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Product Instruction 92-1; uv pS Bailey Control Systems MINI-LINE 520* Function Generator Type FG retrct on Book Pr ee $5.00 crag US Pat Babcock & Wilcox Form P62 120 Lino BUSA 578 ©ee oy Mater Company 1978 Balley Meter Compary,US.A Babcock & Wilcox Ba 7 Meter Company USA oo OO Ta I WARNING J sstaucr on manvaus | DO NOT NSTALL MA NTAN OR OPERATE TH 5 EQU PMENT W THOUT READ NG, UNDERSTAND NG AND FOLLOW NG PROPER Babcock & Wicox By Wy Pioter_co USA NSTRUCT ONS AND MANUALS OTHER se MUAY OF DAMAGE way RESULT — eee ATTENTION MANUELS D OPERAT ON, ut aa mening ex mace néranen ou rane b ower Gunn Ce WATER EL sane Ave Riku Com be Serguy ces normuct ons nECCEUENTARES 8g baton 8 W cox Uy het Company US Toe nbgeieence"\"cer Coane" coUees + Mnectne | Ggose Occ ben ov be clratiacs outa E ere INDEX INSTALLATION PLACING IN SERVICE ROUTINE MAINTENANCE COMPLETE CALIBRATION TROUBLESHOOTING OPERATION NOMENCLATURE SPECIFICATIONS. REPLACEMENT PARTS Page INSTALLATION WARNING THIS UNIT SHOULD NOT BE IN STALLED IN AN ENVIRONMENT CONTAIN ING CHLORINATED OR AROMATIC HYDRO CARBONS THESE ELEMENTS WILL DAM AGE THE POLYCARBONATE COVER THE COVER WILL ALSO BE DAMAGED BY AMINOS, ALKALIES AND AMMONIA AVERTISSEMENT CET ENSEMBLE NE DOIT PAS ETRE INSTALLE DANS UN ENVIRONNE MENT CONTENANT DES HYDROCARBURES AROMATIQUES OU CHLORES CES ELE MENTS ENDOMMAGERAIENT LE COUVER CLE EN POLYCARBONATE L’AMMONIAQUE, L'ALCALI ET LES AMINES ENDOMMAGENT. EGALEMENT LE COUVERCLE Unpacking and Storage 1 Check for any obvious damage to shipping. carton or contents Report any dartage fo carrier 2 Make certam that umt 1s correct range for intended service (refer to identification label) 3 It unit 1s to be stored repack im onginal contamer and store in an area free of corrosive vapors and extremes in temperature and hunudity Storage temperatures should fall within limits of 20°F and +160°F (29°C and +72°C) Mc nd Extemal Connections The Function Generator 1s designed for wall or surface mounting and should be mounted as follows | Attach umt to wall, panel or relay rack as shown in Figure I and secure with three 1/4 inch cap screws, nuts and lockwashers NOTE Unit must be mounted as indicated in order to function properly Make necessary adjustments tor particular service as outlined under “Placing In Si “Adjusting for Service (Nulling Procedure) 3 Make external connections to mounting base (Figures 1 and 2) Connections are 1/8" 27 NPT female + Adjust air supply to mounting base to 18 to 20 psig (124 to 138 kPa) See "Quahty Stand and for Instrument Aur”, 1975, ISA $73 at the end of this section ‘Min-Line $20 Function Generator, Type FG p92 12 Page 3 NOTE If tubing elbows are desired. the follow ing fittings are recommended E2, E4 and output - 1/8 NPT male to tubing elbow El, E3, E3R and $ 1/8 NPT x 1” nipples and 1/8 NPT female to tubing elbows To facilitate assembly. stall the E2 and output tubing bellows first ‘Qua ty Standard for Instrument A ¢, 1975, 160.57 3 ) age hee ee entre ramen ae 42 Paccasee fre be tree (3) meron conden ou she\'be ar cove to two (6) wie of wiv sepowbe edna nl Creumtacas ane axcana’ ne 1)"pam whe “400 oemm cLeaanee azou neD i oe etn e, ta = o | et le | fest Se ers Gear tb FIGURE 1 Externa_and Mounting D'mensions, Type FG Function Generator. Babcock & Wilcox Mat Company USA ngs for Type FG Funct on Generator * paper 08, Proport ona Pus ntegre Externe ) Contro (Remote Gan roport ona 5 : 5 8 3 e a 2 § 7 : BE l} Mint Lane $20 Function Generator, Type FG P92 12 Page 5 a PLACING IN SERVICE Function Generators which have been spe cially cahbrated at the factory for a particular service (low nse cam, gain 8 to 12), can be placed directly m operation IMPORTANT If this factory calibration has been changed (eg. thru bellows rotation) the unit must be recalibrated as outlined under “Complete Calibration” If integral control action 1s required a volume chamber and bleed valve must ¢ placed in series between the booster relay and the “C” bellows Denvative action may be provided by placing a volume chamber and bleed valve in the input signal line (Figure 8) In any case, calibration should be verified by applying several input pressures for which the desired output pressures are known If incor rect output pressures result the unit must be re calibrated Repeat the appheation of mput pressures with known outputs If output pressures are now correct the unit may be placed in service If ‘output pressures remain incorrect, the calibration bas shifted and must be reset Adjusting For Service (Nulling Proce’ ) 1 Disconnect spring (Parts Drawing P92 12 1, Item 19) from end of connecting rod (Jtem 16) and remove rod from cylinder Rotate rod 180° clockwise to allow for free gain arm movement 2 Loosen two hex head cap screws (Item 47) and move nozzle support (Item 5) all the way to the left 3 Place function switch in “P” position, direct/reverse switch in “D” position and by pass switch in position 1" 4 Apply 18 to 20 psig (124 to 138 kPa) supply to “S* connection 5 Apply 30 + 01 psig (62 * 07 kPa) input to EI” connection, mputs to E2, £3, Ey at 00 psig 6 Move gan arm to position 10 on gain scale decal and adjust A/B bias screw until output equals 3 0 + O1 psig (206 + 07 kPa) 7 Move gain arm to position 1 on gain scale decal and adjust C/D bias screw until output equals 3 0 + O1 psig 8 Repeat step 5 and 6 unbl difference be tween output at gain setting 10 and output at gain setting 1 1s less than 0 2 psig (14 kPa) 9a Move gan from 1 to 10 and note any change in output between these settings At point of greatest deviation, adjust error three times the error,in direction of error, using