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J. Moll. Stud. (2000), 66, 565–570 © The Malacological Society of London 2000


Evolution within the gastropod molluscs; using the ribosomal RNA gene-cluster as
an indicator of phylogenetic relationships

Christopher M. Wade1* and Peter B. Mordan2

Institute of Genetics, University of Nottingham, Queens Medical Centre, Clifton Boulevard,
Nottingham, NG7 2UH, UK.
Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK.

The evolutionary relationships among the pulmonate (10mM Tris-HCL pH8.0, 0.1mM EDTA), heated to
land snails have long remained the subject of contro- 96°C for 20 minutes and stored at –80°C.
versy. While classifications based on morphology have PCR primers were designed for conserved rDNA
been relatively consistent in the assignment of taxa to sequence regions identified from alignments encom-
families, the deeper phylogeny within the group passing all the major eukaryote groups. The primers
remains unresolved, with morphological studies giving amplify approximately 1460 nucleotides of the rRNA
confusing and conflicting taxonomies1,2,3. Molecular gene-cluster (positions 2990-5104 in the rat rDNA
techniques have proved valuable in determining the sequence), including the 3 end (approx. 80 nucleo-
evolutionary relationships between taxa in cases tides) of the 5.8s gene, the complete ITS-2 region, and
where morphological features fail to give clear infor- the 5 end (approx. 840 nucleotides) of the large
mation. Yet, so far, only limited molecular work has subunit (LSU; 28s) gene (Fig. 1). PCR was carried out
been undertaken on the pulmonates, with studies with two overlapping primer sets (set A, LSU-1 and
restricted to the analysis of relatively short sequence LSU-3; set B, LSU-2 and LSU-4, Figure 1) using the
regions or limited sets of taxa (large subunit rDNA4,5,6; Qiagen Taq DNA polymerase and Q buffer system
mitochondrial 16S rDNA7). Consequently, these stu- (0.2M each primer, 0.5 U Taq and 1.5mM magnes-
dies have been unable to adequately resolve the deep ium chloride in a 50l final volume). To maximise
phylogenetic relationships within the group. Here we yield, thermal cycling (with a Perkin Elmer cycler)
present primer sequences for the amplification of was performed in two rounds with 1l of the product
approximately 1460 nucleotides of the ribosomal (r) from the first round used as the template in the
RNA gene-cluster. The region comprises a combina- second round. The cycling parameters were 96°C for
tion of conserved, variable and highly variable sections, 1 min, followed by 30 (first round) or 35 cycles
and thus will be of utility in addressing evolutionary (second round) of 94°C for 30 sec, 50°C for 30 sec
questions over a wide taxonomic range. We describe and 72°C for 1 min. Amplification products were
the genetic variation observed at different taxonomic purified from an agarose gel using a Qiagen gel extrac-
levels, and present a preliminary phylogeny confirming tion kit. Both sense and antisense strands were
the monophyletic nature of the stylommatophoran sequenced directly on an Applied Biosystems 377
land snails within the Gastropoda. Work is now under DNA sequencer using the Taq dRhodamine termina-
way to generate a phylogeny encompassing all the tor cycle sequencing chemistry.
major stylommatophoran groups using this rDNA To examine the potential uses of the amplified
sequence region. rDNA sequence region we examined variation at a
A procedure for extracting the DNA of plants number of taxonomic levels within the Gastropoda.
(Nucleon Phytopure, Scotlab) has proved effective in The taxa sampled included three species of the genus
removing excess mucopolysacharides from snail Partula, three genera of the family Partulidae, ten
DNA extracts. Extraction of DNA from snails has stylommatophoran pulmonate genera (incorporating
been problematic8, apparently due to mucopolysacha- the main stylommatophoran infraorders), six non-
rides in the mucus causing the inhibition of DNA stylommatophoran pulmonate genera belonging to the
polymerases in downstream reactions9,10. The pro- orders Eupulmonata, Basommatophora and Systellom-
cedure does not require the snail to be killed, since it matophora, one representative of the Anaspidea, two
needs only a small fragment of tissue from the foot nudibranchs and five prosobranchs (see Table 1).
(1–2 mm3, which is ground with glass beads immedi- Of the amplified sequence, the ITS-2 region is the
ately before extraction). In order to minimise degra- most variable and shows many substitutional changes
dation, the extracted DNA was resuspended in TE and insertion/deletion events. Unfortunately, this
high degree of variability has produced hardly any
Corresponding author alignable ITS-2 sites in comparisons above the family
Present address: Department of Zoology, The Natural History
Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK. level. Nevertheless, the region is suitable for examin-
Email: ing evolutionary relationships at or below the family
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Figure 1. The rRNA gene-cluster, primer locations and primer sequences for PCR amplification. ETS, external
transcribed spacer; ITS, internal transcribed spacer. Primer sequences are as follows:
LSU-1 5-CTAGCTGCGAGAATTAATGTGA-3 (sense 1; positions 2990-3011 in the rat sequence; Genbank
accession number X00133)
LSU-2 5-GGGTTGTTTGGGAATGCAGC-3 (sense 2; position 4143-4162 in the rat sequence)
LSU-3 5-ACTTTCCCTCACGGTACTTG-3 (antisense 1; position 4221-4240 in the rat sequence)
LSU-4 5-GTTAGACTCCTTGGTCCGTG-3 (antisense 2; position 5085-5104 in the rat sequence)

