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National HERC Newsletter Winter/Spring 2011

Letter from the National HERC Executive Director

“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection
will come even more effective action.” - Peter F. Drucker (American Educator
and Writer, b.1909)

Greetings Members of the HERC Community,

For me, the New Year has always been a time for personal reflection and imagining the future. The time off around the
holidays gives many of us the breathing room to ask ourselves what we’re thankful for and also what we aspire to
be/do in the New Year. I think the same practice can be useful for organizations. In looking back on the past year of
leading the National HERC, I’ve been tremendously thankful for committed and adept regional Directors and Advisory
Board members, generous and engaged corporate and non-profit partners, jobseekers that truly appreciate all the tools
and resources HERC offers, and the continued institutional support from HERCs members.

Looking ahead to what HERC aspires to be/do in the New Year is what made it exciting to come back to work after the
break. We have so many opportunities plus the organizational consensus and roadmap to get us there. The big picture
priorities are to grow the HERC member, jobseeker and partner community, increase dual-career and diversity
recruiting programming, and continuously improve HERC’s website technology and content.

Specifically, in 2011, some new things you and your campus can expect from the National HERC are:
 a HERC-wide membership campaign to grow HERCs in new regions
 an increased investment in diversity and discipline specific media to bring important visibility to member jobs
 more resources and programming to support campuses in assisting dual-career couples
 additional non-profit and corporate partners that will contribute to HERC fulfilling its mission
 improvements to the regional and National HERC websites that will enhance the jobseeker experience, allow
the HERC regions to self-post more dynamic content, and offer additional hard data for HERC members

Here’s to an outstanding 2011!

Nancy Aebersold
National HERC Executive Director
HERC Fast Facts

There are 12 regional HERCs representing 20 U.S. states and the District of Columbia with 528 member
institutions. Combined, the HERC sites have 138,323registered jobseekers, an 8% increase since last

quarter. HERC members have posted a combined total of 121,151 total jobs in 2010. On any given day,

there are approximately 5,000 faculty jobs and 9,000 staff jobs posted on the regional HERC websites.

10,000 of HERC’s registered jobseekers are relocating to be with a spouse/partner and 55% of
registered jobseekers hold a Master’s degree or higher.

Regional HERC Development

North Texas HERC to Launch in spring 2011

The North Texas HERC will launch in the spring of 2011. Led by the University of Texas at
Arlington, its founding seven members include: Collin College, Dallas County Community College
District, Tarrant County College District, Texas A&M University Commerce, University of North
Texas, University of Texas at Arlington, and University of Texas, Dallas. You will be able to visit
their website soon at:

New HERC Development Incentive Program – Earn up to $5,000 toward your regional HERC dues!

Growing HERCs in new regions throughout the U.S. is the National HERC’s top
priority for 2011. We need your help to reach key institutional contacts and
have created a financial incentive program to encourage your involvement.
The program is simple. Share a contact that results in the development of a
new regional HERC and National HERC will pay your institution’s regional
HERC dues for one year (up to $5,000).

Many of you have colleagues, LinkedIn connections, individuals you’ve met at

conferences, and/or former employers in states where HERCs don’t exist. Contact those people and let them know why
HERC is a vital organization if their campus cares about recruiting
talented and diverse faculty and staff and assisting dual-career
couples. Pass along their contact information to Nancy
Aebersold, the National HERC Executive Director, so that she can
follow up with additional information (

There are currently 12 HERC regions representing 20 U.S. states

and the District of Columbia. There are 13 additional HERC
regions considering HERC development representing an
additional 16 states. This map illustrates the current HERC
regions and to-be-formed regions.

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National HERC Publicity

HERC featured in Academic Leadership Journal

HERC was featured in the Academic Leadership Journal, Volume 8

Issue 4, fall 2010, in an article entitled, “Fostering Equity &
Diversity in Faculty Recruitment.” Authored by Janet Fleetwood
Ph.D., Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic
Development at Drexel University, National HERC Advisory Board Member and Nancy Aebersold, National HERC
Executive Director, the article is geared toward faculty members and academic administrators and gives a nice
overview of how HERC helps member institutions foster equity and inclusion. Access the article at:

Dual-Career News

The National HERC Submits NSF ADVANCE grant to increase dual-career programming

Finding more ways to help member institutions assist dual-career couples is a core part of
the National and regional HERC missions. The National HERC Advisory Board named
expanding dual-career initiatives as one of three top strategic priorities for the coming year.
To this end, the National HERC submitted a grant proposal to the National Science
Foundation’s ADVANCE Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation, and Dissemination
(PAID) program. If funded the grant would significantly expand HERC’s dual-career
program offerings. Grant recipients will be notified in July 2011.

