Maintenance Manual For Auxiliaries - PLN-SAKO P-06071 EN PDF

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Maintenance manual for

auxiliaries - PLN-SAKO

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction to the maintenance manual ...........................................................................1 - 1

Maintenance routines ..................................................................................................................................1 - 3
Safety aspects for maintenance work .........................................................................................................1 - 4
Locking and tagging out for maintenance or inspection ..............................................................................1 - 6

Genset ...............................................................................................................................2 - 1
Generating set .............................................................................................................................................2 - 2
Generator maintenance program, ......................................................................................................2 - 3
Level 1 maintenance of ABB Generator, 4000 Hours .........................................................................2 - 5
Level 2 maintenance of ABB Generator, 8000 Hours .........................................................................2 - 9
Level 3 maintenance of ABB Generator, 24000 Hours .....................................................................2 - 11
Level 4 maintenance of ABB Generator, 80000 Hours .....................................................................2 - 13

Fuel gas system ................................................................................................................3 - 1

Regulating system .......................................................................................................................................3 - 2
Gas regulating unit
Maintaining gas pressure regulator, 3 Months ....................................................................................3 - 3
Lubricating the turbine meter, 3 Months .............................................................................................3 - 5
Maintaining the gas filter, 6 Months ....................................................................................................3 - 7

Lubrication oil system ........................................................................................................4 - 1

Lube oil transfer pump unit (Mobile) ............................................................................................................4 - 2
Screw pump
Inspecting and lubricating the pump, 6 Months ..................................................................................4 - 3
Overhauling the screw pump, 3 Years ................................................................................................4 - 7

Combined system modules ...............................................................................................5 - 1

Pipe module ................................................................................................................................................5 - 2
Prelube pump
Inspecting and lubricating the pump, 6 Months ..................................................................................5 - 3
Overhauling the pump, 3 Years ..........................................................................................................5 - 7
Plate heat exchanger
Cleaning the heat exchanger, 1 Years ................................................................................................5 - 9
Lube oil filter
Maintaining the oil filter, 1 Months ....................................................................................................5 - 11
Preheater element
Inspecting the electric heater, 1 Years ..............................................................................................5 - 13

Compressed air system .....................................................................................................6 - 1

Working on the compressed air system ......................................................................................................6 - 2
Instrument and working air unit ...................................................................................................................6 - 3
Inspecting the air compressor (1500 h), 1500 Hours ..........................................................................6 - 5
Inspecting the air compressor (annual), 1 Years ................................................................................6 - 7
Inspecting the air compressor (3000 h), 3000 Hours ..........................................................................6 - 9
Cleaning the instrument air dryer, 1 Months .....................................................................................6 - 11
Inspecting the instrument air dryer, 3 Months ...................................................................................6 - 13

Table of Contents - i
Table of Contents

Maintaining the instrument air dryer, 1 Years ...................................................................................6 - 15

Starting air unit ..........................................................................................................................................6 - 16
Starting air compressor
Inspecting the start air compressor, 1000 Hours .............................................................................. 6 - 17
Overhauling the start air compressor, 5000 Hours ........................................................................... 6 - 19
Overhauling the start air compressor, 10000 Hours ......................................................................... 6 - 21
Starting air vessel ......................................................................................................................................6 - 23
Inspecting the start air vessel (4 year)
Inspecting the start air vessel (8 year)

Cooling system ..................................................................................................................7 - 1

Maintenance water tank ..............................................................................................................................7 - 2
Water pump
Inspecting the water pump bearings, 6 Months ..................................................................................7 - 3
External cooling devices .............................................................................................................................7 - 4
Inspecting the radiator, 1 Months ........................................................................................................7 - 5

Charge air and exhaust gas system ..................................................................................8 - 1

Exhaust gas silencer ...................................................................................................................................8 - 2
Inspecting the exhaust gas silencer, 4000 Hours ...............................................................................8 - 3
Charge air filter ............................................................................................................................................8 - 4
Removing sludge from the filter, 1 Months .........................................................................................8 - 5
Inspecting the MultiDuty filter, 6 Months .............................................................................................8 - 7
Charge air silencer ......................................................................................................................................8 - 8
Inspecting the charge air silencer, 3 Months ......................................................................................8 - 9

Electrical system ...............................................................................................................9 - 1

LV-switchgear .............................................................................................................................................9 - 2
Inspecting the LV switchgear, 1 Years ................................................................................................9 - 3
Frequency converter ...................................................................................................................................9 - 5
Checking the frequency converter, 1 Years ........................................................................................9 - 7
Step-up transformer ....................................................................................................................................9 - 8
Inspecting the step-up transformer, 1 Years .......................................................................................9 - 9
Auxiliary transformer ................................................................................................................................. 9 - 10
Dielectric withstand test, 10 Years ....................................................................................................9 - 11
DC-system ................................................................................................................................................ 9 - 12
Inspecting the DC-system, 1 Years .................................................................................................. 9 - 13

Table of Contents - ii
Introduction to the maintenance manual

Introduction to the maintenance manual V1

This section provides information about how to read and apply the information provided
in the plant maintenance manual.
The purpose of the maintenance manual is to provide guidelines for inspection
and maintenance of the auxiliary systems that are within the Wärtsilä scope of

Note! Maintenance instructions for the Main engine are found in the Engine

The instructions are based on information provided by the equipment

manufacturer or supplier. If there are any discrepancies or doubts about a certain
unit or component, refer to the original manuals located in the system manual for
the component. Even though the maintenance programs have been customized
to match the plant, it might contain references to accessories not available in your

Note! Even when following the maintenance instructions, normal supervision and
observation of the equipment is required.

Maintenance intervals
As the maintenance intervals often depend on the operating conditions, the stated
intervals are to be considered as guidelines. Take note of these guidelines when
creating your overall maintenance plan for the plant.
The maintenance intervals are given either as running hours for the device or as
calendar-based intervals (weeks, months or years).
The hour-based intervals are to be followed up by an hour counter on the specific
device or running hours of the engine. If none of these are applicable, the best
estimation must be applied.
The calendar-based intervals are counted as total elapsed time. If not otherwise
stated, this interval applies regardless of the running hours of the device.
It is left to the discretion of the maintenance planner to apply the stated interval
Maintenance related spare parts and required special tools
Some of the maintenance work described in this manual will require that certain
parts are changed or renewed in connection with the work. These parts, also
called related spare parts, will be listed by their descriptive name on each work
The actual code for that part must then be looked up in the spare part list provided
either by Wärtsilä or the equipment supplier.
When ordering spare parts, always include all the data needed to identify the
component and part installed. The following identification data should be included:
● Brand and model
● Serial number
● Type of application
● Name and description of the spare part
● Spare part code, if available

Introduction to the maintenance manual

Maintenance routines ..................................................................................................................................1 - 3
Safety aspects for maintenance work .........................................................................................................1 - 4
Locking and tagging out for maintenance or inspection ..............................................................................1 - 6

Introduction to the maintenance manual

Maintenance routines V1

This section gives information about how to establish sound maintenance routines for the
auxiliary systems.
The auxiliary systems are vital to the function of the plant. Therefore, all
maintenance activities must be carefully done at the correct intervals. All
measures taken and why they are taken must be well recorded.
The maintenance activities are divided into three categories:
● Condition monitoring– by taking the readings of all meters and gauges. If the
readings show a falling or rising trend, the reason has to be found and action
● Preventive maintenance – Daily inspection and checks of all equipment
visually or by listening to the components with the purpose to detect
● Preventive maintenance – Scheduled inspections, cleaning and replacement
of components or fluids. Maintenance intervals are found in the maintenance
chart for each of the main components together with instructions.
It is to be expected that the operators possess a good general knowledge of this
type of plant and that they are familiar with both common and local safety
regulations that must be strictly followed.

Introduction to the maintenance manual

Safety aspects for maintenance work V2

This section describes the general safety aspects to consider when performing
maintenance work on the plant.
Only persons with adequate training are allowed to perform maintenance on the
● Before starting to operate or perform any maintenance on the components,
read the manuals provided by the component manufacturers.
● Read and obey the safety instructions provided by the equipment
manufacturers and the manufacturers of the liquids handled in the plant.
● Read and obey the safety instructions in the Power Plant manuals.
● Observe the warning signs on the equipment. The signs must not be removed.
Pay attention to the risk of ignition
The equipment may contain combustible liquids.
● Do not light matches or open flames in the vicinity.
● Prevent electrical sparks from occurring.
● Check that the area is free of combustible gases and liquids before using any
power tool.
Prevent unintended starting during maintenance work
Before starting any maintenance work, make sure that the equipment cannot be
accidentally started.
● Set the safety switch to the OFF position and lock the switch.
● Disconnect the electrical power and tag out the device.
● If needed, isolate the unit by closing and securing inlet and outlet valves and
releasing the pressure.
Prevent electrical shocks
Only trained electricians may perform work on electrical equipment.
● Do not open the electrical cabinet during operation.
● Do not touch electrical wiring and components until the main switch has been
switched off and secured.
● If the equipment contains capacitors, be aware that the capacitors can retain
a charge even after being disconnected from the mains.
Avoid burns and splashes
Before dismantling or opening any process equipment, consider what the system
may contain and take the necessary precautions to avoid burns, exposure to
hazardous substances, spills or splashing.
During operation, the pipes will contain hot liquids, and the surface may be hot.
Allow all elements cool down before performing any maintenance work on them.
Remove all pressure from the system before opening any part of it.
Be aware of the power of pressurized air
The compressed air system contains air under very high pressure.
● Do not open any component, unit or part of the system before ensuring that it
is not pressurized.
● Look out for jets of pressurized air.
● If a part of the system is isolated for maintenance work, the valves must be
locked and properly tagged out in order to prevent accidental opening.

Introduction to the maintenance manual

Take precautions for confined entry

Before working in a confined space, take the following precautions:
● Close and lock all inlet valves and outlet valves to the space.
● If the space has contained chemicals that can produce vapours, the space
must be properly vented and the air must be tested.
● Assign two people for hole watch. They must remain stationed outside the
space where they can observe the workers inside.
● Test the air again at the beginning of each shift.
Use protective clothes
Use overalls made according to safety regulations, protective gloves, safety
glasses, industrial shoes, ear protection and helmet.
Keep the area tidy
Wipe up oil spills and dispose of all debris that might cause accidents.

