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Polycystic ovary syndrome:

three cases treated with

acupuncture, herbs and
Elaine Stern

INTRODUCTION mon cause of secondary amenorrhea and the ultra-

sound features of PCOS are found in approximately
This is an article based around three case histories 10% of the female population.
of treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. We
begin with an overview of this problem from the
biomedical, TCM and nutritional points of view. BIOMEDICAL PROFILE OF PCOS
The case histories that follow each have a slightly
different TCM profile. However, I hope to demon- The exact pathophysiology of PCOS is not well
strate that, while treatment of the differences is understood. However, certain markers are usually
important, there are certain underlying problems seen. Patients with PCOS may have continuously
consistent in all three cases. When this key factor is elevated LH secretion without the normal midcycle
understood, treatment outcome can benefit. surge, i.e. the levels remain high throughout the
cycle but do not show the usual pattern of an abrupt
rise just prior to ovulation. The overall ratio of LH
WHAT IS POLYCYSTIC OVARY to FSH may be increased, although the meaning of
SYNDROME this is unclear (Laycock & Wise 1996).
Other biomedical markers include excessive
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or disease (formerly androgen levels (which cause acne) and atresia of
called Stein–Leventhal syndrome) was first described follicles. (The follicle does not develop properly
in 1935. At that time, the description of presenting and is not discharged from the ovary into the fallo-
symptoms included obesity, hirsutism, infertility, pian tube.)
polycystic ovaries and oligomenorrhea (infrequent The single most definitive diagnostic feature for
menstruation). PCOS is the ultrasound appearance of the ovaries,
Now it is understood that women with polycystic with many cysts found on the peripheries of both
ovary syndrome (PCOS) may present with only part enlarged ovaries.
or pieces of this picture. Obesity is often absent.
Amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea are almost always
present. Hirsutism is frequently seen (70% of cases), MORE BIOMEDICAL
as is a life-long history of anovulatory bleeding, INFORMATION: ANDROGENS AND
bilaterally enlarged and polycystic ovaries, inferti- INSULIN
lity (75%) and insulin resistance (without frank
Elaine Stern, diabetes). Acne and a receding hairline are also The normal ovary does secrete a small quantity of
150 5th Avenue, #706, androgen, including testosterone, androstenedione
New York, NY10011.
common (Goroll et al 1995).
Tel: +1(212) 633 1687 In epidemiologic studies, PCOS is the most com- and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), but the

Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (1999) 1, 19–29 © 1999 Harcourt Publishers Ltd
20 Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
amounts are too small to induce hirsutism. The main If a woman with PCOS desires to become preg-
source of androgens in most women is the adrenal nant, she may be treated with clomiphene citrate to
cortex. In normal PCOS, the ovaries secrete excess induce ovulation. Approximately 50% of women
androgens while adrenal secretion continues, adding conceive with this treatment.
up to an overall excess of these hormones. SHBG Some researchers are also working on medica-
(sex hormone binding globulin) is usually decreased, tions to reverse hyperinsulinemia as this may be a
which means that free testosterone levels are even ‘way in’ to treatment. We will discuss this later in
higher. The testosterone is not bound and removed conjunction with our nutritional treatment.
from circulation by the SHBG. In some women the
adrenal glands over-produce testosterone as well.
One intriguing finding is that most patients mani- RESULTS OF BIOMEDICAL
fest insulin resistance (Prelevic 1997). That is, for a TREATMENT
given ‘load’ of glucose, the amount of insulin
secreted is excessive.1 This is a common phenome- Biomedical treatment is chiefly used to suppress
non in obesity and in NIDDM (non-insulin depen- hirsutism and it has varying degrees of success in
dent diabetes mellitus, or, formerly, Type 2 diabetes), this regard. Anti-androgen drugs are used for this
but is present even in the non-obese PCOS patient. purpose along with monthly administration of pro-
The reason for this associated symptom is unknown, vera to induce menstruation.
but some researchers believe that the hyperinsuline- The more recent use of clomiphene citrate to
mia precedes and may even instigate hyper-secretion induce ovulation is often successful. However, it is
of androgens.2 a treatment with several potential side effects.3 In
In any case, as we shall see, blood-sugar regula- addition, treatment is only for one cycle at a time.
tion, as well as hormonal regulation, may prove to Therefore, while it may help a woman to conceive
be an important therapeutic tool. (50% of women who take this treatment do con-
ceive), it does not help to establish a regular cycle.
Another biomedical approach is use of the birth-
BIOMEDICAL DIAGNOSIS AND control pill to cause more regular cycling. However,
TREATMENT OF PCOS this only presents the ‘appearance’ of menstruation,
not the ‘reality’, i.e. this is no solution for infertility.
As mentioned above, there is no single, fixed marker In addition, many women do not choose to take the
that is diagnostic for PCOS. Any of the common birth-control pill.
symptoms (i.e. amenorrhea, hirsutism, acne, infer- We will discuss this approach from the point of
tility) may be due to a myriad of other causes. The view of Chinese medical treatment later. However, the
patient who presents with a definitive medical diag- suppressive nature of hormone replacement (here, the
nosis of PCOS has probably been diagnosed with birth-control pill) is quite contrary to the approach
the characteristic polycystic ovary sonogram. She of Chinese medicine, and the implications of this
may or may not have been tested for elevated levels must be clearly understood by the practitioner.
of testosterone and LH. Often, the diagnosis is not In summary, there is no standard biomedical
definitive, and is based only on the patient’s mens- treatment that claims to cure or improve the hormone
trual history and physical appearance. In this case and/or sonogram profile of a PCOS patient. These
the patient was most likely told ‘you probably have markers may change during the time a patient is on
PCOS’ (Moor et al 1993). the birth-control pill, but the improvement will
Until a woman is having trouble conceiving, generally not outlast the duration of medication.
many physicians do not feel it is important to
definitively diagnose and treat, except with palli-
ative measures such as depilatories for the sake of POLYCYSTIC OVARIES IN TCM
appearance. The birth-control pill is often recom-
mended if the hirsutism is severe. This is because Since PCOS is definitively diagnosed by sonogram,
the additional estrogens can partially suppress there is no classical TCM mention of this exact syn-
androgen production, slowing, but not stopping or drome. TCM treatment would therefore follow the
eliminating the excess hair growth. Anti-androgen differentiation of signs and symptoms, with treatment
drugs may be used for this purpose as well. focussing, most likely, on amenorrhea or infertility.
Corticosteroids may be used to suppress excess Modern TCM does, of course recognize this problem
adrenal cortical output of androgens, but the dangers as a distinct entity and there have been several arti-
of long-term corticosteroid use outweigh the advan- cles written from both a theoretical standpoint and as
tages, and this approach is rarely used. a result of clinical trials (Dharmananda 1995).
Polycystic ovary syndrome 21
TCM treatment of amenorrhea or infertility is have fairly regular cycles; however, many of them
done by pattern differentiation. The extrapolation of were anovulatory. She also experienced a gradual
these patterns is beyond the scope of this article and return of excess hair growth, oily skin and fatigue.
is readily available in any discussion of TCM gyne- Other symptoms include frequent strep infections,
cology. The patterns seen most often in relation to colds and sinus infections, constipation, depression,