level. Within Partula, 487 of 528 sites could be aligned We have constructed a preliminary phylogeny of
of which 5.9% (29) were variable, and 320 of 528 sites deep-level relationships within the gastropods based
could be aligned within the Partulidae of which 11.6% on the amplified rDNA sequence region (Figure 2).
(37) were variable (Table 2). The 5.8s and LSU Evolutionary trees were reconstructed using distance
regions are however more useful for examining evolu- (neighbour-joining11 and Fitch-Margoliash12), maxi-
tionary relationships within the gastropods as a mum likelihood13 and maximum parsimony14 methods
whole. The 5.8s rDNA sequence is the most con- (full methodological details are provided in the legend
served section comprising 80 sites, all of which could to Figure 2). Phylogenetic analyses were based on an
be aligned in comparisons across all the taxa. 1.2% (1 alignment of 661 nucleotides. These sites include
of 80) of sites were variable at the genus level (within those regions that were unambiguously aligned in
Partula), 2.5% (2 of 80) were variable at the family comparisons between all pulmonate, anaspidean,
level (within the Partulidae), 7.5% (6 of 80) were vari- nudibranch, and prosobranch taxa. They comprise
able within the Stylommatophora, 10% (8 of 80) 184 variable sites of which 115 are parsimony infor-
within the Pulmonata, and 30% (24 of 80) were vari- mative. All methods of constructing trees were highly
able in comparisons of all gastropods (Table 2). The consistent in their inferred phylogenies, with only
843 nucleotide region of the large subunit gene shows minor variations in the terminal branches of the tree.
more variability than the 5.8s. It includes a combina- Our data confirms the monophyletic nature of all
tion of conserved and variable sections. In alignments, the major groups within the study, including the
834 of 843 sites could be aligned in comparisons of Stylommatophora, Pulmonata and Euthyneura. The
Partula , 819 within the Partulidae, 792 in the Stylom- Stylommatophora are clearly and consistently resolved
matophora, 770 in the Pulmonata and 581 across the with all methods of tree construction, and strongly
Gastropoda as a whole. Of these, 0.6% (5 of 834) supported in bootstrap analyses (93% NJ, 97% FM,
were variable at the genus level (within Partula), 95% ML, 80% MP). This is consistent with current
1.3% (11 of 819) were variable at the family level taxonomy15 and agrees with the findings of Tillier et
(within the Partulidae), 20.1% (159 of 792) were al.6 based on a smaller section of the LSU gene. The
variable within the Stylommatophora, 26.5% (204 of non-stylommatophoran pulmonates, from the orders
770) within the Pulmonata, and 27.5% (160 of 581) Eupulmonata, Systellommatophora and Basommato-
were variable in comparisons of all gastropods (Table phora, fall immediately outside the Stylommatophora
2). Over the whole amplified sequence, 1401 sites thus confirming the monophyly of the Pulmonata
could be aligned within Partula (35 (2.5%) variable), within this tree. This group is resolved by all tree
1219 sites could be aligned within the Partulidae (50 building methods, and again is strongly supported in
(4.1%) variable), 872 sites could be aligned within the bootstrap analyses (92% NJ, 94% FM, 71% ML, 92%
Stylommatophora (165 (18.9%) variable), 850 sites MP). This also is expected from the current taxon-
could be aligned within the Pulmonata (212 (24.9%) omy15. We note, however, that Tillier et al.6 found that
variable), and 661 across the Gastropoda as a whole Amphibola clustered separately from the other pul-
(184 (27.8%) variable) (Table 2). Thus the region monate taxa, resulting in the polyphyly of the group,
shows enough variation to be useful for examining but this taxon was not sampled in our study. The pre-
evolutionary relationships at several taxonomic levels cise relationships among the non-stylommatophoran
within the gastropods. Deep phylogenetic relation- pulmonates remain unclear. Currently-defined ordinal
ships can be examined using only the most conserved groupings do not appear to be supported by the tree;
sites, and additional, progressively more variable, the Eupulmonata are paraphyletic and the Systellom-
sites can be recruited for revealing closer phylo- matophora are polyphyletic. The only clear phylo-
genetic relationships. genetic structure within the non-stylommatophorans
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Table 1. The material, collectors and sampling localities.