Introduction to the maintenance manual

Locking and tagging out for maintenance or inspection V1

This is a general procedure for locking out and tagging out equipment to prevent
accidental starting during maintenance work.
Before starting any maintenance work, it is extremely important to make sure that
the equipment can not be accidentally started while it is being serviced.
1 Notify all persons that will be affected that the lockout is about to begin.
2 Verify that the equipment to be serviced is turned off.
3 Locate all energy sources (electrical, pneumatic, steam etc.) that supply the
equipment and turn them off.
4 Secure all energy sources with an appropriate locking device.
5 Place an appropriate warning tag on the energy sources.

Note! If several persons are involved in the maintenance, all persons must attach
their own locking device and tag.

6 Release any stored energy (circuit breakers, pneumatic valves, springs etc.).
7 Operate the controls (switches, valves etc.) to make sure that the equipment will
not operate.
8 Perform the required maintenance work on the equipment.
9 When the maintenance work is finished, the equipment may be taken into service
a ) Check that all tools and loose parts have been removed.
b ) Replace all safety guards.
c ) Ensure that all workers are clear of the equipment.
d ) Remove all tags and locking devices.

Note! Only the person that applied the tag or locking device may remove it.

e) Turn on the energy sources.



Generating set .............................................................................................................................................2 - 2


Generating set

Generator maintenance program, ......................................................................................................2 - 3
This chapter presents a recommended maintenance program for ABB machines.
Level 1 maintenance of ABB Generator, 4000 Hours .........................................................................2 - 5
Level 2 maintenance of ABB Generator, 8000 Hours .........................................................................2 - 9
Level 3 maintenance of ABB Generator, 24000 Hours .....................................................................2 - 11
Level 4 maintenance of ABB Generator, 80000 Hours .....................................................................2 - 13

Generator maintenance program V2

This chapter presents a recommended maintenance program for ABB machines.

The maintenance program is based on four levels of maintenance, which rotate
according to operating hours. The amount of work and down time vary, so that
level 1 includes mainly quick visual inspections and level 4 more demanding
measurements and replacements.
The operation hour recommendation is given as equivalent operating hours (Eq.
h), that can be counted by the following formula:
Equivalent operating hours (Eq. h) = Actual operating hours + Number of starts *



Level 1 maintenance of ABB Generator V5

General Information
JobID: 014 Type: AMG
Unit: Generating set Manufacturer: ABB
Component: Generator BAG011

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 8 Hours
Stop time: 8 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
4000 Hours electrician 1 8 component

Warning! ● General electrical safety precautions are to be taken into account.

● The personnel must be trained in, and familiar with, the specific
maintenance procedures and tests required for rotating electrical

Note! After commissioning or maintenance, the supervision should be intensive.

Temperature of bearings and windings, load, current, cooling, lubrication
and vibration shall be checked frequently.

Note! V = Visual checking C = cleaning D = Disassembling and assembling R =

Reconditioning or replacement T = Testing and measurement

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
#### 1 Safety package

1 Check the general condition of the machine:

a ) Machine operation: Starting, shut down, vibration measurement, no-load
point, V/T
b ) Mounting and foundation: Cracks, rust, alignment, V
c ) Exterior: Rust, leakage, condition, V
d ) Fastenings: Tightness of all fastenings, V
e ) Anchor bolts: Fastening, condition, V
2 Check the high voltage connection:
a ) High voltage cabling: Wear, fastening, V
b ) High voltage connections: Oxidation, fastening V
c ) Terminal box accessories, for example, surge capacitors and arresters:
General condition, V
d ) Cable transits: Condition of cables entering the machine and inside the
machine, V


3 Check the stator and the rotor:

a ) Stator core: Fixing, cracks, welds, V
b ) Stator winding insulation: Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, turn
insulation test, (high voltage test), V
c ) Stator coil over hangs: Insulation damages, V
d ) Stator coil supports: Insulation damages, V
e ) Stator slot wedges: Movement, tightness, V
f ) Stator terminal bars: Fixing, insulation, V
g ) Stator cable terminal fastenings and crimps: Tightness, condition, V
h ) Instrumentation: Condition of cables and cable ties, V
i ) Rotor poles: Movement, tightness, fixing, V
j ) Rotor winding insulation, Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, voltage
drop test, V
k ) Rotor coil supports: Movement bending, V
l ) Rotor balancing weights: Movement, V
m ) Damper bars: Cracks, corrosion, ultra sound and knocking test, V
n ) Shaft and rotor center: Cracks, corrosion, V
o ) Air gap: Equality, V
p ) Connections in rotor: Fixing, general condition
q ) Earthing brushes: Operation and general condition
r ) Rotor shaft insulation: General condition, insulation resistance
4 Check the excitation system, control and protection:
a ) Exciter diode bridge: Cleanliness, operation, V
b ) Exciter semiconductor: Operation, fixing, V
c ) Excitation connections: Fixing, general condition, V
d ) Exciter winding insulation: Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, V
e ) Exciter air gap: Equality, V
f ) AVR unit: Operation, settings, stability test, V
g ) AVR board: Operation, connections, V
h ) PMG (Permanent Magnet Generator): Operation, connections, V
i ) Voltage transformer: Operation, cleanliness, V
j ) Short circuit transformer (CT): Operation, cleanliness, V
k ) Actual value CT: Operation, cleanliness, V
l ) Measurement and protection CTs: Operation, cleanliness, V
m ) Pt-100 elements (stator, cooling air, bearing): Resistance, insulation
resistance, V
n ) Anti-condensation heaters: Operation, insulation resistance, V
o ) Auxiliary terminals boxes: General condition, terminals, wiring condition, V
p ) Exciter stator fixing: General condition, cracks, V
5 Check the lubrication system and the bearings:
a ) Bearing: Fixing, general condition, V
b ) Bearing shells: General condition, wear, V
c ) Seals and gaskets: Leakage, V
d ) Bearing insulation: Condition, insulation resistance, V
e ) Lubrication piping: Leakage, operation, V
f ) Lubrication oil: Quality, quantity, flow, V/R
g ) Oil ring: Operation, V
h ) Oil flow regulator: Operation, V
i ) Oil tank: Cleanliness, leakage, V
j ) Jack-up system: Operation, V
k ) Oil cooler/heater: Oil temperature, T


6 Check the cooling system:

a ) Fan(s): Operation condition, V
b ) Filters: Cleanliness, operation, V/C
c ) Air ways: Operation, cleanliness, V
d ) Heat exchanger: Leakage, operation, pressure test, V
e ) Fan: Operation, condition, V
f ) Tubes: Cleanliness, corrosion, V
g ) Ducts: Operation, cleanliness, V
h ) End cases: Leakage, condition, V
i ) Seals and gaskets: Leakage, condition, V
j ) Plate fins: General condition, V
k ) Vibration dampers: Condition and profile, V
l ) Water flow regulator: Operation, V/T



Level 2 maintenance of ABB Generator V5

General Information
JobID: 015 Type: AMG
Unit: Generating set Manufacturer: ABB
Component: Generator BAG011

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 16 Hours
Stop time: 16 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
8000 Hours electrician 1 16 component

Warning! ● General electrical safety precautions are to be taken into account.

● The personnel must be trained in, and familiar with, the specific
maintenance procedures and tests required for rotating electrical

Note! After commissioning or maintenance, the supervision should be intensive.

Temperature of bearings and windings, load, current, cooling, lubrication
and vibration shall be checked frequently.

Note! V = Visual checking C = cleaning D = Disassembling and assembling R =

Reconditioning or replacement T = Testing and measurement

Note! Level 1 tasks not included, but must be performed at the same time.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
#### 1 Maintenance package

Required tools
Code Description
Insulation resistance tester

1 Check the general condition of the machine:

a ) Mounting and foundation: Cracks, rust, alignment, T
b ) Fastenings: Tightness of all fastenings, T
c ) Anchor Bolts: Fastening, condition, T
2 Check the high voltage connection:
a ) High voltage cabling: Wear, fastening, T
b ) High voltage connections: Oxidation, fastening T


3 Check the stator and the rotor:

a ) Stator winding insulation: Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, turn
insulation test, (high voltage test), T
b ) Stator cable terminal fastenings and crimps: Tightness, condition, T
c ) Rotor poles: Movement, tightness, fixing, T
d ) Rotor winding insulation, Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, voltage
drop test, T
e ) Damper bars: Cracks, corrosion, ultra sound and knocking test, T
f ) Air gap: Equality, T
4 Check excitation system, control and protection:
a ) Exciter diode bridge: Cleanliness, operation, T/C
b ) Exciter semiconductor: Operation, fixing, T/C
c ) Excitation connections: Fixing, general condition, T/C
d ) Exciter winding insulation: Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, T
e ) Exciter air gap: Equality, T
f ) AVR unit: Operation, settings, stability test, T
g ) AVR board: Operation, connections, T
h ) Voltage transformer: Operation, cleanliness, T
i ) Pt-100 elements (stator, cooling air, bearing): Resistance, insulation
resistance, T
j ) Anti-condensation heaters: Operation, insulation resistance, T
k ) Auxiliary terminals boxes: General condition, terminals, wiring condition, T
5 Check the lubrication system and the bearings:
a ) Bearing: Fixing, general condition, T
b ) Bearing insulation: Condition, insulation resistance, T
c ) Oil flow regulator: Operation, T
d ) Oil tank: Cleanliness, leakage, C
e ) Jack-up system: Operation, T
6 Check the cooling system:
a ) Air ways: Operation, cleanliness, C
b ) Tubes: Cleanliness, corrosion, C
c ) Ducts: Operation, cleanliness, C
d ) End cases: Leakage, condition, C
e ) Seals and gaskets: Leakage, condition, C
f ) Plate fins: General condition, C

2 - 10

Level 3 maintenance of ABB Generator V4

General Information
JobID: 016 Type: AMG
Unit: Generating set Manufacturer: ABB
Component: Generator BAG011

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 40 Hours
Stop time: 40 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
24000 Hours electrician 1 40 component

Warning! ● General electrical safety precautions are to be taken into account.

● The personnel must be trained in, and familiar with, the specific
maintenance procedures and tests required for rotating electrical

Note! After commissioning or maintenance, the supervision should be intensive.

Temperature of bearings and windings, load, current, cooling, lubrication
and vibration shall be checked frequently.