PCOS seem to include kidney deficiency (especially fatigue and sweet cravings.
kidney yang deficiency), dampness and liver stag-
nation. These patterns will be discussed in more Diet. Mainly vegetarian with a little chicken, vege-
detail in the case study section below. tables, starches and fruit. Long history of difficulty
In modern China, the use of sonograms has re- with sweet cravings.
vealed the presence of ovarian cysts as part of the Pulse. Moderate at 72 b.p.m. The cun and guan
syndrome. Treatment principles have therefore been positions on the right side are full (excess) and slip-
altered slightly to take into account this additional pery. The overall pulse quality is quite soggy and
physical finding. In other words, treatment of PCOS slippery with the chi positions on both sides deep,
will include differentiation, not only of amenorrhea deeper on the right.
or infertility by syndrome, but the presence of cysts
(accumulations of dampness or blood stagnation) in Tongue. Tongue body is pale and slightly swollen.
the ovaries will be included as part of the differenti- Tongue coat is medium-thick greasy and mostly
ation as well. white; slightly yellow in the lower warmer.
Lastly, some practitioners, the author included,
have considered the hormonal profile and basal Color. She is pale, somewhat sallow in her com-
body temperature as part of the differentiation. This plexion. She has mild to moderate acne. Skin is oily.
is a yin/yang or eight-principle perspective on what Affect. She seems like a healthy, well-balanced
are essentially biomedical findings. Again, this ap- person with a straightforward and pleasant disposi-
proach will be discussed further in the case studies tion. She is very enthusiastic about trying Chinese
below. medicine and is willing to change her diet, take herbs
For a discussion of published studies (in English) and even travel long distance (as much as possible)
and descriptions of PCOS treatment in China, please to take treatment.
see Subhuti Dharmananda’s Treatment of Ovarian
Cysts with Chinese Herbs (Dharmananda 1995).
TCM diagnosis is kidney and spleen qi and yang
CASE STUDIES deficiency with dampness above and below. Liver qi
stagnation is mild and secondary to the deficiency.
Case 1 Lungs are also qi deficient with dampness accumu-
L.M. is 31 years old. She presents with infertility. lating.
In addition, the author felt that there was a pro-
blem with the intestinal environment, probably
Intake contributing to the yang deficiency and overall
She has been trying to conceive for one year. dampness. While she may not have had a condition
She has irregular periods and a medical diagnosis of frank ‘candida’, her signs and symptoms war-
of Stein–Leventhal syndrome (PCOS). Her menar- ranted direct attention to improvement of the intes-
che was late at 16 years old and was very irregular, tinal environment. This is an indirect approach to
coming once in 6 months at first. By age 17 or 18, improving the kidney yang.4
her periods came once in 3 months, but were very
light. At age 21 she was put on the birth-control pill,
which she stayed on for 9 months. After coming off
the pill, her periods were again quite irregular and TCM treatment included acupuncture, herbs and
she was bothered by excess hair growth. She was some dietary advice. Acupuncture was used to
treated medically with spiranolactone, which blocks stimulate ovulation and especially to move the qi
the testosterone receptors, and with periodic doses of and clear stagnation of qi in the three burners. Herbs
provera. With this treatment, she experienced were used primarily to tonify the yang, qi and blood
decreased hair growth and regular menstruation. and to dispel dampness. Dietary advice was used to
She discontinued this treatment 1 year ago, at strengthen the spleen, thereby reducing sweet
which time she began trying to conceive. She did cravings, reducing phlegm and indirectly improving
22 Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
the blood via the spleen. At the time of this treat- Pre-ovulatory phase: Special granule formula –
ment the author was unaware of the connection 1 tsp, 33/day.
between insulin resistance and PCOS; however, by Woman’s Treasure –
addressing spleen deficiency, the treatment did 2, 33/day.
(inadvertently) address this issue. Post-ovulatory (begin only after temperature has
risen and remained high for 3 days):
Acupuncture. Chong mai (Sp4, P6, St30, Ki16, Special granule formula –
20, 21), K6, Sp6 & 9, Zigong, CV4 & 6 with moxa 1 tsp, 33/day.
of the lower abdominal points as well. These are
representative points. Points would be selected ac- This approach allowed an ongoing treatment of
cording to time in the cycle and other presenting the lower warmer accumulations (with Cinnamon
signs and symptoms at the time of treatment. and Rehmannia) and strong tonification of blood,
yin and yang to support the creation of ovulation
Herbs. Patient did not feel able to take tangs. (good yin base transforming into yang). The patient
Therefore a combination of tableted and granulated took her basal body temperature daily so that we
herbs was used as follows. could be very sure of the timing. Once ovulation had
1. Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan. This patent formula is definitely occurred, the yang tonics were reduced
very helpful for mild constipation and bloating (she stopped taking Woman’s Treasure during this
due to qi stagnation. It was used along with phase) while the main support of the granules con-
probiotics5 to help clear and move the qi and tinued until menstruation. During menstruation, she