Family Species Collection/Location Collector

Subclass Pulmonata, Order Eupulmonata, Suborder Stylommatophora

Infraorder Orthurethra
Partulidae Partula suturalis Pfeiffer, 1855 Moorea B. Clarke
Partula varia Broderip, 1832 Huahine B. Clarke
Partula turneri Pfeiffer, 1860 New Hebrides W. Sutherland
Samoana conica (Gould, 1848) Samoa R. Cowie
Eua zebrina (Gould, 1848) Samoa R. Cowie
Buliminidae Buliminus labrosus (Olivier, 1804) Saladin’s Castle, Syria J. Payne and
P. Mordan
Infraorder Mesurethra
Clausiliidae Cochlodina laminata South Downs, East Sussex, B. Clarke
(Montagu, 1803) UK
Infraorder Elasmognatha
Succineidae Succinea putris (L. 1758) Southampton, UK C. MacDonald
Infraorder Sigmurethra
Achatinidae Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1882 Unknown (Zoological Society P. Pearce-Kelly
of London Collection)
Milacidae Milax budapestensis (Hazay, 1881) Kirkdale, Derbyshire, UK C. Wade
Helicidae Cepaea nemoralis (L., 1758) Marlborough Downs, A. Davison
Wiltshire, UK.
Rhytidae Rhytida stephenensis (Powell, 1930) Manaaki Whenua, New D. Gleeson
Subclass Pulmonata, Order Eupulmonata, Suborder Actophila
Ellobiidae Melampus luteus (Quoy & Gaimard, Souilla, Mauritius O. Griffiths
Laemodonta sp. Suralaya, W. Java B. Dharma
Carychiidae Carychium tridentatum (Risso, 1826) Abelheira, San Miguel, P. Mordan
Subclass Pulmonata, Order Basommatophora
Siphonariidae Siphonaria pectinata (L., 1758) Zamara Los Atunes, Spain S. Hawkins
Subclass Pulmonata, Order Systellommatophora
Veronicellidae Laevicaulis alte (Férussac, 1823) Dubai, United Arab Emirates A. Green
Rathouisiidae Atopos australis (Heynemann, 1876) Malanda, Queensland, J. Stanisic

Subclass Opisthobranchia, Order Anaspidea

Aplysiidae Aplysia punctata Cuvier, 1803 Tröndelag, Norway J. Evertsen and
T. Bakken
Subclass Opisthobranchia, Order Nudibranchia
Onchidoridae Acanthodoris pilosa (Müller, 1798) Kinkell Braes, St Andrews, UK C. Todd
Goniodoridae Goniodoris nodosa (Montagu, 1808) Kinkell Braes, St Andrews, UK C. Todd
Subclass Prosobranchia
Hydrobiidae Potamopyrgus antipodarum Morpeth, Northumberland, A. Davison
(Gray, 1843) UK
Thiaridae Melanoides turberculata Tropical Fish Tank, Kettering C. Wade
(Müller, 1774)
Pomatiasidae Pomatias elegans (Müller, 1774) France E. Platts
Cyclophoridae Cyclophorus herklotsi Martens, 1861 Mino, Osaka City, Japan P. Callomon
Ampullaridae Pomacea sp. London Zoo Collection Unknown
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Figure 2. rDNA phylogeny for the gastropods. Evolutionary trees were constructed using the neighbour join-
ing (NJ; shown), Fitch-Margoliash (FM), maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods
in PAUP* (version 4.0d6516). For NJ, FM and ML methods, correction for multiple hits was performed using
the general time reversible (GTR) model. The rate matrix, base frequencies, proportion of invariant sites (pinv
= 0.225) and gamma shape parameter ( = 0.333; based on 16 rate categories) were estimated using a likeli-
hood-based iterative procedure. FM, ML and MP tree searching was carried out using a heuristic search pro-
cedure with tree-bisection-reconnection branch swapping. Branches highlighted in bold indicate key branches
defining major divisions within the phylogeny. Bootstrap values (NJ/FM/ML/MP) indicate the percentage
support for these branches based on 1000 (NJ, FM and MP) or 100 (ML) bootstrap replicates. The scale bar
corresponds to 1 substitutional change per 100 nucleotide positions. The phylogeny is rooted on the Proso-
* This branch is not supported in the parsimony bootstrap consensus tree.

Table 2. Genetic variation in the amplified rDNA sequence.

