree about the cause unexpected problems.
incorporation of domesticates into relative risks of those different classes Fewer, more effective introduc-
low-input production systems, such of introductions, but the ranking of tions. Most species introduced for
as multi-strata agroforests (e.g., risks would be easier if all introduc- specific purposes perform below ex-
Leakey 1998b). tions were considered in a coordi- pectation, and a few perform far
Retention of refugia and food nated way, independent of their ori- above expectation (e.g., Crawley
webs. Homogeneous plant commu- gins or purposes. 1989b). For example, of 463 grasses
nities, whether naturally occurring Retrospective analyses of intro- and legumes introduced to improve

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ecosystems, forest plantations, or ductions. Retrospective analyses pastures in northern Australia, only
agricultural monocultures, are more could shed light on the establish- 5% increased pasture productivity;
susceptible to outbreaks of pests and ment and unwanted impacts of over 60% of the remaining species
diseases, including nonindigenous purposefully introduced nonindi- naturalized and became weeds
organisms, than more heterogeneous genous organisms. For example, to (Lonsdale 1994). Proponents of in-
communities (Barbosa 1987). Intro- what screening were harmful nonin- troductions are inclined to introduce
duction of biological control agents, digenous organisms belonging to vari- more and more organisms to find the
which are usually nonindigenous ous broad taxonomic groups (e.g., one (or few) that really works or is
themselves, is a common manage- marine invertebrates, trees, insects, most profitable. However, each in-
ment response to disease or pest out- and pathogens) subjected before in- troduction brings an increment of
breaks. An alternative way to pro- troduction? Why did the screening risk, and the more introductions that
tect against such outbreaks, and to fail to exclude them? What kind of are made, the more casualties even a
reduce the need to introduce alien screening would have been neces- low mishap rate can cause. Given that
species for control purposes, may be sary to prevent these introductions? the risks associated with new intro-
to sustain a landscape-scale mosaic In most countries, these questions ductions vary among both organ-
of habitats and land uses that con- might pertain to biological control isms and recipient ecosystems, re-
tain refugia for indigenous natural agents or pathogens on nursery stock search is needed to quantify those
enemies of the pests (Secord and only because little other screening is risks. Research is also needed on the
Kareiva 1996). Research is needed in place. An example from New attributes of human cultures that de-
to better integrate the role of habitat Zealand is instructive: Retrospective termine what leads to preferences of
structure across spatial scales in the screening of invasive nonindigenous indigenous or nonindigenous organ-
management of introduced pest spe- plant species using the controls of isms, so that managers and policy-
cies and to determine if food webs of the 1993 Biosecurity Act revealed makers can reduce the number of in-
indigenous and nonindigenous spe- that 98% of the current major weed troductions required to meet local
cies vary at a similar scale and level species would not have passed initial needs (Hughes 1994, 1995, Hopper
of complexity. For example, a border security (Williams 1996); ap- 1996, McEvoy and Coombs 1999).
nonindigenous pest species on a farm proximately half of these were prob-
with forest patches joined by corri- ably introduced deliberately. Research to evaluate and mitigate
dors through cropland may be more Holistic view of the invasion pro- impacts of introductions. Nonin-
or less harmful, depending on the cess. Purposeful introductions of digenous organisms can potentially
scale of the system, the distributions nonindigenous organisms should be harm the environment and its inhab-
of natural enemies, and the dispersal developed in stages-from assessing itants in a variety of ways-from a
of the pest and its natural enemies. the need through collecting, identi- direct trophic interaction that arises
fying, screening, evaluating, releas- when nonindigenous organisms con-
Research on purposeful introduc- ing, establishing, and distributing the sume a nontarget organism, to direct
tions. If indigenous organisms can- organisms and ultimately assessing competition, to indirect interactions
not be managed to provide necessary their economic, environmental, and that can occur when nonindigenous
or desired economic benefits or eco- social effects. In current introduc- organisms and nontarget organisms
system services, introductions of tions of biological control agents, are affected by the same intermedi-
nonindigenous organisms may be attention focuses on all steps except ate species (e.g., shared hosts, natu-
called for. Research in several areas the last (McEvoy 1996, Louda et al. ral enemies, and mutualists) or eco-
could increase the benefits of pur- 1997). The situation is even worse system components (e.g., habitat and
poseful introductions and decrease for introductions of exotic plants resources). Indeed, some of the very
their risks. into the United States, where there is characteristics that make nonin-
A single framework for all types little or no screening of any kind for digenous organisms effective in pro-
of introductions. Comparative analy- potential adverse impacts (OTA 1993). viding such useful services as pest
ses of the rationale and effectiveness Better tracking of the total traffic in control, soil amelioration, and soil