dampness of the large intestine. A low dose of 8 continued Cinnamon and Rehmannia, but stopped
before bed was sufficient in this case. all other treatment for several days.
2. Cinnamon and Rehmannia. This is a 7 Forests Nutritional supplements. A probiotic formula in-
formula based on research formulas for ovarian cluding lactobacillus, bifidus and F.O.S.7 was used
cysts. If focuses on warming the lower burner to to treat the intestinal environment. Vitamin E 400
clear damp accumulations and moving blood in IU per day was also used.
the lower burner to treat blood stagnation.
Rehmannia and gelatin are included to tonify Dietary advice. The patient was advised to reduce
the kidney and prevent over-drying. Huang jing sweets and dairy products and to eat more vegeta-
tonifies the qi. The herbs in the tablet are shu di bles, chicken and fish, as she was willing or able.
huang, huang jing, e jiao, rou gui, bu gu zhi, bai
jie zi, zhe bei mu, kun bu, tao ren, e zhu, san Outcome
3. Woman’s Treasure. This is a 7 Forests formula Month 1. Patient followed the regimen and dietary
based on research formulas to treat infertility. advice except for taking the probiotic. She did not
The formula is used to tonify blood, yin and menstruate and the basal temperature remained low
strongly tonifies kidney yang. It also has herbs all month. Energy improved, sinus improved and
to circulate blood and warm the uterus. The digestion remained the same.
contents are: zi shi ying, rou cong rong, xian
Month 2. Patient ovulated after treatment as per
mao, dang gui, bai shao, shu di huang, suo yang,
basal chart. She also began the probiotic. She con-
lu rong, chi shao, dan shen, huang qi, xiang fu,
tinued all other treatment. Her digestion improved
niu zhen zi, gui ban, fu ling, yin yang huo, tu su
dramatically and sinuses improved considerably.
zi, gan cao.6
Period came 2 weeks after ovulation. Flow was
4. Special granule formula to encourage ovulation.
heavier (not as scanty) with bad cramps. She still
Shu di, he shou wu, gou qi zi, han lian cao, niu
felt tired and was craving sweets. Treatment was
zhen zi, rou cong rong, xu duan, yin yang huo,
adjusted slightly to address sinus problems; other-
xian mao, tu su zi, shan yao, dang gui, e jiao,
wise continued as before.
zao jiao ci. This formula is based on a research
formula for fertility (Dharmananda 1989). The Month 3. Patient conceives. Pregnancy is carried
last herb, zao jiao ci, is added to treat the atresia. to term with normal delivery and healthy infant.
(See comments on this usage below.)
Together, these formulas addressed the major Discussion
issues in this case. The dosage was:
This was the most rapid response to treatment I
All month: Cinnamon and Rehmannia – have seen in my experience of treating PCOS. It is
3, 33/day. interesting to note that once L.M. did conceive, she
Polycystic ovary syndrome 23
had virtually no problems carrying to term. There- Eyes. Dark circles and swelling under the eyes.
fore, apparently, the ‘quality’ of her ovum was not a Eyes are injected and slightly yellowed.
problem; the only problem was the support of
development and release of the ovum. In TCM Complexion. Pale without red; sallow color. Acne
terms, we would perhaps say that the jing was especially in lower third of face.
intact; only the more superficial post-heaven energy General appearance and impression. She lacks
was deficient. brightness. She speaks with a lack of intonation and
‘fire’, and a tendency to over-explain. She is clean
and dressed normally for student life. She presents
Case 2 with a willingness to do what is necessary for
H.L. is 27 years old. She presents with a diagnosis treatment.
of PCOS.
Basal temperature chart. The chart is all very low,
in the 96–97 range. There are several ‘false peaks’,
where the temperature begins to rise but falls back
down. Eventually, when ovulation does occur, the
Gynecologic history. Menarche age 14. Periods temperature rises to the low 98° range, but the rise is
have been irregular since menarche, with both long gradual. The characteristic jump in temperature
and short cycles. She experiences a ‘fair amount’ of (which indicates LH surge) prior to ovulation is
pain and the left ovary is often enlarged on physical rarely seen.
exam. At age 17 she was put on the birth-control pill
for several months, then came off. She then had no
menstruation for 6 months. Subsequently, her periods
returned and were somewhat more regular, but H.L. is a clear case of spleen and kidney qi and yang
extremely painful. At age 23 she went back on the deficiency. The pulse and tongue, her demeanor and
birth-control pill for several years. At age 25 she history all support this diagnosis. The interpretation
began to experience severe menstrual cramps and of the basal temperature chart also indicates yang
left ovarian pain (while on the birth-control pill). deficiency, as well as an inability to make the mid-
Ultrasound exam revealed many fluid-filled cysts in cycle transformation from yin to yang.8
the left ovary. She came off the birth-control pill Other patterns of importance include blood defi-
and had no menstruation for 5 months, at which ciency, liver qi stagnation leading to intermittent
time she was given provera. Her response to the blood stasis (pain, cysts, clots) and heart yin defi-
provera was to have 1 day of bleeding. She pre- ciency. Dampness due to the qi and yang deficiency
sented 6 weeks after this, with no further menstrua- is also present (sinus, yeast, ‘foggy thinking’, etc.).
tion at that time.

