Nathan Langeland - Flash Fiction Story

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The thunder crashed outside the window, Wilhelm got up, I know I heard someone

walking around.

He carefully got up to look outside. The lighthouse light was off. Strange, I refilled the oil

just a while ago. He grabbed a candle and lit his lantern, the smell of whale oil filling the room.

He called up to Matthias that he would be checking on the light and got no response. He’s

probably still sleeping. He put on his thick black jacket and opened the door to the thrashing

storm outside, the lightning flash lit up the silhouette of the Crag Isle lighthouse. He put his

lantern in his coat so it wouldn’t blow out in the screaming wind. He ran as fast as he could to

the lighthouse.

As he closed the door, he thought he saw a shape move in the underbrush., Hhe pushed

the thought away,; there’s no one on this island but Matthias and I, and he was asleep last

I saw.

As he climbed the stairs, away he looked back down and saw the door had blown open.

Must have forgotten to latch it., I’ll just close it when I get back down.

When he finally climbed to the top of the stairs his lantern was immediately blown out.

He looked around and sawa saw the door to the catwalk was open. No wonder the light was

blown out. Upon closer inspection, he saw the latch had been rusted and most likely blown off

by the intense winds. He carefully walked to the side of the circular room to grab a bit of rope to

tie the door shut as a temporary fix. He pulled out his lighter to start the light again. The light

instantly filled the room and his eyes then focused on the contents of the room, random

scratches, and mud smears covered the walls,. Rrocks and plants bound together into pictures

on the floor, and at his feet, a small doll painted to look like him with a noose tied around its

neck. He heard a sound behind him, he turned around to see Matthias reach the last step.

Wilhelm’s mind raced trying to figure out what was going on, Matthias wasn’t wearing a shirt and

the pants he was wearing were torn to pieces. He was covered in mud and cuts all over his
body. Wilhelm didn’t get much to say before Matthias ran at him. Wilhelm dove todived the

ground grabbing a rock off theof the floor,. Matthias grabbed his throat from behind and begana

began to choke him as he was dragged to the edge of the stair railing. Matthias lifted his body to

the edge of the railing., Wilhelm took this moment to hit Matthias as hard as he could over the

head with his rock.

Wilhelm sat at the top of the stairs for the next few hours. He occasionally looked down

on Wilhelm’s broken body at the bottom. He wondered how someone so kind had lost their mind

so quickly.

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