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Write about the four false prophets and rida war fought against them

After the death of prophet (pbuh) apostasy movement raised it head among some of the tribes as a
result strict actions were taken against them. Musailmah who was from the tribe of banu Hannifa
declared his prophethood in the life time of prophet pbuh .he wrote a letter to the holy prophet asking
him to divide the earth between them. He allowed his followers to indulge in some shameless activities
that were forbidden in Islam. Holy prophet passed before taking action against him. Hazrat Abu-Bakr
sent ikrimah to fight Musailamah and later shurabeel to assist him but ikrimah fought without waiting
for shurabeel and both were defeated .so hazrat Abu-Bakr ordered Khalid bin Walid to join the army and
a battle took place in place yam amah on 638 Ad and Muslim emerged victorious .Musailmah was killed
by wahsi (who was responsible for the killing of Hazrat Hamza) this battle is also known as the Garden of
death as whole garden was drenched with blood.

Aswad Anasi rose in Yemen who was also known as veil prophet as he used to wear veil On his face all
time due to his ugliness. He belonged to the tribe of Ans .He collected huge force and invaded najran
and parts of Yemen. Abu Bakr sent an army against him and was slain

Tulaiha belonged to the tribe of Banu asad in northern Arabia . he declared prophet hood in the life time

Holy prophet pbuh but holy prophet died before an army could advance against him so after death of
holy prophet hazrat abubakr sent Khalid bin Walid with an army of 4000 men and he defeated him at
the battle of bazakha

Sajjaha belonged to the tribe Banu tamim. A number of chief including khaaliq bin nuwairah repudiated

Islam and she had considerable amount of followers but later on she married Musailmah and accepted
his prophet hood after the death of Musailmah she livd in obscurity and accepted Islam when Muslims
conquered Baghdad

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