null adjustment screw on gain arm b Set gain to | and readjust C/D bias screw to required pressure € Set gain to 10 and readjust A/B bias screw to required pressure 10 Repeat steps 7 thru 9c until gain arm can be moved from gam setting of 1 to 10 with output remaining constant at 30 +12 psig (206 + 83 kPa) +1 0% of span 11 When output signal remains at 3.0 £12 for gain settings from 1 to 10, nulling procedure as complete 12 Remove supply pressure to tion connec 13 Reconnect spring (19) to end of connec tung rod (16) jabcock & Wilcox nny Meter Company USA ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 1 Air supply to Controller must be kept free of dirt, on and moisture for satisfactory operation Inspect felt filters in mounting base, and replace them if they are dirty Frequency of, filter replacement will depend on the quality of supply ar See “Quality Standard tor Instru ment Air”, ISA S7 3, 1975 under “Installation” NOTE These filters are included as added pro tection only and are not intended to take place of required clean air supply 2 When necessary, replace felt pad arr filters in El, E2, E3R and $ connections (Figure 4) as follows a Tum off supply ait and disconnect supply air and output lines noted 1m (2) above b Remove fittings © Remove wire mesh discs and felt pads with pick or similar instrument 4d Replace felt pads and ware mesh discs e Replace fittings secToR ro DEPRESS FoR BOOSTER ORIFICE, ‘eLEANOUT HEX MEAD GP Scnews wozzLe suproRT TEMPLATE ube ELASTIC stop WUT AND WASHER TEMPLATE: f Reconnect supply air and output lines to mounting base 3 All pressure connections must be kept aur tight Check all air pressure connections tor Jeakage vith suitable leak detector solution 4 Inspect nozzle tip (Figure 8) and vane for deposits of oil, dirt, ete Clean with a suitable solvent 5 Clean booster using onfice cleanout plune er, WHEN EQUIPMENT IS NOT OPERATING, WARNING USE OF THE BOOSTER CLEAN OUT DEVICES WHEN EQUIPMENT IS OPERA TING ON LINE CAUSES PNEUMATIC SIGNAL. “BUMP” WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS SYSTEM UPSET AVERTISSEMENT L'EMPLO! DU DISPOSITIF DE NETTOYAGE DU SURPRESSEUK PEN DANT QUE L'EQUIPEMENT EST EN FONC TIONNEMENT DIRECT PROVOQUE UN “CONGNEMENT” DU_ SIGNAL PNEUMA. TIQUE ET RISQUE DE CAUSER UN DERE, GLAGE SERIEUX DU SYSTEM nue exceNTme | ‘i FLEXIBLE, HOSE crt NoeR sSseway AMURLED TEMPLATE CLAMP mr" PuarE F GURE3 Function Generator Adjustments " p92 12 Mint Line $20 Function Generator, Type FG Page 7 Do a To clean booster orifice push cleanout below orifice cleanout plunger for normal small plunger (Figure 3) air bleed b Check output bleed onifice located just c If necessary. clean out any obstructions by manipulating cleanout wire FIGURE 4 External Connection Ports Babcock & Wilcox a ay Mater Company USA COMPLETE CALIBRATION It the unit has been disassembled for any reason, of factory calibration has been disturbed. or the unit cannot be correctly adjusted as out ined under “Placing In Service *, 1t must be completely recalibrated 2s outlined under “Basic Alignment™ No calibration of the booster 1s required NOTE For maximum accuracy, the Function Generator should be calibrated in the same position as that of final installation ‘Also. it 1s suggested that an extra controller mounting assembly (part no $327136-1) be used when calibrating in order to ehmunate disruption of piping ‘The Function Generator consists of two major assemblies, the Controller and the Gain Servo Assembly Each assembly must be calt brated separately If it has been necessary to repair or replace_parts in either assembly. the basic alignment of the unit can be re-established by following the applicable procedure outlined below After the individual section has been realigned, it will be necessary to repeat, the steps outhned under “Placing n Service” to adjust the complete Function Generator for the required service Basic Ahgnment (Parts Drawing P92 11 1) 1 Remove plastic cover from unit 2 Remove plastic plugs from seven ports in controller mount 3 Check to be sure that A/B and C/D beams are parallel fo each other and to edge of control ler base, and that hinge (item 33) 38 straight 4 Check aligament of Linkage pivot pin (42) End of pivot pin should be in hne with dimple an shaft of range adjustment (50) 5 Check to see that nozzle on C/D beam 1s an center of vane (2), and vane body (4) 1s an contact with pivot pin (42) © Check to be sure that A/B and C/D bias adjustments springs (20) are parallel to edge of controller base, and that A/B and C/D_ bias spring assembly locknuts (65) are tight 7 Place direct/reverse switch (25) in “D™ position 8 Place P/P+I switch, located next to integ ral valve chamber on controller base, n position 9 Place on-off switch, located next to booster assembly, in “1” position 10 Apply 9 psig (62 kPa) * O1 to E4 port 11 Check to see that servo beam 1s approv! mately parallel to the servo mounting base (22) If necessary, loosen two nuts retaining servo spring assembly (17) and reposition nuts on spring assembly until servo beam 1s parallel to mounting base Re-tighten nuts 12 Adjust E4 input to 15.5 psig (106 9 kPay +01 13 Loosen nut retaming stop screw (45) and adjust position of serew until screw head just contacts servo beam Re tighten nut (0 re tain stop screw 14 Aust E4 mput to 20 psig (13.8 kPay +01 15 Adjust position of elastic stop nut (25) until nut just contacts underside of servo beam 16 Turn on supply pressure to provide 13, pat 124 kPa) to unit Leak Test 1 Rotate pimon gear to gan of 1 2 Adyist El and E4 inputs to 15 psig (103 4 kPa) + O01 3 Adjust C/D bias screw on unt unhl output equals 15 psig * 01 4 Using