August 1999 625

conservation also make them poten- tat but then decline (D'Antonio et al. the presumed virtues of certain races
tially dangerous invaders that can in press). Non-native species that of vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanio-
harm indigenous organisms. become dominant in their new habi- ides), which is used widely for ero-
Breadth of impact of biological tats over the scale of decades may sion control (NRC 1993). Research
control agents. Host specificity is eventually be outcompeted by native is needed to assess how reduced dis-
one of the primary criteria used to species and cause fewer long-lasting persal or fertility in a nonindigenous
evaluate and rank the risks that con- changes than might initially be organism will influence the prob-
trol agents pose to nontarget organ- thought. Research is needed to iden- ability that it will have unintended
isms (Thomas and Willis 1998). Host tify the mechanisms involved in such effects. Under what restrictions
specificity testing protocols to pre- declines and to answer the following should the introduction of sterile
vent harm to nontarget species have questions: Can long-term dynamics cultivars or breeds be permitted?
been developed and tested for bio- be predicted by characteristics of the What is the probability that a sterile
logical control of weeds, but proto- nonindigenous organism and recipi- cultivar or breed will revert to fertil-
cols for predators, parasites, and ent community? Is it possible to esti- ity, and what are the conditions un-
pathogens used to control arthropod mate how long such declines are likely der which reversion is most likely to

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pests need to be developed (Hopper to take? Do native communities re- happen?
1995, McEvoy 1996). Some scien- turn to their preinvasion state fol- Spontaneous hybridization. Non-
tists and managers have suggested lowing the decline of the invader? indigenous organisms may hybridize
that more attention be paid to poten- Post-introduction range expan- with indigenous organisms (Abbott
tial indirect effects and evolutionary sions. Most nonindigenous organ- 1992, Levin et al. 1996, Rhymer and
changes in assessing the risks of in- isms fail to spread beyond their origi- Simberloff 1996, Daehler and Strong
troducing exotic biological control nal site of introduction, and research 1997), resulting in contamination of
agents (Secord and Kareiva 1996, is needed on the specific mechanisms native genotypes and the production
Simberloff and Stiling 1996). Follow- that control this failure. Are barriers of novel weeds. For example, some
up studies of a variety of long-stand- to invasion more often biotic or abi- varieties of the nonindigenous shrub
ing introductions are needed to as- otic, and does the nature of the bar- Lantana camara hybridize with en-
sess the probability and consequences rier depend on the broad taxonomic demic members of the genus in
of nontarget effects, to measure rates group to which the nonindigenous Florida and are feared to be geneti-
of evolution following introduction, organism belongs (Mack 1996)? cally swamping the native species
and to update risk assessment proto- What traits of noninvasive aliens (Sanders 1987). Sometimes the hy-
cols accordingly. cause them to differ in their rate and brids themselves present new and
Evaluation of impacts on ecosys- extent of range expansion from those unpredictable threats of invasion,
tem processes and services. The im- that are invasive? even though the hybrid may be re-
pacts of introduced species on eco- Post-introduction time lags. As productively isolated; a well-docu-
system functioning are poorly described earlier, recognition that a mented example is Spartina anglica
understood. Rates of ecosystem pro- nonindigenous organism has become (a cordgrass), which arose as a poly-
cesses can change in the presence of a pest often lags well behind its in- ploid hybrid between a native spe-
invaders (Vitousek and Walker 1989, troduction. For example, the oldest cies and an introduced one (Gray et
Gordon 1998), but invasive species herbarium specimen of Christmas- al. 1991). Hybridization between in-
do not inevitably reduce the services berry from Florida is dated 1846; a troduced species can be equally prob-
society derives from an ecosystem. detailed survey of south Florida veg- lematic, as is the case in Australia,
Whereas some invasive species cause etation in 1941 did not report it as a where 7 two-way and 2 three-way
enormous economic costs to human conspicuous plant in the wild, yet by hybrids have resulted from some 100
enterprise, others invade and modify the mid-1950s it was recorded as an introductions of species and variet-
degraded or polluted sites, thereby invasive weed tree of major impor- ies of willows (Salix spp.); these hy-
countering the negative effects of hu- tance (Ewel 1986). Similar stories bridization events have resulted in
mans on the biosphere. For example, have been reported throughout the new species and new weeds, raising
the post-World War II revegetation of world (Hobbs and Humphries 1995). concerns about the impacts of wil-
northern Guam by aerially seeding Research is needed to investigate why lows on riparian environments
the alien leguminous tree L. leuco- lags occur and whether they vary (Cremer et al. 1995). Research is
cephala protected soil, replenished among taxonomic groups. A related needed on the following questions:
nitrogen, provided habitat for wild- research need concerns how long it is How often does introduction of a
life, and most likely restored water necessary to wait after small-scale nonindigenous organism lead to hy-
quality. Research is needed to evalu- trial introductions to estimate their bridization with a native organism?
ate the positive and negative effects risks and benefits. What are the ecological and evolu-
of invasive species on ecosystem pro- Sterile forms. Reducing dispersal tionary consequences of such hybrid-
cesses in many different ecosystems. and reproductive potential might be ization? What is the likelihood that
Post-introduction population os- the best way to contain plants intro- hybridization among introduced spe-
cillations. Some introduced organ- duced for horticulture and forestry- cies, or between natives and intro-
isms reach and maintain high popula- this mode of containment can be duced forms, will lead to invasive
tions, whereas others undergo an initial accomplished by using sterile variet- genotypes? What are the likely risks
population explosion in the new habi- ies. For example, sterility is one of and benefits of such hybridization?

