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; | Cj Ww I - si Students’ Book 5 amb — Beau Michael Harris * David Mower O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - ba Contents Hy ca FI = 6 FJ l ra slates’ ra A You 6p.45) ey Words: Counvet Word Builder Nationalities Grammar: tobe Key Expretsoni: Meeting eopl: The alpha Your Fay (p. 6-7) Key Words: Numbers/ Family Months Grammar: Subject pronouns /pessessve ajecves, {© Your assoom np.) KeyWords: lascom Objects Word Builder: Pra nar: Pronunciation: a Grammar Prpotons of pice D Your School pp. 10-1) Key Word: Soa Subjects Telingthe ime Gammar:Inperaives objet pronouns E Your Roam (p. 12) Key Words: Bedrooms / Colours Grammar: this, that. these, those F Your Photos (p13) Key Words: Apperance. Grammar: Arties Sentence Bulle: Simple sentence Unit/Page Language Skills Get Ready (pp. 14-15) Key Words: Interests, Listening: Personal information / interests Speaking: Your interests, 1 No Limits: Key Words: Abilities Grammer: can (ability) ‘Reading: Disabled Arlists Pronunciation: can ~ weak/strong. (op. 16-17 Sentence Bue ord/but Speaking: You abies, 2 Your sis ‘Word Builder: Verb-nosn collocatons Reading: A cuestionnaie Listening: An intevew (on 119) Grammar: Question words Speaking: Answeringa questionaire Pronunciation: Questions 3 Meeting Key Words: Opinion adjectives Reading and Untening: The halen tory (pp 20-29) fey Expressions: Opinions Waiting: form Bl ssugy Commer 19.22) Study lp: Vocabilary books Get Ready (p23) Key Words: Sport and Berise listening: Bercseatice 4. Sport Fashion Key Words: Appearance and thes fading: Th: New Fashion Medes (pp. 24-25) Word Builder: Compound nouns ‘Speaking: Game Grammar: hove glo ot Sentence Builders end 5 Food fr Sport Key Words Food and Ovink Reatlng and Ustening: Sport and Diet (on 25-27) Grammar: Fosesve's Pronunciation: [2 iz! Speaking: Favourite food dink 6 the Pak ading and Listening: The Chologes story (op. 28-29) Key Expressions: Asking how things are. Writing: & text message [Bl cross cutures 1 fading: National Sports tistening: rtewienssten Cosel): ‘pp 301) onions. Pronunciation: 7 Speaking Sports favours Project: A spots postr stuéy Corner 2(0. 32) Stuy bel: the Picture Dictionary Get Ready (p38) Key Words obs /Adjecivs, Sy Site vane Gk Gpesareg Gane 7 Fie Faves ey Word: outres Reading: Fire Fer (pp 3435) Grammar resent imple (1 and 2) Pronunciation: 2, 2! Sentence siler: Tie clauses speaking: Your routine 8 Sate Fist Grammar: resent Simple 3) ead: Stet Fist Listening: Safety Speaking: Your routine (on. 35-37, Sentence Builder: Exess wth evry 9 The Amusement Fark Key Words: Feelings Sentence Builder: verbs of Reading and Libtening: The Challenges story (op. 39-39) prelerence + noun ng Ney Exresion: Preferences Wat: A veport Study Corner 3 (p. 40) ‘Study help: Classroom Language 1 et Ready (41) ey Words: Paces, 40 Free Time Grammar: Adverbs (1) (pp. 42-43) ‘Sentence Builder: Position of adverbs: ‘Grammar: there ilthere are with somelany Reading: Milerium Point Listening: Tourist information / survey Word Builder: Mult-part verbs ‘Speaking: Places in your area 22 Going Out Key Words: Places Reading and Listening: the Challenges story Key Expressions: Aking for (pp. 46-47) Sentence Builder: fst and then ‘and giving diections Writing: A note with dzections IE] ‘Across Cultures 2 Reading: School Days Listening: A British school day Listen Closely: [pp 48-49) unstressed words / sounds: /V and [:/ Project: Poster ~My Ideal School Day Study Corner 4(p.50) ‘Study help: Classroom Language 2 ‘Get Ready (p 51) Key Words: The Weather Lstening: Weather report Speaking: Weather in your country 13 imate Key Words: Seasons Word Builder: Nours/ Reading: The World's climate [pp 52-33) adjectives Grammar: Courtatlefuncountable Speaking: The climate in your country rouns Sentence Bullder: why and because 14 Tomado! Grammar: Present Continuous Reading: News programme Listening: News programme [pp 54-55) Sentence Builder: Pronoun reference Speaking: Idenity game 45 nthe couniry Word Builder: Containers Reading and Listening: the Challenges story pp. 56-57) Key Expressions: Shopping writing: A postcard ‘Study Corner 5 (p. 58) ‘Study helo: Learning words O3HaKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - Unit/Page Language skills Get Ready (p58) Key Words: Transport listening: Travel Speaking: An expedition 16 Apollo 12 Key Words Space. Grammar: wadnere Reading: The Apolo 13 mission Fy) ee e061 Word Builder: ed adjectives Speaking: Yestery £59) 17 wolorers Key Words: Years Listening: Narco Polo ~ years Reading Marco Polo story = ‘rarmmar: Past Simple (1 ard 2) “Speaking: Your hclidays Pronunciation: -e endings Fl) 1a og Sentence Builder: Past ime clases Reading and Listening: The Challenges story Sy, op. 64-55) Key Expressions: Suggestions Writing: A short note [ Se Across cultures 3 ‘Reading: Welcome tothe UK! Lstenirg: Inleriew ~ British gil in Spain el) (00. 66-07) Listen closely: Contractions ronunchation: /6/ and /0/ Project & poster ~My county I study Commer 6 (p.68) Study help: Homework Get Ready (p. 9) Key Words: TV Prosrammes Listening: TV programmes Speaking: A questionnaire F3) 19 Lost Weck on TV Grammar: Pest Simple Aeading: TV review Sy (op.20-79) Word Buier: dan ing adjectives Speaking. Your weekend 5) 20 hat shows ‘Grammar: Past Simple (4 Reading: Chat show intervews listening: Fim quiz Ey (09.72-73) Speaking Film stars Lage) 21 The Rescue Sentence Builder: then and afer Reading and Listening: The Challenge story on. 74-75) Key Expressions: ‘skng how people are Writing: An emai study Comer 7.76) Study help: Orgarising grammar et Ready (9.77) Key Words: Helping Listening: Helping Speaking: A questionnaire 22 Change the Worlé! Grammar: Comparatves Reading: Teonage Campaigners (0 78-79) Speaking: Compare places = 23 Animatsin anger Key words: Adjectives Grammar: Superlatives listening: Animal descrptions Reading: Animals n Danger Co e0-31) sentence Bulder: vith Speaking: A quiz IY) 2 Asma ceive Key Words: Animals Reading and Listening: The Challenges story Key Expressions: Roques pp. (2-83) ‘Writing: An short note [2 ad) Across Cultures 4 ‘Reading: UNICEF leaflet Ustening: interviews with helpers {op 6-95) listen Closely: Contractions. Fronunciation: /a/ and e)/ Frojec: A teatlt : Study Comer 8 (. 86) ‘Study help: Clssoom Language 3 Get Ready (87) listening: Spot teams Speaking: A questionnaire 25. Science Olymgiac™ Reading: Science olympia™ Rus (or. 8-05) 26 Group ofthe Century Grammars Adverbs 2) Reading: The Beatles Listening: Song — Helo, Goodiye (op. 50-31) ‘Word Builder: Nake qouns rom verbs Sentence Builder: Postion of adverbs 27 Teamwork Reading and Listening: The Chlergs story (on. 22-53) ey Bcresions: Warning!Cngratultirg, Weng: Congrtuiations note study Comer 9 (p. 94) Study help: Working in groups Get Ready (p. 95) Ustening: Fun activites Speaking: The Yunco-meter 28 Summer Holidays Key Words: Holidays Reading and Listening: Holiday Plans. Speaking: Your holiday (on. 96-37) Grammar: going to Sentence Bilder: Future time clauses 29 Wocky Festival Grammar: Fossessive pronouns Reading: Festivals. Ustening: Dialogues (op. 90-39) Speaking: Personal information 30 arty Tine Reading and Listening: The Challenges story (op. 100-101) Key Expressions: Invitations imitation IE ‘Aeross Cultures 5 Key Words Celebrations New Year Celebrations Listening: New Yer in Scatend (op. 102-10) lia listen Cesey: expresions/ word sires pater New Year at home Poster ~ Festiva I Study Comer 10 (p. 104 Study help: Revising for exams Student A Activites (. 105) [B= For your portotio Student B Activities (p. 196) Time Out! (p.107-117) Ficture Dictionary (pp.118-128) (Questionnaire answers, Factor Fiction answers, lregular verb list (p. 128) O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA KOonHS - Warm-up 1. Country Quiz Match the countries with the flags. 2 Copy and complete the Word Builder with the countries and the nationality adjectives. Argentinian, Australian, Canadian, French, Greek, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, British, American Tean/-ian Argentina — Argentinian 2-ish +3 -ese 4 others 3 Now listen and check your answers. O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - Reading and Listening @A4_ Read and listen to the dialogue. Complete the sentences with nationality adjectives. Liam: Amy: Hello. Hi. My name’s Amy. What's your name? Liam. Nice to meet you. re you 1 British 2 No, I’m not. I'm 2 Where are you from? 'm from New York. Ah, you're 3 Yes, 1am. And is your friend American? No, he isn’t. Tom's 4. ‘And your friends? They're not Australian. Mark and Tania are 5. Liam: Amy: : Wow! We're really international here! Grammar: to be 5 Look at the table with your teacher. Affirmative E ‘ 1 ’m (am) He/She/it *s (is) from New York. WelYou/They re (are) Negative = 1 ’m not (am not) He/she/it isn’t (is not) Australian. We/You/They aren't (are not) ‘Yes/No Questions ‘Short Answers 4 Am | Yes, | am. No, I'm not. Is he/she/it trish? Yes, he/ __No, he/she/ she/itis. it isn’t. Are we/you/they Yes, welyou. No, we/you they are. they aren’t. Wh- Questions _ a fe .. What is your name? (What's your name?) Where are you from? What nationality is she? Practice & Complete the information about the people from Exercise 4 with is, isn’t, are or aren’t. 1 Amy #4 British. She Australian. 2 Mark and Tania Australian. They Irish. 3. Liam American. Tom American — he Canadian. 