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Cambridge English for Schools 2 worksheet
Theme A

1 What do they like doing? Likes and dislikes + ‘-ing’

Look at the table and fill in the gaps in the text. Use an ‘-ing’ word in each answer.

Tony Anna
run not like like
cycle love love
swim not mind like
play football hate not like
play squash hate not mind

Tony and his friend Anna love cycling, so they always ride their bicycles to
school. Anna 1............ ............ ............ football but she 2............ ............
............ squash. Also, she 3............ ............ on the beach every morning
before school. Tony isn’t a very good runner so he 4............ ........................
squash or football. But he 5............ ............ ............ at the outdoor pool on
Saturdays and Sundays when the weather is nice.
Who do you think is probably fitter,Tony or Anna? ......................

2 Describing actions Adverbs

Fill in the gaps. Use adverbs from the adjectives in the box:

easy fast happy quiet dangerous careful good

He isn’t a safe driver. He drives dangerously.

1 Leave the classroom .......................... , please. Don’t make a noise.
2 This exercise isn’t difficult. I can do it .......................... .
3 The food is always nice at this café – they cook .......................... .
4 A hippopotamus usually moves slowly, but a cheetah can run
very ........................ .
5 She made a lot of mistakes in her test because she didn’t read the
questions ......................... .
6 I think Steve likes his present. He’s smiling very .......................... .

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3 Sports Vocabulary
Look at the pictures and write the sports. For help, check with Unit 3 in
the Student’s Book.

1 2 3 4 5

1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ........... ............. 4 ...................... 5 ......................

6 7 8 9 10

6 ...................... 7 ...................... 8 ...................... 9 ...................... lifting .............

10 ..........

4 Susan Spencer Reading

Try to remember the information about Susan in Units 3 and 4. Are these
sentences true (T) or false (F)? Read the texts again to check your answers.
Susan is sixteen years old. F
1 She hates training.
2 She first started training when she was nine.
3 She gets up very early.
4 She eats a lot for breakfast.
5 She starts swimming at half past four.
6 She doesn’t do any homework after school.
7 She doesn’t mind doing her homework.
8 She swims 400 lengths in the afternoon.
9 She has dinner at home.
10 She doesn’t have any free time.

5 Your timetable Writing

Look at Susan’s timetable in Unit 3.What do you do at those times each day?

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Cambridge English for Schools 2 worksheet
Theme B

1 Word puzzle Vocabulary

Find 16 words in the puzzle and write them in the word groups below.
Animal words: ............................. ............................. .............................
Plant words: ............................. ............................. ............................
............................. .............................
Adjectives: ............................ ............................ ............................
............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

2 The world of the first dinosaurs ‘was’ and ‘were’

Fill in the gaps using ‘was’ or ‘were’.
The Earth 1................. very different when dinosaurs first appeared, about
230 million years ago. There 2................. only one big continent. The climate
................. hotter, the seas 4................. higher, and there 5................. no ice
at the North and South Poles. There 6................. trees, but no flowers or
grass. Some mammals 7................. alive at this time, but they 8.................
very small. The first dinosaurs 9................. also small, quick animals. Earth
................. very different 230 million years ago.

3 Verbs in the past Past simple

Write the Past simple form of these verbs.
want wanted 4 travel ...................
1 climb ................... 5 have ...................
2 decide ................... 6 go ...................
3 collect ................... 7 do ...................

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4 Dinosaur information Past simple
Complete the descriptions of two dinosaurs.
Use the Past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
The Allosaurus lived 154 to 144 million years ago. It (be) 1.....................
about five metres long. It (walk) 2..................... on two legs and it
(have) 3..................... short arms, each with three fingers. The Allosaurus
(have) 4..................... a big head, a heavy body and a large tail. Its teeth
(be) 5..................... long and sharp, and it (hunt) 6..................... other animals
for food. Sometimes it attacked and (kill) 7..................... much larger animals,
so it (be) 8..................... a very clever hunter.
The Brachiosaurus (be) 9.................. one of the largest dinosaurs. It
(have) 10.................... a very small head, but it (be) 11.................... about
26 metres long and 15 metres tall. It (live) 12..................... at the same time
as the Allosaurus. The Brachiosaurus (walk) 13.................... on four legs and it
(be) 14..................... a plant-eater. It (use) 15.................... its long neck to get
leaves from the tallest trees. These dinosaurs probably (travel) 16.....................
slowly from place to place in groups. People first (discover) 17.....................
the bones of a Brachiosaurus in 1900 in Colorado, USA.

