I.E.D. Técnica Nacional de Comercio: Actividades de Recuperación

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I.E.D. Técnica Nacional de Comercio

Código DANE: 108001001961
Resolución de Aprobación No. 0216 del 18 de Marzo de 2019
NIT: 890.103.091-2


GRADO: Sexto ____ ASIGNATURA: Inglés FECHA :_________ de 2020

DOCENTE: Norma Cuam P.
ALUMNO: __________________________________

Para la realización del siguiente taller, deben consultar las guías de Inglés
estudiadas en el primer período académico. (Guía 1 Sem. 1, guía 1 Sem. 2)

NOTA: Debe realizar todo el taller, es decir, las actividades de los cuatro


Answer the question:

1. What is your last name? _____________________________________

2. C-A-R-M-E-N

A. Spell your last name.

B. What is your last name?

C. Spell your name.

Circle the correct answer (Encierre en un círculo la respuesta correcta)

3. She is Amanda. _____ father is American

A. His B. Her C. Its

4. He is Paul. ______ brother is French.

A. My B. His C. Her

5. A. Raise your hand

B. Clap your hand

C. Wash your hand

6.. A. Sing

B. Stand up

C. Sit down

7. The day before Friday → _______ A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Saturday

8. What is the fourth month of the year?

A. It’s August

B. It’s April

C. It´s June

9. My country’s Independence Day is…

A. on July 20th

B. on May 30th

C. on April 7th

10. A. charpener.

B. sharpener

C. scharpener



ALUMNO: ____________________________________ GRADO: Sexto ____

Para la realización del siguiente taller, deben consultar las guías de Inglés
estudiadas en el segundo período académico. (Guía 1 Sem. 3, 4 y Guía 2
Sem. 1, 2, 3 y 4)

Circle the correct answer (Encierra en un círculo la respuesta correcta)

Personal pronouns

1. Mary is a student. ____________ is a student.

A. You B. She C. They

2. Juan is a doctor. _____________ is a doctor

A. It B. We C. He

Verb to be (ser / estar)

3. My mother _______ at home.

A. is B. are C. am

4. I ____________ Italian.

A. am not B. aren’t C. isn’t

5. Sara and I __________________ Peruvian.

A. am not B. aren’t C. isn’t

6. ___________ you 12 years old?

A. Is B. Are C. Am

7. Is the door brown?

A. Yes , she is

B. Yes, they are

C. Yes, it is

8. Are Maluma and Shakira singers?

A. Yes, she is singers

B. Yes, they are singers.

C. Yes, he is a singer.

9. Are you a scientist ?

A. No, you aren´t.

B. No, I am not,

C. No, he isn’t.

10. Is it an orange?

A. No, he is not an orange

B. No, it is not an orange.

C. No, they are not oranges.

Interrogative Words (I.W) or Question Words (Q.W) (Palabras interrogativas)

Choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Escoja la opión correcta A, B o C )

11.________ is she? She is fine. (¿Cómo está? Está bien).

A. What

B. How

C. When

12. ____ jacket is this? It's Anne's jacket. (¿De quién es esta chaqueta? Es de Anne).

A. Whose

B. Who

C. Which

13. ____ are you ? I'm a student. (¿Qué esres tú? Soy estudiante)

A. Which
B, Why

C. What

14.____ is the concert? The concert is on Monday. ¿Cuándo es el concierto? El concierto es

el lunes

A. When

B. Where

C. What

15. ____ old are you? I'm 22 (¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo 22).

A. What

B. How

C. When

Demonstrative pronouns (Pronombres demostrativos)

Choose the correct option A, B or C. (Escoja la opión correcta A, B o C )

16. __________ is an orange.

A. That

B. Those

C. This

17. __________ are carrots. --------------->

A. Those B. These C. This

Plural of nouns . ( Eescoge la palabra correcta en plural.)

18. They are ____________

A. man

B. mans
C. men

Family members ( Miembros de la familia)

Nota: Para realizar el siguiente ejercicio (Comprehension) debe mirar la imagen .

Who’s In your family?

Look and read! (Mira y lee)

Answer yes or no. (Responda yes /no) (Sobre la raya escriba yes / no)

19._________ Ian and Mikaela are Diego’s parents.

20_________ Diego has a brother and sister

Choose the correct answer:

21. A. It´s half past ten

B. It´s half after nine.

21. .
C. It´s half past twelve

Present tense of verb different to be: like, go, eat , play, sleep
Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the verb in parenthesis.
(Complete las oraciones con la forma afirmativa del verbo que está entre paréntesis).