1 Use the words to write questions. Example 1 What is your name? is / your name? / what you / are / from the UK? you / from? / are / where you /a student? / are are / nationality / your friends? / what wawne Write answers for the questions in Exercise 7. Example 1 My name's... 9 Look at the Key Expressions and complete the dialogue. My name’s Amy. What's your name? Nice to meet you. Where are you from? A: Hi B: 1_Hello__ My 2 ’s Andy. 3 ’s your name? A: Simon, 4 to meet you. B: 5 are you from? ‘A; London, and you? B: I'm from Birmingham! Your Turn 10 Invent a person. Think of the things below. Work in pairs. Act out a dialogue like the one in Exercise 4. name country and nationality ‘© where friends are from @11 Read and listen to the alphabet. Then listen and write down the names, Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee [ai (CCR lec! | Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx NUS S74 Example 1 Liam 12 Spelling Test Work in pairs. Choose five words and test your partner. Example A: Spell Greece’. B: GR double E CE A: Correct! O3HAKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - Warm-up 1 Look at the Key Words. Put the numbers in the correct order. Then listen and check: G) Key Words: Numbers sixteen, eighty, forty, eleven, seven, one hundred, nineteen, thirty, five, seventy, ten, four, fifteen, twelve, seventeen, two, six, fourteen, nine, one, sixty, three, cight, thirteen, eighteen, twenty, fifty, ninety 3 —> Picture Dictionary, page 118. Look at the Key Words. (| Key Words: Family aunt, brother, cousin, daughter, father, grandfather, granddaughter, grandmother, grandson, husband, mother, nephew, niece, sister, son, uncle, wife 4 Look at the family tree. What are the family relationships? Tom/Mary — Aushand— wife Lisa/Anna Mark/Michael John/Mark Tom/Anna Mary/Mark Lisa/Monica Anna/Mark Anna/Monica LIT wearvanawna Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the people in the family tree. ‘Example ‘A: How old is Michael? B: He's forty-one. ‘Anna (13) Reading and Listening GE _ Read about the people from the family tree. Who are they? 1 My wife is sixty-two. Our son, John, is thirty- nine. His children are Anna and Mark. They are thirteen and fifteen, __ O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - @2_ Pronunciation Look at the Word Builder. Listen to the numbers. Can you hear a) or bj? a) thirteen 13 bj thirty 30 four 4 a)fourteen 14 b) forty 40 five 5 a)fifteen 15 bj fifty 50 six 6 a)sixteen 16 bj sixty 60 seven 7 a) seventeen 17 __b) seventy 70 a) eighteen 18 bj eighty 80 a) nineteen 19 b) ninety 90 Jobn (39) Michael (41) Kathy (37) Mark (15) Moniea (/3) 2 1am thirty-seven. My husband is thirty-nine. ifteen. jeen. Monica is a good friend — we are cousins. She’s thirteen. Her dog is great. Its name is Sam. It is old — about ten. 4. Mark is my cousin. His sister is called Anna. Their mother and father are my aunt and uncle Mv favaprite grandmother ic called Man renglis| Grammar: Subject pronouns/ possessive adjectives 7 Look at the table with your teacher. 1am thirty-seven. My husband is thirty-nine. “You are fifteen. ‘Your name is Mark. He is thirty-nine. His sister is Kathy. ‘She is thirteen. Itis about ten. Weare The are iy Practice 8 complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. 1 I'm thirteen and ty brother is sixteen. 2. They are brothers. sister is at university. 3. We're cousins. grandmother is eighty-four! 4 How old are you? And how old are parents? 5 She’s a new student. brother is in a different class. 6 He's my cousi father is my favourite uncle! 9 Look at the Key Words. Write the missing numbers. Then listen and check. Example Fourteenth 10 Look at the Key Words. Order the months. Then listen and check. Listening GM Look at the calendar and listen to the people from Exercise 4, Write the names ‘on the calendar. AUGUST | a ji 3) | Mw 7 i iy = 2 oa B, t js = a aw Bs Your Turn 12 write a list of birthdays in your family. Example My dad — on the first of June. ‘13 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your family. Example A: How old is your dad? B: He's forty-two. When's his birthday? B: it’s on the first of June. O3HaAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - C Your Classroom Warm-up ramale (Q| Key Words: Classroom Objects 1 Work in pairs. Look at the A: What's number one bag, bin, blackboard, book, bookshelf, box, Key Words. Match them in English? CD player, chair, cupboard, desk, dictionary, with the objects (1-23). B: Window. door, DVD player, pen, pencil, plant, poster, ruler, television, video player, wall, watch, window O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - 2 Complete the Word Builder with plurals. Grammar: Prepositions of place 6 Look at the pictures with your teacher. Ais between B and C. Practice 'T Look at the picture on page 8 again. Complete the sentences with prepositions. 3 Pronunciation Listen to the sounds. Put the words in the correct groups. Then listen p wont 1. Two books are the desks. eee 2 The bag is the chair. 1 books /s/ 2 chairs /z/__| 3 classes /uz/ 3. The bin is the cupboard. aye 4 Five dictionaries are the bookshelves. 5 The blackboard is the window and the cupboard 6 The video player is the cupboard 7 The dictionaries are the boxes 4 What's in your classroom? Write a list. of chalk. earn 8 The plantis the window. 1 television, 15 desks, 4 posters Your Turn 5 Game work in pairs. Flay this memory game. 8 Game Think of an object in the classroom. A: four books ‘The others ask questions and guess the object. B: four books and five DVD players erie A: four books, five DVD players and ten chairs ioe Sige eee : Is it in the cupboard? 8: Yes, it is. O3HaKOMHTeAbHAaA KOnHS - D |Your School Warm-up 1 Look at the Key Words. Match them with the symbols (a~i). Example al science 2 What are your three favourite subjects? Tell the class. Example My favourite subjects are maths, science and art. Reading 3 Look at the timetable. Write these times. Example a) 12.30 a) half past twelve _b) three o'clock ¢) quarter past two d) five past three e) quarter to twelve) ten to four 8) cleven o'clock hh) ten to ten @4 Listen and repeat the times and days. 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the timetable. Example A: What time is history on Wednesday? B: It’sat eleven o'clock. Listening QE Listen to the teacher and put her instructions in the correct order. [1 a) open your books. 4) Don't stand up. ©) Sit down, (2) 4) Look at the photos. C. @ don't look at your books. CO £) Read the dialogue. C1 &) Close your books. C1 fy) Write three words. Grammar: Imperatives ‘T Look at the sentences with your teacher. as Don’t sit down. 9.00 | English | English | science | french | Maths 943, 9.50 | History | French | English | Maths | History 1035 1035 break 7100] Maths | Geography | History | English | Geography 1145 1150| French | Geography| Maths | Science | English 1230 72.30, lunch 145] science | Physical | Art Music | Physical 15.00 education education 10 45.05 | science | Physical | Art music | Phil O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - Practice 8 Complete the instructions. Use the verbs in the box. _ don’t speak. don’t write, tisten-to, read, speak, watch, write Usien your teacher in class. your language in English lessons. English to your partner in class. new words in your notebook. sentences in your course book. Use your notebook stories in English at home. videos and DVDs in English 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @S_ Game Listen and follow the instructions. You are out of the game when you are the last person or you make a mistake. 10 Work in pairs. Give and follow classroom instructions. Example ‘A: Open your book. Reading 1 Match the sentences (1-6) with the pictures (a—f). Tell us the answer, please. «) Listen to me, please! Ask her a question. Sit next to him. Get your book. Open it on page 10. Read the sentences, Write them in your notebook, auawna Grammar: Object pronouns 12 Copy and complete the table with words from Exercise 11. 13 complete the sentences with the correct object pronouns. 1 Maths js her favourite subject. Ask Ae” for help. 2 He's your teacher. Listen to 3 Read the story. Then answer questions about 4 We're from London. Tell about New York. 5 I'm here. Sit next to 6 Repeat the words and match with the photos. 7 What's the answer? Check on page 120. & She is a fantastic singer. Listen to O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - ee CTU Ly) Warm-up Grammar: this, that, these, those 1 => Picture Dictionary, page 3 Look at the examples with your teacher. 120. Look at the Key Words. What things are in your Stat = ee Sd bedroom? This is the new Kings of Rock CD. _These are my computer games. This CD is my favourite. These games are old. Reading and Listening @2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Complete the table about Andy. That's a poster from a concert. Those are my computer games. favourite group: The singer in that poster is Jim Black. Those games are sports games. favourite computer z games: Andy: This is my room. Jamie: Oh, your favourite music is heavy metal! ‘Andy: Yes, itis! That's a poster from a concert. Jamie: Who's the singer? ‘Andy: The singer in that poster is Jim Black ~ he’s in Kings of Rock. They're great! Practice Jamie: They're okay. ‘Andy: And this CD is my 4 complete the sentences with this, that, these or those. favourite. It’s the new 4 Kings of Rock CD. Jamie: What are these? Andy: These are my computer Pass me that _ book, please. The book over there. Come here. Look at ©. poster over there is my favourite ween games Theyarerctd Are your magazines over there? Those games over there Look here. What are 2 Are they computer games? are sports games and they're my favourite. Your Turn They're new. Jamie: Great. They're my favourite! 5. Work in pairs. Ask questions about things in your classroom. Example ‘A: What colour is that door? B: It’s blue. TE eee camate. om i. O3HAKOMHTeAbHas KOnHS - Warm-up 1 —> Picture Dictionary, page 119. Look at the Key Words and find the opposites. G)key words: Appearance big, blond, dark, old, fet, short, small, tall, thin, young 2 Use the Key Words to describe the photos. Reading and Listening @3_ Read and listen to the sentences (1-4). Match them with the photos (a-d). 1 This is a photo of our two dogs. My dog is the big dog in the photo. He’s an Alsatian. 2 This is my mum. She is a doctor. She’s in the tchen of our house. 3. This isa friend from my area. She is in the park behind my house. 4 This is a photo of my boyfriend. He is a basketball player and is the captain of the school basketball team. Grammar: Articles 4. Look at the examples with your teacher My boyfriend is a basketball player. He is the captain of the basketball team. My dog is an Alsatian. Itis the big dog in the photo. Practice 5 Choose the correct word, a or an. 1'm a/@7) English student. He's a/an old friend from Scotland. That's a/an Polish—English dictionary. You are a/an good id! My aunt is a/an art teacher. wwna Complete the descriptions of photos with a, an or the. 1 Look at this photo. in“ _ photo, | am it friend from school 2 Thisis photo of me and captain of the football team. 3. This is my sister with old friend. 4 Thisis — photo of my class. boy is Mark. He’s — tall police officer now. 'T Look at the sentences with your teacher Use the words below to write sentences. He is a boy He is young. He is a young boy He is a young boy from Argentina. my brother / student / good / at university he / doctor / old / at the hospital she / singer / great / from Africa he / student / French / from Paris she / girl / tall / from my area wawna O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - G Key Words: interests (©) Talk about your abilities an Read about disabled people. sten to an interview. Complete a form. Learn about can and question words. Get Ready 3. Read the notice. Match the examples (ad) with the activities (1-4). 