Note! V = Visual checking C = cleaning D = Disassembling and assembling R =

Reconditioning or replacement T = Testing and measurement

Note! Level 1 and 2 tasks not included, but should performed at the same time.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
#### 1 Maintenance package

Required tools
Code Description

1 Check the general condition of the machine.

a ) Anchor bolts: Fastening, condition, T

2 - 11

2 Check the stator and the rotor:

a ) Stator winding insulation: Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, turn
insulation test, (high voltage test), C
b ) Rotor winding insulation: Wear, cleanliness, insulation resistance, voltage
drop test, C
c ) Connections in rotor: Fixing, general condition, T
d ) Rotor shaft insulation: General condition, insulation resistance, T
3 Check excitation system, control and protection:
a ) Exciter air gap: Equality, D
b ) PMG (Permanent Magnet Generator: Operation, connections, T
c ) Short circuit transformer (CT): Operation, cleanliness, T
d ) Actual value CT: Operation, cleanliness, T
e ) Measurement and protection CTs: Operation, cleanliness, T
4 Check the lubrication system and the bearings:
a ) Bearing: Fixing, general condition, V
b ) Bearing shells: General condition, wear, T/D
c ) Seals and gaskets: Leakage, T/D
d ) Bearing insulation: Condition, insulation resistance, D
e ) Lubrication piping: Leakage, operation, T/D
5 Check the cooling system:
a ) Filters: Cleanliness, operation, R
b ) Protective anodes: Condition, activity, V/C

2 - 12

Level 4 maintenance of ABB Generator V4

General Information
JobID: 017 Type: AMG
Unit: Generating set Manufacturer: ABB
Component: Generator BAG011

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 80 Hours
Stop time: 80 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
80000 Hours electrician 2 80 component

Warning! ● General electrical safety precautions are to be taken into account.

● The personnel must be trained in, and familiar with, the specific
maintenance procedures and tests required for rotating electrical

Note! After commissioning or maintenance, the supervision should be intensive.

Temperature of bearings and windings, load, current, cooling, lubrication
and vibration shall be checked frequently.

Note! V = Visual checking C = cleaning D = Disassembling and assembling R =

Reconditioning or replacement T = Testing and measurement

Note! Level 1, 2 and 3 tasks not included, but should performed at the same time.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
#### 1 Maintenance package
##### 1 Capital spare part package

Required tools
Code Description
Rotor removal equipment

1 Check the general condition of the machine.

a ) Mounting and foundation: Cracks, rust, alignment, D
2 Check the high voltage connection:
a ) High voltage cabling: Wear, fastening, D
b ) High voltage connections: Oxidation, fastening D

2 - 13

3 Check the stator and the rotor:

a ) Stator core: Fixing, cracks, welds, C
b ) Air gap: Equality, D
4 Check the lubrication system and the bearings:
a ) Oil flow regulator: Operation, D

2 - 14
Fuel gas system

Fuel gas system

Regulating system .......................................................................................................................................3 - 2
Gas regulating unit

Fuel gas system

Regulating system

Gas regulating unit
Maintaining gas pressure regulator, 3 Months ....................................................................................3 - 3
The gas pressure regulator is inspected by someone trained in gas pressure regulating facilities
Lubricating the turbine meter, 3 Months .............................................................................................3 - 5
The turbine meter is used for measuring gas flow and requires lubrication.
Maintaining the gas filter, 6 Months ....................................................................................................3 - 7
The gas cellular filter is cleaned and inspected.
Fuel gas system

Maintaining gas pressure regulator V1

General Information
JobID: wca0357 Type: 402
Unit: Regulating system Manufacturer: RMG
Component: Gas regulating unit ZAA011

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 2 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
3 Months O&M Supervisor 2 component
Mechanical, Off-engine 2 component

The gas pressure regulator is inspected by someone trained in gas pressure regulating
facilities maintenance.
Refer to the OEM manual for specific spare parts. All parts marked "EV" are to
be kept in stock for maintenance.

Caution! Any maintenance work on the regulator must be done by an expert

acquainted with the purpose and the tasks of gas pressure regulating
facilities, with the relevant laws and guidelines.

Warning! Before starting any work on the gas regulating equipment, make sure it is
properly isolated, vented and secured from accidental starting.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
As required O-rings
As required Sealing rings
As required Closing spring
As required Diaphragm
As required Piston, premounted

Maintenance intervals should start at 3 months for maintenance disassembly. If

no defects within the unit are found, the intervals can be increased in steps to a
maximum of 2 years.
1 Clean and inspect all parts. Use particular care to inspect the following items:
● Seals and diaphragms
● The closing spring
● All other moving parts.
Replace any damaged parts with new parts.

Fuel gas system

Fuel gas system

Lubricating the turbine meter V1

General Information
JobID: wca0356 Type: TRZ
Unit: Regulating system Manufacturer: RMG
Component: Gas regulating unit ZAA011

Work Information
Type of job: lubrication Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 0 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
3 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 1 component

The turbine meter is used for measuring gas flow and requires lubrication.
The turbine meter has a lubricator (either an oil nipple, or a pump). The lubrication
interval is 3 months for clean gas and more frequently if dust or condensate-laden
gas is used.
1 Lubricate the meter in accordance to the lubrication instruction plate located on
the turbine meter.

Fuel gas system

Fuel gas system

Maintaining the gas filter V3

General Information
JobID: wca0358 Type: 906, 907, 906a
Unit: Regulating system Manufacturer: RMG
Component: Gas regulating unit ZAA011

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 2 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
6 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 2 component

The gas cellular filter is cleaned and inspected.

Refer to the OEM manual for specific spare parts. All parts marked "EV" are to
be kept in stock for maintenance.

Caution! Any maintenance work on the regulator must be done by an expert

acquainted with the purpose and the tasks of gas pressure regulating
facilities, with the relevant laws and guidelines.

Warning! Before starting any work on the gas regulating equipment, make sure it is
properly isolated, vented and secured from accidental starting.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
As required Paper filters 1, 2, and 3
As required Filter insert 1, 2, and 3
As required Sealing rings
As required Plastic ring (glued onto filter basket)
As required O-rings
Silicone grease for O-rings

The maintenance interval depends on the service conditions; however, the

maximum pressure drop across the filter must not exceed 0.5 bar.
1 Clean all parts and do a thorough visual inspection.
2 Clean the filter mat or replace it with a new one.
3 Before mounting the O-rings, grease them with silicone grease "400 leict".
silicone grease tube: RMG-stock-nr.: 00 027 081
silicone grease can: RMG-stock-nr.: 00 027 079)
4 Replace damaged seals with new ones.

Fuel gas system

Lubrication oil system

Lubrication oil system

Lube oil transfer pump unit (Mobile) ............................................................................................................4 - 2
Screw pump

Lubrication oil system

Lube oil transfer pump unit (Mobile)

Screw pump
Inspecting and lubricating the pump, 6 Months ..................................................................................4 - 3
In-service inspection of pump - greasing of bearings and cleaning of strainer.
Overhauling the screw pump, 3 Years ................................................................................................4 - 7
A three year overhaul of the pump, including changing rotor bearings and mechanical seals.
Lubrication oil system

Inspecting and lubricating the pump V1

General Information
JobID: wca0316 Type: ACE
Unit: Lube oil transfer pump unit QAA901 Manufacturer: IMO
Component: Screw pump D001

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
6 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 2 component

In-service inspection of pump - greasing of bearings and cleaning of strainer.

Note! When ordering spare parts, please state the complete pump identification
according to its name plate and required spare part set.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
As required Joint kit, for dismantling of the pump, G057
As required Shaft seal, G050

Lubricate the pump and motor ball bearings and check that the pump operates
correctly without excessive leakage, vibrations, or noise.
1 Grease the pump rotor ball bearings, if the pump is provided with external
bearings and grease nipple. The pump should be running during greasing.

Caution! Do not overfill with grease. Overfilling will damage the mechanical seal.

2 Grease the motor bearings, if the motor is provided with grease nipples. The pump
should be running during greasing.

Note! Some motors may have a separate rating plate with information about the
bearings and lubricating intervals. If so, those instructions must be

Lubrication oil system

3 Check the operation of the pump.

a ) Check for reduction in pump performance. If an indication of a worn pump
is noticed, a brief inspection of the idler rotors is recommended.
b ) Check for excessive noise or vibration. If the bearings are too hot or too
noisy, and greasing failed to lower the temperature or reduce the noise, the
bearings should be replaced.
c ) Check for excessive leakage from the shaft seal. As the seal faces of a
mechanical shaft seal are lubricated by the fluid, a certain leakage will
always be present. Ten drops per hour can be considered as acceptable,
while a greater leakage indicates that the seal is worn and must be
replaced. Excessively leaking shaft seals should be replaced without delay,
as the leakage normally will grow worse and there is a risk that liquids with
poor lubrication properties, (such as heavy fuel oil) will wash out the
lubricating grease from the ball bearing and thereby cause additional
If any deficiencies are detected, the pump needs to be overhauled. Check for wear
and replace worn or damaged parts. Whenever the ball bearing is removed, it is
recommended to exchange it for a new one.

Warning! Do not start maintenance work unless power is switched off and physically
disconnected, the inlet and outlet valves and are shut and accidental
opening is prevented, and the device vented to atmospheric pressure.

4 Clean the strainer.

a ) Stop the pump and tag out to avoid accidental start.
b ) Close the inlet and outlet valves.
c ) Ensure that the component is hydraulically isolated and safely vented to
atmospheric pressure.

Warning! Risk for splashing or spill! Wear protective clothing (including safety
glasses). Do not assume that the system is depressurized even when a
pressure gauge indicates zero.

d) Open and clean the strainer. Place a bucket under the strainer to collect

Warning! Contents may be hot! Allow time for temperature to normalize before
starting the work.

e) Refit the strainer with a new gasket.

Lubrication oil system

5 Put the pump back into operation

a ) Open shut off valves.
b ) Prime the pump.
c ) Do a quick start-stop of the pump to check that it has power and that the
rotation is correct. If the power cables were disconnected they may have
been switched so that the motor is rotating in the wrong direction. If that's
the case, two poles must be switched in order to change the direction. This
must be done by an electrician.
d ) Start the pump and check for leakage. A new mechanical shaft seal may
leak slightly more during the first hours of operation.
Re-grease the ball bearings after one hour of operation, while the pump is running.

Lubrication oil system

Lubrication oil system

Overhauling the screw pump V2

General Information
JobID: wca0312 Type: ACE
Unit: Lube oil transfer pump unit QAA901 Manufacturer: IMO
Component: Screw pump D001

Work Information
Type of job: overhaul Work time: 3 Hours
Stop time: 3 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
3 Years Mechanical, On-engine 1 component

A three year overhaul of the pump, including changing rotor bearings and mechanical

Warning! Before any maintenance work, ensure that the driver is de-energized and
the pump hydraulically isolated.