New HERC Dual-career Postcard

New HERC dual-career postcards are available for HERC members to pass out to their faculty and staff candidates.
Contact your regional HERC Director today for a supply.

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Diversity News

HERC Co-Sponsored 2010 National Conference on Minority Recruitment & Retention

The National HERC co-sponsored the 2010 National Conference on Minority Recruitment and
Retention along with the Academic Network, the PhD Project, and the Hispanic Association if
Colleges and Universities. The conference was held in November in Las Vegas, Nevada and drew
over 150 representatives from campuses throughout the U.S. to examine comprehensive methods of creating a
diverse environment on campus. Each of the 25 sessions was aimed at prompting productive dialog on enhancing
the opportunities of minority students, faculty, staff, and administrators in higher education.

Becky Skov, Co-Director of the Southern California HERC attended as the HERC representative. She presented a
lunch session to participants that were interested in learning more about HERC, networked with colleagues, and
set-up an informational booth.

Keeping Our Faculties of Color: Dual-Career Concerns

HERC was represented at the national, “Keeping Our Faculties of Color Symposium” held at the University of Minnesota
in November. Information about HERC’s support for recruiting and retaining faculty of color was shared with
prospective and current HERC members. In the session, “Hiring Reconsidered: Understanding the Candidate’s
Perspective, ” researchers from the University of Virginia (UVA) reported that dual-career concerns were the number
one reason given by all prospective faculty, and one of the top two reasons given by faculty of color, for rejecting
employment offers at UVA. The PowerPoint from the session can be found at

HERC Website Diversity Data

HERC continues to significantly outpace national averages on race, ethnicity and gender.

41% Male

HERC Registered Jobseekers US Community Survey 2005 Chronicle of Higher Ed Faculty Survey 2005

HERC Registered Jobseekers US Community Survey 2005 Chronicle of Higher Ed Faculty Survey 2005

(80,000 respondents of 128,000 registered users) As of September 17, 2010.

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HERC: A Great Return on Investment

You Get More When You HERC

Sometimes members and potential members ask what the difference is between HERC and some of the for-profit
media that operate job boards. When comparing HERC membership to for-profit media, the bottom line is clear…you
get more when you HERC!

“We have received an impressive response from our jobs posted on the HERC website,
and the return on investment has clearly been better than our paid advertising.”
Nancy Roddy, Human Resources Management Analyst
National Science Foundation

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HERC Website News

HERC Resume/CV Database

In the past year the resume/CV database has grown to include nearly 9,800 candidates, a 63% increase since last
quarter, the majority of which hold advanced degrees. The database is customized for higher education and includes
unique fields such as teaching experience, presentations, publications, relocation preferences, diversity and more. It is
available at no charge to HERC members and jobseekers. HERC members can search candidates by type of position
desired (faculty or staff), level of education, and geographic location. You can also conduct keyword searches to identify
highly specific candidate attributes. To access the database, use your existing login information or contact your regional
director. To view a recorded webinar on how to access and use the database, visit:

National Advertising: Increases in Diversity and Discipline Specific Media

Animated banner ad to appear in Science Careers Online

The National HERC continues to advertise on behalf of all regions to enhance HERC brand recognition and encourage
more jobseekers to utilize the regional and National HERC websites. This year the National HERC has significantly
expanded advertising to include more disclipline specific and diversity media.

The National HERC website is a top 10 referrer for all 11 regional HERC websites, and all of the regional HERCs have
experienced a significant increase in website traffic. According to Google Analytics data for the past year, regional
HERC website traffic increased anywhere from 56% to as much as 202%. National HERC traffic increased 269%.

Ads have or will run in the following media during the 2010/11 fiscal year.