liquid leak detector, check uit for leaks Check all Orings, gasheted jomts, bellows ends and tubing connections Low Rise Template Calibration 1 Disconnect air st ply to “S* connection Mint-Line $20 Function Generator, Type FG p92 12 Page 9 ——————————— aS de 2 Loosen knurled nut (Parts Drawing P92 121, item 8) on template hub approximately ‘one tum Grasp hub (7) to prevent it from turn ing and adjust eccentne screw on hub until hub dnven arm 1s approximately 1m mid position of its adjustment range Do not re tighten knurled nut 3. Adjust E4 input to 9 psig + O1 4 Adjust zero screw (40) to provide a clear ance of approximately 1/16 men (16 mu) between zero adjustment arm (15) and servo beam (24) 5 Check to see that servo beam 1s approx: mately parallel to servo mounting base (22) If necessary, loosen two nuts retaining servo spring assembly (17) and reposition nuts on spring assembly unt servo beam 1s parallel to mounting base Retighten nuts 6 Adjust zero screw (40) on servo beam until center line of driven arm on template hub 1s, approximately parallel to servo mounting base NOTE Do not turn zero screw more than three turns 1m either direction If required parallel be- tween servo beam and servo mounting base can not be obtained with less than three tums of zero screw, reset screw to prov de a clearance of 1/16 inch (16 mm) between zero adjustment arm and servo beam Repeat step 5, above 7 Install low nse template between clamp. disc and template hub and push template into hub assembly until template bottoms against center bushing in hub Install template m hub assembly so that word “direct” on template can be read correctly Rotate template until mud-travel_markings are aligned with nozzle on nozzle support (5) Lightly tighten knurled nut to retain template 8 Apply 18-20 psig to “S” connection 9 Recheck alignment of nozzle with mid travel inatkimgs om template If wecessary, loosen knurled nut on hub assembly and reposition template to align nozrle and template mid- travel line 10 Adjust E4 input as required to rotate template until largest radius line on template 1s in line with nozzle Loosen nozzle retaining serew (46) and adjust nozzle (6) to provide 002 (05 mm) to 005 (13 mm) inch clear ance between nozzle and template Re tighten retammg screw TH Adqust El imput to 10 psig +01 and E4 input to 9 psig + O1 12 Shghtly loosen two hex head cap screws retaining nozzle support on gain arm and rotate gain arm until output equals 10 psig +01 Re- ghten cap screws to retain nozzle support in this position and recheck output If necessary, loosen two cap screws and readjust gain arm setting Repeat until output 1s 10 psig +01, wath nozzle support secured on gain arm 13 Adjust El and E4 imputs to 3 psig + 01 Output should equal 3 psig +06 If output is 3 psig + 06, proceed to step 14 If output 1s not 3 psig +06, recheck null adjustment of unit by repeating “Null Procedure™ 14 Change E4 input from 3 psig to 9 psig +01, 15 pg +01. and then back to 9 psig +01 and observe cutput at each pomt Output must remain constant at 3 psig +06 (£ 05% of span) 15 If output remains constant at 3 psig #06, proceed to step 17 If output vanes as E4 input 1s changed from 3 to 15 psig (207 to 103 kPa), adjust E4 to 3 psig +01 Adjust null screw on gain arm until output equals 3 psig +0 06 If output is Iugher than 3 poig, turn null screw Clockwise If output 's lower than 3 psig, turn null screw counter clockwise 16 Repeat steps 14 and 15 unl output re mains constant at 3 psig +006 as E4 input 1s changed from 3 to 15 psig 17 Adjust El input to 10 psig +01 Adjust E4 input to 9 psig + OF 18 If necessary, adjust C/D bias screw until output equals 10 pars + O1 19 Adjust E4 input to 3 psig + OF 20 Adjust eccentne screw on template hub assembly until output equals 8 60 psig (593 kPa) £0 12 (.83), and nozzle 1s aligned as closely as possible with min mum radius tine on template P92] Page 10 NOTE Adjust eccentric screw to correct output signal pressure rather than nozzle position on template 21 Adjust E4 input to 15 psig +01 22 With E4 input adjusted to 15 psig + 01, ‘output should equal 11-40 psig (78 6 kPay + 12 (83) and nozzle should be aligned as closely as possible with maximum radius line on template If output pressure 1s lower than 11 40 pag +012, loosen knurled nut on template hub. rotate template a few degrees counterclockwise. and lightly retighten knurled aut If output pressure 1s higher than 1140 psig +0 12, loosen knurled nut on template hub. rotate template a few degrees clockwise. and lightly retighten knurled nut 23 Following any rotation ot template, adjust E4 input to 9 psig +01 Adjust zero screw on servo beam until output equals 10 psig +012 and nozzle 1s aligned as closely as possible with ‘mid radius hine on template NOTE Adjust zero screw to correct output pressure rather than nozzle position on template 24 Repeat steps 19 through 23 until out put signal pressires are correct within +0 12 psig (+1 0% of span) and nozzle 1s aligned as closely as possible with radius line on template, for each E4 mput 25 When output pressure for each E4 input as correct, securely nghten knurled nut to retain template Recheck calibration by repeating steps 19 through 23 If necessary “touch up’ calibration with knurled nut tightened 26 When output pressure for each E4 input 1s correct with knurled nut and all other fasteners uughtened securely, Jow rise template calibration ss complete NOTE If reverse action of E4 input 1s desired, template must be stalled in hub assembly so that word reverse on cemplate can be read cor rectly Also, outputs required for E4 inputs of 3 psig and 15 psig will be reversed from order