Current gynecologic status. H.L. presents after Treatment

the above history. She is off all medication. The Taking time and money into account, we settled on
pain in the left ovary is gone and it is not enlarged treatment twice per month. The patient was unable
by palpation at this time. However, she is not mens- to tolerate tangs, so granulated herbs were used
truating. She is concerned about recent worsening along with nutritional advice and supplements.
of hair growth and acne. She has had a comprehen- It is something of a challenge to report on a treat-
sive hormone panel, which she has been told is ment which has proceeded over a 2-year period. I
unremarkable. (She does not have actual results.) will endeavor to give what I believe are the most
essential elements of the treatment.
Other. Frequent yeast infections and herpes out-
First of all, the patient was asked to keep a BBT
breaks. Fatigue. Depression has been a significant
chart as continuously as possible. Although this is
problem with a history of one hospitalization. She
arduous for the patient, in a case of such irregular
has just stopped taking Zoloft. She has a tendency to
menstruation this chart can be an invaluable tool to
digestive disturbance with bloating, constipation
guide the treatment week by week. The main treat-
and diarrhea.
ment principles (in order of importance) were to
Pulse. 60 b.p.m. – slow, deep and tense. Chi posi- tonify and build the qi and yang of the spleen and
tion is very slippery and choppy. kidney; to open and activate the chong and ren
channels; and to nourish the liver blood and relieve
Tongue. Pale tongue body with a medium white stagnation. These ‘tasks’ were divided up between
coating. Tip is red and peeled. the different treatment modalities.
24 Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
At the beginning there was virtually no cycle, moving qi are both crucial. This reflects the bio-
and to establish a cycle required strong yang tonifi- medical understanding that PCOS is a problem of
cation. Although the blood was also deficient and incomplete development of the primary follicle and
the liver qi not circulating well, I felt that these were atresia (inability of the follicle to move out of the
the result, rather than the cause of the yang deficiency ovary into the fallopian tube).
(i.e. qi and yang were too weak to create blood; Points to address the liver qi stagnation are most
therefore liver lacked both blood and qi to do its important from midcycle on. As mentioned above.
job). In order to build the qi and yang, treatment Dai Mai (especially GB41) is important at midcycle.
must also address blood and yin substrates. Yang is As the cycle draws to a close, the tendency is for the
built on a basis of good yin and blood. Without these qi and blood to become more stagnant. This is nor-
the yang cannot grow or flourish and the result of mally true in the menstrual cycle and even more so
treatment may simply be to create fire. Without the when the liver is not supported by a rich foundation
liver qi moving properly, tonification will simply of blood, yin and yang. Once ovulation has occurred
result in stronger stagnation. in this case, the patient may experience quite severe
Acupuncture was used to directly treat the chong ‘PMS’ signs which can be addressed by moving the
and ren channels, to move the liver, and nourish the liver qi (Liv 3, 14, UB 18, etc.).
heart. The choice of points varied according to the Both the heart and the pericardium are affected
time of the cycle. in this case. On the one hand, the blood and yin are
insufficient, causing a heart blood and yin deficit.
General treatment. A selection of these points was
This will be manifest especially right after the
almost always included in treatment. Chong mai
period. On the other hand, stagnation of liver qi will
(Sp4, P6, etc. – see above), Sp6, Sp9, St30, Zigong,
impact on the heart as well as the jue yin (affecting
GB27, UB14, 15, 17, 20, 23, 26, 27 Mingmen.
the pericardium above). Appropriate points include
Moxa was used during the pre-ovulatory phase of
H7, P6 CV 14, 17, UB14, 15 or others as indicated
the cycle on various spleen, kidney and lower
by the condition of the patient at the time. For
abdominal points. This was especially important
severe anxiety and sleeplessness, H3 may be help-
just prior to ovulation.
ful, if palpitations H5, etc. as appropriate.
Points relating to phases in the cycle. In general,
Herbal treatment. Whereas acupuncture shines in
the extra meridians Ren and Chong were treated in
its moving and draining effects, herbal medicine is
the pre-ovulatory phase, Dai Mai at the point of
truly impressive in its ability to gradually tonify the
ovulation and points to move qi and blood in the
body substances. Most of the work in this case was
lower abdomen (i.e. Liv3, Sp10, Sp4, UB 26, 27,
directed toward tonification of kidney yang with
etc.) were done pre-menstrually.
strong support of kidney and liver yin and blood. In
The most important times for treatment were the
addition, herbs were used to treat damp accumula-
pre-ovulatory and ovulatory phases. During the
tions, this being specifically directed toward the
period is a good time to activate the qi and blood in
cysts. Over 2 years of treatment, there were many
the chong mai and the uterus. Clearing stagnation at
variations on this approach. At times tonification of
this time is important to the subsequent task of
spleen qi was predominant, while at other times
building the blood for the next cycle. The most
liver qi stagnation had to be addressed. Also, the
crucial part of the treatment is to then encourage
prescription was adjusted as I kept trying to make it
and facilitate the ovulation, the transformation from
more effective, simply by trial and error. In the end,
yin to yang. The blood (and yin) being well nourished
the most effective approach was a formula like the
provides the groundwork for this transformation.
one below:
Beginning just prior to midcycle, the treatment
method shifts from nurturing blood to tonifying 1. Special granule formula. Shu di, he shou wu,
yang. For this phase the dai mai vessel is helpful. It gou qi zi, niu zhen zi, han lian cao, dang gui,
opens the ‘belt’, allowing energy to circulate better e jiao to nourish the yin and blood. Yin yang
to the chong and ren and lower abdomen.9 Dai mai huo, xian mao, xu duan, rou cong rong to tonify
is also shao yang, the pivot between internal and yang, and shan yao for the spleen. This
external, yin and yang. In addition, points to tonify prescription is based on any of a number of
the kidney are added. These can include points like tonic formulas; however, it was mostly derived
UB23, GV4, Shiqihuixia,10 the lower CV points, from a research formula for fertility
Ki7, 6, 3, St36 and Sp6 will support the spleen qi (Dharmananda 1989). Zao jiao ci was added to
and yang thereby giving a ‘leg up’ to the kidney. transform cold damp and for its particular
Moxa can be used on these points as well. function of reducing swelling and discharging
At the time of ovulation, tonifying yang and pus. This herb is used to help the ovum to
Polycystic ovary syndrome 25
‘escape’ from the ovary. The cysts in PCOS are magnesium to support blood sugar regulation. This
usually ova which are not fully developed and combination is very good for PMS and also protects