FY 10/11 Advertising & Marketing

Publication/Website Value/Spend Type # of Ads

Latinos in Higher Ed $3,950 (in-kind) Online 1 year rotating
Google Adwords $8,000 Online Daily (ongoing)
Facebook $2,000 Online Daily (ongoing)
New York Times Diversity Editorial $0 Print/Online 9/12/2010
New York Times Diversity Ad $2,000 Print/Online 9/12/2010
Modern Language Association $1,540 Print/quarter 5/1/2011 &
page ad 10/1/2011
The National Conference on Race and $450 Print/full 6/1/2011
Ethnicity in Higher Education program page ad

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The National Society of Black Engineers $3,000 Online 4/1/2011, 3
PsychCareers, the American $1,500 Online 4/1/2011, 3
Psychological Association Job Board months
ScienceCareers, the American $1,800 Online 100,000 banner
Association for the Advancement of ad impressions
Total Value $24,240

Partnership Program Update

National HERC Partner Newsletter

The National HERC’s partners have so much information, news, and special HERC member-only offers that we’ve
decided to create a National HERC partner newsletter that will be published each spring and fall and will be devoted
exclusively for this purpose. This will allow our partners to go into a bit more depth about things that are sure to be of
interest to the HERC community.

National Postdoctoral Association: HERC’s Newest Non-profit Partner

The National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) is the National HERC’s newest non-profit
partner. The mission of the NPA is to advance the U.S. research enterprise by maximizing
the effectiveness of the research community and enhancing the quality of the postdoctoral
experience for all participants. The NPA has a variety of programs and events. The largest
event is their annual meeting which draws post-doctoral scholars, graduate students,
faculty, and postdoctoral program administrators. To find out more, visit:

Coldwell Banker’s Higher Education Real Estate Advantage Program: HERC’s Newest Trustee Level
HERE Advantage – Coldwell Banker’s Higher Education Real Estate Advantage
program has been assisting colleges and universities with their faculty and staff
relocations and real estate employee benefit program needs for over 37 years. From
assistance with community orientation during recruitment to high touch relocation
coordination, they have the resources and expertise to ensure transitions resulting in happy faculty and staff. In
addition to relocation services, they provide relocating and existing faculty and staff with a cash back real estate
program that helps to offset the cost of a move and aids in retention. Contact: Lynn King, SVP Relocation Services, 800-
396-0960 ext. 4915 for a free consultation and find out how they can customize a program
to fit your campus’ needs.

Regional HERCs Collaborate on Webinar Series for Members

Regional HERCs Continue Collaboration on Webinar Series for Member Institutions

The HERCs of the Greater Chicago Midwest, Metro New York & Southern Connecticut, Michigan, and New
Jersey/Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware are continuing their collaboration on a webinar series and have been joined by
the HERCs of the Upper Midwest, St. Louis Regional, and the Mid-Atlantic. The goal of these webinars is to offer
member institutions substantive information on best practices for faculty and staff recruitment and retention from
experts in their fields.

The 2010 – 11 series included “Veterans…the New Diversity Candidate” with Aline Williams, Director of the Veterans
Employment Services for Eastern Seals, in November; “Addressing Work/Life Needs in an Academic Setting” with Carol

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Hoffman, Associate Provost and Director of Work/Life at Columbia University and Jennie McAlpine, Director of
Work/Life Programs at the University of Michigan, in December; and “Developing a Diversity Scorecard,” with Laura
Herzog, Esq. , Director, Diversity and EEO Programs, Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, in January.

“Social Media Minefields in Higher Education,” will be presented on February 22nd at 2:00 EST/1:00 CST by Jonathan
Segal, partner at Duane Morris LLP in the Employment, Labor, Benefits and Immigration Practice Group. The final
webinar in the series, "Hiring Reconsidered," will address the reasons faculty candidates accept or reject employment
offers and what institutions can do to promote acceptance, and will be presented on April 28th at 11:00 EST/10:00 CST
by Dr. Gertrude Fraser, Vice Provost for Faculty Recruitment & Retention, University of Virginia.

These webinars are free to members of the sponsoring HERCs. To obtain registration information, contact your
regional HERC director.

Regional HERCs produce their first Webinar for Jobseekers

The same regional HERC collaborative sponsored their first webinar for jobseekers in January entitled “Keeping your
options open: Targeting your CV for faculty and non-faculty positions.” The presenter was Phyllis Brust, Director of the
Greater Chicago Midwest HERC and Dual Career Director at the University of Chicago. She previously managed the
career offices at Yale University, the Yale School of Management, Muhlenberg College and the University of Chicago
and has been recognized nationally for award-winning work in career development.