usted in steps 19 thru 22 Finally, direction template must be rotated in order to correct output pressure when E4 15 psig. will be Babcock & Wilcox ‘Bay Meter Company USA opposite of that listed im step 21 For example, if output i» lower than 1140 psig +0 12 when E4 input is 15 psig, template must be rotated counterclockwise, and vice versa High Ruse Template Calibration 1 Disconnect air supply to “S" connec tion 2 Loosen Knurled nut (Parts Drawing P92 121, item 8) on template hub approximately one turn Grasp hub (7) to prevent it from turning and adjust eccentne screw on hub until hub dnven arm 1s approwmately in md position of its adjustment range Do not retighten knurled nut 3 Adjust Ed mput 109 psig + OF 4 Adjust zero screw (40) to provide a clear ance of approximately 1/16nch (16 mm) between zero adjustment arm (15) and servo beam (24) 5 Check to see that servo beam 1s approxi mately parallel to servo mounting base (22) If necessary, loosen two nuts retaming servo spring assembly (17) and reposition nuts on spring assembly until servo beam 1s parallel to mounting base Retighten nuts 6 Adjust zero serew (40) on servo beam until center line of dnven arm on template hub 1s approximately parallel to servo mounting base NOTE Do not tum zero screw more than three tums in either direction Li required parallel be tween servo beam and servo mounting base can not be obtained with less than three tums of the zero screw, reset zero screw to provide clearance of 1/16 inch (16 mm) between zero adjustment arm and servo beam Repeat step 5, above 7 Anstall high rise template between clamp disc and template hub and push template into hub assembly until template bottoms against center bushing in aud Install template an hub assembly so that part number on template can be read correctly Rotate until the rmd travel mark ings on template art ahened with nozzle on nozzle support (5) Lightly tighten knurled nut fo retain template 8 Apply 18 20 psig air supply to ” tion’ connec Mint Line $20 Function Generator. Type FG Se 9 Recheck alignment of nozzle with mid travel markings on template [f necessary, loosen Knurled nut on template hub assembly and re position template to align nozzle and template mid travel hne 10 Adjust E4 input as required to rotate template until largest rads line on template 1s n line with nozzle Loosen nozzle retaining serew (46) and adjust nozzle (6) to provide 002 ( OS mm} to OOS ( 13 mm) inch clearance between nozzle ana template Re ughten re taining serew 11 Adust El input to 7 psig +01 and £4 input to 9 psig + 01 12 Shghtly toosen two hex head cap screws retaining nozzle Support on gain arm and rotate gain arm until output equals 10 psig + 01. Re tighten cap screws to retain nozzle support in this position and recheck output If necessary, loosen two cap serews and readjust gain arm set ung. Repeat unul output 1 10 psig 7 O1 with nozzle support secured on gain arm 13 Adjust Ei and £4 input to 3 psig * 01 Output should equal 3 psig + 06 If output is 3 psig +06, proceed to step 14 If output 1s not 3 psig +06, recheck null adjustment of unit by repeating “Nulling Procedure™ 14 Change E4 input from 3 psig to 9 psig +01, 15 psig +01, and then back to 9 psig +01 and observe output at each point Output must remain coustant at 3 psx +006 (405% of span) 15 If output remains constant at 3 psig *0 06, proceed to step 17 If output vanes as E4 input 1s changed from 3 10 1S pag, adjust E4 mput to 3 psig +01 Adjust null screw on gain arm until output test gage indicates 3 psig +0 06 If output 1s higher than 3 psig, tum null screw clockwise If output 1s lower than 3 psig, tum null screw counter clockwise 16 Repeat steps 14 and 15 until output re mains constant at 3 psig +0 06 as Ed input 1s changed from 3 to 15 psig 17 Adjust El mput to 7 psig +01 Adjust E4 input to 9 psig + 01 18 If necessary, adjust C/D bias screw until output equals 10 psig + 01 19 Adust E+ mput to 3 psig + OL 20 Adjust eccentne screw on template hub assembly until output equals $0 psig +012, and nozzle 1s aligned as closely as possible with minimum radius hne on template NOTE Adjust eccentne screw to correct output signal pressure rather than nozzle position on template 21 Adnust E4 input to 15 psig + 01 22 With E4 imput adjusted to 15 psig +01 output should equal 15 0 psig +012 and nozzle should be ahgned as closely as possible with maximum radius line on template If output pressure is lower than 150 psig +012. loosen knurled nut on template hub. rotate template a few aegrees counterclockwise. and lightly retighten knurled nut If output signal pressure 1s higher than 15 0 psig 012, loosen knurled nut in template hub. rotate template a few degrees clockwise. and lightly retighten knurled nut 23 Following any rotation of template. ad just E4 input to 9 psig + 01 Adjust zero screw on servo beam until output equals 10 psig +0 12. and nozzle 1s aligned as closely as possible with mad radius ne on template NOTE Adjust zero screw to correct output signal pressure rather than nozvle position on template 24 Repeat steps 19 through 23 until output pressures. are comect withm +012 pag (£1 0% of span) and nozzle 1s aligned as closely as pos sible with radius lime on template, for each E4 input 25 When vutput pressure fur each E4 put 's correct. high nse template calibration is com plete 26 Securely tighten knurled nut to retain template Recheck calibration by repeating steps 19 through 23 If necessary “touch up” cali bration with knurled nut tightened 92-12 Page 12 Babcock & Wilcox 1s oy Meter Company USA Template Shaping Routine Necessary Tools 1 Table showing desed input/output rela honshup 2 Fine tip pen and pencil