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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018, 53, 1597–1602 1597

Original article
Wheat preharvest herbicide application, whole-grain flour
properties, yeast activity and the degradation of glyphosate in

Pierre Gelinas,* Fleur Gagnon & Carole McKinnon

Saint-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 8E3, Canada
(Received 7 December 2017; Accepted in revised form 8 January 2018)

Summary The aim of this study was to determine the effects of wheat preharvest application of a glyphosate-based
herbicide (Roundup WeatherMaxÒ with TransorbÒ 2 Technology) on whole-grain flour composition and
properties, including yeast activity. The effect of dough fermentation on the degradation of herbicide resi-
dues was also estimated. Grain samples from two hard red spring wheat varieties exceeded the maximum
residue limits (5 mg kg 1) in Canada. Glyphosate had minor effects on wheat kernels composition and
properties, including fructans content and yeast gassing power. No degradation of RoundupÒ or pure gly-
phosate was seen after dough fermentation for up to 4 h and baking. These results call for more scientific
studies on glyphosate residues in wheat.
Keywords Bread, glyphosate, herbicides, wheat, yeast.

currently available on the market (Castro et al., 2014;

Rissoli et al., 2016).
Glyphosate-based herbicides may be applied shortly Glyphosate residues in mature wheat would have lit-
before wheat harvesting to allow plant drying in the tle effects on the bread-making potential of white
field so kernels would be easier to harvest without flour, including dough mixing tolerance and bread vol-
compromising the yield when the crop has 30% or less ume (Darwent et al., 1994; Manthey et al., 2004; Cra-
moisture or typically 3–5 days before normal swath ven et al., 2007). However, whole-grain flour would be
(Darwent et al., 1994; Monsanto Canada, 2012). When more contaminated than white flour because pesticides
used according to label directions, glyphosate would residues accumulate on the external portions of wheat
not present risks to human health or the environment kernels (Amvrazi, 2011). Glyphosate preharvest appli-
(Williams et al., 2000; Harris & Gaston, 2004; Sviridov cation on wheat crops might result in changes in ker-
et al., 2014; Health Canada, 2017). However, Cuhra nels constituents due to the sudden stop of the plant
et al. (2016) recommended that, in the future and growth. Bresnahan et al. (2003) reported that glypho-
whenever possible, glyphosate-based herbicides should sate-treated kernels contained higher levels of shikimic
play a reduced role in agriculture. According to CFIA acid, a phenolic acid showing high antioxidant activity.
(2017), in wheat, the maximum residue limit (MRL) After glyphosate application, there is a possibility that
set by Health Canada is 5 mg kg 1 based on the sum water-soluble fibre constituents such as fructans would
of glyphosate and its primary degradation product be retained in wheat kernels instead of migrating
aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). As stressed by towards other plant tissues (Pollock & Cairns, 1991;
Blackshaw & Harker (2016), glyphosate degradation in Li et al., 2013). As prebiotics, fructans would stimulate
soils would result from microbial activity. Wheat ker- the growth of probiotic micro-organisms although it
nels harvested after glyphosate application would be might also cause gastrointestinal discomfort to some
safe because they contained less than 5 mg kg 1 resi- individuals (Gelinas et al., 2016).
dues (Cessna et al., 1994; Wigfield et al., 1994). How- In liquid media, inhibition assays involving baker’s
ever, the latter studies were performed on earlier yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have been proposed as
versions of commercial glyphosate that contained dif- a cheap alternative to toxicity bioassays to determine
ferent adjuvants or surfactants compared to products the degradation of weed killers, fungicides and insecti-
 c & Durovic-Pejcev,
cides (Esteve et al., 2009; Dordevi
*Correspondent: E-mail: pierre.gelinas@agr.gc.ca

© 2018 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada International Journal of Food Science and Technology © 2018 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
1598  linas et al.
Glyphosate in wheat and yeast fermentation P. Ge