The webinar was advertised by email blasts to registered jobseekers of the participating HERCs and through a notice on
their websites. The response was overwhelming. Over 250 jobseekers attended the webinar and there was much
active engagement via questions and comments. The feedback was extremely positive with many requests for
additional webinars, so plans are being made to offer additional sessions to fulfill what is clearly a needed service.

Greater Chicago Midwest HERC News

The Greater Chicago Midwest (GCM) HERC welcomes the University of

Notre Dame. Notre Dame’s mission, “The intellectual interchange
essential to a university requires, and is enriched by, the presence and
voices of diverse scholars and students,” aligns with GCM HERC and its
distinguished members.
GCM HERC completed a survey asking members to cite effective print and electronic publications for faculty hiring.

Advertising & Social Media

A campaign on to promote members’ jobs has increased website traffic. A new campaign targeted to the
sciences is being finalized. Serendipitously, the hard-copy audience program of the radio show, “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell
Me” will list GCM HERC members under “Wait Wait…Looking for a Career?”

GCM HERC tweets job hunting tips and job notices on the home page. It also creates campaigns for members with
hard-to-fill positions.

On January 21, 2011 the GCM HERC helped sponsor GradUCon, a program for graduate students at the University of
Chicago planning careers in and outside the academy.

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Upcoming Member Conference & Jobseeker Webinar
The GCM HERC spring conference will be held in May. It will incorporate best practices learned from recent
conferences, particularly faculty and staff diversity recruiting.

GCM HERC Director Phyllis Brust reports, “It was an honor to present the recent Webinar about targeting CV’s for
faculty and non-faculty positions for jobseekers.” She also found it a pleasure to work with the sponsors from seven
HERC regions.

Member News
The White House has awarded University of Illinois, Chicago's Women in Science and Engineering Mentoring Initiatives,
Center for Research on Women and Gender, the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and
Engineering Mentoring.

Metro New York & Southern Connecticut HERC News

The Metro New York & Southern Connecticut HERC will be holding their next
regional meeting on May 6, 2011 at Columbia University. There will be two
presentations, followed by a networking cocktail hour. The morning presentation
will be from a compliance officer from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Programs. The officer will be providing information on audits and answering
questions from MNYSC HERC members. Following lunch, guest speaker Michael
Monahan will be speaking about benefits and compensation in higher education. Mr. Monahan is an Executive Director
at Grant Thornton and serves as the Practice Leader for the Metro-NY/Northeast Region as well as the National Not-
for-Profit Compensation and Benefits Practices. This meeting is free and open to all MNYSC HERC members as well as
to Upstate New York HERC members in lieu of their spring meeting.

The MNYSC HERC is in the process of creating a Human Resources listserv for MNYSC HERC HR professionals. This
listserv will allow members to share best practices, discuss HR issues specific to our area, share vendors, seek advice
and overall help everyone to best do their job.

Michigan HERC News

Michigan HERC (MI-HERC) is proud to announce another new member, Kalamazoo College. Founded
in 1833, Kalamazoo College is a private college with a small but exceptionally diverse student body
from 40 states and 25 countries. It’s known for its rigorous liberal arts curriculum and opportunities
for experiential education in both domestic and international settings.

MI-HERC’s fall networking meeting on October 28th focused on “Using LinkedIn for Professional
Networking and Recruitment in Higher Education,” presented in a highly interactive manner by John
Hill, Director of Alumni Career Services at Michigan State University and a national speaker on the topic. He was so
well-received that members requested he present to a broader section of staff at MI-HERC member institutions within
two of Michigan’s sub regions and plans are underway for this.

The MI-HERC spring meeting will be held on May 3rd and will feature a workshop on training better search committees,
presented by Sally Schmall, President of Academy Coaching in Ann Arbor. Ms. Schmall specializes in best practices in
recruitment, performance management, leadership development and succession planning in higher education and is a
former director of the Dual Career Program in the College of LS&A at the University of Michigan.

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Mid-Atlantic HERC News

The Mid-Atlantic HERC continues its regional membership drive by planning

two informational sessions in Virginia. The first meeting, scheduled for
March 1, 2011 will be hosted by Virginia Tech and will include campuses
along and around the I-81 corridor. The second meeting, targeting the
Hampton Roads area, will be scheduled later in the spring.

