Date, Confirmation Letter, Contract, Hand in Your Notice.: Line Management

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Talking about job offers

1)Read the text and put the missing words and expressions (some words are given): notice period, start
date, confirmation letter, contract, hand in your notice.

If you are successful in a job interview, the company may make a1)……….. If the company does offer you 2)
………and you accept the offer then you will need to talk about the 3)…………... You will need to discuss the 4)
……………….and of course the 5)…………. Before you start your new job, you will need to decide on the 6)
…….. This will depend on the 7)…………… your current job. This could mean you have to work for a number
of weeks after you 8)………….. . When you have agreed all of this, your new employer will send you a 9)
…………………….and you can sign a 10)………………with them.

2) Listen and fill in the gaps. Greg’s induction meeting - departments and roles

Sorry I'm a bit late. I couldn't find the room. - Good morning, Greg. Please take a seat, and we'll start the 1)
……………. meeting. Thank you.
OK. Now, the purpose of this morning's meeting is to introduce you to the company, tell you about the
company's structure and your role 2)………….. the structure, and to explain some of the office procedures. Lizzie,
by the way, is my new 3)…………... Hi, Lizzie. Now, our company is quite big with 4)….. ……….. offices, but
our department, facilities, is relatively small. How many departments are there? We have five-- sales and
marketing, communications and PR, HR-- that's human resources—5)…………, and of course our department,
facilities. So there isn't an IT department? No, IT is the responsibility of our department. Facilities deal with all
aspects of the building and office 6)…………, including the computer hardware, 7)…………, and IT
communication.Greg's important for that, and he has a lot of experience in the area. What exactly does the
communications and PR department do? They're responsible for the image we present to the outside world-- our
customers, our 8)………………. and our competitors. They coordinate all our official messages. Who looks after
customer service? The sales and marketing department. They're 9)…………….. customer inquiries and

3)Line management. Watch the next part of Greg’s induction meeting. Janet talks to Greg and Lizzie
about line management. Answer the questions: Who is Greg’s line manager? Who is Lizzie’s line manager?
who does Josh report to? Where is he?

4) IT rules . At the end of the last part of Greg’s induction meeting, Janet gave Greg and Lizzie a list of the
company’s rules and regulations about computer use. Take a look at the list she gave them and guess the
missing words

IT Rules and regulations

This document outlines Solutions standards for the use of its IT equipment, information and systems.
Solutions provides computer equipment for business use.
Appropriate use of email:
∅ You 1)………………. use your work email address for private use.
∅ Never open emails or attachments which look 2)……………….
∅ 3)………………reply to unsolicited emails (spam) or subscribe to non-business related mailing lists.
∅ You can only access your 4)…………….. email during break times.
Appropriate use of software and equipment:
∅ Only authorised staff 5)…………. download and install software.
∅ You must always scan 6)…………… storage media devices (such as 7)…….. flash drives, CDs) for viruses
before accessing files.
∅ You are not 8)…………….. to save personal media files (such as photographs, music, films, etc.) on office
Appropriate use of the internet:
∅ You 9)…………… never view or download any pornographic, obscene or offensive material.
∅ You are not allowed to play interactive or online 10)……………. at any time.
∅ You can only visit chat rooms and social media sites for work 11)……………….
I agree to the above standards for the use of Solutions 12)…………… equipment, information and systems.
Signed ……………………………

5) Greg's induction meeting - rules and regulations Watch the final part of Greg’s induction meeting.
Janet tells Greg and Lizzie about what they mustn’t do, what they aren’t allowed to do and what they have to
do.Watch the conversation and make notes. End the sentences:
You must have your office….
you can use the microwave to…..
you mustn't take your meals….
Are we allowed to have coffee at our desk?....
We have to respect….
And are we allowed to receive personal calls?......
You're not allowed to…….
we usually dress……… if you are meeting any external clients or contacts…….


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