for marking blank template 3 Engineenng curve for drawing desired 4 Sharp scissors for accurate cutting of template 5 Hand regulator for manual operation of gain servo air cylinder Preparation for Template Shaping | Mount Function Generator and complete pipmg as outlined under “Installation” Com plete “Nulling Procedure’ under “Placing In Service” 2 Apply mid range pressure to £4 connec tion, 9 psig (62 kPa) for 3 to 15 psig (207 to 103” kPa) range and adjust servo zero screw (arts Drawing P92 12 1, stem 40) to make driver arm of template hub perpendicular to connecting link Adyust hub eccentric to mid position 3 Loosen elastic stop nut, washer, knurled nut and template clamp plate. and install tem plate, printed side up. so that mud travet mark lunes up with nozzle hole 4 Tighten knusled nut 5 Change E4 signal from 3 to 15 psig and check that template swing 1s approximately 80° or 0 to 100% of travel lines If not, adjust eccen~ tric in template hub 6 Readjust servo zero screw, if necessary, to realign template imd travel mark with nozzle hole 7 Disconnect flexible hose (item 31) from cylinder base and plug or clamp hose 8 Connect hand regulator 10 cyhnder and apply pressure Piston movement may be slug ish and exact positioning may require nozzle support to be lightly tapped Cylinder input 1s now external Servo feedback 1s, therefore, in operative allowing nozzle to be positioned any where on template 9 Loosen two hex read cap screws (item 47) retaining nozzle support to sector arm and rotate sector arm to position where it will operate over proper gain range 10 Retighten screws 11 Determine extrerie output conditions trom a table of mput/output values and apply desired input for each extreme zondition 12 Adjust cylinder pressure to obtain desired output to make sure gain span is within 34° sector arm swing, 13 Change input signal m 10% steps (S% steps may be required for complex template shapes and steep slopes) At 3 psi (207 kPa) adjust cylinder input pressure to whatever pres- sure iy necessary to read required output 14 Mark with pencil thru template guide and repeat process for each increment of mput/ output table 15 When all points have been plotted, remove template from hub 16 Use engineenng curve and fine typ pen to connect penciled marks in a smooth curve When drawing template curve remember that nozzle must be shghtly more obstructed by template with larger radius im order to maintain greater back pressure Therefore, make scribed line pass about 005 outside center of marks at maximum and 005 inside at mimmum Line should be centered on dots at center of curve 17 Replace template under hub clamp plate making sure template 1s tight against bushing, 18 With 9 pst signal at E4, align template mid travel mark with nozzle hole Servo zero screw can be used to make this adjustment exact 19 Disconnect hand regulator trom cylinder and reconnect tubing The Function Generator should now be functional Minor adjustment to the servo zero should complete the calibration if the template hhas been cut accurately Mimi Line $20 Function Generator, Type FG 92-12 Page 13 —— ‘TROUBLESHOOTING If the Function Generator 1s inoperative or if operation 1s faulty, check the calibration as outlined under “Complete Calibration", and perform operations listed under “Routine Maintenance” If operation 1s still faulty perform a visual check for loose screws, damaged or broken parts, leaks ete The Fault Correction Chart lists most common problems and correc fave actions FIGURE Mountng and Test Gage Attach ment Test Gage Kit (Figure 5) A test gage (part no $328485 1) 1s available as an accessory to aid i troubleshooting the pneumatic control system The kit consists of, a gage, tubing and a test probe Slowly attach the test gaze probe to a test rack and read pressure After reading, remove probe and replace jack cap and umit cover WARNING TEST GAGE SHOULD NORMALLY BE USED ONLY TO TROUBLESHOOT A FAULTY SYSTEM THAT IS NOT IN AN OPERATING MODE PROBE INSERTION CAUSES A PNEUMATIC SIGNAL “BUMP” WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS SYSTEM UPSET AVERTISSEMENT IL _NE FAUT UTILISER LA JAUGE D'ESSAI QUE POUR DETECTER UNE PANNE SUR UN CIRCUIT DEFECTUEUX QUI NEST PAS EN COURS DE FONCTION NEMENT L'INSERTION DE LA SONDE PRO VOQUE UN “COGNEMENT” DU SIGNAL PNEUMATIQUE QUI RISQUE DE CAUSER UN DEREGLAGE SERIEUX DU SYSTEME Pneumatic Booster (Figure 6) No calibration or adjustment of the booster ss required In normal operation the booster 1s inaudible However. if the core and the valve plug seat of the ‘output section are not aligned or the valve plug 1s not seated properly. the booster vill produce a hnssing sound If this occurs the booster should ‘be removed from the unit and replaced geTAW NER NG P—~ourrar FIGURE 6 - Pneumatic Booster Babcock & Wilcox Ba ey water Company USA FAULT CORRECTION CHART Fault f Cause Correction Touro er noperabe | @ Noarsuppy Gheek supp y connect on bb Booster orf ce < ogged § Press or ce eanout p unger (See Note 1) Vane net touch ng n0z2 © © Agqust C/D b as ¢ Dityo sunpy @ Check operat on of booster f ncorrect sw tch pos ton fo See F gute 2 end correct {Vlora bese grommet (mount ng base £ Rep ace grommet ava ves ©0520) Contro er unstab & a. Fasteners loose a Tighten fasteners 2 Fesrenaltpre oad on vkage pvot pn | S ancy vena canter of vate “€ Be ows cannot be 3 Beam h nge bent ‘2 Rep ace h nse ba anced b Damaged be ows Rep ace be ows ‘Comro er output goes | & Booster or f ce ¢ ogged a. Press or ce € eanout punger 10 2000 - {See Note 1) SRT Wang ponte | @ B oka pasage trom poomeruntco —[# Cvanand cw out pains supp y pressure nore Poot accurecy a Be ows not ba