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Lawyers: Pros and Cons of the Profession

A Lawyer is a specialist in legal issues, who provides legal assistance to individuals

and legal entities. A Lawyer’s employment can not be combined with commercial
activities in order to avoid conflicts of interest. His main task is an impartial legal
protection of the client. There are a number of activities, among which are
administrative and criminal cases. The latter is considered the one demanding
greater responsibility, because the fate of a person usually depends on a decision
of the court.

The task of the lawyer is not only in the preparation of the legal framework for the
protection of the client. Apart from that, he must convince a jury, which is
considering the process from the standpoint of ordinary citizens. Often the
hearing is accompanied by a fierce debate on both the sides.

The lawyer is involved not only in the suit, he starts working at the stage of
investigation itself. Responsible professionals closely monitor all changes in the
case. Even if the client is in a detention facility, the lawyer does not cease to turn
out the evidence base. This profession requires a strong character because
sometimes lawyers have to deal with cases when the defendant is guilty.

Specificity of the job of a lawyer

The lawyer should know the law perfectly, have a moral responsibility and
patience. Besides the knowledge that is necessary for the direct implementation
of activities (law proceedings, documentation, and implementation of laws in
practice), the biggest advantage of a specialist is his oratorical skills. Cleverly
placed accents and statements always give a big advantage to the defendant.

Sometimes people confuse the profession of a lawyer and a jurist. The principal
difference lies in the fact that a jurist is working for a company, and represents its
interests. In order to become a lawyer, you need to be a graduate in the legal
profession, get a professional experience of at least two years, after which each
lawyer has to pass various qualifying examinations. Work may be combined with
scientific knowledge, teaching as well as art.
The Pros and cons of the job.


– Planning of the schedule. Each lawyer independently determines his workload,

performance tasks, determines the cost of his services. They have maximum
freedom in time. This is especially important after a protracted litigation. For a full
recuperation, people need a minimum of 2-3 weeks off every 5 months, which is
unlikely to be real for people of other professions.

– Wages are limited only by working capacity and the authority of a lawyer. But
even novice professionals can claim a high fee;

– The job of a Lawyer is considered prestigious and respected in the civilized

world. Working in the market for a long time, one must make influential

– The high culture of tax reporting in law firms enhances the confidence of the
fiscal authorities. Unscheduled inspections are extremely rare.

– In India, thousands of people want to become successful lawyers, win a huge

case and become rich. Despite this, there still are a lot of open vacancies. So,
anyone can look for new openings and apply for the job of a lawyer in Delhi or in
any other part of the country.


People who work in this field say that it is almost impossible to find any
disadvantages. The only negative thing is that not everyone can become an
authority in the legal services market.

The career of each lawyer depends largely on his professional skills. In order to
become a reliable professional and become popular, you need to win several
important cases in court, in order to declare to everybody that you are a
competent professional. Reputation is a key factor for success in the legal

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