5 Dinosaur questions Reading

Read the descriptions in exercise 4 again and then answer these questions.
Write ‘A’ (Allosaurus) or ‘B’ (Brachiosaurus).
Which dinosaur was taller? B
1 Which dinosaur was heavier?
2 Which dinosaur liked eating meat?
3 Which dinosaur was more intelligent?
4 Which dinosaur had a large head?
5 Which dinosaur was a vegetarian?
6 Which dinosaur was more dangerous?

6 The Velociraptor Writing

Look at the notes about another dinosaur, the Velociraptor.
Write a description of this dinosaur.
– about 85 to 80 million years ago – meat-eater
– walked on 2 legs – hunted in groups
– about 2 m long, 1 m tall – very fast
– long, thin legs – one of the most intelligent
– about 80 sharp teeth dinosaurs

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Cambridge English for Schools 2 worksheet
Theme C

1 Talking about the past Irregular Past simple

Fill in the gaps using the Past simple form of the verbs in the box.

become begin buy come drink find go have put speak wear

The Iceman drank water and milk.

1 Matthew was very good at languages – he .................... German, Polish,
Russian and Italian.
2 We’re late. The concert .................... twenty minutes ago.
3 Teresa first .................... to this town in 1998.
4 Yesterday Caroline and Peter .................... lunch together.
5 I .................... these boots at the market last Saturday.
6 Our class .................... to the Science Museum last week.
7 Last summer, David .................... shorts and a T-shirt every day.
8 When I looked inside the box, I .................... some old letters and books.
9 When the climate .................... warmer, people started to live in villages.
10 It started to rain, so I .................... your bicycle in the garage.

2 The gold ring Past simple

Complete the dialogue using the Past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
A: That’s a beautiful piece of jewellery, Helen. Where did you get (get) it?
B: I (get) 1................ it for my birthday, from my father. But he
(not buy) 2................................. it – he (find) 3................ it in the garden!
A: What do you mean? How (find) 4................ he ................ it?
B: Well, when he (begin) 5................ to plant the vegetables a few weeks ago,
he (see) 6................ this gold ring. It (be) 7................ just a few centimetres
under the ground.
A: (show) 8................ he ............... it to anyone?
B: Yes, he (go) 9................ to the museum and (speak) 10................ to
Mrs Scott.
A: And what (say) 11................ she ................ about it?
B: She thinks the ring is very old. People (wear) 12................ jewellery like this
about 600 years ago.
A: Wow, that’s great! (look) 13................ your father ................ for other things
in the garden?
B: No, he (not want) 14............................. to disturb the beans and potatoes!

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3 Match the words Vocabulary
Match the words with their meanings.
1 a small town a leather
2 food plants that we grow in fields b wheels
3 iron, copper or bronze, for example c village
4 a material made from animal skins d bow
5 an instrument for finding north, south, etc. e wool
6 a weapon used with arrows f axe
7 a tool for cutting and chopping g crops
8 very cold water which becomes hard h ice
9 cars need these to move along i metal
10 a material that comes from sheep j compass

4 4,000 years ago Reading

Can you find six more mistakes in this text? Underline the words and
then write them correctly. For information, check with Unit 14 in the
Student’s Book.
Four thousand years ago, people didn’t wear
clothes. They lived in caves, but they often
travelled from place to place. They didn’t
have any animals, so they didn’t drink milk
or eat meat. But they had crops in the
fields and the men cooked the food on their
fires. Children helped in the fields and they
went to small village schools. People sold
pots and stone tools.

people wore wool clothes

1 .................................................................
2 .................................................................
3 .................................................................
4 .................................................................
5 .................................................................
6 .................................................................