In installations where unplanned shut downs must be avoided, it is advisable to

have a complete pump available for replacement, should any malfunction occur.
As all internal parts of the pump are lubricated by the pumped liquid, the intervals
for inspection and replacement of wear parts vary greatly with the properties of
the pumped liquid and can only be determined by experience.

Note! When ordering spare parts, please state the complete pump identification
according to its name plate and required spare part set.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
1 Joint kit, for dismantling of the pump, G057
1 Shaft seal, G050
As required Rotor set, G012
As required Valve spring, 615

The overhaul of the pump includes checking the operation, inspecting the rotors
and changing rotor bearings and mechanical seals. The motor may need new
bearings or re-greasing.
1 Check the operation of the pump. Wear parts in the pump may be indicated by
vibration, noise, loss of capacity, reduction in flow/pressure, leakage. See also
instruction for Inspecting and lubricating the pump

Lubrication oil system

2 Stop and disable the pump.

a ) Tag out and disconnect power to the pump. This can be done by turning off
and locking the main switch and removing the fuses or disconnecting power
b ) Close the inlet valve and make sure the check valve on the outlet side is
c ) Tag out the valves or remove the handles to prevent accidental opening
during maintenance work.
d ) Place a suitable vessel under the pump and take necessary precautions to
avoid spill.
e ) Relief internal pressure in the pump.

Warning! Risk for splashing or spill! Wear protective clothing (including safety
glasses). Do not assume that the system is depressurized even when a
pressure gauge indicates zero.

3 Dismantle and inspect the pump. Follow the instructions in the dismantling/
reassembly instruction given in the service manual.
a ) Replace the wear parts as necessary.
b ) Change rotor bearings and seals.
c ) Change all O-rings and gaskets.
4 Check the motor bearings and replace/re-grease them if necessary.
5 Put the pump back into operation
a ) Open shut off valves.
b ) Prime the pump.
c ) Do a quick start-stop of the pump to check that it has power and that the
rotation is correct. If the power cables were disconnected they may have
been switched so that the motor is rotating in the wrong direction. If that's
the case, two poles must be switched in order to change the direction. This
must be done by an electrician.
d ) Start the pump and check for leakage. A new mechanical shaft seal may
leak slightly more during the first hours of operation.
Pumps with an external ball bearing including grease nipple, must be re-greased
after one hour of running, while the pump is operating.

Combined system modules

Combined system modules

Pipe module ................................................................................................................................................5 - 2
Prelube pump
Plate heat exchanger
Lube oil filter
Preheater element

Combined system modules

Pipe module

Prelube pump
Inspecting and lubricating the pump, 6 Months ..................................................................................5 - 3
In-service inspection of pump - greasing of bearings and cleaning of strainer.
Overhauling the pump, 3 Years ..........................................................................................................5 - 7
A planned inspection and overhaul of the pump and motor should be made at regular intervals - not
exceeding 3 years.
Plate heat exchanger
Cleaning the heat exchanger, 1 Years ................................................................................................5 - 9
This is a plate heat exchanger and requires periodic cleaning based on the amount of fouling.
Lube oil filter
Maintaining the oil filter, 1 Months ....................................................................................................5 - 11
This oil filter has four chambers and is equipped with a by-pass valve that opens at 2 bars.
Preheater element
Inspecting the electric heater, 1 Years ..............................................................................................5 - 13
Yearly electrical tests and inspection of the gaskets and flange.
Combined system modules

Inspecting and lubricating the pump V1

General Information
JobID: wca0308 Type: ACG/UCG
Unit: Pipe module QEA011 Manufacturer: IMO
Component: Prelube pump D001

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
6 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 2 component

In-service inspection of pump - greasing of bearings and cleaning of strainer.

Note! When ordering spare parts, please state the complete pump identification
according to its name plate and required spare part set.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
As required Joint kit, for dismantling of the pump, G057
As required Shaft seal, G050

Lubricate the pump and motor ball bearings and check that the pump operates
correctly without excessive leakage, vibrations, or noise.
1 Grease the pump rotor ball bearings, if the pump is provided with external
bearings and grease nipple. The pump should be running during greasing.

Caution! Do not overfill with grease. Overfilling will damage the mechanical seal.

2 Grease the motor bearings, if the motor is provided with grease nipples. The pump
should be running during greasing.

Note! Some motors may have a separate rating plate with information about the
bearings and lubricating intervals. If so, those instructions must be

Combined system modules

3 Check the operation of the pump.

a ) Check for reduction in pump performance. If an indication of a worn pump
is noticed, a brief inspection of the idler rotors is recommended.
b ) Check for excessive noise or vibration. If the bearings are too hot or too
noisy, and greasing failed to lower the temperature or reduce the noise, the
bearings should be replaced.
c ) Check for excessive leakage from the shaft seal. As the seal faces of a
mechanical shaft seal are lubricated by the fluid, a certain leakage will
always be present. Ten drops per hour can be considered as acceptable,
while a greater leakage indicates that the seal is worn and must be
replaced. Excessively leaking shaft seals should be replaced without delay,
as the leakage normally will grow worse and there is a risk that liquids with
poor lubrication properties, (such as heavy fuel oil) will wash out the
lubricating grease from the ball bearing and thereby cause additional
If any deficiencies are detected, the pump needs to be overhauled. Check for wear
and replace worn or damaged parts. Whenever the ball bearing is removed, it is
recommended to exchange it for a new one.

Warning! Do not start maintenance work unless power is switched off and physically
disconnected, the inlet and outlet valves and are shut and accidental
opening is prevented, and the device vented to atmospheric pressure.

4 Clean the strainer.

a ) Stop the pump and tag out to avoid accidental start.
b ) Close the inlet and outlet valves.
c ) Ensure that the component is hydraulically isolated and safely vented to
atmospheric pressure.

Warning! Risk for splashing or spill! Wear protective clothing (including safety
glasses). Do not assume that the system is depressurized even when a
pressure gauge indicates zero.

d) Open and clean the strainer. Place a bucket under the strainer to collect

Warning! Contents may be hot! Allow time for temperature to normalize before
starting the work.

e) Refit the strainer with a new gasket.

Combined system modules

5 Put the pump back into operation

a ) Open shut off valves.
b ) Prime the pump.
c ) Do a quick start-stop of the pump to check that it has power and that the
rotation is correct. If the power cables were disconnected they may have
been switched so that the motor is rotating in the wrong direction. If that's
the case, two poles must be switched in order to change the direction. This
must be done by an electrician.
d ) Start the pump and check for leakage. A new mechanical shaft seal may
leak slightly more during the first hours of operation.
Re-grease the ball bearings after one hour of operation, while the pump is running.

Combined system modules

Combined system modules

Overhauling the pump V2

General Information
JobID: wca0309 Type: ACG/UCG
Unit: Pipe module QEA011 Manufacturer: IMO
Component: Prelube pump D001

Work Information
Type of job: overhaul Work time: 4 Hours
Stop time: 4 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
3 Years Mechanical, Off-engine 1 component

A planned inspection and overhaul of the pump and motor should be made at regular
intervals - not exceeding 3 years.

Warning! Before any maintenance work, ensure that the driver is de-energized and
the pump hydraulically isolated.

In installations where unplanned shut downs must be avoided, it is advisable to

have a complete pump available for replacement, should any malfunction occur.
As all internal parts of the pump are lubricated by the pumped liquid, the intervals
for inspection and replacement of wear parts vary greatly with the properties of
the pumped liquid and can only be determined by experience.

Note! When ordering spare parts, please state the complete pump identification
according to its name plate and required spare part set.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
1 Joint kit, for dismantling of the pump, G057
1 Shaft seal, G050
As required Rotor set, G012
As required Valve spring, 615

The overhaul of the pump includes checking the operation, inspecting the rotors
and changing rotor bearings and mechanical seals. The motor may need new
bearings or re-greasing.
1 Check the operation of the pump. Wear parts in the pump may be indicated by
vibration, noise, loss of capacity, reduction in flow/pressure, leakage. See also
instruction for Inspecting and lubricating the pump

Combined system modules

2 Stop and disable the pump.

a ) Tag out and disconnect power to the pump. This can be done by turning off
and locking the main switch and removing the fuses or disconnecting power
b ) Close the inlet valve and make sure the check valve on the outlet side is
c ) Tag out the valves or remove the handles to prevent accidental opening
during maintenance work.
d ) Place a suitable vessel under the pump and take necessary precautions to
avoid spill.
e ) Relief internal pressure in the pump.

Warning! Risk for splashing or spill! Wear protective clothing (including safety
glasses). Do not assume that the system is depressurized even when a
pressure gauge indicates zero.

3 Dismantle and inspect the pump. Follow the instructions in the dismantling/
reassembly instruction given in the service manual.
a ) Replace the wear parts as necessary.
b ) Change rotor bearings and seals.
c ) Change all O-rings and gaskets.
4 Check the motor bearings and replace/re-grease them if necessary.
5 Put the pump back into operation
a ) Open shut off valves.
b ) Prime the pump.
c ) Do a quick start-stop of the pump to check that it has power and that the
rotation is correct. If the power cables were disconnected they may have
been switched so that the motor is rotating in the wrong direction. If that's
the case, two poles must be switched in order to change the direction. This
must be done by an electrician.
d ) Start the pump and check for leakage. A new mechanical shaft seal may
leak slightly more during the first hours of operation.
Pumps with an external ball bearing including grease nipple, must be re-greased
after one hour of running, while the pump is operating.
Combined system modules

Cleaning the heat exchanger V1

General Information
JobID: wca0333 Type: M
Unit: Pipe module QEA011 Manufacturer: Alfa Laval
Component: Plate heat exchanger B001

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time:
Stop time:
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years Mechanical, Off-engine 1 component

This is a plate heat exchanger and requires periodic cleaning based on the amount of
When ordering plates and gaskets, state the serial numbers of the plates and the
type and serial number of the heat exchanger.
Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
As required Gaskets

Required tools
Code Description Illustration
Circulation pump for detergent (Cleaning-in-

Clean the heat exchanger at least every year. The cleaning must also be done if
there is a drop in output pressure or temperature.
1 Check the history of the temperature and pressure drop to determine the need for
2 Inspect the heat exchanger for signs of leakage or damage.
3 Shut down and clean the heat exchanger (if needed).
a ) Cool the heat exchanger to below 40 degrees C.
b ) Let the pump recirculate and lower the temperature of the cooling water.