Within Within Within Within Within

Partula Partulidae Stylommatophora Pulmonata Gastropoda
Aligned Variable Aligned Variable Aligned Variable Aligned Variable Aligned Variable
Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites Sites

5.8s 80 1 80 2 80 6 80 8 80 24
ITS-2 487 29 320 37 0 – 0 – 0 –
LSU 834 5 819 11 792 159 770 204 581 160
Complete 1401 35 1219 50 872 165 850 212 661 184
rDNA region

is produced by the basommatophoran Siphonaria biological material. This work was carried out with
which consistently falls out before all other pul- the support of NERC grant GST/02/1338 to B. Clarke
monate taxa, with all tree methods and with strong and P. Mordan.
support from the bootstrap analyses (95% NJ, 97%
FM, 92% ML, 82% MP). This position was suggested
by Tillier et al.6, but was only weakly supported in REFERENCES
their analyses.
Outside the Pulmonata, the anaspidean Aplysia 1. SCHILEYKO, A.A. 1979. Tr. Zool. in.-ta. AN
emerges as the sister group of the Nudibranchia in SSSR., 18: 44-69.
all the trees, with strong bootstrap support with all 2. NORDSIECK, H. 1986. Arch. Moll., 117: 93-1116.
methods except maximum parsimony, where the 3. TILLIER, S. 1989. Malacologia, 30: 1-303.
branch is unresolved in the bootstrap consensus tree 4. EMBERTON, K.C., KUNICO, G.S., DAVIS, G.M.,
(88% NJ, 84% FM, 87% ML). Finally, the Euthy- PHILIPS, S.M., MONDEREWICZ, K.M. & GUO, Y.H.
neura as a whole also form a clear monophyletic 1990. Malacologia, 31: 327-352.
group, strongly supported in bootstrap analyses with 5. ROSENBERG, G., KUNCIO, G.S., DAVIS, G.M. &
all methods (100% NJ, 100% FM, 99% ML, 100% HARASEWYCH, M.G. 1994. Nautilus, Supplement
MP). 2: 111-121.
Our preliminary analyses of the genetic variation in 6. TILLIER, S. MASSELOT, M. & TILLIER, A. 1996. In:
the amplified region of the rRNA gene-cluster indi- Origin and evolutionary radiation of the Mollusca
cate its general suitability for examining land snail (J. D. Taylor, ed.), 267-284. Oxford University
evolution. The combination of conserved and vari- Press, Oxford.
able regions suggests that the region will be suitable 7. THOLLESSON, M. 1999. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., B
for addressing evolutionary questions over a wide 266: 75-83.
range of taxonomic levels. We intend to use this 8. TERRET, J.A., MILES, S. & THOMAS, R.H. 1994.
sequence to conduct a broad study of the evolution- Nautilus, Supplement 2: 79-84.
ary relationships within the Stylommatophora. The 9. FURUKAWA, K. & BHAVAVAVDAN, V.P. 1983.
phylogenetic analyses presented here confirm both Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 740: 466-475.
the monophyly of the Stylommatophora and the suit- 10. SHIODA, M. & MARAKAMI-MUOFUSHI, K. 1987.
ability of the non-stylommatophoran pulmonates as Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 146: 61-66.
potential outgroups for this study. 11. SAITOU, N. & NEI, M. 1987. Mol. Biol. Evol., 4:
We are especially indebted to Professor Bryan 406-425.
Clarke for his assistance and comments on the manu- 12. FITCH, W.M. & MARGOLIASH, E. 1967. Science,
script. We also wish to thank all those who provided 155: 279-284 .
12 565-570 10/10/0 9:05 am Page 570


13. FELSENSTEIN, J. 1981. J. Mol. Evol., 17: 368-376. 16. SWOFFORD, D.L. 1998. PAUP*. Phylogenetic analy-
14. FITCH, W.M. 1971. Syst. Zool., 20: 406-416. sis using parsimony (*and other methods. Version
15. HASZPRUNAR, G. & HUBER, G. 1990. J. Zool. 4. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachu-
Lond., 220: 185-199. setts.

Figure 1. ITS-1 situated between 18S and 5.8S rDNA. Black boxes I-VI indicate the conserved regions, their
relative position and size in stylommatophoran and basommatophoran snails (see Fig. 2). To amplify the ITS-1
of Cochlicopa and Azeca, the following primers were used (for further information, see 16): within the conserved
18S  5‘-TAACAAGGTTTCCGTATGTGAA-3‘, and within the conserved 5.8S  5‘-GCGTTCTTCATC-
GATGC-3‘. For Arianta the rDNA region consisting ITS-1, 5.8S, and ITS-2 was amplified with primers 18SB 
the 5‘-end of 28S (for further information see 17).

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