5 How was life different? Writing

How was life different in your country 150 years ago? Write five sentences.
You can use some of the topics in the box or you can use your own ideas.

transport food and cooking clothes electricity computers music

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Cambridge English for Schools 2 worksheet
Theme D

1 What are they going to do? ‘going to’ (1)

Sara, Janet, Ben and Chris are planning their book about world climates.
Read their notes and complete the sentences using these verbs:
design write write find draw collect

Sara report about deserts

Janet & Ben report about tropical climates
– information: library
– pictures from books, magazines
Chris front cover
pictures and maps

Sara is going to write a report about deserts.

Janet and Ben 1................................................ a report about tropical climates.
They 2................................................ some information in the library and they
................................................ pictures from books and magazines.
Chris 4........................................................ a report, but he’s a good artist,
so he 5................................................ pictures and maps. Also, he
............................................... the front cover of the book.

2 What’s going to happen? ‘going to’ (2)

Match the sentences.
1 There’s a big fire in the forest. a Our homes are going to be safe.
2 The barometer is going down. b People are going to be hungry.
3 There isn’t much water in the river. c It’s going to rain.
4 The temperature is warmer now. d It’s going to destroy a lot of trees.
5 The hurricane is moving away. e We aren’t going to have a flood.
6 There isn’t much food here. f The snow is going to melt.

3 What are the rules? ‘have to’

Complete the sentences about things that people have to do (✓) and don’t have
to do (✗). Use your own ideas.
(✓) Drivers have to stop at a red light.
1 (✗) Teachers don’t have to ................................................................... .
2 (✓) My friend .......................................................................................... .
3 (✗) My friend ........................................................................................... .
4 (✓) Students at our school .................................................................... .
5 (✓) After school, I ................................................................................... .
6 (✗) At the weekend, I .............................................................................. .

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4 Climate puzzle Vocabulary
Read the clues and fill in the puzzle.

Across  Down 
1 Not warm, but not very cold. 1 The weather conditions in a certain area.
3 The highest ...... always have a covering 2 A very strong and dangerous wind.
of snow. 4 Not cold, but not very hot.
5 Northern Russia has a ...... climate. 5 In the Netherlands, walls ...... the country
6 A 2 down or 8 down, for example. against the sea.
8 The land in the Netherlands is ..... . 7 The noun from ‘hot’.
There aren’t any 3 across. 8 Heavy rains can cause a ...... .
10 Mediterranean countries have a warm ...... 9 A geographical area.
11 A 13 across is very ...... .
12 When it rains, the ground becomes ...... .
13 The centre of Australia is a ...... .
14 The rainy season in a tropical place.

5 Natural disasters Reading

Look again at the texts in Unit 18, Exercise 5 of the Student’s Book.
Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 The disaster in Africa lasted for six years.
2 In the Netherlands, the sea level is lower than the level of the land.
3 Winds in Florida killed thousands of people.
4 There are often floods in the Netherlands.
5 A lot of people in Florida moved away from their houses.
6 The African disaster was the worst.

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Cambridge English for Schools 2 worksheet
Theme E

1 Could you help me? ‘could’: making a request

Imagine that you are in these situations. Make requests.
Your friend is carrying some books for you. You want them on your desk.
Could you put the books on my desk, please?
1 You want to go inside, but the door is closed.
.................................................................................................... , please?
2 Your teacher is speaking very fast, and it’s difficult to understand.
3 You are trying to talk on the phone, but the TV is very loud.
4 You want to use your friend’s dictionary for a while.

2 Offer or request? ‘would’ and ‘could’

Fill in the gaps. For an offer, use ‘Would you like’. For a request, use
‘Could you’ and one of these verbs: buy, tell, lend.
Are you hungry? Would you like some fruit?
1 It’s going to rain. ............................................ me your umbrella?
2 ............................................ us where the bus station is, please?
3 ............................................ to come to my house after school?
4 You look cold. ............................................ a coat?
5 ............................................ some milk and bread at the shop, please?
6 The museum is open today. ............................................ to visit it?

3 Using ‘enough’ ‘enough’

Complete the sentences. Use ‘enough’ with a noun or an adjective.
Nouns: time bread oranges exercise
Adjectives: big old loud
They aren’t very fit. They don’t do enough exercise.
1 You can make some fruit juice. We’ve got ................................... .
2 Margaret is 18 now. She’s ................................... to drive a car.
3 I didn’t hear the weather report. The radio wasn’t ................................... .
4 You can’t put a piano in here! The room isn’t ................................... .
5 David didn’t finish his homework. He didn’t have ................................... .
6 I’d like to have a sandwich. Have we got ................................... ?