Caution! The temperature drop must not be greater than 10 degrees per minute and
the pressure drop must not be greater than 10 bar per minute.

c) Unless severe fouling is suspected, clean the heat exchanger in place (CIP)
without separating the frame.
d) Refer to the manufacturer's manual for CIP cleaning and for the detergent

Caution! Do not use chlorine-containing agents (such as HCl).

Combined system modules

4 If further cleaning is needed, follow the manufacturer's instructions for separating

the plates and cleaning.

Note! The manufacturer's manual contains cleaning instructions for different

types of fouling.

5 When the cleaning is completed, follow the manufacturer's instructions for

removing and replacing the gaskets.
6 Follow the manufacturer's instructions for assembling the heat exchanger.
7 Start the heat exchanger again by following the manufacturer's instructions for
5 - 10
Combined system modules

Maintaining the oil filter V1

General Information
JobID: wca0334 Type: FFP-32040
Unit: Pipe module QEA011 Manufacturer: Finn-Filter
Component: Lube oil filter B003

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 4 Hours
Stop time:
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 4 component

This oil filter has four chambers and is equipped with a by-pass valve that opens at 2 bars.

Note! For a complete list of spare parts, refer to the manufacturer's spare parts
list for this filter.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
As required O-rings
As required Filter Cartridges
As required Wire mesh element (safety element)

Inspect and clean the filter. Replace parts when needed

1 Close the oil to the filter tank in service.
You can see the operation of the valve from the operation position shield.
2 Open the drain plug at the bottom of the filter tank and let the oil flow out.

Caution! Collect the oil in a suitable container.

3 Open the air vent screw to release the pressure in the filter tank.
The vent screw is located on the cap.
4 Remove the filter elements.
a ) Remove the nuts for the tank cap and remove the cover.
b ) Remove the nut on the top of the centre rod in the tank.
c ) Disconnect the holder cap and lift it off from the tank.
d ) Lift of the outer filter cartridges and the flange.
e ) Remove the inner wire mesh safety element.
5 Replace the filter cartridges with new ones.
6 Clean the elements with detergent or ultrasonic washing machine.
7 Check the element for damages and replace it with a new element, if necessary.
8 Lift off the bottom plates and springs along the centre rod.
9 Clean the tank, the tank cap, and the bottom plates.

5 - 11
Combined system modules

10 Inspect the O-rings and replace them with new O-rings if necessary.
The O-rings are for the following locations:
● Tank top
● Holder cap
● Bottom plates
● Safety elements
Oil the O-rings and the contact surface before assembly.
11 Assemble the filter in the opposite order.
12 Fill the filter chamber.
a ) Leave the air vent screw slightly open and let incoming flow to fill the housing
while the slow filling port is in the FILL-position.
This slow filling valve is located inside the valve spool. It enables pressure
balancing between housings.
The chamber is full when there is only oil coming out from the top of the
b ) Close the air vent screw.
c ) Open the valve spool and then close the slow filling valve by turning to the
“CLOSED” position.
13 Check that there is no leakage.

Note! Do the same service for the other filter chambers.

14 Dispose of the used filter elements properly.

5 - 12
Combined system modules

Inspecting the electric heater V1

General Information
JobID: wca0342 Type: 1REBT
Unit: Pipe module QEA011 Manufacturer: RICA
Component: Preheater element B004

Work Information
Type of job: test Work time: 5 Hours
Stop time: 5 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years electrician 5 component
Mechanical, Off-engine 1 component

Yearly electrical tests and inspection of the gaskets and flange.

Warning! Before performing any kind of maintenance or testing operation,

disconnect the heater and wait until the heater cools down.

Warning! The feeding cables must always be disconnected before making any
maintenance or testing is performed on the heater.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
1REPBT09--- As required Complete heater
1REBZP91--- As required Heating elements
71020700 As required Safety thermostat
71020690 As required Regulation thermostat
70270051 As required Terminal board (16 mm2)
70270011 As required Terminal board (2.5 mm2)

Inspect the gaskets and flanges. Perform the electrical tests.

1 Verify the correct closing of the flanges and the tightness of all the gaskets.
2 Test the electrical continuity between the phases (check that the ohmic value is

Warning! Before performing any electrical test, ensure that the power has been cut
and that the heater feeding cable has been disconnected from the electrical

a) For a single-phase connection, check that the ohmic value corresponds to

the nominal value.
3 Perform the insulation test.
a ) Apply 500 V a.c.. between the phases and the earth. Check that the
insulation resistance is greater than 10 MOhm.
4 Perform a dielectric strength test by applying 1500 V a.c. between the clamps and
the earth for one minute .

5 - 13
Combined system modules

5 If any of the previous tests failed, open the electrical cable housing and do the
a ) Disconnect the feeding cables coming from the terminal board.
b ) Inspect the cables and connection bonds.
c ) Check especially for cracks in the insulation.
d ) Replace the cables and connections with new parts if they are faulty.
6 If the cables or connections are replaced with new parts, repeat the electrical
conductivity, insulation, and dielectric strength tests.
7 If any of the repeated test failed, do the following:
a ) Open the protection cover and check the integrity of the electrical
b ) Disconnect the feeding cables coming from the terminal board.
c ) Repeat the electrical continuity test between the disconnected feeding
cables in order to check the integrity.
d ) Mark the faulty heating elements and disconnect them 3 at a time to keep
the load balanced, provided that the power is sufficient for the operation.
e ) If the power is not enough, the entire bundle must be replaced.
8 Reassemble all disconnected items.
9 Visually inspect the gaskets.
10 Refer to the OEM manual and follow the instructions for startup.

5 - 14
Compressed air system

Compressed air system

Working on the compressed air system ......................................................................................................6 - 2
Instrument and working air unit ...................................................................................................................6 - 3
Starting air unit ..........................................................................................................................................6 - 16
Starting air compressor
Starting air vessel ......................................................................................................................................6 - 23
Inspecting the start air vessel (4 year)
Inspecting the start air vessel (8 year)

Compressed air system

Working on the compressed air system V2

General notes for compressed air system maintenance

The compressed air system provides each engine with compressed air needed
for starting (max. 30 bar). It also supplies air for maintenance and cleaning
purposes and instrument control air (max. 7 bar).

Caution! Sufficient supply of control air is vital to an engine in operation. Therefore

the air supply to the engine shall never be closed when the engine is
running. Lack of control air will cause a great risk of engine overspeed,
which may result severe damage to the engine and/or generator.

Warning! Never use compressed air to blow clean your working clothes or any part
of your body. To do so is to risk your life! Air may enter your bloodstream.

Warning! Before starting to work on, or opening up, any part of the compressed air
system, make sure that it is not pressurized.

Attention Use proper blow guns and eye protection when using compressed air for
! cleaning purposes.

Compressed air system

Instrument and working air unit

Inspecting the air compressor (1500 h), 1500 Hours ..........................................................................6 - 5
Inspect the air compressor and change oil and oil filter.
Inspecting the air compressor (annual), 1 Years ................................................................................6 - 7
Inspect and maintain the air compressor and check safety valves.
Inspecting the air compressor (3000 h), 3000 Hours ..........................................................................6 - 9
Inspect the air compressor and change oil separator element.
Cleaning the instrument air dryer, 1 Months .....................................................................................6 - 11
The ambient air filter is cleaned monthly.
Inspecting the instrument air dryer, 3 Months ...................................................................................6 - 13
The inlet strainer is cleaned every three months.
Maintaining the instrument air dryer, 1 Years ...................................................................................6 - 15
Annual maintenance includes checking the set points and replacing filter cartridges.
Compressed air system

Compressed air system

Inspecting the air compressor (1500 h) V2

General Information
JobID: 209 Type: WD
Unit: Instrument and working air unit TCA901 Manufacturer: Tamrotor
Component: Compressor D01

Work Information
Type of job: Overhaul Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 4 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1500 Hours Mechanical, On-engine 1 2 component

Inspect the air compressor and change oil and oil filter.

Warning! The oil is hot after compressor stops.

Warning! Do not remove the filter plug when the oil separator is under pressure.

Note! The air filter cannot be reused.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
TAM-855 886 19 1 Oil Filter
TAM-897 866 29 1 Air Filter

Change the oil, oil filter and replace the air filter.
1 Stop the compressor operation.
a ) Stop the compressor and wait until the oil separator exhaust is complete
(approximately 2 minutes).
b ) Switch off the compressor with the main switch and make sure the
compressor can not be started unintentionally.
c ) Close the shut-off valve between compressor and the compressed air
d ) Close the drain valve.
e ) Release the pressure from the cooler:
1 Open the valve carefully until no pressure remains.
2 Open the safety valve cap for 4-5 turns.
2 Change the oil.
a ) Run the compressor until the oil temperature is + 40…50 C before changing
b ) Change the oil life setting in the electronic control unit, if necessary
(recommended setting: 1500 h).

Compressed air system

3 Replace the oil filter.

a ) Change the filter life setting in the electronic control unit, if necessary
(recommended setting: 1500 h).
4 Replace the air filter.

Caution! Make sure no impurities or dirt get in through the open valve, as they could
cause damage to the air end.

5 Clean cooler by directing jets of pressurized air inside.

Note! For a more effective cleaning, brush the underside of the cooler, but do
NOT use a metal wire brush.

6 Check tightness of the contactors and motor cables.

● Close the safety valve.
● Install the strainer and leave the valve open.
● Open the shut-off valve between compressor and compressed-air system.
● Start the compressor.

Compressed air system

Inspecting the air compressor (annual) V2

General Information
JobID: 210 Type: WD
Unit: Instrument and working air unit TCA901 Manufacturer: Tamrotor
Component: Compressor D01

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 16 Hours
Stop time: 16 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years Mechanical, On-engine 1 16 component

Inspect and maintain the air compressor and check safety valves.

Warning! The oil is hot after compressor stops.

Warning! Do not remove the filter plug when the oil separator is under pressure.

Note! The air filter cannot be reused.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
TAM-855 886 19 1 Oil Filter
TAM-897 866 29 1 Air Filter
TAM-033 890 10 1 Intake valves seal kits
TAM-033 892 70 1 Output valves seal kits

The annual maintenance of the unit includes oil changes, testing of safety
functions and checking the general condition of the unit.
1 Stop the compressor operation.
a ) Stop the compressor and wait until the oil separator exhaust is complete
(approximately 2 minutes).
b ) Switch off the compressor with the main switch and make sure the
compressor can not be started unintentionally.
c ) Close the shut-off valve between compressor and the compressed air
d ) Close the drain valve.
e ) Release the pressure from the cooler:
1 Open the valve carefully until no pressure remains.
2 Open the safety valve cap for 4-5 turns.