626 BioScience Vol. 49 No. 8

What screening protocols could be fied organisms need further testing great usefulness beyond their native
used to assess the risks associated in the field. range. In the United States, for ex-
with hybridization? ample, the Board on Science and
Genetically modified organisms. Conclusions Technology for International Devel-
Because of the potential of geneti- opment, an arm of the US National
cally modified organisms to induce Although many laypeople have not Research Council, sponsored and
economic and ecological change, given species introductions much seri- published a series of studies promot-
their use is fast becoming a topic of ous thought, those with economic, ing wider use of a host of plant and
international prominence (e.g., Levin political, or professional interests in animal species for human benefit-
1990). Genetically modified organ- the issue hold widely varying view- from amaranth to vetiver, from buf-
isms can affect a natural community points. At the extremes, these views faloes to yaks. Do proponents and
in two ways. First, they can transfer range from a handful of advocates of opponents of purposeful introduc-
introduced genes to other individu- no introductions, or of such rigorous tions read the full range of available
als of the same or related species. pre-introduction proof of benignness literature? Not as much as they
The finding that some transgenic that all introductions are effectively should, and cross-viewpoint com-

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plants are more likely to outcross prohibited, to an equally small group munication is an endeavor that there-
than nontransgenic plants (Bergelson that advocates a freewheeling global fore should be encouraged at every
et al. 1998) raises concerns that rapid eco-mix of species. Happily, such opportunity.
reduction in genetic variation will extremists are now much in the mi- In the transition from research to
more often result from the introduc- nority; most proponents of purpose- policy regarding species introduc-
tion of genetically modified organ- ful introductions understand the risks tions, there are many important roles
isms than from the introduction of (but believe that technology can deal for scientists. Greatly increased pub-
nontransgenic plants. However, the with them), and most conservation lic awareness of environmental
generality of these outcrossing re- biologists recognize the potential change and degradation, well-publi-
sults awaits study; it is still unclear benefits to be derived from carefully cized concerns of the international
whether enhanced outcrossing will controlled introductions. Clearly, scientific community about the ef-
be a common feature of genetically there is a need to bring all parties fects of invasive species, interest on
manipulated systems. together on common ground that the part of the news media in envi-
In addition, genetically modified can lead to objective, science-based ronmental issues, and widespread
organisms (or nontransgenic relatives decisions by policymakers. concern for the development of sus-
into which the transgene has intro- A first step toward common un- tainable systems of land use have
gressed through a hybridization derstanding is to ensure that all ob- combined to create a propitious en-
event) might increase in population jective concerns and facts on risks vironment in which to foster, pro-
size, thus invading a natural commu- and benefits of species introductions mote, and fund research on species
nity. Despite this possibility, the re- are communicated to all stakehold- introductions. Three specific needs
cipients of genes inserted by genetic ers. Substantial progress has been are identified here; they are but a
engineering have been widely as- made within the past 15 years in subset of what is needed to fill the
sumed to have a diminished capacity compiling such information. For ex- information gap in the policy arena.
to invade natural ecosystems (Bergel- ample, an international effort con-
son 1994) because the costs associ- ducted under the auspices of SCOPE * Development of a broadly acces-
ated with genes that protect against (Scientific Committee on Problems sible information system to support
herbivores, pathogens, or herbicides of the Environment; Drake et al. evaluation of organisms proposed
would decrease fitness in the absence 1989) gave the issue great interna- for import. Objective decision mak-
of these selective forces. Confidence tional visibility, and local initiatives ing will be improved by access to a
in this assumption has, however, been did the same for several countries, comprehensive, up-to-date database
undermined by the mixed results including New Zealand (Esler 1988, that provides information on the bi-
from studies that have attempted to Ledgard 1988), Australia (e.g., ology and environmental parameters
measure a reduction in the fitness of ANPWS 1991), and the United States of organisms in their native habitats
resistant plants in the absence of (OTA 1993). As a follow-up to the and in those habitats to which intro-
selection (Bergelson and Purrington SCOPE-sponsored initiatives, a 1996 ductions are being considered. Enu-
1996, Bergelson et al. 1996, Mauricio United Nations-Norway conference meration of potential benefits and
and Rausher 1997). Therefore, re- signaled the urgent need for a scien- harmful effects should be included.
ducing survival and reproduction of tifically based global strategy and an Initially, priority for inclusion in the
genetically modified organisms may action plan to deal with invasive database should be given to organ-
be the best way to contain them nonindigenous species (Sandlund et isms of management concern in
under field conditions. For example, al. in press). nonindigenous habitats or those likely
baculoviruses introduced for insect Synchronous with these efforts, to be proposed for introduction. Be-
control have been engineered to in- which have heightened global aware- cause potential benefits and costs from
crease their speed of kill (increasing ness of the dangers of introducing introductions are important issues
effectiveness) and reduce their sur- non-native organisms, other scientists throughout the world, every country
vival (increasing safety). Strategies were calling attention to little-known needs access to such an information
for containment of genetically modi- plants and animals that might have system. Cooperation among coun-

August 1999 627

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