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Repeat Sprint Ability

Anthony N. Turner, MSc, CSCS*D1 and Perry F. Stewart, MSc, CSCS2

London Sport Institute, Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom; and 2Sport Science and Medicine
department, Queens Park Rangers Football Club, London, United Kingdom

SUMMARY coupled with how to report results, will PHOSPHOCREATINE

be the topic of this review. For the pur- There are around 80 mmol/kg dry
SPRINT SPEED IS RELATED TO muscle of PCr stored in the muscle
poses of this article, the term sprint
refers to efforts of #6 seconds, whereby (17) and with a turnover rate of around
AMOUNTS OF HIGH-ENERGY 9 mmol ATP/kg dry muscle per sec-
peak power/velocity could be main-
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PHOSPHATES AT A FAST RATE. tained throughout the repetition. This ond (23); stores are largely depleted
TO SPRINT REPEATEDLY, sprint duration is considered valid as within 10 seconds of sprinting (18).
THE AEROBIC SYSTEM MUST a recent review of RSA by Spencer et al. However, as with ATP, because of
RESYNTHESIZE POLYMERASE (35) found that field-based team sports the contribution made by the other
CHAIN REACTION, REMOVE are consistent in mean sprint time and pathways, PCr is not normally depleted.
ACCUMULATED INTRACELLULAR distance, 2–3 seconds and 10–20 m, For example, more than 30 seconds
INORGANIC PHOSPHATE, AND respectively. PCr is only depleted by 60–80% (11),
OXIDIZE LACTATE DURING REST 10 seconds 40–70% (24), 6 seconds
PERIODS. WHETHER THIS CAN THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF REPEAT 30–55% (11), and 2.5 seconds (of elec-
SPRINT ABILITY trical muscle stimulation) 26% (23);
To appreciate RSA, we must first look these results suggest that the ATP for
at the biochemical production of power. short sprints is also heavily subsidized
From a metabolic perspective, power is by anaerobic glycolysis.
dictated by the rate at which adenosine
QUALITIES SUCH AS STRENGTH, PCr is resynthesized by the aerobic
triphosphate (ATP) is used to fuel mus-
POWER, AND SPEED, ALONG system, and thus, its contribution to
cle contractions. For example, sprint
WITH THE ATHLETE’S VELOCITY subsequent sprints is governed by the
speed is related to the ability to deplete
AT ONSET OF BLOOD LACTATE length of rest period; it resynthesizes at
large amounts of high-energy phos-
ACCUMULATION. WHEN around 1.3 mmol/kg dry muscle per
phates at a fast rate (20). Thus, power
REPORTING REPEAT SPRINT second (17). Approximately 84% of
is a reflection of the intensity of muscle
ABILITY TEST RESULTS, TOTAL PCr stored are restored in 2 minutes,
contraction and the rate at which ATP is
OR MEAN TIME SHOULD BE USED. 89% in 4 minutes, and 100% in
being used (37). The human muscle
8 minutes (19,22). Because the recov-
typically stores 20–25 mmol/kg dry
ery of power output maps the time
muscle of ATP, at a peak ATP turnover
course of PCr resynthesis (10,30,33)
INTRODUCTION rate of around 15 mmol/kg dry muscle
and is attenuated by creatine supple-
epeat sprint ability (RSA) per second, which is enough to fuel 1–2