2015; Ehrampoush et al., 2017). Inhibition of baker’s Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Ger-
yeast cells growth would vary much according to the many). Falling number was determined according to
herbicide (Sharma et al., 2005; Regueiro et al., 2015). AACC Method 56-81.03 (AACC, 2009). Total dry
Compared to pure glyphosate, commercial prepara- gluten content in wholemeal was assayed with the
tions of RoundupÒ may contain as much as 20% sur- Glutomatic based on AACC Method 38-12.02 (AACC,
factants and would have higher inhibitory potential on 2009). Flour moisture was measured according to
wine yeast and dairy starters (Braconi et al., 2006; AACC Method 44-15.02 (AACC, 2009). As described
Clair et al., 2012). According to Low et al. (2005), in Gelinas et al. (2016), fructans analysis was per-
yeast would metabolise about 20% of pure glyphosate formed with the Fructan Assay Procedure (K-Fruc;
in dough fermented for only 1 h. To our knowledge, Megazyme International Ireland, Wicklow, Ireland)
no scientific evidence has been reported on the effect with pretreatment of samples with a-galactosidase to
of commercial glyphosate preparation on baker’s yeast eliminate galactosyl-sucrose oligosaccharides. Analyses
fermentative activity. Little information is also avail- were performed in duplicate, except protein and gluten
able on the impact of yeast fermentation and bread contents which were determined in triplicate.
baking on the degradation of glyphosate.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of
Dough rheology
wheat preharvest glyphosate application on the com-
position and properties of whole-grain flour, especially Farinograms were performed in duplicate according to
the fermentative activity of baker’s yeast and the AACC Method 54-21.02 (AACC, 2009), except analy-
degradation of pure glyphosate and RoundupÒ in ses were performed at 25 °C instead of 30 °C (Gelinas
dough. Due to the current awareness for pesticides in & McKinnon, 2013).
foods, this study was designed to advance scientific
knowledge on glyphosate residues in wheat flour and
Bread making
As described in Gelinas et al. (2016), bread was pre-
pared in duplicate (two mixed doughs) according to
Materials and methods
AACC Method 10-10.03 (AACC, 2009), with a 3-h
fermentation period at 35 °C. Formulation included
Whole-grain wheat flour samples
wholemeal (100 g), water (variable), shortening (3 g),
Two hard red spring wheat varieties (Major; Walton) salt (1.5 g), dry yeast (1.2 g) and ascorbic acid
for bread making were grown in a series of 1 m2 par- (50 mg kg 1 flour). Dough water absorption (14%
cels (450 plants per m2) at different farming sites in the moisture, flour basis) was determined according to
province of Quebec, respectively, in Alma (Lac-Saint- farinogram plus 0.5%. After cooling for 1 h, bread
Jean) and Saint-Anicet (Monteregie-Ouest). Nitrogen volume was determined with a laser volumeter (Vols-
(100 kg ha 1) was applied in the field. Concentration can Profiler VSP300; Stable Micro Systems Ltd.,
(1.67 L ha 1 corresponding to 0.82 kg ha 1) and tim- Godalming, Surrey, UK) based on AACC Method 10-
ing of glyphosate-based herbicide (RoundupÒ) applica- 14.01 (AACC, 2009).
tion (hard-dough Zadock growth stage 87) were based
on recommendations of the manufacturer (Roundup
Gas production
WeatherMaxÒ with TransorbÒ 2 Technology; Mon-
santo Canada, Winnipeg, MB, Canada). For Major, In duplicate, yeast gassing power (gas pressure) was
RoundupÒ was sprayed on 11 September 2015, and determined with the Risograph (National Manufactur-
kernels were harvested on 16 September. For Walton, ing, TMCO, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) using RisoSmart
RoundupÒ was applied on 7 August and harvesting version 1.0.233 from 2005, the software provided with
was performed on 20 August. Wheat samples were the equipment. Dough was prepared from 100 g whole-
stored in bags at room temperature for about meal as described in bread-making assays. Immediately
4 months and, in preparation for analyses, later kept after mixing, 2 9 25-g dough portions were placed into
at 10 °C. Whole-grain flour (wholemeal) was prepared Risograph jars. Equipment was programmed to get 1
by milling 500 g of grain with a Perten disc mill (disc measure per min for 3 h at 38 °C, except for assays on
#2; Model 3301; Perten Instruments, Huddinge, Swe- glyphosate degradation which were performed for 4 h.
den) equipped with a mill feeder. Means were calculated from 4 data.

Whole-grain analysis (except glyphosate) Glyphosate degradation

Protein content (dry basis; N 9 5.7) was measured In duplicate, experiments were performed as reported
with the combustion method (Vario Max cube; for gas production assays, except dough prepared from

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018 © 2018 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada International Journal of Food Science and Technology
© 2018 Institute of Food Science and Technology
 linas et al.
Glyphosate in wheat and yeast fermentation P. Ge 1599

