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Ill. CLOZE EXERCISES A each of the following blanks with only one suitable word: 1)In.... (1) countries it’s... (2) to... 3) a job of sa. (4) kind, Almost any job (6) so one can’t afford to be ..... (7) fussy. There are luckier pple .... (8) have jobs but not jobs ....(9) they have chosen ..... (10). Pethaps they in a particular factory ..... (11) that is the .... (12) place in ..... (13) town (4) ese is work. Others ..... (15) to do what their fami ics push them ...., (16). For .....(17), may go into their father’s (18) as their father and grandfather ..... (19) before . --- (20) they like it or not; they are not consulted themselves, \2-He suddenly (1) of long... (2) Cambridge days and... (3) the time ...(4) he (3) almost decided to ty... (6) foreign service, Serving .... (7) government abroad (8) he had always dreamed .... (9): secret... (10) and political scheming, with 1... (1D the hero, Funny... (12) dreams of that sort stayed with you, One half ‘Your ...(13) became a marvellous reasoning machine, ... (14) the... (15) wandered (16) frontiers into .... (17) countries where .... (18), romance and .... (19) lay waiting .... (20) the traveller. 3. In the small .... (1) of Chotagaon in the heart of Southern India, .... (2) a @) the Deccan, .... (4) lives a little girl called Shanta, Shanta’s father, .. (5) is Yeshwant Rao, is a farmer .... (6) most of the other .... (7) in the village. ata has (wo .... (8) brothers and an older brother, ten years old, whose name is ear. Yeshwant Rao and his family live in a little mudd... (9), ... (10) is just like all — (11) ones in the village. It has two ..... (12) only, with a courtyard and a veranda, (13) are plastered with cowdung mixed .... (14) mud and water, When this 5) itmakes a hard smooth surface, as good... (16) plaster oF cement, 10... (17) 3. 1(1) snsuou(t0 fall asleep) while Iwas working because it took me a long time to realise that the telephone (2) un (C0 ing). When f answered it, my gitl-friend said 13) samen (to Forget) that We (4)... (10 go) to the cinema tonight? (5) cy wait) here for half an hour. If you (6) ._ (to come) soon, we'll miss the film.” T suddenly remembered that Sally (7) ....(to give) some tickets forthe first performance of Anew film, If Thadn’t had so much work to do, I(8) wu. (10 take) her out to dinner before going tothe cinema."By the time gether, the film (9) (0 tart). Lets go cut to dinner instead." "You are a nuisance. (1). to accep) he tickets.” ao went to the doctor's yesterday. T (Lan (to have to) wait for an hour before he (2) un (can) see me. "TB sonnn 0 g0) abroad next week. But I (4) onan Lo ave) apn FF Eo days. (8) svn (U0 think) P'L be well enough o 0?” When (6) suv (0 examine) you, Tl be able to tll yoo," the doctor said (2) (0 Work) in the garden when I suddeny Fl the pain” Iold the doetr. "IF (8) so stop) immediately, it would fave been al ight, T suppose. Bot I herly vee (9) un (10 88 any exercise in my job soT went on working." After examining re carefly the doctor sad; "You (10) sso Bur) a bone in your back.” 10. When I boarded the train I could not help (1)... (to notice) that a great ‘many focal people got on as well. AC the time, this (2) enn (t0 strike) me as odd. I reflected that there must be a great many people besides myself who wished to take advantage of this excellent service. Neither [(3) ....... (to be) surprised when the train Stopped at a tiny station a few miles along the fine. Even 2 mighty express train can (4) sen (60 hold up) by signals. Then it suddenly (5)... (t0 dan) on me that this expRESS (6)... (10 oar) down the tine a ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along atthisty. One hour and seventeen minutes passed and we (7)... (to cover) even half the distance. I asked a passanger if this was the Western Express, but he ®) - (0 hear) even of it. I determined to make a complaint as soon as we (0) rn (t0atrive). TWo hours Hater (10). (to talk) angrily toa bored station master. When he (11)... (todeny) the train's existence, I showed him my copy ofthe time-tabt. (12) suvnmne (80 glance) at it briefly, he told me to look again. A tiny asterisk (13) na. (00 conduct) me to a footnote atthe bottom of the page: “This service (1)... (to suspend). Never I (15) sn (to experience) such a frustrating thing before! 7G, Romanian c1 ine offers a great ‘I. The movie is suitable only for .. 2. He proved io be a very of the commixtee, 3. L wonder what they &xpect from this . 4. The animals appeared ...u.. when the flames surrounded them, 5. This... has written an outstanding book about family life 6. Tean't understand his atctude; itis absolutely . 7. He behaved rather 8. What possibilities of in your town? ), What 2 shock he had when he realised his . wearing masks. ), Practising any sport definitely makes you .. 1. Lfelt she was of me in spite of her sma. tum out to be rather boring. 