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Student Reg. No.


Date of Exam:- 27 Sept Session:- 9:30-12:30
Time Allowed : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page.
2. Part A is compulsory.
3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of
the questions chosen.
4.The marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each
question in square brackets.
5. Answer all questions in serial order.
Part - A
(a) What do you mean by Business Environment?
(b) What do mean by Privatization?
(c) Explain the term Internal Environment?
(d) Write a short note on Liberalization.
(e) Give any two advantages of Privatization?
(f) What are MNCs?.
(g) Define MRTP Act.
(h) Mention any two important objectives of a Five Year Plan?
(i) Give any two disadvantages of Privatization?
(j) Define the term Industrial Sickness? (2*10=20)
Part- B
Q2: Discuss in detail the role of SBI? (10 marks)

Q3:What do you mean by Poverty and state the causes of poverty. (10marks)

Q4. Discuss the impact of WTO on India. (10marks)

Q5. What are the different types of Financial Market and explain them in detail?
(10 marks)

Q6. Discuss the importance of Industrial Licensing in detail. (10 marks)

Q7. Discuss the role of public sector in India. (10 marks)

Q8. Mention the harmful effects of MNCs in Indian Market. (10 marks)

Q9. What are factors that are to be considered while scanning an environment?.
(10 marks)

Q10. Discuss the important concepts under FEMA. (10 marks)

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