anced a Ba ance be owe 2 ee cvannot centered at nu pressures |B Center vane pad Poor sens tv ty F Vere prd not perpend eu arwenorze — |# Repos ton nkage b Boone b eed or fce.c onged bb Cea by man pu atng or fce Vane pid nat centered at ru pressures | Center vane pad Leakage nput_ nes oF test J8Cks & Check w un ak detector and repa | ‘Sow response | Rest clors under D/R sw teh € ogged a Cen DIR sw ich L H gh nysteres + ] Loose fasteners nc ud 1g be ows set ol TT ghten be ows st screw Gan charges th ah | ange gan adwustshatt nguftcenty | Retorque (See Nove 2] vr orat on) rorauer Serpo atchengeswth | a Leak at ntegra va ve E3.connect on a Check and repay back pressure $ rect C83 Nour 1 Presser fer eavou punger ony when eau pment # not ope at 78 Set WARN NG under ‘Rout ne Ma ntenance 3 Overto qungw crease wy hysteres § Mint Line $20 Function Generator. Type FG FAULT CORRECTION CHART (continued) Cause Correction Gan Servo Cy nder = Rema ns extended * Extends fast, retracts Does not retract fuy 18) Supp y pressure too h gh ) Leakage past or fee assemb y c)Nozz ene p ugged 4)Cy cer pre oad spring not t ght ‘enoug )Contam nat on n cyl nder a) Correct 10 18 to 20 ps g (124 to 138 kPa) b)Check O rng and O r ng seat ng surface ‘) Clean or b owout 1d) Readyust ©) Rep ace cy nder/o ston ass'y Rema ns retracted Retracts fast, extends W not extend fu y 2) Low supp y or € ogged f ter n supply port IVa ve stem n supp y port contro er mount $ not actuated fut y €) Leakaze trom nozzle back Pressure chamber or pastoge }P ugged or foe ney nder base 2) Piston/eylinder clearance too great 4) Pre oad Spr ng too t ght 9) M sshaped nozzle face hh) Nozz >not preloaded aga nst template a) Correct 10 18 to 20 p89, nsta_ new f ter pad (supp vi )Check contro er s pushed as far as oss be nto mount ‘eh Check for leaks at or fces Plug tube ‘tt ngs. ey nder base )Cean or Fes nicy nder base ‘#) Replace cylinder/prston ass'y # Readjust 9) Rep ace noz: 18 noz le aga nst template at m n rum rad us, check nozz e temp ate gu de c earance Hysteres s and non 28) Loose bellows ass y 8) T ghten bel ows set screw rapeatad ty bi) Intertarence between be lows b)Sva gnten kage toe m nate b nd ng (See Note 2) ¢} Interfarence between template and €) Remove burrs from temp ate and/or adjust rnozz ¢ or temp ate gu de temp ate gu de 6} Connect ng rod pretoaded too h gh 14) Adjust rod p vot pre oad nstab ty a)P ston/ey nder nterference a) Rep ace cy nder/p ston ass'y (Sap Note 3) 'b) Gan arm bear ng preload too h gh b) Readjust ¢) Noz s/temp ate guile ¢ earance ) Readjust nozz e/temp ste gu dec earance Note 3 Instab ly, hysteres s and non repeatab | ty are nterrelated Causet and correct ons therefore, w!_aso be nter re ated Babcock & Wilcox Be ey Meter Company USA OPERATION Operation of the function genzrator 1s shown schematically in Figure 8 and in block form in Figure 7 Gan Control Mechanism The gain adjusting servo uses a piston within an air cylinder to provide the power necessary to move the controller sector arm The ar cyhnder as controlled by the gain servo nozzle which 1s attached to the sector arm The servo nozzle and air cylinder provide a closed loop motion servo which positions the sector arm so that the nozzle is at the edge of the temp ate The nozzle functions like the roller on a conventional tem plate follower except that it 1s not hmited by steep template rises or abrupt contour changes The nozzle also produces no force against the template permitting it to be made of easily cut polyester film The template 15 positioned by the E4 gain control signal acting through the gam servo bellows beam and connecting link Shape determines the sector arm position as a function of the gain control signal A built in guide permits marking of a blank template, exactly im line with the nozzle to facwlatate custom shaping. Controller Mechanism ‘The controller A/B beam moves in propor tion to the difference an pressure between the ‘A and B bellows This pressure diflerence pro vides a subtraction function or a companson of ‘one signal to a set point The A/B beam motion 1s coupled to a vane through an adjustable four bar lunkage This linkage allows vane motion to ward or away from the controller nozzle pro viding adjustable gain Gain of the four bar linkage depends upon A/B beam and sector arm position For a given sector arm position a movement of the A/B beam will produce a movement at the vane toward the nozzle proportional to gain at that sector arm position Conversely, for a given A/B beam position, rotation of the sector arm will produce a movement at the vane pro portional to the degre: of unnulling (Null con dition 1s defined as the state at which a sector arm movement will have no affect on vane position or output ) In either case. vane motion toward or away from the controller nozzle will cause a corresponding increase or decrease in nozzle backpressure Rickpressure change 1s amplified by a booster and fed to the D bellows and to the output con nection as a3 15 psig (207 to 103 kPa) signal At the D bellows, the signal reposttions the C/D beam to restore the nozzle to its at balance distance from the vane Denvative action can be obtamed by plac ing an extemal bleed valve/volume chamber in the mput signal line (Figure 8) Integral action can be obtained by placing an extemal bleed valve/volume chamber between the output and C bellows (Figure 8) FEEDBACK LooP e ‘COMPUTING + TRANSFER ‘SECT ON SECTION ee SUPPLY e ES,E3R Fouwower |. POSITION cam i —| ACTUATOR ea FOLLOWER ‘ACTUATOR 6907 FIG JRE 7 Function Generator B ock D agram — P9212 Mini-Line 520 Function Generator, Type FG Page 17 30811430, FIGURE 8 — Schemat'c Diagram