1 > Pict Dictionary, 122. faclatiie Kenware oie a) Walk 25 kilometres. b) Help old people. ¢) Play the piano. d) Play tennis, chess, computers, computer games, cycling, fashion, films, horse riding, music, photography, pottery, reading 2 Look at the photos. Match the people A programme for young people. with their interests. ENGe? Example ARE YOU READY FOR THe CHALU OOS IIE 1 Start a new interest. 2 Do phusical exercise. 3 Help people in your area. O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA Kons - CJA. Listen to the people. Complete the forms below. CJ5 ‘Name: Alexandra Allen | Age: Uthirteen From: Birmingham Interests: Cycling and 2__ | Tame: Rajiv Narayan Age: 3 From: Birmingham Injerests: Football and 4__ Tame: Lusy Smithson Age: 5. From: Bristol Interests: Fashion and 6 Namo: Tom Hardy | wawne on Age: 7. From: Toronto, Canada | Listen again. Write the names of the characters. My dad is from Scotland, A/a — Music is my hobby. My horse, Hector My mum's Spanish. Computer games are greai great. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your interests. Example A: What are your interests? B: My interests are reading, photography and films. O3HAKOMHTeADHAA KONHS - Ui No Limits Warm-up Read the article again and answer these questions. 1 —> Picture Dictionary, page 122. What group is Tom Davies in? Look at the Key Words and circle Donna Santos is a film director. your abilities. What are her films about? Where is Wei Fong from? | Key Words: Abilities — What type of musician is J mmy Chavez? act, cook, dance, drav, paint, play a musical instrument (eg piano/suitar), play chess, ride a bicycle, sing, speak French, take photos, use a computer, write stories Reading @2_ Read the article. Match the people (1-4) with the photos (a-<). Millions of people in the world are disabled. For them life is a big COCALO aCe CG Sc nn a Ie Ca ee 1 Tom Davies is from Bradford in the UK. He is a teenager - with memory problems but he can act and he can learn eee eerste S Donna Santos can’t walk but she can direct films. Her films are about the problems of disabled people. 3. Wei Fong 1s from Hong Kong. He can’t use his arms and hands but he can paint. How can he do this? He can draw and paint with his toes and his mouth. Jimmy Chavez 1s from Califorma. He can’t sce but ete Woe Na ion ictev nN rt atmo itd sing? Yes, he can! He is a fantastic singer. Pereyra once td Pa Ae hi ) O3HAKOMHT' Grammar: can (ability) 4 Complete the table with can or can’t. WYou/He/She/It/We/They 1. paint. Se iat, — walk. welthey No, | can’t. ‘What 3. \/you/he/she/it/ do? we/they @5 Pronunciation Listen to the sounds. 1 /kaen/: can 2 /kan/: can 3 /kamt/: can’t GE Now listen to the sentences. What sounds can you hear: 1, 2 or 3? Example a) 2 Practice ' Correct the sentences about the people in the text. Example 1 He can't play the piano. He can act. Tom Davies can play the piano. Donna Santos can paint with her toes. Wei Fong can direct films. Jimmy Chavez can act. aAWNS Use the words to write questions about Tom and Wei. Example 1 Gan Tom act? Tom / act / can play | can / the piano / he paint / Wei / can use / his hands / he / can draw / with his toes / can / he wewna Now answer the questions. Example 1 Yes, he can. Se BUT 10 Pair work Ask and answer questions about the people. > Student A ask about Lucy and Tom, page 105. > Student B ask about Alex and Rajiv, page 106. Example A: Can Lucy ride a horse? B: Yes, she can. 1 Look at the Sentence Builder. Choose one person from Exercise 10 and say a sentence about him/ her. Your partner guesses who it is. Example A: She can ride a bicycle but she can’t ride a horse. B: Alex! A: That's right! She can paint and she can draw. She can act but she can’t sing. Your Turn 12 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your abilities. Example A: Gan you act? 8: No, I can't. Can you play chess? Az Yes, I can. O3HAaKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - Your Skills Warm-up 1. Copy and com plete the Word Builder wit the nouns in the box. ati | a bicycle, ch ] cycle, chess, a computer, computer | English, football, Flench, the guitar a horse, | the Intemeta mobilephone; 2 motorbike, ‘ ‘he-pigno, Spanish, tenn 7 Reading 2 Read the e questionnaire. Match the sections (1~ with the pictures (a-e). ee ao Skills Questionnaire ‘Whavs your name? Yor Aer) a Where are you from? Who is your teacher? Lar Wall 2 Computers 3 Arts i ‘What can you do? ‘What can you do? (Cla) use a computer (Ca) paint and draw [DJb) use the Internet (1b) act (lc) write e-mails (Fle) dance (1d) use a printer C14) sing (Je) play computer Cle) play a musical instrument $$ Ne (Tom Hardy) Cail [ip take phosos pas lon Hay __ 1D No. 00256 Place of Birth Tonia, Canada Tow many languages can What languages can you speak? Ga) tide a bicycle (id) use a mobile phone (by cide a motorbike Cle) read a map Ug cook Seen O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - SUC Listening 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions below. Q3 Listen to the interview with Tom. Complete the questionnaire with his answers. Eomne ‘A: How many people are in this class? ‘ B: Twenty-eight. Grammar: Question words ‘At No, twenty-seven! 4 Match the questions (1-6) and the answers (a). 1 How many ... ? (people in your 1 How old are you? a) His name's Mr Wall. class/school/ town/country) 2 What can you do? b) Two: English and French. 2 Who ... ? (your class teacher/your 3. What's your name? | an use computers. head teacher/your best friend) 4 Where are you from? ) I'm fourteen. 3° Who in your class can ... ? (play an 5 Who is your teacher? e) Tom Hardy. instrument/sing/paint/act/ride a horse) 6 How many languages anf) m from canada. 4 Where ... ?(Tom/Alex/Lucy/Rajiviyour you speak? teacher) from? 5 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the questions. 5 What things ... ?(in your bag/in your classtoom/in your school) Practice Your Turn 5 Complete the questions in the quiz. O.Vorkin pe Riadanaee questions from the Skills Questionnaire on page 18, Example ‘A: Can you use a computer? The ‘The Challenge cot in the Duke of Edi ? i i ae es Dake Of) kei oi eae (—Fact or Fiction? ——) Rory Blackwell from the UK can : play 108 musical instruments is the name of the youth club? at the same time. qa) Southpark b) Northgate c) Southgate aswsren page 12. is Lucy? a)13. b)44 ¢) 15 is Alex from? a) Scotland) Spain ¢) Birmingham can ride a horse in the group? ) Lucy b) Alex ¢) Rajiv can Rajiv do? a) ride a horse b) paint c) play an instrument 'T_ Now answer the questions. Check your answers on page 129. O3HaKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - SE) ee Meeting Warm-up 3 Look at the Key Words and classify them a), b) or ¢). What adjective is only for people? 1 nok pola et Ee Sample bring ° interests. « guitar classes © bicycle maintenance © Key Words: Opinion Adjectives e + dog training * photography boring, cool, fantastic, good-looking, great, interesting, hice, not bad, okay Reading and Listening ¢ 4 Read the dialogue agai opinion adjectives. Complete the table with 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your guesses from Exercise 1 Alex: Hi Rajiv. You're on the programme rap Scott too. That’s fantastic! maintenance Rajiv: Yeah, great. Alex Alex: This is the list of new interests. Rajiv 1 What are you into? eS Rajiv: Me? I'm into rap. It’s great! Lucy Lucy: Yeah, it's cool. Can you play an instrument, Raj? Well, no I can't. But I’m interested in guitar classes. Alex: And you, Lucy? What are you interested in? Lucy: Me? Horse riding! Alex: But Lucy, you can ride horses. What's your new interest? Are you into painting? Lucy: No, I'm not. It's boring! Alex: Well, you're into animals. Here’s one for you - dog training. Lucy: Mm, that’s not bad. And you? Alex: Well, I’m not sure. Ah, look here. Bicycle maintenance, Rajiv: Bicycle maintenance! That’s really boring! Bikes are okay but bicycle maintenance! Alex: It isn’t boring. It's interesting. Tom: Hi there. I'm Tom. Rajiv:1'm Rajiv. This is Alex and Lucy. Alex: What's your new interest? Tom: I'm interested in photography. Alex: Look, here’s the monitor. Lucy: He's good-looking, too! Alex: Yeah, he’s nice. Scott: Hil My name's Scott! Raji SUC Speaking Your Challenge 5 Look at the Key Expressions. Write six sentences & about your interests. Writing: A form Example 1 Complete the information (1-7) with answers (2-2). a) Mrs Williams b) thirteen. 6) | can use computers. | can ride a horse but What are you into? V'm into music. It's Veantt read/aiman: a) British builliant ) I'm into fashion and horse riding. 4) Edgbaston High School for Girls) Bristol V'm into rap. It’s really cool. Are you into computers? Yes, | am. They're great. Are you into painting? No, I'm not. It’s boring. hora the snaverst ran Are you interested Yes, | am. It’s cool in music? What are you V'm interested in interested in? guitar classes. First name & Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about ‘Sumarne these things. 5 Age Mes © computers © chess ¢ fashion * music « films * dancing ®.photography * cooking « languages ess Sees ee ree Cixy/town: 3 = School Teacher alla (Computers/ ors viding/map reading) 2 Copy and complete the form for you. Speaking: Interview 1. Look at the form above. Think of seven questions. Example What's your name? 2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Include one piece of false information. Example A: What's your name? B: My name's Superman! 3. What information about your partner is false? Tell the class. i H Example His name isn’t Superman. O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - 4 Study Corner 1 Language Check 1 Complete the words in the sentences. 2 My interest is p 3 Her hobby ish r_ _ is my favourite game, are great! —and music 2 Complete the sentences. 6 She can the piano. 7 Ian a bicycle. 8 My dad can't computers. 9. They can chess. 10° Lucy can a horse. Vocabulary []/ 10 3 Order the words in the sentences. 41 you / draw and paint? / can 12 can't the Internet / my sister / use 13. write / can /1/ e-mails 14 your brother / speak / can / English? 15 do? / they / what / can 16 the piano? / she / can / play 17 a horse / | / ride / can't 18 languages / how many / speak? / you / can 19. sing / they / and / dance / can 20 cook / but / he / can't ride / he can / a motorbike Feedback @e Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Write down your scores. © Look at the table below. Then do the exercises on page 18 of the Workbook. Wrong answers: Look again at: 15 Get Ready — Key Words 6-10 Unit 2 — Word Builder 11-20 Unit 1 - Grammar Unit 2 - Grammar Unit 3 — Key Expressions 21-25 A Complete the questions with question words. 