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Kumudini Welfare Trust Documentary Film

Bengali English

GKUv Av‡jvwKZ Rxe‡bi Mí †_‡K A single enlightened life can inspire and build an
ˆZwi nq AmsL¨ Av‡jvwKZ gvbyl M‡o enlightened generation.
IVvi Mí| Here, each day begins with the promise of new
GLv‡b mKvj ïiæ nq m¤¢vebv wb‡q

Av‡jvi ¯ú‡k© cÖvY cvq Rxe‡bi D`¨g The first light of the daybreak brings new inspiration.

GLv‡b Rxeb e‡q hvq Kj¨v‡Yi Here, everyone is encouraged to dedicate their lives to the
†cÖiYvq service of humanity.

Avgiv GB cweÎ kc_ MÖnY KiwQ †h, B.Homes’ Students’ Oath (Subtitle)
wkÿvi PvwiwÎK gwngv, mnbkxjZv I We solemnly vow to uphold the values of this great
k„•Ljvi Wvwj mvwR‡q Avgiv Avgv‡`i institution through practice of tolerance and self-discipline
GB gnvb wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi †MŠie in our personal lives. We also vow to devote our lives to
Aÿzbœ ivL‡ev Ges `vwqZ¡kxj becoming responsible citizens capable of taking our
bvMwiK wn‡m‡e Avgiv †mvbvi †`k I beloved nation into a new era of prosperity.
RvwZ‡K mg„w×i bZzb w`M‡šÍ
†cuŠ‡Q †`evi gnvb eª‡Z wb‡R‡`i‡K
DrmM© Ki‡ev... Interview of Miss Ulfatunessa…Ex principal, Bharateswari
Homes (Subtitle)
Interview of Miss nessa…Ex principal,
The main objective of Bharateswari Homes is to create
Varotesshori Homes. humane & self-reliant individuals.
fvi‡Zk¦ix †nvg‡mi cÖavb D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv We don’t just focus on academics, rather, we teach our
cÖK…Z I ¯^wbf©i gvbyl M‡o †Zvjv| students a complete way of life.
GLv‡b ïay †jLvcov †kLv‡bv nq bv, I have spent my childhood here in this beautiful
m¤ú~Y© Rxeb c×wZ wkÿv †`qv nq| environment. Here I was taught to work independently.
Now, I teach the same methods and values to my
Avwg GLv‡b †QvU †_‡K eo n‡qwQ students. Here, we teach to our girls to come forward to
GLvbKvi ïå cwi‡e‡k| GLv‡b wbR help others and to help humanity.
nv‡Z KvR Ki‡Z wk‡LwQ, Ab¨‡K
†kLvw”Q| G‡K A‡b¨i mnvqZvq,
gvbeZvi mnvqZvq GwM‡q hvIqvi
wkÿv †`qv nq GLv‡b|

Kzgyw`bx I‡qj‡dqvi Uªv÷ GKUv Kumudini Welfare Trust is an idea, an ideal.

Av`‡k©i bvg|
Here, true honor lies in helping the neglected &
†hLv‡b Ae‡nwjZ gvby‡li Kj¨v‡Y the helpless.
wbwnZ Av‡Q cÖK…Z m¤§vb|
In this haven of tranquility, true human beings are
†hLv‡b kvšÍ cwi‡e‡k M‡o DV‡Q nurtured, who will dedicate themselves to the
cÖK…Z gvbyl, Kj¨vYKv‡R welfare of others.
wb‡qvwRZ‡`i `j|
Interview of Dr. PK Roy.


1973 mv‡j GB `vbexi iY`v c«mv` HOSPITAL (Subtitle)
mvnvi Kygyw`bx nvmcvZv‡j Kv‡R I have been working with Kumudini Hospital since 1973.
‡hvM`vb Kwi| GB ch©šÍ GLv‡bB GB This is a 1050 bed general hospital. We offer different
Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ AvwQ| Avcbviv types of treatments here. The nursing school was
Rv‡bb GwU 1050 kh¨vwewkó GKwU established here in 1973 and the nursing college in 2007.
‡Rbv‡ij nmwcUvj| GLv‡b wewfbœ In the meantime, we have added many facilities including
ai‡Yi wPwKrmvi e¨e¯’v Av‡Q| Õ73 Phaco eye surgery, kidney dialysis, and an ICU. Kumudini
mv‡j GLv‡b c«_g bvwm©s ¯‹yj hospital was the first hospital in the region to offer cancer
¯’vwcZ nq| 2007 mv‡j GLv‡b bvwm©s treatment (since the early ‘40s). Procedures here cost 1/4 th
of what they would cost elsewhere. I feel blessed to have
K‡jR Avi¤¢ nq| wewfbœ
had the opportunity of serving the poor patients of our
wWcvU©‡g›U bZyb bZybfv‡e Avi¤¢ country through Kumudini Hospital.
n‡q‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ ‡Pv‡Li dª¨vKj
mvR©vwi, wKWwb WvqvjvBwmm,
DbœZ ai‡Yi AvBwmBDi e¨e¯’v
D‡jøL‡hvM¨| Pwjøk `k‡Ki w`‡K
GLv‡b c«_g K¨vÝv‡ii wPwKrmv ïiy
nq|Ab¨ RvqMvq ‡h‡Kvb Acv‡ikb hw`
‡Kvb ‡ivMx Kiv‡Z Pvq, ‡m‡¶‡Î ‡h
cwigvY A_© e¨q Ki‡Z nq Zvi Pvi
fv‡Mi GK fvM e¨q K‡i GLv‡b GB
ai‡bi Acv‡ikb¸‡jv ‡ivMxiv ‡c‡q _v‡K|
Avwg wb‡R‡K ab¨ g‡b Kwi GB
Kvi‡Y ‡h Avwg GZw`b ch©šÍ GB
Kygyw`bx nvmcvZv‡ji gva¨‡g Avgv‡`i
‡`‡ki Mwie ‡ivMx‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z
cviwQ |