of Pneumatic Function Generator, Type FG P9212 Page 18 Babcock & Wilcox EXPLANATION OF NOMENCLATURE mumat¢ Funct on Generator Proport ons Contra Act on 340 18 peg 206.10 108 kPa) {moar “omp ate Cnarecer at © {Custom zed Tarmp ate Character © SPECIFICATIONS. Accuracy? ; ogee te bes BaRSTS = ‘of output span! ee Pune) 915 p59 07 10 109 Fo External i en 27 NPT const a we fama ¢ connect ont [TERROR AOS TOF] Normal Operating vt tn Temperate Etfact 2% om Conditions mum stout stan oe 100"F (598°C) terpersure en Repeatability 026% Paton SE ee] afin arta Be bot Was Vibration [gaa 0 seman w HNL STD TOVE ‘eioor we or reek mounted —m the Mounting 3cated pos tan ony Bronze be ows @um nam be owe Beare snd frame, Buna Oe nge Bery um Capper kage polyester hen template Materials ‘Ne 99 br 1672 Ka) Weight sho ng 12 be 545 kab Deadband 25% ot outeus span Gain Range 110100 Tat te 138 Wal mony Aut Supply oescoce nom ‘Rar Consumption 15 acim (708 » 10 WO/S ot bw moe 18% of output span pe Ts Supply and VO sty 472 3 10-7 OTR Tor pe f09"tPa) sre outer m dm Exhaust Capacity Say toa koal = tot? erect Standart Low se tmp Drow de gem. change of 91 set ng 3 65 (20 KPa nu Factory Spore Co bration mot soec (ec at Calibration stendord nowt vs ‘output or nowt ve dan date must be furn shad for custom temp ave shap ng (ee 8 funct ons). TAs Get ned by SAMA Standard PME2O 1 NOTE A. data atm deange refrsnce cond ton Fempmature Ie a SSF SEC SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ‘Mint Line $20 Function Generator, Type FG 92-12 Page 19 —_—_ eee REPLACEMENT PARTS. ‘Ordering Individual Parts ‘The following drawings are Parts Drawings for the Type FG Pneumatic Function Generator and its spare parts kits Items with part numbers may be ordered separately Items with kit num bers (without separate part numbers) must be ordered by the kit number ar which they are included, Normally, these drawings apply to the unit furmshed However, there may be individual differences in specific units because of a design changes made since the printing of this instruction section, or b special design of the unit to make it suit able for a special application ‘Therefore, when ordenng individual parts or kits, assure the receipt of correct replacements by specifying on the order a complete nomenclature and series number ‘of equipment for which parts are desired, and b the Parts Drawing number and title on which each part 1s tllustrated Recommended Spare Parts The following listed spare parts kits should be stocked 1n the quantities listed QUANTITY BOOSTER, 7 2501021 AB BELLOWS 3 2eeia31 CD BELLOWS 1 doors! FE UTER 4 2681521 COVER 1 2681881 O RING REPLACEMENT : 2681501 CYLNDER t Accessones The following accessories are recommended PART NO NAME 158271961 Contra er Mount “QUANTITY COMMENTS Pug n maunt tobe Sed forea Brat ng ‘ts 5320488 1 Test Probe Kt 1 samt y (gae.tub na {ent connector for con Vo sgee-or torn, ‘and adjustment, o@ bre check 15924066 1 Ve we Core 1 exvear tap ng save for output con Options [5316753 1 Vo ume Gramibar nd 8 od Vee For add ng exteras ‘tag'a (reset) oF dervatvn rate) ~~ Mini-Line 520 Function Generator, Type FG Bailey Meter Company, Wickiie Ohio 44092, a subsidiary of Babcock & Wilcox, USA ity Meter Australia Pry Ld, Reyones Park, SW, Australia ‘Batey Mover Company | 1d. Pointe Cre Quebec, Cansds ‘Bato do Brau, Sxo Pavlo Brat ‘Baiey Jopen Company, Lea Nirayama cho, Jan Bovey Meter GMBH Manche’ West Germany FRoprésentatwes in Orher Principal Ces ji Parts Drawi a CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY PART NO. 5327000-( LOOEP HER pms ay ts ® va ae 7 PK ea = [ q es } ; [| mA « cdot] bees |] Ve er | RE Pees, 3) PaO | Pele er 7 ee || z eS feos of ——- = > = (be: kK ==¢ re aaa af SERS e ) I 1-2 eo (aerate a SPECIFY ALL INFORMATION ON NAMEPLATE WHEN ORDERING Babcock &Wilcox pany 1978 Batley Meter Company US A Form PO Pea 11 1ALtho BUSA 278 Oe wy me Soo ~ Parts Drawing P92-11-1 Controller Assembly [rem PARTNO NAME TEM PARTNO NAME (EM PARTNO NAME 7 Sova SCALE MOUNT NG [31 1975418 WASHER, SEE oF T90 32x 800 US PLATE SEE TABLE ‘Taste HEX HO STN'STL 2K TNO 2591461 ADJUSTABLE 32 99269701 CLAMP PLATE, SEMS EXT 4 RED VANE END sRea 8 (086 56x 125 LG 3 SEETABLE CONTROLLER {32 52260691 SPR NG H NGE PAN HO STNSTL Base assemeLy [34 261261 SEAL WASHER MACH SCA. 4 RED 4 53770581 VANE BODY. 35 260021 TUBER TTNG so 1086 56x 250 LG 8 SEETABLE © CDgassPRNG {36 19510899 COMPRESS ON PAN HO STNSTL ASSEMBLY LP 2AEOD Mach scr 2 G00 6 89269011 BAS AOJUSTMENT |37 1961887 1 Nozzieruee — [60K TNO 2eB147 1 112405 188.66 Scnew,2ReO” |38 53161561 RANGE ADJUST ANDKTNO HEX SOCHDLS STN 7 326980 1 OR VE UNK MENT SHAFT 2681431 STLCONEPT SET 8 5327085 1 HINGE CLAMP LAME Sch, 4 RED, Rego 39 sa2r7711 RAT OL NK 61K TNO 2581441 086 BRASS FLAT 9 1962028 1 SERV CE LEGEND SUPPORT wasnen, so 53269741 NULL ADJUST [40 19749025 RETANNGRNG, | 62 190 323375 LG MENT SCREW See TABLE FE LHOSTNSTL 115326975 1 Cbucawassy |41 sazesa5 1 PNON SEE TABLE MACH sca, 3 REQD h2 KTNO 2681491 COBELLOWS — Jaz 52N6B0T 1 PN 6 190 STN stu REG. fssemacy.2Acoc| 43K TNO. 2561421 TH NNUT,4REGD SPRG LRWSHFL 13. 59277901 NTEGRAL VALVE | AND TNO SEE TABLE ASSEMBLY, SEE sea 1 ry 19032375 LG Taste 46K TNO 256142 1 SPR NG WASHER, HEXHO STNSTL, 18 9748018 RETA N NGA NG, ANOK TNO. | #REQD CAP sca @ READ SEE TABLE 2581431 6s "250 28 STN STL 16 4522193 SEALNGScAew, |45 6712510 Grommet REG HEX JAM NUT, SEE TABLE 46K TNO 2681411 OR NG eAcao 47 5920087 9 onorrswrcn 47 KTNO 2661411 ORNG 3ncan — | 6s K TNO 2sa1441 1202.00STN STL ASSY 2REQD. [4 KITNO 2681411 PNEUMATIC SHKPRE LKWSHR 19 TNO 2681481 OR NG,4REGD boosTen o 128 924312 LG }20 ss76986 1 SPR NG B AS. 49 53269861 RAT OLNK PAN nD SNS" Aowustment — [50 5976902 1 RANGE ADJUSTMENT, AGH sR 2REGD 51 5927068 2 ADIUSTMENT. 