2 is your brother? He’ fifteen. 2 is my dictionary? It’s on the desk. 23 is your teacher? Mrs Jones. 24 people are in your class? Twenty-five. 25 _____ is her name? Her name’s Annabel. | Grammar [_]/15 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. "bad, boring, in, interested, into A: Are you 26_ painting? B: No, I’m not. It’s 27_____t Vm 28 in photography. B: Are you interested 22 pottery? A: Well, it’s not 30__. Key Expressions ["]/5 © Write this information for each word Word Translation | Example sentence painting lobraz (am into painting Now choose a topic and make a d write information for each word, O3HaKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - ram. Then, [Talk about exercise, food, appearance. La Read about sports stars and diets. (2) Listen to radio interviews about diet. (Write a text message. () Leain about have got and ‘s. Look at the photos. Are the acti boring? really interesting? * funny? ¢ crazy? —> Picture Dictionary, page 123. Look at the Key Words. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about sport and exercise. (| Key Words: Sport and Exercise do athletics/gymnastics|judo/skateboarding play basketball/football/tennis cycle/dance/run/swim/walk Example A. Gan you do gymnastics? B: Yes, 1 can. O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - freng! Listen and complete the advice. thirty minutes of exercise every day. football, basketball or tennis. watch houirs of TV. Don't computer games for hours. or cycle to school. Use the stairs — don’t the lift, EJ Sport Fashion Warm-up 1 —® Picture Dictionary, pages 118 and 119. Match the words from the text. Are they one Find examples of the 5 ‘or two words: fashion model — two words fashion a) tail 2spons —_b) model 3 tennis © player 5 4 hair d) style Reading 5 pony e) star }2 Read the text and choose the correct answers. The new fashion models are film starsipop stars/sports stars. Maria Sharapova is from Hungary/Russia/Ukraine. David Beckham/Ronaldo/Ronaldinho is famous for his tattoos. COR ee Nae cee ean eee nec ker) i te sports stars are the new fashion Neer eran eee eee eden meee icc ard ee en ate Cerca NBS eace nes , Wepre eA ee mena to Cen mete er a orcas Tete eee ene aces) oe Re een Pe ee eee nue P and a top model. He is famous for his } uaa oL oR MRC tere M Read tattoos on his arms, neck and back Pe ghost eda eta ee) shaved head and Ronaldinho has got eee pte Grammar: have got / has got 4 Look at the tables and complete the sentences with have, has or hasn't. Practice 5 Look at the photos and complete these sentences with have, has, haven't or hasn't. Ronaldinho Aasut got a shaved head. Maria Sharapova and Svetlana Kuznetsova No got dark hair. David Beckham Maria Sharapova The tennis players got tattoos. got a ponytail. got blond hair. mune Write true short answers for these questions. Have you got fair hair? Has your teacher got brown eyes? Have your friends got tattoos? Has your mother got short hair? aku Ne Write questions with have got or has got. Work in pairs. Then ask and answer the questions. Example Has your sister got fair hair? No, she hasn't. your sister / fair hair? your best friend / ponytail? your teacher / thin face? your parents / brown eyes? sens 8 Look at the Sentence Builder. He’s got blue eyes. He’s got fair hair. He's got bluc eyes and he’s got fair h She is tall. She is slim. She is tall and shes slim. 9. Now use words from the table below to write six sentences about your friends and family. Example Your dad has got strong arms ond a thin jace. is "| brown/blue eyes. Your dad dark/fair hair. ‘My sister | long/short hair. My dog. | strong arms. Her friend | have got | a thin face. My boyfriend | has got | a tattoo His girlfriend | a ponytail. We ~ | tall Mytriend — is | short. ‘My parents | are Your cat Es My sisters. E Your parents | Your Turn 10 Game Work in pairs. Think of a teacher or student in your school. Ask five questions and guess who it is. Example A: Isita student? B: Yes, it is. ‘A: Is ita boy? 8: No, it isn’t A: Has she got long hair? B: Yes, she has. A: Has she got ... —> TIMEOUT! Page 108, Exercise 4 Ea O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - Warm-up “> 1 —> Picture Dictionary, page 121. What Key Words can you see in the photos? (S| Key Words: Food and Drink apples, carrots, cereals, chicken, eggs, fish, kiwis, milk, nuts, orange juice, pasta, potatoes, steak, toast, water > 2 Copy and complete the table with the Key Words. Add more words to the table. Use the Picture Dictionary to help you. Meat Vegetables | Drinks Fruit Other’ —_ ? carrils ‘apples | cereals | Reading and Listening G3 Listen to the radio interview and complete the gaps with Key Words. Bea) Mien HMe Presenter: Arsenal are top of the league again, But what is their secret? Is it Freddie Lijungberg's skill? Is it Thierry Henry's experience? The men’s skills are important. But the players’ diet is important, too. Expert: Well, Arsenal's French manager, Arsene Wenger, has got interesting ideas for footballers’ food. 1_Sivak_, eggs and chips are out; fish, 2_, vegetables and 3 are in. And on the day of a match, potatoes are good. Presenter: Potatoes? Tan Thorpe: peti = - Giese = Expert: Yes, but not ! And fruit is really important, too. David Beckham is an England football player. 5 _ are David's favourite fruit, Presenter: And in other sports? Expert: Well, food experts’ advice for tennis players is: Don't eat fruit and don’t drink fruit juice in a match. Eat 6____and drink water. And Stefano Baldini's advice is: Drink 2-3 litres of water a day. He's Italy’s champion marathon runner. Presenter: So, different food for different sports. Expert: Yes. Australian swimmer, Ian Thorpe, has got five Olympic gold medals. His breakfast is 7. , toast and 8 but Tan's favourite food is Japanese! Presenter: Well, that's food for thought. Thank you very much. Expert: You're welcome. O3HaAKOMHTeAbHasA Kons - Grammar: Possessive ‘s 5 Look at the table and add these words. Assenat’s, footballers’, Williams's, experts, men's, David's, Michael's, Thorpe’s | singular nouns Henry's Arsenal singular nouns with ‘s' ending Reyes's regular plural nouns players’ ‘irregular plural nouns women’s & Match the sentences (1-2) with the drawings (a-b). 1 The boy's shorts are red. 2. The boys’ shorts are red. 7 Pronunciation Listen and repeat. 1 Js/: Thorpe’s 2 /z/: David's 3 /iz/: Williams's Now put these names in the correct group 1, 2 or 3. Tom's, Scott's, Alex’s, Rajiv's, Kate’s, Charles's Mike’s, James's, Lucy’s | (G8 Now listen and check your answers. = (iy frat on Fiction? —— O3HAKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - frenglis! 3 Photo Quiz Read the sentences and put in the apostrophes. Look at the photos. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Ci the swimmers costumes are red. (page 23) 2 Ci the two tennis players hair is blond. (page 24) 3 C)bavid Beckhams T-shirt is blue. (page 24) 4 LJRonaldinhos shorts are green. (page 24) 5 [Jstefano Baldinis hair is short. (page 26) Practice 10 Add 's or s’to the underlined words. Example 1. That is Tom’s new football. That is Tom new football. The plaver wives are in the crowd. Pat favourite food is pizza. He is in the men 100 metre final. James is Chris brother Our school has got a girl football team. Our team new colours are great. She is the new women tennis champion. eNauawna Tl Pair work Ask and answer questions. > Student A page 105 > Student B page 106 Your Turn ‘12 Work in pairs. Find out your partner's favourite food and drink. Then tell the class. Example Jack's favourite food is pizza and his favourite drink is milk. Kiwis are originally from China saswer enone 128, i) | In the Park Warm-up 1. Look at the photos. Match the people with their exercise. | 1. Rajiv and Alex a) badminton 2 Tom b) skateboarding | 3 Lucy 6) running Listening and Reading G2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your guesses from Exercise 1. Hey, Alex? Yes? Can we stop? Not now. Come on. jiv: No... | can’t. Oh, all right. Look, there’s Lucy. Hil How are things? Not too bad. And you? How is the badminton class? It's great! But I'm really tired. I's hard work. Hard work? Running’s hard work. It's horrible. Come on, Rajiv! It’s not that bad. 2 Yes, itis! Tom’s lucky. Skateboarding is easy. Easy? Look at this text from Tom s How are his classes? Lucy: They're really difficult. Oh, well. What about a drink at that new coffee bar? Lucy: Yeah. We can talk about the trip to the amusement park next weekend, Rajiv: What trip? What amusement park? 3 Read the dialogue again, Are the sentences true (T) or false (F]? 1 happy. 2 into running. 3 Cliucy’s badminton class is great. 4 Lucy has got a text message from Tom. = [Tom's skateboarding classes are easy. 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer a questions. Choose the underlined Speaking words. 4 Look at the Key Expressions. A: How are things? a B: Great/okay/not bad/fantastic! | Key Expressions: Asking how things are horrible. How are things? Not too bad A: How is your guitar/iudo class? How is the badminton class?| It's great. It's easy. B: It’s easy/difficult/hard work, great. I'm really tired/happy. A: And how are your maths/ English lessons? O3HaKOMHTeAbHasA Kons - It's hard work. It’s horrible. How are the classes? They're really difficult. Tatty Your Challenge Writing: A text message 1 Look at the text message abbreviations. Then read the text message from Tom. Write it in full sentences. xample Hi! Are you okay? Text message abbreviations 2 write a text message to another student ee about your present activities. re ae xs es =| 3 Read your partner's text message O3HAKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - Warm-up 1 Look at the photos. What is the national sport in your country? What other sports are popular? Example Spoin’s national sport is football, Other popular sports are cycling and tennis Reading @2_ Read the texts and complete the table. rss National Sports ae national sport in Canada is ice hockey Canada is a top ice hockey country with nine Olympic gold medals. Ice hockey is popular in other countries, eg. the Czech Republic and Russia. Ice hockey teams have got twenty-two players with six players in the game. Ice hockey matches are very fast and dangerous! Basketball is popular in about twenty countries, e.g. the USA, Serbia and Spain. The famous clubs and players are in the USA. Basketball is the national sport in Lithuania. Lithuania has got many Olympic medals and great basketball players. i Basketball teams have got ten players with five players in the game. Basketball players are very tall, The Turkish player Kosen Sultan is 2 metres, 42 centimetres! Football is popular in two hundred countries. It is the national sport in many European and South American countries, eg. Italy, Argentina and Brazil. Brazil is the world’s top football country with five World Cups. Brazilians are crazy about football. Football is an old game from Europe or China. Modern football, with eleven players, is from the United Kingdom. The UK has got four national teams: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland! , national | popular in | number 3 Read the texts again. Are these sentences true (T) sport in of players or false (FP? ice hockey| Canada Citce hockey teams have got twenty players. football Brazil is the top football country n the world. basketball (C1 Modern football is from the UK. (the UK has one national team. L Basketballl players are short. fre Sultan is Cr O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - freng! is! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Listening G4 Listen to the interviews with three teenagers. Copy and complete the table with their answers. swimming, Juninho, athletics, volleybal, Serena Williams, tennis, basketball, | Ian Thorpe, football favourite sports | favourite stars Anna | volleyball Danie! Silvio 5 Listen closely write the number of words in each sentence. Contractions are two words (It's = itis). Example 1 What’s your favourite sport? = 5 words 6 Pronunciation Listen to the two sounds. T/sl: see = 2 /f/: she science, seven, shaved, short, shelf, shoes, six, | skateboarding, skill, skirt, Spain, special, sport G)Now listen and repeat the words. Speaking ‘T List your favourite: * sports © sports stars ¢ team 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questic Example A: What's your favourite football team? B: My favourite team's Manchester United. _ Your Country 4 Who are the top players ly devrenribe plaises one lahny Witkinson and. Jason Leonard. O3HAaKOMHTeAbHasA KOnHS - “en Study Corner 2 Language Check 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs do or play. 1 Can you judo? 2 leant basketball 3 Don't football in the garden. 4 30 minutes exercise a day. 5. She can gymnastics, 2. Put the words in the correct group. Fruit [Vegetables [Drink 6 8 10 7 9 1" 3° Look at the photos on page 28. Match the names with these descriptions. a) Lucy b) Tom c) Alex d) Rajiv 12. blond hair / long hair / pink jacket 13. dark hair / ponytail / white shirt 14 black hair / blue shirt / blue trousers 15 jeans / brown shoes / yellow T-shirt Vocabulary [|/15 Feedback Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Write down your scores. @ © Look at the table below. Then do the exercises on page 28 of the Workbook. Wrong answers: | Look again 15 Get Ready — Key Words 6-11 UnitS—Key Words 1415 Unit 4— Key Words Unit 4— Grammar Unit 5 4 Write affirmative sentences (v7), negative sentences (x) or questions (2) with have got. Example Fred / a new TV (2)— Has Fred got a new TV? 16 Jim / a mobile phone (x) 17 1 / new trainers (v) 18 she / a tattoo on her arm (?) 19 my brother / long hair (v) 20 you / blue eyes (x) 21. he / dark hair (2) 5 Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets and ’s or s’. 22 Isthis tionary? (Kate) 23 That is___CD. (James) 24 The shirts are new. (players) 25 Who is in the final? (men) 26 My computer is great. (friend) Grammar [| |/ 11 6 Complete each gap with one word from the box. | how, difficult, hard, too | A: 27 are things? B: Not 28. bad. How are the guitar classes? Oh, they're 29 work. And your French class? A: Horrible! It’s really 30__. Key Expressions | ]/4 Work in pairs. Choose a page in the Picture Dictionary. Cover the words and test your partner. Example A: What's this? B: Basketball. Talk about jobs, routines and likes/distikes. | (Read about fire fighters and safety. Listen to a programme about safety. 7 White 2 short report. a Lt [Learn about the Present Simple. | 6 o —> Picture Dictionary, page 124. Look at the Key Words. Listen to five people. What are What jobs can you see in the photos? their jobs. gi Ker WordsiJobs J) Listen again. Classify the jobs. actorfactress, builder, doctor, electrician, fire fighter, model, : nurse, pilot, police officer, racing driver, scientist, teacher, vet, Pecans waiter/waittess, window cleaner 2 sometinesitan xerous 1/=not very dangerous Look at the Key Words below. Match the opposites. ©] Key Words: Adjectives © Think of a job or sport. boring, dangerous, difficult, easy, interesting, safe * Mime it to the class. * The others guess the job. Chance adiectives for theea inbe in Fvercice 4 O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - ed Fire Fighters Warm-up 1 —> Picture Dictionary, page 125. Look at the Key Words. What things are not part of your daily routine? Example Empty the rubbish bins. (GI Key Words: Routines brush your teeth, clean the floor, do exercises, do the dishes, do the housework, empty the rubbish bins, get up, go shopping, go to bed, have a shower, have lunch/dinner, make your bed, play cards/chess, study for tests, tidy your room, wash your clothes, watch TV. 2 Look at the photo. Guess the fire fighters’ daily routine. Reading GB Read the text and check your guesses in Exercise 2 4 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? A Day in the Life of a FIRE FIGHTER Fire fighters in the US and the UK work 24 hours and then have 48 hours off. Fire fighter Jim Roberts tells us about his routine. 07:45: | arrive at the station. 08:00: The captain calls our names. 08:15: | work with a colleague called Doug, First, we check our equipment. 09:30: The fire station is our home for 24 hours. We do ‘the housework and tidy the rooms. We clean the - siation, make our beds, clean the floors and showers, animate wash our uniforms and empty the rubbish bins. Wou/We/They 1 10:00: We do exercises in the gym: He/She/It 2 11:00: We get ready for lunch. | don’t cook but | go shopping with Doug. The fijestation pays forthe food! © & ‘ut these verbs into the correct group 12:00: We have lunch (1-4). jim is the captain of the fire station, (1 Doug is Jim's work colleague. [1 The fire station has got a gym. (1 jim is an expert in fire safety. (1 Emergency calls are only for fires. wewna Grammar; Present Simple (1) 5 complete the table with arrive, arrives. at the station 13:45: We do different things in the afternoon. | give first aid classes. Doug doesn’t do this with me. He Visits schools and talks about fire safety. 17:00: Doug arrives at the station and we check the equipment again. Then we prepare the dinner. 18:00: We have dinner. 19:30; We do the Doug doesn’t watch TV — he plays chess. 23:00: We go to bed. 08:00: We don't have breakfast. We go home. And Emergency Calls? This timetable doesn’t include emergency calls — fires. car accidents and O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - ies and then we read or watch TV. calls, checks, cleans, empties, gets, goes, makes, pays, plays, studies, tells, tdies, washes, watches 14s calls 2 tes goes 3 consonant +y=ies studies 4 vowel +y=+5 pays T Choose the correct word. We use the Present Simple to talk about jhilities | raptines| naccecsiane renglis| @B8 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the verbs in Exercise 6. Put them in the correct group 1, 2 or 3. A izl: arrives 2 /s/: works 3 /1z/: chooses Practice 3 Complete the sentences with these verbs in the correct form. brush, do, get up (x2), go (x3), have (x2), watch, work a) We fare _ lunch at school. b) I my teeth and then to bed at 10.00. My sister to bed at 10.30. ) My mum at 630.1 at 7.00. d) At8.15, we to school in our dad’ car. He in the hospital. e) At 7.30, we breakfast. i my homework and W. 10 Now order the sentences (a-f). Start with c). (-—— Fact or Fiction? —> 70% of emergency calls for fire fighters are not for fires, ae ek = he O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - frenglis ru Grammar: Present Simple (2) TI Complete the table with don’t or doesn’t WYou/We/They 1 He/She/it 2 have _breakiast. watch TV. 12 Find more examples of negatives in the text. Practice 13 Correct the sentences about the fire fighters. Example 1. Jim doesn’t arrive at the station at 8.00. He arrives at 7.45, Jim arrives at the station at 8.00. We have lunch at 12.30. Doug gives first aid lessons to children. The fire fighters have dinner at 18.30. Doug watches TV. We go to bed at 24.00. auRwna 14 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write true and false sentences (affirmative and negative). You can use other verbs, times and days. Example My parents don’t go to the cinema on Mondays. ' get up at 8 o'clock. My parents) play tennis/football | at weekends. My friends | do homework on Fridays. have dinner in the morning. My brother/| plays basketball | in the afternoon. sister | goes swimming _| in the evening. My cousin | goes to bed Your Turn 15 Work in pairs. Say your sentences. Your partner guesses true or false! Example A: My brother goes to bed at one o'clock. B: False. AL No, true! Page 109. Exercise 7 a) Safety First Warm-up 1. Work in pairs. Order the activities from very dangerous (8) to not dangerous (1), a) horse riding b) working c) air travel d) car travel e) smoking f) crossing the street 8) riding a motorbike h) playing sport By Check your answers on page 129. Reading and Listening 2 Read the magazine page. Match the letters (ad) with the replies (1-4). f \'ve got a mobile phone. | use it every day but my friend says mobiles are dangerous. Ig this true? What do they do to you? be they cause cancer? Simon (12) from Leeds We do projects at school every month. This month, we've got a project about danger at home. Where do fires start at home? Do fires usually start in people's bed: ? from Bristol. peemies Mine 2) | use the Internet at home every sweat . think chatrooms are great. | talk to other Mics around the world. My mum says chatrooms @angerous. Do you think they're dangerous: Janet (13) from Glasgow. My little brother lays it 5 Now he wants a Plays sport every day with his friends, skateboard for his birthday from Mum re Yes, we do! Do you know the ‘other kids’? Maybe they are not kids! Please, don't sive your address or phone number and don’t meat an Internet ‘friend’! ‘Yes, he does. Helmets are very important. | A helmet's a fantastic present! Ss No, they don't. Over 0% of fires start in | No, they don’t. But some seientists think te Kitehon. Cigarettes usually cause fires BR [rete ee ed fer you Go dont pone your in other rooms Friande all the tima — cend tavt maceedao! O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - 3 Listen and check your answers in Exercise 2. 