GLv‡b cÖv‡Yi gyLiZvq A_©en n‡q Here, the living heartbeat of service to humanity gives
I‡V Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU w`b| meaning to each day.

86 eQ‡ii c_Pjvq ¯^wbf©iZvi m½x One of Kumudini’s strengths is its history – for the last 86
years it has been upholding and nurturing self-reliance.
Kzgyw`bx ev¯Íe AwfÁZvq ejxqvb|
Kumudini tries to ensure that each of its actions are eco-
cwi‡ek evÜe Kzgyw`bxi cÖwZwU friendly.
In this haven of peace, if you listen carefully, you will hear
the stories of selfless service; you will hear the footsteps of
GB kvšÍ Kvb‡b Kvb cvZ‡j †kvbv hvq history.
gvby‡li Kj¨vYmvabvi Mí|

Miss Protiva Mutsuddy’s interview:

‡kvbv hvq BwZnv‡mi e‡q Pjv, M‡o
We all used to address Mr. R.P. Shaha as “Jethamoni”. I
IVv| first met him in 1963. I had come here as a teacher in
Bharateswari Homes. As he started earning money (in
the‘30s), he also started his service to the people. It is at
cÖwZfv gyrmyÏxi e³e¨| this time that he established Bharateswari Homes, to
improve women’s education. It is painful when you think
vbexi iY`v c«mv` mvnv hv‡K Avgiv that this great man who gave his all for women’s
mevB R¨vVvgwY e‡j WvKZvg, Dbvi education and for the betterment of the poor and the
mv‡_ Avgvi c«_g cwiPq 1963 m‡b| needy met such a tragic end. Even today, we do not know
ZLb Avwg GLv‡b Avwm ‡jKPvivi for sure how his life ended or where he lies.
wn‡m‡e| wZwik Gi `kK ‡_‡K hLbB
Dbvi nv‡Z UvKv n‡q‡Q, ZLbB wZwb
‡mev KvR Avi¤¢ Ki‡jb| ‡mB mgq The spirit of our Founder lives on in our hearts and
wZwb ‡g‡q‡`i wk¶vi Rb¨ fvi‡Zk¦ix continues to inspire us to keep his dream alive.
‡nvg‡mi wfwË c«¯Íi ¯’vcb Ki‡jb| ‡h The latest development in this journey is the establishment
gvbyl mewKQy Mixe gvby‡li Rb¨, of Ranada Prasad Shaha University.
‡g‡q‡`i gvbyl Kivi Rb¨, wk¶v ‡`qvi
Rb¨, ¯^v¯’¨‡mev ‡`qvi Rb¨ Zvui
me©¯^ w`‡q w`‡jb, A_P ‡mB gvby‡li Srimati Shaha’s Comments:
‡klUv wK Avgiv Rvwb bv?
I got married 52 years ago. My father-in-law used to call
me ‘ma’. In 1971, when the Liberation War began, our
wZwb †eu‡P Av‡Qb Avgv‡`i †PZbvq, whole family was plunged into a nightmare. We passed
through this difficult period together with other members
Avgv‡`i K‡g© of the Kumudini family. We are still together. My father
cÖwZwôZ n‡q‡Q iY`v cÖmv` mvnv in-law, Mr. R.P. Shaha used to say that Kumudini was his
place of pilgrimage. So, it is with us. In this sacred place
we continue to serve the people. We do not know how our
wZwb †eu‡P Av‡Qb Avgv‡`i †PZbvq, days begin and how they end. We love our work. Mr. R.P.
Avgv‡`i K‡g© Shaha lives on through the work we do here. Our country
is making great progress under the capable leadership of
cÖwZwôZ n‡q‡Q iY`v cÖmv` mvnv our Honorable Prime Minister. We too, want to play a
wek¦we`¨vjq| part in this journey. We have to be strong, despite all the
grief and sorrow. It is our intention to win the hearts of
the people through our work. And it is this, that inspires
us in everything we do.
kÖxgwZ mvnvi e³e¨:
AvR‡K ‡_‡K 52 eQi Av‡M Avgvi
we‡q n‡qwQj| Avgvi k¦ïigkvB memgq Kumudini’s vision promotes a complete way of life inspired
Avgv‡K gv WvK‡Zb| Õ71 mv‡j hLb by our Founder’s dreams and beliefs. Here there is laughter
gyw³hy× ïiæ nj, `yt¯^cœ G‡m Avgv‡`i and sorrow, there is fulfilment and loss.
cy‡iv cwievi‡K ‡X‡K w`j| ‡Kvbfv‡e From dawn to dusk, Kumudini loves life, working tirelessly
Avgv‡`i w`b wM‡q‡Q ZLb| Kygyw`bx towards realizing its immense possibilities.
cwiev‡ii mevB‡K wb‡q Avgiv wQjvg Here, life moves forward with the changing face of time.
memgq| GLbI AvwQ| wZwb ej‡Zb
Kygyw`bx Dbvi Zx_©¯’vb| Avgv‡`i And then, with the coming of each dawn, life starts anew.
Kv‡QI ZvB| GB Zx_©f~wg‡Z Avgiv The firstborn son of Ranada Prasad Shaha was autistic. Both
mevB gvby‡li ‡mevq wb‡qvwRZ from personal experience and social responsibility, the
AvwQ| wKfv‡e Avgv‡`i w`b ïiæ nq Trust plans to establish a Centre for differently abled
KLb ‡kl nq, Avgiv ej‡Z cvie bv| Avgiv children.
mevB Avgv‡`i KvR‡K fvjevwm| In an effort to make life meaningful for people of all ages,
Avgv‡`i Kv‡Ri ga¨ w`‡q Dwb ‡eu‡P work will soon start on a care giving and life-style
_vK‡eb| gvbbxq c«avbgš¿x ‡hfv‡e instruction center for the elderly.
Avgv‡`i ‡`k‡K GwM‡q wb‡q P‡j‡Qb,
Kumudini knows the role of research in changing lives for
Avgiv ‡mfv‡e Dbvi m‡½ nvZ wgwj‡q
the better. And so, Kumudini plans to start an International
GwM‡q ‡h‡Z PvB| Avgv‡`i Aš—‡ii Institute for Medical sciences.
e¨_v ‡e`bv me wb‡q Avgiv Avgv‡`i
g‡b ‡Rvi Avbe| Avgiv Kv‡Ri ga¨ w`‡q, The trust also has plans to build an Inland Container Port on
mevB‡K fvjevmvi ga¨ w`‡q Avgiv the banks of the river Shitalakhya, to revive the river
transport system.
gvby‡li gb Rq Ki‡Z ‡Póv Kie Ges
Avgiv ZvB KiwQ| We are committed to participate and contribute towards
the nation’s quest to achieving the goal of becoming a
developed nation by 2041, by playing our part in
iY`v cÖmv` mvnvi `k©‡b Kzgyw`bx developing better human beings and more meaningful
†hb gvby‡li nvwm Kvbœv, wek¦vm I lives. Kumudini welfare trust aims to live for the people, for
humanity and in people’s hearts, forever.
Rxeb MVb †_‡K Rxe‡bi cwiYwZi
mKj Av‡qvRb wb‡q GK cwic~Y©
Rxeb e¨e¯’v|