200 g flour was spiked with Roundup WeatherMaxÒ 92  3% and 95  11%, respectively; for AMPA,
with TransorbÒ 2 Technology (13.5 or 27 mg kg 1 recovery was 94  1% and 80  1%.
flour); wholemeal was replaced by commercial white
flour (Robin HoodÒ Best for Bread Homestyle White
Statistical analyses
flour; Smucker Foods of Canada Corp., Montreal,
QC, Canada). In the Risograph, 8 9 25-g dough por- One-way analysis of variance procedure was per-
tions were fermented at 38 °C and gas production was formed with SAS (version 9.3, TS1M2, 2012, SAS
determined after 1, 2, 3 or 4 h. Additional experiments Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The least significant
were performed with yeasted or nonyeasted dough difference (LSD) test was used to determine the differ-
supplemented with pure glyphosate (13.5 mg kg 1; ences between treatments (P < 0.05).
Sigma) instead of RoundupÒ. At the completion of
each fermentation period, doughs were removed from
the Risograph jar, placed in a pan, baked at 204 °C
for 19 min (Fisher & Paykel Aero Tech USA, Hunt-
Effect of wheat preharvest Roundupâ application
ingdon Beach, CA, USA), cooled on a grid for 1 h,
packaged into plastic bags and frozen at 45 °C until Total glyphosate residues in wheat kernels harvested
glyphosate analysis. After thawing, bread samples were after RoundupÒ treatment were 11.1 and 6.1 mg kg 1,
comminuted by hand, left to dry for 48 h at room respectively, for Major and Walton (Table 1). What-
temperature and milled with a coffee mill (Brau Mex- ever the sample, AMPA was below the detection limit.
ico, Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico). With Major, the wheat variety with the highest poten-
tial for pan bread, preharvest application of
RoundupÒ had little effect on the composition of the
Glyphosate analysis
kernels, including falling number as well as protein,
In duplicate, 1 g wholemeal or dehydrated bread was gluten and fructans contents (Table 1), and whole-
extracted for 2 h with 10 mL water at room tempera- grain flour water absorption, dough mixing stability
ture, with stirring at 200 rpm. After centrifugation and yeast gassing power (Table 2). Similar results were
(5750 g), 50 lL of supernatant was combined with seen with Walton, a variety with lower bread-making
1 mL of 0.2 M borate buffer (pH 9) and 200 lL of a potential, except preharvest RoundupÒ application
fresh solution of FMOC.Cl in acetone (2 mg mL 1), had a negative effect on yeast fermentative activity.
vortexed and filtered after 30 min. Adapted from a Depending on the wheat variety, bread volume varied
procedure recommended by Phenomenex Inc. (Ter- significantly, but no trend could be seen according to
rance, CA, USA), glyphosate and AMPA were deter- RoundupÒ treatment (Table 2).
mined with a Knauer Smartline HPLC system
(Berlin, Germany) using a 250 9 4.6 mm Gemini C18
Effect of yeast fermentation on glyphosate degradation
column (Phenomenex Inc.) with 20 mM ammonium
bicarbonate/acetonitrile/methanol 70/15/15 to 65/17.5/ To eliminate the possibility that whole-grain flour inhi-
17.5 for 12 min, then 10/45/45 for 10 min at bits yeast activity (Gelinas et al., 2016), additional
0.6 mL min 1. Detection was performed with a 2475 experiments on gassing power were performed with
fluorescence detector (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) commercial white flour, free of bran. The degradation
with excitation and emission at 360 and 410 nm, of glyphosate was also checked in dough spiked with
respectively. Calibration curve was prepared with gly- RoundupÒ at 13.5 or 27 mg kg 1 flour (Table 3).
phosate and AMPA standards (0.1–4 lg mL 1) and After dough fermentation for up to 4 h, yeast gassing
detection limits were 0.05 lg mL 1 and 0.1 lg mL 1, power was not inhibited by glyphosate and no degra-
respectively. As determined in triplicate, recovery of dation of the herbicide was seen. Compared to spiked
glyphosate on dry basis in wholemeal and bread was dough, about 15% less glyphosate was recovered in

Table 1 Effect of wheat preharvest RoundupÒ application on wholemeal composition

Wheat variety Roundupâ application Glyphosate residues (mg kg 1) Falling number (s) Protein (%) Gluten (%) Fructans (%)

c a b a
Major No 0 404 15.8 14.0 1.08a
Yes 11.1a 402a 16.2a 13.8a 0.94a
Walton No 0c 412a 13.2d 11.3b 1.05a
Yes 6.1b 406a 13.8c 11.0b 1.15a

Glyphosate concentrations are reported on flour weight basis; no AMPA was detected. Mean data (dry basis) were obtained from two repetitions,
except protein and gluten (three repetitions). Within columns, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the P < 0.05 level.