Plans for the Mid-Atlantic HERC Spring Membership Meeting are well underway. The meeting will be hosted by Johns
Hopkins University on May 5, 2011. In keeping with a regional commitment to the topic of diversity recruiting,
Jonathan A. Segal, partner at Duane Morris, LLP in the Employment, Labor, Benefits and Immigration Practice Group
and also the managing principal of the Duane Morris Institute, will offer the keynote presentation entitled “Attracting
and Promoting Diverse Talent”.

Segal's presentation will examine how systemic and/or unconscious bias - without "bad intent" - may interfere with an
organization's ability to achieve its full potential relative to diversity. His presentation will also examine the legal
restrictions that employers must consider as we stretch to become more diverse.

A panel presentation of regional members will speak to best practices and lessons learned around increasing faculty
diversity, such as mentoring, search committee training, and/or campus initiatives around climate and culture.

New England HERC News

The New England (NE) HERC welcomes

new members, University of Hartford,
Brandeis University, and MIT Lincoln
Laboratory to the consortium.

The NE HERC is going on the road this spring. Director Jennifer

Ivers will meet with faculty affairs leaders of the Colleges of
Worcester Consortium in February; present at a March meeting
of Northern Vermont colleges on inter-institutional
collaboration and dual career support (along with Betsy
Hillman, Dual Career Consultant for Cornell University, a UNY
HERC member); and attend the May CUWFA conference in San
Diego, for which she and several colleagues from Harvard
University (including National HERC Board Chair Elizabeth
Ancarana) have submitted a proposal on leveraging
interdepartmental relationships. NE HERC will also co-host its
annual Diversity Roundtable event at Northeastern University in
late spring. The focus this year will be the increasing complexity
of diversity objectives—including recruitment of
underrepresented minorities, promotion of women in STEM Photo caption: Robert Drago, Director of Research at the Institute for
disciplines, and increasing international diversity in a global Women’s Policy Research, gives the keynote talk (“Work, Family, and Life
economy—and the challenges and benefits arising from that in Higher Education: Problems, Pitfalls, Innovations”) at the New England
HERC 2010 General Assembly meeting in October.

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New Jersey/Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware HERC News

The New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware (NJ/Eastern PA/DE) HERC held its fall meeting
at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Jonathan Segal a partner at Duane Morris LLP, spoke
about Social Media and Higher Education: Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano. The director and
representatives of the Metro NY/Southern CT HERC as well as the director of the Mid-Atlantic
HERC travelled to Philadelphia to hear Jonathan Segal’s presentation. The talk was very well
received by members and a video of the presentation will be available soon on the NJ/Eastern
PA/DE HERC website.
Jonathan Segal

Northern California HERC News

Nor Cal HERC Celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary

On November 4, 2010, Nor Cal HERC celebrated its 10 Year

Anniversary as the first ever HERC. The celebration included
an excellent presentation about “HERC Past-Present-Future”
by Nancy Aebersold, founding Director of Nor Cal HERC and
current Director of National HERC. This was followed by a
lively panel discussion with Linda Beam, College of Marin;
Lorraine Beaman, UC Davis; Pat Jones, Stanford; Patti Owen,
UC Berkeley and Nancy about the successes, challenges and
opportunities facing Nor Cal HERC, then named the Bay Area
HERC, as it launched, grew, and reinvented itself, as Nor Cal
HERC, assisted in the formation of HERCs from Southern
California & New Jersey and finally facilitated the
establishment of the National HERC organization.

Goings on about Nor Cal HERC

Nor Cal HERC is proud to welcome back Dominican University as a member.

Nor Cal HERC also says goodbye and great big thank you to Pat Jones, Stanford University
& Advisory Board Chair and welcome Carol Miller, UCSF, new Advisory Board Chair.

The next Nor Cal HERC meeting is April 14, 2011 at Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco and will focus on using
social networking to recruit & retain outstanding faculty & staff.

Saint Louis Regional HERC News

The STLR HERC and the Greater Chicago Midwest HERC will be holding a combination informational
breakfast in March. The HERCs are excited to be inviting more than twenty universities and colleges in
Central Illinois to learn about their regional HERCs and the benefits of membership and participation.
The University of Illinois Springfield has graciously agreed to host this event.