Compressed air system

2 Change the oil.

a ) Run the compressor until the oil temperature is + 40…50 C before changing
b ) Change the oil life setting in the electronic control unit, if necessary
(recommended setting: 1500 h).
3 Replace the oil filter.
a ) Change the filter life setting in the electronic control unit, if necessary
(recommended setting: 1500 h).
4 Test the safety valves.
5 Replace the intake and output valves seal kits.
6 Check and retighten screws and connecting pieces (motor, air end).
7 Check the tightness of contactors and motor cables.
● Close the safety valve.
● Install the strainer and leave the valve open.
● Open the shut-off valve between compressor and compressed-air system.
● Start the compressor.

Compressed air system

Inspecting the air compressor (3000 h) V3

General Information
JobID: 208 Type: WD
Unit: Instrument and working air unit TCA901 Manufacturer: Tamrotor
Component: Compressor D01

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 4 Hours
Stop time: 4 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
3000 Hours Mechanical, On-engine 1 4 component

Inspect the air compressor and change oil separator element.

Warning! The oil is hot after compressor stops.

Warning! Do not remove the filter plug when the oil separator is under pressure.

Note! The air filter cannot be reused.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
TAM-035 822 28 1 Oil Separator Element

Clean and replace the compressor wear parts.

1 Stop the compressor operation.
a ) Stop the compressor and wait until the oil separator exhaust is complete
(approximately 2 minutes).
b ) Switch off the compressor with the main switch and make sure the
compressor can not be started unintentionally.
c ) Close the shut-off valve between compressor and the compressed air
d ) Close the drain valve.
e ) Release the pressure from the cooler:
1 Open the valve carefully until no pressure remains.
2 Open the safety valve cap for 4-5 turns.

Compressed air system

2 Replace oil separator element (allow compressor to cool down before

a ) Remove output control valve and the oil separator element.
b ) Clean the output control valve and contact surfaces for the oil separator.
c ) Clean the orifices in the hose ends.
d ) Clean the strainer and, if necessary, the oil separator element
e ) Lubricate the O-ring of the oil separator and mount a new element.
f ) Replace the O-ring between oil separator and output control valve.
g ) Replace the seals for the output control valve with a new set.

Note! When assembling the valve leave the nut about 2 mm off the valve cover.

3 Clean the return pipe strainer and orifice.

4 Change the oil separator life setting the electronic unit, if necessary
(recommended setting: 3000 h).
● Close the safety valve.
● Install the strainer and leave the valve open.
● Open the shut-off valve between compressor and compressed-air system.
● Start the compressor.
6 - 10
Compressed air system

Cleaning the instrument air dryer V2

General Information
JobID: 267 Type: HIT
Unit: Instrument and working air unit TCA901 Manufacturer: Hankison
Component: Dryer D02

Work Information
Type of job: Wash/Clean Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 1 component

The ambient air filter is cleaned monthly.

Clean the ambient air filter.
1 Clean accumulated dust and dirt from ambient air filter.
a ) Remove the ambient air filter.
b ) Wash with soap and water and allow the filter to dry before installing.

Caution! Do not use solvents to clean the ambient air filter,

6 - 11
Compressed air system

6 - 12
Compressed air system

Inspecting the instrument air dryer V3

General Information
JobID: wca0268 Type: HIT
Unit: Instrument and working air unit TCA901 Manufacturer: Hankison
Component: Dryer D02

Work Information
Type of job: Overhaul Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
3 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 1 component

The inlet strainer is cleaned every three months.

Warning! The compressed-air system of the refrigerated compressed air dryer must
be depressurised.

Clean the inlet strainer.

1 Clean the inlet strainer.

6 - 13
Compressed air system

6 - 14
Compressed air system

Maintaining the instrument air dryer V2

General Information
JobID: wca0269 Type: HIT
Unit: Instrument and working air unit TCA901 Manufacturer: Hankison
Component: Dryer D02

Work Information
Type of job: Overhaul Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 2 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years Mechanical, Off-engine 1 2 component

Annual maintenance includes checking the set points and replacing filter cartridges.

Required spareparts
1 Maintenance kit

Check the set parameters and replace the filter cartridge.

1 Check the set parameters.
For settings, see the OEM instructions.
2 Replace the filter cartridge in the condensate separator.

Warning! For this purpose, the compressed-air system of the refrigerated

compressed air dryer must be depressurised.

a) Switch off the dryer.

b) Open the bypass between compressed air inlet and outlet.
c) Close the shut-off devices in the compressed-air inlet and outlet.
d) Depressurize the system through the automatic condensate discharger.
e) Remove the discharger cartridges and replace with new cartridges.

6 - 15
Compressed air system

Starting air unit

Starting air compressor
Inspecting the start air compressor, 1000 Hours ..............................................................................6 - 17
This is a 1000 hour inspection - including valve overhaul and oil change.
Overhauling the start air compressor, 5000 Hours ...........................................................................6 - 19
This is a 5000 hour general overhaul of the air compressor.
Overhauling the start air compressor, 10000 Hours .........................................................................6 - 21
This is a 10,000 hour overhaul replacing the 5000 hour and 1000 hour service
6 - 16
Compressed air system

Inspecting the start air compressor V2

General Information
JobID: 229 Type: HL2/120
Unit: Starting air unit TSA901 Manufacturer: Sperre
Component: Starting air compressor D001, D002

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 4 Hours
Stop time: 4 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1000 Hours Mechanical, On-engine 1 4 component
2 Years

This is a 1000 hour inspection - including valve overhaul and oil change.

Note! Make sure that overhaul kit no. 3038MK2 and 3035MK2 are in stock before
starting overhaul of compressor according to 1000 hour service. Follow the
installation instructions included in the kit.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
SPE-3038MK2 1 Overhaul kit (valve springs, plates and
SPE-3035MK2 1 Overhaul kit (valve springs, plates and

Replace lube oil, overhaul valves and check the system.

1 Replace the lubricating oil.
2 Overhaul the valves.
a ) Remove the valves from both cylinders. Check for carbon deposits. Use the
valve overhaul kits to overhaul the valves. All valve gaskets should be
replaced with new parts before assembly.
3 Inspect the flexible coupling between the compressor and motor.
4 Check all bolts and nuts for proper tightness.
a ) Check vibration dampers and hose connections if the unit is flexibly
b ) Check that no oil has come in contact with the rubber elements in the
vibration dampers.
5 Function test the safety valve.
a ) Start the compressor, and slowly close the stop valve on the compressed
air line. The air pressure should not exceed 10% of the maximum working
b ) If the valves are malfunctioning or open at wrong pressure, the safety valves
should be replaced.

Caution! The safety valves are sealed and the setting should not be adjusted.

6 Check all pipe connections (with the compressor running).

6 - 17
Compressed air system

7 Check that all automatic equipment is functioning correctly.

8 Clean the suction air filter.

6 - 18
Compressed air system

Overhauling the start air compressor V2

General Information
JobID: 212 Type: HL2/120
Unit: Starting air unit TSA901 Manufacturer: Sperre
Component: Starting air compressor D001, D002

Work Information
Type of job: overhaul Work time: 8 Hours
Stop time: 8 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
5000 Hours Mechanical, On-engine 1 8 component

This is a 5000 hour general overhaul of the air compressor.

Note! Make sure that overhaul kit no. 7937 is in stock before starting the overhaul
of compressor according to 5.000 hour service. Follow installation
instructions included in the kit.

Attention This routine replaces the 1000 hour inspection.


Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
SPE-7937 1 Overhaul kit - 5000 hour maintenance
SPE-3035MK2 1 Overhaul kit (valve springs, plates and
SPE-3038MK2 1 Overhaul kit (valve springs, plates and

General maintenance of compressor, which replaces the 1000 hour inspection.

1 Change lubricating oil.
2 Overhaul valves.
a ) Remove the valves from both cylinders.
b ) Check for carbon deposits.
c ) Use the valve overhaul kits to overhaul the valves.

Note! Replace all valve gaskets with new parts.

3 Replace the flexible coupling between the compressor and motor.

4 Check all bolts and nuts for proper tightness.
5 Check the vibration dampers and hose connections if the unit is flexibly mounted.
6 Check that no oil has come in contact with the rubber elements in the vibration

6 - 19
Compressed air system

7 Function test the safety valve.

a ) Start the compressor and slowly close the stop valve on the compressed
air line. If the valves are malfunctioning or open at wrong pressure, the
safety valves should be replaced.

Caution! The air pressure should not exceed the maximum working pressure + 10%.

b) Replace the safety valve if it is malfunctioning or opens at the wrong


Note! The safety valves are sealed and the setting should not be adjusted.

8 Clean suction air filter.

9 Remove the compressors cooler tubes and clean the outside and inside.
a ) Spray the outside with a good grease solvent, and wash with warm water.
b ) Clean the inside by letting the cooler tube soak in a bath of carbon remover,
and then flushing the tube with warm water.

Caution! Make sure that cleaning products are suitable for copper tubes.

10 Remove cylinders, pistons and connecting rods.

a ) Inspect cylinder walls and pistons. Replace the piston rings (use a piston
ring expander tool to fit the rings on the piston). Clean all parts.
b ) Replace gudgeon pins with bearings and crank bearings.
c ) Rotate the shaft by hand, and check that the main bearings are rotating
smoothly and without any signs of excessive wear.

Note! Use the overhaul kit for the 5000 hour maintenance.

11 If the compressor engine is an electric motor, inspect it.

a ) Check that the motor is clean and ensure free ventilation airflow.
b ) Check the condition of shaft seals (eg V-ring) and replace if necessary.
c ) Check the condition of connections and mounting and assembly bolts.
d ) Check the bearing condition by listening for unusual noise, vibration
measurement, bearing temperature, inspection of spent grease or SPM
bearing monitoring.
12 Check all pipe connections (with the compressor running).
13 Check that all automatic equipment is functioning correctly.

6 - 20
Compressed air system

Overhauling the start air compressor V3

General Information
JobID: 231 Type: HL2/120
Unit: Starting air unit TSA901 Manufacturer: Sperre
Component: Starting air compressor D001, D002

Work Information
Type of job: overhaul Work time: 16 Hours
Stop time: 16 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
10000 Hours Mechanical, On-engine 1 16 component

This is a 10,000 hour overhaul replacing the 5000 hour and 1000 hour service
Make sure that overhaul kits are in stock before starting the overhaul of the
compressor according to 10.000 hour service. Follow the installation instructions
included in the kit.