4 took at the Sentence Builder. Write true sentences about your life. Is your life dangerous? Example I use the Internet every day. ‘Sentence Builder =. 1 | use the Internet/a mobile day. | play sport weekend. | cross the street week, travel by car/bus eVErY | month, go skateboarding year. ride a horse/a bike Grammar: Present Simple (3) 5 Complete the questions in the tables with do or does. Yes/No Questions 1 Hiyou/we/they know the other kids? 2 he/she/it need a helmet? Short Answers Yes, I/you/we/they do. Yes, he/she/it does. No, I/you/we/they don’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t. Wh- Questions Where 3_______I/you/welthey start? What 4 ___he/she/it need? Practice & Match (1-5) with (ae). 1 Does he a) start in people’s bedrooms? 2 What do b) he need? 3 Do fires ° ¢) really need a helmet? 4 Whatdoes — d) cause cancer? 5 Do they e) you think? 'T Complete the questions with do or does. 4 22 _ you use a mobile phone every day? 2 your friends play football every week? 3. What sport you do? 4 What your friend do at the weekend? 5 Where your mum work? > TIMBOUT! Page 109, Exercise 8 NE (—__Fagt or FictionR——" & Game Use the words in the box to write questions. You have got five minutes! Example Does your teacher play tennis at the weekend? your teacher does go do your friend when — what the Internet like exercise play what music you every day at the weekend tennis use what sports amobile phone where a musical instrument © 3 questions: okay © 4-6 questions: good * 6+ questions: brilliant! Your Turn 9 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions from Exercise 8. Example A: Do you use the internet every day? B: Yes, Ido. 10 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your partners daily life. ample A: What time do you get up? B: I get up at seven o'clock. get up (time?) g0 to school (how?) lessons you like (what?) do in the afternoon (what?) get home (when?) do in the evening (what?) do your homework (when?) go to bed (what time?) evaunauwna f e The UK record for a text messag js 283 characters in 100 seconds! O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - Warm-up 1. Read the information about Alton Towers. Are the rides exciting? Have a great day out at the UK's top amusement park. Our exciting attractions are water rides like roller coasters like . and a fantastic new ride called with a vertical drop! 2 —> Picture Dictionary, page 125. Look at the Key Words and the photos (1-2). Guess the people's feelings. s: Feelings bored, excited, happy, nervous, relaxed, scared, unhappy Example In photo 1 Alex is scared. In photo 2 she is relaxed. Reading and Listening (@3_ Read and listen to the dialogues. Check your guesses from Exercise 2. Its Saturday morning. Lucy, Alex, Rajiv and Tom are at Alton Towers. Alex: Okay, what do we want to do? Lucy: I want to go on the Katanga Canyon. | like water rides. Tom: Yeah. | love going on them. Alex: Mm, | don't mind them but they're not very exciting. Rajiv: Yes, they're boring. Wow! Look at that. It’s fantastic! Alex: What? What are you excited about? Rajiv: Over there. That's amazing. | want to go on that! Alex: Oblivion?! Lucy: I'm not sure. | don’t like heights. ‘Alex: And you, Tom? You look nervous. Tom: Well, | hate heights! o Rajiv: Oh, come on. It’s great. Tom: Well, |. Rajiv: Don’t be scared, Tom! Tom: Oh, all right. After the ride Alex: Are you okay, Raj? You don't look very well Rajiv: I'm fine Tom: Do you want to go on it again? Rajiv: No, | don't. Tom: You're scared! 4 Look at the Key Expressions. Your Challenge Key Expressions: Preferences Hove going on them. 1 don’t like heights. is 1 like water rides. hate heights. Speaking: A class 1 don’t mind them survey 1 Work in pairs. Choose one of 5 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write six sentences these topics and think of five about amusement parks. questions. Sentence Builder Wie Example 1 Nlike T What sports do you like? | f don't like | heights. Do you like watching sport? love | going on water rides. © sport (sparts/teams/players) hate going to amusement parks. ‘* music (styles/groups/singers) don't mind | Pl + cinema (filmsiactors/actresses) a 2. Ask other students your 6 Work in pairs. Talk about these things. quessonesviiietherr answers, Example A: hate Monday mornings. And you? B: I don’t mind them. Monday mornings * watching television parties # dancing « reading Rae ‘* doing homework. sport 1 Use your answers to write a * mobile phones © school report about your class. Example EUEC HALLER Repert: Class 78 S A 2port survey Four people in our 01056 love Football. three people ike sp bit two people hate Footbal}! @ Tree peaple leve playing Hort and five people ie Playing it One person hates pig ap = POO” thes Q Fre peeple love watohing Sport. Wo people Ike i+ bop two people don't Ihe watohng Footbal, playng. sport aac wttohng, Spot are very a Or Class. Be 2 Pass your reports around the lass or read them out. What results are interesting? E\S —> TIMEOUT! Page 109, Exercise 9 mR O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - <2) Study Corner 3 Language Check 1 Complete the definitions. 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple. 1 Aw works in a restaurant or a bar = files aeroplanes 16 My dad (work) in a bank. S Adios ee caves you medina: 17 We (not have) lunch at school. guineas ORS TASS hGal: 18 She (not play) chess very well. Bday heaven tals 19. They (go) home at five o'clock 20 He (not like) football. 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. 5 Complete the dialogue. 80, have (x 2), get up, make A: 21______ you do sport? Set B: Yes, I do. 61 at seven o'clock. 2 do you play? 7 \____a shower. B: | play football. a1 my bed. 3 your brother play football? 91 breakfast at 7.30. B: No, he 24. 101 to bed at 10.30. ‘Az What sport does he 25. ? 3 Describe the feelings of the people. B: He plays basketball. Grammar |_| / 10 6 Write about the things Emily doesn't like, = doesn’t mind, hates, likes, or loves. 26 She swimming. 27 She aocing. @ 28 She horse ri @ 35a: 29 She mats. @) 30 She football, @ Key Expressi Vocabulary | |/15 Feedback Ge Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Write down your scores. © Look at the table below. Then do the Revision exercises on page 36 of the Workbook. _ Wrong answers: Look again at ed Get Ready — Key Words cae Mult7— Key Wonls ‘© Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions 11-15 Unit 9— Key Words about the spelling and pronunciation of 16-20 Unit 7 - Grammar words from Modules 1-3. aa 21-25 Unit 8 — Grammar O3HaKOMHTeAbHas komHs - (©) Talk about free time and give directions. | Read about teenagers and a science museum. Listen to a survey. 1) Write a note with directions. Learn about adverbs of frequency, there is/ there are, some and any. AU Get Ready => Picture Dictionary, page 126. Look at Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. the Key Words. What places can you see in the pxainple photos? ‘4: Where do you go in your free time? Key Words: Places 8: 1 g0 to.a bowling alley in town. It’s great. Where do you go in your free time? Do you go with your parents or friends? What are your favourite places in town? What places do you hate? amusement park, bowling alley, cinema, disco, ice rink, internet café, museum, shop, shopping centre, skateboard park, snack bar, sports centre, swimming pool, water park, zoo RUN| Listen to three dialogues. Where are the people? PE neccttanane ah _ O3HAKOMHTeCADHAA KOMHA - a) Free Time Warm-up 1 What do you do in your free time? Tell the class. Example Iread and play computer games. Reading and Listening ©@2 Listen and complete the text with the verbs in the box. : tch | | do, g0, play, read, spend, think, want, sce One Ti Roun NY [acl 30% of 14-year-olds 1. to the cinema, a disco or a concert every week. And 40% 2____ their free time in the Street but their favourite place is the shopping centr. 91% of girls and 78% of boys go there once a week! people 4 Go sport! Reading is popular. Young People often 3__ books, ‘I sometimes 5_ Newspapers or magazines, Computer games are popular with boys. 712% of boys play them, but only 14% of girls play computer games. They are centre.’ Sports cantras are Thoy & il 3 va 1 S a - O3HAKOMHTeCAbHAasA KOM } often about sport, but teenagers | hardly ever do teal sport The report shows that about twenty hours of television a week. ‘ alvays watch TV in the evening? Says Julie from Solihull. ‘| never — basketball with my friends after ‘School, but | usually go home and 6 my homework,’ Says Brian from Ducley. ‘I never go to a sports Young people don't 7___ ‘coo!’ places, ——— different activities — dancing or skating — but ‘Sports centres don't often Offer these. Hist - PPR ail . Te aati young Read the article and answer the questions. What is the favourite place for 14-year-olds? 2 What do they read? What are popular topics for computer games? x What does Julie do in the evenings What sport does Brian play? as - frenglish.ru_ Grammar: Adverbs (1) 4 Complete these sentences from the text. “Adverbs of Frequency, 100% 11 watch TY in the evening. 80% 12, go home and do my homework. 60% Young people 3 read books. 30% 14 play basketball. 5% Teenagers 5. do real sport. % 16 do sport. Practice 5 Use the words to make sentences. Are the sentences true (1) oF false (F) for you? arrives / always / my friend / late sometimes / computer games /1/ play 20 / often / to the cinema / my parents my friends / me / hardly ever / phone 1/ tidy / never / my room OoO00000 Your Turn & Think about your answers for this questionnaire. Then look at your score on page 129. re CE 7 a) never b) hardly ever c) sometimes d) often 2 How often do you play a sport with your friends? 8) never b) hardly ever c) sometimes d) often 3 a) often b) sometimes c) hardly ever d) never @ How offen do you go to the cinema? a) often b) sometimes c)hardly ever d) never S$ a) often b) sometimes c) hardly ever 4) never S How often do you play computer games? a) often b) sometimes c) hardly ever d) never ‘1 Work in pairs. Compare your answers. Example I never go to a sports centre. And you? usually / with my friends / 1 / on Saturdays / go out CTO Uy 8 Look at the Sentence Builder. Sentence Builder We always | watch TV at home. Computer games | often have topics like always on at home. The TV | is Computer games| are _ often about sport. 