Now make your own sentences using ‘enough’ with these nouns and adjectives:
nouns: money, water, book Adjectives: strong, cold, tall

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4 Primary products Vocabulary
Look at the pictures. Match them with these primary products:
aluminium cocoa copper leather rubber sugar wheat wood wool

1 3

1 cocoa 2 ......................... 3 .........................

6 7

4 ......................... 5 ......................... 7 .........................

6 .........................

8 ......................... 9 .........................

What have you got in your home? List three things for each of these products:
1 leather 2 cotton 3 sugar 4 wood 5 wool

5 A morning in town Reading

Look at the map in Unit 24, Exercise 5 of the Student’s Book.
Read the puzzle and fill in the table.

Julie Frank Philip

Where are they now? bank
How did they travel?
Where are they going to go?

This morning, Julie, Frank and Philip are doing different things in town.
One of them is in the baker’s, one is in the bank and one is in the supermarket.
One of them walked to the shops, one came by car and one came by bus.
One of them is going to post some letters, one is going to buy something at the
chemist’s and one is going to visit the hospital.
Julie is in Green Street, but she isn’t in a shop. She bought a ticket to travel
Frank doesn’t drive. His aunt is ill, and he’s planning to see her this morning.
Philip isn’t buying bread or cakes at the moment. Later, he’s going to pick up
some medicine. Julie is going to buy some stamps.

Who is going to spend the most money this morning? ...............................

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Cambridge English for Schools 2 worksheet
Theme F

1 At 10 o’clock yesterday … Past continuous

Look at the pictures. 10
12 1
12 1
12 1

Complete the sentences 1

7 6 5
7 6 5
7 6 5

using the verbs in the

box in the Past

look walk stand sit wash wear wear show watch

1 At 10 o’clock yesterday, we were sitting in the classroom. The teacher

........................................ us a book and we ........................................ at it.
2 Yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, Gina and Robert ........................................
to the shops. Both of them ........................................ jeans and Gina
........................................ a black jacket.
3 At 8 o’clock last night, I ...................................... TV. My father
.................................... in the kitchen – he ........................................
the dishes.

2 What was happening? What happened? Past continuous, Past simple

Write sentences using the Past simple or Past continuous form of the verbs.
I / wait / for the train / when / I / see / Andrew.
I was waiting for the train when I saw Andrew.
1 When / we / drive / to London last week, / our car / break down
2 The house / burn / when / the police / arrive
3 When / the fireworks / start, / I / walk / across the bridge
4 Sally / hear / the news / when / she / listen / to the radio
5 Sam and Liz / have / dinner when / the lights / go out

3 Giving instructions Imperatives

Look at the road signs and write instructions.
2 ..................................... 3 .....................................

1 ..................................... 4 .....................................
5 .....................................
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4 Directions Writing
Look at the map and write
directions from the swimming
pool to the library. Library


You Swimming Supermarket

are Pool

5 Electricity puzzle Vocabulary

Read the clues and fill in the puzzle. ~~~1~~~~2~~~~
For help, check with Units 28 and 29
in the Student’s Book.
Across  ~6```7~~`~~`~
3 You can use this electrical machine after
you wash your hair.
5 This machine moves the air, so that you ~`~9~`~~`~~`~
feel cool. ~0````~-```~~
6 You use the ...... button to take a cassette ~`~`~`~~`~~~~
out of the player.
8 Our electricity comes from ...... stations.
10 We measure distance by metres. We
measure electricity by ...... . ~`~`~~~~~~~`~
11 ...... comes from under the ground. We ~~~`~~e`````~
burn it to produce energy, but this causes
13 We use this in the kitchen to prepare food.
It can use electricity or gas.
14 When 4 down becomes very hot, it produces ...... .
15 A green light is a traffic ...... .
16 The British word for 6 down.

1 Something inside a plug, which carries electricity.
2 You can hear music through these. They cover your ears.
4 A hydro-electric power station uses ...... for its energy.
6 This carries people up and down in a building.
7 British people use this machine every morning at breakfast time.
9 In a ..... , there isn’t any electricity for people to use.
12 A ..... brings electricity into your house.

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