R describes the ability of an athlete

to recover and maintain maxi-
mal effort during subsequent sprints,
seconds of maximal work (17). In fact,
ATP is never depleted (as it is used for
basic cellular functioning too), depleting
mentation (25,40), PCr availability is
likely to be a major factor governing
the rate of fatigue (18).
an attribute considered important to by 45% in a 30-second sprint (11) and ANAEROBIC GLYCOLYSIS
team sports. It is often trained and mea- between 14 and 32% in a 10-second During brief maximal sprints, the rapid
sured via high-intensity sprints, inter- sprint (24). As ATP stores are broken drop in PCr is offset by increased acti-
spersed with brief recovery bouts down, various metabolic pathways vation of glycolysis. Glycolysis
(#30 seconds). Most strength and con- (energy systems) collaborate to resyn- describes the breakdown of glycogen
ditioning coaches agree that for val- thesize ATP and maintain peak rates in the muscle or glucose in the blood
idity and dynamic correspondence, the of turnover. The contribution of each to resynthesize ATP. The maximal
RSA training session or testing protocol energy system is determined by exercise turnover rate of ATP production via
should resemble the work to rest ratio intensity and duration of rest period (18).
(W:R) and movement mechanics of The energy systems are phosphocrea- KEY WORDS:
the sport in question. What is less clear, tine (PCr), anaerobic glycolysis, and multiple sprints; energy systems;
are the physiological variables most the aerobic/oxidative system; these are recovery
responsible for improving RSA. This, briefly discussed in turn.

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Repeat Sprint Ability

glycolysis is around 5–9 mmol/kg in the second half than those with the of a 30-second maximal sprint (28) or
dry muscle per second (17,23,24,28). highest concentrations (31). How- the first 5 seconds of a 3-minute intense
This system involves multiple enzy- ever, the significance of such loading bout (.120% V̇ O2max) (7), an ATP
matic reactions, so it is not as fast as may only become apparent as sprint turnover rate of 1.3 mmol ATP/kg
the PCr system, but the 2 combine frequency increases and rest periods dry muscle per second and 0.7 mmol
to maintain an ATP turnover rate of become long enough to again fully ATP/kg/s, respectively, was hypothe-
11–14 mmol/kg dry muscle per second engage anaerobic glycolysis. sized, both contributing around 10%
(11,17). The rapid onset of anaerobic of total energy produced. If sprints are
glycolysis with maximal work can be CAUSES OF FATIGUE repeated, the V̇ O2 of successive sprints
noted by studies that report high values The anaerobic conversion of pyru- will increase (17,35) if recovery periods
(.4 mmol) of lactate within 10 seconds vate yields lactate and H+, not always are not sufficient to resynthesize PCr,
(11,24). Surprisingly, values as high as lactic acid (the lactic acid molecule oxidize lactate, and remove accumu-
40 mmol/kg dry muscle (16) and 4 cannot exist at the physiological pH lated intracellular Pi (via adenosine
mmol/kg dry muscle (23) have been of 7); thus, despite the high correla- diphosphate phosphorylation). How-
recorded after just 6-second sprint tion, lactate is not the cause of fatigue ever, although V̇ O2 uptake may increase