9. Now use the words in the boxes and adverbs of frequency to write sentences. Example My friends never listen to classical music. My teachers are usually very helpful. ay IN {= climb trees. sing rap. read comics. write poems. ran marathons, are late for school, are very tidy. are nervous. are very helpful. are interested in sport. are very tall, 10 Work in pairs or groups. Read your sentences. Do you agree? Example A: Cats are often very nervous. B: That's not true. Tl Make silly sentences. Tell the class. Example My parents often climb trees. O3HaKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - listen to classical music. Warm-up 1 Look at the photos and read the information. What display is interesting? In the Millennium Point building, you can visit ... A unique experience in science and technology. Four floors of spectacular displays and interactive activities, Find out about the human body. Touch realistic models. Visit the past, present and future worlds of science and technology. You can get in old cars and steam trains and talk to our robot eMo. The Hub © This is the main entrance hall. Sit down and relax or lock at a free exhibition. | Buy @ souvenir from our fantastic shop. Put on special glasses and watch 3D films, The screen is really big - 16m x 23m! 2 Look at the Word Builder. Find out how the human body works. Put on special glasses. 3 Now complete the sentences with these verbs from the text. find out, get in, look at, puton, sit down, talk to 1 Put on your glasses. 2. Use the dictionary and the meaning of this word. 3 Please, the car now. the photos and match them with the sentences, at your desk and finish your homework. O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - Reading and Listening Q4 Read and listen to the conversation about the Thinktank at Millennium Point. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 ws got five floors. 2 C1 tthasn't got a zoo. 3 (1 thas got real cars and trains. 4 (1 ws gota play area for children. ‘A: Good morning, Birmingham tourist information. Can | help you? B: Yes, please. I'd like some information about the Thinktank at Millennium Point. ‘A: Well. There are four floors of displays and activities. B: What activities are there? ‘A: Well, there’s a fantastic area about the human body — that’s very popular. B: Are there any animals in the centre? ‘A: No, there aren't any real animals but there are some plays about animals and the environment. B: Okay. My son is into trains. |s there a transport exhibition? A: Yes, there is. There are some interesting examples of all types of transport, with some real trains and cars. B: Great. One more question. Is there a play area? ‘A: No, there isn’t a play area for young children. B: Well, thanks for your help. Az You're welcome. Grammar: there is/there are with some and any 5. Look at the dialogue again and complete the table with some or any. There’s a fantastic area about the human body. There are 1 displays about animals. There isn’t a play area. ‘There aren't 2, real animals. Is there a transport ‘Yes, there is. exhibition? No, there isn’t. Are there 3. animals Yes, there are. in the centre? No, there aren’t, What activities are there? LCL Practice & Complete the sentences about Millennium Point with is, isn’t, are, some or any. 1 There _# _ fantastic displays. 2 there a coffee bar? 3. There aren't animals. 4 there computer games? 5 There a talking robot! 6 There are free exhibitions 7 There a play area for children. 8 There a cinema with a big screen. 'T Listen to a survey. Put ticks (/) or crosses (X) in the boxes. Survey: Please answer these questions. What places are there in your area? Put a tick (/) or cross (X) in each box. musement park Bice rink cinemas youth clubs Di shops park Di snack bars GD sports centre Di bowling alley 8 Now write sentences about the places in Exercise 7. Example There isn’t an amusement park. 3. Pair work Find out what places are in your partner’s area. > student A, page 105. > Student B, page 106. Fact or Fiction? The robot eMo reacts to visitors and shows happiness, sadness, anger or surprise. O3HaKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - mem Man: Yes, you can’t miss it. It's on the D Stor (cero \ Bio: § tee st 1 —® Picture Dictionary, page 126. Look at the Key Words. What words are similar in your language? Information 2 Work in pairs. Find examples of the places on the map. Example There is a railway station in square A4 Reading and Listening 3. Read and listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F/? 1 Ci they are at the railway station. 2 TLucy has got a new skirt. 3 Cotomis tate. 4 Li they want to go to Millennium Point. 5 Jaman gives them directions. The group meet at the Bullring shopping centre for a day out in Birmingham, Alex: What have you got there? A new skirt. Rajiv's late again : Yeah, he’s on his mobile. : Anyway, do you know the way? Not really. Ask that girl Excuse me, ... Sorry, I'm in a hurry! Ask him, : Can you tell me how to get to Millennium Point, please? Man: Yeah, sure. Go out of the Bullring, g0 past the church into Edgbaston Street and turn left down this street. Alex: Park Street? Man: That's right. Go down Park Street, cross Fazeley Street then tum right into Albert Street. Go past two car parks and Millennium Point is on the left. Alex: On the left? O3HAKOMHTeAbHAaA 4 —® Picture Dictionary, page 127. Look at the underlined Key Words in Exercise 3. Draw the group’s route on the map. GQ) key Words: Directions cross, go down, go out of, go past, on the corner, on the leftiright, opposite, turn right/left Speaking 5. Read the Key Expressions. Then work in pairs. Practise the dialogue, but change the places. Key Expressions: Asking for and giving directions Yes, sure. Go down this street and it’s opposite the railway station. Yes. You can’t miss it. You're welcome. Can you tell me how to get to the post office, please? The railway station? Thanks very much. 5 Work in pairs. Use the map of Birmingham. Give your partner directions from the Bullring to another place on the map. Does he/she arrive at the correct place? Example Go out of the Bullring, go past the church into ... eC Your Challenge Writing: A note with directions 1. Look at the sentence Builder. Sentence Builder First, go out of the school. Go down Park Avenue and then turn right. Go down Green Road to the shops. Then cross the road. 2 Now complete Tom’s note to Rajiv with first, then or and then, a Rajiv, Here are directions to house. 1__ eh the ey fas $hom your school to the Palace Cinema Cross the main read 2 tag lef Go past the shops, 3 turn right into Dale Street: Go down Dale Steer 4 fe \eSt into ill Lane, any house is umber 25. You cag!t miss itt See you Friday, Tom, FORNOURPORTEONO 3 Think of a place in your school area. Write a note toa friend and give him/ her directions ~ but don’t say the place! Example Go out of school and then turn... 4 Work in pairs. Read each other's note. What place are the directions to? wa Warm-up 1. Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 3 Read the texts again. Who are these people? 11 How many subjects do you do at school? a) doesn't go to school Care 2 How many different lessons do you have every day? b) has lessons in the afternoons 3 How many hours of homework do you do every day? ) studies three languages 4 How often do you have exams? 4) likes history 5 How often do you do sport or physical education? @) does three hours of homework 6 Do you use computers or the Internet at school? {) starts school at 7.30 8) has lessons on the radio Reading h) goes to sports camps @Q2_ Read about the people. Answer questions (1-3) from Exercise 1 for each person. Example: 1 Marguerite does ten subjects Stho ol Days Carol dias doesn't go to school. Her school, ‘The School of the Air, is in Alice Springs in central Australia and she lives on a farm 800 kilometres away! Carol studies eight subjects and is in a ‘class’ of ten students. Every day, she has one thirty-minute lesson rguerite Laure is from on the radio and sometimes she has ‘Cameroon. She gets up at video lessons. She studies at home for five thirty and walks two five or six hours a day and she e-mails kilometres to school. She ) her homework to her teacher. Carol's { thas six lessons every day. teacher sometimes flies to her farm phe starts shoo) atsevers and meets her. Carol sometimes goes thirty and she finishes at half to Alice Springs for classes or for a past three. in the evening, sports camp. Marguerite helps her mother 2 at home, works in the fields ifpd desiehs HOene Th, © Jonathan Fonseca is from Guadalajara in Mexico. In his for an hour and a half. She school, some students go to school in the morning and some studies ten subjects and three students in the afternoon. Jonathan goes to school in the languages, French, English afternoon. Every day, he has seven lessons, from two o'clock and German. to eight o'clock. In the morning, he does his homework for two or three hours and then visits friends. On school days, amel he arrives home at ten o'clock at night. Jonathan does nine | O3HaKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - } j { Listening QE Listen closely Work in pairs. say the words in the sentences. Then listen and @4 Listen to Mark’s description of his school day. repeat the sentences. Complete his timetable. Esanple A: Well B: Mondays Monday __| Tues _) A: are B: horrible aa 1. Well, Mondays are horrible. ration . ee 2 1 get the school bus at about eight fifteen. 9.15 ke a 3. Itarrives at school at about ten to nine. a ae 4. My first class is English 1050 Break 5 I can talk to my friends about the weekend. ATO) |S QT Pronunciation Listen to the two sounds. LO 1 /n/this, it 2 /is/ these, eat Lunch ae 8 Listen to these words. What are the sounds of 13.55 | S$ _ a the underlined letters — 1 or 2? 14.25 | 6 _| teacher, exam, people, evening, history, Internet, ae 2 ead, meet, Engl nk, cinema, magazine, eer disco, repeat, e-mail, weekend 16.00 | school ends] Ba a a 5 Listen again. what subjects does Mark like? Complete the list. Great — he loves it: Good — he likes it; Okay — he doesn’t mind its —__ Terrible — he hates it: RWNG start school - lave breakfast with “frlenuls in cafeteria first lesson - music (history of pop music) second lesson — English (on the internet) SEE SS es os Ltt O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - =) Study Corner 4 Language Check Where do you do these things? Write the places. You watch films at the c_ You have burgers ina s_ You skate atani__ r You play sport at a s You see animals ataz__. wewne o NS at, down, on, out, up | 6 How can | find the number of his house? 