© 2018 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada International Journal of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018
© 2018 Institute of Food Science and Technology
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Glyphosate in wheat and yeast fermentation P. Ge

Table 2 Effect of wheat preharvest RoundupÒ application on wholemeal dough mixing properties, gas production and bread volume


Wheat variety Roundup application Water absorption (%) Mixing stability (min) Gas production (mL) Bread specific volume (mL g 1)

Major No 71.0a 8.2a 205.5a 6.0a

Yes 71.4a 7.8a 201.1a 5.7b
Walton No 62.6b 8.6a 202.5a 3.6d
Yes 63.0b 8.1a 181.5b 4.2c

Mean data were obtained from 2 data (2 repetitions 9 1 sample), except total gas production after 3 h at 38 °C (2 repetitions 9 2 samples). Within
columns, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the P < 0.05 level.

Table 3 Effect of the addition of glyphosate preparation Table 4 Effect of the addition of pure glyphosate (13.5 mg kg 1
(RoundupÒ) in dough made with white commercial flour on yeast flour) in yeasted or nonyeasted dough on the degradation of glypho-
gassing power and the degradation of glyphosate after fermentation sate after fermentation and baking
and baking
Yeasted Dough fermentation Residual glyphosate
Dough Added Residual glyphosate Dough time (h) after baking (mg kg 1)
fermentation glyphosate after baking Gas
time (h) (mg kg 1) (mg kg 1) production (mL) No 0 12.9a
1 12.6a
0 0 0d 0e 2 14.2a
13.5 12.7c 0e 3 13.3a
27 23.5ab 0e 4 11.9a
1 0 0d 66.8d Yes 0 11.4a
13.5 11.5c 62.3d 1 11.8a
27 21.3bc 67.4d 2 12.0a
2 0 0d 167.4c 3 12.5a
13.5 11.9c 161.3c 4 12.2a
27 23.1ab 168.7c
3 0 0d 274.1b Glyphosate concentrations are reported on flour weight basis; no
13.5 10.2c 267.1b AMPA was detected. Doughs were prepared with commercial white
27 24.2a 275.6b flour. Mean data were obtained from 2 data (2 repetitions 9 1 sample).
4 0 0d 363.7a Within column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly
13.5 11.7c 357.3a different at the P < 0.05 level.
27 21.6ab 364.9a

Glyphosate concentrations are reported on flour weight basis; no

AMPA was detected. Mean data for glyphosate were obtained from 2 According to our assays, wheat harvested after appli-
data (2 repetitions 9 1 sample); data for total gas production at 38 °C cation of a recent RoundupÒ commercial formulation
were obtained from 4 data (2 repetitions 9 2 samples). Within col- had 6 to 11 mg glyphosate kg 1, which is higher than
umns, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different MRL or 5 mg kg 1 (CFIA, 2017). There is a small
at the P < 0.05 level.
possibility that the highest value was found in grains
where RoundupÒ was used closer to the harvest date,
bread. The latter was attributed to losses during due to lower degradation of glyphosate. Such concen-
extraction because no AMPA, the main degradation trations are higher than those reported in the literature
product of glyphosate, was found. In yeasted or non- with earlier and different commercial glyphosate for-
yeasted dough spiked with pure glyphosate instead of mulations (Cessna et al., 1994; Wigfield et al., 1994).
RoundupÒ, no herbicide degradation was seen after Recently, high levels of glyphosate residues, up to
fermentation and baking (Table 4); no AMPA was 15 mg kg 1, were found in grain samples others than
found, and yeast gassing power was not inhibited by wheat, specifically in genetically modified soya bean
pure glyphosate (data not shown). (Bøhn et al., 2014). In several countries, glyphosate
tolerance levels have been periodically increased to
compensate for higher residue levels found in grain,
including wheat (Benbrook, 2016; Cuhra et al., 2016).
In Canada, MRL for pesticides corresponds to the Recently, wheat preharvest application of glyphosate
maximum amount of residues that will not be a con- has been prohibited in Austria (European Glyphosate
cern to human health (Health Canada, 2015). Task Force, 2014). According to Cuhra (2015), very

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018 © 2018 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada International Journal of Food Science and Technology
© 2018 Institute of Food Science and Technology
 linas et al.
Glyphosate in wheat and yeast fermentation P. Ge 1601

little scientific reports have been published on glypho- Conflict of interest

sate residues in glyphosate-tolerant crops. We consider
that our data on glyphosate residues in wheat kernels There is no conflict of interest to declare.
should be interpreted with caution because they have
been obtained from only two independent assays in References
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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2018 © 2018 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada International Journal of Food Science and Technology
© 2018 Institute of Food Science and Technology

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