cycling and 1.28 seconds of electrical (12). In fact, lactate can be used as an with successive sprints, the supply of
stimulation, respectively. energy substrate via gluconeogenesis ATP made by the aerobic system is sig-
With intramuscular stores of around 300 (formation of glucose from noncarbo- nificantly less than required for repeated
mmol/kg dry muscle (17), glycogen hydrate sources), where it is trans- sprints (17) and uses a lower ATP turn-
availability is not likely to majorly com- ported in the blood to the liver, over rate. As such, although this could
promise ATP provision during repeated referred to as the Cori cycle, or con- guard against a buildup of fatiguing
sprints (using protocols similar to current verted within the muscle fiber itself. It by-products (and sprint frequency/
investigations) (18). Instead, it may be is likely that H+ accumulation via lac- duration can be increased), it would
the progressive changes in metabolic tate formation decreases intracellular not be able to sustain power output
environment (as noted by the aforemen- pH and inhibits glycolytic enzymes (i.e., sprint performance).
tioned high lactate values, also see (such as phosphofructokinase) and RSA tested under hyperoxic (hypobaric
“Fatigue” section) that ultimately cause the binding of calcium to troponin chamber) (14,21) conditions or those
a reduction in ATP provision via this and thus muscle excitation-contrac- with enhanced oxygen availability (via
system. For example, Gaitanos et al. tion coupling (26). Glaister (18) sum- erythropoietin injection) (3) reports
(17), using 10 3 6-second sprints with marizes that fatigue may also be a superior results; the opposite is true
30-second rest periods, found that the consequence of a lack of ATP for for hypoxic conditions (4). The consen-
first sprint produced ATP using 50% actin-myosin coupling, NA+/K+ sus is that a greater quantity of PCr at
PCr and 44% glycolysis, whereas the pumping, and Ca2+ uptake by the sar- the start of each sprint would reduce the
tenth used 80% PCr and 16% glycolysis; coplasmic reticulum (SR). Also, intra- demand on anaerobic glycolysis (and
this was accompanied by a 27% loss in cellular Pi accumulation may interfere concomitant fatiguing by-products, e.g.,
power output, an 11.3 mmol/L increase with muscle function by inhibiting H+ and Pi) and enhance ATP turnover
in lactate, and a significant drop in ATP Ca2+ release from SR, control actin- (18). Glaister (18) concludes that the
production rate (Table 1). Of note, in myosin cross-bridge interactions, and key role of the aerobic system during
field-based team sports, glycogen- thereby regulate force production. repeated sprints is the return to homeo-
loading strategies are important in stasis during rest. The natural assump-
minimizing performance decrements AEROBIC METABOLISM tion is that aerobic endurance training,
(35). For example, in soccer, players This system contributes to ATP provi- by virtue of increasing V̇ O2max, will
with the lowest glycogen concentra- sion sooner than commonly believed. increase recovery rates and thus
tion at half time covered less distance For example, during the first 6 seconds improve RSA; this is discussed later.