which do not achieve discharge into the fallopian the nervous system by modifying the stress response.
tubes. Zao jiao ci is used to treat this aspect.11 Vitamin E with selenium was used for the reproduc-
2. Cinnamon and Rehmannia. As above, used for tive system and a tyrosine-based supplement was
the same purpose, in the same way. used to support a sluggish thyroid. Her blood tests
During the first year of treatment there was a were in the low-normal range for thyroid, but since
general trend for ovulation to be very late and her body temperature was always low and she was
the second phase of the menstrual cycle to then chronically tired, I decided to try this mild approach
be very short. This is a sign that while the yin is to support thyroid function. H.L. responded well to
transforming into yang, the yang is not these interventions, reporting significant improve-
sustainable for the full 14 days of the luteal ment in both energy and mood.
phase. The above special granule formula
(hereafter referred to as the ‘ovulatory formula’)
was therefore continued for the entire cycle,
stopping only for the first 5 days of the month. There has been significant improvement over the
Herbs to move the liver qi and address heat course of treatment. After approximately 2 years, she
were added as necessary. is menstruating regularly. Her cycle is approximately
At the beginning, when the luteal phase was 35–40 days (the pre-ovulatory phase is still some-
very short, qi stagnation and heat (which what extended) and the periods have a moderate
manifest as PMS symptoms) were minimal. flow for about 5 days. Her PMS symptoms fluctuate,
However, as the luteal phase lengthened, this but overall are greatly improved.
became more of a problem. The treatment was H.L. has recently received a full gynecologic
then divided into pre- and post-ovulatory work-up. This included full blood tests at different
phases. Observation of the BBT at this time phases of her cycle and sonograms. The sonogram
showed that, although ovulation was difficult to was ‘inconclusive’ for PCOS. The blood values for
achieve, once it did occur, the second phase of all phases of the cycle were within normal limits.
the cycle was now maintained for a full 14 days. The gynecologist’s interpretation of all findings was
Therefore the ‘ovulatory formula’ was that she no longer showed the hormonal profile of
discontinued several days after ovulation. A someone with PCOS.
second formula was then used to address the
second half (post-ovulatory phase) of the month.
In the case of H.L. this meant addressing liver
stagnation and heat. Symptoms of depression, The patient is still taking treatment, in a modified
anxiety, restless sleep, inability to focus, acne form. She has acupuncture once a month and con-
and constipation were the main concern. tinues to take herbs and supplements. She feels
3. A representative prescription used for this phase overall much better, with more energy and less
was: chai hu, bai shao, dang gui, sheng di, gui depression, although these are ongoing problems
zhi, ban xia, zhi shi, ren shen, huang qin, jie for her. Our treatment is now shifting to address
geng, jing jie, lian qiao, ku shen, bai shen pi, these concerns more directly.
xuan shen. This is a base of Xiao Chai Hu tang
with herbs added to treat the acne, depression
and constipation. Dang gui and sheng di move
and support the blood and yin, respectively. Although fatigue, anxiety and depression are clearly
part of the TCM patterns being treated, it is a fact
Nutritional treatment included dietary changes that the physical symptoms have responded much
and supplementation. She was asked to reduce sim- more readily than these more ‘intangible’ ones. I
ple carbohydrates, increase complex carbohydrates think this is an important point. Mental and physical
and increase the frequency of protein intake. These energy in this case, may be ‘the icing on the cake’.
changes address the issue of excess insulin. By In other words, although she has improved enough
decreasing the intake of simple carbohydrates and that the organ physiology has normalized, the more
sugar, the demand for insulin is reduced. Increase of ‘refined’ energy of physical and mental well-being
protein intake provides more steady, longer lasting is not yet established. It may be that, in order to truly
energy. This should help the PCOS and be very affect a lifelong depression, it is necessary to engage
helpful in stabilizing mood and energy. Nutritional the mind itself in treatment. I would like to address
supplements were used, including B vitamins and this further in a subsequent article.
26 Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
One phase of treatment was not addressed above was deep and weak; the left side was sometimes
and is of interest. After the cycle was established, deep and weak, sometimes choppy.
there were many months when the patient had pe-
Tongue. Pale tongue body with a swollen tip.
riods of extreme fatigue and depression during her
Tongue coating normal.
extended pre-ovulatory phase. Examination of the
BBT showed what I am going to call ‘false ovula- Complexion. Sallow and pale with dark circles
tion’ at those times, i.e. the temperature would drop under the eyes.
(at approximately day 14 or 16) and begin to rise as
Affect. Somewhat low. She speaks softly and
though she were going to ovulate. However, the
appears either depressed or depleted. She has a good
temperature would not rise enough to actually create
sense of humor and is not overly self-involved. She
ovulation and it was at these times she experienced
is tired of not feeling well.
the debilitating fatigue and depression. I interpreted
this as an inability to transform to the yang phase BBT. At the beginning of treatment, BBT remained
(and an insufficient LH surge to produce ovulation). low (below 98°) for many weeks. There was the
This is consistent with the typical PCOS picture. By occasional ‘false peak’ and finally a rise in tempera-
increasing the dosage of formula #1 and adding ture for 6–8 days. At that time there would be a
stronger yang tonics (i.e. lu jiao, rou gui, bu gu zhi), scanty flow, sometimes with cramps. She would
this problem has greatly improved in recent months. also experience cramps for a short time during the
‘false peaks’.
Case 3
S.L. is 28 years old. She presents with amenorrhea.
S.L. did not present with a medical diagnosis. Again, we see a profile of spleen and kidney yang
Technically, since she had no sonography to confirm deficiency. In the case of S.L. blood deficiency was
a diagnosis, we do not know for sure that this is a also significant. Poor large intestine function along
case of PCOS. However, she has a long history of with energetic spleen deficiency were both playing
irregular and ceasing menstruation, as well as some a part in this problem. In this case (as opposed to
excess hair growth. Since it is well known that that of H.L.), yang deficiency was important, but
much PCOS goes undiagnosed as such and since secondary.
S.L. has the profile of a PCOS patient, I will include Again, the issue of yeast and large intestine
her case. dysfunction can be seen both as an obstacle to
absorption (therefore contributing to blood defi-
ciency) and as a problem of the kidney yang, as dis-
Intake cussed above.