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The STLR HERC has joined forces with several other regional HERCs to produce free webinars on recruitment,
assessment and outreach topics. These webinars, led by experts across the country, have included a workshop on
transforming a CV into a resume and tracking institutional diversity efforts.

STLR HERC members participated in a Washington University conference

that brought together people interested in developing formal and informal
mentoring experiences for faculty and staff at all levels within their
institutions. The speakers included Teresa Bryce-Bazemore, J.D., President
of Radian Guaranty and Sybil Jordan Hampton, Ed.D., former President of
the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and senior leader on several college

The STLR HERC spring meeting will focus on “Growing Your Own Leaders”
through internal potential leader identification and development programs. Efforts at STLR HERC member institutions
as well as regional corporations will be shared and discussed.

Southern California HERC News

The Southern California HERC will hold its biannual meeting in San Diego on February 28, 2011. The meeting will take
place at the beautiful University of California, San Diego campus and will feature presentations by two National HERC
Corporate Sponsors, Linkedin and Bright Horizons. Topics will include: “Strategic Work/Life Initiatives for Higher Ed
Employers” by Jennifer Vena, Senior Consultant, Bright Horizons and “Social Networking Recruitment Tools, Tips and
Tricks” by LinkedIn Account Executives, George Martinez and Jon Besag. As always, the meeting will also include local
and national HERC updates and best practice sharing among members.

So Cal HERC welcomes its newest members, Victor Valley College and West Coast University.

Victor Valley College is located in the High Desert region of Southern California and offers
traditional and online courses and 2 year degrees. Victor Valley College uplifts the diverse
communities they teach and serve by promoting educational excellence, enhancing local
prosperity, and ensuring environmental leadership

West Coast University (WCU) has campuses in Los Angeles, Ontario and
Orange. Their efforts are focused on becoming a leader in health care
education and attracting top caliber faculty and staff. WCU designed
programs to invigorate and excite students so that they enter the
workforce with the skills and the confidence to compete with the best
and to enjoy a lifetime membership in the health care community.

Upper Midwest HERC News

UMW HERC held its first set of sub-region meetings in October. Representatives from the Mississippi Valley and Lake
Superior sub-regions gathered at Rochester Community and Technical College and the College of St. Scholastica to
participate in a membership benefit webinar lead by Nancy Aebersold, discuss recent HERC developments, and offer
suggestions for HERC enhancements.

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UMW HERC’s fall membership meeting, “Challenges in Academic Leadership,” drew more than 130 people to the
University of Minnesota to hear Tina Gunsalus, author of The College Administrator’s Survival Guide, share her insights
on dealing with difficult people and situations. HERC members from across the region also joined via remote

UMW reached out to female faculty, staff, and administrators through its attendance at the joint conference of the
Wisconsin Women in Higher Education Leadership and the Minnesota ACE Network.

UMW HERC welcomes the Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies as its newest
member. The Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies conducts clinical and
institutional research and collaborates with other research centers. In addition to the
faculty on its campus in Center City, MN, the Graduate School sponsors the Huss
Research Chair--a joint appointment between the holder’s academic setting and Hazelden.

Upstate New York HERC News

The Upstate New York (UNY) HERC helped sponsor the 12th Annual
Diversity & Compliance Conference at Cornell University on November 8,
2010. It was attended by 28 representatives from UNY HERC member
institutions across upstate New York in addition to the Cornell participants.
Feedback from UNY HERC members was very positive and Cornell
participants commented that the conference itself was enhanced by having participants from other schools. The event
also provided an opportunity for UNY HERC members to get together for a small post-conference meeting.

Conference sessions included Best Practices for Creating a Culture of Inclusiveness, Recruitment & Retention Strategies
for a Diverse Staff, Creating Diverse Faculty Applicant Pools, Retention for Faculty Women & Faculty of Color, and
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Regulation Updates. Aspects of diversity beyond race & ethnicity were
addressed throughout the conference, such as intergenerational diversity, LGBTQ issues, physical and learning
disabilities, veterans entering the workforce, and micro inequities and the effects across the broad spectrum of

The collaboration was so successful that Cornell is interested in partnering with UNY HERC again for a November 2012
Annual Diversity Update conference. UNY HERC plans to increase its involvement which will allow many more HERC
members to attend.