Note! This routine replaces the 1000- and 5000-hour inspections

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description
SPE-7967 1 Overhaul kit - 10,000 hour maintenance
SPE-3035MK2 1 Overhaul kit (valve springs, plates and
SPE-3038MK2 1 Overhaul kit (valve springs, plates and
SPE-3035MK 1 Overhaul kit (valve and necessary copper
rings and/or gaskets)
SPE-3038MK 1 Overhaul kit (valve and necessary copper
rings and/or gaskets)

Overhauling the start air compressor.

1 Change lubricating oil.
2 Replace the LP and HP valves.
a ) Use the valve overhaul kits. All valve gaskets should be replaced with new
parts at assembly.
3 Replace the flexible coupling between compressor and motor.
4 Check all bolts and nuts for proper tightness.
a ) Also check vibration dampers and hose connections if the unit is flexibly
mounted. Check that no oil has come in contact with the rubber elements
in the vibration dampers.

6 - 21
Compressed air system

5 Function test the safety valve.

a ) Start the compressor, and slowly close the stop valve on the compressed
air line. If the valves are malfunctioning or open at wrong pressure, the
safety valves should be replaced.

Caution! The air pressure should not exceed the maximum working pressure + 10%.

b) Replace the safety valve if it is malfunctioning or opens at the wrong


Note! The safety valves are sealed and the setting should not be adjusted.

6 Check all pipe connections (with the compressor running).

7 Check that all automatic equipment is functioning correctly.
8 Clean the suction air filter, or replace the filter cartridge where possible. Replace
the crank case breather valve.
9 Remove the compressors cooler tubes and clean the outside and inside.
a ) Spray the outside with a good grease solvent, and wash clean with warm
water. The inside is cleaned by letting the cooler tube soak in a bath of
carbon remover, and then flushing the tube with warm water.

Caution! Make sure that cleaning products are suitable for copper tubes.

10 Inspect the cylinder walls and pistons.

a ) Remove cylinders, pistons and connecting rods.
b ) Replace the piston rings (use a piston ring expander tool to fit the rings on
the piston).
c ) Clean all parts.
d ) Inspect the cylinder walls and pistons.
e ) Replace gudgeon pins that have bearings, crank bearings and main

Note! Use overhaul kit for the 10,000 maintenance.

11 If the compressor engine is an electric motor, inspect it.

a ) Keep the machine clean and ensure free ventilation airflow.
b ) Check the condition of shaft seals (eg V-ring) and replace if necessary.
c ) Check the condition of connections and mounting and assembly bolts.
d ) Check the bearing condition by listening for unusual noise, vibration
measurement, bearing temperature, inspection of spent grease or SPM
bearing monitoring.

6 - 22
Compressed air system

Starting air vessel

Inspecting the start air vessel (4 year)
Inspecting the start air vessel (8 year)
General Information
JobID: 206 Type: 125L - 3000L
Unit: Compressed air system Manufacturer: Uwira
Component: Starting air vessel TSB901

Work Information
Type of job: check_job Work time:
Stop time:
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
4 Years O&M Supervisor 1 component

An internal inspection is done at least every four years.

Note! For specific spare parts numbers, refer to the component drawings. Use
only original spare parts.

Remove the valve head and flanges and carefully inspect the inside of the vessel.
1 Secure the vessel from the compressed air source.
2 Drain the vessel of compressed air.

Warning! Improper release of compressed air can be hazardous. Only personnel

who have been trained in the correct procedures should drain this vessel.

3 Remove the valve head and flanges.

This provides access for the internal inspection.
4 Inspect the inner surface of the vessel.
5 Carefully make a visual inspection of all welding joints.
Additional inspections can be made by ultrasonic, dye penetrant, or X-ray testing.
6 Install the valve head and flanges. Use new gaskets for all flange connections.
General Information
JobID: 207 Type: 125L - 3000L
Unit: Compressed air system Manufacturer: Uwira
Component: Starting air vessel TSB901

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time:
Stop time:

6 - 23
Compressed air system

Work Information
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
8 Years O&M Supervisor 1 component

A full inspection is done at least every eight years.

Note! For specific spare parts numbers, refer to the component drawings. Use
only original spare parts.

Perform a pressure test, inspect the inside of the vessel and check the equipment
and gauges.
1 Secure the vessel from the compressed air source.
2 Drain the vessel of compressed air

Warning! Improper release of compressed air can be hazardous. Only personnel

who have been trained in the correct procedures should drain this vessel.

3 Perform a hydraulic pressure test using at least 1,43 times the maximum working
Follow recommended hydraulic test procedures for this test.
4 Inspect the inside of the vessel.
a ) Remove the valve head and flanges. This provides access for the internal
b ) Inspect the inner surface of the vessel.
c ) Carefully make a visual inspect all welding joints. Additional inspections can
be made by ultrasonic, dye penetrant, or X-ray testing.
d ) Install the valve head and flanges. Use new gaskets for all flange
5 Check the condition of the tank supports and possible additional support
6 Perform an operation test
Check that all equipment and gauges are working properly.

6 - 24
Cooling system

Cooling system

Maintenance water tank ..............................................................................................................................7 - 2
Water pump
External cooling devices .............................................................................................................................7 - 4

Cooling system

Maintenance water tank

Water pump
Inspecting the water pump bearings, 6 Months ..................................................................................7 - 3
Inspection of water pump bearings.
Cooling system

Inspecting the water pump bearings V2

General Information
JobID: wca0326 Type: Water pump
Unit: Maintenance water tank VBA901 Manufacturer: MAKO
Component: Water pump D001

Work Information
Type of job: check_job Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
6 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 1 component

Inspection of water pump bearings.

Warning! Before servicing, disconnect the pump from the electrical supply and make
sure that it cannot be started accidentally.

Check the operation of the pump and motor.

1 Check the temperature of pump and electric motor bearings; change if necessary.
2 Check the noise of pump and electric motor bearings, change if necessary.
3 Check for leakages. The seal must be allowed to leak at the rate of 2 - 3 drops
per minute.
4 Inspect the coupling.
a ) Turn the couplings in different directions by hand. The movement between
the couplings should not be greater than 2-3 mm.
b ) Check the alignment of the coupling. The gaps between the coupling halves
should be 2-3 mm all around the rim.

Cooling system

External cooling devices

Inspecting the radiator, 1 Months ........................................................................................................7 - 5
The radiator for the cooling water system is inspected monthly.
Cooling system

Inspecting the radiator V2

General Information
JobID: 132 Type: FBLGE
Unit: External cooling devices Manufacturer: FINCOIL
Component: Radiator VCA011, VCA012

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 2 component

The radiator for the cooling water system is inspected monthly.

Check the condition of the fans and heat transfer section, lubricate bearings if
1 Check the condition of the motors and fans.
a ) Check for noise or vibrations.
This may be caused by a damaged bearing or by a damaged fan.
b ) If the bearings make a rustling noise, either the electric motor or its bearings
shall be replaced.
c ) Lubricate the bearings if needed.
The normal lubrication period is 15 000 – 30 000 hours. Grease amount and
type are given in the manufacturer's instructions. If you use some other
grease, check the compatibility!
The bearings should be greased when the motor is in operation.

Caution! Do not over grease the bearings.

d ) Check the condition of the electrical insulation.

e ) Check the bolts holding the drive arrangement.
Other components (blade, motor bracket, fan guard) do not require any

Cooling system

2 Check the condition of the heat transfer section and clean, if necessary.

Note! The heat transfer section needs cleaning only if over 30% of fin space is
blocked-up or if the cooling capacity is remarkably reduced.

Caution! Ensure that the cleaning does not damage the heat transfer section.

a) Remove dust gathered on the fins of the heat transfer section.

Dust gathered on the fins of the heat transfer section can be removed with
a vacuum cleaner on the side of incoming air, or be blown off by means of
compressed air inside the equipment.
b) If needed, wash the fins with water.
Wash the fins by running fresh water in the side of the discharge air. Do not
use too strong of water jet. Direct the water parallel to the fins in order not
to bend them.
c) If the other cleaning steps are not sufficient, clean with a detergent.

Caution! Don’t use alkaline detergents or acids. The detergent has to be suitable for
aluminium, copper and galvanized steel. See manufacturer's

Charge air and exhaust gas system

Charge air and exhaust gas system

Exhaust gas silencer ...................................................................................................................................8 - 2
Charge air filter ............................................................................................................................................8 - 4
Charge air silencer ......................................................................................................................................8 - 8

Charge air and exhaust gas system

Exhaust gas silencer

Inspecting the exhaust gas silencer, 4000 Hours ...............................................................................8 - 3
Check spark arrestors, if applicable.
Charge air and exhaust gas system

Inspecting the exhaust gas silencer V1

General Information
JobID: 205 Type: RI-P-CWAEXG
NS1300 / 45 dB(A)
Unit: Exhaust gas silencer NHA011 Manufacturer: JTK-POWER
Component: Silencer B005

Work Information
Type of job: Wash/Clean Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
4000 Hours Mechanical, On-engine 1 1 component
6 Months

Check spark arrestors, if applicable.

If the exhaust gas silencer has spark arrestors, they need service.
1 Grease the threads of the discharge socket and cap with heat-proof graphite
lubricating oil when the spark box is being discharged.
2 Clean the spark box.

Charge air and exhaust gas system

Charge air filter

Removing sludge from the filter, 1 Months .........................................................................................8 - 5
Remove sludge from the charge air filter every month.
Inspecting the MultiDuty filter, 6 Months .............................................................................................8 - 7
The inspection includes checking of timer and testing the condition of the viscosine oil.
Charge air and exhaust gas system

Removing sludge from the filter V3

General Information
JobID: 023 Type: MultiDuty
Unit: Charge air filter NGA011, NGA012 Manufacturer: AAF
Component: Filter

Work Information
Type of job: Wash/Clean Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 0 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 1 component

Remove sludge from the charge air filter every month.

Required spareparts
Spcode Qty Description

Required tools
Code Description
Sludge scraper

Remove sludge and add Viscosine if needed.

Note! When filling with new viscosine, make sure that there is no sludge left at
the bottom of the viscosine oil tank.