Gynecologic history. She has a long history of

irregular cycles, always long, never short. At age 23 Treatment
she entered graduate school and began to have more This treatment was carried out over 10 months. The
serious problems. She was on a low-dose birth- main strategies were to normalize the large intestine
control pill (as a smoker!) and developed a throm- function and environment, to nourish blood and to
bosis. She had to come off the birth-control pill and tonify yang. She had acupuncture treatments bi-
go onto coumadin for 9 months. She began to have weekly for the first 2 months, after which acupunc-
very irregular and extended cycles. When she ture was administered once per month. Again, this
missed several cycles in a row she was treated with was the most treatment she could manage. Herbal
provera. treatment was therefore very important. Some nutri-
Other. History of alternating diarrhea and consti- tional substances were used, but at that time I did
pation with IBS. Pre-menstrual constipation and not know much about supplementation, nor was I
depression. She has debilitating dysmenorrhea with aware of the connection of PCOS to insulin. We
some cycles. Her sleep is poor and easily disturbed. did address her diet to improve both her digestive
She has difficulty focussing and is easily distracted. system and her blood.
She feels her energy and productivity are seriously Acupuncture was similar to the case outlined
affected by the hormonal problems. She complains above, with more emphasis on the spleen and large
of constantly cold hands and feet, frequent yeast intestines.
infections and cystitis once or twice a year. Herbal and nutritional treatment began slowly
and was increased as the digestive system improved.
Pulse. 72 b.p.m., somewhat deep. The right side At first we discussed the importance of a good diet
Polycystic ovary syndrome 27
according to TCM principles of warming the spleen Conclusion
and with plenty of fiber and less ‘junk food’ to help
It is my experience that Chinese medicine can be an
the intestine. She took a broad-spectrum probiotic
excellent treatment method for PCOS. While cases
along with Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan and some mag-
1 and 3 above responded easily, case 2 took a great
nesium before bed. Altogether this strategy did very
deal of perseverance by both the patient and practi-
well in treating the yeast and constipation. In addi-
tioner. It required a level of commitment by the
tion, the magnesium was very beneficial for her
patient to keep taking herbs and treatment and be
sleep problems. She used a douche of grapefruit
willing to take quite a few different herbs and sup-
seed extract and acidophilus when necessary and
plements. From the point of view of the practitioner,
the yeast cleared up fairly quickly. A variation on Ba
it required repeated re-analysis and synthesis of
Zheng Tang and Shi Wei San (7 Forest formula
several ways of thinking to effect lasting positive
‘Akebia 14’12) was used as needed to treat urinary
change. The lesson here is, I think, that not all prob-
tract symptoms.
lems respond quickly and we should not be too
As her digestion improved, the herbal regimen
easily daunted if things do not move at the speed we
was stepped up to address amenorrhea more aggres-
expect or would like them to. I hope that my experi-
sively. The regimen was divided into pre- and post-
ences will help other practitioners to have the
ovulatory sections. Beginning day 5 and through
confidence to keep treating and thinking and then
ovulation (again, monitored by BBT), she took:
treating some more.
1. Special granule formula #1, as above. Dosage: 1 In addition, it is important to reiterate that the
tsp, 23/day. biomedical solutions to PCOS all involve hormonal
2. Wu Qi Bai Fen Wan, the patent remedy, to repression (except clomiphene). This type of treat-
nourish the blood. This patent is very gentle and ment, while it may control symptoms, does not allow
well tolerated and has the added benefit of for normalization of the patient’s own hormones.13
containing black chicken for greater blood In fact, if we extrapolate from our knowledge of the
nourishment. side effects of long-term corticosteroid treatment,14
it is not unreasonable to think that years and years of
PMS was not a problem once the digestion was
treatment with the birth-control pill could actually
better and the cycle more regular. Therefore, the
further inhibit the patient’s ability to maintain a
post-ovulatory treatment was simply Wu Qi Bai Fen
regular cycle.
Wan. There were no serious problems with liver qi
stagnation or heat.
Outcome For those readers not familiar with the basal body
temperature chart, I am including a brief description
The first period came on day 42. This was 42 days
here. In order to understand the implications of dif-
after a provera-induced period and was the first
ferent BBT patterns, it is suggested that the reader
normal, non-induced period she had had in several
look closely at the ovarian and hormonal cycles and
years. By this time, sleep and digestive symptoms
their timing during the month. Any good gyneco-
were markedly improved as well. The next period
logy text will provide this information.
came on day 38. There was a normal flow and no
To use the BBT, the patient must take her tem-
pain. She experienced 1 day of premenstrual depres-
perature every morning upon awakening, before
sion. At this point she had several similar cycles
getting out of bed. This should be at approximately
with the BBT showing some ‘false peaks’ (some of
the same time every morning. (A variation of more
which were accompanied by pain for a few hours)
than 30–60 min will invalidate that day’s reading.)
and ovulation occurring about day 20.
The patient should purchase a basal body ther-
By the ninth month, S.L. was having regular
mometer which focuses on the 96°–99° point range,
cycles of about 32 days with ovulation occurring
enabling the user to precisely chart tenths of a
on day 17 or 18. Her overall health was better, as
degree in that range.
was her energy and focus. At that time we discon-
The patient takes her temperature beginning about
tinued acupuncture and she gradually reduced the
day 3 of her cycle (day 1 is the first day of bleeding)
herbal treatment over the course of the next 3 months.
and every morning thereafter until the next period.
I saw her about a year later for another digestive
The chart is then examined and analyzed.
problem. At that time her periods continued to be
regular and problem-free. 1. ‘Normal’ BBT (note – this is an example of a
28 Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Day 1 Day 14 Day 28



Figure 1 Normal BBT chart.