Table 1
Estimates of ATP by Gaitanos et al. (17) after 10 3 6-second cycle sprints, with 30-second rest periods
ATP production (mmol/kg dry muscle) ATP production rate (mmol/kg dry muscle/s)

Sprint 1 Sprint 10 Sprint 1 Sprint 10

Total 89.3 6 13.4 31.6 6 14.7 14.9 6 2.2 5.3 6 2.5

PCr 44.3 6 4.7 25.3 6 9.7 7.4 6 0.8 4.2 6 1.6
Glycolysis 39.4 6 9.5 5.1 6 8.9 6.6 6 1.6 0.9 6 1.5


SPRINT DURATION, RECOVERY the RSA test used. For example, a mod- found that the strongest predictor of
TIME, AND REPEAT SPRINT erate correlation (r 5 20.35) between RSA was anaerobic power, that is,
ABILITY V̇ O2max and RSA was found when the fastest individual sprint time, and
In summary, maximal effort sprints rely using 8 3 40-m sprints with 30 seconds this explained 78% of the variance
on a fast and constant turnover of ATP, of active recovery between sprints (1) and had a relationship (r) of 0.66,
powered by the PCr system and anaer- but not 6 3 20-m sprints with 20 sec- respectively. Results suggest that in
obic glycolysis (17). As such, sprint onds of recovery between sprints (2). addition to training targeting the
speed is related to the ability to deplete The discrepancy is likely attributable to improvement of vOBLA, it should also
large amounts of high-energy phos- the length of the sprints used, as this focus on improving sprint speed,
phates at a fast rate. If performance is may alter the contribution of the aero- strength, and power. Also, type II mus-
to be maintained across successive bic system (5). In essence, V̇ O2max has cle fibers contain higher amounts of
sprints, rest periods must be sufficient not been reported to relate to RSA PCr than type I (32), suggesting that
enough to allow the aerobic system to when sprints of less than 40 m (or 6 sec- individuals with a greater percentage
resynthesize PCr, remove accumulated onds) have been used (15). Also, in of fast-twitch fibers (either through
intracellular inorganic phosphate (Pi), protocols using W:R $ 1:5, there genetics or through high-intensity
and oxidize lactate. It is clear that sprint may be sufficient recovery provided training) may be able to replenish
duration, recovery time, and their inter- for the aerobic system to resynthesize ATP faster via the PCr system when
action affect RSA and energy system ATP and PCr despite fitness levels. working anaerobically.
contribution. For example, sprints of Although the issue of whether RSA is
around 5 seconds performed every affected by a high V̇ O2max seems ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY AND
120 seconds show no significant de- dependent on the protocol used, one FUTURE RESEARCH
creases in performance after 15 sprints. must consider the validity of the tests Although mean values for W:R are
Only when recovery is reduced to 90 to the sport in question (discussed available, they do not suggest the typ-
seconds does fatigue significantly affect later: see “Ecological Validity and ical movement patterns. This is likely
sprint time, but this is only after the Future Research” section). to have a significant effect, as changes
11th sprint (5). Also, Balsom et al. (6) in direction, especially those involving
found that 40 3 15-m sprints (around LACTATE THRESHOLD large eccentric contractions and the
2.6 seconds), with 30-second rest, could Most studies use V̇ O2max as the major need to stop, will affect energy expen-
be completed without any reduction in indicator of aerobic fitness. However, diture. Also, most studies investigating
performance. However, 30-m (4.5 sec- because V̇ O2max is largely determined RSA use passive rest during recovery
onds) and 40-m (6 seconds) sprint times by central factors (8), RSA may more periods (35) despite active recovery,
increased significantly, and after only strongly correlate with peripheral fac- showing more promise in reducing
the third 40-m sprint, times were already tors (35). For example, Da Silva et al. the drop in performance. For example,
significantly longer. (15) showed that an RSA test consist- an active recovery (versus passive) con-
ing of 7 3 35-m sprints (involving a sisting of cycling at submaximal inten-
TRAINING REPEAT SPRINT ABILITY change of direction), and a between- sities significantly increased peak
Having discussed the biochemical fac- sprint recovery period of 25 seconds, power using 8 3 6-second cycle sprints
tors governing RSA, the aim of the fol- produced high values of lactate (15.4 6 with 30-second rest (34). The active
lowing sections is to briefly outline how 2.2 mmol/L), thus demonstrating the recovery may have reduced muscle aci-
we can train to improve RSA: whether large contribution of anaerobic glycoly- dosis by speeding up the removal of
increasing aerobic power (V̇ O2max), sis. Logically, Da Silva et al. (15) found lactate from the working muscles,
anaerobic power (speed/strength/ that the velocity at onset of blood lac- and this would also increase its use as
power), or lactate threshold is beneficial. tate accumulation (vOBLA) better cor- a fuel source (34). Because the majority
This will be followed by suggestions for related with RSA performance (r 5 of field-based team sports involve
reporting results from RSA testing pro- 20.49); vOBLA reflects peripheral aer- active recovery, its athletes may indi-
tocols and the requirements for future obic training adaptations and is associ- rectly be employing this method (35).
research within this area. ated with an increased capillary density Another significant issue with the val-
and capacity to transport lactate and H+ idity of RSA testing is the fact that the
VȮ 2MAX ions (9,39). Therefore, to improve RSA, players from most sports are expected
Because rest periods are often too it appears prudent to target the devel- to maintain RSA over many more
short, the assumption is that a higher opment of vOBLA. sprints than the number used in many
aerobic capacity (V̇ O2max) will lead to of the current protocols. Also, sprints are
quicker recovery and thus improved ANAEROBIC POWER not done with a unique and constant
RSA. However, there are conflicting Da Silva et al. (15) (protocol aforemen- W:R. Therefore, the significance of a high
findings regarding this relationship, tioned) and Pyne et al. (29) (using 6 3 V̇ O2max may be more important only
which appear largely attributable to 30-m sprints with 20-second rest) after a certain number of sprints (38).

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 39

Repeat Sprint Ability

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