1,08 the 4th of July people watched the fireworks. |. Tneed that he will really recover, 5. You can never guess what she wants; she 18 50 .sune You have been cheated: these stamps are. T'm glad you have so .. This world You'll put on of dishes. , not for children, man as Chair under the circumstances, » Would you recomend 2. Sometimes all these explained things to her. hasn't been so efficient so far. if you keep eating so many sweets, ‘You'll have to do a lot of special ExeNCI8E tO. ‘your muscles, Goat milk is believed to be very .. He is highty thought of for his ‘This kind of work requires we. F can't recognize you; you're reacting like an... Inn not very sure about the TORE WAS cone mind sve Of the torn, in her voice and it was encouraging, She resented having to make a sun Her boss can’t help shouting at her for being SUCH 4 POOF Ha. VARY GROW ENERGY INVEST. CONTROL SOCIOLOGY EXPLAIN, SUSPECT ENTERTAIN PURSUIT MUSCLE ENVY FORMAL COUNT REASSURE CHANGE WORTH TACT ORGANISE WEIGH STRONG NUTRIMENT. INVENT PRECISE AUTOMATIC Lona CERTAIN CHOOSE TYPE, HL He nodded to me i @ i......6 WAY Ciuc manners belong to civilized One needs smn fiends When one is in trouble. «a tiptoed across the room for fear 1 Of her voice. jardly ever eats mushrooms: for fear 22 they might Be sav GF jruily -cssson OF clasves is desirable, if not compulsory. Your suueu On the eve of the exam meant & lot, "Phe snes Feteoat helped them survive, Toy Isave tO san this streat to ease the traffic. ‘Phe floads made that path si He is in his fate 50's and yet his energy seems Fhe Grand Canyon is a place of... beauty Nie cottage is not exactly what we wished for, boa the sneone are breath takings conune Ways to persuade a Man, Tay there o.oo but no one dared touch it. The wild ftorses were driven into an .. , Good crops require ptenty of goOd sm iv male food taste and sthell better add some _.. down that steep slope is quite exhausting, i prea. B. The suum Use of amy fuel will save your money: a “Thney live somewhere im the ssn expenses keep going up? ‘but I don’t think he'll make it Don't you tisiak that 'A his pop singer is gaining ...... in Burope hie 1082 10 asnsens NO time, they say. 3B}, Vhushtion design is highly ...no0 today. The ovide «one of entertainment attracts tourists here, Theatd a voice whisper my name with 0. hut was a highly « 4 GTO. co. perlormmanee, Locusts ar RELY CAUTION WARM POISON ATT! COURAGE, SPEED WIDE PASS EXHAUST SCENE SURROUND, VARY LIFE ENCLOSE. FERTILE SEASON DESCEND RESIDE ECONOMY NEIGHBOUR HOUSE ARCHITECT POPULAR STAR COMPETITION DIVERSE, CLEAR, SPECTACLE, HARM 00. HAE MRE Lee HELIS WUT vr 84, One has to eat nd drink with 85. I find his boring insistence ........ .. Your interference proved more of a... 87. One's relationship with one's priest or lawyer is strictly 88, Why shasld you be $0 sn was not yours? 89. The food on the table all looked 90, Unfortunately your essay lacks 91. How do you know he is that ...e.? to write such things. 93. Do you think they'll succeed in ‘94, Afler so many successes your present inefficiency shen the fault 92, One must be highly sn. _ these \ 95. Telling the truth is .. 96, Meeting her sooner OF later iS wm 97, Farm sue @t a loss but I'll come to my senses, that's a promise. sin this case. 98. The -sn.n of your remark dishonours you. 99. To become a writer requires suns OF the written language. 100, He was known to be a miiser and that's why his unexpected nnn amazed everybody. 1OL, He took a a. Of water to quench his thirst 102. The Germans gave the world some of the most remarkable 103. There was @ ne in her insistence that I didn't like, 104, He caised his sword in .. 105. Too raany people still die of .. 106. He knew he was going to IOs Ris ssn 107. We are interested in the ........ of this relationship. 108. Your... is disgusting 109. He is a world famous sr 10. Theie ye goal WAS the vases OF MARA 111, All the discoveries of that century brought than a help. MODERS EEE NA The room was scatcely furnished but its TROUBI nade it pleasant. HINDER 144. (1 is quite a problem to be granted to this club. .. use of commonplace words. CONFIDE 8, How long does the s..n last? “B21 1te bonsted about his... Of several estates. APOLOG You have made a thorough ...... of the scene. APPETTY 1, She looked like the Very wou: of his dreams, ORIGINA, ih, Agatha Christie's... ane still the best. INFLUBN: 21, One of the major problems in today's society 18... IMAGIN 25 lie doctors suspect him of .... STANDARE “The sun Of the landscape was depressing, 44. They confirmed the ....... of all the parcels. BBLIEV? S138, He knew that the ........ spelt disaster for people like him, ADVISE b. The rumours about thelr secret... created a str AVOID of the tortures was heartbreaking of the town feared another attack MOMENT poilt everything, STUPID of yours? == 141, When the church bells started tolling all MASTER the came out of their houses. 2.1 know this has been sheet unos hasn’t i? GENER js free to this museum? MOUTH ne didn’t turn up, and her ....... saddened us. :34. Should they really interrupt all movies with PHILOSOPEY 146, Will you please check when the wm is? FIX P2401 le was awarded a prize in...» of his merits. DEFEND a i§. 'le was watching the of the troops from the top STARVE KING was exquisite, DEVELOP 10. We may speak about a... OF the interest in the MEAN = nntsic of the 60's. cH EU Me esoen is striking, ABULESE 8, Youu could feel the sonnss Of the aidienee, THA Mix blood oo as alarmingly Sh or Lg oe ni ite eaten at - CLEAN MEMBER ART TRAIN OWNER DESCRIBE, EMBODY ‘THRILL EMPLOY SANE DULL RECEIVE |. UPHEAVE MARRY CRUEL INHABIT CHILDISH ACQUAINT VILLAGE MOCK ADMIT ABSENT. ADVERTISE, DEPART. RECOGNIZE MOVE PERFORM REVIVE RESEMBLE, BORE PRESS

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