CoMMP Statement of Purpose

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Statement of Purpose:

Congress of Mobile
Medical Professionals
Unite | Advance | Advocate

The Congress of Mobile Medical Professionals (CoMMP) is a group of people

dedicated to uniting, advocating for, and advancing the entire Mobile Medical
Industry. Mobile Medicine is the set of successful service organizations that
deliver prehospital care with their ecosystem of allies.

The islands that constitute the archipelago of Mobile Medicine are:

● Aeromedical
● Community paramedicine
● Critical care (ground, air, water)
● Emergency medical services (all levels)
● Fire service
● Non-emergency medical transport

Allies include public and private organizations in:

● Billing
● Education
● Human resources
● Law
● Mental health and social services
● Research
● Technology

CoMMP’s Mission: To define, unite, advance, and advocate for Mobile Medicine.
Unite – Each of these services provide vital medical care. They rarely come
together, because their existence is so strongly impacted by the collective effect of
federal, state, and local governance. Each only sees part of the picture. The
pandemic response has given Mobile Medicine leaders a glimpse of the gaps
among them, their value, and the many goals they can and must accomplish
together to see the “big picture.”

Advocate – Mobile Medicine is both essential and a challenge in normal

circumstances. By collaborating through a deliberative process and reaching
points of consensus, we are advocating for a powerful future.

Advance – Together these groups will transform, innovate, and continue to

evolve Mobile Medicine as a field that is of the greatest service through
community engagement, compassionate care, and collaboration. To advance the
industry, financial sustainability and fair, proper compensation of our
organizations and our people are essential to promote diversity, leadership and
professional development, and holistic well-being of field providers.

CoMMP’s Story: In April 2020, a diverse, ad hoc group of interested professionals

came together to see how Mobile Medicine can evolve through and beyond the
COVID-19 pandemic. Our group grew over 300%, from 13 to 40 people over two
weeks’ time, and since then, the group meets regularly online, creating a mission,
objectives, and working subgroups.

The Congress of Mobile Medical Professionals (CoMMP) was formed as an

umbrella organization, connecting leaders across Mobile Medicine industries. We
are united by a vision of the future that includes a collaborative approach utilizing
innovation and evolution of ideas to bridge the islands across the industry.

Do you support our mission? Join us! We have a lot of work to do to advance
Mobile Medicine. There are many opportunities to participate in the Congress and
serve on subgroups. Join one or more of our currently active subgroups in
community engagement, education and professional development, marketing and
branding, and networking. Search for the “Congress of Mobile Medical
Professionals” on Facebook and LinkedIn. Our website is

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