68 138 STN STL TYPE 22 5926957 1 A BOIAS SPA NG SCALE See TABLE APLANN, ASSEMaLY 63 59271141 CLAMP PLATE WASHER las x TNO 2581421 ABBELLOWS 2AeaD 6 190 92x 375. LG assy 7AeaD [ss 190:32x 760 LG FL. ECHO STN STL 25 5920868 D RecT REVERSE HOSTN STL ACH MACH son 2 READ SW TCH ASSY, Son,SEE TABLE. [70 K TNO 2591481 04556 BRASS HEX }26 5926076 1 ApBeaM <6 ‘086 STN STL REG nur. fa S226069 4 VOLUME cHaMBER SPRG LEWSH, n "260 20% 500 LG SeAL'SEC TABLE BREQD PAN HO STN STL MACH ScR'¢ REQD NOTE TEMS W TH PART NUMBERS MAY BE ORDERED SEPARATELY TEMS W THK T NUMBERS VW THOLT SEPARATE BART NUMAEAS) MUST BE ORDERED BY THE K TNUMBEF NWH CH THEY ARE NCLUDED ITEMS. vem [rem |irems rem | Tew PART NO aasaiaoaisi| 3 8. | i327 ss. | os 16327000 1 (PROP ACT ON? 1 sazeasit | ssarrisi1 [oT] + | omt| 2 153270002 (® +1 ACT OND 1 seasast1| saz7ns1| 1 | omt] a | ov 15327000 3 (PROP ACT ON FOR, ont — |sa2eee12| ss277ra] ow | 1 | omr| 13 FUNCT ON GENERATOR? Bailey Meter Company, Wickliffe Ohio 44092, a subsidiary of Babcock & Wilcon, USA Bailey Mater Australia Pty Ltd Regents Park, NSW Australis ‘Boiley Meter Company Lid Pointe Care, Quebec, Canade Boley do Brea, Sao Paulo, Brant Boey Japan Company rd, Nreayama che, Japan Boley Meter GMBH, Manniew, West Germany Reoresontatwes in Other Principal Coes Bailey Control Systems Parts Drawing P92-12-1 GAIN SERVO ASSEMBLY PART NO. 5327700-1) { @@ ic 22 \ 053277000 L SPECIFY ALL INFORMATION ON NAMEPLATE WHEN ORDERING Babcock &Wilcox Form PD P82 124 Lino AUEA 178 ©oaey Maree Company 1978 Baley Meter Company US A. < "TP Ta+€41 Gain Servo Assembly WEM PARTNO NAME re PARTNO NAME [oe pant no NAME ‘5 —BIaTOGOS CONTROLLER ASSY a Ga779307 — HNGE ASV a TiZ40 STL HEX WUT 4 s27m11 LOWRSECAM 24 KITNO BEAM BELLOWS a 490321375 LGF LH & §2277131 NOZZLE SUPPORT 2sa161A1 ASS STN STL MACH SCR,7 © 69277201 NOZZLE 25 jerma0s. LAST CSTOPNUT REGO 5 gaya CAM HUB ASSY 26 59777281 L NK 44K TNO "T1240x 188 LG HEX 8 63277351 KNURLED NUT 27 $9277251 FLAT SPR NG DehISIA1 SOC HDLSSTN STL 8 e712026 © ELasTcsTorNuT [2a 53277271 CAM GUIDE CONE PT SET ScR 10 2277131 -PRELOADSPRNG) «© [29 K TNO. TUBEF TT NG 4meaD | 45 "90 2242 00 LG PAN HO] {i fede SMALL WASHER Deatsoat STL MACH SCR 42 Gz7e1 CLAMP PLATE 20 19618672 NOZZLE TUB NG “« 1120s 600 LG PAN HO 33 19497059 CABLETE 3) 19515673 Noz2LE TUB NG Siw STU SENS EXT M4 aie? WASHER 32 58276901 GAIN DECAL. a "90.32% 375 LG HEX HO 13 69277381 ZeROADUUSTMENT [32 K TNO COMPRESSCL P.4 STNSTL CAP SCR, 3 ARN 2eateoat REGD EOD. 46 89276991 CONNECT NGROD 34 KTNO SEALWASHER,4REOD | 48 1275 18 SEM F.NSTN STL 17 59277331 SPRING ASSY 25815041 EG HEX JAM NU 1B KTNO| — CYLNDERASSY 8 086 56x 188 LG PANHO | 49 25x 2811026 PLAN 25516081 STLSEMS NT 2REQD BRASS WASHER 39 68276901 SPRING. 29 390.37 STLHEX NUT | 60 100 STN STL AEG 20 KTNO | -ORNG 4REOD SPR _NG LOCKWASHER 29816141 40 ‘086 56x 375 LG PAN ReaD 21 TNO ORNG MDsTeMach scr |52 203% 406x080 PLA te 2ea1a8A1 “a "13240875 UG PAN HO. STUWASHER, 3 REQD 2a 692/707} MTG BASE STL MACH Scr 3 ‘084 260% 022 PLA N SRASS WASHER Note tems w th part numbers mv be ordarec separate y tems wth K€ numbers (w thout seperate part numbers! must be ordered by the kt purer minh ch they are ne uded Barley Mater Company, Wiekhtfe Ohio 44092, a subsidiary of Babcock & Wilcox, USA atey Meter Auzeratia Py Ld, Regents Park, NSW, Australia ‘Bailey Meter Company Ltd Pointe-Ciavte Quebec Conads jarey do Bret Sao Past, Brat! Bovey Japan Company, Led ireyamecno open Baiey Meter GMBN Manaiorm. Wott Germany Fepresnratwes in Other Prncpal Civet TYPE FG FUNCTION GENERATOR PART NO. 5327775-(1) ~ snare _ ‘SPECIFY ALL INFORMATION ON NAMEPLATE WHEN ORDERING Babcock & Wilcox 22122 Lo nUSA 178 Batey Meter Company US A > ~—ryz=12-2 Function Generator, Type FG TEM PARTNO NAME vem vART NO vane 4 59271261 CONTA MOUNT: @ KTNO OANGGASKET 2 2 TNO SEALNGCORD 34° 2ep162a1 REQD 2ests2At 9 RTNO. — ScHEW,COVER 2 $5277001 GA NSERVOASSY 2eB152A1 3 TNO. COVER 40 KTNO. SCREW COVER 2ep152a1 26816201 5 S712 GHA SECAM +1 19620281 NAMEPLATE 6 Sa27na13 aLAWKcam 7REQD | 12 [219% 500% 049 PLA N 3 KITNO.” RETANNGANG,2 SiN'STL WASHER 2ee1s2a1 REGD “ 19032 600 LG PAN HO STN STL MACH SCR te y_ tems wth kt numbers (w theut separate Note tems wh part numbars may be ordared sep Bailey Meter Company, Wickhtte Ohio 44092, 9 subsidiary of Babcock & Wilcox, USA Boley Meter Australia Pry rd Regants Park NSW Ausiraie ‘Baley Meter Company Lid) Pointe-Ciarre Quebec, Canads Baty do Brea, Sao Paulo, Braz Batey Japan Company Les Nirayamacho, dapan Barly Meter GBM, Manchewn, ext Germany Ropresantarwes i Other Principal Clues Bailey Control Systems Parts Drawing P92-11-3 - MINI-LINE 520 PNEUMATIC COMPUTER/CONTROLLER, TYPE FC AND FUNCTION GENERATOR, TYPE FG BOOSTER SPARE PARTS. KIT NO. 258141-1 ~ ; oo 7 SPECIFY ALL INFORMATION ON NAMEPLATE WHEN ORDERING Babcock & Wilcox Form Po Pez 119 Lime nUSA 978 be wy Mater Company 1978 Bailey Meter Company US A MINI-LINE 520 PNEUMATIC COMPUTERICONTROLLER, TYPE FC AND FUNCTION GENERATOR, TYPE FG ‘A-B BELLOWS SPARE PARTS. KIT NO. 258142-1 =~ A709 ren NAME. ‘QuaNTiTY BELLOWS ASSEMBLY oanG SPR NG WASHER THIN NUT 1 1120x 188 LG HEX SOC 1 HOLS STN'STL CONE PT SET SCR = SPECIFY ALL INFORMATION ON NAMEPLATE WHEN ORDERING Babcock & Wilcox Form PO P02 114. ho MUSA 378 ©be oy Mater Company 1070 Batley Meter Company US A Bailey Control Systems Parts Drawing P9: ~ MINI-LINE 520 PNEUMATIC: -COMPUTERICONTROLLER TYPE FC AND FUNCTION GENERATOR, TYPE FG ‘C-D BELLOWS SPARE PARTS KIT NO. 258143-1 7 Za 3 7 € ve . ~~ Te

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