22. Juan ________________ football. (play)

23. The students ______________ apples. (eat)

Vocabulary: Parts of the body

Match the picture with the word. (Haga coincidir el dibujo con la palabra)

24. A. Ear 25. A. Nose

B. hand B. Arm

C. eye C. mouth

Can / Can’t

26. Can he swim?

A. No, he can’t swim

B. Yes, he can swim

C. No, he can smile

27. What can’t a turtle do ?

A. A turtle can’t walk.

B. A turtle can’t swim.

C. A turtle can’t fly

28. Can they play basketball?

A. No, he can’t

B. Yes, they can

C. Yes, he can

29. What can they do?

A. They can climb

B. They can drive.

C. They can box

30. What can she do ?

A. She can read.

B . She can sing

C. He can sing



ALUMNO: __________________________________ GRADO: Sexto ____

Para la realización del siguiente taller, deben consultar las guías de Inglés
estudiadas en el tercer período académico. (Guía 3 Sem. 1, 2, 3, 4 y Guía 4
Sem. 1 y 2)


Choose the correct option. (Escoja la opción correcta)

1. Susana _____ pineapple.

A. do not like B. don´t like C. does not like

2. _______ Mary ______ bananas?

A. Does – likes B. Do - like C. Does – like

3. Does Juan work in a restaurant?

A. Yes, she does.

B. Yes, he does.

C. Yes, he do
4. Does Pedro take a shower at 10:00 P.M?

A. No, he does not. B. No, they do not. C. No, he do not.

Choose the correct sentence. (Escoja la oración correcta)

5. A. I like playing soccer . B. I likes playing soccer C. I like play soccer

6. Do you like sports ?

A. Yes, they do

B. Yes, I do

C. Yes, it does

7. What is your favorite sport?

A. My favorite sport is volleyball.

B. My favorite sport is soccer.

C. My favorite sport is baseball.

8. When is your birthday? My birthday is _____

A. on January B. at January C. in January

9. My English class is ____

A. on 7:00 o´clock. B. at 7:00 o´clock C. in 7: 00 o´clock

Vocabulary: Feelings and emotions.

Match the picture with the adjective: (Haga coincidir el dibujo con el adjetivo) . (Con ayuda del
diccionario busca el significado de las siguientes palabras ) En el espacio escriba la letra


C. tired

10,_________ 11. ________ 12.________

People’s physical appearance.

Describing people
Match the images below with their correct description: (Haga coincidir las
imágenes con su descripción correcta) (Sobre la raya escriba la letra E, F o G según

13. Pretty blond woman with short hair and black eyes. ________

14. Beautiful brunette girl with long hair and blue eyes. ________

15. Attractive boy with brown hair and green eyes. ________

16 . How many bathrooms are there ?

A. There is one bathroom.

B. There are two bathrooms.

C. There isn´t any bathroom.

17. Is there a kitchen ?

A. No , there is not.

B. No, there isn´t.

C. Yes, there is

18. Is there a washing machine in the garage?

A. No, there aren´t.

B. Yes, there are.

C. No. there isn´t . There’s a washing machine in the laundry room.

Imperatives: Help the environment: (Ayuda al medio ambiente)

19. A. Clean the house.

B. Don’t waste wáter.

C. Don´t turn on the lights.

20. A. Use paper bags.

B. Do not waste water

C. Throw the garbag into The bin.

I. MATCH. ( Haga coincidir la columna de la izquierda con la de la derecha. Escriba

sobre la raya la letra que corresponda a la opción correcta)

21. ______ Lavarse o cepillarse los dientes . A. Finish work

22. ______ cenar B. Brush my teeth

23. ______ Terminar de trabajar. C. Have dinner

II. Look at the picture and choose the right answer. (Mire el dibujo y escoja la
respuesta correcta.

24. A. Take a shower.

B. Get dressed.

C. Go to bed.

25. A. Wake up

B. Have clases.

C. Take a shower
ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY ( Adverbios de frecuencia)

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. (Escoja la mejor respuesta (a, b, o c) para
completar cada oración)

26, . I ______late on Saturdays.

29. I_________ go to school on Sunday.
a. Get up usually
b. Get usually up a. Never

c. Usually get up b. Always

c. Usually

27 . Juan _______ late for work.

a. Never is 30. How often do you study English?

b. Is never a. I usually study English four times a week.

c. am never
b. I study sometimes English twice a week.