Av‡jv n‡Z Avuavi, Kzgyw`bx

fv‡jvev‡m Rxeb‡K, KvR K‡i Rxe‡bi
Acvi m¤¢vebv wb‡q|

GLv‡b Rxe‡bi ¯ú›`‡b GwM‡q hvq

Zvici Avevi, ïiæ nq bZzb ¯ú›`b

iY`v cÖmv‡`i †R¨ô cyÎ wQ‡jb

AwUw÷K| cvwievwiK AwfÁZv I
`vqe×Zv †_‡K cÖwZwôZ n‡Z hv‡”Q
we‡kl wkï‡`i Rb¨ †mev †K›`ª|
GKwU A_©en Rxebhvc‡bi Rb¨ ˆZwi
n‡”Q eq¯‹ bvMwiK †mev‡K›`ª I
Rxebhvcb wb‡`©kbvg~jK cÖwZôvb|

Rxeb e`‡j †`evi Av‡qvR‡b Avgiv eywS

M‡elYvi ¸iæZ¡| Kzgyw`bx cÖwZôv
Ki‡Z hv‡”Q Kzgyw`bx B›Uvib¨vkbvj
Bbw÷wUDU Ae †gwW‡Kj mv‡q‡Ým|

kxZjÿ¨vi cv‡o cÖvY mÂv‡i Af¨šÍixb

K‡›UBbvi †cvU© wbwg©Z n‡e

2041 mv‡ji jÿ¨gvÎv DbœZ evsjv‡`‡ki

cÖZ¨‡q DbœZ gvbyl Avi DbœZ Rxeb
Mo‡Z Avgiv cÖwZkÖæwZe×|
Kzgyw`bx I‡qj‡dqvi Uªv÷ gvby‡li Rb¨,
gvbeZvi Rb¨, mvavi‡Yi gv‡S †eu‡P
_vKzK AbšÍKvj|

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