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Universal Time Matrix

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Universal Time Matrix

A Time Matrix is a map of all of the Timelines in which the consciousness moves that are
simultaneously taking place within the entire time matrix, it is the mathematical program by which
consciousness experiences time and matter. The Cosmic structure contains six 15 dimensional
Universal time matrices for the purpose of consciousness individualization into
dimensionalization, in order to experience the perception of time, and to which are collectively
referred to as the Time Matrix.
The Universal Time Cosmology of Twelve Dimensions of Simultaneous Time-Space Cycles
within a Fifteen Dimensional Wave Spectrum. Each Harmonic Universe is equal to the Triad of
Spiritual Identity that our consciousness evolves through as our Personality (1D-2D-3D), Soul
(4D-5D-6D), Oversoul (Monad) (7D-8D-9D), Avatar Christos (10D-11D-12D) and Founder
Consciousness (13D-14D-15D).


 1Universal Tree of Life

 212 Tree Grid Architecture
 3Harmonic Universes or Densities
 4Planet Earth Timelines
 5Genetic Library Source Code
 6See Also:

Universal Tree of Life

Every aspect of Universal Creation and its life spiral are designed and instructed through these
blueprint structures which contain multiple arrangements and layers of vibrational Spectrum of
Frequency. This is the Universal Tree of Life. Learning to travel consciously through the
vibrational quality of the Tree of Life, is to travel through the multiple dimensions of time and is
the personal pathway to achieve spiritual sovereignty and energetic freedom. This is referred to
as GSF.

12 Tree Grid Architecture

The Core Manifestation Body Foundation: The structure of the macrocosmic Universal Tree of
Life is replicated within the microcosmic personal tree of Life. Individual Human anatomy
manifests upon and within the multidimensional layers instructed by the core manifestation
template – The Tree of Life. Every aspect of the Universal Creation and life spiral are designed
and instructed through these Blueprint structures built upon Sacred Geometry.

Harmonic Universes or Densities

The Universal Time Matrix is comprised of five density levels that each hold three dimensional
holographic fields within them, or groups of three Spectrum of Frequency that manifest as
platforms of consciousness perception and expression. Each of these density levels are
organized into a trinity of dimensional reality fields, and each of these reality fields are also
called Harmonic Universes or HU. In each Harmonic Universe, there are consciousness levels
that have characteristics in the blueprint that result in matter forms and consciousness perception
that is unique to each harmonic universe or density. Each expression of the God source in its
collective consciousness or life form, has many stations of identity that exist in each of the
dimensional realities or Harmonic Universes.

Planet Earth Timelines

These collective consciousness bodies exist on the planet earth throughout the densities and are
aspects of the future timelines and the Lightbody of the planet earth. The earth consciousness
body is directly interconnected in all Harmonic Universes to interface with the human
consciousness, which is its life form expression in all densities.

 In the First Harmonic Universe the in 1D-2D-3D exists the Three layers of the earth
 In the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the Tara Matrix.
 In the Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Gaian matrix.
 In the Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D is the future earth blueprint in its
crystalline form in the exists the three layers of the Aramatena or Aurora Earth Matrix.
 In the Fifth Harmonic Universe there is no dimensionalization into matter forms, therefore
there is no planetary body or human forms. In the fifth density, as the consciousness does
not manifest into matter, this area is called pre-matter. The three primal light and sound fields
hold the ray expressions of Mother Arc, Father Arc and Golden Ray Sun of Christos, the
trinity of the Godhead, from which all biological forms are created in all of the Harmonic

Genetic Library Source Code

In essence, the holographic discs contained the entire genetic source code and blueprint
architecture library for the Diamond Sun template, including the schematics of the
multidimensional planetary body layers as generated from the original Emerald Founder
Creators. In addition to the ancient wisdom revealed in the unifying principles of the Cosmic
Sovereign Laws, the holographic discs also contain the complete book of maps and genetic keys
that are necessary to gain full access into the Universal 12 Tree Grid holographic matrix from
within the Grual points of the planetary stargate system. Access to Diamond Sun body templates
and specific details about planetary stargate Quantum Mechanics are highly coveted by
the NAA Controlling groups because they believe it is their ticket to ride on out of this Universal
Time Matrix.[1]

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