C. I study usually English three times a week .

28 . Susan ________early for class.

a. Often is
b. Are often
c. Is often



ALUMNO: ______________________________________ GRADO: Sexto ____

Para la realización del siguiente taller, deben consultar las guías de Inglés estudiadas en el
cuarto período académico. (Guía 4 Sem. 3. Guía 5 Sem. 1, 2 y 3)
Use the corresponding sequence connectors to order the following events: (Use los
correspondientes conectores de secuencia para ordenar los siguientes eventos)(En los espacios escriba los números
según corresponda)

after that – first – finally – next – then


1. ________ I wake up.

2. ________ I go to school by bus.

3. ________ I arrive at school .

4. ________ I go home to watch some T V.

5. _________I go to sleep and get ready for another day.


MATCH. Haga coincidir estas oraciones ( A, B, C, D ) con las palabras siguientes.

A. Where can you buy medicine ? You can buy medicine at the …

B. Where can you get money? You can get money at the …

C. Where can you buy bread ? You can buy bread at the …

D. Where can you buy groceries ? You can buy groceries at the …

6. _____ Bakery

7. ______ bank

8. _____ pharmacy

9. _____ supermarket
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE (Preposiciones de lugar)

Look at the map of Michael’s neighbourhood and answer the questions.

(Mira el mapa del barrio de Michael y responde las preguntas.)

10. The bank’s ______ the hospital. 12. The school is _____ the café and the bookshop.

a.. under a. between

b. on b. in

c. next to c. far from

11. The cinema’s ______ the bank. 13. The pharmacy’s ________ the public library.

a. behind a. behind

b. opposite b. in the middle of

c. next to c. in front of


PREGUNTAS DE SELECCIÓN MÚLTIPLE CON ÚNICA RESPUESTA. .- Lea cuidadosamente cada pregunta y luego encierre en un
círculo la opción correcta.

READING – Read the diary and say what Andrea’s doing on each day. Then answer the questions.

Las preguntas 14 a la 17 se contestan de acuerdo con el siguiente texto.

June 20th Dear diary,
It’s fun to be a 6th grade while everybody else is
working ! My mother’s a cook and she works in a 18. A. It’s winter
restaurant. Right now, I’m at the restaurant with her.
She’s cooking lots of food and I’m helping her to B. It’s Autumn
prepare a sauce.
C. It’s Summer
June 24th

Dear diary,
Today’s Wednesday and I’m with my dad. He’s a
pharmacist and works at a pharmacy in town. Right The weather
now, he´s talking to a customer. While he’s working,
I’m doing my homework! What’s the weather like?

14. What is Andrea’s mother doing?

19. A. It’s sunny
A. She is playing cards.
B. It’s rainy
B. She is cooking lots of food
C. It’s cloudy
C. She is reading the newspaper.

15. Where is Andrea’s mother working?

20. A. It’s cold
A. She is working in a cafeteria.
B. It’s warm
B. She is working at home.
C. It’s freezing
C. She is working in a restaurant.

Vocabulary: clothes
16. Is Andrea helping her mother ?
21. What do you wear to go to the beach ?
A. Yes, she is .
A. I wear boots
B. No, she isn’t.
B. I wear coat
C. Yes, they are.
C. I wear short and sandals
17. Where is Andrea’s father working?

A. He is working in a shop.

B. He is working in an office.
22. What is she wearing?
C. He is working at a pharmacy
A. She is wearing a skirt.

B. She is wearing a dress.

Conteste las siguientes preguntas. Escoja la C. She is wearing a shirt.
opción correcta según la imagen.

23. A. scarf
B. bags

C. gloves
29. Where are you from?

Food A. I’m from Colombian

24. A. Meat B. I’m Colombian

B. Chicken C. I’m Colombia

C. Cheese

30. A. Mouse

25. A. Egg B. Cat

B. Bread C. Frog
C. Jam

Jobs 31. A. Coconut

B. Lemon
26. What is he? He is a____
C. Grapes
A. pilot

B. mechanic.

C. engineer


NOTA: Debe realizar todo el taller, es decir,

las actividades de los cuatro períodos.

27. What does she do?

A. She´s a doctor

B. She´s a lawyer.

C. She´s a nurse.

Countries and nationalities

28. Where is Messi from ?

A. He is Argentinian.

B. He is Brazilian.

C. He is French.

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