1 Remove sludge with the sludge scraper and pan.

2 Fill Viscosine tank to the level mark. Viscosine type is indicated on the guarantee

Charge air and exhaust gas system

Charge air and exhaust gas system

Inspecting the MultiDuty filter V2

General Information
JobID: 022 Type: Multiduty
Unit: Charge air filter NGA011, NGA012 Manufacturer: AAF
Component: Filter

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 0 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
6 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 2 component

The inspection includes checking of timer and testing the condition of the viscosine oil.
Check the timer and take a viscosine sample.
1 Check if the timer works properly. The filter is equipped with a timer which
operates the curtain at 15 minutes intervals so that the filter curtain makes a
complete revolution in 24 hours.
2 Take a viscosine sample from the tank.
a ) Put the sample into a graduated glass around 1 litre.
b ) Let the viscosine settle for 48 hours.
c ) If sludge deposit is above or equal to ¼ of oil height, replace viscosine.

Charge air and exhaust gas system

Charge air silencer

Inspecting the charge air silencer, 3 Months ......................................................................................8 - 9
Remove condensation water from the silencer.
Charge air and exhaust gas system

Inspecting the charge air silencer V1

General Information
JobID: 204 Type: SCAS.
Unit: Charge air silencer NGA010 Manufacturer: JTK-POWER
Component: Silencer B003, B004

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 0 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
3 Months Mechanical, Off-engine 1 1 component

Remove condensation water from the silencer.

Note! The standard model charge air silencers are maintenance-free.

Check for condensation water.

1 Check that no condensation water has remained in the charge air silencer.
a ) Open and clean all blocked condensation water outlets, if needed.

Charge air and exhaust gas system

8 - 10
Electrical system

Electrical system

LV-switchgear .............................................................................................................................................9 - 2
Frequency converter ...................................................................................................................................9 - 5
Step-up transformer ....................................................................................................................................9 - 8
Auxiliary transformer .................................................................................................................................9 - 10
DC-system ................................................................................................................................................9 - 12

Electrical system


Inspecting the LV switchgear, 1 Years ................................................................................................9 - 3
The thoroughness and frequency of the inspection depends on the age of the equipment and the local
conditions that may cause failures.
Electrical system

Inspecting the LV switchgear V1

General Information
JobID: wca349 Type: KKBU
Unit: LV-switchgear BFA901 Manufacturer: ELKAMO
Component: Switchgear

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 4 Hours
Stop time: 4 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years electrician 4 component

The thoroughness and frequency of the inspection depends on the age of the equipment
and the local conditions that may cause failures.
When ordering service or spare parts, the following information (from the technical
data plate) must be given:
● type of switchgear
● production number
● nominal current
● nominal voltage
● thermic resistance against short circuit
● dynamic resistance against short circuit
● protection class
Required tools
Code Description
Equipment for thermophotography

Inspect and clean the switchgear. Test the air gaps after each coupling
1 Inspect the internal groundings to ensure that they prescribe to actual
The checkpoints include all couplings, grounding of measurement transformers
and condition of the groundings.
2 Tighten the joints of row and instrument couplings in all alarm and protection
3 Check the service points for the instruments.
Refer to the specific user instructions for more information.
4 Inspect the costruction of the switchgear: protection class and contact shields.
5 Inspect the cable conditions and markings.
6 Clean the switchgear.

Warning! The switchgear must not contain any electrical current while it is being

A vacuum cleaner can be used for dusting. Plastic parts can be washed with
water, alcohol or benzine.
7 The busbar couplings should be thermophotographed once a year.

Electrical system

8 Test the air gaps after each coupling installation.

The voltage-tested minimum gaps are:

Voltage / V Air gap / mm

400 4
500 6
690 8

Electrical system

Frequency converter

Checking the frequency converter, 1 Years ........................................................................................9 - 7
These tasks should be done when necessary and at least annually.
Electrical system

Electrical system

Checking the frequency converter V1

General Information
JobID: 0139 Type: NX
Unit: Frequency converter BLP011 Manufacturer: Vacon
Component: Converter

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 1 Hours
Stop time: 1 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years electrician 1 1 component

These tasks should be done when necessary and at least annually.

Warning! The components of the power unit of the frequency converter are live when
Vacon NX is connected to mains potential. Coming into contact with this
voltage is extremely dangerous and may cause death or severe injury.

Warning! The motor terminals U, V, W and the DC-link/brake resistor terminals are
live when Vacon NX is connected to mains, even if the motor is not running.

Warning! After disconnecting the frequency converter from the mains, wait until the
fan stops and the indicators on the keypad go out (if no keypad is attached
see the indicators on the cover). Wait 5 more minutes before doing any
work on Vacon NX connections. Do not even open the cover before this
time has expired.

Warning! The control I/O-terminals are isolated from the mains potential. However,
the relay outputs and other I/O-terminals may have a dangerous control
voltage present even when Vacon NX is disconnected from mains.

Clean the heat sink and check the tightness of the terminals.
1 Clean the heat sink with compressed air.
2 Check the tightening torques of terminals. See the manufacturer's instructions for
the torques.
3 Replace the cooling fan if necessary.

Warning! Before connecting the frequency converter to the mains, make sure that
the Vacon NX front cover and cable covers are closed.

Electrical system

Step-up transformer

Inspecting the step-up transformer, 1 Years .......................................................................................9 - 9
Electrical system

Inspecting the step-up transformer V1

General Information
JobID: wca0489 Type: THREE-PHASE AIR
Unit: Step-up transformer AET901, AET902 Manufacturer: CELDUC
Component: Transformer

Work Information
Type of job: check_job Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 0 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years electrician 1 2 component

The tank is of hermetic type and is completely filled with liquid. The tank deforms
itself to take up the increase in volume of the dielectric due to heating. It is
therefore necessary to check that the tank does not show any signs of a leak of
dielectric once a year. It is not necessary to check the state of the dielectric liquid
as it is not subject to any oxidation or penetration of humidity.
1 Check that the transformer shows no signs of leakage.

Electrical system

Auxiliary transformer

Dielectric withstand test, 10 Years ....................................................................................................9 - 11
A sample of the dielectric fluid is collected and tested every 10 years.
9 - 10
Electrical system

Dielectric withstand test V1

General Information
JobID: 010 Type: Hermetically sealed,
HTMU 12 HA 1600
Unit: Auxiliary transformer Manufacturer: Schneider Electric
Component: Transformer BFB901, AET902

Work Information
Type of job: test Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 0 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
10 Years electrician 1 2 component

A sample of the dielectric fluid is collected and tested every 10 years.

Collect a sample and perform a dielectric test.
1 Make a dielectric withstand test on the dielectric fluid.
The sample for the test should be taken from the bottom of the tank.
Use a clean sample bottle and proper sampling techniques.

Caution! Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the number of samples

that can be taken before more oil has to be added.

9 - 11
Electrical system


Inspecting the DC-system, 1 Years ..................................................................................................9 - 13
Annual inspection and testing for the DC system.
9 - 12
Electrical system

Inspecting the DC-system V2

General Information
JobID: 009 Type: EIPS-D1
Unit: DC-system Manufacturer: EFORE
Component: EFORE EIPS BEY901

Work Information
Type of job: inspection Work time: 2 Hours
Stop time: 2 Hours
Intervals Service personnel
Interval: Type Number Hours Multiplied by
1 Years electrician 1 2 component

Annual inspection and testing for the DC system.

Note! Make sure that the system is in the maintenance mode by switching the
dip switch 3 (maintenance) of the A1 supervisor unit to the ON position
before testing the system.

Warning! Turning off the rectifiers will not necessarily remove power from the bus.

Warning! ● Hazardous energy and voltages are present in the unit and on the
interface cables.
● They can cause shock or serious injury.
● Follow all safety warnings and practices when servicing this equipment.

Check the operation of the rectifiers and the control units. Check the earthing leak
fault operation.
1 Check operation of rectifiers in accordance with the following instructions:
a ) Check the output voltage (U upp, U low )
● Float charge 'U upp' to 122.6 V DC.
● Support level 'U low' to 103.0 V DC.
b ) Test the mains fault
● Open the distribution fuses of all rectifiers. The 'MAINS' and 'FAULT'
indicator LED's light up temporarily for about 15 seconds.
● Check the control/alarm terminals (A1 / x10 / 11-12) to ensure that the
alarm relay in question is working.
● Close the distribution fuses of all rectifiers.
Alarm limits are < 195 V AC and > 275 V AC.

9 - 13
Electrical system

2 Check the functions of the A1 control and monitoring unit and other units A2-A6
of the system in accordance with the following instructions:
a ) Check the voltage measurement. Using the program, check if the voltage
measurements made by the system correspond with the reading of the
b ) Test the AC Fault.
● Set all rectifiers to the support charge level via the terminal program.
● Check the operation of batteries and their voltage.
● Switch off all AC distribution fuses of the rectifiers.
● Check if AC fault signal in the terminal program is ON.
● Switch ON all AC distribution fuses of the rectifiers.

Caution! DO NOT conduct the AC Fault test if batteries are faulty.

c) Check the Rectifier Control Operation

● Set all rectifiers to support charge level via terminal program.

Note! The system voltage drops to the battery voltage.

● Check the rectifier PWM control and set the system voltage to a different
voltage from the float charge level.
● Check whether the system has adjusted itself to the correct voltage.
d) Test the Distribution Fuse Fault
● Disconnect the terminal X2 from the distribution fuse monitoring unit; the
signal mode of the alarm in question in the program is ON.
● When the terminal X2 is installed back to its place, the signal mode will
change to OFF.
e) Test the Battery Fuse Fault
● Short circuit the poles of the alarm contacts in the battery fuse.

Note! The battery fuse in question will switch to ON position in the program.

● After disconnecting, the signal mode will switch to OFF position.

Warning! When conducting the above test, DO NOT open a battery fuse in operation.

f) Check the Relay Operation.

● Check the alarm relay operation by controlling them with the program.
● The digital supervisor controls 3 alarm relays.
● Remote alarms are received from the remote alarms connector (X13) of
the A1 control/monitoring unit.
● Alarms are received either as opening or closing contact data.
● There are three remote alarm relays; urgent, non-urgent and AC fault.
g) Check the Earth Leakage Fault Operation

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Electrical system

Caution! During this test, partial earth leakage is caused. Read first chapter
“Operational Safety” from Installation and Start-Up Manual.

● Take a 4.7 kOhm / 5W resistor and connect it between system cabinet

earth and the system + bar.
● Check with terminal program that signal Earth leakage pos is ON.
● Change the resistor between system cabinet earth and system – bar.
Check with terminal program that signal Earth leakage neg is ON.
Disconnect the resistor.

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Electrical system

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