Day 1 Day 14 Day 28

98º False peaks


Figure 2 Typical PCOS BBT chart.

‘perfect’ BBT and is not often found in any Prelevic GM. Insulin resistance in polycystic ovary
actual individual). Figure 1 shows a ‘perfect’ syndrome. Curr Opin Obstetr Gynecol 1997; 9(3):
cycle. The temperature stays in the 97.5° range
for the first 13 days, at which point it drops
down and then rises a minimum of 0.4°, all at
once. It then remains above 98°15 for a full 14
days before dropping down again. The drop will 1. Insulin resistance may be measured by fasting glucose
represent onset of the period. tolerance tests. However, people who are insulin
resistant will often be aware of such symptoms of
2. Typical PCOS temperature chart (Fig. 2). This frequent hunger, craving for carbohydrates, tiredness
chart will remain low for several weeks, without after meals and easily feeling shaky, dizzy or irritable
ovulation. The ‘false peaks’ described in the with delayed meal times.
2. An important side issue here is that insulin resistance is
article are shown here. Ovulation is shown, for
associated with hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis and
the purposes of this demonstration, at day 25, therefore these markers must be watched, even in a
but in PCOS, it may not occur for many more young woman with PCOS.
weeks or even months. 3. Side effects include headaches, hot flushes and
There are other BBT profiles of interest but occasionally visual disturbance. Clomiphene is an anti-
estrogen and as such inhibits cervical mucus and has an
they are outside the purview of this article and
adverse effect on endometrial development. 25–50% of
will not be demonstrated here. women have inadequate luteal phase endometrium on
this medication.
4. The connection between the large intestine environment
REFERENCES and the kidney yang is discussed by B Flaws, Scatology
and the Gate of Life. Blue Poppy Press; 1990.
Dharmananda, S. Treatment of Ovarian Cysts with Chinese 5. Probiotics are ‘gut-friendly’ bacteria which re-colonize
Herbs. START Group subscription series. Portland: the bowel. Commonly used are Lactobacillus
Institute for Traditional Medicine; 1995. acidophilus and bifidobacteria.
p. 5–7. 6. For more information on these tableted formulas,
Dharmananda S. Treatment of Infertility and Miscarriage including the common English names of the herbs, see
with Chinese Herbs. Portland: Institute for Traditional Dharmananda S. Bag of Pearls. Portland: Institute for
Medicine; 1989. p. 24. Traditional Medicine.
Goroll AH, May LA, Mullins AG. Primary Care Medicine. 7. Fructooligosaccharides; these are food for the beneficial
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott; 1995. bacteria of the intestines.
p. 9.604–5. 8. See discussion of the BBT chart.
Laycock J, Wise P. Essential Endocrinology. Oxford: Oxford 9. ‘The girdling vessel encircles the waist and binds the
University Press; 1996. p. 194–7. Penetrating and Conception vessels and the Kidney,
Moor TR, Reiter RC, Rebar RW, Baker VV. Gynecology & Liver and Spleen channels . . . GB 41 is indicated
Obstetrics. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. for . . . menstrual disorders and inhibited
Polycystic ovary syndrome 29
menstruation . . .’. In Deadman P, A1 Khafaji M, patients will respond to alternative therapies and what
Baker K. Manual of Acupuncture. Cushing Malloy; percentage do not respond to these treatments and
1998. p. 461. therefore require hormone replacement.
10. This is an extra point on the GV line at the level of UB 14. One of the potential problems encountered in extended
26. It is below the 5th lumbar vertebrae. This point, use of corticosteroids is atrophy of the patient’s own
known as ‘josen’ in Japanese, if frequently used in Japan adrenal gland. This can result in the need for life-long
for problems of the lower back and kidney. steroid supplementation due to the patient’s inability to
11. From Iectures by Dr Shu Rong Zhu, Professor of produce sufficient endogenous cortisol.
Gynecology, Emperor’s College, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 15. The pattern of one phase low/one phase high is more
12. Akebia 14: mu tong, shi wei, qu mai, bian xu, hua shi, important than the actual numbers. If the chart clearly
che qian zi, ze xie, hai hin sha, hu po, shi chang pu, shows this biphasic pattern, but the numbers are all
dong kui zi, zhi zi, yi zhi ren, bi xie. See Dharmananda below 98°, this still indicates ovulatory cycling. The
S. Bag of Pearls. Portland: Institute for Traditional jump of 0.4°–0.6°, followed by a sustained period of
Medicine. higher temperature, is the key indication that ovulation
13. At this time it is not known what percentage of PCOS has occurred.

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