Article 2000

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This is the memorandum from the president of Mira Vista college to the

college’s board of trustees regarding the proposal, in order to increase the

number of business courses and computer technology courses and hire additional
job counselors to help students with their resume and interviewing skills. To
support his proposal president gave reference of data and statistics of the
nearby Green Mountain College. From the superficial aspect it looks correct to
some extent but, if you study in details about the memorandum of Mira Vista
College then, it will show many discrepancy which casted doubt about them.
The first assumption stated by the president of Mira Vista College is if, they
increase the number of business and computer technology courses then more students will get
employment. But he does not mention the specific names of the courses . The second point he
claims that 90% of last year’s graduating seniors from Green Mountain College had job offers
from prospective employers but, that fails to prove weather students got job in their own field
or profile. They got job offers but , information about number of people who actually accepted
jobs is not given. The president gave date of Mira Vista College which stated that 70% of the
seniors informed the placement officer that they would be seeking employment had found jobs
three months after graduation. These 70% students informed by themselves , so remaining 30%
might not bothered to inform to the placement officer even though they got a job.

To increase the type and number of courses is not only the factor which
affects the employment rate but, certain other factors should taken into consideration before come
to any conclusion. Over all the quality of the college and public perception towards the college
attract the students and parents to take admission in the college. so, may be the quality of the
students in the Green Mountain College is better than the Mira Vista College . Which will
obviously leads to over all higher grads and so more employers may get attracted to Green
Mountain College . which opens more gates of opportunity for them. Teaching and faculty
members is also important factor which also affect the overall skill sets of students, about which
no information is given by the President of Mira Vista College. Mr. President propose to increase
the number of job counselors but he did not mention the clear role of the placement officer , in
increasing employment rate.

In conclusion, we need to look all the factors which are affecting employment
rate not just subjects addition which will help them to increase the overall employment rate.

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