As part of its continuing effort to reach diverse jobseekers, UNY HERC ran advertising campaigns last October and
January 2011 on, the online site of Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

New National HERC Advisory Board Members

Eddie Freeman is the Director of the newest HERC in North Texas. In addition to this role, Mr.
Freeman is the Executive Director of Employment & Equal Opportunity Services at The University
of Texas at Arlington. He joined the university after 18 years with the Staubach Company, a global
real estate firm, as a Vice President in the Corporate Services and Human Resource areas. He has
been with The University of Texas at Arlington in the office of Equal Opportunity Services since
2008 and was recently promoted to the position of Executive Director. He is part of the Human
Resources Strategic leadership team and serves on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

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Dr. Frances Freeman is the Assistant Vice President for Faculty Diversity in the Office of Diversity
and Community Engagement at the University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Freeman will serve as the
National HERC Advisory Board representative for the North Texas HERC. A speech-language
pathologist, Freeman had a long career as a research scientist and teacher at such institutions as
Adelphi University, Northwestern University, Stephen F. Austin State University, UT Southwestern
Medical Center, and UT Dallas’ Callier Center for Communication Disorders before assuming her
current post. She received her Ph.D. in speech and hearing sciences from the City University of
New York.

Carol Miller is the Manager of the UC Home Loan Program for faculty and senior managers. She
has thirty-five years of experience in the University of California system. She has extensive
campus and system-wide academic and staff personnel experience, including experience
developing and implementing personnel policies and procedures. She maintains and coordinates
collection of academic-related data, providing administrative analyses for internal and external
uses. She ensures campus compliance with equal employment and affirmative action statutes,
regulations and policies. She is currently working on a project to change the UC San Francisco
academic review processes from paper to electronic files.

Ms. Miller holds a bachelors degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is a board member of the Northern
California Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (Nor Cal HERC) and the National HERC Advisory Board
representative. She has served on numerous committees, including as Chair of the UC Council of Staff Assemblies.

National HERC Advisory Board Members

 Elizabeth Ancarana, Assistant Dean for Faculty Development,  Jennifer Ivers, Director, New England HERC, Harvard University
Harvard University (Chair)  Mary Jackson Harvey, Associate Provost, University of Chicago
 Kim Wilson, Director, HR Consulting & Recruiting, University of  Tom Matteoli, Director, Northern California HERC, Tides
Richmond (Vice-Chair) Center
 Paula Alfone, Director, Mid-Atlantic HERC, Loyola University in  Carol Miller, UC Home Loan Programs, Academic Data,
Maryland University of California, San Francisco
 Linda Berauer, Director, Michigan HERC, University of  Frank Montalvo, Chief Human Resources Officer, University of
Michigan Ann Arbor La Verne
 Phyllis Brust, Director, Greater Chicago Midwest HERC,  Jennifer Park, Director, Southern California HERC, University of
University of Chicago California, San Diego
 Theodore "Terry" Curry, Associate Provost/Associate Vice  Gilda Paul, Director, Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
President for Academic Human Resources, Michigan State Delaware HERC, Princeton University
University  Marta Santiago, Human Resources Manager, SUNY Oswego
 Mary Everley, Director, Upper Midwest HERC, University of  Laurel Sgan, Director. Saint Louis Regional HERC, Washington
Minnesota University in St. Louis
 Janet Fleetwood, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and  Linda Skallman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human
Academic Development, Drexel University Resources, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
 Eddie Freeman, Executive Director, Employment & Equal  Becky Skov, Director, Southern California HERC, University of
Opportunity Services, University of Texas, Arlington California, San Diego
 Frances Freeman, Assistant Vice President for Faculty  Valarie Stanley, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity
Diversity, University of Texas, Dallas Programs, Yale University
 Lorraine Goffe-Rush, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human  Abby Wolff, Interim Director, Metro New York & Southern
Resources, Washington University in St. Louis Connecticut HERC, Columbia University
 Jackie Hogan, Director, Upstate New York HERC, Tides Center

The National HERC Would Like to Hear from You

The National HERC invites you to contact us if you have ideas, suggestions, feedback, or would just like to chat about
HERC. Please contact National HERC Executive Director, Nancy Aebersold at or 831.336.4406.

Newsletter by Nancy Aebersold, National HERC Executive Director with select contributions from the regional HERC Directors. Special thanks to Abby Wolff,
Interim Director of the Metro New York & Southern Connecticut HERC, for proofreading assistance.

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