7 | usually get late at weekends. 8 Don't put a jumper ~it’s 20°C. 9 Sit and do your homework, please. 10 Never look the sun, Vocabulary 3 Order the words in the sentences. 11 tidies / never / her / room / she 12 his// friends / he / on Friday / usually / meets 13 go / we/ swimming / sometimes 14 has / piano class / always / he / a / on / Saturday 45 her / ever / hardly / visits / she / grandma 16 play / often / we / football Feedback @e Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Write down your scores. © Look at the table below. Then do the Review exercises on page 46 of the Workbook. Wrong answers: | Look again a iy Get Ready — Key Words Word Builder Unit 10 - Grammar Unit 11 - Grammar Unit 12 - Key Words/ Complete the sentences with the words in the box, 4 Complete the letter with is, are, isn't, aren’t, some or any. Dear Minium, . o I’m your new pen friend. ! Ine in Midcleton. It’s a really smal! village. There are V_____5hap5 and there W____ @ pub. But there Wo places for young people there M____ @ @jnema/ Write about your town. Is there Q Cinema? 22. there places for young people? Write soon, Clare. * i Grammar | / 12 _j/10 5 Complete the directions to the hotel with the words in the box. cross, down, left, miss, opposite, out, past, turn Go 23 of the station and turn 24 Go 25. Market Street and 26 the bridge. Go 27__ the cinema and then 28, right. The hotel is 29 the bank - you can’t 30, itt Key Expressions | |/8 © Work in pairs. Take turns to ask your partner for permission. * use your calculator ‘© use your pen open the window * use your mobile phone see your homework O3HAKOMHTeAbHAA KONA - Talk about the weather; go shopping Read about climates and tornadoes. Listen to a weather report and the news. 2 Write a postcard. |) Learn about countable/uncountable nouns and the Present Continuous. Get Ready —> Picture Dictionary, () > Picture Dictionary, page 121. Look at the Key page 127, Compass Points. Words. What’s the weather Listen to a British weather like in the photos? Saft report. Match the places with the weather. Example © [tis snowy and cold. 1 Scotland a) cold, rainy and windy 2 North East | b) foggy and wet 3 North West “¢) cold, snowy. and icy 4 Wales 4) warm and rainy 5 Midlands — e) hotand sunny 6 South East) warm but cloudy (| Key Words: The Weather cloudy, cold, foggy, hot, icy, rainy, snowy, sunny, warm, wet, windy What's the weather like in your country today? = O3HaAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - Warm-up 1 —> Picture Dictionary, page 120. Look at the Key Words. What's your favourite season? 2 Work in pairs. Talk about the climate in your area. j What's the weather lie in spring? B: It’s usually rainy and cloudy. Sometimes . Reading (QZ Read the text. Then copy and complete the table. : ee But what do you know about it? Is there 2" killer whales. any rain iy desert? Are here any seasons in the Arctic, for example. polar bears and seals. at the equator? Read and find out ... Some deserts are cold and dry, for example the Gobi Desert in Central Asia. But deserts are In polar regions there are two seasons — usually very hot. Often, there isn’t any water winter and summer. It is usually very cole! but some plants grow in deserts, for example, and there isn’t any sun for six months of the cactuses, There are other plants and trees in year, There is snow and ice all yearand plants —_cases because there is some water there. Some don’t usually grow there. There aren't any animals like the hot weather, for example, snakes, Jand animals in Antarctica but there are some —_izards and insects. | Polar regions | Desens [Rainforests] Rainforests are not andi wet. There aren't any : seasons and every day is hot and rainy. The [ete aay | = y plants like the hot weather and rain ~ they = ae are often big with colourful flowers. There are | Plants | thousands of species of birds and animals. t ree + There are some strange animals, too. For | | example, there is a poisonous bird called the Pitohui. 4 Complete the Word Builder with nouns from the text. adjectives cloudy foggy Eee teen rainy Ce ete eS Pees eee aut sunny SMR acer ne snowy UCT g Complete the sentences with the words in the box. some, any, a, two, thousands | 1 There isn’t #4” _ sun in the polar winter. 2 There aren't land animals in Antarctica. 3. There are seasons in the polar region. 4 The Gobi Desert is — cold desert 5 There is water at oases. 6 There aren't seasons at the equator. 7 There are of species of animals in rainforests TI Look at the Sentence Builder. Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns Why aren't there any plants at the South Pole? There aren’t any plants because it’s very cold. 6 Read the rules about nouns. oe zi We can count countable nouns: 2 iB one bird, two birds, three birds. 12 Answer the questions with because. 1. Why is it dark for six months of the year at We cannot count uncountable nouns: the poles? Wal SI EVO RESTS antes 2 Why aren't there usually any plants in deserts? I Copy and complete the table with the nouns Bel eeteamn ere Mees I Onsesh in the bo» 4 Why are there big plants in rainforests? ‘| 5 Why are Pitohuis strange? water, weather, year Your Turn Countable nouns ————-Uncountable nouns i % 13 Use the words to write questions about your bear a country. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 8 Look at the examples in the table. Exomplé “ Gountable and uncountable nouns wi n 1s there any snow in winter? “Countablenouns =U 1. snow in winter? 4 interesting plants? There is a poisonous bird. 2. rain in summer? 5 big animals? There are two poisonous birds. 3 deserts 6 dangerous animals? ‘There are some poisonous birds, ‘There aren't any land animals. There isn’t any water. Are there any land animals? _{s there any water? (Fast or Fistion?——| he minimum recorded temperature i Vinaretice {end the world) is -88.3 °C hoswes on pe 28 9 Choose the correct words in a) and b). a) With countable nouns we can/cannot use a, an ‘or numbers. b) With uncountable nouns we can/cannot use 4, an or numbers. Bi O3HaKOMHTeAbHas KomHs - 14 Tornado! eee a eon Ea Read a dialogue from a news programme. Then match the Seana Can i beginnings (1-6) with the endings (a-f). Dene Coes Coy Bee rare ed teen PaaS) DE Ici . | 2 the sky CSO arse? ORI IO Q eee CRS acre aU) e) is grey. canta Oona Oe Ce aha Oe nT oa Cee RS cus Cea eae B: Well, 'm standing in the main street, next to the police station. r] ‘Az Can you see the tornado? B: Yes, I can. We're looking at the tornado now. It’s about three kilometres away. The clouds are moving fast and the sky’s grey. ‘A: What are the people doing? Are they going home? CR em Se Moa eo LL eR os = CNL DES Rca La OR Tae Tes ET See Ree UC Ree areata URE Mi oa LT Ce ae eee rt Ler UN CM Se Le police aren't stopping them STL CNOA ac a Ce OS eT SUI — — eer Ceres SUL Leche ace es Grammar: The Present Continuous 4 Complete the sentences in the table with the words in the box. 1 °m (am) + in the main street. He/She/It ¥s (is) 2. a baby. We/You/They "re (are) looking. at the tornado. r ’m not (am not) 3. this! He/She/it isn’t (is not) carrying, a baby. We/You/They aren't (are not) 4 them. When am going? What is he/she/it 5. 2 where are welyou/they standing? iain he am Yes, Lam. No, I'm n Is he/she/it Yes, he/shefi going home? No, he/she/it isn’t. Are welyoulthey ‘Yes, welyou/they are. No, we/you/they aren't. Practice 5 complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Continuous. It’s Wednesday afternoon and | 1_2vt looking oxt (look out) of the window of my flat. 12 (not do) my homework. tt 3. (not rain) and it’s hot. It is five o'clock and people 4 (go) home from work. One man 5. (crive) a small red car. Three girls 6 (stand) at a bus stop. Awoman 7 (carry) shopping bags and she 8. (talk) on her mobile phone. Two men 9 park but they 10 (not speak) (walk) in the Tag 6 Write the questions for the answers. Example | 1 Are you doing your homework? | 2. What are you doing? | No, I'm not doing my homework. Vm reading a magazine. No, the people are not going to work. Yes, itis raining. The girls are standing at the bus stop. Yes, we're eating pizza. auewne Your Turn 1 Game Work in pairs. Student A, describe what a person in the class is wearing and doing. Student B, guess the person. Example ‘A: The person is wearing o blue | T-shirt and jeans. The person is sitting near the window. B: Tomek, A: Yes. B Look at the Sentence Builder. We're looking at | It Faetornade the tornado. is amazing. 3 Now change the words in italics in these sentences. Example 1 he Bob is in the studio. 1 Bob is talking to Pam. 2 Pam is reporting the tornado. 3 The tornado is 3km away. Some people are going home. 4 The people are running. A woman is carrying a dog 5 The woman is with her husband. 6 Her husband is talking to 7 the woman. —> TIMEOUT! Page 111, Exercise 14 (Fact or Fiction? ——| Every year there are over a hundred tornadoes in the UK. @Q2_ Read and listen to the dialogues and answer xin the Country Warm-up 1 Look at the Word Builder below. What things can you see in the photo? [Word Builder a bottle of |mineral water lemonade orange juice a packet of crisps biscuits sweets peanuts acanof cola a carton of orange juice Reading and Listening the questions. 1. What do Tom and Lucy buy in the shop? 2 How much does Tom spend in the shop? 3 What time is the meeting with Scott? The group go to Devon for their practice expedition They're in the village shop. Man: Good morning, Can | help you? Yes, I'd like these postcards, please. Certainly. ‘And have you got any stamps for Canada? How many would you like? Three, please. And how much are the bottles of water? They're 90p. Can | have three, please? Okay, that’s four pounds twenty, please. Here you are. Thank you. Thank you very much. Can | have these magazines, please? Lucy! Fashion magazines! You don't want to read those on the expedition! Why not? Outside the shop Scott: Are you ready? Alex: Yeah, we've got the map, compass and mobiles. Scott: Right, see you tomorrow at about twelve o'clock. Lucy: Bye! Tom: Come on, let's go. f a 5 pe Y — Za% O3HAKOMHTeAbHaA KOnHS - Speaking 3 Look at the Key Expressions. Classify them: shopkeeper (5), customer (C). Key Expressions: Shopping. 1 Good morning. Can |help you? 5 2 I'd like this/these ..., please. c 3 Certainly. 4 Have you got any ...? 5 How many would you like? 6 How much are ..2 S 7 They're 8 Cant have..., please? i 9 Okay, that's ..., please. GAY ) 10 Here you are. Thank you GZ M4 11 Thank you very much.

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